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Motion Analysis Corporation

Motion Analysis Corporation Review Experience Motion Analysis

3D optical motion capture systems and analysis systems for sports medicine and performance professionals.

Motion Analysis the motion capture leader for 3d passive optical motion capture systems

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Best entries for Motion and Analysis

1 Motion Lab Systems Produces EMG
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2 Charnwood Dynamics Ltd. - Motion Capture and Analysis Provides tools
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3 Peak Performance Technologies, Inc., Motion Analysis, Motion Capture and Biomechanics Solutions Provider Peak Performance
Peak Performance offers Peak Motus, a Video and Optical Motion Analysis System used in biomechanics, research and animation applications.
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4 Motion Analysis Corporation 3D optical
3D optical motion capture systems and analysis systems for sports medicine and performance professionals.
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5 SIMI Reality Motion Systems GmbH Supplies 3D
Supplies 3D motion analysis software including synchronized DV capture, highspeed video, analog data for scouting and feedback systems for coaches with video-mix and stroboscope features.
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6 Ariel Dynamics Biomechanical Analysis Manufacturer of
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7 SIMI Reality Motion Systems 2D and
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8 Mikromak GmbH German manufacturer
German manufacturer of high speed human and mechanical motion analysis hardware and software.
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9 Design Systems, Inc. Engineering ergonomic
Engineering ergonomic solutions, utilizing human motion capture for highly accurate analysis. Farmington Hills, Michigan.
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10 SiliconCOACH Produces motion
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11 Rankings In Motion Weekly analysis
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12 JC Labs, Inc. Manufactures high
Manufactures high speed video cameras, recorders, and other video components for motion capture and analysis.
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13 PhoeniX Technologies Incorporated 3D active
3D active optical motion capture systems and analysis systems for sports medicine and athletes.
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14 Charnwood Dynamics Ltd. Provides tools
Provides tools for clinicians and researchers to perform detailed biomechanical studies of humans and animals through proprietary motion tracking system, and gait analysis software.
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15 Somax Sports Postural and
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17 Vicon Motion Systems Optical motion
Optical motion capture technology for science, engineering and entertainment industries. With extensive product range for biomechanical and behavioural applications.
18 Somax Sports Somax analysts
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20 World in Motion VR Offers motion
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21 PhoeniX Technologies, Inc. PTI develops
PTI develops and sells Visualeyez, the real-time motion capture system. Visualeyez provides motion capture solutions for both animation and scientific professionals.
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22 JC Labs - High Speed Video Components Manufactures high
Manufactures high speed video cameras, recorders, and other video components for motion capture and analysis for sports training and rehabilitation, among other uses.
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23 Scopace Prevent motion
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25 Porsche AG Capsule Porsche company
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26 Transactional Analysis Tutor Visual presentation
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27 Endurance Factor Endurance sport
Endurance sport coaching and consulting. Services include program development, VO2 max testing with heart-rate zone analysis, and nutritional analysis.
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28 Endurance Factor Endurance sport
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29 Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis Bioenergetic Analysis
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31 Taskfinder Software Provides task
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