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CT - Defense Associates

CT - Defense Review Experience Defense Training

Self-defense firearms training and lethal force management. Courses created by Chuck Taylors ASAA and Massad Ayoobs Lethal Force Institute.

For over a decade Defense Associates has been providing firearms and lethal force management training that has attracted shooters from Maine to Florida Our training programs have proven effective on the street and in the courts and require a minimal outlay in time and money

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Defense Training Associates Firearms Lethal Handgun Force Maine Pistol Welcome Update Massad Has Courses Rifle Combat Florida American Guns Education Handgun Firearms Training Ct Self Defense Chuck Taylor Massad Ayoob Asaa Lfi Handgun Training Pistol Courses Rifle Courses Defense Associates Connecticut Firearms And Lethal Force Management Training Right To Keep And Bear Arms American Small Arms Academy Massad Ayoobs Lethal Force Institute Asaa Handgun Combat Master Course Pistol Rifle

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