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Fancy Ephemera Paper Dolls

Fancy Ephemera Paper Review Experience Paper Dolls

Vintage fashion and Victorian bride paper dolls. Also some classic movie star paper dolls. Includes links to other paper doll artists.

Paper Dolls original artist Victorian brides contemporary fashion royalty classic movie costume movie stars historical figures and fashion and original art sales

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Paper Dolls Original Victorian Artist Royalty Brides Fashion Movie Hollywood Historical Brenda Classic Heroines Favorites Stars Doll Learnmore Sneathenmattox Crafts Dolls Paper Paper Dolls Original Artist Royalty Brenda Sneathen Mattox Victorian Historical Fashion Movies Royalty Vintage Heroines Brides Hollywood

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Best entries for Paper and Dolls

1 Fancy Ephemera Paper Dolls Vintage fashion
Vintage fashion and Victorian bride paper dolls. Also some classic movie star paper dolls. Includes links to other paper doll artists.
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2 Paper Minis Offering paper
Offering paper crafts for 1/12 scale dollhouses, fashion dolls and 18 inch dolls, plus some free printables.
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4 Paperscapes Paper doll
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6 Paper Trail Scrapbook Company Offers die
Offers die cut kits, paper dolls, stickers, frame ups, toppers, memory albums, and tools.
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7 Paper Trail Scrapbook Company Offers die
Offers die cut kits, paper dolls, stickers, frame ups, toppers, memory albums, and tools.
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8 Susies Originals Offers dolls
Offers dolls, handmade clothing and paper dolls.
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10 Magnet Dolls -N- Friends Laminated, magnetic
Laminated, magnetic paper dolls.
11 Fridge Kids Magnetic 'Paper'
Magnetic 'Paper' Dolls with childs actual face and skintone. Boy and girl dolls and outfit packages available.
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12 Ms. Judys Paper Crafts Offers crafts
Offers crafts created from paper twist. Wrinkles and colors create unusual dolls and wreaths.
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13 Dolls Via Maureen Five collections
Five collections of dolls, handmade by Maureen in the cornhusk manner, using paper twist ribbon, wood, wire and various trims and laces.
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14 Fancy Ephemera Paper Dolls Brenda specializes
Brenda specializes in vintage fashion, celebrities, and brides. include Jean Harlow, Silent Movie Queen, Hedy Lamarr, Wacky Wedding Dresses, and Cinderella. Learn about Brendas latest paper doll books published by Dover books. Brenda is a member of the Original Paper Doll Artists Guild (OPDAG)
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17 Paper Pieces Offers a
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18 Holy Habits Features traditional
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20 Paper Creations Scale and
Scale and non-scale paper models. Printed on ordinary printer paper, these kits dont look like paper when they are done.
21 David Hammon Dolls Japan Specializes in
Specializes in imported Japanese Fashion Dolls from Takara, Ma-ba and Bandai. Dolls include modern and vintage Japanese Barbie dolls, Jenny and Licca dolls as well as outfits, accessories and reading material.
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22 Country Dolls Dolls by
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24 Dolls By Lori Features classes
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25 Ecosource Paper Inc. Inkjet laser
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26 Treasure House Features greeting
Features greeting cards, stickers, totes, paper dolls, coloring books and housewares.
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27 Peoplemache African-American dolls
African-American dolls made of paper mache with Christian themes. Portfolio and artist information included.
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28 Sova Enterprises Offers patterns
Offers patterns for beads, knitting, stained glass, wood, dolls, crochet, quilts, and paper. Also books and kits.
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29 Dolls by Diane Specializing in
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30 Dundore Dolls Offering original
Offering original limited edition porcelain dolls, one-of-a-kind polymer clay dolls, and cloth/paperclay dolls by AADA member Marcia Dundore Wolter.
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More Fancy Ephemera Paper Dolls Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Fancy Ephemera Paper Dolls in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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