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Silk Connection

Silk Connection Review Experience Jacquard Products

Offers a selection of white and natural silk yardage and scarves.

Textiles for Artists and Industry The finest silks from Asia domestic and Indian cottons rayons linens and more All prepared for printing and at rock bottom prices

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Reviews and Comments for Silk Connection

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Best entries for Jacquard and Products

1 Just A Lil Toy Store Science and
Science and Nature related toys and games featuring Safari Ltd, Dowling Magnets, Putt-Putt Boats, Schoenhut Pianos, Rupert Gibbon & Spider (Jacquard Products) and Woodkins
Products Putt Magnets Educational Science Store Steam Dowling Cotton Boats Toy Just Magnetic Fabric Nature Child Projects
2 Real Tapestry Jacquard, handwoven
Jacquard, handwoven, and artwork tapestries, area rugs, and accessories.
3 Old Shanghai Features decor
Features decor items, gifts, womens apparel and silk jacquard accessories.
Asian Silk Shanghai Gifts Contact Old Decor Wedding Kimono Favors Cast Accessories Iron Shipping Party Robe Case Lantern Meets
4 Chateau Selections Jacquard woven
Jacquard woven and chenille tapestries, fine bedding, bell pulls, table runners and throws.
Chateauselectionscom Decoration Advance Consolidation Legal Cash Debt Terms Free Browse Click Cell Learnbest
5 Joy Light Center Shops Tapestry wall
Tapestry wall hangings and bell pulls, woven on a jacquard loom. Also offers cotton throws.
Tapestry Wall Hangings Cotton Throws Designs Cute Made Center Light Pillows Decorative Sayings Arrivals Tote Website Country Please Invoice Accepts Bell
6 Stitched Impressions Custom monogramming
Custom monogramming and services, designs, finished items including personalized grandparents shirts and Jacquard-woven afghans.
7 Accessories from France Unstructured handbags
Unstructured handbags made of cotton European-loomed jacquard tapestry fabrics. Choice of fabrics for each bag style.
8 AVL Looms Both new
Both new and used Dobby, compu-dobby and jacquard looms for the hobby and professional weaver. Also offers software and accessories.
Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Compu Financing Dobby Lets Chico Weaver Library Testimonials Pre Owned Contact Gifts Clearance Saundra Blog Little
9 Holland & Sherry, Ltd UK. Limited
UK. Limited quantity, jacquard and dobby handwoven fabrics for suiting and coats, from wool. Detailed description of design and production process. Information on fiber and fabric types, yarns, wool properties, and finishing technologies.
Sherry Bespoke Holland Interiors Apparel Z
10 Futon Covers Specializing in
Specializing in futon covers, with or without pillow covers, made from twill, jacquard and sheeting fabrics.
11 AVL Looms Inc. USA. Manufacturer
USA. Manufacturer and dealer of dobby and jacquard looms. Dealer of weaving software and accessories, and provider of weaving instruction classes.
Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Chico Library Compu Dobby Financing Weaver Lets Testimonials Pre Owned Checkout Partners Park Customize
12 Lifekind All organic
All organic, recycled and chemical free consumer products, including water and air cleaning, mattresses and linens, clothes, baby products, cleaning products, gifts, garden and pest control supplies, laundry products, and personal care products.
Organic Mattresses Mattress Natural Sale Lifekind Bedding Bath Baby Crib Shipping Beds Policy Toxic Pads Blankets
13 Ecolomart Products Environmentally-friendly products
Environmentally-friendly products, including composters, clothing, household products, garden products, and gifts.
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14 Natures Sunshine Products, Inc. Manufactures, packages
Manufactures, packages and sells nutritional and personal care products, including herbs, vitamins, seasonings, natural skin, hair and beauty care products, and various homeopathic products. (Nasdaq: NATR).
Sunshine Product Herbs Member Health Oils Support Products Rewards Tools Become Inform Natures Quality Success Updates Events Cellular Statement Medical Glandular
15 Chattanooga Medical Supply Sales of
Sales of biofeedback products, health care products, and products to aid daily living.
Units Accessories Dynamometers Legend Hydraulic Intelect Chattanooga Traction Ultrasound Push Pull Treatment Medical Unit Products Table Pinch Contact Therapy
16 Sofimabel Healthcare Products and Services Offer health
Offer health products such as weight loss products, air and water purification systems.
17 Boston Medical Products, Inc. Develops and
Develops and supplies devices for ENT and airway surgery. Includes a catalog of products and a review of new products.
Products Boston Laryngeal Medical Otology Rhinology Inc Worldwide Esophageal Safe Tubes™ Watch Bess Group Management Pulmonology Thyroplasty Company Brand Usa T
18 Jerico Performance Products Racing transmissions
Racing transmissions and accessories, all American made products. Online manuals, products you can order.
Speed Revision Jerico Performance Drag Products Race Wc Cl Jerico® Charts Transmission Ratio Manual Break
19 Boston Medical Products, Inc. Boston Medical
Boston Medical Products, Inc. designs and manufactures quality surgical products for the otolaryngologist. A supplier of laryngectomy products, also manufactures tracheostomy surgical products, including a thyroplasty implant system for unilateral vocal cord paralysis, tracheal cannula system and speaking valves.
Medical Products Boston Otology Facility Inc Login Worldwide Contact Rhinology Laryngeal Go Airway Professionals Message Esophageal Register
20 Champion Tails Provides horse
Provides horse hair products such as tail extensions, grooming products such as shampoos and conditioners, and enhancement products for the show arena.
Champion Tail Horse Tails Riders Contact Gallery Policy Stayz Products Joomla Colour Hair Size Information Cosmetics Tips
21 Specialty Agricultural Products Produces a
Produces a range of mesh fencing products, primarily intended to keep deer out. Overview of products and uses, with a photo gallery.
Design Fencing Stocking Products Commecial Do Part Agricultural Professionally Installed Deer Specialty Contact Wire Kits Road Bird
22 HealthQuest Offers products
Offers products including support pillows, allergen elimination products, mastectomy products, incontinence items, footwear, and back supports.
Health Shop Contact Sleep Quest Mastectomy Shape Concerns Footwear Shoes Pillow Birkenstocks Support Athletic Orthopedic Sports Diabetes Diabetic
23 Super Spectrim Offers multi-vitamins
Offers multi-vitamins and mineral products, single vitamin or minerals, weight loss products, and sports nutrition products.
Super Nutrients Release Multi Spectrim Vitamin Hours Each Here Spectrims News Yeast Effectiveness Vitamins Absorption Tri Min Contact Amino Ammo
24 The Herbarie Herbal botanical
Herbal botanical products for bath and body. Products include oils and haircare. Also provide bulk herbs to make products at home.
Products Herbarie Oils Extracts Botanical Antioxidants Emollients Thickeners Ingredients Cosmetic Botanicals Proteins Emulsifiers Conditioners Own Anti Aging Complete Essential Sales Active
25 K-9 Products Offers kennel
Offers kennel products specializing in disinfectants, odor control products, natural supplements, stainless steel bowls and buckets, e-collars, leads, books and hunting items.
Products Steel Kennel Stainless Books Collars Items Pet Supplies Special Disinfectants Training Buckets Supplements Bowls Sanitary
26 Allergy Control Products Inc. Sells products
Sells products to reduce exposure to allergens. Includes bedding, air filters, humidity control, and products for children.
Buy Now Allergy Click Center Type Catalog Learning Privacy Signup Security Satisfaction Contact Product Sales Returns
27 Kirks Natural Products Committed to
Committed to market only natural, hypoallergenic personal care products which are environmentally safe and also free of animal by-products.
Kirks Natural Healthy Simple Castile Skin Write Shopping Ingredients Retailer Information Shipping Shop Beautiful News Goods Gift
28 Caribbean Island Imports Caribbean hot
Caribbean hot sauces, condiments, spices, tropical fruit products, Jerk, and fiery food lovers products. Most products are also available wholesale.
Caribbean Free Imports Island Sauce Hot Store Food Foods Mountain Gourmet Bello Crafts Jamaican Blue Sailing Bar
29 Cirrus Health Care Products Provides travel
Provides travel, safety and personal healthcare products to relieve ear pain from in flight pressure, motion sickness and dental care products.
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30 Love Your A range
A range of nail and skin care products from Jennifer Lynn. Products include nail hardener, thickener, foot rejuvenator, cuticle pen and other hand and body products.
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31 Tech-Home Sells home
Sells home automation products to the do-it-yourselfers, installers, and dealers. Specializes in products based on the Zwave protocol. Along with X10 hardware, structured wiring, security, and surveillance products.
32 Northern Hope Retail Provides a
Provides a variety of paper products like bags, candle holders, jewelry, lamps, paper products, picture frames, pillow cases, scarves, wine holder, and wood products.
Navigationshilfe Ty

More Silk Connection Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Silk Connection in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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