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Return Experience


1 Return gifts for birthday Bakery

Make your birthday celebration even more special with our return gifts for birthday. These unique and exciting favors are sure...
2 Return gifts for birthday Bakery

Make your birthday celebration even more special with our return gifts for birthday. These unique and exciting favors are sure...
3 Tacology Cocktail Bar
Vibrant Mexican-style market, bar, and restaurant serving tacos, ceviche, salads, juices & mezcal cocktails in a chic, fun atmosphere.... Tacology Miami Style Brickell Visit Mercado Mexican Restaurant Taqueria This Stringfrom Arrayflag Allow Return Welcome
4 SAP Evaluation(s) LLC Counseling
To qualify as a DOT-qualified Substance abuse professional (SAP), an individual must be a professional counselor, psychologist, or social worker.... Evaluation Qualified Near Certified Chaudhary Failed Drug Test Return Duty Program Call Date This Stringfrom
RTS PROFESSIONAL STUDY offers a top range of professional training on GST Return filing, Income Tax Return filing, TDS Return... Service Tax Professional Act Income Study Companies One Poppins Oswald Authority Section Online Return More
6 South Sydney College
New South Wales
SSC is located in the heart of Burwood, less than 2 minutes walk from the train station and only 12... Sydney College South Home It Admin International Students They Return Allow The Thank Business With
7 Best Legal Services Legal Services
Legal services are necessary aspect which is also becoming a part of our daily life. With legal services widening its... Company Services Agreements Registration And We Of Filing Legal Limited Payroll Partnership Agreement Private Return
8 Best wall diffusers - Floor Registers Floor

We, Floor Registers - N - Vents, offer a wide range of wall registers, air return grilles, and wall diffusers... Wall Registers Register Floor Plastic Baseboard Vents Return Steel We Grilles Wood Returns Contact Custom
9 Properties & Pathways

Properties & Pathways is a dynamic commercial property investment firm.... Property Memorandum Management Under Information Pathways Investors Our Return Wholesale Investment Australia Us Commercial News
10 Smart Solutions Taxation & Accounting Business
Smart Solutions Taxation & Accounting Services can help you to take care of your UK tax matters on your behalf.... Tax Accounting Store Info Taxation Return More Business Is Home Personal Initial Investigations Enquires Liquidation
11 Car Toys Car Audio

Car Toys is one of the largest independent multi-channel specialty car audio and mobile electronics retailers in America. We offer... Car Magento Toys Select Guarantee Shop Price All Sale Policy Financing Vehicle Installation Audio Return
12 Baseball Softball

Huge selection of stock and custom ants used for playing baseball, football, softball.... Baseball Pants Youth Compare Choose Knicker Elastic Easton Mens Policy Contact Cart Ballpantscom Sign Return
1 return products management return logistics
return logistics provider specializing in inspection and consolidation.
2 Businesscase The spreadsheet
The spreadsheet templates allows computation of direct and full allocated margin, internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), and return on investment (ROI).
Templates Case Business Casebuilderâ„¢ Browse Marketing Template Real Sales Estate Technology Package Information Complete Blog Plan
3 Bill Brown Composer -
Composer - Includes music samples in MP3 and Real Audio from Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Tom Clancys Ghost Recon, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Clive Barkers UNDYING, Quake III, and films.
4 Fabien Pictet & Partners Ltd Funds managed:
Funds managed: FPP Emerging Hedge Fund I (Global, Absolute Return), FPP Emerging Markets Fund II (Global, Relative to MSCI), The 395 Fund (European Emerging Markets, Absolute Return, GEMs Bond Fund (Global Emerging Markets Absolute Return. Total AUM $200m USD.
Llp Disclaimermanagement Emperor Investmentmanagers Wwwemperordesigncouk Fpp Asset
5 eTax Do your
Do your Australian tax return online.
6 Checkmate Payroll Services Processing and
Processing and tax return preparation.
7 Internet Marketing Solutions Focus on
Focus on return on your investment.
Internet Marketing Solutions Web Copyright Reserved Build Elkridge Interneteffectively Statement Rights Trafficethics Resources
8 Granum Funds Focuses on
Focuses on undervalued companies and return on equity.
ã‚·ãÆ’¼ã‚ºãÆ’³åˆ¥ã‚¹ã‚­ãÆ’³ã‚±ã‚¢æ³Ã¢â‚¬Â¢ スキãÆ’³ã‚±ã‚¢ã®ç§Ã‹Å“訣 肌別スキãÆ’³ã‚±ã‚¢æ³Ã¢â‚¬Â¢ 肌にåÃ
9 Teachers Tax Service Income tax
Income tax return preparation for educators and individuals.
10 Guy Mylander, EA Offers audit
Offers audit representation and comprehensive tax return preparation.
11 Meany & Dedek LLC Tax return
Tax return preparation for investment traders. Dixon, IL.
12 DataRevelation Inc. Return on
Return on investment solver shareware calculator for calculating roi.
Solver Vista Investment Software Return Windows Does Roi Windows® Register Compatible Stepexamplesdatarevelationcom Step
13 crazy catch manufacturer of
manufacturer of nets which has unpredictable ball return. new zealand.
14 Taxback LLC Free prior
Free prior period federal and state tax return reviews.
Tax Income Itaxbackcom Leading Helpaudits Irsproblems Join Financialirs Planning Levy Net
15 freight2mail uk. return
uk. return load database of available trucks and loads for road haulage.
Freight Loads Freightmail Company Haulage Exchange Load Return Post Faqs Companies Gt Members Posted View Road Account Tippers Fuelmate Recent Findstorage Exporters
16 IMM Performance Products Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of barrels, screws, end caps, non-return valves and nozzles.
17 JonHall Tax Solutions A home-based
A home-based tax return preparation business located in Chilliwack, B.C.
18 Simons Tax Service Provides return
Provides return preparation, electronic filing, consultation, and audit representation.
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19 Strategic Tax & Business Solutions Inc. Offering tax
Offering tax planning, accounting & return preparation to Canadian taxpayers.
Inc Strategic Solutions Business Alberta Calgary Tax Scale Contactservices Tools Profile Strategic
20 Kingsley Library Equipment Company Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of book and multi-media return systems.
Return Book Returns Indoor Carts System Cart Systems Through Wall Capacity Trucks Quoth Curbside Library Shelves Kwikdroptrade Kingsley
21 Accounting Advantage Business and
Business and individual tax return preparation, bookkeeping services and financial analysis.
Accounting Mileage Business Buffalo Ny Advantage Services Contact Income Registered Taxes Returns Established Privacy Financial Charitable Content Compromise Cash
22 Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of wafer type butterfly and non return check valves for application in various industries.
23 Xpitax Offer tax
Offer tax return preparation and related business financial services. Based in India.
Services Practices Firms Request Team Information Best Client Group | Accounting Seminar Register Event Events Cpas Policy Growth Organizations Conditions
24 Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of wafer type butterfly and non return check valves for application in various industries.
25 OEE Consulting, Ltd. Provides assistance
Provides assistance in determining overall equipment effectiveness to improve the return on capital employed (ROCE).
26 Freeman and Company, Inc. Exton, PA
Exton, PA firm offering accounting, tax return preparation and financial services.
27 The Business Group, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in the development of incentive marketing programs focused on a positive return on investment.
Recognition Employee Awards Corporate Business Month Gifts | Award Incentive Roi Group Programs Prove Reserved
28 Xyte Focus: capitalize
Focus: capitalize on technology-based ideas, products and resources to maximize return on investment.
Foundxyte Apache Serverport Found The
29 Edward A. Melia, Attorney, CPA Sacramento firm
Sacramento firm specializing in United States tax return preparation for expatriates.
Parallels Panel Plesk Parallelsreg Desktop Parallelsr Default Container Automation Linux Productsparallelsr Page Virtualization Server Forwindows Best Windows
30 Taxcentre Registered taxation
Registered taxation consultant specialising in comprehensive individual and small business return preparation.
31 Security Benefit Group Offers funds
Offers funds in a range of risk/return categories with three share classes.
32 Lindsell Train Limited An independent
An independent Investment Management company that specialises in absolute return products.
33 Tax Negotiators Specialist in
Specialist in resolving serious delinquent tax problems with levy releases, compromises, installments, and forensic return preparation.
34 baystate cruise company high speed
high speed service from boston to provincetown and return: information and online ticketing.
Ferry Provincetown Boston Music Directions Schedule Fast Cruises Ptown Rarr Confirm Summer Parking Charters Bostons
35 Sheptoff, Reuber and Company, P.C. Certified public
Certified public accounting firm offers tax return preparation, tax representation, and other services.
36 US Global Focus: project
Focus: project development and finance firm, focused on enterprises with a high return potential in a variety of industries.
37 Kirsch Ludwin, CPA Group, LLC Firm providing
Firm providing tax return preparation, QuickBooks consulting in Southern Ohio and in Butler County.
Page Errorz
38 Camelot Fund An absolute
An absolute return, multi strategy investment company specializing in equity and foreign exchange investments.
39 Tax Registered taxation
Registered taxation consultant specialising in Australian individual and small business tax return preparation. Located in Brisbane.
40 Roth Pump Company Regenerative turbine
Regenerative turbine pumps for chemicals, boiling hydrocarbons, boiler feed, condensate return.
41 Landlord Software Analyzes real
Analyzes real estate investments and rental property cash flow, profitability, and rate of return.
Estate Software Real Flow Investment Cash Investing Course Landlords Analyzer Landlord Analysis Forms Property Order Usinfo
42 the triple-p (ping pong partner) designer contacts
designer contacts for a solo practice machine that makes the return of the ball unpredictable.
43 LLC Offers software
Offers software to analyze real estate investments and rental property cash flow, profitability, and rate of return.
Estate Real Software Flow Investment Cash Investing Course Landlord Landlords Analyzer Analysis Management Lien Guide
44 lead command provides customer
provides customer relationship management software designed to maximize revenue and return on investment generated from marketing campaigns.
45 King & Oliason Seattle CPA
Seattle CPA firm specializing in tax consulting and tax return preparation for high net worth individuals and closely-held businesses
46 Irrq Finance IQ Online calculation
Online calculation of net yields and net present values according to the internal rate of return. Payments can be processed with their exact dates.
47 allstate liquidation dealer of
dealer of overstock, return and surplus apparel. includes manifests, terms and hours. located in washington, missouri, usa.
48 Systemcorp Project management
Project management solutions. Software and business automation resources to gain maximum Return On Investment from projects and contracts.
49 Parkcentral Capital, LLP An absolute
An absolute return, relative value fund that invests in global fixed-income and equity-linked arbitrage opportunities.
50 Gary W. Carter, CPA Help and
Help and return preparation for foreign nationals, including nonresident aliens. Includes information on residency, tax treaties and state tax issues.
Alien Nationals Foreignnonresident Tax Residentsolutions
51 Video OneRepair Repair of
Repair of Sony and Canon Mini DV camcorders. Offering free return shipping and estimates. Work is guaranteed for 6 months.
52 Roth Pump Company Regenerative turbine
Regenerative turbine pumps for chemicals, boiling hydrocarbons, boiler feed, condensate return. Rock Island, IL.
Chemical Roth Pumps Processing Heating Pump Technical Air Company Contact Press Pumping Conditioning Systems Hydrocarbon Low Flowlow Npsh
53 Buck Marketing, Ltd. Focused on
Focused on providing insightful analysis, planning, creative direction and forecasting to maximize profitability and ensure a reasonable return on investment.
Request Errory
54 Steele Martin & Associates, CPA, PLC Accounting firm
Accounting firm offers tax return preparation, small business services, Quickbooks training, eldercare and estate planning.
55 Salis Inc. Providing transactional
Providing transactional tax compliance services, including sales & use tax return preparation, filing and remittance, exemption certificate collection, validation and management.
Phoenix Carpet Cleaning Affordable Water Miami Template Dental Guaranteed Criminal Beauty Marketing Softeners Lawyer Seo Co
56 Rivoli Fund Management An
An alternative investment firm offering an absolute return approach and a risk-averse stance to institutional and private investors.
57 Salis Inc. Providing transactional
Providing transactional tax compliance services, including sales & use tax return preparation, filing and remittance, exemption certificate collection, validation and management.
58 RealVal Software to
Software to help real estate investors select residential rental properties using cash flow, rate of return and other forms of investment analysis.
59 Nikitsky Russia/CIS Opportunities Fund A long-short
A long-short, absolute return vehicle, aiming to profit from mispricings, misinformation, and misconceptions about the Russian Market.
Fedora Apache Core Test Note Administrator You Thanks Website Projectwebsite Page Page Thisgeneral Member Server
60 European Tax Services Tax return
Tax return preparation for the U.S., Canada, Germany, Spain and other European countries.
61 My Sales Tax Audit representation
Audit representation, web based return preparation and sales tax compliance services.
Tax Sales Use Ohio Texas State Mysalestaxcom Form California Illinois Florida Alabama Rate Excise Take
62 Permanent Value Funds Offshore funds
Offshore funds with principal protection and guaranteed return.
63 Quick Return Tags Supplies military
Supplies military style dog-tags as trade show giveaways.
64 10 Percent Per Month Subscription site
Subscription site dedicated to investing strategies that will return at least ten percent monthly.
65 D.C. Woolsey and Associates Marketing strategies
Marketing strategies to increase cash flow, return on investment and marketing success.
66 intellareturn services in
services in product tracking and recovery, automated returns processing, and other return logistics services.
67 Professional Tax Contracting Services Sales and
Sales and Use Tax compliance services including return preparation, and nexus studies.
Services Professional Sales Contracting Taxcompliance Ptcs Contact Tax Quote Quick Website Profile Creditdocumentation Use Copyright
68 eTax Online Tax Returns Tax advice
Tax advice, online tax return submission to the ATO, taxtips, free tax calculator and tax help by occupation.
Etax Tax Return Returns Etaxcomau Competitions Users Accountants Base User Knowledge Calculator Help Easy Contact Late Personal
69 returnload europe. provides
europe. provides load matching and return load searches.
70 Return Mail Inc. Processes returned
Processes returned mail for accounts receivables.
71 Promar International Manufactures pneumatic
Manufactures pneumatic and hydraulic, linear actuators. Double-acting and spring-return up to 44 inch diameter. Control packages, custom units.
Actuator Linear Actuators Hydraulic Tubing Promar Coiled Spring Return Fail Pneumatic Valve Override Control International Gate
72 Secure Office 123 Inc. Calculates rate
Calculates rate of return, net present values, irr, cash flow, financial ratios, amortization, business plans, balance sheets, and budgets.
Domain Parking Exceltemplatescom Domains Informationen Website Programm Thema Umzug Auktion Domainnamen Finden Inhaber Bewertung Templates
73 usa. sells
usa. sells secondhand clothing in large (1000 lb.) bales, store return toys, stuffed animals, used shoes, and overstock footwear. [english and spanish]
Ropa Trading Windward Used Products Contact Clothing De Boston Call Por Usada Send Group Containers
74 Charles Benway, CPAs Mount Kisco
Mount Kisco CPA firm offering tax return preparation and financial planning services to small businesses. Includes tax forms and newsletter.
75 1stQuote Provides term
Provides term and return of premium life insurance quotes, insurance company information, and an online application.
76 Mountain View Analytics Offering portfolio
Offering portfolio return enhancement tools and services using Tom Covers Universal Portfolio.
77 American Financial and Tax Full-service tax
Full-service tax assistance from basic tax return preparation to full representation for all audits and hearings.
78 Reynolds & Reynolds Electronics Describes products
Describes products, including elevator emergency return and door speed controllers.
Reynolds Electronics Elevator Phase Hydro Request Inc Emergency Single Dc Door Rescue Passenger Articles Print Llc
79 Muhlenkamp Fund Total return
Total return fund with a value orientation.
Fund Muhlenkamp Shale Company Gas Investment Perspective Water Inc Information Events Performance Faqs Natural Calls Forms Holdings Does
80 James F. Miller, CPA Charleston accounting
Charleston accounting firm providing bookkeeping, tax return, and payroll services. Includes financial calculators, newsletter, service descriptions, and company profile.
Calculators Services Miller James Business Planning Financial Returns Savings Retirement Plus Office Investments Finance Banking Dates Loan
81 Dvorkin Investments An alternative
An alternative investment partnership that offers a value oriented portfolio with high return-low risk attributes, investing primarily long in US equity and special situations.
82 LLC Offers software
Offers software to analyze real estate investments and rental property cash flow, profitability, and rate of return. Based in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
83 Steele Martin & Associates, CPA, PLC CPA firm
CPA firm specializing in tax return preparation, small business services, Quickbooks training, eldercare and estate planning. Located in Jackson, Tennessee.
84 Stafford, Gaudet & Associates CPA firm
CPA firm offering audit, review, tax planning, tax return, and consulting services for individuals, businesses, estates, and trusts. Located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
Stafford Gaudet Tax Planning Public Certified Accountants Services Financial Individuals Audit Dgaudet@sgacpacom Review Consulting Estates Associates Llc Financing
85 Flex-funds: The Total Return Utilities Fund Utility sector
Utility sector fund with an explicit non-nuclear screen. United States.
86 Newman Information Systems A set
A set of fixed income analytical tools like bond calculators, bond swap, and total return analysis.
Analysis Bond Systems Swap Newman Nis Mynis Calculators Information Mbs Return Interest Total Rate Giant Services Duration News
87 pharmaceutical credit corp. service which
service which appropriately manages the return of expired and recalled pharmaceutical returns by transforming such inventory into valuable capital.
Pharmaceutical Returns Credit Corporation Contact Related Drugs Started Getting Resources Pharmaceuticals Waste Expired Customer Services Carefree Scheduled Outdated
88 Quantitative Investments Provide quantitative
Provide quantitative investment software which creates stock alphas or equity signals from an expected return factor model.
89 Postmaster Software, Inc. Postal software
Postal software automation for laser forms including registered and certified mail, delivery confirmation, and return receipt.
Certified Mail Software Return Postmaster Form Receipt Electronic Usps Image Forms Plus Web Word Certifiedmail Included
90 SRD Group CRM consultants
CRM consultants helping build clear customer centric strategies, guiding companies through corporate and cultural changes, people and process management issues, and measuring return on investment.
91 Guidance Capital Alternative investment
Alternative investment manager offering hedge fund of funds. The firm offers a variety of products focusing on absolute return as well as long biased equities.
Terrain Blair Statement William Annual Learn Fund Funds Semi Access Strategies Professionals Commentaries Ls Commodity Rules Services Ipsum
92 Diane Cotting A breast
A breast cancer survivor shares her story in the documentary, 'One in Nine', a film about her return to the sport of rowing at the worlds largest regatta, and in speeches that empower survivors and their families. MD.
93 Gardner Energy Management Ltd Manufacture and
Manufacture and market the steam traps that are used for condensate return systems. Applications include chemical and pharmaceutical, food and other process industries as well as hospitals. UK based.
News Releases Energy Gem How Heat Condensate Gem® System Solutions Return Recovery Traps Flu Efficiency Applications Papers Ace® Turn Key Español Laundry
94 Artradis Fund Management An absolute
An absolute return asset management company focused on delivering above average, risk adjusted returns in Asian markets.
95 rtw, inc. provides disability
provides disability management services to employers, designed to lower employers workers compensation costs and return injured employees to work as soon possible. (nasdaq: rtwi).
Company Rtw Inc Claim Insurance Specialty Managed Compensation Contact Care Selectrite® Workers State Absentia Rockhill Return Work Accounts
96 Factory Car Radios Direct Repair on
Repair on all factory stock car stereos and amplifiers. All makes and models. One year warranty and free return shipping on all repairs. Norwell, MA
Repair Car Speedometer Radio Price Quote Instrument Southern Odometer Gears Richmond Cluster Audio Customerservice@southernelectronicscom Cassette Parts
97 transport financial services provides accounting
provides accounting services, tax return preparation, fuel tax reporting, consulting and seminars to the trucking industry. specializes in canadian owner-operators.
Financial Transport Newsmap Use Limited Statement Archive Terms Privacypermanently The Services
98 Ornate Valves Pvt. Ltd. Designs and
Designs and manufactures gate, globe, non-return and fire safe ball valves for the nuclear, petrochemical, offshore, fertiliser, gas, power and oil industries.
99 4X Capital Management LLC Global Macro
Global Macro manager offering absolute return directional strategies in global equities, futures (commodities and financial) and foreign exchange.
Capital Management Privacy Contact Policy Agreement User Thematerial Domestic Username Capitals Passwordcredit Commodities
100 Option Analysis Offers return
Offers return on investment, cash flow and sales proceeds analysis for residential rental income properties, vacation or personal homes.
Cluj De Inchirieri Masini Timisoara Trebuie Inchiriat Analyzetowin Cand Minte Turism Travel Auto Calitate Napoca Sa Clujofera Pune
101 Tax Pros Costa Mesa
Costa Mesa Enrolled Agents specializing in individual, small business, partnership and corporate tax return preparation. Includes service-bureau-supplied newsletter, financial calculators, and tools.
102 DAlessio & Company A CPA
A CPA firm located in Midtown Manhattan specializing in audits of small to mid-sized businesses as well as individual income tax return preparation. Online Tax-Tips and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sections.
Dalessio Pell Tocci Accounting Services Payroll Give Partner Llp Joseph Certified Auditing Profit Managing Associates Areferral Perry Common
103 Certified Payroll Services Payroll processing
Payroll processing and payroll tax return preparation for small businesses.
Payroll Click Services Certified Professionals Canton Office Pay Processing Akron Standard Premier Calendar Tax Pay® Software Needs
104 PTE Services Tax Preparation Vancouver business
Vancouver business offers individual, sole-proprietor and corporate tax return preparation, and probate and estate/trust tax preparation.
105 D. Siegel, CPAs, PC A CPA
A CPA firm in Bayville, New York, offering tax return preparation for businesses, individuals and nonprofits. Includes company information, financial calculators, tax saving ideas and service-bureau-supplied newsletter.
Tax Quickbooks Bayville Cpa Siegel Irs Return Representation Ny Consultant Pc Nonprofit Login Profit Preparation Individual Lattingtown
106 ABT: Accurate Bookkeeping & Tax Service, Inc. Tustin-based Enrolled
Tustin-based Enrolled Agents offering accounts payable, payroll, bank reconciliations, accounts receivable, financial statements and tax return preparation.
Tax Services Inc Bookkeeping Accurate Business Tips Referrals Calculators Appointments Flow Client Care Finance Personal General Work Related Portal Mortgage Rental
107 relens center founded in
founded in 1998. offers a variety of products and you can pick a lens, send them your glasses and they will return your glasses with the new lenses installed, includes contact and ordering information.
108 Microfinance Corporation Provides financial
Provides financial services for customers while providing economic return to investors. Helps small businesses in developing countries to succeed by providing them access to finances and education.
109 Pacific Steam Equipment, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of electric steam boilers for various applications. Provides complete packaged boiler systems including feed and return tanks with automatic blow-down and other customizable configurations.
Equipment Steam Pacific Contact Services Asmerequirements Fax Do Pacific Vesselauthorized Pressure Homepacificâ steam Equipment * Phone
110 Advisors Assistant Client Relationship
Client Relationship Management Software designed for registered reps and financial planners, tracks clients, prospects, investments, insurance, annuities, calendar, contact notes, and investment rates of return.
111 JJ Valve Supplies ANSI
Supplies ANSI 125 and 250 cast-iron gate, globe and check valves. ANSI 250 boiler non-return valves.
112 Stratis Plastic Pallets Plastic pallets
Plastic pallets for work in process and return loop shipping with information on products and sales agencies.
113 Blue Stars For A Safe Return Blue Stars
Blue Stars for your military family members and friends. Available in: Window Diaplay, Stickers and Magnets.
114 Deutsche Bank Absolute Return Strategies Global Hedge
Global Hedge fund manangement business of Deutsche Bank.
115 sea horse sea freight horse transport
horse transport by sea freight in customised containers with professional grooms and new agistment facilities. new zealand - australia return and other destinations.
116 John F Howes, CPA Vancouver CPA
Vancouver CPA providing tax consulting and return preparation services for individuals as well as accounting, taxation and computer consulting services for businesses.
Business Tax Howes John Organizers Taxes Washington State Really Ways Metal Plastic Articles Corp Services Self Employment Profit Form Talking
117 Buracco Robinetterie Industrielle Over a
Over a century providing valves manufactured to customers specifications. Butterfly valves, non-return valves, straight-through valves, actuation.
Parallels Panel Plesk Parallelsreg Parallelsr Page Automation Container Linux Default Products Hosting Server Virtualization Desktop Address
118 Ecos Systems Electronic key
Electronic key management systems and safety deposit units for user-defined release and return of security objects. Access control, time recording, surveillance and availability around the clock.
Elektronische Schlüsselverwaltung Ecos Schließfachanlagen Allgemein Lösungen Schlüsselschränke Sicherheit Erkennung Objektverwaltung Unternehmen Schlüsselverwaltungssysteme Funktion Merkmale Systeme Schlüssel Varianten Sicherheitsunternehmen
119 lake conroe marine full service
full service prop shop for stainless, aluminum and bronze boat propeller repair. nationwide service and delivery with free return shipping from willis, texas.
120 Work & Well, Inc. New Jersey
New Jersey, USA, firm provides national integrated medical leave administration, management and return-to-work services for disabilities, medical leaves, and absences.
Work Fmla Well Medical Smart Leave Disability Expert Case Client Solutions Term Corporate Independent Abuse Savings Metrics
121 Eclectica Asset Management Founded in
Founded in 2005 by two ex-partners of Odey Asset Management. It was established on the premise of performance-driven absolute return investing.
122 Tonello Capital Management Tonello Management
Tonello Management uses no-load, asset allocation strategies, to lower your risk while optimizing your return. Licensed CPA and Certified Financial Planner.
123 Arbor Investment Advisors Offering fee-based
Offering fee-based, strategic asset management, helps to structure investment plans, based on clients risk and return objectives.
124 Indea Capital Pte Ltd A Singapore
A Singapore based investment advisor which run Indea Absolute Return Fund , a hedge fund investing in India and Indian companies globally.
125 Portfolio MCS Software for
Software for portfolio risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation for systematic traders and investors using Tradestation. Generate probability curves of risk and return.
126 Metzner Schneider Associates, Inc. Building customer
Building customer loyalty by helping our clients maximize their return on marketing investment by building and growing profitable customer relationships.
127 Frank J. Parrino Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, CPA firm providing individual, business, estate and trust income tax return preparation, small business accounting services, eldercare and personal financial planning.
128 fab-tech usa. handles
usa. handles used clothing, wiping rags, used shoes, credential clothing, mixed rags, textile remnants, and store return items. includes buy and sell lists.
Fab Tech Homepageclick Group Array Here Z
129 Fab-Tech USA. Handles
USA. Handles used clothing, wiping rags, used shoes, credential clothing, mixed rags, textile remnants, and store return items. Includes buy and sell lists.
130 Service Advantage International Provides customer
Provides customer service assessments, audits, market research, consulting and management services to help clients significantly increase customer loyalty, employee engagement, profitability, and return on investment.
131 Jones & Co. Certified Public
Certified Public Accountants providing personal and corporate accounting services throughout northeast Arkansas. Services include tax return preparation, audits, and business valuation as well as specialized services for financial institutions and construction contractors.
Business Services Company Website Jones Tools Firm Ltd Staff Quickbooks Training Profit Studies Development Events Community Certifiedvaluation Attest
132 Rapid Return Medical Billing A medical
A medical billing agency offering billing services all over the state of Minnesota.
133 Institutional Real Estate, Inc. Publishers of
Publishers of The Letter, Newsline, European Quarterly, Global Quarterly, High Return Quarterly and Surreal Estate. Includes profile, publication, and subscription and sponsor information.
134 Hiratsuka & Schmitt, LLP, A full
A full service firm specializing in auditing, compilation, review and management advisory services, income tax planning and return preparation, financial and estate planning, bookkeeping, payroll, and business consulting services.
135 Napco Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in manufacture of plating systems and related equipment. Includes return type machines, modular lines, plating hoists, tanks, barrels, and waste treatment systems. Product information and photos provided.
Plating Equipment Barrels Parts Barrel Fanta Napco Waste Metal Hoists Treatment Water Gears Udylite Products Door
136 Durcon Manufactures valves
Manufactures valves, automatic recirculation, globe, non-return, gate, check valves, butterfly, knife, tank bottom and sampling, special valves, industrial equipment for boilers, turbines and steam distribution systems, control, process.
Industriais Vaacutelvulas Vice Durconz
137 texcel supplies process
supplies process and industrial controls including pressure, temperature, flow and level switches. flow meters, level measurement, non return valves and pinch valves.
Valves Controls Level Texcel Pinch Monitoring Equipment Where Process Contact Products Water Profile Company Wwwduerholdtde Switch Line
138 Pearl Mutual Funds Offers a
Offers a total return fund and an aggressive growth fund investing primarily in other mutual funds.
139 Absolute Capital investments An alternative
An alternative investment management firm specialising in hedge fund and structured debt products. Their proprietary investment process, is designed to combine non-traditional investment strategies to achieve our absolute return objectives.
140 Learn To Return Training Systems LRT offers
LRT offers aircraft crash survival, escape in hostage situations, wilderness survival, cold weather survival, survival medicine, and executives survival overseas training.
141 electroline manufacturer of
manufacturer of integrated catv service solutions offering broadband addressable tap systems, return path technology solutions, drop amplifiers, rf signal management tools for headends and hub sites, network status monitoring transponders, and passive catv devices.
142 Wylie, Eric - Eric Wylie Productions Voiceover and
Voiceover and production services for small and medium market radio, TV/video, and telephony voice response, any medium. Overnight e-mail return for most 30-second dry reads. Numerous output file types available.
143 Ferrell Capital Management Manager of
Manager of a Multistrategy Fund of Hedge Funds / Absolute Return Strategy. The fund features controlled risk, consistant compounded returns and a low correlation to the S&P500 Index. The firm specializes in risk management.
Management Capital Ferrell Research Risk Greenwich Strategies Growth Team Methodology Privacy Ct Careers Concert Policy Help Fcm
144 Rubicon Capital Advisors, LLC General Partner
General Partner and investment manager for Rubicon Capital Domestic Equity Fund, LP, a classic absolute return long/short US equity hedge fund which employs the systematic trend-following approach to investing.
Best Smart Credit Phones Free Cars Pain Rubiconcapcom Health Migraine Relief Insurance Courses College Report Construction Business
145 European valve producer for HVAC use European constructor
European constructor of brass valves. Iso certified. Specializing in brass ball valves according to all the European and US-standards,bibcocks, airvents, safety valves, non return valves, strainers.
146 AV Camcorder repair
Camcorder repair and digital camcorder repairs on Sony, JVC, Panasonic and all other makes, models and brands. Sony Mavica repair and car amplifier repair, as well as stereo receiver and Sony Cybershot repair. Free return shipping and a six-month written warranty.
147 Carnegie WorldWide Long/Short Long/short fund
Long/short fund whose primary objective is to deliver positive returns every year. The Funds managers will seek to deliver the highest possible return taking into account the primary objective and with the 3-month money market rate as benchmark.
Carnegie Worldwide Asset Management Information Front European Investment Access Longshort Funds Page Portfolio Contact Check Denmark Legal
148 Sigma Fund Sicav funds of hedge funds Luxembourg Sicav
Luxembourg Sicav comprising three absolute return funds of hedge funds: Sigma Fund Universal, Sigma Fund Valencia and Sigma Fund Man. Attractive risk-adjusted returns with low correlation to traditional assets.
Fund Sigma Luxembourg General Information Investment Partners Altex Sicav Policy Contact Kredietrust Funds Kredietbank Column Objectives Empresa

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1 Offering anabolic
Offering anabolic steroids. Shipping and return policy.
Building Body Supplements Club Leading Steroid Growthhormone Join Therapy Discount Productsdietary Steroidsclubcom Net
2 Sporting Advantage Inc. Offering the
Offering the ShootandStar Rebounder, for ball return during practice.
Basketball Shooting Here Rebounder Click Options University Sports Product News Article Strauss Illinois Buy Training
3 Return address
Return address labels with choice of colorful label designs.
Sorryupgraded System Please Z
4 Personalized Santa Letters Correspondence with
Correspondence with a North Pole return address.
5 Supplier of
Supplier of return address labels with university and other types of logos.
Labels Wedding Water Favor Bottled Terrier Weddings Boxes Bottle Round Christmas Spaniel Burlap Address Skylines
6 Dicon Rose Inc. Featuring the
Featuring the 'Rolbak', a ball return net for practicing shots.
7 Phunzone Seller of
Seller of basketball nets, ball return and court marking equipment.
Play Solutions Tots | Child Toddlers Safety Quadro Construction Padding Network Kits Indoor Based Appropriate Roomindexhtml Toy Kiosks
8 Ballback A basketball
A basketball return device that hooks onto your rim and kicks the ball back to the shooter.
Ballback Skin Support Development Inc Wwwballbackcom Welcome Marketing Ballaway Pedestalproduct News Five
9 Elite Design Sports, patriotic
Sports, patriotic, seasonal and custom return address labels.
Labels Custom Magnets Signs Cards Business Stickers Printed Label Wedding Address Printing Digital Magnetic Design
10 Offers a
Offers a blower grate that helps return heat back into the living space.
Policy Fireplace Manual Sizing Privacy Terms Testimonials Services Wwwkcgratecom Calendar Shipping Heat Smaller Return Warranty Store Chimney
11 Dees Elvis Items Trading cards
Trading cards, music, videos, and return address labels.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Maps Machine Sitesreach Wayback Movies Trying User
12 Plattsburgh Spring Towing products
Towing products and related items. Product descriptions and return policies.
Trailer Hitch Accessories Wiring Hitches Cargo Carriers Systems Electrical Kits Covers Wheel Receiver Products Receivers Draw Tite Anti Rattle Management
13 Waters Edge Camping Outlet Retailer of
Retailer of factory authorized return tents from many different manufacturers.
14, LLC Providing nutritional
Providing nutritional products, apparel, and home fitness equipment. Shipping and return policy.
15 Kiddie Prints Offering birth
Offering birth announcements, return labels, thank you cards and a variety of baby gifts.
16 Ecolage A specialty
A specialty nursery and landscape architectural studio. Company profile, shipping and return policies.
17 Ecolage A specialty
A specialty nursery and landscape architectural studio. Company profile, shipping and return policies.
18 LJP Enterprises, Inc. Offering grandfather
Offering grandfather, cuckoo, mantle, and wall clocks. Includes return policy and mailing list.
19 Lights On USA Presents a
Presents a lighting showroom of both indoor and outdoor products. Offers shipping, warranty, and return policies.
Navigationshilfe Ty
20 Unique Products Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of return address, signature, dater and title stamps, corporate and personal embossers and seals.
Stamps Rubber Inking Self Custom Embossers Stamp Date Ink Pre Plus Unique Address Notary Nameplates
21 The Audible Difference High end
High end audio and home theater products. Friendly customer service, and prompt return of communications.
Audio Products High End Contact Philosophy Demos What’s Hand Thor Duevel Nd New Services Texas News Weve Listening
22 IdentiFind Several types
Several types of identification products to return lost people, clothing, provide medical information in case of emergency.
23 K-T Products, Inc. Katapult and
Katapult and Retro-Net basketball return systems used for shooting training for at home use or commercially for high schools and colleges.
Z Basketballplayerscom Y
24 Paw Tracks Barkery Homemade snacks
Homemade snacks in meat or vegetable flavors. Includes storage instructions, guarantee, shipping, and return policy.
25 Amiganien L.L.C. Specializes in
Specializes in espresso machines, cappuccino equipment, and coffee accessories from Europe. Offers specials, a return policy, and shipping information.
Consulting Brand Retail Consectetur Core Contact Distribution Services Introduction Presence Amet Oriented Dolor Ipsum Sit Consumer Amiganien Building Company
26 Marys Music Offers banjos
Offers banjos, mandolins, guitars and accessories. Includes catalog, specials, shipping and return policies and store locations.
Providerfor Contactpleaseerror Page Displayed Cannot
27 RM Kart Racing Offers chassis
Offers chassis, engines, gauges, tires, and safety gear. Includes company background and history, links and return information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
28 Superior Labels Produces
Produces a variety of return address labels.
Labels Address Images Sheet Text Rolls Color Sheets Roll Superior Stamps Return White Monograms Black Rhinos Kwanzaa
29 Little Labels Provider of
Provider of return address labels personalized with your own information.
Labels Address Return Personalized Labels Small Image Lables Color Text Custom Little Black Christmas Testimonials Contacts
30 Taylors Nutrition, LLC Provides sport
Provides sport nutritional supplements including weight loss, meal replacement and performance products. Store locations, shipping and return policy.
Nutrition Price Sports Sale Foods Labs Click Muscle Products Wood Fitness Energy Protein Caps Performance Cake Lemonade Bio Liquid Driver Bottle
31 Rabbit Creek Products Retailer and
Retailer and wholesaler of Gourmet dip mixes, brownies, scones, cookies, and muffins. Includes ship and return information, FAQs, and specials.
Mixes Wine Breads Dips Cheese Ball Desserts Soups Salads Creek Muffins Bread Drinks Fruit Brownies Cooker
32 Kingston Auction Company Specializing in
Specializing in charity, fundraising, and benefit auctions, coaching nonprofits to maximize return on investment with consulting and seminars. Based in New England.
Auction Kathy Kingston Benefit Team Speaking Auctioneer Fundraising How Seminars Auctions Workshop Kathys Audio Videos Services Blog New
33 Information about
Information about cigars and their different types of uses. Online order and return information with rapid repeat for regular customers.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Restricted Client Pleasehost Protection
34 Wyckoff, Tom Resurrection Day.
Resurrection Day. Time traveling raiders from the 23rd Century return to the 1st Century AD to take the body of Jesus from the tomb
Fiction Wyckoff Resurrection Thomas Century Novel Religious Day Einstein Historical Jesus Babylon Lategreat Chaldean Yet
35 1st in Coffee Cappuccino and
Cappuccino and espresso machines, coffee makers, grinders, and coffees are presented. Offers recipes and the return policy.
Coffee Espresso Grinders Categories Makers Machines Featured Jura Machine Capresso Policy Super Saeco Accessories Automatic Bean Semi Musso Sales
36 Americas Stamp Depot Self-inking postal
Self-inking postal, dating, notary, return address and endorsement self-inking stamps are offered.
Listing Directoryerrordirectorydenied Virtual Deniedthis
37 Costumes 4U Costumes for
Costumes for all ages, including infants and adults in plus sizes. Photographs, descriptions, size charts, FAQ, and return policy.
Costumes Halloween Costume Baby Kids Ideas Toddler Adult Adults Decorations Masks Free Wigs Childrens Deluxe
38 Knell, Michael TheForces Of
TheForces Of Grey. Secrets of the past return to haunt Simon, his wife and their child. Occult powers are raised till a finale that is horrifying and unexpected.
Please Error Michael Trapping Knell Httpwwwastabgaycom Httpwwwmichaelknellcom Blackpool Sorryastabgay Whoops Scene Z
39 Litch, Nick The Football
The Football Coach. A comical novel, dealing with the return of international football legend and notorious bully, Harold Goodwood.
Yahoo Geocities Help Internet Popular Copyright Eurosport Finance Sitesmachine Disclaimers Trying Legal Answers
40 Hansen Wholesale Markets ceiling
Markets ceiling fans, home lighting, fireplaces, wood burning stoves, and outdoor grills. Features special offer, return and shipping information.
Ceiling Fans Logs Fan Gas Energy Shop Star Outdoor Lighting Phone Free Fireplace Guarantee Doors Mon Fri Barbeques
41 Bachcroft Labels Provides return
Provides return address labels and mailing labels for everyday use and special occasions.
Labels Mailing Address Label Return Seals Sets Stationery List Stamps Printing Free Wedding Fine Plain
42 Ecolage A specialty
A specialty nursery, garden store, and landscape architectural studio with free shipping. Company profile, online shopping, shipping and return policies, and location.
43 Ecolage A specialty
A specialty nursery, garden store, and landscape architectural studio with free shipping. Company profile, online shopping, shipping and return policies, and location.
44 Auto Care Products, Inc. A variety
A variety of aids and garage care items, including door guards and oil absorbency pads. Product descriptions, ordering and return information.
Park Smart Door Garage Seal Auto Products Guard Clean Care Proseal Mat Parking Inc Wall Tsunami Questions
45 Abacus Furniture Repair Swivel replacements
Swivel replacements for bar stools, kitchen and club chairs, memory return, platform rocker springs, upholstered chair rocker swivels with or without legs.
Chair Swivel Parts Stool Swivels Office Replacement Bar Base Legs Repair Rocker Glides Upholstered Kitchen
46 Air & Water, Inc. Provides air
Provides air conditioners and purifiers as well as heaters, humidifiers, water purifiers, and accessories. Provides a return policy, health statement, and contact details.
Water Air Fans Coolers Contact Free How Orders Improve Returns Safe Number__ Electric Shipping Guides Mon Fri Humidity Hassle Knowing Hours__
47 Adamaunt Diamond Brokers Diamond brokers
Diamond brokers offering a selection of bracelets, rings, earrings and pendants. Information about guarantees and return policies.
Cgi Biny
48 Address Labels 4U Return address
Return address labels with photo or stock design. Also self-inking rubber stamps.
Address Labels Return Stamps Personalized Rubber Photo Labelson Choose Custom Sheets Plain Inking Worldwide Baby Rolls Roll
49 M and K Lock Distributors Lock and
Lock and door hardware distributor serving the residential construction market. Catalog links, ordering, product search, services offered, privacy and return policies and customer comments. Texas, USA.
Shipping Schlage Baldwin Locks Prices Customer Additional Charge Ground Stock Business Hardware Years Terms Conditions Carried Distributorsselling Entrysets
50 Family Labels Cartoon pictures
Cartoon pictures of family or friends on return address labels.
Labels Cards Note Christmas Pads Address Family Gifts Products Stickers Party Gift Holiday Caricature Moving
51 Labels-N-Stamps Dealer of
Dealer of return address labels and self inking rubber stamps.
Temporarily Portpleaseunavailable The Service Apache Unavailable Server

3. Return Recreation

1 No Deposit No Return Soda Bottles Dedicated exclusively
Dedicated exclusively to No Deposit No Return Soda Bottles. With history, images, and some bottles for sale.
Welcome Enter Sponsoredclick Please Z
2 No Deposit No Return Soda Bottles Dedicated exclusively
Dedicated exclusively to No Deposit No Return Soda Bottles. With history, images, and some bottles for sale.
Welcome Enter Sponsoredcloseplease Click
3 Return of the Station Wagon All-wheel-drive and
All-wheel-drive and off-road style combine for the next trend.
Request Nginx_about_z
4 Diabetics World A group
A group principally focused on the need for the return of beef and pork insulins to the US.
Insulin Information Position Canada Humulin Videos Story Lilly Support Symptoms Diabetics Iletin Diabetes Hypoglycemia Crisis Text Align Others Necessity Side
5 USAToday: Lemieux - The Best is Yet to Come Reflections on
Reflections on Lemieuxs performance and playing strategy after his return to the Penguins.
News Sports Usatodaycom Lemieux Privacy Tech Press Weather Hockey Money Life Education Weekly Mail Travel Playoff Wanted Nations Him Successful
6 Pennys Return: Anfernee Hardaway Features results
Features results, pictures, statistics, downloads, and links.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Internetarchives Games Popular Longeravailable Movies Finance News
7 The Dead Mike Homepage An offbeat
An offbeat first person account of a skydiving accident, his recovery and return to the air.
Skydiving Dead Skydive Pictures Mike Page Surgery Games Skydiver Humor Fall Accident Hard Video Convention World Xrays
8 Ice Dancings Proper Revolutionaries Washington Post
Washington Post article on the ice dancers on their return home after the Sarajevo Olympics.
Sport History Gallery Olympics Nagano Countries Front Washingtonpostcom Winter Pair Ice Main Revolutionariesdancings Games
9 List of
List of passing, rushing, receiving, scoring, interception, punting and punt return leaders.
Found Hosting Solutions Changed Unavailable Web Name Looking Temporarily Bluehostcom Might Removed Fileaffordable Been
10 Back to Basics Books, tapes
Books, tapes, and other resources. AA History. Calls itself a return to the original 12 step program.
11 Lemieux, Penguins Announce His Comeback Article about
Article about Mario Lemieuxs return to hockey after retirement in 1997.
12 Bryan Herta Former CART
Former CART driver making a return to the series. Includes career chronology, news and photo gallery.
13 Point Of No Return Involved with
Involved with Pointers for over five years. Breeding for temperament, true Pointer type with correct non-hackney movement. Photos.
Indexhtml Flippacomy
14 Sporting News, The: Elliott should stay on the sidelines. Read this
Read this short piece that advises caution regarding Elliotts return to the NBA after a kidney transplant.
Games News Entertainment Business Terms Celebrities Health Outdoors Music Hints Science Basketball Weather Technology Copyright Lodging Teens Internet Sorry
15 Stumphunters Return Mountain biking
Mountain biking information, routes, play areas and pictures from all around the country but specialising in Norfolk and East Anglia, England.
Web Thanks Untitled Hosting Free Document Internet Close Commerceplease Dont Page Yes Speed
16 Travels With Betty and Sally A month-long
A month-long 1999 trip in a Mustang from Memphis to Palm Springs, with a hop to Hawaii and a return leg through Arizona and Arkansas.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Popularwayback Movies Sites User Finance Maps Visit
17 The Return “Heathcliff” Campaign: Whats Heathcliff? An explanation
An explanation about Heathcliff the orange cat.
Tripod Create Website Login Signup Couldnt Lycoscom Shopping Check Lycos Hostingtripodcom Requested Please
18 District of Baseball A weblog
A weblog devoted to team discussion and the return of professional baseball to Washington, DC.
Nationals Washington Nats Posted Tweetdeck Video Espinosa Werth Blog Strasburg Todd Coffey Rizzo Baseball Zimmerman Eggos
19 ABC News: Sasha Cohen Shocks Herself Article by
Article by Aaron Katersky. 'Cohen would not speculate about a possible return to the Olympics in 2010.'
News Cohen Paris Privacy Attacks Sasha Isis Live Olympics Good World Shocks Herself Hughes Shows Yahoo Abc Interest Based Tech Slutskaya Meissner
20 Lost Dog & Found Dog Postings A free
A free service website devoted to successful and early return of a lost dog to its family.
Tripod Create Page Requested Hosting Couldnt Signup Please Check Website Lycoslogin Shopping Lycoscom
21 No Deposit No Return Soda Bottles Discusses Paper
Discusses Paper Labels to ACL to Embossed bottles. Also links to other bottle sites on the web!
Welcome Enterclick Pleasesponsored
22 No Deposit No Return Soda Bottles Discusses Paper
Discusses Paper Labels to ACL to Embossed bottles. Also links to other bottle sites on the web!
Welcome Entersponsored Please Click Z
23 Moto Discovery Agency provides
Agency provides guided motorcycle tours of Colonial Mexico. Tours start and return from/to Texas.
Motorcycle Cuba Expedition Canyon Motodiscovery Tours Baja Miles Copper Days Travel Training Touratech Bhutan Blogs Blog Jordan
24 Big Creek Lodge and Outfitting Lodge located
Lodge located in the River of No Return wilderness. Information about pack trips and guided hunting available.
Z Request Y
25 Rehab the Crab Dedicated to
Dedicated to the return of the teams mascot, the Crazy Crab. Features history, stories, a petition and images.
Crab Crazy Giants Rehab Shirts Baseball Park Mascot Francisco History San Gear Seal Field Plus
26 Return of The Giblet Knight Photos and
Photos and stories on Giblet.
Giblet Willowbee Knight Page Thefarce@voicenetcom Random Mega Dogs Return Grandpas Strikes Willowbees Mommy Ring
27 Whispering Wind Wildlife Helping injured
Helping injured and orphaned wildlife return to the wild in Western New York state. We also provide educational programs with our Barred Owl
Web Website Build Free Hosting Cards Business Bravenet Tool Builder Tools Services Email Speaking Easy Accept
28 Wilderness Outfitters Offers elk
Offers elk, deer, bear, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat hunts on the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho.
Idaho Hunting Wilderness Outfitters Hunts Trophy Elk Deer Mountain Mule Secluded Trips Trip Sheep Rates
29 CBS Sportsline - Mexican fans hope for blast from Castilla Article about
Article about the 1999 international opener in Mexico when Castilla will return to his home country to play.
Fantasy News Headlines * Stats Rankings Players Scores Odds Teams Standings Projections Ncaa Transactions Sign Schedules Chow Boys Atlanta Helpcom
30 Promises Malibu Our treatment
Our treatment of addictions assists drug addicts and alcoholics come to terms with their addictions and return to a productive life. Located in Mailbu, California.
Promises Malibu Treatment Centers Promisescom Reserved Monica Rights Pacificocean Westside |promises’ Mountains Santa
31 The Center for Reintegration An online
An online resource dedicated to assisting those with schizophrenia and related disorders in their efforts to return to a meaningful life that includes family and friends, independent living and competitive employment.
Reintegration Schizophrenia Mental Disorder Moregtgt Center Awards Bipolar Lilly Jill Illness Depressive Family Living Employment Today Personal Child Alliances
32 Miguels Gentle Horses A 2
A 2 hour ride through an exotic coconut/mango plantation. Return down an undeveloped beach. Have a cold soft drink or beer, included along with round trip transportation.
Mazatlan Horses Island Mexico Mikes Tours Gentle Stone Horseback Tour Day Ride Ship King Mazatlán Special Witness Camaron Golden
33 EFTC - European Federation of Therapeutic Communities Organisation supporting
Organisation supporting the psychopedagogical approach helping drug addicts to return to a drug free life style.
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34 Fantasy Gamez Free fantasy
Free fantasy sports basketball, baseball, football and hockey. Win prizes. Register for several leagues, then return to easily check statistics and change lne-ups.
Fantasy Week Free Sports Preview Football Part Baseball Two Sit East Pitchers Basketball Soccer Starts Games Updates Mlb Leagues
35 - Tenacious Valley Fever Runs Gamut Explore how
Explore how persons are touched by this disease. Visitors return home from the southwest and physicians are challenged to diagnose this disease.
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36 Trinidad to Tahiti - a round trip aboard Windjammers Amazing Grace A 93
A 93 day, 14,500 mile adventure from the Caribbean to Tahiti in the South Pacific and return with ports of call at some of the most exotic places in the world.
They Pitcairn Tahiti Bora Island Then Trinidad Fortogden Grace Capt Bounty Staff Pete Caribbean Christian Port Spain Downs Suggestions Williamson
37 Cascade Adventures Whitewater rafting
Whitewater rafting, kayaking and canoeing trips offered on the 'Wild Salmon.' Six and four day trips float through the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness in the central mountains of Idaho.
Concrete Stamped Ma Decorative Canoeing Contractors Rss Wordpresscom Cascadeadventurescom Kayaking Leave Cancel Walls How Whitewater Choosing
38 Anagram Finder Enter a
Enter a word of at least 3 letters. Then the computer will return anagrams which have the same number of letters as the original word.
Anagram Solver Anagrams Afterimage Hosting Hangman Words Internet Dictionary Sudoku Free Marketing Privacy Tool Finding Crossword Puzzle Matching Simply Use
39 Sea Horse Sea Freight Horse transport
Horse transport by sea freight in customised containers with professional grooms and new agistment facilities. New Zealand - Australia return and other destinations.
Horse Freight Sea Transport Safe Containers Facility Agistment Pacific Freighting Shipping Zealand Professional Seafreight Customer Cost Australia Design
40 Michigan Hand Rehabilitation Centers Specialist providers
Specialist providers of upper extremity and hand rehabilitation services from the acute phase to the successful return to work in five locations.
Here Contact Services Orthotics Hand Survey Resources Industrial Satisfaction Physical Therapysportslocations Division Staff
41 Middle Fork Hunting Outfitters Guided hunts
Guided hunts for elk, mule deer, mountain lion, bighorn sheep, cougar, mountain goat and black bear in the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness in Idaho.
42 Gentle Touch Doula Services in Springfield, IL Professional certified
Professional certified doulas provide both birth and postpartum services. Breastfeeding assistance available. Will work with expectant family prenatally and return home with family after hospitalization.
Doula Doulas Birth Postpartum Labor Touch Gentle Hospital Childbirth Illinois Help Lactation International Springfield Dona Important Care
43 US Coin Values Advisor Advice on
Advice on coin collecting, book reviews, coin rate of return calculator, and illustrated US Mint history also featured. Includes information on long range coin value trends for collectible US coins.
Coin Ms Values Ive Dmpl Trends Value Coins Advertise Predict Advisor Past Price Xf Types Where
44 Silver Spur Outfitters and Lodge. Hunting, fishing
Hunting, fishing, horseback riding, summer pack trips and photography trips plus lodging in No Return Wilderness, the Gospel Hump Wilderness and Nez Perce National Forest. Based in Dixie.
Hunting Idaho Bear Lodge Trips Wilderness Outfitters Elk Hunts Spring Lion Horse Spur Riding Deer Breakfast
45 PetAssage Animal Massage Therapy Animal Massage
Animal Massage Therapy to help injured and abused animals return to normal activities and live a happier life.
Sign Lifestream Everything People Updated Places Policy Now Stream Multiple Insign Reserved Rights Nowon Email
46 C and O Canal Mountain Bike Tour Mountain bike
Mountain bike tour from Georgetown, DC to Cumberland, Maryland includes hotel, shuttle, food, and charter bus return.
Navigationshilfet Y
47 Back To Irelands Dingle Peninsula Travel journal
Travel journal and photos by Lewis and Betty Nolan of their March, 2002 return visit to Irelands rugged Dingle Peninsula.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Hosting Popular Sites Privacy Mapstrying Internet Movies Machine
48 Wild Bird Rescue Volunteer network
Volunteer network of licensed wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, transporters and other interested individuals dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and return to the wild of sick, orphaned and injured birds and small mammals in and around central Maryland.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Sorrytoolbar Terms Finance Sites Guidelines Hosting Popular
49 Scouting Badges by Don Ilott Don will
Don will design badges for Scouting Camps and Events in return for 10 copies of any badge sewn from the design.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Reach User Mailprivacy Inc Visit Archiveorg Toolbar
50 Bay City Bike San Francisco
San Francisco bicycle rentals. Bike the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito/Tiburon and return by ferry or bike Golden Gate Park.
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51 Bedding The Stock There are
There are two goals to eliminate possible stress to barrel, bolt and action and to ensure movement relative to its anchor points on stock is minimized. If the action does not return to the same position on the bedding after ignition it can not be relied upon to shot with consistent precision. or accuracy.
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52 Suite University: Trap-Neuter-Return - Managing Feral Cat Colonies Learn how
Learn how to work with feral cats using “trap-neuter-return”, an innovative approach to population control that involves trapping and neutering all the cats in a colony, then returning them to their territory.
Suitesuitecom Thanks Pagegone Actually
53 New Zealand Walking Company Specialist guided
Specialist guided walking tours. Each holiday is for 6 nights and the price includes return domestic flights, airport transfers at your destination, four days of guided walking, lunches on the walking days, and accommodation.

4. Computer & Return Games Websites

1 E filing, Online Tax return filing Prepare, Print
Prepare, Print and E-file Your Tax Return online.
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2 Return on Information Security Investment Assess your
Assess your companys Return on Information Security Investment
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Terms Please Privacy Domains Aabaco Account Website Customer Blog
3 Interactive Return Provides search
Provides search engine optimization and online marketing services.
Domain Islands Republic Island Price Buy United American Worldwide South Contact Policies Premium Careers Stories Terms Germany Vietnam Maldives Linkedin
4 BrowserHawk4J JavaBean Servlet utility
Servlet utility which will return information about the clients browser.
Browserhawk Information Pricing Here Countryhawk Click Company Load Iq Please Javascript Ordering Products Contact Requested
5 Inc. Offers label
Offers label makers, printers, return address labels and accessories.
Labels Dymo Tapes Rhino Labelwriter Label Makers Mm Letratag Shipping Support Labelmanager Labelcity Rhinopro Seiko
6 Add Me Submission to
Submission to some popular search engines, and a traffic builder. Requires return link.
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Original animated gifs that are free for non-commercial use in return for a courtesy link.
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8 A human
A human managed pay-per-click service that allows advertisers to calculate their return on keyword investment.
9 JacarandaBill BarcodeCD is
BarcodeCD is a free add-on for MS Excel 2000/XP. It will return the check digit of the following barcode types: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, and ITF-14.
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Execute DOS/console commands from within .NET. Returns output, the DOS return code, and completion status. By AS-Pro Software.
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Provides the means for sending out individual worksheets from a workbook to others to complete, securing their return collating the results.
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Real estate investment software for rental property cash flow, rates of return, and profitability analysis.
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Analyzes real estate investments and rental property cash flow, profitability, and rate of return.
Estate Real Software Flow Investment Cash Investing Course Landlords Analysis Analyzer Landlord Lien Complete Management Money
18 LLC Offers software
Offers software to analyze real estate investments and rental property cash flow, profitability, and rate of return.
Estate Real Software Flow Investment Cash Investing Course Landlord Landlords Analysis Analyzer Management Property Order Policy Wholesaling Cd
19 IPCheck Alerts Webmasters
Alerts Webmasters if a Webserver is not working correctly because the web service is down, CGI scripts return errors, or the SQL server is not reachable. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
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20 PT Software Solutions, Inc. Offers a
Offers a program that can assist owners / managers in maximizing the return on their investment as well as provide a substantial amount of timesavings.
21 Functions for complex numbers Return list
Return list of the n nth roots of a complex number.
22 Online Tax Preparation , E filing Prepare, Print
Prepare, Print and E-file Your Tax Return online.
23 Measuring Intranet Return On Investment Describes ways
Describes ways to quantify intranet values and benefits.
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24 HC Sharp 1040 Review Tax planning
Tax planning and compliance review software for CPAs, based on return.
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25 TaxACT Online Offers online
Offers online federal and state tax return software with e-file option.
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Franchise tax forms for Oklahoma. Print and retain information for yearly return.
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Specialising in internet marketing, affiliate programs, email marketing and search engine optimisation.
29 Provides online
Provides online preparation of computation of income, capital account, balance sheet, and income tax return form.
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30 Novell Single Sign-On Site describes
Site describes Novells solution for managing access in a multi-platform environment. Includes a downloadable tool to measure return on investment.
Access Manager Management Voip Secure Identity Securelogin Paper Administrator Learn Users Communications Center Security Unified Now Systems Lesswatch Operationsmanagement Maintain
31 LLC Offers software
Offers software to analyze real estate investments and rental property cash flow, profitability, and rate of return. Based in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Estate Software Real Flow Investment Cash Course Investing Landlord Landlords Analysis Analyzer Management Complete Order Texas Trowbridges Day
32 WhenUShop Provides information
Provides information about shopping sites, including contact information, shipping costs, return policies, coupons, deals, ratings, and security.
33 A cross
A cross between a search engine and an encyclopedia. The results return complete, informative sentences about the search topic. Related topics are suggested.
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34 Resulting The RBM
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35 OSCall OS Command
OS Command line interface utility for Compaq/Intel Visual Fortran with immediate return or wait specified in milliseconds (routine automatically quotes the command string).
Successful Null Command Args Startinfo Fortran Procinfo Startinfo%dwx Unable Prepare Startinfo%dwxsize Sw_hide Successfulprocess Name Visual
36 CFping A utility
A utility that periodically checks the health of a ColdFusion web site. It makes simultaneous calls to an HTML and a CF page and measures the return time difference, thereby eliminating network latency. [Freeware and commercial versions]
37 COMPUSTAT Standard &
Standard & Poors Institutional Market Services. Products: Xpressfeed, Market Insight, S&P500 delivering detailed company information such as corporate actions, indices, total return.
Market Research Data Financials Request Pricing Global Investment Compustat Trial Information Solutions Need Professionals Financial Premium Equity Markets Team Banks
38 WebTrends Corporation Offers enterprise
Offers enterprise solutions to provide advanced real-time analysis and reporting to identify customer trends, maximize return on investment, optimize content and campaigns and forecast revenue for their e-business initiative.
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39 ScanTastik, Inc. Offers on
Offers on line sales of document scanners, document management software and other imaging products. Shown are products offered, return policy and location.
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45 4S4C Aka Simons
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49 SnapMail Peer-to-peer messaging
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50 ADTMag: EII - The return of the virtual data warehouse? Article by
Article by Wayne Eckerson. Like all good information technologies, virtual data warehouses never died. It is now re-emerging under a new guise and with a slightly new mission. Its new name: Enterprise Information Integration (EII).
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51 LeadMaster, Inc. A customizable
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60 Turning COBOL Code Into Gold Dana Gardner
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1 Return to Zork Includes useful
Includes useful information on Return to Zork and walkthroughs, general notes, and what the controls are.
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2 Bill Brown Composer -
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3 Return to Castle Wolfenstein Files Covers daily
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4 Foyleman Soldier of
Soldier of Fortune, Serious Sam, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
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5 IMDb: Return to Zork (1993) Cast and
Cast and crew credits, and user comments.
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6 Gamegate 2k Offers cheats
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7 Frontline Dirty Dozen Plays Return
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8 Return To Castle Wolfenstein Official game
Official game site featuring news, screenshots and downloads.
9 Armchair Empire Review Rated 8.9/10.
Rated 8.9/10. 'Not only is it an intriguing game, its also fun. Its like a good book - one that youll want to return to again and again.'
10 Insert Credit Review by
Review by Brandon Sheffield. 'Do you long for a return to the days when PC Engine was king?' [9/10]
December Archives News Insert Credit July Page Used Feature Tagsadlib Jill Megagames Asia Found The Museum
11 Madmans Return Pairs tournaments
Pairs tournaments on BridgeBase Online. Presents the rules, schedule and results.
12 Return to Nightmare City Encounter outtakes
Encounter outtakes expanding the GURPS Horror/Space adventure Flight 13.
Markann Osmid Research Osmids They Jose Toni Table Gurps Flight Contents Excerpt Goal Roleplayer Horror_ Markannautomaton Driver Judeo Christian
13 Knights of the Avatar Roleplaying guild
Roleplaying guild on the Oceania Shard dedicated to protecting the innocent until the Avatars return.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Gallery Hosting Advisor App Help Local Geocities Central Privacy Blogs Blog Sign
14 Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King EAs official
EAs official site. Includes screenshots, features, video clips and news.
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15 1UP Preview, by
Preview, by Matt Leone: 'Though Insomniac isnt mentioning specifics just yet, the popular online multiplayer from Up Your Arsenal will return as well...'
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16 Low-Spoiler Return to Krondor Complete walkthrough
Complete walkthrough and general game advice, without giving away the plot or puzzle solutions.
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17 Gamespot: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (XBox) Offers cheats
Offers cheats and hints, movies, screenshots, news, and a review.
Gamespot Found Welptakefeel Pressenter Found
18 Cyber Gaming Network Preview by
Preview by Mark Smedinghoff. 'Overall, The Return of the King is shaping up to be one of the best movie-to-game transfers in the making.'
Sale Domainy
19 GameSpy: Warioland 4 (GBA) Review by
Review by Jason DAprile, [88/100]. 'A fine return to the classic gameplay sensibilities of the series, and a must have for all fans of the genre.'
20 Gamespy [86/100] By
[86/100] By Barak Tutterrow. 'Unfortunately, despite all the reasons to return to the world of Rez, it will most likely still feel short, and lacking, as a game.' Includes screen shots.
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21 Bikini Girls With Machine Guns Members, news
Members, news, FAQ, and forum. Plays Unreal Tournament and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
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23 BR Clan Plays Return
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24 Gaming World X By Brendon
By Brendon Hivner. 'The PS2 version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein doesnt come even close to its Xbox and PC brethren.' Includes screenshots. [8/10]
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25 GameSpy [89/100] Review
[89/100] Review by Aaron 'PharCyde' Butler. 'Its not perfect, but Dynamixs fantastic return to the Tribes universe may very well end up the best multiplayer game of 2001.'
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26 GameBrink Review: 'In
Review: 'In Sonic the Hedgehog for Playstation 3 and XBOX 360, what was supposed to be a grand return of a once great hero turns out to be the new low for the series.' [Score: 12 out of 100]
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27 GameBrink Review: 'In
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28 Quandary Review 'I found
'I found Timelapse to be a most enjoyable game. It was quite an anti-climax to finish it and return to the real world.' By Rosemary Young.
29 Jolly Roger To fetch
To fetch keys, find the chest at the ship, and return with it to hiding-place. Features description and pictures of components.
30 Clan of the Bitter Rose Dedicated to
Dedicated to the D&D group of the same name. Focuses on the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, and contains many handouts that can be reused by other dungeon masters running this module.
Letter Map Semaj Kwog Eloen Note Hommlet Magnus Notes Olvgakk Zorn Grunhilda Earth Level Death Moth Eaten Utreshimons Links *
31 Computer Show: Return to Krondor Hints Gameplay hints
Gameplay hints and a detailed walkthrough.
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32 Return To Zork....Again Petition asking
Petition asking Activision to continue making Zork games.
Petition Beenchangeorg Retiredhas
33 Return To Chaos A Windows
A Windows version of 'Dungeon Master' and its sequel 'Chaos Strikes Back.'
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34 Spk Clan Spk Spikage
Spk Spikage newest web site Spk clan is a bani mod for rtcw return to castle wolfenstien
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35 Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Review Review and
Review and credits.
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36 Digitally Challenged Playing Call
Playing Call of Duty:United Offensive and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Includes server information, news, forums, downloads and tips.
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37 GamesFirst! [3/5] Review
[3/5] Review with small screen shots and system requirements by Matt Blackburn. 'But M&M is a full price game with a stellar reputation, and for that I expect a much better return on my investment.'
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38 Online Gamers Guild Dealing with
Dealing with Return to Castle Wolfenstein in Southern California. Searchable player and clan lists as well as downloads and game servers. Free registration.
39 VSK Gaming Servers Online gaming
Online gaming server provider hosting games such Unreal Tournament, Counterstrike, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Renegade.
40 DR Gorbesh Discussion about
Discussion about the possible return of the Gorbesh and Wren.
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41 The Armchair Empire Preview, by
Preview, by Mr. Nash: 'Although we’re seeing the return of a number of golden oldies in the world of puzzle games, Capcom plans to upgrade them a bit, adding new game modes to freshen up the experience.'
42 The Armchair Empire Preview, by
Preview, by Mr. Nash: 'Although we’re seeing the return of a number of golden oldies in the world of puzzle games, Capcom plans to upgrade them a bit, adding new game modes to freshen up the experience.'
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43 Devil Stomper Battalion Plays Battlefield
Plays Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 2, Counter-Strike, Medal of Honor, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, World of Warcraft. Features Forum, Roster, and Links.
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44 All Game Guide: Mortal Kombat Advance Reviewed by
Reviewed by Skyler Miller, [2/5]. 'Doesn’t feel like the return of a classic game so much as a poorly executed retread of a tired one.'
Game Allgame Allmovie Sidereel Portservermoved Apache Permanently The Allmusic
45 Quandary Review 'It was
'It was good to return to this sort of adventure where there are lots of things to do and plenty of clues to follow and one or two red herrings thrown in for good measure.' By Gordon Aplin.
46 Yamara Get the
Get the Yamara Book! Yamara Comics Online. The Lost Episodes Return! Warchief: The Alumnus Archive is back!
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47 Game Star Division Online gaming
Online gaming group. Games represented include Return to Wolfenstein Castle, Armada II and Endless Ages. Members have access to forums, private chats, and tournaments.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help App Local Hosting Gallery Advisor Geocities Shut Network Domains Finance Please
48 The Laser Review with
Review with screen shots. 'Every element in Return to Castle Wolfenstein shows smart design and implementation, and these highly-polished parts add up to create an outstanding title that truly showcases the power of the Xbox console.'
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49 GameSpy: Double Dragon Advance Review by
Review by Benjamin Turner, [4/5]. 'The twin dragons return to rescue Marion in a strange GBA package that is half port, half remake, and pretty much all quality. Come get your fight on.'
Found Keymessage Nosuchkey Hostidcuxqlhvpnkzaurpovvuvkcbopigtcgaogzvtdvfnxa+swkuwgxgshn Code Requestid Z
50 Slot Charts Tracks and
Tracks and ranks online progressive jackpots by comparing each jackpot to its historic high. Also includes return percentages for progressive video poker games. (Not viewable in the United States)
51 Wolfenstein 3D Archive Levels, cheat
Levels, cheat codes, information, and pictures for the Macintosh and PC versions. Also includes information about Spear of Destiny and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Wolfenstein Mods Maps Shots Spear Screen Levels Codes Destiny Weapons Enemies Story Castle Macintosh Return Manual
52 Unknown Planet To reach
To reach the key counters as fast as possible wioth your expedition. When you have found two identical keys, you have to return to an optional starting square as soon as possible and point out two identical key counters.
53 Homecoming : All Dwarven PBeM Using D20
Using D20 rules, a small party of Khazad return to their ancestral home - ostensibly to search for an ancient weapon, but the band is truely interested in exploring and -- if possible -- reclaiming their ancestral home.
History Rules Welcome Tsr Main Archives Contact Close Thanks Grimbroar Homecoming Page Roster Sign Pbemhomecoming Updated
54 Calhoun, USS The USS
The USS Calhoun, NX-78546, is a Sovereign Class starship. Launched in the year 2390, the USS Calhoun is a deep-space exploration vessel. It is the first vessel to visit the Delta Quadrant since Voyagers return some 13 years ago.
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55 Game Nation 'Its the
'Its the antics of Daxter rather than the challenge of jumping and climbing the environment that draws me to want to return to it I?m sure for many experienced players it will be the same. Younger players (those with only a passing acquaintance with Crash, Banjo, Spyro and friends) will love it and more than likely drive their parents crazy with the games hyper assault of jump and punch effects.' Preview by Kristopher Abel.
Game Review * Nation Pern Microsoft Spear Gameboy Feed * Gamenationtvmenurogue Dragon Chronicles Nintendos Review
56 Expat binding for LambdaMOO Server A binding
A binding of expat to the LambdaMOO Server. It provides two new functions which accept an XML document in a string, parse it using expat, and return a LIST data structure representing the parsed XML.
57 USS Scorpion Comprised of
Comprised of survivors from the destroyed USS Tornado (Akira-class) and the USS Talon (Defiant-class), they are doing their best to help the Maquis Alliance return the Alpha Quadrant to what it used to be before the Federations civil war tore it apart. Incorporating technology they brought with them from their own universe, they have the most powerful starship in the Alpha Quadrant - the USS Scorpion. Together, the Scorpion and the Talon will bring fear to the heart of the Federation!
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5. Sports Websites concerning Return

1 USAToday: Lemieux - The Best is Yet to Come Reflections on
Reflections on Lemieuxs performance and playing strategy after his return to the Penguins.
News Usatodaycom Sports Lemieux Life Privacy Hockey Money Press Weather Tech Mobile Internships Media Leno Been Appear Gannett Transactions
2 Pennys Return: Anfernee Hardaway Features results
Features results, pictures, statistics, downloads, and links.
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3 Ice Dancings Proper Revolutionaries Washington Post
Washington Post article on the ice dancers on their return home after the Sarajevo Olympics.
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4 List of
List of passing, rushing, receiving, scoring, interception, punting and punt return leaders.
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5 Lemieux, Penguins Announce His Comeback Article about
Article about Mario Lemieuxs return to hockey after retirement in 1997.
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6 Bryan Herta Former CART
Former CART driver making a return to the series. Includes career chronology, news and photo gallery.
7 Sporting News, The: Elliott should stay on the sidelines. Read this
Read this short piece that advises caution regarding Elliotts return to the NBA after a kidney transplant.
| Findarticlescom Cbsiy
8 Stumphunters Return Mountain biking
Mountain biking information, routes, play areas and pictures from all around the country but specialising in Norfolk and East Anglia, England.
Thanks Untitled Document Sign Close Please Dont Yesz Welcome
9 District of Baseball A weblog
A weblog devoted to team discussion and the return of professional baseball to Washington, DC.
Nationals Washington Nats Posted Tweetdeck Video Espinosa Werth Coffey Blog Strasburg Todd Web Baseball Zimmerman Rizzo Americas Desmond Above
10 ABC News: Sasha Cohen Shocks Herself Article by
Article by Aaron Katersky. 'Cohen would not speculate about a possible return to the Olympics in 2010.'
Cohen News Privacy Sasha Shocks Hughes Herself World Good Live Olympics Policy City Clinton Francisco Yahoo Abc Interest Based Teen
11 Rehab the Crab Dedicated to
Dedicated to the return of the teams mascot, the Crazy Crab. Features history, stories, a petition and images.
12 CBS Sportsline - Mexican fans hope for blast from Castilla Article about
Article about the 1999 international opener in Mexico when Castilla will return to his home country to play.
Now Visty
13 Miguels Gentle Horses A 2
A 2 hour ride through an exotic coconut/mango plantation. Return down an undeveloped beach. Have a cold soft drink or beer, included along with round trip transportation.
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Free fantasy sports basketball, baseball, football and hockey. Win prizes. Register for several leagues, then return to easily check statistics and change lne-ups.
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Horse transport by sea freight in customised containers with professional grooms and new agistment facilities. New Zealand - Australia return and other destinations.
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16 C and O Canal Mountain Bike Tour Mountain bike
Mountain bike tour from Georgetown, DC to Cumberland, Maryland includes hotel, shuttle, food, and charter bus return.
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17 Bay City Bike San Francisco
San Francisco bicycle rentals. Bike the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito/Tiburon and return by ferry or bike Golden Gate Park.
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6. Society, Arts and Return Crafts

1 The Ideal Academic Library as Envisioned through Nietzsches Vision of the Eternal Return Examines the
Examines the ways that the concept of the eternal return as postulated by Nietzsche can be applied to academic libraries.
Literacy Information Library Blog Academic Justice Libraries Schools American Through Ethic Reference Confusion Land News Return Dragons Content Caesar
2 MSB Academy: Taoism The natural
The natural is the essence of all that must be known, and the place where all must return.
3 Mendertom: Certain Return Emphasizing Bible
Emphasizing Bible prophecy, and healthy lifestyle changes.
4 Email From God A message
A message purporting human descendence from aliens, and their return.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Advisor Hosting Gallery Help App Local Network Screen Found Also Developer
5 Will You Return to This World After Death? A Sufi
A Sufi contention against the New Age belief in reincarnation.
Looking Seo Exist Page Moda Bulma Bilgi Sorry Sayfa Kaçağı Doessignup Copyright Trendleri Blog
6 Return of the Virgin A mothers
A mothers words to her daughter about relationships, sex, spirituality, and the meaning of life.
They God Martha Danny Love Once Dont Thats Kundalini Jesus Children Nature Shy Pattern Woman Source Pleasure Staying Presence
7 Astrology by Nancy Provides natal
Provides natal, compatibility, karmic insight and solar return charts.
8 washington struggles to return to normal names of
names of dead at pentagon starting to be released.
News Dc Washington Policy Terms Post World Islamic Business Paris Politics National Sports Photos Opinions Year Old Anti Muslim Small Town Duke Paper Express
9 Ning and Nadler Two high
Two high school students offer possible prizes in return for donations.
Ning Page Nadler Prizes Fame Background Donate Week Here Money Pictures Faq Dont Thanks Welcome
10 Smyrna Chapel Gospel Truth Studies about
Studies about the last days before the return of Jesus Christ.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Movies Trying Archiveorg Visit Wayback Archives Finance Reach Privacy
11 Never To Return (Sharon Janis) A rare
A rare glimpse into a modern-day quest for eternal truth.
Z Request Y
12 Alien Religion Instructions from
Instructions from the aliens about living a non-religious life and preparing for their return.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Local Hosting Gallery App Help Advisor Shut Privacy
13 The Return of Jesus Day of
Day of the Lord, Second Coming, Rapture, Tribulation Period, restrainer, and articles on other subjects.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Customer Please Domains Website Help Web Terms Solutions Gojanecom
14 Patriarch Devoted to
Devoted to bring about a return to patriarchy, leadership by strong, godly men in every sphere of life.
Private Patriarch Equity Capital Venture Rsaquo Holdings Privateequity Patriarchcom Touch Policy Idea Terms Deal Privacy
15 Winiecki, Kenneth B., Jr. Personal information
Personal information, return link processor technical documentation, research, and links.
Paper Presentation Thesis Abstract Masters Conference Document Hardware Nasa Programming Configuration Definition Spadderdock Hosting Winiecki Quick Reference Spatterdock Shopping Program Spring
16 Return of the Living Dead Interview with
Interview with Audio Adrenaline written by Brian Quincy Newcomb of CCM Magazine.
Error Requesty
17 Bread Upon The Waters Ministry Imminent return
Imminent return of Christ, Babel rising, Great Tribulation, and how to be ready.
Ready Jesus Bible Short Version Been Never Important Message Christ Really Church Bread Hear Passages Directions Christian Look Coming
18 Grants Legacy Discussion of
Discussion of the LDS Church in Japan. Native Japanese, and return missionaries are welcome. Discussions are in English.
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19 Grants Legacy Discussion of
Discussion of the LDS Church in Japan. Native Japanese, and return missionaries are welcome. Discussions are in English.
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20 Again Magazine A quarterly
A quarterly by Conciliar Press. It bills itself as 'A call for the people of God to return to their roots in historic Orthodoxy once . . . AGAIN.'
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respectful, considerate pick up, cremation and return (if requested) of pets and livestock. las vegas area.
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plays and musicals return to the stage less than three miles from world trade center remains.
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23 Derrek: New Testament Ekklesia An article
An article debunking modern church practices with a call to return to the teachings of Jesus.
Owner Pleasefrozensorry This Contact Frozenwere
24 new scares and transit snags hamper citys return to normal new york
new york tried to move toward some semblance of normality, but too often it seemed to fail.
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25 tyco sues former director, seeks return of $20m 'demanding $20m
'demanding $20m, troubled conglomerate goes after former board member who helped land cit.' [cnn money]
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includes faq on zionist statements, maps, pictures, statistics and narratives about palestines history, refugees and the right of return.
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27 Mother Jones 400 U.S. elected
U.S. elected officials got a record $696 million in 2000. Mojo reveals the nations top 400 contributors and what they expect in return.
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28 Earthchange-bulletins An email
An email group tightly focused upon the Cayce earthchanges predictions, as interpreted by the author of 'Return of the Phoenix'.
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29 Christian Dilemma Defined, Rapture
Defined, Rapture, timing, paradox, visible return, seven year tribulation period, explanations, and verses.
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30 return of the hidden persuaders - part three salon media
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33 Return of the Nephilim News, signs
News, signs of the times, 70th Week of Daniel, Anti-Christ, Babylon, Second Coming, and general issues.
34 former president offers moral support bill clinton
bill clinton ended his visit to australia on wednesday and said he planned to return to the united states as soon as possible.
35 americas christian heritage recounts god-inspired
recounts god-inspired words and events from american history and advocates a return to biblical morals and politics.
36 Merlyns Grove Mandate is
Mandate is to return as closely as possible to the Old Ways. Publishing a quarterly magazine called Matrix. Located in British Columbia, Canada.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Popularsites Maps User Movies Longeravailable Sports Privacy
37 BioMed Central A peer-reviewed
A peer-reviewed research paper on the return to fertility after extended chemical castration with a GnRH antagonist, including references.
Gnrh Abstract Pubmed Cancer Figure Kostanski Deluca Fertility Text Lhrh University Dani Return Full Bmc Pre Publication Gonadotropin Releasing Cancer_ Evaluation Carr Nagy Study
38 russian hacker charges dropped 'dmitri sklyarov
'dmitri sklyarov has traded his testimony for his freedom to return home, exactly what the man he will soon be testifying against had hoped for.' by michelle delio. [wired]
Sklyarov Contact Faq Russian Hacker Law Privacy Wired Cajoles Boss Center Sigh Policy Advertising Charges Rss Digest Reddit Unable Statement Subscription
39 Maschil Seeks to
Seeks to give an understanding of the deep things of Gods Word and prepare the believer for the return of Christ by providing many articles on Christian themes.
Jesus Spirit Kingdom Gods Christ Holy God Last Of Berean Grace Maschil End Praying Word Anti Coming Salvation Nine
40 World news
World news and Bible prophecy articles on the Rapture, Armageddon, Israel, End Times, Return of Christ, Great Tribulation, and the Book of Revelation.
41 Christ is Coming! Christadelphians believe
Christadelphians believe that Christ will return to earth. This explains why. From the Christadelphian booklet of the same name.
Portapache Server Permanently Thenavigationshilfe
42 Divine News Network Christian perspective
Christian perspective news as well as articles on the signs of Jesus return.
Matt Christian Prophecy Ministry Jesus Obed Catholic Pet Spirit Sabbath Churches Rev Beast Supporting Isa Age Probation Spiritual Second
43 AstroWork Advice on
Advice on understanding your natal chart and solar return chart as planning and decision tools.
Services Hypermart Programs Login Referral Contact Hosting Terms Privacy Products Existing Customer Passwordwebmail Members Unavailable Directly Y
44 Goddess Pages To celebrate
To celebrate the return of the Goddess in all her names in the new millennium.
Goddess Avalon Pages Lady British Temple Priestess Charles Mysteries Crone Imbolc Ancient Spiral Keridwen Interests Avebury
45 Will the Rebbe Return? Berger on
Berger on the Rebbe as Moshiach. By Moment Magazine
Jewish Moment David Israel Israeli Rabbi Contest Michael Magazine American John Robert Richard Jews House White Ben Ami Karma Hilton Mike
46 The Avatar of Synthesis Information regarding
Information regarding the return of the great Avatar, and how to prepare.
Navigationshilfet Y
47 Pirylis Distributors Supplying fund
Supplying fund raising candy for little leagues, youth sports, schools, churches and other organizations. Low prices, no minimums, and liberal return policy.
Sabrett York Fundraising Flavor Delivered Pastrami Fundraiser Dogs Wide Distributors Concession Depot Products Pirylis Mike Locally Style Hotdogs Build
48 Interstellar Anthropology 101 It is
It is his contention that people are being studied on a consistent basis by other species and that people should, in kind, return the favor.
Navigationshilfet Y
49 Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy Legend says
Legend says that if you toss a coin into the fountain over your shoulder, you will one day return to the eternal city.
Permanently The Y
50 Return to India Information for
Information for people thinking of returning to India. Links for rules and regulations on transfer of residence.
51 Che In The Congo: `A Return To Our Internationalist Roots Translation of
Translation of a Trabajadores article reflecting on the 1965 effort in now-Democratic Republic of Congo.
Militant Return Roots Socialist Congo `a Front Page Newspaper Internationalist Cheversion Text
52 Vietnam Dog Tags Effort to
Effort to return lost dog tags to rightful owners. Includes list of names and claim form.
53 tough decisions - what if you want to put your kids in school? a look
a look at questions parents may face if they feel burnt out and are considering a return to the public school system.
Request Nginx_about_z
54 village of walden police department this site
this site includes not only informational items, but also forms for the public and business to complete and return. there is a most wanted page with an up to date warrants list.
55 Lifepath Astrology Offers natal
Offers natal, progression, transit, relocation, solar return, partner comparison and career chart interpretations. Also, shaman healing journey and soul recovery.
56 death and back brief accounts
brief accounts of those who have died, seen the savior, visited the spirit world, and then were permitted to return with a special mission or message. most of the material, though, deals with mormon-based spiritual experiences, apart from the nde.
57 freelou united states
united states citizen was tortured and sentenced to two years in jail by a qatari court under the influence of its ruler. lous family and friends are seeking to free him and return him home.
Navigationshilfe Ty
58 Return to Korea Modern photographs
Modern photographs of Korean War battle sites, museum exhibits, tourist attractions, and information on the June 1953 battle at Boomerang.
Korean Museums Contact Europe Email Panmunjom Britain Return Boomerang Vehicles Revolutionary Battlefields Korea Fighting Sights Triangle Battles Thelittle Force
59 His Highest Praise Kailua Kailua, Hawaii.
Kailua, Hawaii. Pentecostal Christian church whose directive is to proclaim the truth of Jesus, live it, and prepare others for the Lords return.
Navigationshilfe Ty
60 The Kingdom of TorHavn Declared the
Declared the worlds first 'Green' country, its government is based on environmental conservation and sustainability, and seeks to return to the chivalry, grace and pageantry of the legendary monarchies of the medieval period.
Bureau Torhavn Of Duchy Security Bahoudii Ministry Defense Here Office Nation Monarchy State Contact Honour Policy Education
61 The Kingdom of TorHavn Declared the
Declared the worlds first 'Green' country, its government is based on environmental conservation and sustainability, and seeks to return to the chivalry, grace and pageantry of the legendary monarchies of the medieval period.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Local Advisor Help Gallery App Website Central Map Shut Browser Support
62 The Kingdom of TorHavn Declared the
Declared the worlds first 'Green' country, its government is based on environmental conservation and sustainability, and seeks to return to the chivalry, grace and pageantry of the legendary monarchies of the medieval period.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Advisor Local Hosting Gallery Help App Domains Website Games Travel Support Celebrity
63 The Kingdom of TorHavn Declared the
Declared the worlds first 'Green' country, its government is based on environmental conservation and sustainability, and seeks to return to the chivalry, grace and pageantry of the legendary monarchies of the medieval period.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help Hosting Gallery App Local Advisor Terms Has Policy Ads Screen
64 Private Confession in the Lutheran Church Examines the
Examines the retention of the rite or sacrament by the 16th century reformers, doctrinal foundations, and gradual fall into disuse. Also encourages its return to full practice.
Navigationshilfet Y
65 Find Stolen Art Database aiming
Database aiming to assist UK police in the recovery and return of stolen antiques and to enable auction houses, collectors and dealers to exercise due diligence.
Stolen Antiques Art Th Press Releases Police Lost Findstolenartcom Articles English Century Costumes Scent Nouveau Arms
66 Find Stolen Art Database aiming
Database aiming to assist UK police in the recovery and return of stolen antiques and to enable auction houses, collectors and dealers to exercise due diligence.
Stolen Antiques Th Press Art Police Releases Articles Lost Findstolenartcom Kingdom Manuscripts Mantles Picture English
67 Philippines Bacolod Mission Information about
Information about mission, and language, including a list of return missionaries from the mission.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Help App Hosting Gallery Local Advisor Sell Geocities Overview Screen Finance Flickr
68 Psychotic Men Slayers Xbox live
Xbox live girl gamers clan. Playing: Rainbow Six 3, Counter Strike, Splinter Cell: Pandoras Tomorrow, Unreal Championship, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Halo2.
Pms Game Ho Community Clan Pandoras Runneth Xbox Hope Gamers Drewuniverse Gaming Girl News Team Co General Contact Starcraft Dead
69 Across the Rainbow Bridge Bible studies
Bible studies dealing with the return of Jesus Christ and other helpful topics. Also has links to Christian graphics and MIDI files. Plays MIDI without asking, and no way to turn it off.
Bible Christ Version Satan Bridge Rainbow Word Jesus Translation Books Ministries King Testament Strongs Messiah Study Antichrist Link
70 Wisdom For Living Essays and
Essays and observations on Christian living and the decisions involved in a moral and ethical life and call for a return to morality in living.
Page Marseilles Here Outdated Webs Foundwisdomthis Gregs Requested Might Typingerror Road Clickcould Exist
71 The Star Archive Browse archive
Browse archive or use the search engine to obtain celebrity addresses and contact information. Examples of autographs received and success rate of return responses is discussed.
Celebrity Join Addresses Now Collection Startiger Welcome Autographs Member Login Contact [more] Autograph Management Statistics Pages
72 Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din (1263-1328) Biography and
Biography and ideas of the philosopher whose ideas on the causes of the weakness of the Muslim nations and on the need to return to the Quran and sunna (practices) are seminal for modern revival movements.
Taymiyya Islam Islamic God Quran Sufis Sufi Ibn Muslim Al Gods Philosophy Sina Mystical Ibntaymiyya Arabi Din
73 Beckham Family History Research exchange
Research exchange, search performed in return for contribution. Includes births, marriages, deaths, wills, book titles and newspaper cuttings in the UK and USA. Maintained by Tom L Beckham.
74 SureCells Fundraising Fundraising with
Fundraising with high quality alkaline batteries. Custom packed to provide a high return.
75 Fish Eaters Catholicism 101
Catholicism 101 and explanations of the truth of Catholicism for non-Catholics. Challenges the modernist neo-Catholics to return to tradition.
Catholic Catholicism Forum Church Traditional Mass Catholics Fish Eaters Discussion Go Fisheaters Offsite Latin Advertise Priests Instructions Sunday
76 Cmon Back to the Roman Catholic Church A gentle
A gentle invitation to return, for those who have become distanced from the Catholic Church.
ドラム演奏者に最適なスタジオばりの防音工事をしよう 防音 遮断に有効な工事 Cmonbackcom 音がうるさい楽器 Themes ドラムを楽しむ環境を作る Posted Author Generic Laquo Copyrightjun Wp
77 The Return to Magonia Project An international
An international group of researchers compiling pre-1947 historical accounts of anomalous aerial phenomena. Presently contains over 3,000 accounts of such phenomena.
Free Magonia Hosting Website Objects Fort Submission Ball Magoniaxwebcustomerscom Unidentified Project Anomaly Ufo Php Life
78 cobra missing children network how to
how to find, search for, and return kidnapped, runaway and missing children. founded in 1979. chartered by the state of ohio.
79 mcdonald, brown, fagen & flanders practicing in
practicing in the areas of real estate law, income tax law and tax return preparation, estate planning, probate, estate, and trust administration, business and commercial law, and family law.
80 mcdonald, brown, fagen & flanders practicing in
practicing in the areas of real estate law, income tax law and tax return preparation, estate planning, probate, estate, and trust administration, business and commercial law, and family law.
Navigationshilfet Y
81 Vatican Bank Claims News about
News about class action lawsuit on behalf of Serb, Jewish, and Roma Holocaust survivors seeking return of gold from the Vatican Bank
82 Route Napoléon Themed around
Themed around the road followed by Napoleon on his return from Elba in 1815. Tourist information about the towns on the route together with Napoleon biography, pictures and maps. Text in French and English.
Napoléon Activités Route Alpes Brochures Provence Page Accueil Grasse Lanern Côte Partenaires Cours Courriel Trouvéelademandée
83 schmidt & horen denver estate
denver estate planning lawyers specializing in elder law, estate administration, medicaid planning, guardianships and conservatorships, fiduciary income tax return and accounting cases.
84 new colonist for city
for city dwellers committed to urban life and for others who are preparing to return to the metropolis. includes articles and essays, history, analysis, and city guide information. emphasis on sustainable urban development.
City Portland Angeles How Walk Blog Pittsburgh York Real Estate Places Museum Law Investing Instead Sadik Khan Multi Modal Contribute Images Loans Spirit Neighborhoods
85 Quick Return Tags Authentic military
Authentic military ID dog tags for fund raising. Patriotic dog tags are personal, multi-purpose and safe. Requires no door to door selling.
86 peacepalestine an italian
an italian perspective on the israeli-palestinian conflict. 'i believe that the palestinian people have the right to return to their homeland, and that israel, in order to truly be a land that can call itself a democracy, has to abandon its character as a jewish state, and become a state for all, from the jordan to the mediterranean.'
Atzmon Israel Gilad Blog Israeli Palestinian Palestine Gaza Palestinians Peace Interview Italian Against Iraq Arab Anti Semitism Al Awda Ben Dor Fair Th Of
87 Restored to Glory Dance Ministry Dance ministry
Dance ministry led by Ann Stevenson whose purpose is the orderly return of dance to the church. Site offers video clips, books and a tour schedule.
Dance Glory Restored Restored Glorys Annual Anns Book Designed Tickets Outabout Sure Door Susan Past
88 Restoration Plea Devoted to
Devoted to the Restoration Movement to return the church to the New Testament. Christian Church and Church of Christ.
Restorationpleacom Wordpress Bible Raymond Bennett Side Christ Grenada Immersion Mission Church Family Ziegler Acts Kevin Charts Pardon
89 The Sword of the Lord Foundation An Independent
An Independent Christian Publication. Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ, Opposing Modernism, Worldliness and Formalism.
Sword Lord Visit Christian Design Shop Ministries Welcome Subscribe Contact Dr Newspaper Editor Free Baptist Shelton Smiths
90 palestine remembered 'the home
'the home of all ethnically cleansed palestinians.' historical maps, home pages of destroyed towns. refugees, right of return and zionism faqs. palestine history and population, poems, intel, tantura massacre.
Al Bayt Khirbat Dayr Kafr Kh Rc History Satellite Oral Pictures City Israeli Settlements Umm Shaykh
91 - U.S., China agree on spy plane return The White
The White House has confirmed an agreement in principle with China to dismantle the crippled EP-3 surveillance plane, load the parts in a transport plane and fly it back to the United States.
92 Bosnian Support Fund UK-based non-profit
UK-based non-profit providing help to families diplaced by the war in Bosnia who want to return to their homes and rebuild their lives. The group offers support, advice and practical financial assistance on an individual basis to more than seventy families.
Create Tripod Shopping Login Signup Lycos Couldnt Website Lycoscom Requested Please Checktripodcom Page
93 Chrissy & Kevs Biker Pages A site
A site for motorcycle enthusiasts in Shropshire, England aimed at people that decide to return to bike riding. Highlights whats on in the area, learning resources, pictures, links, and some personal experiences including a Moto Guzzi restoration project.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce App Advisor Gallery Hosting Local Help Geocities Terms Finance Domains
94 50th Anniversary of D-Day Photo gallery
Photo gallery of the return of veterans to Normandy, France for the 50th Anniversary of D-Day in June 1994. Includes pages on the Atlantic Wall and tributes to D-Day veterans.
Rangers Day Normandy Anniversary Du Pointe Hoc Wwii Th Beach Grandcamp Ii World Omaha Army Veterans Beaches
95 - Public outrage rules out spy plane return China has
China has told the U.S. that public outrage prohibits it from allowing a damaged U.S. Navy spy plane to fly home.
96 Pack Contributions: Tobacco lobbyists do a smokin business with politicians Recent reports
Recent reports identify Philip Morris as the single largest contributor to politicians. A report on Colorado politicians whove taken money, and what Big Tobacco has gotten in return.
Best Reviews Denver Article Film Sign Marijuana Concert Calendar Food Longform Music Found Promotions Zombie Lounges Profiles Arts
97 Views of the Prophecies and Prophetic Chronology, Selected from Manuscripts of William Miller with a Memoir of His Life, by Joshua V. Himes This work
This work is a collection of lectures and letters written by Mr. Miller, published in 1841. He fights against the unscriptural doctrine of 'peace and safety,' the 'spiritual millennium,' and 'return of the Jews'.
Rev Isa God Miller Christ Bible Dan Ezek Jer Jesus Millers Matt Chronology John Lord
98 parental kidnapping recovery a recovery
a recovery service for parental kidnapping victims, working with to effectively return your child to you.
99 U.S. judge grants asylum to German Scientologist A federal
A federal immigration-court judge has granted asylum to a German member of the Church of Scientology who claimed that she would be subjected to religious persecution had she been required to return to her homeland. [New York Times]
Navigationshilfe Apacheopenssleserverpermanently The Php Port Dav
100 Old Catholic Mission to UK Assists former
Assists former Roman Catholic priests who have left their ministry to return to the catholic ministry in the Old Catholic Church. Also encourages vocations to the Old catholic ministry, both from the UK, Ireland and world wide.
Mission Francis Church Holy They Deacons English Spirit Mass Under Catholic Priests Believe Celebrate Member Unbroken Candidate
101 The Rough Riders Return Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders were coming home. Flushed with victory over the Spaniards in Cuba and threatened with diseases and fevers that were decimating its ranks, the Fifth Army Corps fled the malaria, dysentery and yellow fever of the southern climates for the breezy beaches of eastern Long Island.
Newsday News Cars Videos Homes Terms Subscribe Entertainment Page Please Long Join Business Island Sports Scores Address Internet
102 phillips, avalon marie boggio avalon marie
avalon marie boggio phillips was abducted on april 20, 2000. help in return her to her family and friends in alexandria, va, usa.
Wilderness First Student Injuries Resources Council Course Dates Print Classes Registration Safety Contact Asthma De Tissue
103 Christ Church Anglican Church, St Ives This large
This large church located on Sydneys north shore has a mission to know God through Jesus Christ and to build his church as they eagerly await the return of our Lord. Site includes beliefs and vision, ministries and service details, a staff directory, events, and resources.
Church Christ Ives Give Giving School Family Local Pre Classes Contact Work Community Scripture Here Bearers Schools
104 Jehovahs Witnesses 1914 This site
This site addresses the central doctrine of Jehovahs Witnesses, which is sometimes called the 1914 doctrine. It teachs the Bible foretold Jesus Christs INVISIBLE return in 1914 when he failed to materialize as they predicted.
Sign Updated Everything Places People Lifestream Now Policy Bulk Privacy Create Networks Social Go Theres Connecting
105 Black Cats and the Black Cat Bone Essay contrasts
Essay contrasts fear of black cats in European-American folklore with African-American belief that a black cat bone acquired and prepared with proper ceremony can grant the bearer invisibility or force the return of an ex-lover.
Mojo Hoodoo Lucky Black Spells Magic Curio Archive Yronwode Oils Spell Candles Conjure Rootwork Cat Popular Stokes Free
106 Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev The Editor
The Editor of The Astrological Magazine. Gayatri Devi Vasudevs famous predictions in the magazine include the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the election of George Bush, Mrs. Benazir Bhuttos prime ministership and exit, the end of the Rajiv era, the return of Benazir Bhutto, the re-election of Bill Clinton, the death of King Hussain of Jordan, etc, etc.
107 Philippines Quezon City Mission Mission Links
Mission Links, Filipino Links and Return Missionary Links for the Philippines Quezon City Mission of the LDS Church.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Lycos Page Website Shopping Check Hosting Tripodcomsignup Login Found Please
1 Return of the Thin White Duchess An article
An article on Patti Smiths return to performing from the November 97 N.Y. Rock.
Smith Patti Thin White Return Duchess Rock Ny Day Redirect Having William Newnoise
2 Paul McCartney Rocks in Return to The Cavern A CNN
A CNN news report and review of his Internet broadcasted return to where the Beatles started in the early 1960s.
Mccartney Paul | Pride Music Hall Liverpool Run Arts World News Fame Help Springsteen Mail Guidelines Linda Local
3 The Return Of The Saint - Pazsaz Entertainment Network Listings, information
Listings, information, and episode guide of The Return Of The Saint television series.
Shows Entertainment Showsthe Cartoon Network Pazsaz Found File Fantasy Superhero Sci Fi Saturday Toonrific Adventure
4 Return of Saturn A brief
A brief page with pictures, lyrics, and tour dates. Concentrates on the 'Return of Saturn' album.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Please Aabaco Help Web Privacy Domains Terms Website Solutions Ifyoure Articles
5 Houston Chronicle: Return of the King a Triumph for Director Positive review
Positive review by Bruce Westbrook who says, 'Return isnt just a triumph -- its also a celebration.' Also includes links and audio clips from cast.
Houston Texas News Policy Politics Business Travel Weather Privacy Chronicle Health Style Chron Real Careers Kick Releases Opinions Severe
6 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (John Williams) Includes reviews
Includes reviews, audio clips, track listings, pictures, and other notes about The Return of the Jedi: Special Edition soundtrack.
Jedi Sony Return Audio Edition Classical Real Star Battle Cd Williams Wars Ewok Special Gerhardt Yodaobi Wans Tydirium Scrambleprime Leia
7 Parrots Return to Old Haunts Article on
Article on the parrots return following an environmental disturbance.
Sfgate Privacy Chronicle Ad Blogs Advertise Policy Careers News Sports Business They Education Place Choices Terms State Homes
8 Box Office Mojo - Return to Me Box office
Box office data for Return to Me since day one. Includes David Duchovnys box office track record and a comparison with other romantic comedies.
Office Weekends Opening Box Weekend Daily Yearly Movies Charts Chart Summary Return Weekly Adjusted Wide Franchises Oscar Related
9 Garns Guides: The Return of the Saint The Return
The Return of the Saint episode guide.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Aabaco Please Web Account Domains Help Website Reliable
10 Garns Guides: The Return of the Saint The Return
The Return of the Saint episode guide.
11 PopMatters - Return to Me Review of
Review of the film.
Music Art Collapse Doc Nyc News Features Reviews Film + Unveiling Blogs Films Explore Veil Left Chaos Bradley Teenaged Missing Robbe Grillet Martin Seems
13 return jeffers 1935
jeffers 1935 poem.
Poetry Plagiaristcom Jeffers Poem Submit Contact Poets Custom Open Frequently Submission Project Discussion Navigation Plagiarist
14 KillerMovies: The Return of the King Pictures and
Pictures and articles.
King Return Rings Lord Mckellen Ian Of Talks Trailer Movie Jackson Premiere Dvd Reveals Peter Teaser Kong
15 chat session
chat session, mostly about the novel 'return to mars.'
Watch Episodes Full Now Trailer Syfy Shows Haven Video Icon Overlay Movies Schedule Promo Witness
16 The Return of The Saint Information about
Information about the television show.
Rating Guide Episode User Cast Watch Score Listings Saint Return People News Tvcom Aired Shows
17 alexander solzhenitsyns triumphant return by jay
by jay rogers.
Forerunner Order Now Abortion Russia Russian Youtube Testking Click Solzhenitsyns Alexander Matrix Store Donate Dvd Florida Outweigh Planned Ofkissimmee Soviet Defeating
18 HARO Online: The Return Review and
Review and pictures.
Ivan Movies Return Return_ Contact Music Advice Zvyagintsev Vladimir Hags_then Sure Bestforeignr_ Back Russias Aleksandr
19 Rotten Tomatoes: The Return Reviews and
Reviews and forum.
Season Full Critics Reviewhellip Show Sign Fresh Review Score Critic Movies Tomatometer Rotten Reviews Movie Close Certified Total
20 Sci-Fi Movie: Return of the King Provides negative
Provides negative review of the third film.
Rings Lord Movie Page Sci Fi Review Threadscript Return Most Phantom Attack Matrix
21 Return to the Underground Fan art
Fan art, fan fiction, RPG, screen captures of Jareth.
Create Tripod Requestedcheck Please Login Signup Tripodcom Couldnt Website Pagehosting Lycoscom
22 Filmbug - Return to Me Summary, cast
Summary, cast information, and links.
Filmbug Robert Return Movie Request Hunt Bonnie Mail Imdb Williams Romanusandrew Contact Mpaa
23 Chicago Sun-Times: The Return Roger Eberts
Roger Eberts review.
Archives Ebert Roger Blog Reviews Fathers Great Vladimir Movies Chazxs Far Oleszczyk Brian Michał Ominous Upon Rowan Chained Letter Ivan
24 MC Ren Is Back Rens triumph
Rens triumph return from the depths of hip hop obscurity.
Davey Youth Main News Radio Cube West Page Back Kmel Directory Reunion Ren Hop Nowadays Issues Rens
25 autin, amelia romance author
romance author of reillys return.
Z Request Y
26 PoisonKitties Home Page Dedicated to
Dedicated to the return of Poison.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Privacy Domains Website Web Aabaco Help Terms Commerce Advisor Affiliate
27 onion av club, the an interview
an interview with ian mcculloch about his bands return.
28 Universal Soldier - The Return Links to
Links to movie reviews.
Reviews Critics Publications Universal Soldier Metacritic Ps Credits Movie Provided Return Data Trailers Current Xbox Damme Faq Bill
29 Brunching Shuttlecocks: Return to Paradise Review by
Review by the Self-Made Critic.
Port | Comedy Found The Humor Funny Satire Jokes Fun Brunching Found Paradise Return Shuttlecocks Y
30 Point of No Return Review By notable
By notable critic Roger Ebert.
Ebert Archives Roger Blog Villaça Pablo Great Chazxs Reviews Movies Far Powered Flungers Video Michael Lady Brian Prime Lindsey
31 Leia Ate My Balls Exclusive Missing
Exclusive Missing Return of the Jedi Footage.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Archiveorg Mail Guidelinesinternet Reach Sorry Longeravailable Sites
32 Return to Hicksville Dan Hicks
Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks pick up where they left off more than 20 years ago.
Mobile Music Ads New Deals Times Weekly Film Blog City Mmj Best Sf Dan Hicks Passport Event Lyrics
33 the return of the queen of cyberpunk 1998 salon
1998 salon profile of the sci-fi author.
34 the return of sherlock holmes complete text
complete text of entire book.
Citsoftcom Renewal Domain Instructions Privacypolicy Expired Name Policy Citsoftcomthis Backorderprivacy Z
35 MRQE: The Return of the King Provides links
Provides links to 276 reviews and ratings for the film.
Movie Dvd Reviews Recartsmoviesreviews Film Movies Efilmcriticcom Cinema Review Guide David Magazine Talk Movieweb Mark Verdict Comingsoonnet Horror Apollo Novikov Marc
36 the return of the native the complete
the complete book free of charge available online.
Hardy Thomas Native Return Book Ebook Wessex Cube Recipes Only Terrorism Reviews Fine England Ancient Remedies Care
37 Suck - Feel Bad TV Article on
Article on David Lettermans return to television.
38 the celebrity cafe: warren g interview about
interview about his album return of the regulator.
39 The Return of Jason Donovan Includes news
Includes news, discography, and pictures.
40 - Harry Anderson, a Magician at Heart Article about
Article about his return to magic from acting.
Serverapache Navigationshilfe Portmoved Permanently The
41 PopMatters Review: 'Its
Review: 'Its hard not to expect the worst of Universal Soldier: The Return.'
Film Columns Reviews Call Features Music Bettie Jc Page Touching Canyon Rise Exploitative Barrett Western Popular Past Culture Bloggers Complex
42 Meta Critic: No Doubt - Return of Saturn Reviews and
Reviews and information for the album.
Slow Down Slowmeditation Xid Error Guru Z
43 memoirs of the shire what-if tales
what-if tales set after frodo and sam return from their quest to destroy the one ring.
Webs Business Page Simple Free Made Marketing Sign Found Vistaprint Brought Cards Create Websites Learn Customize Sorry Looks Themes
44 bill connors fan page tribute to
tribute to the ex-return to forever guitar virtuoso.
Sign Available Contact Host Signup Account Statement Premium Servicesusersmegscom Acceptableuse Guidelinesdont
45 The Sci-Fi Movie Page: Return of the Jedi Pictures and
Pictures and review by James OEhley.
Fi Sci Movie Movies Page News Downloadable Trailers Fantasy Clips Horror Scripts Upcomingsci Disqus Advertiseuse
46 IMDb: Return to Oz (1985) Synopsis, cast
Synopsis, cast and crew, and user comments.
See Movies News Harry Dorothy Adventure Fantasy Imdb Reviews Stars Family Potter Director User Oz Tik Tok Blu Ray Ratings Awards
47 Return to Oz Includes cast
Includes cast biographies, photos, and a mailing list of the movie.
Z Angelfirecomprofessional Error Close Angelfire Websites Check Fun Requested Couldntpage Tryagain Please
48 Return of the Native Interview with
Interview with director Tony Bui about going back to Vietnam, by Rob Blackwelder.
49 IMDb - Return to Me (2000) Cast/credits plus
Cast/credits plus additional information about the film
See News Romance Comedy Movies Imdb Reviews Stars Drama Plot User Edit Message Imdbpro Director Blu Ray Metro Goldwyn Mayer Driver Dayton Quotes
50 Back from Nowhere A Uno
A Uno Mas interview with Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye on her return to performing.
Music Maybe Arts Popularrecentcommentstags Always Page Collective Posts Found Sorry Instead Cart *browsing Nothing
51 sfcrowsnest: the return of santiago review by
review by martin jenner of this space-western novel.
Wordpress File Edit Manager Page Click Found Files Code Option Modify Correct Right Case Rewriterule Test
52 Glenn Yarbourgh Interview The folksinger
The folksinger looks back at his recordings for The Hobbit and Return of the King.
Lord News Rings Lotrg Toys Toyfare Lotr Forum Rights Gothmog Programming Board Collectibles Kb Bbs Y
53 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Several desktop
Several desktop wallpapers with images from the film.
Rings Lord Download Wallpaper Convert Pdf King Software Posted Return Movie Octththe Wallpapers Collage Fellowship
54 Ten Movies: Return of the King Review of
Review of the film, includes positive rating and photographs.
Peter Jackson Frodo Lord Movie Rings Middle Here Network Earth Emirates Return Towers’ Recommend Gondorwith Education
55 New England Film: ZOOMs Triumphant Return Article on
Article on the updated version of the show.
Zoom Taylor Newenglandfilmcom Post Directory Film Advertise Archives Login Festival Industry Call Local Magazine Calendar Triumphant Starring Films Bio
56 IMDb: Return of the Secaucus 7 Synopsis, cast
Synopsis, cast and crew, reviews, trivia, and links.
See Sayles News John Movies Reviews Stars Imdb Seven Drama Secaucus Director User Return Full Blu Ray Tv Polls Renzi Productions Action
57 So Saturnesque No Doubt
No Doubt 'Return of Saturn' site with a couple of pictures and a track listing.
Doubt Guestbook Vote Saturnesque Marry Thanks Jennifers Magics Love Archive Sign Power Poetic Late Problem Give
58 IMDb: Return of the King, The - 1980 Provides a
Provides a plot summary, cast, and crew information.
See Tv Movies News Full Reviews Summary Message Imdb Popular User Eowyn Tolkien Credits Movie Jules Fight Schedule Live Videos
59 Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Provides user
Provides user reviews, cast and crew, and rating.
Texas See News Horror Movies Chainsaw Massacre Comedy Director Leatherface Imdb Stars Thriller Reviews User Blu Ray Sites Login Kim Knowledge English
60 Celebrity Cafe: The Return of the King Positive review
Positive review of the third installment of the epic trilogy.
News Recap Celebrity Contest Watch Halloween Episode Dead Weekly Place Walking Contact Movies Netflix World Theater Season Kardashian Roses
61 Mind To Reality Hanson fan-fiction
Hanson fan-fiction works include Return To You, Then, Now and Always and Guardian Angels.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Wayback Userhosting News Mail Popular Machine Reach
62 Comforting Blue A brief
A brief No Doubt page with pictures and lyrics from the 'Return of Saturn' album.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Account Customer Help Aabaco Website Please Privacy Reliable
63 Return of the King Fan site
Fan site with film information, characters, picture gallery and links.
Navigationshilfe Ty
64 MovieWeb: Universal Soldier - The Return Plot description
Plot description, cast list, and pictures.
Movie News Movies Trailers Termssquad Apocalypse Alongmove Civil Reviews America Star Youre Along Try
65 Bid Time Return Fan site
Fan site with synopsis, multimedia, articles, trivia, message board, and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing App Gallery Help Local Advisor Hosting Central Domains Blogs Copyright Already Developer
66 Movie Review Vault: Point of No Return Originally written
Originally written for a highschool newspaper, more in depth.
Page Transfer Domain Removed Account Could Been Cheap Found Register Namesilo Whoisnames Foundsorry
67 IMDb - Universal Soldier: The Return (1999) Cast/credits plus
Cast/credits plus additional information about the film
See Full Summary News Tv Universal Soldier Reviews Imdb Movies Film Popular Credits Plot User Sci Fi Jean Claude Message Fight
68 Rotten Tomatoes: The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King Preview information
Preview information and movie stills.
Reviewhellip Full Season Show Ian David Sign Peter Bond John % Here Log Astin Binge Howard Homeland Streaming Matt Hill
69 Rotten Tomatoes: The Return of the Pink Panther Reviews, information
Reviews, information, cast and crew, and forum.
Season Full Show Panther Score Sign Critics Movies Peter Review Fresh Rosarote Reviewhellip Critic Kehrt Rotten Lesley Anne John Columns
70 Zs Ranting Article about
Article about the Rankin/Bass TV movie, Return of the King. Provides a synopsis, opinion, and images.
Frodo Gandalf Ring Gondor Rotk Aragorn King Denethor Rankinbass Gollum Black Bilbo Thoden Elrond Bakshis Then Pelennorfields Open
71 Patricia Phillips The soprano
The soprano will return to the role of Carlotta Giudicelli in The Phantom of the Opera.
Broadway Tweet News Off Tickets Videos Tony Buzz Musical Backstage Photos Interviews Curtain Popular Shows Today_ Woods_
72 Zap2it: NBC Back on Punishment for Summer Article detailing
Article detailing plans for a return of the series in 2003.
Navigationshilfe Ty
73 Return To The Planet Of The Apes - Pazsaz Entertainment Network Episode guide
Episode guide to the cartoon series.
Shows Entertainment Showsthe Cartoon Network Pazsaz File Found Fantasy Sci Fi Superhero Adventure Toonrific Saturday Fiction Indexthe Food
74 Stomp Tokyo: Return of the King, The (1980) Features review
Features review and images from the animated movie.
King Lord Return Blah Hobbit Rings Frodo Rankin Mordor Video Tokyo Bass Review Those Ring Sam Hawk
75 IMDb: Return to Paradise (1998) Plot outline
Plot outline, cast and crew listings, and comments.
See Movies News Drama Imdb Reviews Director Stars User Thriller Full Imdbpro Message Romance Credits Blu Ray Related Most Comic Con Falvey Vince
76 Rotten Tomatoes: The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King Preview information
Preview information and movie stills.
Show Critics Return Best Rings Movie King Lord Rotten Movies Season Emelyn Angelina News Consensus Sharlto Podcast Independence Licensing Dreamworks
77 purgatory an ongoing
an ongoing tale of a trip into the afterlife. can you complete your task and return to the land of the living?
78 Return of the Saint An online
An online guide to the titles and air dates of the 1970s television series starring Ian Ogilvy.
Saint Return Guide Titles George Course Episode Fergus Series Dates Recentlyaddedby Title Frequentlyaskedquestions Date Goose Current Thebrave Charteris Village
79 milller, judith author of
author of two e-books, 'return to port darkling' (paranormal) and 'searching' (romantic suspense).
80 IMDb: Children of the Corn 666: Isaacs Return (1999) Cast overview
Cast overview, comments, and related information.
81 CVPS Webring Support the
Support the return of classic Lion and Vehicle Voltron to television and home video.
Found Theserver Port Apachenavigationshilfe Found
82 IMDb: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) Cast and
Cast and crew, plus additional information about the film.
See Tv Movies News Reviews Imdb Awards Credits Full Most Ringe Message Plot Popular Best Box Gondorian
83 iF Magazine: Billy West Talks About Return of Futurama Interview at
Interview at San Diego Comic-Con. July 2006.
Navigationshilfe Ty
84 Henske, Judy Information on
Information on all of her 1960s folk/blues records, as well as her recent return to the music industry.
85 downfall of the lord of the rings and the return of the king synopsis and
synopsis and time-line of middle-earth history.
Middle Elves Earth Tolkien Hobbitcreations Fantasy Dwaves Hobbitsdedicated Jrr
86 Lord of the Rings - Return of the King Film information
Film information, news articles, and a message board.
Navigationshilfe Ty
87 Buffy Watch - Invisible Woman Jeff Jensen
Jeff Jensen celebrates her return but hopes that several stagnant storylines will be energized soon.
Inside Reviews Subscribe Enter Page Popwatch Box Also Life Found Browse Shelf Pleaserecaps Found The
88 Aint It Cool News: Return of the King Detailed review
Detailed review and thoughts by Harry Knowles about the final film.
News Cool Ill Picks Ive Return See Comics Tv Coaxial Movie Powered Aint Peeks King Times Seen
89 Judge Wapner Returns to 'The Peoples Court'. Article about
Article about the judges return on Nov. 16, 2000 for an appearance on the 3,000th episode.
90 three windows rolling stone
rolling stone review of the album that marked the modern jazz quartets return to the atlantic label.
Rs Reviews Music Stone Rolling Ratings Content Policy Privacy Photos Album Stories Google+ Pinterest Here Spectacularly Books Tigermidnight
91 literature network: the return of tarzan chapter indexed
chapter indexed html of the complete text. includes a search feature.
Edgar Burroughs Rice Return Tarzan Discuss Study Etext Short Entertaining Other Searchable Gracian Essay Contact
92 Back From Brink, Peter Green Plays On L.A. Times
L.A. Times article on Peters battle with schizophrenia and return to the stage.
93 Lapti Nek The song
The song Sy Snoodles and the Max Rebo Band play in Jabbas Palace in the original version of Return of the Jedi.
94 Yahoo! Movies: The Return of the Secaucus 7 - Gregs Preview Synopsis, awards
Synopsis, awards, estimated release schedules for video and DVD.
95 Point of No Return Complete synopsis
Complete synopsis of the musical, libretto, biographical information on several performers, photo gallery, and a quiz.
96 Disneys Return to Neverland Official site.
Official site. Synopsis, cast and crew information, character descriptions, and multimedia.
Disney Movies Watch Movie Now Live Shows World Video Club New Music Tv Parks Store Books Games Classic Visit Force
97 IMDb: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Cast and
Cast and crew information, synopsis, and comments.
See News Tv Star Movies Reviews Favorite Imdb Full Wars Movie Awards Plot Popular Message Jedi Ritter Blu Ray Carrie Terminator Credits Articles
98 Rotten Tomatoes: Point of No Return Reviews, synopsis
Reviews, synopsis, mistakes, notes, credits, posters, links, and a forum.
Show Movie Point Critics Return Season Movies Reviews Best Assassin Fresh Thrones Game Podcast Dragon Blu Ray Fonda Keitel Soon Nikita Super City Cavagna
99 Return to the Forbidden Planet Official site.
Official site. Features details about the show, tour dates, cast and gallery.
100 H.E.A.T. - Hals Emerald Advancement Team The official
The official website of the group that works for the return of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps.
Tripod Create Couldnt Check Requested Hosting Website Login Please Lycos Shoppingtripodcom Page Lycoscom
101 Rotten Tomatoes: Universal Soldier - The Return Links to
Links to movie reviews, synopsis, cast and crew information, and forum.
Show Soldier Universal Critics Return Movie Critic Best Review Full Reviews Fresh Rotten Season Podcast Tomatoes Paste Thrills First
102 barnes, chuck - novels the old
the old west, time travel, nazi saboteurs, pioneer women, and return of lost flight 19.
Request Errory
103 brolin, brent c. resume and
resume and chapters from his book 'architectural ornament: banishment and return' (2001), and several of his articles and lectures on architecture.
York University Architecture Institute Design Brent Magazine Books Classical Architectural Brolin Cooper Yale America American School Translation
104 Return of No Doubt Includes news
Includes news, discography, a picture gallery, lyrics, guitar tabs, audio and video clips.
Tripod Create Login Tripodcom Shopping Please Hosting Check Lycoscom Found Lycos Pagewebsite Errorpage Couldnt
105 Ghost Tower Raise and
Raise and battle Pokemon to defeat the dark wizard and return your home to normal in this board-based RPG.
106 The Return A Beatles
A Beatles band based in Atlanta, formerly known as The Roaches. Site includes biography, appearance schedule, and booking information.
Return Presidentceocontact Calendar Beaudrault Rock Hard Cafe Show Peteabsolutely Videos Meet
107 Rotten Tomatoes - Return to Me Reviews, previews
Reviews, previews, synopsis, media predictions, box office, trailers, interviews, photos, and news.
Show Return Review Movie Critics Hunt David Season Best Full Movies Reviews Critic Bonnie Fresh Blu Ray Non Stop Boys Timeout Dvd Romano
108 MetaCritic: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Features critical
Features critical reviews and information for Peter Jacksons film. [Metascore=92]
Reviews Critics Provided King Publications Lord Movie Metacritic Ps Return Credits Rings User Current Trailers Title Sterritt List
109 IMDB: Return of the Saint (1978) The Internet
The Internet Movie Database includes plot summary, user comments, and cast overview.
Saint See News Full Simon Movies Reviews Stars Imdb Summary Return Ogilvy Templar Tv User Blu Ray Comic Con English Language Soon Dragons
110 Filmtracks - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Soundtrack review
Soundtrack review, track list, audio clips, ratings, and reader comments.
Return King Shore Audio Rings Ring Towers Gondor Shores Real Reprise Archive Lord Fellowship Records Dvd Mordor
111 science fiction pioneer john norman is back press release
press release heralding the return of the gorean saga and the publication of 'witness of gor'.
Prweb Gor Witness Norman Normans John News World Science Industry Tech Lifestyle Vocus Blog Center Inliterature Legal Front
112 World of Movies: Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King Cast and
Cast and crew list, plot summary, comments, photographs, and links.
World Theme Pagecant Found It Blog Movies Bhostproudly Maybe Wordpress
113 Launch: XTC The masters
The masters return. Partridge and Moulding discuss their music and album Apple Venus Volume 1 with Mac Randall. Biography and links.
114 Samurai Saving Time Episode guide
Episode guide, downloads, music, model sheets, and character names, and campaign to return the series to TV.
Sst Pizza Cats Samurai Saving Winmx Japanese Nihonbare Teyande English Supporting Petition Ninden Itmeans Thats Buttons Project
115 Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi Official site.
Official site. Includes a wealth of information, including characters, creatures, and classic moments.
Jedi Star Wars Return Skywalker Episode Rebel Luke Empire Darth Leia Force Alliance Vader Princess Emperor Shows
116 IMDb: The Return (Vozvrashcheniye) (2003) Plot summary
Plot summary, trailer, cast and crew information, user reviews, and message board.
See News Full Tv Movies Summary Reviews Awards Film Message Plot User Andrey Imdb Festival Blu Ray Review Styles Zone
117 Neobaka Manga style
Manga style webcomic that features two students who return to their dorm room to discover a cute robot girl. By Dan Kent.
Found Port Additionallyfound The Errordocument Apacheopenssldserver
118 Comedy Theatre Workshop Improvisation venue
Improvisation venue, offering information about workshops, classes, upcoming performances and house troupe 'Point of No Return.'
Improv Comedy Falls Cuyahoga Return Night Point Cultural Click Here Theatre Center Broad Venemans Questions Ohio
119 IMDb: Point of No Return (1993) Plot summary
Plot summary, cast list, trivia, mistakes, quotes, user reviews, and a message board.
See News Movies Imdb Full Summary Reviews Stars Director User Nina Plot Maggie Message Imdbpro Blu Ray Interest Based Comic Con Byrne Conditions Also Horror
120 Animation World Magazine: The Return of Elmo Aardvark in the Twenty First Century Excerpts from
Excerpts from a speech given by Will Ryan at a press conference promoting
Aardvark Animation Elmo World Detective_ Outer Space Magazine Ryan First Return Twenty Student Network Database School Corner Center
121 Chicago Sun-Times Review, by
Review, by Roger Ebert: 'Persona (1966) is a film we return to over the years, for the beauty of its images and because we hope to understand its mysteries.'
Archives Ebert Jana Monji Roger Movies Far Reviews Want Do Awards Festivals Great Has Movie Quotno Matt
122 a joyful return for yoakam the performer
the performer discusses the making of the 'blame the vain' album and his switch to the indie label, new west records.
Latin Music Billboard News Greatest Rock Pop Perform Juice Shop Artists Women Archive Country Awards Rbhip Hop Hits Arts
123 Return to the Forbidden Planet Official site
Official site for musical which on Shakespeares 'The Tempest:' tour information, galleries, cast listings, and box office details.
124 Return to the Church Dion DiMucci
Dion DiMucci talks about his Christian faith. Also fields viewers questions. Hourlong interview. RealAudio. [Journey Home]
Navigationshilfe Ty
125 Positive review
Positive review of the film. 'The Return of the King brings The Lord of the Rings saga to a masterful close.' [Rating: Really Good]
Towers Jackson Ring Two Return King Movies Gollum Fellowship Frodo Rings Lord King_ Astin Middle Hour Kings Kids
126 Reveal John Murphys
John Murphys review: 'While it doesnt quite make instant classic status as Automatic did, it will certainly please fans who have been eager for a return to form like this for some time.'
Serverport Permanently The Apache
127 IMDb: Return of the Pink Panther, The (1975) Cast and
Cast and crew listing, credits, plot summary, commentary and reviews, and related movie information.
Panther See News Movies Comedy Crime Imdb Clouseau Pink Reviews Mystery Stars User Director Peter Blu Ray Showtimes Carpet Company Selling Claudine Return
128 300 Ways to Lose Interest in a Film '300' shoves
'300' shoves the realm of digital manipulation and chest-thumping brawn past the point of no return. By Brian Orndorf.
Korea Film Brian Leonidas Lose Democracys Reporter Michael Ohmynews World Article Scitech Interest Downfall Ways Persians Gaza Hauben
129 a memory of the nineteen-nineties teller (of
teller (of penn and teller) writes about the return of soames.
Atlantic Sign Latest News Video Ajaka Science Business Magazine Events Politics Account Nadine Culture Technology Words Briefly Tierney Most
130 Dark Horse Comics: Mike Allred Interview on
Interview on the return of Madman Comics.
[more] Interview Dark Horse Interviews Comics Archived See Evelyn Articles Avatar Zero Joseph Matter Company Press Page
131 Return Of Infomercials Article that
Article that examines claims made by some of the most popular infomercials.
Articleentertainmentcom Infomercials Return Matt Z
132 Save Now and Again Campaign Campaign and
Campaign and contact information needed to help return Now and Again to television.
Tripod Create Hostingwebsite Couldnt Lycoscom Please Shopping Requested Check Lycos Signuppage Tripodcom
133 Save the 24 Characters Petition Campaign to
Campaign to bring characters who may not return for Season 4.
Petition Author Signatures Petitiononlinecom Sign Contact Faq Create Terrorism Send Petitionsreserved Elishacuthbert Charcters Bauers
134 USA Today: McCartney Gets Back to Cavern Review of
Review of his concert and historic return to the Cavern Club.
Object Document Movedthisy
135 The Mole Returns to ABC This Summer Article about
Article about the series return, as well as other ABC programs for the summer of 2002.
136 Review of Return of the Joker (2000) Review by
Review by Dan Patanella. Includes historical perspective and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help App Advisor Gallery Hosting Local Customer Network Mobile Grow
137 page by page books: the return of dr. fu-manchu chapter-indexed and
chapter-indexed and paged html text of the novel.
138 cesare pavese - deolas return english translation
english translation by margaret crosland. more poems by pavese are available at this same site.
Ill Pavese Return Deolasandtherell Art Cesareprints Poetry Cine Europecesare
139 History of Fashion: Designers Profile and
Profile and history offered of the designer and her 2003 return to her namesake label.
Designer Bildhauer Maler Designerhistorycom © Welt Künstler Da Architekten Hundertwasser Historie Aller Ingenieurefashion
140 the return of rome an e-novel.
an e-novel. basic premise is that rome returns around 1000 ce to regain what it lost. first chapter available for download.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Please Terms Privacy Web Website Account Help Domain Times Found
141 Universal Soldier: The Return Collection of
Collection of reviews of the movie
Movie Video Review Soldier Jean Return Claude Action Sci Fifantasy Universal Games Damme Buy Reviewer Chicago Dvds
142 Return of Dr. Mabuse - Invisible Dr. Mabuse Reviews of
Reviews of two of the later films in the series.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Privacy Customer Terms Website Please Aabaco Reliable Policy
143 Romantic Comedies Corner Looking for
Looking for a little love and laugher? This site reviews old and new movies--Boys and Girls, Return to Me, Fools Rush In, Teachers Pet, Bringing Up Baby, Dont Tell Her Its Me.
Suitecom Gone Actually Suitepage Thanks
144 Hugh Panaro Returns as the Man Behind The Mask On Monday
On Monday, April 14th 2003, the tenor became the first performer in the history of the New York production to return to the title role.
Music Shop News Gallery Perform Show People Reviews Really Useful Tickets Film Group Love Shows
145 Good Vibes: The Return of Brian Wilson Current information
Current information from the Imagination period, adds some insight into that period.
Music Beach Boys Boston Wilson Good Phoenix Archives Brian Sounds_ Wilsons Brett Milano Vibes Cover Wondermints Dispatch
146 Slight Return Halifax indie
Halifax indie band. Lyrics, MP3s, band history, show dates, and photos.
147 Return of The King Diaries Humorous diaries
Humorous diaries as though written by series characters. Also includes captioned photo stories.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Reach Popularfinance Mail Guidelines Internet Terms Sites
148 Rotten Tomatoes: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Provides reviews
Provides reviews and ratings from the nations top critics. [Fresh: 198 Rotten: 10]
Show Critics Return Rings Movie Dvd King Best Rotten Lord Movies Emelyn News Podcast Tomatoes Del Blu Ray Goodridge Original Critic
149 undercover media: the return of rosanne cash interview with
interview with singer-songwriter cash about war, freedom of speech and music.
Music Interview Tour News Australia New Live Undercover Videos Freebies First Charts Gallery Taylor Album Kylie Thursday Defiled
150 Rotten Tomatoes: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Provides reviews
Provides reviews and ratings from the nations top critics. [Fresh: 198 Rotten: 10]
Reviewhellip Full Season Show Ian David Sign Peter Bond Here % John Log Mcleod Rings Dan
151 Fox Birmingham - Taylor in Top 3, Birmingham and Hoover Plan Big Welcome Home Official information
Official information for Hicks return visit to his hometown.
Filenamechanged Directory Error Foundthe Server Might Resource Been Removedlooking Temporarily Unavailable
152 Metaphilm: The Return of Hobbes Compares Tyler
Compares Tyler Durden and Edward Nortons character to comic strip duo Calvin & Hobbes.
Fight Metaphilm Club Tyler Comic Slough Galvin Grown Reborn Calvin Hobbesdespair Jack Un
153 Article announcing
Article announcing Howard McGillins return to 'The Phantom of the Opera' on Broadway as it makes history in January, 2006.
Broadway Tickets Tweet Buzz Sale Videos Color Charles Erivo Readmore Long Cynthia Photos News Tony Off Pigott Smith Role Playing Getting Star
154 Comedy Theatre Workshop Improvisation venue
Improvisation venue located in Cuyahoga Falls, offering information about workshops, classes, upcoming performances and house troupe 'Point of No Return.'
Founderrordocument Server Error Internal Z
155 Travoltas Waterworld Rob Blackwelder
Rob Blackwelder reviews 'Battlefield Earth,' a cinematic disaster that cries out for the return of 'Mystery Science Theater.' Rated zero stars, and on the Worst of 2000 list.
156 Plugged In: Jewel - 0304 Bob Waliszewskis
Bob Waliszewskis review: 'Despite a desire to fight for love and see society return to a measure of sanity, this freshly cut Jewel is flawed.'
Family Tv + Games Music Movies Videos Entertainment Room Review Reviews Blog Movie Books Nights Has
157 Allwatchers Review - Return to Me Analytical review
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the David Duchovny film, and links to similar movies.
Detailedreturn Click Here Error Bookmovie Contact Summary Yesrequest Review
158 thomas hardy books central texts of
texts of far from the madding crowd, jude the obscure, the mayor of casterbridge, a pair of blue eyes, return of the native, tess of the durbervilles and the woodlanders.
Request Rejectedy
159 Raising the Sparks 60 minute
60 minute video by Chuck Davis explores the filmmakers decision to return to Judaism. Synopsis, filmmaker biography, review excerpts, screenshots, and ordering information.
160 Reeling: The Phantom of the Opera The songs
The songs generally suffer on the screen, with only the Phantoms organ-driven theme and the sexual frenzy of the climatic Past the Point of No Return having any real energy.
Phantom Opera Review Butler Movie Shows Show Reeling Christine Rossum River Alamo Vicompte Guerin Webbers Joel Raoul Laura
161 Rolling Stone Greg Kots
Greg Kots review: 'theyve abandoned the more introspective tone struck on Slang, a commercial flop, to return to their Eighties metal-for-the-malls formula..' 2 stars.
Album Privacy Policy Coverwall Stone New Rolling Reviews Best Music Ratings Video Future Last Giant Terms Shady
162 Stormys review:
Stormys review: 'The fans demanded a return to that anthemic sound and the Leps gave the fans what they wanted. 'Euphoria' proves Def Leppard wont be going anywhere but up!'
Music Review Artist Leppard Euphoria Cd Reviewer Buy Games Title Contact Video Reviewscom Amazon Def Patio Genre
163 Brightman, Jerry Profile of
Profile of a steel guitarist, member of Buck Owens and The Buckaroos in the early 70s. Profile, discography, and information about his return to playing in public.
Slidestationcom Advance Insurance Cash Debt Consolidation Life Cell Browse Free Report Policysection Privacy
165 AZ Central: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Positive review
Positive review by Bill Muller who states that the trilogy is 'awe-inspiring computer-generated visuals with a delicate human drama.' [The Arizona Republic]
Permanently Theapache Server Port Z
166 Entertainment Weekly: When I Was Cruel David Brownes
David Brownes review: 'In a way, When I Was Cruel is a companion to U2s All That You Cant Leave Behind - a late-period return to form by an act that wandered off the path presumably for good.' Grade of A.
Entertainment Weekly Reviews Lady Music Page Weeks Family Issue Gaga Star Movies Sweet Daughter Inside Movie Ewcom
167 Slight Return A local
A local indie band. Offers lyrics, mp3s, biography, band history, news, show dates, photos and contact details.
168 Gundam Mobile Suit: The Return to Forever Combines the
Combines the universes of G Gundam and Gundam Wing. [Play be E-Mail]
Create Tripod Lycoscomrequested Website Login Lycos Tripodcom Page Couldnt Shopping Signupcheck Hosting
169 Yamara Get the
Get the Yamara Book! Yamara Comics Online. The Lost Episodes Return! Warchief: The Alumnus Archive is back!
Click Manui Share Adams Love Assure Heart Head Google+ Tumblr Theres Girl Yamara Reddit Aether Old God Fate Pax Ray
170 Slow and Steady with Flo of Flo and Eddie An article
An article from Ragbaby on-line magazine that focuses on Kaylans return to university as an adult student, but includes other aspects of their work and the bands legal problems in the late 60s and early 70s.
Volman Turtles Zappa Eddie Baby Invention Frank Magazine Thats Phd Kaylan Zappas Mark Mothers Westchester Zappamothers Zappaphilesthe
171 Mercedes Ngoh Official Website Dancer/singer who
Dancer/singer who portrayed Rystall, one of Jabbas dancers in Return of the Jedi: Special Edition. Short biography, photo gallery and autographed photos for sale.
172 the unlikely return of joseph raff article from
article from the international herald tribune shows the how the passion of one woman began a revival in the composers music as she ironed shirts to finance the performance of his fifth symphony in june 2002.
173 Playbill News: Complete Cast of Broadways 2006 Les Miz Announced The ensemble
The ensemble to play the populace of early 1800s France in the fall Broadway return of Les Miserables has been announced.
Broadway Playbill Theatre Features Photo Nyc Les Announced Polls Shelf Job Listings Member Leading Port International Charts
174 International Herald Tribune (IHT): Ironic Return to Formality at Viktor & Rolf Monsieur Suzy menkes
Suzy menkes considers their debut menswear presentation 'mold-breaking' and credits them with effectively further urbanizing mens fashion.
International Tribune Herald Paris France Turning Points Page Focus Video Journalism Pulling Day Commentary Public Comatose Begins Setting
175 Return to Innocence The story
The story of a child psychologist who finds his life turned upside down when he is accused of sexually molesting a boy under his care. Synopsis, cast, music, interviews, photographs, home video details, and links.
Error Requesty
176 perry, michael essays originally
essays originally published in 'esquire' and 'the new yorker' are collected in 'big rigs, elvis and the grand dragon wayne.' author of 'population: 485,' an autobiographical return to volunteer firefighting. speaking engagement schedule.
News Mike Tent Show Radio Grace Book Posted Michael Beds Perry Roughneck Long Here Video Tweets @wistatejournal Httptcoqjgagmxqk Writing
177 Press-Register - American Idol Star Taylor Hicks Dazzles Fans on Visit Home, Adds Gov. Riley to Soul Patrol Reporter Mike
Reporter Mike Brantley covers the AI5 contestants return to Birmingham.
Everything Alcom Alabamay
178 The Star Archive Browse archive
Browse archive or use the search engine to obtain celebrity addresses and contact information. Examples of autographs received and success rate of return responses is discussed.
Celebrity Addresses Autographs Autograph Collection Mail Manage Stars Startiger Contact Celebrities Now Collectors Login Free
179 Andrew Lloyd Webbers Whistle Down the Wind to Return to the West End The show
The show, originally directed by Edwards, was previously seen in the West End at the Aldwych Theatre, where it ran from June 22, 1998 through January 6, 2001.
Broadway Tickets Tweet Photo Awards Stars Tony News Buzz King Videos Photos Starring Off Shows Musical Hot_ Alan Group Nouns
180 Priest Volume 2 In this
In this second volume, Isaacs confronts the first of Temozarellas disciples, lost souls and demons themselves that are to pave the way for their Lords return by corrupting and holding twelve locations of demonic significance.
181 Fighter Feature-length documentary
Feature-length documentary about two Czech/American seniors and their return visit to Europe. Film information, reviews, filmmaker details, stills, screening details, media, and links.
182 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Biography showing
Biography showing education as lawyer, compositional output, return to law practice, noted works, and ability as a reviewer from the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio.
Wqxr Music Programs Radio Playlists York Schedule Opera Operavore News Live Contact Conducting Business Public Russian Movies
183 The Return of the King A mock
A mock documentary on Elvis sightings. Film information, sightings map, and multimedia clips involving Elvis.
184 Keep Kristen on Days Page! Online letter
Online letter campaign to get the brass at 'Days of Our Lives' to return the character of Kristen DiMera.
Days Page Keep Kristen Shonas@naxscom Writing Nbc Campaignclosedustins Letter Beths
185 Spotlight on Batmans Mark Hamill By Rob
By Rob Allstetter. [The Comics Continuum] Hamill discusses his role as the Joker in 'Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker'.
Hamill Comics Joker Continuum Return Black Batman Mark Pearl Super Hamills Green Comic Luke Four Japanese Dec Even Mcfarlane
186 Green Acres Contains original
Contains original collages, collection of Lisas mangled sayings, and the movie poster for 'Return to Green Acres' (1990, TV).
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Local Gallery App Hosting Advisor Help Has Shut Central Style Sign Geocities
187 perky fellows in a gay-looking speedwagon: the hardy boys return salon magazines
salon magazines brief article on the history of the hardy boys and the reissue of the original stories.
188 Playbill News: Another Day, Another Destiny! Les Miz Will Return to Broadway Cameron Mackintosh
Cameron Mackintosh will bring his smash hit musical, Les Miserables, back to Broadway October 21, 2006 for whats billed as a special limited six-month engagement.
Broadway Another Theatre Job Features Shelf Les Polls Special Playbill Nyc Photo Seating Audio Onstage Media Books Record
189 TVParty: Great TV Goodbyes Career profiles
Career profiles and listings of personal goodbyes, including Jack Paars from this television show. Audio clips of his leaving and return, as well as an interview clip with Judy Garland.
Shows Show Tv Commercials Paar Game Classic Saturday Local Christmas News Jack Carson Hunt Morning Blu Ray Week Squares Terrorists Dialing
190 return of real rock mp3 and
mp3 and cd-r trading for rock music, mainly music from the 80s hair metal band scene.
Website Email Demos Trade Bootlegs Music Recordings Metal Videos Httprealrocktradingtripodcom Email_glenn Just Realrock Print Scott Cdr Gillen_ Row
191 tom clancy, general chuck horner return to desert storm article article about 'every man a tiger,' tom clancys and retired general chuck horners book about the gulf war.
News Wav] Quicktime] [mb [k Cnn Tom Nato Storm Video Email Demand Help Entertainment Japan Clancy Go Page Return
192 - Sean-Nos Nua Review by
Review by Ari Levenfeld. 'Sean-Nos Nua promises no return to Sinéad OConnors early work. However, for those infatuated with her magical voice, this album of work doesnt disappoint.'
193 Finlay, Scott Scott Finlay
Scott Finlay is a talented Actor/Singer/Musician and writer who appeared in several hit shows including 'The Roy Orbison Story', 'Return to the Forbidden Planet''From A Jack To A King'.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Archiveorgmachine Maps Sites Visit Movies News Mail
194 Donny Osmond to Star as Gaston in Beauty and the Beast Donny Osmond
Donny Osmond will be making his return to Broadway on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre for a limited 9-week engagement.
Bww New Meet Broadway Tv Video Tony Awards York Florida South Trailer News California Australia Off Bound Classifieds Belgium Mcdonald
195 - Return to Me (2000) Collection of
Collection of movie reviews and movie facts
Movie Review Return Video Buy Comedy Reviewer Hunt Driver Bonnie David Duchovny Minnie Dvd Games Sci Fifantasy Cents Title Movievideo
196 british committee for the restitution of the parthenon marbles dedicated to
dedicated to securing the return of the elgin marbles to the new acropolis museum in athens. includes a history of the marbles taken from the acropolis and reconstructions of the parthenonon.
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197 Les Miserables To celebrate
To celebrate the musical becoming the longest-running musical in the world in October of this year, producer Cameron Mackintosh announced today that Boublil and Schönberg’s legendary musical will return to Broadway for a special limited six-month engagement, beginning this coming fall at the Broadhurst Theatre.

Return Dictionary

reappearance / return: the act of someone appearing again, "his reappearance as Hamlet has been long awaited"
return homecoming: a coming to or returning home, "on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party"
restitution / return restoration regaining: getting something back again, "upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing"
return: the act of going back to a prior location, "they set out on their return to the base camp"
return: (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
return: a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player, "he won the point on a cross-court return"
return paying back / getting even: a reciprocal group action, "in return we gave them as good as we got"
return key / return: the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed
Rubicon / point of no return: a line that when crossed permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment
round-trip ticket / return ticket: a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same route)
day return: a return ticket (at reduced fare) for traveling both ways in the same day
tax return / income tax return / return: document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability, "his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return"
amended return: a tax return that corrects the information in an earlier return
declaration of estimated tax / estimated tax return: return required of a taxpayer whose tax withheld from income does not meet the tax liability for the year
false return: an incorrect income tax return
information return: a return that provides information to the tax collector but does not compute the tax liability
joint return: a return filed by a husband and wife
return address: the address of the sender of a letter or parcel indicating where it should be returned if it cannot be delivered
rejoinder / retort / return riposte / replication comeback / counter: a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one), "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher"
recurrence / return: happening again (especially at regular intervals), "the return of spring"
return coming back: the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction
Odysseus| (Greek mythology) a famous mythical Greek hero, his return to Ithaca a:
return / issue / take / takings / proceeds / yield / payoff: the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property, "the average return was about %"
carriage return: the operation that prepares for the next character to be printed or displayed as the first character on a line
exponential decay / exponential return: a decrease that follows an exponential function
rate of return: the amount returned per unit of time expressed as a percentage of the cost
return on invested capital / return on investment / ROI: (corporate finance) the amount, expressed as a percentage, that is earned on a company's total capital calculated by dividing the total capital into earnings before interest, taxes, or dividends are paid
revert / return / retrovert / regress turn_back nann: go back to a previous state, "We reverted to the old rules"
come_back / return: be restored, "Her old vigor returned"
retort / come_back repay / return riposte / rejoin: answer back
return: submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority, "submit a bill to a legislative body"
hark_back / return / come_back / recall: go back to something earlier, "This harks back to a previous remark of his"
render deliver return: pass down, "render a verdict", "deliver a judgment"
return: make a return, "return a kickback"
render / yield / return / give / generate: give or supply, "The cow brings in liters of milk", "This year's crop yielded , bushels of corn", "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
return: go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before, "return to your native land", "the professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean"
return: return to a previous position, in mathematics, "The point returned to the interior of the figure"
return c take_back bring_back: bring back to the point of departure
fall d return d pass d devolve d: be inherited by, "The estate fell to my sister", "The land returned to the family", "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"
refund / return / repay / give_back /: pay back, "Please refund me my money"
render / return: give back, "render money"
return /: return in kind, "return a compliment", "return her love"
reelect / return: elect again Reviews for Return. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Return" (visitors of this topic page). Return › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Return Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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