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Nordic Diver

Nordic Diver Review Experience Diving Lake

Charter diving service offering shipwreck diving trips on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Dates, locations, photo album, contacts, and information request form.

Nordic Diver and the Molly V are a Great Lakes diving service offering shipwreck diving trips on both Lake Michigan Lake Huron and Lake Superior We specialize in technical diving shipwreck exploration including Tri Mix diving fills in areas like Milwaukee Sheboygan Manitowoc Lake Huron and Whitefish Point We offer charters trips that range from single day shipwreck dives to live aboard shipwreck adventures for the exploration of the Great Lakes Also we offer recreational and sport diving charters and shipwreck tours Scuba diving on shipwrecks out of Milwaukee WI Great Lakes shipwreck diving has become very popular for the historic value We draw wreck charter customers from all over the Midwest including Chicago and Milwaukee divers and also from other countries around the world We are true under water explorers If you are a Scuba diver and want to dive the shipwrecks of Lake Michigan the Nordic Diver RV Xplorer are the boats you want to be aboard Some wreck we dive Car ferry Milwauk

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Nordic Diver Nordic Diver Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-19
3 Points
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Diving Lake Shipwreck Milwaukee Great Diver Lakes Exploration Technical John Nordic Huron Superior Charters Dive Cedarville Detectives Superor Live Aboard Outdoors Scuba Diving Regional North America United States Wisconsin Nordic Diver Molly V Wwwnordicdivercom Scuba Diving Chicago Milwaukee Shipwrecks Shipwreck Wisconsin Dive Charters Exploration Great Lakes Technical Lake Michigan Wreck Charters Lake Michigan Exploration Milwaukee Sheboygan Two Rivers Huron Superior Under Water Explorers Data Free Movies Dir Dive Chicago Under Water Explorers Live Aboard Tri Mix Recreational Expeditions Manitowoc Whitefish Photos Shipwreck Photo History Research Data Dive Training Tours Historic Illinois Global Underwater Lender Charters Nordicdivercom Abyss Global Great Lakes Scuba Diving Ship Wrecks Willie Milwaukee Car Ferry Emba Ship Ships Sport Fishing Historic Photo History Vernon Rouse Simmons Wisconsin Winthrop Harbor Kenosha Deep Sea Detectives Side Scan Sonar Shipwreck Discovery Locating Scuba Tank Fills Tri Mix Fills Car Ferry Milwaukee Prinz Willem St Albens Emba Steamer Vernon Number 6 Dredge Lakeland Northerner Walter B Allen Grace Channon Gillan Tug Wisconsin Silver Lake Walter B Allen Floretta Home Flor

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More Nordic Diver Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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