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Alices Animals

Alices Animals Review Experience Animals Studio

Hand stitched fabric animals by northern Minnesota artist Alice Strand.

One of a kind miniature fabric animals handmade by Alice Strand

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Alices Animals Alices Animals Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-28
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Animals Studio Catalog Etsy Shows Store Cards Gallery Miniature Alices Handmade Greeting Fabric Strand Alice Mailing List Recreation Models Miniatures And Dollhouses Textiles And Stitchery Miniature Fabric Handmade Animals

Reviews and Comments for Alices Animals

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Best entries for Animals and Studio

1 Kosen Studio-Haus Selection of
Selection of plush animals, including woodland, farm, jungle and ocean.
Animals Kosen Bear Collection Bears Great Stock African Wild Lambskin Silke Checkout Weasels Teddy Squeezies Canines Stuffed Thank
2 Earth Candy Studio Prints including
Prints including fish, animals and frogs. Also offering invitations and stationary.
Request Request Youry
3 Which Craft Studio Specializing in
Specializing in collectible artist bears, animals, and dolls. Restoration service. Buys and sells collections.
4 Todd Warner Studio and Showroom Features whimsical
Features whimsical sculptures of animals and people. Offers a background of the artist and links to galleries.
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5 Ayumi Horie Potter making
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Portland Horie Brick Ayumi Photos Pottery Mailing List Artists Pots Earthenware Ceramic Tote Videos Fundraisers Things Christa Upcoming
6 Fish Net, Inc Featuring aquarium
Featuring aquarium and pet supplies for dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles. Includes articles and an aquatic design studio.
Fish Pet Aquarium Bird Food Supplies Pond Place Cat Small Dog Reptile Treats Wild Toys Flea
7 Jalu Wood Creations Handmade wooden
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Toys Wood Creations Wooden Hand Waldorf Jalu Quality People Canadian Made Figures Toy Each Play Resolution
8 Animals Animals Offers an
Offers an assortment of collectible Steiff bears and friends.
Animals Wild Gund Great Kosen Steiff Bear Collection Bears Ornaments Limited Editions Information Disney Teddy Ocean New Favorite
9 Mark Shields Animals Handcrafted pewter
Handcrafted pewter lapel pins and brooches featuring animals.
Jewelry Pins Animal Pewter Mark Mshields Shields Website Store Grace Available Line Etsy Visit Please Craftsman Popular Roses Everyday
10 Applebys Animals Wild animals
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Jewelry Animal Swans Eagles Animals Join List Postcards Mailing Ivory Applebys Past Bracelet Here Postcard Data Pin Marine
11 Alices Animals Hand stitched
Hand stitched fabric animals by northern Minnesota artist Alice Strand.
Animals Studio Catalog Etsy Shows Store Cards Gallery Miniature Alices Handmade Greeting Fabric Strand Alice Mailing List
12 Roadkill Rugs Sells stuffed
Sells stuffed animals that appear as various dead animals.
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13 Afrantiquity Design Studio Production studio
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Art Furniture African Studio Afrantiquity Production Custom Ethnic Design Designbuild Promoter Consciouscivilization Designs
14 Ridabock & Harlocker Glass Studio & Gallery Offers schedule
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Ridabock Glass Artist Peter Email Fine Events Studio Regular Workshops Open Art Gallery House Edit
15 Greathouse Studio Site includes
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16 No Match Studio Offers artwork
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17 Douglas D. Frey Studio jewelry
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18 Anxiety Wrap Dow wear
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Disabled Websitebeen Requestedsorry
20 Big Stuffed Animals Specializes in
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22 JS Pottery Pottery studio
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24 Bristlebird Books, Australian animals Life histories
Life histories of various Australian animals, presented for primary school age. Fully illustrated in colour, factual in content. Used for teaching English as a second language.
Navigationshilfe Ty
25 Main Line Clock Restorations Restoration studio
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26 Florida Clay Art Co. Has opened
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27 Church and Maple Glass Studio Hand-blown glass
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28 Suzanne Crane Fine stoneware
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29 Church Maple Glass Studio Hand-blown glass
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Church Maple Glass New Vermont Glassware Lighting Studio Unique Crafts Handblown Located Securedirectly Creator Gifts
30 Blue Spruce Gallery & Pottery Studio Features this
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31 Cottage Art Studio Jeanette Robertson
Jeanette Robertson, owner of Cottage Art and Cottage Art Studio. Nautical, sports, and country cards. Cottage Art is a freelance art and design source for companies and individuals.
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32 Little Stuffed Animals Selection of
Selection of small stuffed animals, all under 23 inches.
Stuffed Animals Little Bears Jungle Marine Animalscom Teddy Wild Pets Farm Shopping Pacificleisureshoppingcom Feet Pillows Jaguar Horse

More Alices Animals Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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