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The Dolphin Sky Foundation

The Dolphin Sky Review Experience Dolphin Kona

Spreading the eternal cetacean wisdom, teaching and poetry of Master Akiryon Baba Yat, the Moe Howard of ascended masters. Abundant spleen references and new age mayhem.

Spreading the wisdom teaching and poetry of Master Akiryon Baba Yat the Moe Howard of ascended masters Abundant spleen references new age mayhem

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Dolphin Kona Baba Age Lowell Akiryon Foundation New Wisdom Yat Poetry Spreading Satire Sky Hawaii Psychics Noble Babayat Religion And Spirituality New Age Humor Spirituality Spiritism Dolphins Dolphin Spirit Spirit Guides Ascended Masters New Age Crystals Idiots Humor Reincarnation Poetry The Dolphin Sky Foundation Cetaceans Religion Religious Satire Hinduism Sufism Zen Buddhism Karma Sadhu Akiryon Baba Yat Dolphin Language Past Lives Fish Atlantis Mysticism Clairvoyance Pila Hawaii New Age Poetry New Age Satire Channeling Dolphin Saviors Archives Of Wisdom Past Life Regression Psychics Religious Parody Hawaii

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18 Blue Dolphin Publishing Books on
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19 The Dolphin Sky Foundation Spreading the
Spreading the eternal cetacean wisdom, teaching and poetry of Master Akiryon Baba Yat, the Moe Howard of ascended masters. Abundant spleen references and new age mayhem.
Dolphin Kona Baba Age Lowell Akiryon Foundation New Wisdom Yat Poetry Spreading Satire Sky Hawaii Psychics Noble Babayat
20 Blue Dolphin Publishing Books on
Books on comparative cultural and spiritual traditions, pyschology, self-help, healing and ecology. Includes online catalog with new releases section and ordering information.
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21 Weiss Transformation Processes Creating soul
Creating soul partnerships with the self and the universe including DNA activation and soul re-creation. Also offers dolphin adventures.
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22 The Manalani Institute Exploration of
Exploration of consciousness and the healing arts through seminars, classes and training programs, sacred retreats, and wild dolphin swims, includes schedules, photos and testimonials, and registration form.
23 Inner Perceptions Inc. Spiritual retreats
Spiritual retreats and seminars dealing with a variety of self-realization topics including kundalini, meditation, reincarnation, and dharma, with schedules, preview, testimonials, and related books. Located in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
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24 anti-dolphin capture petition petition to
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25 Sowing Seeds of Compassion - by Joanne Stepaniak 'There is
'There is a degree of irony in selectively applying compassion. It is as if there were truth to the slogan George Orwells characters in Animal Farm came to believe, All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others. One example of this paradox is consumers who intentionally purchase 'dolphin-free' tuna (i.e. tuna fishes that were caught and killed without injuring dolphins in the process). Their concern is solely for the dolphins (apparently because they are mammals, like us) with no regard for the dead tunas.'
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More The Dolphin Sky Foundation Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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