Speeds Performance Plus
Experience Performance Speeds
With a complete custom bike shop and state-of-the-art mobile dyno center, Speeds Performance Plus specializes in professional Harley-Davidson dyno tuning and performance product installation.Speeds Performance Plus is a mobile motorcycle performance shop specializing in tuning Harley Davidson and metric motorcycles We not only tune the bikes we also install performance products like power commanders cams motors exhaust air cleaners stereos and many more right on site at all the events we attend The business was started in 1998 and we have been going strong ever since We also have a shop located in Rapid City SD with a 2nd dyno there We do everything from a simple oil change to a hand built high performance motors and most of it done right at the events while the customer watches For the more in depth jobs we can ship or arrange for the bike to go back to the shop in South Dakota If you are interested in having a better running motorcycle no matter what level contact us today

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Performance Speeds Jamie Hanson Plus Events Power Products Shop Motors Wolf Bikes Cleaners Fries Logon Go Commanders Tuning Speeds Vehicles Motorcycles Parts And Accessories American Harley-Davidson Customizing
Reviews and Comments for Speeds Performance Plus

Best entries for Performance and Speeds
1 Speeds Performance Plus
With a
With a complete custom bike shop and state-of-the-art mobile dyno center, Speeds Performance Plus specializes in professional Harley-Davidson dyno tuning and performance product installation.
Performance Speeds Jamie Hanson Plus Events Power Products Shop Motors Wolf Bikes Cleaners Fries Logon Go Commanders Tuning Speeds
With a complete custom bike shop and state-of-the-art mobile dyno center, Speeds Performance Plus specializes in professional Harley-Davidson dyno tuning and performance product installation.
Performance Speeds Jamie Hanson Plus Events Power Products Shop Motors Wolf Bikes Cleaners Fries Logon Go Commanders Tuning Speeds
2 T and B Transmission and Gear
Rebuilt manual
Rebuilt manual transmissions, new Muncie 4 speeds, gears and parts.
Parts Rebuilt Transmission Transmissions Ford Gears Muncie Manual Nv Transfercases Mr Speed Kits Transfercase Used
Rebuilt manual transmissions, new Muncie 4 speeds, gears and parts.
Parts Rebuilt Transmission Transmissions Ford Gears Muncie Manual Nv Transfercases Mr Speed Kits Transfercase Used
3 Dowani Online
Produces play-along
Produces play-along CDs for classical musicians, with varying speeds and orchestral accompaniment.
Dowani Along Play Tempi Orchestra Agenden Musik Ausgaben Musique Notenbeispiele Begleitung Alexander Nummer Streicher Boris Verlagsprogramm Festen Titel Gevorkova
Produces play-along CDs for classical musicians, with varying speeds and orchestral accompaniment.
Dowani Along Play Tempi Orchestra Agenden Musik Ausgaben Musique Notenbeispiele Begleitung Alexander Nummer Streicher Boris Verlagsprogramm Festen Titel Gevorkova
4 The Speeds
Products include
Products include boxes, candleholders, window panels, stepping stones, clocks and mirrors.
Dotster Hosted Website Futurey
Products include boxes, candleholders, window panels, stepping stones, clocks and mirrors.
Dotster Hosted Website Futurey
5 WebCyclery
Carries bikes
Carries bikes, parts, and accessories for trials, single speeds, dual slalom, and dirt jumping.
Bike Bikes Trials Skis Inspired Ski Skiing Rental Salsa Niner Cycles Products Nordic Rentals Demo Shop Policies Swix
Carries bikes, parts, and accessories for trials, single speeds, dual slalom, and dirt jumping.
Bike Bikes Trials Skis Inspired Ski Skiing Rental Salsa Niner Cycles Products Nordic Rentals Demo Shop Policies Swix
6 Aaron Gregory Spy Marketing
Offers portable
Offers portable units allowing to monitor a car or vehicle has been, the speeds that it traveled, and start/stop times.
Offers portable units allowing to monitor a car or vehicle has been, the speeds that it traveled, and start/stop times.
7 iCard
Offers cartridge
Offers cartridge that delivers lap times, position, team and driver details and lap speeds. Includes downloads, links and media information.
Icarduscom Wordpress Loans Payday Free Themes Rent Samui サイトナビゲãÆ’¼ã‚·ãÆ’§ãÆ’³ãÆ’¡ãƒ‹ãÆ’¥ãÆ’¼ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹ãŸã‚ÂÂã€ÂÂブãƒグ投稿ãÃ
Offers cartridge that delivers lap times, position, team and driver details and lap speeds. Includes downloads, links and media information.
Icarduscom Wordpress Loans Payday Free Themes Rent Samui サイトナビゲãÆ’¼ã‚·ãÆ’§ãÆ’³ãÆ’¡ãƒ‹ãÆ’¥ãÆ’¼ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹ãŸã‚ÂÂã€ÂÂブãƒグ投稿ãÃ
8 Griffco Records
Specializing in
Specializing in out of print audiophile LPs and CDs, the owner has been involved with MFSL LPs and CDs, Nautilus CBS half speeds, and Japanese LP and CD imports for over twenty years.
Vinyl Box Record Sounds Records Orchestra Set Beatles Acoustic New Sets Cd Preowned Paul Symphony Rpm Ravel Studios
Specializing in out of print audiophile LPs and CDs, the owner has been involved with MFSL LPs and CDs, Nautilus CBS half speeds, and Japanese LP and CD imports for over twenty years.
Vinyl Box Record Sounds Records Orchestra Set Beatles Acoustic New Sets Cd Preowned Paul Symphony Rpm Ravel Studios
9 Starr Performance
Sells software
Sells software for street, strip and track performance enhancements. Free demo download available. Also includes a list of performance services and packages.
Starr Performance Policy | Privacy Performance Privacyz
Sells software for street, strip and track performance enhancements. Free demo download available. Also includes a list of performance services and packages.
Starr Performance Policy | Privacy Performance Privacyz
10 Parasol Inc.
Body fillers
Body fillers from Europe, dyes for vinyl, leather and plastics, polishes, cleaners and conditioners from Germany and a paint additive which speeds up drying of primers.
Filler Paint Cleaner Vinyl Plastic Leather Dye Car Microfiber Boat Dyes Conditioner Wood Metal Guns
Body fillers from Europe, dyes for vinyl, leather and plastics, polishes, cleaners and conditioners from Germany and a paint additive which speeds up drying of primers.
Filler Paint Cleaner Vinyl Plastic Leather Dye Car Microfiber Boat Dyes Conditioner Wood Metal Guns
11 The Chilipepper Appliance
Speeds hot
Speeds hot water from water heaters to fixtures without running water down the drain.
Chilipepper Water Demand Learn System Works Pump Hot Motion Specs Plumbing Instant Turn Heater Even
Speeds hot water from water heaters to fixtures without running water down the drain.
Chilipepper Water Demand Learn System Works Pump Hot Motion Specs Plumbing Instant Turn Heater Even
12 Breathless Performance Products
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of C4 and C5 performance parts and components, has the ultimate performance tools and parts for your Corvette.
Performance Exterior Lighting Corvette Racing Camaro Wheels Track Interior Intakeexhaust Parts Miata Brakes Suspension Available Hawk Cadillac Rears Spoke
Manufacturer of C4 and C5 performance parts and components, has the ultimate performance tools and parts for your Corvette.
Performance Exterior Lighting Corvette Racing Camaro Wheels Track Interior Intakeexhaust Parts Miata Brakes Suspension Available Hawk Cadillac Rears Spoke
13 CE High Performance
Computer generated
Computer generated performance data tailored to building the correct collection of performance parts for your vehicle. Parts store, engine block/head codes, discussion forum and a tips and tricks page.
Page Providerforpleasecannot Error Displayed Contact
Computer generated performance data tailored to building the correct collection of performance parts for your vehicle. Parts store, engine block/head codes, discussion forum and a tips and tricks page.
Page Providerforpleasecannot Error Displayed Contact
14 CE High Performance
Computer generated
Computer generated performance data tailored to building the correct collection of performance parts for race cars. Parts store, engine block/head codes, discussion forum and a tips and tricks page.
Displayed Contacterrorcannot Please Providerfor Page
Computer generated performance data tailored to building the correct collection of performance parts for race cars. Parts store, engine block/head codes, discussion forum and a tips and tricks page.
Displayed Contacterrorcannot Please Providerfor Page
15 Performance Suspension Components
Replacement and
Replacement and performance products for foreign and domestic vechiles.
Replacement and performance products for foreign and domestic vechiles.
16 Hot Seat Performance
Performance products
Performance products for Polaris ATVs, snowmobiles, and personal watercraft.
Performance Speedwerx Exhaust Account Contact Privacy Store Utv Kit Supercharged Gift Checkout Snowmobile Cart Wishlist Coated Looking Kymco Categories
Performance products for Polaris ATVs, snowmobiles, and personal watercraft.
Performance Speedwerx Exhaust Account Contact Privacy Store Utv Kit Supercharged Gift Checkout Snowmobile Cart Wishlist Coated Looking Kymco Categories
17 Race Performance Parts
Offers exterior and interior styling, performance, and suspension.
Offers exterior and interior styling, performance, and suspension.
18 Edo Performance
Retailer of
Retailer of performance parts and related instrumentation. Includes product catalog.
Parts Subaru Nissan Toyota Auto Tomei Honda Performance Defi Jun Hks Greddy Kits Mitsubishi Engine Infiniti Lexus Filters Systems
Retailer of performance parts and related instrumentation. Includes product catalog.
Parts Subaru Nissan Toyota Auto Tomei Honda Performance Defi Jun Hks Greddy Kits Mitsubishi Engine Infiniti Lexus Filters Systems
19 Performance Machine
High performance
High performance disc brake systems and custom wheels.
Wheels Accessories Custom Pm Forged Drive Garage Machine Motorcycle Dealer Products Metric Harley Inspiration Controls Davidson Rides Caliper Tech Twin Testing
High performance disc brake systems and custom wheels.
Wheels Accessories Custom Pm Forged Drive Garage Machine Motorcycle Dealer Products Metric Harley Inspiration Controls Davidson Rides Caliper Tech Twin Testing
20 Automotive Performance Tuning
VW performance
VW performance parts and installation. Located in Lebanon, PA
Aptuning Performance Miata Turbo Mk Aâ® Tuning Upgrade Engine Sâ® Here Audi Click Available Ecu Obd Ii Nos Then Spec
VW performance parts and installation. Located in Lebanon, PA
Aptuning Performance Miata Turbo Mk Aâ® Tuning Upgrade Engine Sâ® Here Audi Click Available Ecu Obd Ii Nos Then Spec
21 Fawcett Performance
Offers aftermarket
Offers aftermarket performance and interior styling accessories.
Vehicle Supercharger Performance Wheels System Fawcett Information Packages Billet Exhaust Kit Company Contact Shop Steering Specials Leadville Rotor
Offers aftermarket performance and interior styling accessories.
Vehicle Supercharger Performance Wheels System Fawcett Information Packages Billet Exhaust Kit Company Contact Shop Steering Specials Leadville Rotor
22 Performance Unlimited
4-wheel and
4-wheel and off road center offers performance parts.
Performance Hartford Center Unlimited Wisconsin Automotive Lobby Main Project Four Wheel Corporation Parts Unlimitedof Suspension Black Automotivetechnologies Pass
4-wheel and off road center offers performance parts.
Performance Hartford Center Unlimited Wisconsin Automotive Lobby Main Project Four Wheel Corporation Parts Unlimitedof Suspension Black Automotivetechnologies Pass
23 Allsport Performance
Save 15%
Save 15% off performance and replacement parts, accessories, and clothing.
Save 15% off performance and replacement parts, accessories, and clothing.
24 JDS Performance
Racing and
Racing and performance parts for General Motors and Ford cars.
Performance Flow Parts Mustang Components Fuel Racing Walbro Pumps Import News Kits Cars Ford Domestic Mid Pipes Spec Siemens
Racing and performance parts for General Motors and Ford cars.
Performance Flow Parts Mustang Components Fuel Racing Walbro Pumps Import News Kits Cars Ford Domestic Mid Pipes Spec Siemens
25 Fawcett Performance
Offers aftermarket
Offers aftermarket performance and interior styling accessories.
Supercharger Wheels Vehicle Performance Billet System Fawcett Packages Information Company Contact Procharger Products Intercooled Steering Camarofirebirdtrans Notice Rsx Returns
Offers aftermarket performance and interior styling accessories.
Supercharger Wheels Vehicle Performance Billet System Fawcett Packages Information Company Contact Procharger Products Intercooled Steering Camarofirebirdtrans Notice Rsx Returns
26 Holeshot Performance Products, Inc.
High performance
High performance motorcycle parts and accessories.
Performance Motorcycle Club Sport Max Bandit Holeshot Powershifter Bike Aftermarket Parts Cbr Drag Racing Wax Concours Zr Threadlockers
High performance motorcycle parts and accessories.
Performance Motorcycle Club Sport Max Bandit Holeshot Powershifter Bike Aftermarket Parts Cbr Drag Racing Wax Concours Zr Threadlockers
27 Performance Depot
Offering performance
Offering performance parts and accessories for street and strip.
Performance Parts Engine Systems Car Racing Fuel Part Track Nitrous Drag Exhaust Air Filter Street Barrel Blowout Exhausts Laptopdyno Crane Strip
Offering performance parts and accessories for street and strip.
Performance Parts Engine Systems Car Racing Fuel Part Track Nitrous Drag Exhaust Air Filter Street Barrel Blowout Exhausts Laptopdyno Crane Strip
28 MCB Performance
Offers snowmobile
Offers snowmobile performance parts online for Arctic Cat, Ski Doo, Polaris, and Yamaha snowmobiles.
Polaris Kits Piston Parts Arctic Skis Ski Primary Secondary Doo Performance Intake Clutches Mcb Cat Charts Graphs Ratios Accesories Etc
Offers snowmobile performance parts online for Arctic Cat, Ski Doo, Polaris, and Yamaha snowmobiles.
Polaris Kits Piston Parts Arctic Skis Ski Primary Secondary Doo Performance Intake Clutches Mcb Cat Charts Graphs Ratios Accesories Etc
29 Performance Tuning
Performance auto
Performance auto parts for Saturn SC-Series. Secure online shopping.
Processing Occurred Error Requestobject Requesterrorfound Diagnostic Information An
Performance auto parts for Saturn SC-Series. Secure online shopping.
Processing Occurred Error Requestobject Requesterrorfound Diagnostic Information An
30 CP Performance
Distributor of
Distributor of high performance marine accessories for both the retail and wholesale boating marketplace.
Marine Systems Accessories Parts Performance Price Boat Engine Gauge Catalog Products Discount Mercury Nine Combo Information Set Fuel Dock
Distributor of high performance marine accessories for both the retail and wholesale boating marketplace.
Marine Systems Accessories Parts Performance Price Boat Engine Gauge Catalog Products Discount Mercury Nine Combo Information Set Fuel Dock
31 AutoWerks
Offers high
Offers high performance products, specializing in tuning, performance, and styling upgrade items.
Than Close Less Cary Autowerks Ford Chinese Serving Jeep Translate Il Irish Swahili Kannada Korean Polish Width=screenwidth Vietnamese Norwegian
Offers high performance products, specializing in tuning, performance, and styling upgrade items.
Than Close Less Cary Autowerks Ford Chinese Serving Jeep Translate Il Irish Swahili Kannada Korean Polish Width=screenwidth Vietnamese Norwegian
32 Hughes Performance
Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of street performance and racing automatic transmissions, torque converters, parts.
Performance Hughes Street Racing World Here Curran Wins Xtreme Click Race Jones Components Card Circle Please Drag Full Automatic Wallys
Manufacturers of street performance and racing automatic transmissions, torque converters, parts.
Performance Hughes Street Racing World Here Curran Wins Xtreme Click Race Jones Components Card Circle Please Drag Full Automatic Wallys