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Trans Global Highway

Trans Global Highway Review Experience Highway Global

Proposal by a private citizen to construct a global railroad and vehicle highway around the world including a tunnel under the Bering Strait from the United States to Russia, from Sakhalin in Russia to Hokkaido in Japan, and from Spain to Africa. Includes maps.

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Highway Global Trans Tunnel Strait Bering Sakhalin Asia Japan Russia Diomede Europe Russian Amerasian Australia Hokkaido Roads And Highways

Reviews and Comments for Trans Global Highway

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More Trans Global Highway Infos

russian trans bering with highway plate strait proposed amerasian global tunnel england theterrain iwill report bridge melville unlike perhaps wwwdidikcom korean asia vitus chinese japan there south islands siberia kyushu gauge warming tunnelsplease china us papua fresh rom cd papuanew post fromthere theauthor tokyo london taipei peter tbms issues photolittle about english sakhalin path scotlandarcheological railroads scotland prior amerasiantunnel beringstrait indonesia manybordering none european darwin thus wales click city little japanese long timor north usgs america guinea states prince cape island these didik frank africa friendship hokkaido canal alaska transglobal this from east presently peninsula germany may some diomede alps russia_ short middle globalhighway siberian russia gibraltar korea honshu dollars further peace united australia spain europe chunnel today suez york pusan weather great first dealing since straittunnels carscan links highwayby warminga railroad electric inalik download billion proposal straitis itshould navy morocco recently afghanistan other similar israel comments honesdalepennsylvania melvilleisland thissystem narrows tectonics greenland before after highwayin february existing going iran august seikan brooklyn ultimately asiashort suchexamples amerasianpeach overnight tunnelacross usa swiss wwwtransglobalhighwaycom captain diomedes france chineserails thereare seikanlinking billionthousand arguable antwerp road equally version made japanwith atrans state notclearly koreas recent highwaypeace philippine fukuoka send naukan swissgotthard wiebligen photobig panama antarcticice suspended pipeline closeups dezhnev photocape africaand pakistan what eurafricanfriendship eurafrica trackthese photoasiatic x xdidik channel iraq norway asiatic yokohama gotthard syria office swisstunnel snowmuch a india both worldhighway example littlediomedeusa thetunnels technologies egypt arctic littlediomede

Review and Opening Hours Information

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