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The Fiber Garden

The Fiber Garden Review Experience Fiber Garden

Carrying fiber arts equipment. Includes information on workshops and retreats.

Plan now to attend the 19th Annual Holiday Country Retreat The perfect way to begin your holiday season

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Fiber Garden Posted Reply Holiday Events Leave Spinning Country Special Travel Dyeing Annual Knitting Retreat Crafts Supplies Fiber Arts Yarn Arts Holiday Open House Holidays Mercantile Cruise Spinning Dyeing Knitting

Reviews and Comments for The Fiber Garden

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Best entries for Fiber and Garden

1 The Fiber Garden Carrying fiber
Carrying fiber arts equipment. Includes information on workshops and retreats.
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2 Blackberry Hills Raise fiber
Raise fiber animals for quality fleeces for handspinners, felters, doll makers and fiber artists. We also sell sheep pelts, locker lambs and kids, eggs, and spun fiber products.
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3 Green Culture, Inc. Products include
Products include solar lighting, composters, natural fiber clothing, water saving devices, and garden tools.
4 Lighthouse Fiber Specializes in
Specializes in providing fiber optic cables assemblies and components.
5 Rebekah Hodous Fiber and
Fiber and paper collages, wearable art, beaded bags and fiber vessels.
6 Fiber Mall A wide
A wide selection of shops related to spinning, weaving, and fiber arts.
7 Wooly Knob Fiber Mill Will turn
Will turn wool, camelid, mohair, angora or other fiber into batts or roving.
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8 Janes Fiber and Beads Floor, beading
Floor, beading and tapestry looms, spinning wheels, and fiber arts books.
9 Elizabeths Fiber and Yarn Offers looms
Offers looms, spinning wheels and supplies, natural fiber yarns, knitting patterns and tools.
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Browse articles on garden design, ask garden and landscaping questions or shop for garden plants, accessories and gifts.
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11 Longbranch Fiber Farm Offering a
Offering a complete line of alpaca products and information about processing laminated felt. Includes image galleries of felted yardage and fiber art.
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12 Village Yarns Specializes in
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13 Joslyns Fiber Farm Specializes in
Specializes in hand dyeing of natural fiber yarns. Also patterns and yarns in kit form.
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14 Stonehedge Fiber Mill Custom spinning
Custom spinning and processing producing rovings, batts or yarn. Also fiber evaluation, spinning and weaving services.
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15 Stonehedge Fiber Mill Custom spinning
Custom spinning and processing producing rovings, batts or yarn. Also fiber evaluation, spinning and weaving services.
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16 Health Call, Inc. Pasteurized fruit
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17 Fire Ant Ranch Specializing in
Specializing in mohair and wool fiber, spinning equipment, and fiber-producing livestock. Includes show schedule, ideas and hints on working with mohair.
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18 Fiber Optic Products, Inc. Plastic fiber
Plastic fiber optics supplies for modelers, crafter, electronics and lighting. Products include fibers, tools, light units, connectors and kits.
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19 Garden Design Provides a
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20 Real Carbon Fiber Carbon fiber
Carbon fiber license plate frames.
21 Garden Fairy Sells fairies
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22 Garden Frogs and Friends Sells lawn
Sells lawn and garden decor. Includes birdfeeders, garden stakes, planters, and sprinklers.
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23 Carbon Fiber Hoods Offering carbon
Offering carbon fiber parts including hoods, trunks, spoilers, exhaust and accessories.
24 Shining Sun Garden Works Handcrafted metal
Handcrafted metal garden art made from recycled steel. Includes garden stakes, trellises, and obelisks.
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25 The Wool Company The Wool
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26 The Garden Shoppe Everything you
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27 Napa Country Iris Garden Family-run commercial
Family-run commercial garden in California specializing in tall bearded irises. Catalog, recent introductions, information about care and culture, and about visiting the garden.
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28 Garden Flags Sells decorative
Sells decorative yard and garden flags for holidays like Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and July 4th in mini-garden and standard sizes.
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29 Black Cat Garden Supplies Offers a
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30 The Gifted Garden Specializing in
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31 Exotic Wings and Things Water garden
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32 Victorias Sign of the Dove Garden Figurines
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More The Fiber Garden Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of The Fiber Garden in may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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