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A Little More in Miniatures

A Little More Review Experience Miniatures Accessories

Offering flowers, plants, landscaping and outdoor accessories.

A Little More in Miniatures Flowers Plants and Outdoor Accessories for your Dollhouse

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Miniatures Accessories Little Floral Miniature Dollhouse Designs Plants Flowers Kits Laser Items Outdoor Sheets Scale Wouldlove Recreation Models Miniatures And Dollhouses Landscaping And Floral Dollhouse Dollhouse Miniatures Miniature Landscape Miniature Floral Designs Dollhouses Miniatures Dollhouse Accessories Landscape Timbers Miniature Garden Accessories Custom Floral Designs Floral Arrangements Garden Accessories Miniature Flowers Birdhouses Swingsets Miniature Floral Arrangements

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Best entries for Miniatures and Accessories

1 Daffodil Miniatures Full service
Full service dollhouse miniatures store in Salt Lake City offering handcrafted dollhouse miniatures, dollhouse kits, furniture, accessories, building and finishing supplies in 1/12 and 1/24 scale.
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2 Fay-Vourite Crafts & Miniatures Handcrafted quality
Handcrafted quality Judaica miniatures from food to ritual accessories, life-cycle, and holidays.
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3 Memory Lane Miniatures Large selection
Large selection of unusual artisan made and hand crafted dollhouse miniatures, with an emphasis on modern miniatures.
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4 Historical Miniatures Features 54mm
Features 54mm metal miniatures, 3 inch dimestore toy soldiers, 75mm German soldiers, and accessories.
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Miniatures for wargaming napoleonic, ancient, medieval, world wars and fantasy. Bases, scale buildings, rules, books, dice, transfers, magnetic sheets and hobby accessories.
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6 Fantasy Land of Miniatures A Handley
A Handley House certified dollhouse miniatures on-line retailer with over 9000 items listed, offering a wide range of dollhouse miniatures.
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7 Dollhouse Miniatures Lara Copper Features handmade
Features handmade 1/12 scale dollhouse copper cookware miniatures pots, pans, and accessories by Lara Copper.
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8 Suzanne Andrews Miniatures Half and
Half and quarter scale handcrafted miniatures and houses.
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9 Olszewski Miniatures Robert Olszewskis
Robert Olszewskis in-scale miniatures and jewel boxes.
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10 Fantasy Land of Miniatures Offering artisan
Offering artisan and European miniatures for serious collectors.
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11 Little Things in Kinsley Offering the
Offering the usual miniatures and dollhouse kits, plus Bespaq and antique miniatures.
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12 Remember When Miniatures Handcrafted miniatures
Handcrafted miniatures in glass enclosed shadowboxes, portraying scenes of early Americana.
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13 Great Miniatures Offering unusual
Offering unusual miniatures such as silver cutlery boxes, Tarot cards and toilet paper.
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14 MexicoEtc Miniatures Offers handmade
Offers handmade Mexican miniatures, including food, pottery, utensils, baskets and toys.
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15 Valerie Claire Miniatures Handmade 1/12
Handmade 1/12 scale haberdashery, hats, chemist, grocers and christmas shop miniatures.
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16 MexicoEtc Miniatures Offers handmade
Offers handmade Mexican miniatures, including food, pottery, utensils, baskets and toys.
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17 Stonehouse Miniatures Sculpted candles
Sculpted candles, miniatures, and sculpture.
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18 The Tannenbaum Shoppe Fine Collectibles
Fine Collectibles including retired Goebel Miniatures, Precious Moments Miniatures, David Winter Cottages.
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19 Jim Coates Miniatures Handcrafted dollhouse
Handcrafted dollhouse miniatures including fireplaces, overmantles, crown molding, mirrors, framed pictures, columns, and doors.
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20 Jim Coates Miniatures Handcrafted dollhouse
Handcrafted dollhouse miniatures including fireplaces, overmantles, crown molding, mirrors, framed pictures, columns, and doors.
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21 Avon Miniatures English porcelain
English porcelain 1/12 scale dollhouse china miniatures, handmade by Keith and Donna Brown. Available worldwide, online, by mail order or at shops and fairs.
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22 Pamela Scott Miniatures Quarter inch
Quarter inch scale miniatures for sale, including ready to paint resin pieces. Also offers a newsletter, and free printies and projects.
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23 Troiani Historical Miniatures Specializes in
Specializes in military miniatures based on the American Civil War paintings of artist Don Troiani.
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24 JG Miniatures Accessories and
Accessories and 54mm toy soldiers. Located in the UK.
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25 Roses Miniatures Online ordering
Online ordering of miniature accessories.
26 Anro Miniatures Dolls and
Dolls and accessories by a variety of artists.
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27 Frontier Miniatures UK distributor
UK distributor of the 15 and 25mm Frontier collectible historical wargame miniatures.
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28 Manor House Miniatures Offers furniture
Offers furniture, accessories and dolls.
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29 House of Miniatures Dollhouse and
Dollhouse and miniature accessories from a variety of artisans.
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30 Ms Mini Gift Shop Handcrafted dollhouse
Handcrafted dollhouse miniatures and accessories.
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31 M J Miniatures Handcrafted kits
Handcrafted kits, accessories, and filled and dressed furniture.
32 A Little More in Miniatures Offering flowers
Offering flowers, plants, landscaping and outdoor accessories.
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More A Little More in Miniatures Infos

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