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Fords Morse Code Translator -

Fords Morse Code Review Experience Code Morse

Translate to and from Morse code. Includes audio capability. Includes random quotations to practice CW receiving.

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Fords Morse Code Translator - Java Fords Morse Code Translator - Java Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-09
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Code Morse Perl Ditto Public License General Cgi Doesnt Translation Nlyp Stephen Revisedwhy Radio Amateur Morse Code Translators And Online Trainers

Reviews and Comments for Fords Morse Code Translator

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Best entries for Code and Morse

1 Supermorse Morse Code
Morse Code tutoring program that generates random letters, or allows you to 'play' a text file as Morse Code. Includes 2 files containing 200 Morse Code QSOs which might typically be heard on the HF bands, designed to give people who are learning Morse Code some practice with real life Morse contacts.
2 MRX Morse Code Shareware program
Shareware program designed to teach/improve morse code receive and transmit skills from 5-99 WPM. Supports Manual and Iambic morse keys and also emulates these keys using the keyboard. Add noise or 'manualize' your morse receive session. CW internet chat and spectrum analyser programs are also available fromt his site.
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3 Just Learn Morse Code Free windows
Free windows software download for learning Morse code, as well as improving speed for current CW buffs.
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Information and downloads (including source code) for a Morse Code teaching program.
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5 Morse Code Teaching Software Shareware teaches
Shareware teaches signal flags and morse code. [Palm OS]
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6 Fords Morse Code Translator - Java Translate to
Translate to and from Morse code. Includes audio capability. Includes random quotations to practice CW receiving.
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7 Morse Mania A shareware
A shareware morse code tutor for Mac OSX. This program supports both Farnsworth mode and the Koch method.
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8 Morse Mania A shareware
A shareware morse code tutor for Mac OSX. This program supports both Farnsworth mode and the Koch method.
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9 Morse Mania A Morse
A Morse Code tutor for the Macintosh.
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10 Morse Mania A Morse
A Morse Code tutor for the Macintosh.
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11 Code Quick Morse Code Mastery Center Turns code
Turns code elements into sound-alike plain English words and phrases for instant recognition. Uses Farnsworth Standard. Author will barter items in trade for the software.
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12 Morse Code Development Code information
Code information and assistance to help develop CW skills. [Download required to participate]
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13 Morse Academy by Joe
by Joe Speroni, AØHA. This site contains Morse Academy (Morse code trainer) and Ham Academy (FCC Testing trainer).
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14 Morse Tutor Freeware Morse
Freeware Morse training program written in c++. While it is a DOS-based, it can also run under a windows dos shell. Does not support sound cards, so internal speaker required. Source code included. Program provides character, line, file and random modes of operation at 5-20 WPM.
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15 CW19 - Homebrew morse code training machine for HAM A homebrew
A homebrew project. All PCB image, microcontroller code is uploaded and free for download. It utilize an Atmel microcontroller and LCD panel. Easy for construction.
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16 CwGet Decode morse
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17 CODEMASTER V Morse Code
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20 A Beginners Guide to Making CW Contacts How to
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21 ARTS Club Technet Includes DX
Includes DX and propagation information and educational morse-code software.
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22 N0HR Author of
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23 HAM University Offers all
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24 MultiMode Decode and
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25 The Mill by Jim
by Jim Farrior, W4FOK. A realistic simulation of American Morse train orders and other telegraphic traffic, both American Morse and International Morse. It also contains many sophisticated features for teaching telegraphy and improving the skills of telegraphers at all levels of proficiency.
Found Comcast Z
26 Morse Code and Phonetic Alphabets Includes Java
Includes Java and CGI translators, alphabets, and FAQs.
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27 Virtual Bug The Virtual
The Virtual Bug is a computer-simulated Vibroplex semi-automatic Morse Code key, created with Macromedia Flash. It shows the workings of a bug and teaches the part names.
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28 W8MHB Michael Burkhardts
Michael Burkhardts Ham Radio Shacketeria has station information, photographs, and interactive morse code practice exams. Includes ham radio flash cards.
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29 W8MHB Michael Burkhardts
Michael Burkhardts Ham Radio Shacketeria has station information, photographs, and interactive morse code practice exams. Includes ham radio flash cards.
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30 W8MHB Ham Radio Shacketeria Amateur radio
Amateur radio practice exams, flashcards, question pools and Morse code practice.
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31 W8MHB Ham Radio Shacketeria Amateur radio
Amateur radio practice exams, flashcards, question pools and Morse code practice.
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32 W8MHB Ham Radio Shacketeria Amateur radio
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More Fords Morse Code Translator - Java Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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