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Deluxe Maple Brittles

Deluxe Maple Brittles Review Experience Maple Brittles

Peanut, walnut and cashew brittles flavored with Vermont maple syrup. Ships in USA.

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Maple Brittles Deluxe Currently Website Unavailablethevermontercomdeluxe Z Food Confectionery Brittle And Praline

Reviews and Comments for Deluxe Maple Brittles

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Best entries for Maple and Brittles

1 Deluxe Maple Brittles Peanut, walnut
Peanut, walnut and cashew brittles flavored with Vermont maple syrup. Ships in USA.
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13 varieties of brittles, plus beer nuts and 18 flavors of fudge. Order by phone, fax or e-mail.
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3 Linda Grishman Chocolates, Inc. Handmade chocolates
Handmade chocolates, maple brittles, buttercrunch, caramels, specialty bars and candy.
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4 Simply Maple Vermont maple
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6 Russell Maple Farms Pure maple
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7 Eriks Sugar Bush Vermont maple
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8 Deep Mountain Maple Vermont organic
Vermont organic maple syrup in a large variety of sizes, plus maple candies and flavored syrups.
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9 VandeBunte Maple Sales of
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10 Brookfield Maple Products Pennsylvania maple
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11 Christies Maple Farm Wide selection
Wide selection of hard to find maple syrup grades. Maple syrup from New Hampshire, Vermont and Canada. Info about the farm and about maple syrup. Recipes.
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12 Ox Pasture Maples Family owned
Family owned and operated business offers Vermont pure maple syrup, maple cookbooks and maple gift items. Includes prices and ordering information.
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13 Plummers Sugar House Pure Vermont
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14 Mansion House Maple Syrup Vermont pure
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15 Bobs Sugar House Maine made
Maine made maple syrup and equipment for maple syrup production sold online. Maple recipes are offered.
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16 Mansion House Maple Syrup Vermont pure
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17 The Maple Syrup Store Maple syrup
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18 Ontario Maple Syrup Maple syrup
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19 The Tafts Milk and Maple Farm Offers Vermont
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26 Patterson Farms Maple Products Maple syrup
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27 Christies Maple Farm Produces maple
Produces maple syrup, candy, cookies, pancake and waffle mix. Includes tourist information and recipes.
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28 Spragues Maple Farms Products include
Products include pure maple syrup, sugar and creams, plus gift packages, from New York state.
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29 Vermont Furniture Works Handmade, 18th
Handmade, 18th and 19th Century reproductions and adaptations crafted in Maple, Cherry and Tiger Maple hardwoods.
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30 Formiderable Maple delicacies
Maple delicacies (confections, spreads, condiments) made from Canadian maple syrup. Site includes online ordering and contact information.
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31 Leaf Lines Sugar maple
Sugar maple, Japanese maple, oak, aspen, and other leaves are skeletonized, colors restored, and mounted in framed shadowboxes, coasters, and keepsake boxes.
32 Godin Farm Maple Orchard Produces and
Produces and sells maple syrup, candies, lollipops, butter, and creams, and Cabot Private Stock Cheddar cheese.
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