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Dolls Dolls Dolls

Dolls Dolls Dolls Review Experience Dolls Jenny

Features sale of Takara figures, artist, and custom fashion dolls by Darla. Provides pictures, kimono links, and Jenny mailing list.

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Dolls Jenny Takara Japan Japanese Barbie Information Kimono Darla Minnie Free Store Totoco Mailing International Fashion Friendship Collecting Toys Dolls Jenny And Licca Dolls Jenny Takara Takara Jenny Barbie Handmade Original Custom Kimono Doll Kimono Anime Minnie Mouse Minnie Disney Artist Japanese

Reviews and Comments for Dolls Dolls Dolls

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Best entries for Dolls and Jenny

1 Dolls Dolls Dolls Features sale
Features sale of Takara figures, artist, and custom fashion dolls by Darla. Provides pictures, kimono links, and Jenny mailing list.
Dolls Jenny Takara Japan Japanese Barbie Information Kimono Darla Minnie Free Store Totoco Mailing International Fashion Friendship
2 Jenny, Another Yourself Offers sale
Offers sale of Takara Jenny dolls and clothing. Includes introduction, historic fashions, national costumes, custom clothes, and crafts. Provides webring.
3 Annas Dream Dolls Displays dolls
Displays dolls in original packaging, includes Jenny, Licca, and Sailor Moon. Pictures and webring included.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Toolbar Sports User Mailpopular Visit Archives Archiveorg
4 Sonokong Dolls Club Forum about
Forum about Sonokong dolls from Korea. Similar to Barbies by Mattel, and Jenny by Takara.
Yahoo Help Sonokongdolls Please Groups Attachments Politics Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Auction Celebrity Health Screen Fever Mail Movies
5 Chiaki J. Konakas Dollhouse Custom dolls
Custom dolls from anime creations such as Lain and Bubblegum Crash, as well as Takara Jenny.
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6 Jenny Land Offers sale
Offers sale of Takara fashion dolls and friends. Includes photograph images of Shinsengumi Marine. Provides prices, webring, and links.
Jenny Landcom Clickhere Go Z
7 The International Jenny and Licca Webring Offers free
Offers free membership, and features listings of enthusiast webpages relating to collecting Takara dolls. Includes links.
Y Found The Server Foundport Apache
8 The WhereAbouts of Jenny and Kim Travels and
Travels and photos of Jenny Smillie and Kim Dedman throughout the USA and Europe.
9 Virtual Dolls Features collector
Features collector community offering facts and articles on doll related topics. Offers information on Barbie, Dawn, Darci, Jenny, and Sasha. Includes membership, and links.
10 Mad About Fashion Dolls Offers designer
Offers designer outfits, accessories, casuals, and reproductions to fit Gene, Tyler, and Jenny Takara by artist, Lynn K. Johnson. Offers free project instructions.
Navigationshilfe Ty
11 Jenny in Australia Offers sale
Offers sale of one of a kind Takara Jenny and Licca clothing fashions. Includes image gallery with descriptions, and links.
12 Centerstage Dolls Forum for
Forum for collectors of Clea Bella fashion dolls. Includes sales and trade links, photos, swaps and contests, and discussion of other general fashion dolls.
Liagannopay Sippispelique Trottexchix Raroketesnarp Free Message Bortproop Club Post Chooppyomigma_december Centerstage Wrargedarly_december Ehkgids Cazcpkas Ebygcnj
13 Tickhill Dolls House Courses Offer classes
Offer classes in creating/painting dolls house miniatures and renovating dolls houses for varying skill levels. Course details, prices and information on the location.
14 Jerry and Jenny Funny Stories and Jokes Jerry and
Jerry and Jenny Stories are about the funny things we say and do in everyday life. Many of the stories are from the authors real life experiences.
Joke Page Story Funny Jenny Jennys Stories Laughter Jerrys Especially Archives Jerry Daily Statement Click Come Shaggy
15 Joy Parker Miniature Dolls Porcelain dolls
Porcelain dolls in 1/12 and 1/24 scale, kits, projects, patterns and tips.
Found Found They
16 Cynthia Howe Miniatures Dolls, molds
Dolls, molds for dolls, plus tutorials on casting, painting and costuming, and millinery.
Miniature Miniatures Free Classes Molds Dollhouse Dolls Tutorials Doll Zen Cart Howe Kits Cynthia Bespaq International
17 Boy Dolls Gallery of
Gallery of soft cloth dolls. Free doll class and printable patterns for beginners. Includes pictures.
Dolls Life Anime Making Doll Fantasy Plush Catcher Nuno Photos Jesus Runo Faq Mermaid Shirt Wedding Message
18 Dolls By Darla Provides photographs
Provides photographs of repainted fashion dolls.
Navigationshilfe Ty
19 Kristinas Printable Paper Dolls Features Betsy
Features Betsy McCall and family, fashion dolls, plus 12 pages of clothes. Includes links.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Privacy Sports Incsites Machine Sorry Visit Maps
20 Fine Art Dolls by Joanna Thomas One of
One of a kind hand sculpted little girl dolls from polymer clay, including dollhouse scale.
Sign Everything Places Account Lifestream Now Policy People Terms Rights Insign Connecting Networks Read Inc Advertise
21 The Bratz Dolls Fanlisting provides
Fanlisting provides complete list and description of dolls, photographs, rules, codes, diaryland, chat, guestbook, and links.
Click Here Fanlisting Right Members Official Main Away Sign Dolls Bratz Diarylandwelcome Area
22 Rhapsody Dolls Offers one
Offers one of a kind fashion figures with whimsical twist including costumes for 15 inch dolls. Includes links.
23 Pipistrelle Dolls & Miniatures A British
A British mother and daughter share their dolls, dresses, dollhouses and miniature collection, plus projects, and some hats for sale.
24 Wild Art Dolls Forum for
Forum for artists and dollmakers who create weird, not cute dolls. Discussion about materials, techniques, swaps, shows and workshops.
Yahoo Help Wildartdolls Please Groups Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Inc Page Music Shine Finance Health Privacy Celebrity Found
25 Forgotten Dolls Resource site
Resource site for obscure 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s dolls. Includes collecting tips and message forum.
Soom Volks Dolls Bjd Forgotten Eyes Bjds Zoukeimura Antique Sharmin Sd Rose Deviantart Pipos Stella Realm Seirei Mouse Asleep
26 Golden Rose Dolls Identification and
Identification and reference guide specializing in the 1950s and 1960s. Includes photos of MIB and original condition dolls, links and trivia.
Doll Dolls Belle Tu Chi Go Ann Character Sue Sweet Golden Hoyer American Please Happy Knee Documenting
27 Men With Dolls Forum specifically
Forum specifically for men who collect fashion dolls. Includes links, photos and collector information on Cool/CY Girls by Blue Box Toys and Takara Japan.
Social Networking Forums Communities Chat Free Yuku Forum Now Software Networks Join Community Log Hosting Image Found
28 Original Artist Dolls by Rosemary Babikan Features information
Features information on creator of unique porcelain, baby face, and half dolls with handpainted faces. Provides photographs of works.
29 Anna Chapman Original Dolls Information on
Information on porcelain artist and sculptor, creator of limited edition portrait dolls. Offers shows, seminars, and store locator.
Dolls Chapman Anna Original Artist Guest Doll Sign Main Menu Show Interest Dealers Gallery Dates Suite Orange
30 Pauline Middleton Dolls Features information
Features information on Australian sculptor and creator of original artist, porcelain, and portrait dolls. Includes virtual tour of doll making process.
Improvement Chelsea Real Estate Building Sauna Saunas Published Painting Things Concrete Looking Property Inspection Improve Consider Including Privacy Finland
31 Doll Reference Features a
Features a guide to help identify dolls - Antique to Vintage, A to Z, with over 5,000+ photos, descriptions and markings included. Dolls made in all eras and types are listed on each manufacturers page.
32 Cathys Vintage Barbie Dolls and Fashions Offers pictures
Offers pictures, sales and wish list, and identification guide to early dolls including ponytail edition, Midge, Ken, and Skipper. Includes links.
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More Dolls Dolls Dolls Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Dolls Dolls Dolls in may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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