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Yushinkan Iaido Hilversum

Yushinkan Iaido Hilversum Review Experience Yushinkan Iaido

An iaido dojo in the heart of The Netherlands. Training is held in Muso Shinden Ryu iaido as well as ZNKR iaido sei tei gata. The site hosts several informative articles with pages in English and Dutch.

This web site offers full information on ZNKR and Shinkage ryu iaido kata exams the Japanese sword cultural philosophical and martial backgrounds books as well as links on this subject and upcoming main iaido events in Europe It is also home to the Yushinkan dojo in Utrecht The Netherlands which has full iaido training facilities and is affiliated to the NKR

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Yushinkan Iaido Hilversum Yushinkan Iaido Hilversum Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-21
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Yushinkan Iaido Nkr Kinomoto Welkom Znkr Matsuoka Utrecht Martial Shinkage Kyoto Japanese Ryu Renshi Jutsu Jp Nieuwsarchief Martial Arts Weaponry Japanese Kendo And Iaido Schools And Instruction Europe Netherlands Iaido Iaido Yushinkan Yushinkan Znkr Znkr Znkr Znkr Shinkage Ryu Shinkage Ryu Sword Zwaard Iaito Katana Shinken Japan Japan Japanese Japanese Japans Japans Kata Shoden Chuden Okuden Hakudo Hakudo Ishido Ishido Matsuoka Matsuoka Kinomoto Kinomoto Vitalis Vitalis Wijngaart Wijngaart Nkr Nkr Nkr Nkr Utrecht Utrecht Sport Sport Martial Arts Martial Arts Budo Budo Samurai Samurai Samoerai Samoerai Course Cursus Kennismaking Orientation Dan Dan Renshi Renshi Kyoshi Kyoshi Hanshi Hanshi Calendar Agenda Seminar Kigurai Metsuke Zanshin Seme Kokyu Nukitsuke Furikaburi Kiritsuke Kirioroshi Kiriotoshi Chiburi Noto Embu Shinsa Shiai Shogo Seitei Iaijutsu Iai Jutsu Kenjutsu Ken Jutsu Matsuoka Matsuoka

Reviews and Comments for Yushinkan Iaido Hilversum

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Yushinkan Iaido Nkr Kinomoto Welkom Znkr Matsuoka Utrecht Martial Shinkage Kyoto Japanese Ryu Renshi Jutsu Jp Nieuwsarchief
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More Yushinkan Iaido Hilversum Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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