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Collectible Firearms and Edged Weapons

Collectible Firearms and Review Experience Pistols Rifles

Dealers in European collectible firearms and edged weapons. Importers of books on the subject.

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Best entries for Pistols and Rifles

1 Common to
Common to rare antique single shot pistols, rifles and shotguns including flintlock, percussion and cartridge guns, also military rifles and pistols.
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2 LPR Gunsmithing Builds rifles
Builds rifles, installs barrels, and performs gunsmith work. Target and sporting rifles, pistols, shotguns and military arms.
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3 Sandy Gun Works Custom pistols
Custom pistols to order, accessories installed for rifles and pistols. Military firearms rebuilt and refinished. Transfers and special orders for firearms welcome.
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4 Relic Custom Pty Ltd. Gun dealer
Gun dealer and custom gun smith. Ammunition and reloading equipment and components. Pistols, rifles, shotguns, new and used, parts and repairs. Specialising in custom pistols for IPSC and NRA action.
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5 Miniature Pinfire Gunworks - Urso For collectors
For collectors of miniature pinfire and rimfire pistols, revolvers, and rifles. Home of the 'Tiniest Guns' book by Bob Urso. The only book on the subject of 2mm berloque pistols.
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6 Guns4Ever Brand-name rifles
Brand-name rifles, shotguns, handguns and pistols.
7 Airhog Offers a
Offers a variety of pre-charged air rifles, pistols and accessories.
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8 Air Rifle USA Sells air
Sells air rifles and pistols, BB guns, targets and accessories.
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9 Wisners Inc. Offering reproduction
Offering reproduction parts for obsolete pistols, rifles and shotguns.
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12 Hearthstone Guns Large selection
Large selection of rifles, shotguns, pistols, and outdoor apparel
13 Garys Gun Shop New and
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14 Airsport Direct Ltd Specialising in
Specialising in air rifles, pistols and CO2 guns for sports shooting and pest control.
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15 The Essex Gun Providing information
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16 Green Mountain Offers barrels
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17 Garys Gun Shop New and
New and used rifles, pistols and shotguns. Indoor target range. Services, products and contact information.
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18 Straight Shooters Precision Airguns Offers rifles
Offers rifles, pistols, scopes and accessories for both the novice and experienced shooter.
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19 Kalispel Case Line Aluminum protective
Aluminum protective cases for rifles, cameras, pistols and bows. Also offers custom production.
20 KG Industries Offers gun
Offers gun cleaning accessories for pistols, rifles, shotguns, and all firearms. Lubricants, metal coatings and solvents are sold individually or in kits.
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21 The Mad Piper Sells
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22 Weigand Combat Handguns Scope mounts
Scope mounts for pistols, revolvers, handguns and rifles.
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23 Wichita Arms Retailer of
Retailer of Pistols, Rifles and accessories in Wichita, Kansas
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24 Advanced Precision Products Worldwide sales
Worldwide sales of RWS, Beeman, Chinese airguns, crossbows, black powder pistols and rifles, optics, and night vision devices.
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25 Indy Optics Full line
Full line dealer of Bushnell, Tasco, Millett, Weaver, Leupold, and Kwik-Site scopes, mounts, and rings for rifles and pistols.
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26 Online sales
Online sales and order information for gun safety locks and trigger locks for all types of pistols, handguns, rifles, and shotguns.
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27 Military Trophies Pty Ltd. Offers moulded
Offers moulded resin, plaque-mounted reproductions of popular law enforcement and military assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns, and pistols.
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28 Military Style Trophies Offers moulded
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29 James H. Francis Antique Firearms & Collectibles Pre-1898 antique
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30 Collectors Firearms Specialize in
Specialize in collectible guns of all types and periods. Variety of guns in stock, including Winchester, Colt SAAs, European pistols, fine shotguns, hunting rifles, and commemoratives.
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31 Wholesale Guns & Ammo, Inc. Quality new
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32 John Masen Survival Weaponry Parts Retailer and
Retailer and wholesaler of rifle parts and accessories. Specializing in .45 auto pistols, military style rifles. Offers magazines, replacement parts, and bipods.
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More Collectible Firearms and Edged Weapons Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Collectible Firearms and Edged Weapons in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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