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The Smithfield Collection

The Smithfield Collection Review Experience Hams Smithfield

A variety of Smithfield hams, smoked turkey and game, Virginia peanuts, Williamsburg tavern soups, Southern style barbecue sauces, and gift packages.

Smithfield Marketplace Home of your favorite country hams sweet cured hams and other specialty foods from Smithfield Hams The Smithfield Collection Basses Choice

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Hams Smithfield Country Ham Genuine Southern $ Sweet Specialty Marketplace Cure Pork Specials Gifts Slices Game Food Ethnic And Regional North American Southern Traditional Southern Food Smithfield Marketplace

Reviews and Comments for The Smithfield Collection

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Best entries for Hams and Smithfield

1 Johnston County Hams Smithfield, North
Smithfield, North Carolina. Offers, cooked and uncooked country hams, honey cured sliced hams, dry cured bacon, prosciutto, and turkey.
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2 The Smithfield Collection A variety
A variety of Smithfield hams, smoked turkey and game, Virginia peanuts, Williamsburg tavern soups, Southern style barbecue sauces, and gift packages.
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3 Smithfield Farms Offer a
Offer a variety of country hams, spiral sliced honey glazed hams, hickory smoked turkeys and Virginia jumbo peanuts. Virginia, USA.
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4 Basses Choice Shoppe Sells Smithfield
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A variety of goods including Smithfield hams, smoked turkey, Virginia peanuts, Rowenas pound cake, and gift packages.
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6 Nelson Brand Hams Fairfield, Nebraska.
Fairfield, Nebraska. Whole and spiral cut smoked hams.
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7 Fathers Country Hams Cured hams
Cured hams, bacon and smoked sausage.
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8 Broadbent Hams Offers hams
Offers hams, turkey, bacon, summer sausage, cheese, and combination packs.
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9 Meacham Hams Cooked, uncooked
Cooked, uncooked, and peppered hams. Also offers bacon, pork, sausage, ribs, and turkey
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10 Wayco Ham Company Cooked and
Cooked and uncooked country hams, smoked turkeys, and honey glazed hams. Goldsboro, North Carolina.
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11 Etzler Country Hams Virginia country-cured
Virginia country-cured hams and bacon. Order by e-mail.
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12 Tripp Country Hams Brownsville, Tennessee.
Brownsville, Tennessee. Offers sliced and whole country hams, country bacon, ham hocks, and sorghum molasses.
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13 Montana Valley Hams Half or
Half or whole baked hams from Helena, Montana.
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14 Stevens Sausage Company Smithfield, North
Smithfield, North Carolina. Offers sausage and country ham.
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15 Harpers Hams Ham, bacon
Ham, bacon, and sausage.
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16 Rices Country Hams Offers smoked
Offers smoked ham, sausage, and bacon.
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17 Gift Turkey Featuring a
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18 Dearborn Sausage Company Offers a
Offers a variety of ethnic sausages, plus franks and hams.
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19 Squares Bar-B-Que Smoked hams
Smoked hams, bacon, turkey, brisket, and sausage from Abilene, Texas.
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20 Ham I Am Offers hams
Offers hams, turkey, bacon, lamb, brisket, pork loin, quail, and chicken.
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21 Lopez Ortega Offers whole
Offers whole or sliced cured Iberian acorn hams. Madrid, Spain.
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22 Nodines Smokehouse, Inc. Wholesaler and
Wholesaler and retailer of gourmet smoked hams, bacon, fish and cheese.
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23 Pigmans Bar-B-Que Pulled pork
Pulled pork, barbeque sauce, and hams from the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
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24 Squares Bar-B-Que Smoked hams
Smoked hams, turkey, brisket,and sausage. Online catalog and secure ordering.
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25 Nodines Smokehouse Wholesaler and
Wholesaler and retailer of smoked hams, pork, loin, bacon, fish, and cheese.
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26 The Farmers Diner Sells locally
Sells locally raised turkeys, hams, sausages, bacon and cheeses from Vermont.
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27 Casa Tarabal Offers Catalonian
Offers Catalonian sausages and Iberian hams and pork loins. In Spanish and English.
28 Broadbent Hams Sells smokehouse
Sells smokehouse gifts. Includes a company history, recipes, and product listings.
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29 The Country Store Pennsdale, Pennsylvania.
Pennsdale, Pennsylvania. Smoked hams, bolognas, scrapple, bacon, kielbasa, steak, and pork.
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30 Rock Creek Premium Meats Pork chops
Pork chops, ribs, hams, bacon, and variety packs. Also provides recipes.
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31 Honey-B Ham Company Cooked, spiral-sliced
Cooked, spiral-sliced, glazed hams. Also offer turkey and turduchen. Plano, Texas.
Cart Add Honey Email Company Casserole Login Desserts Warmingheating Side Turduchen Broccoli Instructions Turkeys Favorite
32 Mobile catering
Mobile catering and manufacturer of dry rub spices. Fills orders for plates and sandwiches by the pound, turkeys, hams, and ribs.
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More The Smithfield Collection Infos

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