Pine Ledge Fiber
Experience Handwoven Handspun
Handspun, handknit hats and handwoven scarves by a Vermont spinner and weaver.Handspinning and Handweaving in Vermont Handknit Hats made from Super Bulky Handspun Yarns Handwoven Shawls Stoles and Scarves 100% cotton Toweling and Throws and a wide variety of supplies for Weavers and Spinners

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Pine Ledge Fiber Studio
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Handwoven Handspun Yarn Vermont Fabrics Studio Whats Fabric Look Joanne@pineledgecom Create Ledge Fiber Blog Faqs Joanne Clothing Accessories Handspun Yarn Handwoven Fabrics
Reviews and Comments for Pine Ledge Fiber Studio

Best entries for Handwoven and Handspun
1 Pine Ledge Fiber Studio
Handspun, handknit
Handspun, handknit hats and handwoven scarves by a Vermont spinner and weaver.
Handwoven Handspun Yarn Vermont Fabrics Studio Whats Fabric Look Joanne@pineledgecom Create Ledge Fiber Blog Faqs Joanne
Handspun, handknit hats and handwoven scarves by a Vermont spinner and weaver.
Handwoven Handspun Yarn Vermont Fabrics Studio Whats Fabric Look Joanne@pineledgecom Create Ledge Fiber Blog Faqs Joanne
2 Weaving Hands
Handwoven rugs
Handwoven rugs in unique designs including Zapotec made with handspun wool and fine dyes.
Handwoven Clearance Rugs Furniture Sale West Glass Santa Rodsrich Tapestries Stained Fireplace Beehive Lamp_ Selection Mountain
Handwoven rugs in unique designs including Zapotec made with handspun wool and fine dyes.
Handwoven Clearance Rugs Furniture Sale West Glass Santa Rodsrich Tapestries Stained Fireplace Beehive Lamp_ Selection Mountain
3 Pine Ledge Fiber Studio
Handspun, handknit
Handspun, handknit hats and handwoven scarves by spinner and weaver Joanne Littler.
Rejected Requesty
Handspun, handknit hats and handwoven scarves by spinner and weaver Joanne Littler.
Rejected Requesty
4 Centinela Traditional Arts
Specializes in
Specializes in handwoven wool products utilizing natural dyes, custome-dyed yarns, handspun yarns, and the traditional Rio Grande weaving styles including: Jerga, Rio Grande, Saltillo, Vallero, and Chimayo.
Trujillo Chimayo Lisa Tapestry Irvin Weaving Mexico Weavers Textile Grande Art Fiber New Rio Chimayous Take Order
Specializes in handwoven wool products utilizing natural dyes, custome-dyed yarns, handspun yarns, and the traditional Rio Grande weaving styles including: Jerga, Rio Grande, Saltillo, Vallero, and Chimayo.
Trujillo Chimayo Lisa Tapestry Irvin Weaving Mexico Weavers Textile Grande Art Fiber New Rio Chimayous Take Order
5 Stoneleafmoon Handspun Yarns
One of
One of a kind handspun yarns that explore unique colors and textures.
Hats Yarn Yarns Handspun Linda Scharf Art Crochet Webring Flavored Untamed Sale Beautiful Archive Translate Notified
One of a kind handspun yarns that explore unique colors and textures.
Hats Yarn Yarns Handspun Linda Scharf Art Crochet Webring Flavored Untamed Sale Beautiful Archive Translate Notified
6 Weavers Corner, Inc.
Specialtizes in
Specialtizes in handwoven custom color and size rugs in cotton or wool blends and also offers handwoven towels and table linens.
Towels Cotton Corner Weavers Rugs Kentucky Craft Weave Classes Boston Table Shaker Wool Holiday Napkins Woven Taking
Specialtizes in handwoven custom color and size rugs in cotton or wool blends and also offers handwoven towels and table linens.
Towels Cotton Corner Weavers Rugs Kentucky Craft Weave Classes Boston Table Shaker Wool Holiday Napkins Woven Taking
8 Fun with Yarn
Thick and
Thick and thin handspun wool singles in variegated colors.
Yarn Supplements Arthritis Enjoy Share Health Wool Hand Beenie Knitting Should Workout Getting Sheep Bodybuilding Right Supplement Think Information Privacy
Thick and thin handspun wool singles in variegated colors.
Yarn Supplements Arthritis Enjoy Share Health Wool Hand Beenie Knitting Should Workout Getting Sheep Bodybuilding Right Supplement Think Information Privacy
9 Fibers
Sweaters, vests
Sweaters, vests, scarves and clothing knit from handspun Mohair.
Luxury Fibers Clothing Yarn Fiber Farm Hand Pennsylvania Mohair Creations Best Gifts Products Slateford Goats Woven Fleece
Sweaters, vests, scarves and clothing knit from handspun Mohair.
Luxury Fibers Clothing Yarn Fiber Farm Hand Pennsylvania Mohair Creations Best Gifts Products Slateford Goats Woven Fleece
10 Angora Yarn
Handspun for
Handspun for creating knit wear, in lengths of about 60 yards each.
Navigationshilfet Y
Handspun for creating knit wear, in lengths of about 60 yards each.
Navigationshilfet Y
11 Tanagers Song Farm
Handspun yarns
Handspun yarns in natural and dyed colors.
Insurance Commercial Construction Blog Tips Wordpress Contractors During Found It Residential Using Primary Having Constructioncompany Factors Health
Handspun yarns in natural and dyed colors.
Insurance Commercial Construction Blog Tips Wordpress Contractors During Found It Residential Using Primary Having Constructioncompany Factors Health
12 Windsor Farms Rabbitry
Features angora
Features angora rabbits, handspun fiber, and accessories.
Sign Now Everything People Places Updated Policy Lifestream Login Insign Inc Connecting Aolcom Trademarks Email
Features angora rabbits, handspun fiber, and accessories.
Sign Now Everything People Places Updated Policy Lifestream Login Insign Inc Connecting Aolcom Trademarks Email
13 Critter Creations
Handspun yarn
Handspun yarn from pets hair. Makes handmade sweaters for teddy bears.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Sign Helplongeravailable Toolbar Maps Inc Mail Guidelines Archiveorg Machine Archives
Handspun yarn from pets hair. Makes handmade sweaters for teddy bears.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Sign Helplongeravailable Toolbar Maps Inc Mail Guidelines Archiveorg Machine Archives
14 Riverhill Pottery
Handwoven clay
Handwoven clay baskets.
River Hill Pottery Gallery Basket Virtual Baking Berksites Website Tour Here Design Click Collection Onion Berkshire Welcome
Handwoven clay baskets.
River Hill Pottery Gallery Basket Virtual Baking Berksites Website Tour Here Design Click Collection Onion Berkshire Welcome
15 A Twist in Time
Handknit and
Handknit and handspun gifts and accessories for dolls, children, and adults. Custom knitting services available.
Create Tripod Check Couldnt Website Lycoscom Shopping Lycos Hosting Requested Pagetripodcom Login Signup
Handknit and handspun gifts and accessories for dolls, children, and adults. Custom knitting services available.
Create Tripod Check Couldnt Website Lycoscom Shopping Lycos Hosting Requested Pagetripodcom Login Signup
16 Sugar Hill Farm
Offering handspun
Offering handspun yarn in the many natural colors available from the Shetland and Jacob breeds of sheep.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Archives Usertrying Sorry Guidelines Machine Visit News
Offering handspun yarn in the many natural colors available from the Shetland and Jacob breeds of sheep.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Archives Usertrying Sorry Guidelines Machine Visit News
17 Mountain Shadow Farm
Hats, accessories
Hats, accessories and clothing knitted from handspun llama, alpaca, musk ox and wool.
Mountainshadowfarmcom Hereclick Go Z
Hats, accessories and clothing knitted from handspun llama, alpaca, musk ox and wool.
Mountainshadowfarmcom Hereclick Go Z
18 Pollywogs Yarn and Fiber
Offering coned
Offering coned, handpainted and handspun yarns, spinning fibers, videos and software.
Fiber Yarn Yarns Festival Spinning Books Knitting Specials Patterns Arts Leisure Sale Pollywogs Visit Order State Square Check
Offering coned, handpainted and handspun yarns, spinning fibers, videos and software.
Fiber Yarn Yarns Festival Spinning Books Knitting Specials Patterns Arts Leisure Sale Pollywogs Visit Order State Square Check
19 Frene Creek Farm
Millspun and
Millspun and handspun yarns including novelties, raw spinning fibers, and finished handmade goods.
Frene Creek Farm Handmade Soap Leicester Order Shawls Fibers Spinning Card Scarves Yarn Items Lotion Toaccept Join Shipping Personal
Millspun and handspun yarns including novelties, raw spinning fibers, and finished handmade goods.
Frene Creek Farm Handmade Soap Leicester Order Shawls Fibers Spinning Card Scarves Yarn Items Lotion Toaccept Join Shipping Personal
20 Wearable Fiber Art
Offers a
Offers a selection of handmade clothing and accessories from handspun and dyed wool, mohair, silk, and alpaca.
Hand Purchase Color Silk Spun Wearable Art Colors Knit Woven Rugs Mail Handmade Order Accessories Custom Products Purses Address
Offers a selection of handmade clothing and accessories from handspun and dyed wool, mohair, silk, and alpaca.
Hand Purchase Color Silk Spun Wearable Art Colors Knit Woven Rugs Mail Handmade Order Accessories Custom Products Purses Address
21 Hares to Ewe Wools
Specializes in
Specializes in handspun yarns utilizing fiber from animals raised on the companys farm or from the surrounding area.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Specializes in handspun yarns utilizing fiber from animals raised on the companys farm or from the surrounding area.
Navigationshilfe Ty
22 Pippikneesocks
Handspun, hand
Handspun, hand painted limited edition yarns, knitting tools and spinning fibers, as well as some knitted items.
Pippikneesockscom Here Toclickgo
Handspun, hand painted limited edition yarns, knitting tools and spinning fibers, as well as some knitted items.
Pippikneesockscom Here Toclickgo
23 Rug Studio
Handwoven rugs
Handwoven rugs from around the world. Rug FAQs and testimonials.
Rugs Runners Shipping Larger Small Rug Rugstudio Custom Size Free Area Oversized Woven Flokati Standard
Handwoven rugs from around the world. Rug FAQs and testimonials.
Rugs Runners Shipping Larger Small Rug Rugstudio Custom Size Free Area Oversized Woven Flokati Standard
24 Pacific Wool and Fiber
Carries wheels
Carries wheels, fibers, learn-to-spin kits, drop spindles, books and patterns for using handspun.
Spinning Louet Kromski Ashford Schacht Looms Cotton Wool Wheels Weaving Loom Leclerc Accessories Dyes Majacraft
Carries wheels, fibers, learn-to-spin kits, drop spindles, books and patterns for using handspun.
Spinning Louet Kromski Ashford Schacht Looms Cotton Wool Wheels Weaving Loom Leclerc Accessories Dyes Majacraft
25 Lampes Lumps
Handspun wool
Handspun wool and cotton in variegated colors, including thick-and-thin singles, novelty plies and overtwists.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Handspun wool and cotton in variegated colors, including thick-and-thin singles, novelty plies and overtwists.
Navigationshilfe Ty
26 Peterboro Basket Company
Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of collectible, handwoven, splint baskets.
Baskets Peterboro Compare Options Wishlist Add Choose Basket Storage Company Feature Magazine Gift Martha Stewart
Manufacturers of collectible, handwoven, splint baskets.
Baskets Peterboro Compare Options Wishlist Add Choose Basket Storage Company Feature Magazine Gift Martha Stewart
27 Ragbreak
Custom contemporary
Custom contemporary or traditional handwoven rag rugs in wool or flannel.
Ragbreakcom Go Hereclick Z
Custom contemporary or traditional handwoven rag rugs in wool or flannel.
Ragbreakcom Go Hereclick Z
28 Lisa Souza Knitwear and Dyeworks
Handspun and
Handspun and hand dyed mill spun wool, mohair and alpaca yarns are available to knitters and made into sweaters.
Silk Merino Sock Yarn Dyed Yarns Hand Baby Bombyx Alpaca Handspun Lace Cashmere Spinning Sport Andrea
Handspun and hand dyed mill spun wool, mohair and alpaca yarns are available to knitters and made into sweaters.
Silk Merino Sock Yarn Dyed Yarns Hand Baby Bombyx Alpaca Handspun Lace Cashmere Spinning Sport Andrea
29 Taos Valley Wool Mill
Features a
Features a variety of handspun yarn, alpaca buttons, and spinners hooks. Also pages of tips, terms, and techniques.
Features a variety of handspun yarn, alpaca buttons, and spinners hooks. Also pages of tips, terms, and techniques.
30 Bygone Arts
Offers custom
Offers custom calligraphy, chain mail, handspun yarn, medieval style clothing, bath salts, ointments, and books.
Medieval Wedding Calligraphy Arts Bygone Celtic Manuscripts Invitation Inspired Art Rss Manuscript Irish Contact Ages
Offers custom calligraphy, chain mail, handspun yarn, medieval style clothing, bath salts, ointments, and books.
Medieval Wedding Calligraphy Arts Bygone Celtic Manuscripts Invitation Inspired Art Rss Manuscript Irish Contact Ages
31 The Flying Shuttle
Offers handwoven
Offers handwoven chenille scarves in brilliant color combinations.
Request Errory
Offers handwoven chenille scarves in brilliant color combinations.
Request Errory
32 Arizona Rug Company
Featuring an
Featuring an assortment of handwoven and hand-finished imported rugs.
Rugs Rug Company Traditional Arizona Account Faqs Services Persian Advanced Southwest Contact Login Coastal Accessories Store Fun Additionally
Featuring an assortment of handwoven and hand-finished imported rugs.
Rugs Rug Company Traditional Arizona Account Faqs Services Persian Advanced Southwest Contact Login Coastal Accessories Store Fun Additionally