[RO] Oaza -
Experience Oaza Romania
Oaza is a charitable organisation working for the protection and development of Street Children in Romania. Residential and outreach programs in Arad.
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[RO] Oaza - For The Protection of Street Children
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Website | oaza.com/ |
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Oaza Romania Street Romanian Children Protection Andresz People Generations And Age Groups Youth Streetkids Europe
Reviews and Comments for [RO] Oaza - For

Best entries for Oaza and Romania
1 [RO] Oaza - For The Protection of Street Children
Oaza is
Oaza is a charitable organisation working for the protection and development of Street Children in Romania. Residential and outreach programs in Arad.
Oaza Romania Street Romanian Children Protection Andresz
Oaza is a charitable organisation working for the protection and development of Street Children in Romania. Residential and outreach programs in Arad.
Oaza Romania Street Romanian Children Protection Andresz
2 Sebo, Sally: Missionary in Romania
Working with
Working with Hope International Mission to reach out to orphans and children in Romania.
Romania Contribution Mail Ministry Pictures Guestbook Here Click Missionary Faces News Jesus Blog Wwwsallysebocom Hope Florida
Working with Hope International Mission to reach out to orphans and children in Romania.
Romania Contribution Mail Ministry Pictures Guestbook Here Click Missionary Faces News Jesus Blog Wwwsallysebocom Hope Florida
3 romania pro-vita
promotes the
promotes the sanctity of life in romania by providing support to the woman who finds herself in a crisis pregnancy.
Romania Counseling Pregnancy Unwanted Women Care Baby Wwwprovitamedicacomtowwwprovitamedicacom Timisoara Crisis Abortion Z
promotes the sanctity of life in romania by providing support to the woman who finds herself in a crisis pregnancy.
Romania Counseling Pregnancy Unwanted Women Care Baby Wwwprovitamedicacomtowwwprovitamedicacom Timisoara Crisis Abortion Z
4 Miracles in Romania
Divine healing
Divine healing in the name of Jesus in Romania.
God Testimonies Gospel Ministry Prayer Request Intimacy Fackerell Romania Testimony Good Overcoming How Faith Christian Ive Deal Dizon Chat Power
Divine healing in the name of Jesus in Romania.
God Testimonies Gospel Ministry Prayer Request Intimacy Fackerell Romania Testimony Good Overcoming How Faith Christian Ive Deal Dizon Chat Power
5 romania animal rescue, inc.
created to
created to help the animals in romania to live a full and content life by providing financial support. a us tax-exempt corporation based in livermore, california, united states.
Romania Animal Dog Rescue Spayathon Cat Spayneuter Alina Donate Team Adjud Bucharest Homeless Inc Care Todorov Cluj Leave Martin
created to help the animals in romania to live a full and content life by providing financial support. a us tax-exempt corporation based in livermore, california, united states.
Romania Animal Dog Rescue Spayathon Cat Spayneuter Alina Donate Team Adjud Bucharest Homeless Inc Care Todorov Cluj Leave Martin
6 romania animal rescue, inc.
created to
created to help the animals in romania to live a full and content life by providing financial support. a us tax-exempt corporation based in livermore, california, united states.
Romania Animal Spayathon Alina Spayneuter Rescue Team Donate Care Angelina Center Than Cluj Nuca Zuver Incl Inc Martin Filiz
created to help the animals in romania to live a full and content life by providing financial support. a us tax-exempt corporation based in livermore, california, united states.
Romania Animal Spayathon Alina Spayneuter Rescue Team Donate Care Angelina Center Than Cluj Nuca Zuver Incl Inc Martin Filiz
7 romania pro-vita
located in
located in timisoara, romania. offers pregnancy tests, peer counseling and education, parenting class, assistance with housing, maternity and baby supplies, and post-abortion recovery.
Romania Counseling Pregnancy Unwanted Women Wwwprovitamedicacom Crisis Care Timisoara Baby Towwwprovitamedicacomabortion Z
located in timisoara, romania. offers pregnancy tests, peer counseling and education, parenting class, assistance with housing, maternity and baby supplies, and post-abortion recovery.
Romania Counseling Pregnancy Unwanted Women Wwwprovitamedicacom Crisis Care Timisoara Baby Towwwprovitamedicacomabortion Z
8 FreeZone Romania
FreeZone group in Romania starts delivering. General description, What is the FreeZone, news...
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Games Sites Popular Mail Movies Toolbar Maps Guidelinesinternet
FreeZone group in Romania starts delivering. General description, What is the FreeZone, news...
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Games Sites Popular Mail Movies Toolbar Maps Guidelinesinternet
9 The Children living in Underground Bucharest
Northstar Gallery.
Northstar Gallery. Documentary photography of children living in the underground tunnels and sewers of Bucharest, Romania and information about street children in Russia, Moldova and Romania.
Children Romania Underground Northstar Homeless Gallery Bucharest Art Copyright Photography Rights Orphanages Sewers Former Photograph
Northstar Gallery. Documentary photography of children living in the underground tunnels and sewers of Bucharest, Romania and information about street children in Russia, Moldova and Romania.
Children Romania Underground Northstar Homeless Gallery Bucharest Art Copyright Photography Rights Orphanages Sewers Former Photograph
10 rolda
a group
a group fighting for stray dogs rights in romania.
Disabled Websitesorry Requested Been Z
a group fighting for stray dogs rights in romania.
Disabled Websitesorry Requested Been Z
11 CIO Mind
Discussing management
Discussing management, gadgets, science-fiction, and Romania
Romania Vista Enescu Felix Romanian Mind Council Windows Cio Change Scifi Bucharest Google Business Sergey Peters Professionalok
Discussing management, gadgets, science-fiction, and Romania
Romania Vista Enescu Felix Romanian Mind Council Windows Cio Change Scifi Bucharest Google Business Sergey Peters Professionalok
12 Ladies Circle Romania
Information on
Information on officers, local chapters, and events.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Sorry Internet Reach Popular Sites Inc Sports Terms Games
Information on officers, local chapters, and events.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Sorry Internet Reach Popular Sites Inc Sports Terms Games
13 Romanian Orphans and Street Kids
Helping the
Helping the orphaned children of Iasi, Romania.
Kids Abandoned Services Contactkidsrnbechtel@yahoocom Hosting Hi Social Nonprofitincluding Homeabandoned Yahoo
Helping the orphaned children of Iasi, Romania.
Kids Abandoned Services Contactkidsrnbechtel@yahoocom Hosting Hi Social Nonprofitincluding Homeabandoned Yahoo
14 Romani Culture and Civilisation
Cultural study
Cultural study of Roma in Romania by Merfea Mihai.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Reach Privacymaps Finance Inc Guidelines Terms Sports
Cultural study of Roma in Romania by Merfea Mihai.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Reach Privacymaps Finance Inc Guidelines Terms Sports
15 Romani Culture and Civilisation
Cultural study
Cultural study of Roma in Romania by Merfea Mihai.
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Domains Terms Help Please Website Web Privacy Customer Onlineservices Affiliate
Cultural study of Roma in Romania by Merfea Mihai.
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Domains Terms Help Please Website Web Privacy Customer Onlineservices Affiliate
16 Queen Marie of Romania
Quotations, pictures
Quotations, pictures, magazine articles, and related links.
Create Tripod Requested Please Lycos Page Tripodcom Couldnt Check Signuphosting Shopping Login Website
Quotations, pictures, magazine articles, and related links.
Create Tripod Requested Please Lycos Page Tripodcom Couldnt Check Signuphosting Shopping Login Website
17 Todica, Ana
Autobiographical notes
Autobiographical notes, pictures and links mainly to games and music from a young lady in Romania.
Click Here Free Website Member Area Page Freeservers Web Building Stats Thanks Hosting Technical Upload Why New Seeing
Autobiographical notes, pictures and links mainly to games and music from a young lady in Romania.
Click Here Free Website Member Area Page Freeservers Web Building Stats Thanks Hosting Technical Upload Why New Seeing
18 Green Cross Austria-Romania
International aid
International aid organization. Site provides information on current activities and projects, as well as how to help.
Green Cross Austria Romania Human News Middle Child Energy Organizing Money Chemical Value Children Most
International aid organization. Site provides information on current activities and projects, as well as how to help.
Green Cross Austria Romania Human News Middle Child Energy Organizing Money Chemical Value Children Most
19 Bechtel, Robert: Romanian Orphans and Street Kids
Helping the
Helping the orphaned children of Iasi, Romania.
Kids Abandoned Services Contact Social Kidsrnbechtel@yahoocom Nonprofit Homeabandoned Hiincluding Hosting Yahoo Z
Helping the orphaned children of Iasi, Romania.
Kids Abandoned Services Contact Social Kidsrnbechtel@yahoocom Nonprofit Homeabandoned Hiincluding Hosting Yahoo Z
20 Ackermans: Saskatchewan, CAN
Researching the
Researching the Joseph Ackermann family that emigrated to Canada in the 1930s from St. Anna, Romania, now Sintanna, was in Hungary before WWI.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Researching the Joseph Ackermann family that emigrated to Canada in the 1930s from St. Anna, Romania, now Sintanna, was in Hungary before WWI.
Navigationshilfe Ty
21 Roma: Gypsies of Pata-Rât
Australian photojournalist
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Support Requested Please Kind Ways Page Website Toolbox Limited Cant Sales Webmail Awkwardwecontact
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Support Requested Please Kind Ways Page Website Toolbox Limited Cant Sales Webmail Awkwardwecontact
22 Roma: Gypsies of Pata-Rât
Australian photojournalist
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Bobtm Business Media Naked Reserved Rights Iinet We Legal Contact Sales Broadband Billing Found Subscribework
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Bobtm Business Media Naked Reserved Rights Iinet We Legal Contact Sales Broadband Billing Found Subscribework
23 Roma: Gypsies of Pata-Rât
Australian photojournalist
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Support Kind Please Contact Awkwardwe Ways Sales Find Webmail Page Website Need Limitedrequested
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Support Kind Please Contact Awkwardwe Ways Sales Find Webmail Page Website Need Limitedrequested
24 Roma: Gypsies of Pata-Rât
Australian photojournalist
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Support Limited Awkwardwe Sales Kind Webmail Please Toolbox Contact Page Ways Needrequested
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Support Limited Awkwardwe Sales Kind Webmail Please Toolbox Contact Page Ways Needrequested
25 Evangelism Update, The
Published regularly
Published regularly in the interest of spreading the gospel in eastern Europe, including Russia, Romania, Moldova, The Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
Evangelism Update South Evangelists News Zimbabwee Kenya Russia Chile Africa Nigeria Peru Disaster Belize Mapscom World *
Published regularly in the interest of spreading the gospel in eastern Europe, including Russia, Romania, Moldova, The Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
Evangelism Update South Evangelists News Zimbabwee Kenya Russia Chile Africa Nigeria Peru Disaster Belize Mapscom World *
26 Azerbaijan-Romania Youth Cultural Association
About the
About the association and its vision. Icludes links.
Page Azerbaijan Actar Romania Web Establishing Hosting Contact Nagorno Karabakh Send Tineretului Youth Asociatia Free High Asociation Main
About the association and its vision. Icludes links.
Page Azerbaijan Actar Romania Web Establishing Hosting Contact Nagorno Karabakh Send Tineretului Youth Asociatia Free High Asociation Main
27 Changed by the Amazing Love of God!
A young
A young lady from Romania shares how Gods love broke through in her life.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Customer Help Website Aabaco Domains Account Web Local Commerce
A young lady from Romania shares how Gods love broke through in her life.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Customer Help Website Aabaco Domains Account Web Local Commerce
Romanian Orthodox
Romanian Orthodox Pro-Life Association, Led by Father Nicolae Tanase. Based in Romania.
Romanian Orthodox Pro-Life Association, Led by Father Nicolae Tanase. Based in Romania.
29 Elements of Romanian Heraldry
Presents the
Presents the heraldry of Romania in its essentials. Includes pictures of medieval and modern coats of arms.
Romanian Coins Carol List Complete Most Huge Obverse Mint Map Numismatic Pictures Golden Coin Arms
Presents the heraldry of Romania in its essentials. Includes pictures of medieval and modern coats of arms.
Romanian Coins Carol List Complete Most Huge Obverse Mint Map Numismatic Pictures Golden Coin Arms
30 Movement of Solidarity Quebec-Romania
Offers humanitarian
Offers humanitarian and educational aid to Romanians integrating into Canadian culture. Includes mission statement, features current projects, history and type of help available.
Request Romaniaquebec Movementsolidarity
Offers humanitarian and educational aid to Romanians integrating into Canadian culture. Includes mission statement, features current projects, history and type of help available.
Request Romaniaquebec Movementsolidarity
31 the children of eastern europe - northstar gallery
a photographic
a photographic documentary on children living in orphanages, psychiatric hospitals of russia, moldova and the underground of bucharest romania.
Gallery Russia Moldova Northstar Romania Children Eastern Europe Photography Hospital Information Adoption Galleries Institution Orphanages Documentary Rights
a photographic documentary on children living in orphanages, psychiatric hospitals of russia, moldova and the underground of bucharest romania.
Gallery Russia Moldova Northstar Romania Children Eastern Europe Photography Hospital Information Adoption Galleries Institution Orphanages Documentary Rights
32 Veritas Organization
Helping street
Helping street children, plus doing relief work in Transylvania (Sighisoara, Romania). Work has grown up over the last four years around a student program of Eastern Nazarene College (Boston, MA).
Veritas Sighisoara Kids Romania Gypsy Children Street Club Romanians Center Richard Most Close Sign Nazarene Europe Program Classes Organizationhelping
Helping street children, plus doing relief work in Transylvania (Sighisoara, Romania). Work has grown up over the last four years around a student program of Eastern Nazarene College (Boston, MA).
Veritas Sighisoara Kids Romania Gypsy Children Street Club Romanians Center Richard Most Close Sign Nazarene Europe Program Classes Organizationhelping