Southern California Treatment
Experience Addiction Treatment
Networking organization of professionals in the addiction and recovery fields that meets monthly. Addresses topics such as substance abuse, residential treatment, interventions, and current issues. Continuing education units are offered for CAADAC, MFT and LCSW.Whether you need to find a rehab center for drug treatment or if you just need more information about substance abuse and its treatment you have come to the right place

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Reviews and Comments for Southern California Treatment Providers

Best entries for Addiction and Treatment
1 Palmetto Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center
Facility provides
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction, and sexual addiction.
Recovery Rehab Center Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rehabilitation Rayville Facilities
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction, and sexual addiction.
Recovery Rehab Center Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rehabilitation Rayville Facilities
2 Palmetto Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center
Facility provides
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction and sexual addiction.
Recovery Center Rehab Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rayville Rehabilitation Facilities
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction and sexual addiction.
Recovery Center Rehab Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rayville Rehabilitation Facilities
3 Holistic Addiction Treatment Center
Drug addiction
Drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation. Inpatient, detoxification, outpatient, and long term treatment. Located in North Miami Beach.
Addiction Rehab Holistic Drug Treatment Alcohol Intervention Center Treatments Assocation Allstates Providers Freeconsultation Helping Drugs
Drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation. Inpatient, detoxification, outpatient, and long term treatment. Located in North Miami Beach.
Addiction Rehab Holistic Drug Treatment Alcohol Intervention Center Treatments Assocation Allstates Providers Freeconsultation Helping Drugs
4 Commonwealth Addiction Treatment Center
Detoxification treatment
Detoxification treatment for addiction to heroin, methadone or any other opiates, located in Richmond.
Detox Learn Virginia Coleman Detoxification West Rapid Institute Benzos Opiate Alcohol Carolina Alochol North Richmond Nc Seattle Methadone
Detoxification treatment for addiction to heroin, methadone or any other opiates, located in Richmond.
Detox Learn Virginia Coleman Detoxification West Rapid Institute Benzos Opiate Alcohol Carolina Alochol North Richmond Nc Seattle Methadone
5 Addiction Treatment Forum
Information, research
Information, research, and news for the addiction treatment field.
Treatment Addiction Forum Opioid News Drug Methadone Patients Abuse Recovery Assisted Interest Medication Health Care Long Term Under
Information, research, and news for the addiction treatment field.
Treatment Addiction Forum Opioid News Drug Methadone Patients Abuse Recovery Assisted Interest Medication Health Care Long Term Under
6 Gambling Addiction Treatment Services (GATS)
Offers a
Offers a treatment program for gambling addiction based in Hackney, South Australia.
Offers a treatment program for gambling addiction based in Hackney, South Australia.
7 Attention Deficit Disorder and Addiction
Discusses vulnerability
Discusses vulnerability to addiction in individuals with attention deficit disorders. Includes proper use of ADHD medications, prevention of addiction and treatment of dual problems.
Disorder Adhd Deficit Attention Children Give Adolescents Mood Safe Still County Antidepressants Wide Disorders Spectrum Obsessive Compulsive Contact Grieve
Discusses vulnerability to addiction in individuals with attention deficit disorders. Includes proper use of ADHD medications, prevention of addiction and treatment of dual problems.
Disorder Adhd Deficit Attention Children Give Adolescents Mood Safe Still County Antidepressants Wide Disorders Spectrum Obsessive Compulsive Contact Grieve
8 Adolescent Drug Addiction Treatment Center
Adolescent addiction
Adolescent addiction and eating disorder treatment center, located in Malibu California.
Adolescent Treatment Team Care School Extended Marketing Parent Nothing Residential Counseling Study Blog Incredible Project Outreach Puberty Recovery
Adolescent addiction and eating disorder treatment center, located in Malibu California.
Adolescent Treatment Team Care School Extended Marketing Parent Nothing Residential Counseling Study Blog Incredible Project Outreach Puberty Recovery
9 Addiction Resource Guide
An online
An online directory of addiction treatment facilities and programs - national and international, indexed alphabetically, geographically and by special populations. Designed for the professional and lay person.
Rehab Drug Treatment Resources Addiction Centers Eating Facility Abuse Guide Alcoholism Pages Services Alcohol Internet Rehabilitation Chemical Dependency Programs
An online directory of addiction treatment facilities and programs - national and international, indexed alphabetically, geographically and by special populations. Designed for the professional and lay person.
Rehab Drug Treatment Resources Addiction Centers Eating Facility Abuse Guide Alcoholism Pages Services Alcohol Internet Rehabilitation Chemical Dependency Programs
10 Comeback Treatment Center
Offering addiction
Offering addiction treatment, alcohol recovery and dual diagnosis treatment. Details facilities, activities and staff backgrounds and credentials. Anaheim.
Z Comebacktreatmentcom Y
Offering addiction treatment, alcohol recovery and dual diagnosis treatment. Details facilities, activities and staff backgrounds and credentials. Anaheim.
Z Comebacktreatmentcom Y
11 R.D. MacFarlane
Professional medical
Professional medical care in addiction medicine. Located in San Diego. Specializing in drug addiction and alcoholism. Expertise in treatment of prescribed benzodiazepines and opiates. Providing ambulatory, outpatient and residential services.
Professional medical care in addiction medicine. Located in San Diego. Specializing in drug addiction and alcoholism. Expertise in treatment of prescribed benzodiazepines and opiates. Providing ambulatory, outpatient and residential services.
12 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
13 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
14 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
15 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
16 OxyContin Addiction Treatment & Information
Provides OxyContin
Provides OxyContin news and information, as well as OxyContin addiction community forums and treatment referrals.
Detox Addiction Oxycontin Rapid Waismann Oxycodone Method Treatment Percocet Opium Opiate Percodan Center Fentora
Provides OxyContin news and information, as well as OxyContin addiction community forums and treatment referrals.
Detox Addiction Oxycontin Rapid Waismann Oxycodone Method Treatment Percocet Opium Opiate Percodan Center Fentora
17 The Coleman Institute
Recognized as
Recognized as the Advanced Center for Addiction Treatment. Specializing in detox treatments and programs for patients with a dependency or drug addiction to heroin, oxycontin, methadone, cocaine or other opiates. Offices in Virginia, California and Kentucky.
Recognized as the Advanced Center for Addiction Treatment. Specializing in detox treatments and programs for patients with a dependency or drug addiction to heroin, oxycontin, methadone, cocaine or other opiates. Offices in Virginia, California and Kentucky.
18 Alternatives in Treatment, Inc.
An addiction
An addiction treatment and rehab facility. Includes description of services and contact details.
Addiction [infographic] Drug How Florida Therapy Alternatives Request Has Psychoanalytic Treatment Signs Rehab Affordable Raton Cope
An addiction treatment and rehab facility. Includes description of services and contact details.
Addiction [infographic] Drug How Florida Therapy Alternatives Request Has Psychoanalytic Treatment Signs Rehab Affordable Raton Cope
19 Keystone Treatment Center
Safe effective
Safe effective treatment for alcohol, drug and gambling addiction. In Canton SD.
Treatment Name Center Rehab Keystone American Native Last Addiction First South Alcohol Dakota Practices Privacy Director Regarded
Safe effective treatment for alcohol, drug and gambling addiction. In Canton SD.
Treatment Name Center Rehab Keystone American Native Last Addiction First South Alcohol Dakota Practices Privacy Director Regarded
20 Alternatives in Treatment, Inc.
An addiction
An addiction treatment and rehab facility. Includes description of services and contact details.
Rehab Treatment Alternatives Addiction Florida Drug Help Request Prevention Wp Since Ways Methods Personalizing Accreditation Staff
An addiction treatment and rehab facility. Includes description of services and contact details.
Rehab Treatment Alternatives Addiction Florida Drug Help Request Prevention Wp Since Ways Methods Personalizing Accreditation Staff
21 Impact Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
Real-world programs
Real-world programs for treatment of substance abuse and addiction problems
Impactcenter Drug Alcoholtreatment
Real-world programs for treatment of substance abuse and addiction problems
Impactcenter Drug Alcoholtreatment
22 Visions Adolescent Treatment Center
Adolescent drug
Adolescent drug addiction, eating disorder and alcoholism treatment center, located in Malibu California. Family treatment, equine therapy and anger management programs.
Treatment Adolescent Team Alumni Parent Philosophy Care School Contact Residential Visions Counseling Outpatient Events Teen Obsessive Compulsive Committed Health
Adolescent drug addiction, eating disorder and alcoholism treatment center, located in Malibu California. Family treatment, equine therapy and anger management programs.
Treatment Adolescent Team Alumni Parent Philosophy Care School Contact Residential Visions Counseling Outpatient Events Teen Obsessive Compulsive Committed Health
23 Mainstream Kansas City, Inc.
Residential treatment
Residential treatment for chemical dependency. Gender-specific treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction, with separate centers for men and women. Located in Bonner Springs.
Residential treatment for chemical dependency. Gender-specific treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction, with separate centers for men and women. Located in Bonner Springs.
24 Bay Area Addiction Research and Treatment Inc. / California Detoxification Program, Inc.
Comprehensive outpatient
Comprehensive outpatient substance abuse treatment in Northern California.
Comprehensive outpatient substance abuse treatment in Northern California.
25 Resilience Gambling Treatment
Outpatient treatment
Outpatient treatment for individuals with gambling addiction and their families. Located central to Shakopee, Waconia, Chanhassen and Chaska in Minnesota.
Counseling Resilience Problem Therapy Treatment Family Gamblers Ma Credentialshelpful Contact Hours Couplestherapy Services Individuals Y
Outpatient treatment for individuals with gambling addiction and their families. Located central to Shakopee, Waconia, Chanhassen and Chaska in Minnesota.
Counseling Resilience Problem Therapy Treatment Family Gamblers Ma Credentialshelpful Contact Hours Couplestherapy Services Individuals Y
26 Pias Place
Pias Place
Pias Place is a ninety-day extended care facility operated by women for women. Treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction, PTSD, sexual trauma, dual diagnosis, sexual addiction, and related problems. Located in Prescott, AZ.
Place Pias Prescott Addiction Women Extended Treatment Programs Care Pia’s Sexual Philosophy Womens Trauma Az Soonmore Disorders Email
Pias Place is a ninety-day extended care facility operated by women for women. Treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction, PTSD, sexual trauma, dual diagnosis, sexual addiction, and related problems. Located in Prescott, AZ.
Place Pias Prescott Addiction Women Extended Treatment Programs Care Pia’s Sexual Philosophy Womens Trauma Az Soonmore Disorders Email
27 Milestones In Recovery - Florida
Dedicated to
Dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders that involve addiction to food (excludes many forms of anorexia). Residential setting that is described as the least restrictive as possible, so applicants must be medically stable and able to face real world challenges from the beginning of treatment. Information on the center, the treatment team, frequently asked questions, and how to contact. Also has an online discussion forum.
Domain Hosting Network Marketing Web Solutions Services Names Registration Website Place Businesses Growhost
Dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders that involve addiction to food (excludes many forms of anorexia). Residential setting that is described as the least restrictive as possible, so applicants must be medically stable and able to face real world challenges from the beginning of treatment. Information on the center, the treatment team, frequently asked questions, and how to contact. Also has an online discussion forum.
Domain Hosting Network Marketing Web Solutions Services Names Registration Website Place Businesses Growhost
28 Mainstream Kansas City
Residential treatment
Residential treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Gender-specific programs, with separate centers for men and women. Intensive, 30-day residential treatment
Residential treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Gender-specific programs, with separate centers for men and women. Intensive, 30-day residential treatment
29 Fellowship Hall Treatment Center
A private
A private, non-profit treatment center committed to helping people who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction situated in Greensboro North Carolina.
Treatment Fund Inpatient Admissions Hall Tour Alcohol Annual Self Carolina Assessment Greensboro Continuing Drug Hospitalization Employment Criteria Speakers Rates Fountain
A private, non-profit treatment center committed to helping people who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction situated in Greensboro North Carolina.
Treatment Fund Inpatient Admissions Hall Tour Alcohol Annual Self Carolina Assessment Greensboro Continuing Drug Hospitalization Employment Criteria Speakers Rates Fountain
30 Addington Addiction Treatment Centre
Located in
Located in Montreal. A three-month residential treatment centre with a two-year aftercare program. Complete details about the program offered is available.
Located in Montreal. A three-month residential treatment centre with a two-year aftercare program. Complete details about the program offered is available.
31 Virtual Addiction: Internet Addiction Information
Information and
Information and professional as well as self-help resources on the growing problem of internet and computer addiction and their psychological and social implications.
Internet Addiction Technology Test Abuse Digital Resources Greenfield News Pornography Center Services New Consultation David Non Intensives
Information and professional as well as self-help resources on the growing problem of internet and computer addiction and their psychological and social implications.
Internet Addiction Technology Test Abuse Digital Resources Greenfield News Pornography Center Services New Consultation David Non Intensives
32 The Right Step - Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Rehab
Drug and
Drug and alcoholism treatment program for adults and teens. Locations throughout Texas and Louisiana. Learn about inpatient and outpatient programs for alcoholism and addiction.
Treatment Houston Step Texas Alcohol Addiction Family Drug Detox Recovery Members Area Outpatient Today Centers Download North Hill Locations Helpful
Drug and alcoholism treatment program for adults and teens. Locations throughout Texas and Louisiana. Learn about inpatient and outpatient programs for alcoholism and addiction.
Treatment Houston Step Texas Alcohol Addiction Family Drug Detox Recovery Members Area Outpatient Today Centers Download North Hill Locations Helpful