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Ohan Brothers Karate

Ohan Brothers Karate Review Experience Ohan Karate

Information on tournaments in 2002, tour of Japan, events calendar and news. Includes links and contact details. School located in Montreal, Canada. [French/English]

Ohan Brothers Karate School

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Reviews and Comments for Ohan Brothers Karate

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Best entries for Ohan and Karate

1 Ohan Brothers Karate Information on
Information on tournaments in 2002, tour of Japan, events calendar and news. Includes links and contact details. School located in Montreal, Canada. [French/English]
Ohan Karate Brothers School Videos Rules Dojo Grading Black Belt Horaire Bientt Tour Photos Selfdefense Resultatsresults
2 Glasgow Caledonian University Karate Club A member
A member of the Tei Karate Association. Tei karate takes its foundations from traditional Shotokan karate but has adopted techniques from other martial arts such as boxing, ju jitsu and Thai boxing.
3 Karate for Christ Wado Karate
Wado Karate in Columbia, TN. Combines Christian teachings with Karate lessons.
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4 Karate: Japanese Self-Defense Information about
Information about Karate in general and Shito-Ryu Itosu-Kai Karate in particular.
5 Karate, The Japanese Way Karate in
Karate in Japan, the training, the teachers, the experience. Content is continually updated. Pages provide in-depth look into all aspects of Shotokan Karate.
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6 AIKA Shotokan Karate 10 locations
10 locations across the state. Teaches karate, ju-jutsu, kickboxing and self-defense. Head instructor Shihan John Almeida 8th dan karate.
Aika Hanshi Karate Sensei Almeida John Shihan Welcome Members Kick Leonardo Almeidas Kata Shotokan International Most Aikimine Those They
7 Easts Karate School Teaching traditional
Teaching traditional Wado Ryu Karate, sport Karate and self defense. Training times, history, events and tournament results. [Victoria, Australia]
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8 Oyama Karate Do Kyokushinkai Kan Under Peter
Under Peter Chong, 8th dan Karate, chairman of asia & middle east Kyokushin Karate. Includes founder, organisation, events and instructors profile.
Dojo Kyokushin Belt Karate Singapore Shihan Founder Orchard Shokei Worlds Kun Development Contacts Towers Oyama Kancho Matsui Instructors Class
9 Conrad Jones Karate Schools Wado Ryu
Wado Ryu Karate in Tennessee. History of style, katas, class schedule, terminology, links, belt requirements, events and dojo etiquette. Also teaching cardio Karate and self defense.
Karate Jones Conrad Woods Hicks Classes Training Black Adam Franklin Rachel Kalus Richard Trevor Parker Three Bonnie
10 Luke Byrne School of Karate A registered
A registered member of the Shotokan Karate Coalition and offers information and classes based on traditional Shotokan Karate.
Lbkaratecom Karate Martial Art Kung Fu Defense Kenpo Learn Best Legalterms Click Selfsection
11 Ashihara Karate Holland Kyokushinkai karate
Kyokushinkai karate club affiliated to Ashihara Karate International. Dojos located in Diepenveen, Deventer, Zelhem and Nijverdal in the Netherlands.
Ashihara Karate Days Holland Kyokushin International Shihan Gorter Contact Rijssen World Pancrase Diepenveendeventer Seminars List Enter Videos Proudly
12 Ovis Karate Include detalii
Include detalii despre principiile Niju Kun-ului, o listă cu maeştrii Karate-Do-ului, termeni din Karate şi poze interesante.
Karate Ovis Shotokan Arts Kyokushin Chuck Self Technics Norris Martial Fighting Off Fitness Seagal Niju Masutatsu Jackie Hioki Nidan
13 Akari-Ki Karate: Shorin Ryu Martial Arts The Akari-Ki
The Akari-Ki Center teaches Matsumura Orthodox Shorin Ryu Karate. Webpage is filled with information on karate kata, mastersof the martial arts, history of karate, and instructors, Sonny Johnson, Justin Hayes, and Robin Kochell. Located in Muncie, IN at the YWCA.
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14 Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu TRADITIONAL OKINAWAN
TRADITIONAL OKINAWAN KARATE Onaga Yoshimitsu Sensei, Shinjinbukans founder, carries the oldest lineage of Karate. His teachings are based on Ti, the ancient Okinawan Martial Art, which preceded modern Karate.
Shinjinbukan Dōjō Shibu Chō Onaga York Okinawa Karate Yoshimitsu Ti Shinjinbukancom Jimmy Kaichō Nafuda Foundation Jean Marie Kaichōs Ripley Grier
15 Shido-Kan Karate Dojo Teaching traditional
Teaching traditional Okinawan Karate and Shorin-Ryu Shido-Kan Karate-Do in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Includes shop, gallery, class schedule, news, events and general information.
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16 The Karate Academy Shorin Ryu Karate Training materials
Training materials for students of Shorin Ryu Karate. Shorin Ryu classes taught in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota area.
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17 Adams Karate Fitness A school
A school in Coldwater, Michigan teaching the Super T karate combat and kickboxing system a blend of boxing, karate, kickboxing and other martial arts techniques. Includes location details and class times.
Adams Karate Master Fitness Also Coldwater Belt Black Belts Techniques Self System Adamskarate@gmailcom Scouts Community Importance Special Processing Closed
18 Slidell Karate Slidell Karate
Slidell Karate is located in Slidell, Louisiana and offers instruction in Shorin Ryu Matsumura Seito Karate and Kobudo. All ages are welcome.
Karate Slidell Gomez Dojo Usmskko Guestbook Hall Fame Matsumura Shorin Sensei News Ourstudentsokinawa
19 Okinawan Karate Club of Dallas Teaches Shorin
Teaches Shorin Ryu Karate and Shudokan Karate, offering training in traditional martial arts and Okinawan weapons located in Dallas, Texas
Karate Dallas Martial Okinawan Arts Shorin Class Arnis Promotions Jujutsu Schedule Shudokan Taught Program Club Do Gallery
20 Sugarhouse Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Center Information about
Information about our Karate school located in the Sugarhouse area of Salt Lake City, UT. We teach Wado-Ryu style Japanese Karate.
21 Sanzinsoo Okinawan Gojuryu Karate Interesting rare
Interesting rare articles on Okinawan karate history translated by Sanzinsoo, 4th Dan Black Belt in Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate. Includes a wonderful and well written kata section.
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22 International Federation of Karate Australia Information about
Information about the organization and its members, and Kyokushin Karate as taught by the IFK (International Federation of Karate).
Petersham Karate Dojo Adults Australia Self Tempe Kyokushin Contacts Info@ifk Clubs Jan Jun Learn News Kaizen
23 Goju-Ryu Karate Training Log Journal of
Journal of a karate club based in Liverpool England. IOGKF Goju-Ryu Karate. A write-up of the training exercises and routines used while training.
Sensei Gasshuku Egka Goju London Martial Ryu Arts Karate Ernie Labels Nakamura Sanchin Walley Posted Do Liverpool
24 Kimura Shukokai Karate Official homepage
Official homepage describes the Karate club and includes a club calendar, tournament results, photo gallery, and the history of Kimura Shukokai Karate.[Canada]
Canada Karate Shukokai Kimura News Dojo Brentwood Events Location Victoria Policy Meeting Gallery Photo Please Marketing Kata Students Sooke
25 Expert Karate Academy Expert karate
Expert karate academy in Rocky Mount, NC. Teaching Goju-Shorin style karate. Building strong minds and bodies using style, technique, and discipline.
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26 Ocala Karate Dojo Ocala Florida
Ocala Florida based Dojo teaching Shito Ryu Karate Do, Ryu Kyu Kobudo, Goshin Budo Jiu Jitsu, and Mugai Ryu Iaido. The Ocala Karate Dojo is the Honbu for the NKKF.
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27 Australian School of Shotokan Karate Australian shotokan
Australian shotokan karate club based in Thornbury, Victoria. Site contains club info, class schedule and a brief history of shotokan karate.
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28 IOGKF International Headquarters Official website
Official website of the International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (IOGKF) Goju-Ryu Karate Organisation. World renowned karate instructor Shihan Morio Higaonnas website.
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29 McCormick Karate Academy Provides Tang
Provides Tang Soo Do Kickboxing and Karate. Contains overview, photos and contacts.
School Karate Oxford Academy Middle Pa Grove Arts Mccormick Octararo Mixed Martial High Kick Penns
30 Austin Karate Academy Austins Black
Austins Black Belt School, instruction in karate
Austin Karate Academy Arts Martial Instructors Contact Testimonials School Kids Self Design Leigh Groups Youthadult Designs Subscribe Concentration
31 Sporting International Karate (S.I.K) A Shotokan
A Shotokan karate club in Kiryat Yam, Israel.
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32 Karate International of King Finnjitsu karate
Finnjitsu karate and grappling. Programs, terminology and FAQ.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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