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AVL Looms Inc.

AVL Looms Inc. Review Experience Looms Avl

USA. Manufacturer and dealer of dobby and jacquard looms. Dealer of weaving software and accessories, and provider of weaving instruction classes.


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Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Chico Library Compu Dobby Financing Weaver Lets Testimonials Pre Owned Checkout Partners Park Customize Crafts Supplies Fiber Arts Yarn Arts Weaving Looms

Reviews and Comments for AVL Looms Inc.

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Best entries for Looms and Avl

1 Gilmore Looms Handmade looms
Handmade looms for hand weaving, made from maple and other hardwoods.
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2 Gilmore Looms Handmade looms
Handmade looms for hand weaving, made from maple and other hardwoods. Four or eight shafts in several widths.
Looms Gilmore Weaving Warping Wave Heddles Original Loom Reel Since Jack Finest Loom_and Weavingequipment Gemii
3 Mountainspun Farm Features wool
Features wool, fibers, looms, equipment, triangle shawl looms, spindles, and instruction.
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4 Purrington Looms Folding table
Folding table and travel looms in 8, 12 and 16 harnesses. Also weaving tools and accessories including 'angel wings'.
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5 Good Wood Looms Makers of
Makers of small looms including frame, pocket and inkle, as well as knitting spools and weaving accessories.
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6 Mountain Loom Company Offers table
Offers table and transportable looms, tapestry looms and weaving benches. Also kumihimo supplies and books.
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7 Norwood Looms Workshop and
Workshop and floor looms. Accessories include benches, shuttles, reeds, swifts bobbins, and sectional warping rails.
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8 BEKA, Inc. Rigid heddle
Rigid heddle and inkle looms, weaving frames, warping boards and specialty looms for children. Also easels, wooden blocks, childrens art supplies and accessories.
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9 Leclerc Looms Offers inkle
Offers inkle, rigid heddle, table and floor looms. Also computer-dobby conversion kits for both Macintosh and Windows, accessories and related technical information.
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10 AVL Looms Both new
Both new and used Dobby, compu-dobby and jacquard looms for the hobby and professional weaver. Also offers software and accessories.
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11 Weavers Guild Resource Center for Weavers and Spinners Handmade floor
Handmade floor looms, beadwork and tapestry looms. Also spinning wheels and weaving accessories.
12 Shannock Tapestry Looms Offers tapestry
Offers tapestry looms and supplies. Includes tapestry yarns, rug warp, beaters and bobbins.
13 AVL Looms Inc. USA. Manufacturer
USA. Manufacturer and dealer of dobby and jacquard looms. Dealer of weaving software and accessories, and provider of weaving instruction classes.
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14 Custom Made Knitting Looms Custom made
Custom made round knitting looms and oblong knitting boards in 6 different woods.
15 Louet Sales Offers a
Offers a selection of wheels and looms from Holland.
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16 Gentle Wovens by Barbara Borgerd Triangular shawl
Triangular shawl looms and kits.
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17 The Fiber Studio Weaving looms
Weaving looms, yarns and spinning equipment. Henniker, NH.
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18 Specializes in
Specializes in handcrafted bead looms, accessories, thread and needles.
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19 Annemade Teddy Bears Handmade by
Handmade by Ann Inman-Looms. Also offers cats and other animals.
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20 Decor Accents Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in circular knitting looms and boards, patterns and instructions.
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21 Wool Novelty Co., Inc. Specializing in
Specializing in loop lap looms and weaving loops in cotton and nylon.
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22 Woolroom Features an
Features an electric spinner, looms, tools, fibers, yarns, and workshops.
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23 Woolroom Features an
Features an electric spinner, looms, tools, fibers, yarns, and workshops.
Order Niddy Noddy Calendar Tools Artist Contact Fiber Mixed Wheel Spindles Roving Books Yarnspinning
24 Weavettes Small palm
Small palm size looms in several shapes and sizes for weaving fabric. Also patterns.
25 Nantucket Looms Handwoven blankets
Handwoven blankets, linens and custom upholstery fabric, all natural fibers.
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26 The Loom Room Custom built
Custom built, round wooden hat looms. Also contains instructions and project ideas.
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27 Hazel Rose Looms Offers several
Offers several sizes of square and triangle handmade continuous weave frames.
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28 Gold Onyx Bead Weaving Supplies Offers looms
Offers looms, needles, thread and storage options.
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29 Dettas Spindle Spinning and
Spinning and felting fibers, equipment, books and dyes, looms and knitting tools.
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30 Fireside Fiberarts Maker of
Maker of looms for fabric, rugs and tapestry, as well as benches and accessories. Includes show schedule.
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31 Fireside Fiberarts Maker of
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32 Aarhus Weaving Center Offers a
Offers a variety of looms, accessories, and tips and tricks. Also handwoven and handknitted items.
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More AVL Looms Inc. Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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