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Travis Violets

Travis Violets Review Experience Violets African

African Violet plants, leaves, other related items.

African Violets Violets and other Flowers from Florist and Nursery in Ochlocknee GA by Travis Violets

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Violets African Violet Nursery Plant Flowers Ochlocknee Florist Georgia Ga Begonia Flower Shows Travis Stands Home And Garden Plants House Plants African Violets Ochlocknee Ga African Violets Violets Violet Assortments Florist Georgia Flowers Nursery African Violet Violet Hybrids Plant Supplies Plant Stands Stands Lights Greenhouses Aeschynanthus Alsobia Codonanthe Episcia Kohleria Nematanthus Begonia Rex Begonia Sinningia Gloxinia Streptocarpus Columnea Lipstick Plant Goldfish Plant Flame Violet Saintpaulia House Plants Achimenes Chirita Gesneriad Flower Shows African Violet Society African Violet Flower Shows Dixie African Violet Society Travis Violets

Reviews and Comments for Travis Violets

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1 Robs Violets Breeder and
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2 Cedar Creek Violets Sells African
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3 Valley Violets Specialty nursery
Specialty nursery with a comprehensive range of registered, named African violets and products for wick watering.
4 Bloomlovers Quebec-based grower
Quebec-based grower sells a variety of African violets.
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5 Travis Violets African Violet
African Violet plants, leaves, other related items.
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6 Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses Inc. Sells African
Sells African violets, orchids and companion plants.
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7 The Perfect Violet Pot Sells a
Sells a range of two-part self-watering pots for African violets.
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8 Pots and Planters Offering handmade
Offering handmade, self watering pottery containers for African Violets and other small plants.
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9 Emilys Plants Sells houseplants
Sells houseplants like African violets, orchids, gardenia, some tropicals, and provides cultural information.
10 Bluebird Greenhouse Grower of
Grower of African violets, gesneriads and companion plants. The online catalog includes plant and blossom photos. Located in North Carolina.
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11 Karens Kiwi Violet Room New Zealand
New Zealand enthusiast sells African Violets and other gesneriads. Ships internationally. Site also provides photos of her personal collection and growing advice.
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12 Country Livin Creations Self-watering planters
Self-watering planters for African violets and other houseplants. Handmade ceramic dual potted planters in Victorian, Southwestern and animal designs.
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13 African Violets by Florals of Fredericks Recent hybrids
Recent hybrids, old favorites, pots, soil, fertilizer, and information. Rare 'yellow violet' varieties, epischias, streptocarpus, and chimeras available. Certified for worldwide shipping.
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14 Haillees Brooke African Violets Home grower
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15 African By Nature Books on
Books on African history, anthropology, archaeology, sociology, science, indigenous African studies, sculptures, music.
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16 Elena African Art African art
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18 African Specialities Green and
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19 Pan African Imagery Specializing in
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20 African ArtWorks Contemporary African
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23 African Creations Offers artifacts
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27 Wright, TheArthur Uses pointiflet
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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Travis Violets in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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