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Flashflight Review Experience Disc Flashflight

Specializes in light-up flying discs and personal illumination for playing disc after dark.

Flashflight is a lighted flying disc that looks feels and flies like an ultimate disc Ultimate Disc Golf Recreational flying fun Water resistant and fully illuminated and patented by a single LED and 9 fiber optic strands Best light up disc on the market No lighted disc flies better than this one Straight long and bright A standard coin cell sized battery is included and powers this disc for 120 hours

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Flashflight Flashflight Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-27
4 Points
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Disc Flashflight Flying Ultimate Light Ive Great Lighted Night Golf Boulder Playhard Fun Phoenix Txcursor Promotional Dark Weve Sports Flying Discs Light Up Flying Disc Lighted Flying Disc Light Up Flying Disc Lightup Flying Disc Light Flying Disc Night Games Glow In The Dark Flying Disc Ultimate Disc Night Disc Games Long Throw Disc Christmas Gift Holiday Present Ultimate Christmas Gift Lighted Flying Disc Led Novelties Flying Disk Light Up Light Up Flying Disc Disc Golf Discgolf Disc Dolf Disc Golf Course Disc Target Discatcher Polehole Disc Basket Disc Goal Discsports Ultimate Freestyle Sports Parks Recreation Family Fun Disc Sports Dog Disc Disc Throwing Technique Custom Plastic Flying Disc Promotional Flying Disc Custom Flying Disc Buy Flying Discs Throwing A Flying Disc Disc Golf Location Ufo Ultimate Flying Disc

Reviews and Comments for Flashflight

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More Flashflight Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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