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Southern Spirits Archive of African

Southern Spirits Archive Review Experience Hoodoo American

Annotated collection of 19th and 20th century primary documents describing hoodoo, conjure, and spirituality in African American society.

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Hoodoo American Magic African Southern Slave Spirits Spiritual Anonymous Lucky Yronwode Narratives Herb Spirituality Administration Curio Religion And Spirituality African Diasporic Hoodoo, Rootwork, Conjure, Obeah

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Best entries for Hoodoo and American

1 Hoodoo - An American magical tradition An interview
An interview with the author of 'Sticks, Stones, Roots, and Bones' about hoodoo and its current popularity.
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2 Papa Leos Hoodoo Shop Information, custom
Information, custom mojo bags, and books about hoodoo for sale.
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3 Southern Spirits Archive of African American Spirituality Annotated collection
Annotated collection of 19th and 20th century primary documents describing hoodoo, conjure, and spirituality in African American society.
Hoodoo American Magic African Southern Slave Spirits Spiritual Anonymous Lucky Yronwode Narratives Herb Spirituality Administration Curio
4 Llewellyn Journal: Hoodoo Conjuration Article An article
An article written by the author of the book 'Conjur Craft' on the history of Hoodoo with suggestions for updating the tradition for contemporary urban life.
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5 Rethinking the Nature and Tasks of African-American Theology Anthony B.
Anthony B. Pinn of Macalester College provides scholarly examples of how hoodoo and other African-based religious practices form a 'second stream' within African-American Christianity, forcing a recognition of theological complexity beyond the merely folkloric or religio-magical orientation of conjure.
African American Black Theology Jones Long Anderson Christian Kaufman Africanamerican Charles Americans Anthony They West Christianity Implied
6 Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and importer of spiritual supplies in the African-American, Asian, and Latin American traditions: Hoodoo oils, incense, sachet powders, candles, washes, herbs, roots, minerals, spell kits, and custom-made mojo hands. Wholesale and retail. Forestville, California.
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7 Dye, Aunt Caroline An African-American
An African-American spiritualist medium and hoodoo root worker of the 19th century whose exploits are celebrated in blues songs.
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8 Dr. Kioni, Spiritual Doctor, Gifted Reader, Hoodoo, Root Worker, Conjure Doctor Specializing in
Specializing in life decisions, emotional healing, relationship concerns, and spiritual awakening, Dr. Kioni utilizes his innate psychic abilities, hoodoo, and tarot.
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9 Rootwork: a cyberhoodoo website Arthur Flowers
Arthur Flowers poetic exploration of contemporary hoodoo.
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10 Hecates Temple and Mama Cholas Botanica Authentic materials
Authentic materials for the practice of Palo Mayombe, Santeria, Hoodoo, and Voodoo, as well as Witchcraft.
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11 Dr. DePrince Voodoo and Hoodoo Supplies Books, incense
Books, incense, mojos, bracelets, and spell-kits for use in rituals of love, money, and success. Queens, New York.
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12 Hoodoo: An Afro-Diaspora Tradition A New
A New World name of an Ancient African Magical Tradition.
13 Hoodoo Roots Supplier of
Supplier of spells, candles, and roots, services include divination and spiritual work.
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14 Drums and Shadows by Mary Granger and the Georgia Writers Project Oral folklore
Oral folklore from coastal Georgia, collected from African Americans during the 1930s by the Works Progress Administration, much of the material concerns hoodoo practices.
Point Island Contents Africa Page Text Drums Shadows African Sacred Georgia Springfield Wilmington Appendix Title Tin [zipped]
15 Hoodoo in Theory and Practice An online
An online book by Catherine Yronwode. Included are descriptions of how to burn candles and incense, sprinkle powders, make mojo bags, prepare spiritual baths and floor washes, perform spells and take off jinxes.
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16 Mobetta Voodoo Tarot card
Tarot card readings, books, and Hoodoo/Voodoo style spell kits to enhance spirituality, improve physical well-being, ease mental weariness, and draw good fortune. Burlington, Wisconsin.
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17 Native American Culture and American Society Essay on
Essay on American attitudes towards Indians past and present, with a call to cultural respect.
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18 Native American Culture and American Society Essay on
Essay on American attitudes towards Indians past and present, with a call to cultural respect.
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19 Haunted New Orleans Tours Tours of
Tours of New Orleans Hoodoo and Voodoo sites.
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20 Joseph Yoshisuke Kurihara How a
How a Hawaiian-born American citizen, patriot, and US Army WW I veteran decided to become one of a group of WW II Japanese-American relocation camp interns to renounce his American citizenship.
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21 Asian-American Celebrity Webpage Explores the
Explores the positive impact Asian-American celebrities have had on the American community. Site includes biographies, photographs, and links.
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22 american-arab anti-discrimination committee of greater kalamzoo civil rights
civil rights organization serving the arab-american and muslim-american community of kalamazoo, michigan.
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23 African American Musician Greats A variety
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24 New Orleans Mistic Botanica and Spiritual Supply Spiritual Supplier
Spiritual Supplier and Botanica for the African Diaspora and Caribbean Religious traditions: Voodoo, Vodou, Hoodoo, Lucumi, Palo. Located at 2267 Saint Claude Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana. Online Shopping.
25 National Italian-American Political Action Committee Organization that
Organization that supports Italian-American candidates for public office. Lobbies for concerns of the Italian American community.
26 American Labor Unions Analysis of
Analysis of the American labor movement by Helen Marot of the American Federation of Labor and Womens Trade Union League.
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27 Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Spanish-American War Searchable rosters
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29 American Longrifles American Longrifles
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30 InquiceWeb Major introductory
Major introductory site to various Kongo derived faiths as practiced in the Americas, such as Umbanda, Kimbanda, CondomblÂŽ de Congo, and CondomblÂŽ de Angola in Brazil, Kumina and Obeah in Jamaica and other Caribbean countries, and Rootwork or Hoodoo in the USA. Includes in-depth articles on the worship of the Nkisi (Enkises), bibliography, guestbook, and useful link-list to other Palo, Kongo, and Bantu sites.
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31 Polish American Chamber of Commerce The Polish-American
The Polish-American Chamber is dedicated to fostering strong relations between American and Polish businesses and building trade liaisons between these nations.
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32 J. Kelly Robison, PhD Contains American
Contains American history texts, an extensive collection of historical documents and information to help students understand the process of doing history, including writing research papers and taking exams. Contains information on American Indian, American West and New Mexico history.
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