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jaffe & berlin

jaffe & berlin Review Experience Jaffe Berlin

general practice based in chicago.

Jaffe Berlin is a Chicago Law firm that practices in the areas of Commercial Litigation Real Estate and Corporate Transactions and Financing Employment Law Personal Injury Trusts and Estates and Criminal Law

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The Cold War from the German perspective. Discusses the division of Germany, the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, the Berlin Crisis, the Berlin Airlift, the rise and fall of relations between East and West Germany, and the building of the Berlin Wall.
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7 Secrets of Divided Berlin - A City on the Edge Author Raelynn
Author Raelynn Hillhouse provides pictures and accounts of life within East and West Berlin during the Cold War.
8 Western Allies Berlin Presenting the
Presenting the history of the American, British and French forces stationed in West Berlin. Covering both historical and military issues from 1945 to 1994.
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9 Berlin Wall Dismantled Archive video
Archive video footage of the dismantling of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the celebrations which followed. Quicktime format.
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An overview of Machiavellis ideas and their different interpretations, written by Isaiah Berlin. From The New York Review of Books.
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11 Berlin Airlift Veterans Association A non-profit
A non-profit organization of men and women who served on the Berlin Airlift from its beginning in 1948 until its termination in 1949.
12 The Berlin Airlift Veterans Association A non-profit
A non-profit organization of men and women who served on the Berlin Airlift from its beginning in 1948 until its termination in 1949.
13 Berlin Wall, Past and Present Provides articles
Provides articles about the origins, operation, and eventual fall of the Berlin Wall, including maps, images, and specifications.
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RealAudio excerpt of Reagans recount of his visit to Germany, during which he urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
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4/6 Inf & the Berlin Brigade from 1981 to 1983 in pictures.
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A collection of artistic graffiti drawn on the Berlin Wall. Includes a discussion of the Cold Wars impact on Europe and the future of Europe after the collapse of the Communism and the eastward expansion of European Union.
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