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Marinis at the Beach

Marinis at the Review Experience Marinis Salt

Original recipe salt water taffy and caramel corn since 1915. Fine candies and collectables.

The finest Candy Gifts Salt Water Taffy Caramel Apples and Caramel Corn on the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz since 1915

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Marinis at the Beach Marinis at the Beach Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-20
3 Points
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Marinis Salt Water Candy Taffy Baskets Starting Dark Santa Gifts Chocolate Gift Bacon Caramel Click Boardwalk Food Confectionery Salt Water Taffy Saltwater Taffy Candy Gift Baskets Caramel Corn Candy Apples Chocolate Homemade Fudge Fudge Lollipops Gift Baskets Candy Gifts Candy Baskets

Reviews and Comments for Marinis at the Beach

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Best entries for Marinis and Salt

1 Marinis at the Beach Original recipe
Original recipe salt water taffy and caramel corn since 1915. Fine candies and collectables.
Marinis Salt Water Candy Taffy Baskets Starting Dark Santa Gifts Chocolate Gift Bacon Caramel Click Boardwalk
2 Marinis at the Beach Salt water
Salt water taffy, caramel corn, caramel apples and handmade chocolates from the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Ships in continental USA.
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3 Brittany Sea Salt Natural hand
Natural hand harvested sea salt from the renowned salt marshes of Guerande in Brittany, France. Pure,unprocessed sea salt containing less sodium and more trace elements than ordinary salt.
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4 SeaStar Sea Salt Sells pure
Sells pure grey salt crystals of Brittany, France, and salt mills and mortars. Includes company information and recipes.
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5 Great Salt Lake Collectibles Sells bath
Sells bath salts made with essential oils and salt from the Great Salt Lake.
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6 Salt Traders Offers sea
Offers sea salts from worldwide locations. Also Danish smoked salt.
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7 Pure Himalayan Crystal Salt Salt crystals
Salt crystals for better health.
8 Salt-X Chloride rinsing
Chloride rinsing agent that removes salt from any surface.
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9 Salt-X Distributes Salt-X
Distributes Salt-X, a problem to combat metal corrosion.
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10 No Salt, Lowest Sodium Cookbook For heart
For heart patients and those with liver, kidney, and other chronic diseases requiring a no salt diet.
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11 Monroe Salt Works Offers hand
Offers hand crafted salt-glazed pottery, linens, maple syrup and jewelry. Stores are located in Maine and Massachusetts.
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12 Grain and Salt Society Provides Celtic
Provides Celtic sea salt, grains, beans and seeds, condiments, marine matrix, macrobiotic and Japanese foods. An extensive site with informational content.
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13 The Salt Water Fly Fisherman Fly fishing
Fly fishing equipment for both salt and fresh water. Access to guide services and fly tying supplies.
14 Super Salt Lamps Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of Rock Salt Crystal Lamps, Candle holders & Tealights.
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15 WhiteBird Celtic Sea Salt Offers Celtic
Offers Celtic sea salt for culinary and therapeutic purposes.
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16 Drakes Meat Rubs Offering rubs
Offering rubs and blends for meats, fish, and vegetables, including low-salt and no-salt blends.
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17 Shrivers Salt Water Taffy and Fudge Coal Candy
Coal Candy, licorice, sold year-round. Salt water taffy, fudge, and mint rolls from the Ocean City Boardwalk available seasonally.
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18 Baiters Box Salt water
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19 USA and
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20 The Surfcaster Salt water
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21 Reefgeek Supplier of
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22 Baker Investments Offers salt
Offers salt and pepper shakers and mills.
23 The Ornament Lady Salt dough
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24 Shark Aquarium Offers fresh
Offers fresh and salt water livestock.
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25 Monroe Salt Works Pottery produced
Pottery produced in rural Maine.
26 Olde Thompson Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of salt and pepper mills and accessories.
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27 Carolina Lures Salt and
Salt and fresh water fishing takle.
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28 Design Salt Lightweight sleep
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29 Aquarium Supply Store General salt/marine
General salt/marine supplies.
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30 Spectrum Gourmet Offering margaritas
Offering margaritas mixes and colored margarita salt.
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31 Spepper Offers is
Offers is a proprietary blend of salt and pepper combined in the same dispenser.
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32 Pooch n Purr Pantry Variety of
Variety of treats without sugar, salt or preservatives.
Request Errory

More Marinis at the Beach Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Marinis at the Beach in may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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