First Lutheran Church
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1 Roman Catholic Parishes of Polish Ethnicity in USA
List of
List of Roman Catholic parishes in the United States which offer Mass in Polish, taken from the Official Catholic Directory.
List of Roman Catholic parishes in the United States which offer Mass in Polish, taken from the Official Catholic Directory.
2 CatholicWeb
Portal. Recent
Portal. Recent articles from Catholic publications, electronic greeting cards, FAQ. Searchable directory of United States parishes and schools. Free web pages for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools.
Catholic Website Prayer Bulletins Design News Mass Page Churches Times Support Domain Forms Graphics Giving Intentions Sponsors Tell Friend
Portal. Recent articles from Catholic publications, electronic greeting cards, FAQ. Searchable directory of United States parishes and schools. Free web pages for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools.
Catholic Website Prayer Bulletins Design News Mass Page Churches Times Support Domain Forms Graphics Giving Intentions Sponsors Tell Friend
3 Amherst Catholic Parishes
Two parishes
Two parishes share this listing: Nativity of Our Lady, and Saint Charles Borromeo. Lists masses, activities, links, history and contact details for each church.
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Two parishes share this listing: Nativity of Our Lady, and Saint Charles Borromeo. Lists masses, activities, links, history and contact details for each church.
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4 Amherst Catholic Parishes
Amherst. Two
Amherst. Two parishes share this site: Nativity, and St. Charles Borromeo. Lists Masses, activities, links, history and contact details for each.
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Amherst. Two parishes share this site: Nativity, and St. Charles Borromeo. Lists Masses, activities, links, history and contact details for each.
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5 Saint John and Saint Ansgar Catholic Parishes
Two parishes
Two parishes share a web site. St. Johns is in Whitehall, and St. Ansgars is in Blair. Staff, locations, mailing address, Mass schedules.
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Two parishes share a web site. St. Johns is in Whitehall, and St. Ansgars is in Blair. Staff, locations, mailing address, Mass schedules.
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6 Holy Spirit / St. Edwards Catholic Parishes
Two parishes
Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. Holy Spirit Church is in Creston, Iowa, and St. Edwards is in Afton.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Maps Popular Internet Finance Archivessports Trying Hosting Terms Visit
Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. Holy Spirit Church is in Creston, Iowa, and St. Edwards is in Afton.
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7 Holy Spirit / St. Edwards Catholic Parishes
Two parishes
Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. Holy Spirit Church is in Creston, and St. Edwards is in Afton.
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Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. Holy Spirit Church is in Creston, and St. Edwards is in Afton.
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8 Holy Spirit / St. Edwards Catholic Parishes
Two parishes
Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. Holy Spirit Church is in Creston, and St. Edwards is in Afton.
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Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. Holy Spirit Church is in Creston, and St. Edwards is in Afton.
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9 Eastern Catholic Webring
Displays the
Displays the beauty and variety of non-Latin rites. All Eastern Catholic sites (especially eparchies and parishes) are welcome.
Eastern Catholic Webring Catholicism Close Churches Eparchies Coptic Apply Servernextring Welcome Together Malankara
Displays the beauty and variety of non-Latin rites. All Eastern Catholic sites (especially eparchies and parishes) are welcome.
Eastern Catholic Webring Catholicism Close Churches Eparchies Coptic Apply Servernextring Welcome Together Malankara
10 Council No. 08070
The Cardinal
The Cardinal Cody/Patriarch Maximos Council of Northlake, Illinois, serving the parishes of St. Vianney Roman Catholic Church, and St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church
The Cardinal Cody/Patriarch Maximos Council of Northlake, Illinois, serving the parishes of St. Vianney Roman Catholic Church, and St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church
11 Catholic Churches in Vicksburg, Mississippi
Contact information
Contact information for three parishes: St. Marys, St. Michaels, and St. Pauls.
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Contact information for three parishes: St. Marys, St. Michaels, and St. Pauls.
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12 Saint Benedict, Sacred Heart, and St. Sebastian Parishes
Three parishes
Three parishes share a pastor and a web site.
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Three parishes share a pastor and a web site.
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13 Parish Growth Partners
Creates and
Creates and implements custom stewardship communications programs for Catholic parishes.
Creates and implements custom stewardship communications programs for Catholic parishes.
14 Priest and Parishes - Diocese of Riverina
Diocesan list
Diocesan list of parishes. Provides contact details, and the names of clergy.
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Diocesan list of parishes. Provides contact details, and the names of clergy.
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15 Saint Benedict, Sacred Heart, and St. Sebastian Parishes
Auburn, Divernon
Auburn, Divernon, and Waverly, Illinois, respectively. Three parishes share a pastor and a web site.
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Auburn, Divernon, and Waverly, Illinois, respectively. Three parishes share a pastor and a web site.
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16 Parishes of St. Mary
Catholic churches
Catholic churches in Nichols and Lone Tree. Contact information, staff, Mass schedule, calendar, mission statement.
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Catholic churches in Nichols and Lone Tree. Contact information, staff, Mass schedule, calendar, mission statement.
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17 Parishes of St. Mary
Catholic churches
Catholic churches in Nichols and Lone Tree. Contact information, staff, Mass schedule, calendar, mission statement.
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Catholic churches in Nichols and Lone Tree. Contact information, staff, Mass schedule, calendar, mission statement.
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18 Kearns & Associates
Fundraising consulting
Fundraising consulting firm for Roman Catholic parishes, educational institutions, health care providers and nonprofit community organizations.
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Fundraising consulting firm for Roman Catholic parishes, educational institutions, health care providers and nonprofit community organizations.
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19 Roman Catholic Churches of Muskoka
Information about
Information about each of the five parishes in Muskoka.
Information about each of the five parishes in Muskoka.
20 Forward in Faith
Main site
Main site for the traditionalist, mainly anglo-catholic organisation of clergy, laity and parishes. Includes position papers, parish lists and other resources.
Forward Faith Bishops Church Women Society Adverts Priests England Catholic General Statement Sacraments Synod Directions
Main site for the traditionalist, mainly anglo-catholic organisation of clergy, laity and parishes. Includes position papers, parish lists and other resources.
Forward Faith Bishops Church Women Society Adverts Priests England Catholic General Statement Sacraments Synod Directions
21 Forward in Faith
Main site
Main site for the traditionalist, mainly anglo-catholic organisation of clergy, laity and parishes. Includes position papers, parish lists and other resources.
Forward Church Faith England Here America News Catholic Faithnorth Directions Society United Fif Anglican North New Issue
Main site for the traditionalist, mainly anglo-catholic organisation of clergy, laity and parishes. Includes position papers, parish lists and other resources.
Forward Church Faith England Here America News Catholic Faithnorth Directions Society United Fif Anglican North New Issue
Catholic schools
Catholic schools, parishes, retreat centers, and organizations in the United States with web sites. Also has categories for topics not tied to any particular place, such as apologetics, directories, prayers.
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Catholic schools, parishes, retreat centers, and organizations in the United States with web sites. Also has categories for topics not tied to any particular place, such as apologetics, directories, prayers.
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23 The Bridge Parishes, East Dorset
This parish
This parish website for Sturminster Marshall, Kingston Lacy, and Shapwick has news, descriptions of the parishes and their churches, forthcoming events and notices, and many local links.
Bridge Parishesy
This parish website for Sturminster Marshall, Kingston Lacy, and Shapwick has news, descriptions of the parishes and their churches, forthcoming events and notices, and many local links.
Bridge Parishesy
24 Institute of School and Parish Development
National development
National development and consulting firm servicing Catholic schools, parishes and dioceses.
Account Webinars Ispdtoolkits Privacypolicy Management Searchoursite Parish Contactus Content School Services Workshops Development Toolkits Inc Y
National development and consulting firm servicing Catholic schools, parishes and dioceses.
Account Webinars Ispdtoolkits Privacypolicy Management Searchoursite Parish Contactus Content School Services Workshops Development Toolkits Inc Y
25 The Octagon Group of Parishes
Details of
Details of and service times for a group of five parishes, containing eight churches, at the western end of the Diocese. Includes information about forthcoming special events and activities.
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Details of and service times for a group of five parishes, containing eight churches, at the western end of the Diocese. Includes information about forthcoming special events and activities.
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26 All Saints Episcopal Church and Church of Our Saviour
Two parishes
Two parishes located in Wheatland and Hartville. Includes a brief profile of the parishes, information about parish groups and guilds, also events.
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Two parishes located in Wheatland and Hartville. Includes a brief profile of the parishes, information about parish groups and guilds, also events.
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27 Diocese of Hallam
South Yorkshire
South Yorkshire and parts of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, England. Map, history, diary, bishops engagements, diocesan curia. Details on parishes, including links to web sites if possible, and where records are kept for closed parishes.
South Yorkshire and parts of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, England. Map, history, diary, bishops engagements, diocesan curia. Details on parishes, including links to web sites if possible, and where records are kept for closed parishes.
28 Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic church.
Catholic church. Mass times, contact details, parish groups, sacramental programmes, map and directions, history and neighbouring parishes. Uses frames, requires Java.
Catholic church. Mass times, contact details, parish groups, sacramental programmes, map and directions, history and neighbouring parishes. Uses frames, requires Java.
29 Council No. 06266
The Beaverton,Oregon
The Beaverton,Oregon Knights, serving the parishes of St. Cecilias, St. John Fisher, St. Pius X, and St. Elisabeth Ann Seton along with the Beaverton Catholic Community.
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The Beaverton,Oregon Knights, serving the parishes of St. Cecilias, St. John Fisher, St. Pius X, and St. Elisabeth Ann Seton along with the Beaverton Catholic Community.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Requested Check Lycoscom Page Found Couldnt Login Pleaselycos Hosting Website Errorpage
30 Diocese of Mandeville
This Catholic
This Catholic diocese covers the civil parishes of Clarendon, Manchester, and St. Elizabeth in Jamaica, site features details of apostolic works, organizations and more.
This Catholic diocese covers the civil parishes of Clarendon, Manchester, and St. Elizabeth in Jamaica, site features details of apostolic works, organizations and more.
31 Saint Mary Catholic Church and St. Bridgets
Two parishes
Two parishes, in Nevada and Rich Hill, share a pastor and a web site. Contact information, mission statement, staff, Mass schedule, regular events.
Two parishes, in Nevada and Rich Hill, share a pastor and a web site. Contact information, mission statement, staff, Mass schedule, regular events.
32 Cultivation Ministries
Not-for-profit organization
Not-for-profit organization that seeks to support parishes and groups for effective, disciple-making Catholic youth ministry. Offers seminars, parish consultation, and dynamic events for youth.
Ministry Resources Cultivation Youth Ministries Teen Products Policies Refund Training Privacy Policy Anniversary Blog Events Apparel History Parent Peer
Not-for-profit organization that seeks to support parishes and groups for effective, disciple-making Catholic youth ministry. Offers seminars, parish consultation, and dynamic events for youth.
Ministry Resources Cultivation Youth Ministries Teen Products Policies Refund Training Privacy Policy Anniversary Blog Events Apparel History Parent Peer