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Catholic Experience


1 Catholic Church Insurances Limited Provide on-going
Provide on-going security to the catholic Community by identifying and ethically servicing its insurance, and related needs.
Server Internal Error Looking Displayed Errorthereresourceitcannot Problem
2 Catholic Funds, Inc. An S&P
An S&P 500 index fund that screens out companies that do not adhere to Catholic values. The Funds also advocate for corporate responsibility. United States.
Z Catholic Ave Maria Schwartz Funds Here Inc Advisory Mutualcounsel Investment Board
3 National Catholic Superannuation Fund Provides superannuation
Provides superannuation funds for members of Catholic organisations across Australia. Site describes products and services, including investment options, a FAQ, and tax information.
Listing Auction Domain Netfleet Parked Catalogue Netfleetcomau Name Ncsfcomau Policy Sales Privacy Term Netalliance Netfleet Trading Best Copyright
4 Catholic Federal Credit Union Offering banking
Offering banking services in Saginaw, Tuscola, and Bay counties.
Loan Credit Federal Union Catholic Free Card Savings Debit Account Application Accounts Club Financial Transfer Amp Loans Atms Privacy Reorder Banking
5 CanticaNOVA Publications Music for
Music for the contemporary Catholic Church: Online catalog, and liturgical planning pages.
6 Arcadia Films Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic production company provides film/television and multimedia projects. Locations in USA and Canada.
Catholic Arcadia Films Communications Saints Company Grass Roots Roman Alive New Evangelization Film Ewtn Production Blessed
7 St. Johns Credit Union Open to
Open to any registered member of regional Catholic parishes. Offers savings, loans, debit card.
Cavion Development Llc Design Rights Cavionplusreservedhosting Plus Copyright
8 Color Me Well Publications Hospital coloring
Hospital coloring books found in hospitals and emergency rooms throughout the United States. Small Offerings Catholic Greeting Cards also available.
Coloring Books Hospital Well Publications Color Outpatient Emergency Inpatient Scrapbooks Children Enter Hospitals Help Rooms Pediatrician States
9 JJPG Communications Web development
Web development, design, writing, editing, and public relations services to members of Canadas Catholic community. Based in Toronto, Canada.
10 Catholic Federal Credit Union Saginaw. Serving
Saginaw. Serving Catholics living in Saginaw or Bay County.
Loan Credit Federal Catholic Union Application Card Free Debit Savings Account Accounts Financial Banking Balance Club Insurance Atms Visa Calendar
11 Downriver Catholic Federal Credit Union Taylor. Serves
Taylor. Serves members from a variety of Parish families and organizations in the downriver area.
12 Aquinas Funds Fund family
Fund family based on Catholic values of stewardship and economic justice. Named after St. Thomas Aquinas. United States.
Services Error Information Custom Manager Messageslinks Microsoft Open Foundinternet Common Tasks Setup Directoryfound
13 CanticaNOVA Publications Catholic music
Catholic music publishing firm that specializes in 'traditional music for the contemporary Church.' Online catalog, liturgical planning pages.
Catalog Liturgical Music Canticanova Musical Planning Musings Publications Traditional Cnp Organ Liturgy Church Featured Submit Year English Turner
14 Oriente Occidente Productions Documentary producers
Documentary producers in Assisi, Italy, specializing in Catholic and cultural documentaries for television and home video, in both English and Italian languages. Staff profiles, client list, and details of past projects.
15 Two Hearts Design Specializing in
Specializing in Catholic book cover design and book text layout.
16 Toronto Catholic School Board Employees’ Credit Union Ltd. A closed
A closed bond organization operating in Toronto and offering details of membership, services, products, rates, online and phone banking, plus location.
17 Minnesota Catholic Credit Union Serving select
Serving select groups including all Knights of Columbus in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and several parishes in northeast Minneapolis. Offers savings accounts, checking, loans, mortgages.
18 Minnesota Catholic Credit Union Minneapolis. Serving
Minneapolis. Serving select groups including all Knights of Columbus in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and several parishes in northeast Minneapolis. Offers savings accounts, checking, loans, mortgages.
Checking Loans Rates Loan Account Branches Auto Other Accounts Equity Banking Savings Contact Fee Business Better Vehicle Minnesota
19 Catholic Church Insurances Limited A diversified
A diversified general insurance provider offering property, motor vehicles, liability, personal accident, and workers compensation, as well as insurance for parishes, schools, and other church facilities. Located in Australia.
20 St. Johns Credit Union Little Canada.
Little Canada. Open to any registered member of Catholic parishes St. John the Evangelist (Little Canada), St. Jerome, Holy Redeemer, St. Odilia, St. Pius X, or St. Mary of the Lake (White Bear Lake). Offers savings, loans, debit card.
21 DDM Direct Provides advertising
Provides advertising, marketing, fundraising, database management, printing and mailing services to non-profit and religious organizations, specializing in Christian and Catholic mailings for fundraising, development, publications and product sales. They also provide business to business services such as laser printing, invoice rendering and direct mail marketing.

2. Shopping and Catholic Trade

1 Holy Family Catholic Catalog Catholic jewelry
Catholic jewelry including miraculous medals, crucifixes, and rosary bracelets.
年月 Wordpress åÅ“°éœ‡ä¿Ã‚éâ„¢ºã®ä¿Ã‚éâ„¢ºæ–™ã‚’è¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¹ç©Ã‚ã‚‚りしてもらおうかなぁ 中央ろうきん&atil
2 Ave Maria Catholic Books and Gifts Ave Maria
Ave Maria Catholic books and gifts is a supplier of religious medals, jewelry, and sacred articles.
Medals Catholic Silver Gifts Saint Jewelry Patron Spirit Statuary Gold Price Sterling Visor Clip Real Outdoor Font Market
3 Catholic Rubber Rubber stamps
Rubber stamps and crafts for Catholic family.
Stamps Catholic Cart Add Stamp Rubber Kits Crafts Mounted Inks Religious Custom Unmounted Family Holy Catalog St
4 Fifty-Four Roses Catholic rosaries
Catholic rosaries, gifts and books.
Portapache Found Server Found The
5 Miraculous Gifts Offers a
Offers a variety of Christian and Catholic jewelry.
6 Catholic Marian Music CD and
CD and cassette of songs honoring Our Lady of Mejugordje.
Sign Policy Now People Updated Everything Lifestream Places Advertise Stay Login Stream Network Search Account Privacy
7 Catholic Childrens Company Dresses and
Dresses and veils, gifts, bibles, and keepsakes.
Communion First Baptism Gifts Christening Godparents Catholic Gift Confirmation Keepsakes Gowns Baptismchristening Precious Party Cards
8 Spirit Artist Offers Christian
Offers Christian, Catholic, and Pagan semi-precious stone jewelry.
Spirit Artist Designs Jewelry Testamonials Necklaces Water Bracelets Fire Pins Earrings Pendants Earthair
9 Duncliffe, Bill Christmas Past.
Christmas Past. A 1960s nostalgic remembrance of the Irish Catholic McNeil brood in all of their glory
10 Handmaid For The Lord Designer of
Designer of Christian and Catholic jewelry. Necklaces, chokers, saints and rosary bracelets, and earrings.
Future Soon Coming Something Cool Youre Please Visitorcheck Loglaunch Owner
11 Mystic Rose Dollhouse Miniatures Offering fruits
Offering fruits and vegetables, plus rustic garden accessories, Catholic statues and rosaries.
Serverapache Found Found Theport
12 Glenn, Rosemary Holy Orders.
Holy Orders. A historic novel circa World War I, is the intimate story of a young irish catholic priest, compelled to question the authorities.
Books Directory Bid Place Comic Book Link Used Web Games Buy Free Contact Plumbers Recipes Contractors Internet
13 Vatican Jewelry Religious catholic
Religious catholic jewelry including U.S. military St. Christopher medals, rosaries, and crucifixes.
Vatican Catholic Jewelry Library Gifts Religious Collection Free Rosaries Pope Great Paul John Boxes Hand Etched Earrings Vaticanjewelrycom
14 Catholic Music Network Many styles
Many styles of music, CDs and cassette tapes. Audio samples, artist profiles, reviews, news, and mailing list.
Hiv感染症ãÆ’»ã‚¨ã‚¤ã‚º B型肝炎ウィãÆ’«ã‚¹ãÆ’»c型肝炎ウィãÆ’«ã‚¹ ç—…æ°Ã¢â‚¬â€åˆ¥ 性åâ„¢¨ãÆ’ËœãÆ’«ã
15 Dolls Fashions by Maria Features handmade
Features handmade doll clothing, First Communion dresses, Girl Scout uniforms, Brownie, Junior, Daisy outfits and Catholic School uniforms.
Dollsfashionscom Advance Insurance Cash Debt Consolidation Terms Cell Free Life Learn Report Bestsection
16 Dinise/Howard Christian Music Southern California
Southern California Catholic and Christian music writers. Links to other independent musicians and songwriters of music for worship and praise.

3. Catholic Recreation

1 Catholic Asceticism and the Twelve Steps Father Ed
Father Ed Dowling 1953 article gives a Catholic view of Alcoholics Anonymous. Compares it to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
2 Springfield Catholic High School Statistics, scores
Statistics, scores, pictures, and speeches on the Springfield Catholic Fighting Irish.
Schs Football State Bracket Playoff Speeches Catholic Selection Missouri Profiles Gallery Check Footballwebring Springfield High
3 Northeast Catholic Falcons Football Home Site
Home Site of the Northeast Catholic Falcons football team from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Cialis Viagra Purchase Canada Wide World Levitra Pills Propecia Revatio Suhagra Popular Flutamide Priligy Tamsulosin Related Levitra Where
4 Lansing Catholic Central Cheerleading Home of
Home of the Lansing Catholic Central Cheerleaders in Lansing, Michigan.
Error Requesty
5 Catholic Social Services Located in
Located in Green Bay. Offers counseling, education, and referrals.
Charities Catholic Imgbtvgif Adoption Services Green Open Parenting Mail Diocese Bay Imgarticlesstaticcatholiccharitiescharitiesbubbleaboutpng Imgarticlesstaticcatholiccharitiescharitiesbubblehomepng Imgarticlesstaticcatholiccharitiescharitiesbubbleburstpng Imgarticlesstaticcatholiccharitiescharitiesbubbleadoptionpng
6 Catholic University Cardinals Official baseball
Official baseball site with news, schedule, roster and statistics.
More] Baseball [read Cardinals Conference Landmark Cua Catholic University Week Win Moravian Saturday Sunday Field
7 Camden Catholic High School Soccer Information, schedule
Information, schedule, scores and game results.
Create Tripodhosting Website Signup Page Please Lycoscom Requested Tripodcomcheck Lycos Couldnt
8 Paramus Catholic Cheerleaders Competition results
Competition results, alums, and photos from New Jersey based program.
Sign People Places Now Everything Policy Updated Lifestream Simplifying Rights Account Or Multiple Createyoure
9 Catholic Committee on Scouting - Diocese of San Jose Banners, patches
Banners, patches, and information on religious emblems.
Catholic Fire Committee Camp Scouting Diocese Jose Youth Scout Retreat Ree They Ministry Scoutingcamp San Stevens
10 Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee Football Site includes
Site includes schedules and roster. District 6.
Error Services Information Open Cannot Custom Help Product Manager Foundinternet File Tasks Clickmicrosoft
11 Moral Principles Concerning Infants with Anencephaly Notes from
Notes from Committee on Doctrine National Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S.).
Catholic Anencephaly English Directive Edition Committee Directives Romano Commentary Bishops Losservatore Careservices Religious Conference Health Subscriptions National
12 Peter Young Housing, Industries and Treatment Program run
Program run by a Catholic priest designed to help alcoholics with a successful recovery.
Treatment Housing Peter Industries Young Redirectedz Wwwpyhitcom
13 Joliet Catholic Academy Football Contains a
Contains a game schedule, pictures, videos, player records and current standings.
Season Joliet Catholic Football Jca Page Records Schedule Friday Girls Angels Quincy Playoff Game Pride Notre Former
14 Pack 8 - Augusta Provides a
Provides a calendar, newsletter, history, and links. Chartered by the Saint Mary on the Hill Catholic Church.
Pack Leaders Calendar Pictures Duty Corner Checklist Scouting Resources Contacts Upcoming Derby Camping Events Parents Cub Pinewood
15 Catholic University of America Contains news
Contains news articles, past season coverage, related links, pictures, and statistics.
More] [read Cua Volleyball Cardinals Conference Landmark Win Two Week Weekend Matches Wins Tournament Catholic
16 St. Marys Healthcare Center Sponsored by
Sponsored by Catholic Health Initiatives. Includes news, services, and events. Pierre.
Avera St Hospital Marys Privacy Opportunities Presentation Request Dakota Services Benedictine Pierre Health Heart South Sacred Events
17 Pack 1283 - Houston Sponsored by
Sponsored by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Community. Features a calendar, den information, and a scrapbook.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Terms Inc Archiveorg Archives Longeravailable Wayback Trying Mail Popular
18 San Fernando 1st - Boys Roman Catholic Cub Pack Includes history
Includes history, meeting time and location, and leadership contacts
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Inc Popular Internet User Machine Guidelinesmail Reach
19 Saint Bernards Central Catholic High School Rugby Team Includes news
Includes news, information and events.
20 Catholic University of America - WAFC Pictures, tournament
Pictures, tournament information, practice schedule, upcoming events and contact details.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Sports Guidelinesnews Finance Archives Machine Popular Internet Archiveorg
21 Catholic University Football Official site
Official site of the Cardinals with a season review, history of the team, pictures, statistics and a roster.
More] Football [read Cardinals Cua Odac Saturday Week Catholic Named Friday Guilford Cardinal Senior Henry
22 Greater Des Moines Catholic Football League Includes a
Includes a calendar, standings, and registration information for youth tackle and flag leagues.
Football Grade Here Flag Tackle Click Th Rules Dowling Camps Coaches League Catholic Iowa
23 Camden Catholic High School Soccer Information, schedule
Information, schedule, scores, and game results. Located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Tripod Create Checkplease Login Tripodcom Couldnt Signup Hosting Lycoscom Website Lycosshopping Requested
24 Catholic Charities Diocese of St. Petersburg Offers pregnancy
Offers pregnancy testing, ultrasound, counseling, maternity and baby clothing and supplies, and referrals.
Services Catholic Housing St Charities Petersburg Family Diocese Mission Sufficiency Self Website Th Policy Fl Statements Immigration Adoption Prayer
25 Pack 168 - Trumbull Offers a
Offers a calendar, events, photos, and contact information. Chartered by the Saint Theresa Roman Catholic Church.
Sign Lifestream Places Now People Everything Updated Policy Privacy Downloads Network Search Email Account Datebulk Advertise
26 Catholic University of America Womens Softball Cardinals. Press
Cardinals. Press releases, a team photograph, statistics, game schedule, awards, and history.
More] Softball [read Cardinals Cua Conference Landmark Score Catholic Live Two Spring Week Ecac University
27 Green Mariners From St.
From St. Jude Catholic School, located in Manila, the Philippines. Find meet results, information on activities, competitions, and pictures.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Userreach Maps Sports Games Terms Finance Inc
28 Catholic Social Services of Atlanta Offers professional
Offers professional counseling, mentor relationships, baby supplies, assistance with obtaining medical coverage, and referrals.
Request Nginxz
29 Pack 714 - Gardendale Offers information
Offers information about Scouting and the uniform as well as a leadership contact page and links. Chartered by the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Archives Hosting Finance Maps Movies Visit News Machine Sorry
30 Troop 130 - Rochester Sponsored by
Sponsored by Our Mother of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church. Provides unit schedule, pictures, roster, advancement, resource links and contacts.
Troop Monday Scout Saturday Sunday Eagle Click Bobby Project Mother Friday Club Mens Sorrows Thanks Thank
31 Catholic Healthcare West CHW is
CHW is a system of nurses, hospitals, clinics and physicians caring for the sick, poor and disadvantaged in California, Arizona and Nevada. Based in San Francisco.
Care Health Dignity | Nation Foundation Donate Throughout Navigation Now Tweet Quality Privacycenters
32 Camp Pelican Offers programs
Offers programs for children ages 3 to 13 years old at the Greenwich Catholic School campus. Includes program and activity descriptions and request form.
Camp Day Summer Pelican Camps Greenwich Connecticut Post Orientation Here Information Now Catholic Enroll Programs
33 The Penna Turnpike at Pennsylvania Road Photos Photo essay
Photo essay of the Breezewood area and details on St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and the Midway Service Plaza.
Request Rejectedy
34 Camp Tecaboca Catholic boys
Catholic boys camp near Mountain Home for ages 7 to 15. Includes activities, forms, schedule, and facilities.
Tecaboca Texas Marianist Camp Spiritual Renewal Center Challenge Course Retreats Boys Photos Retreat Hill Support Design Showcase Day Hidden Junction Calendar
35 Catholic Committee on Scouting - Dioceses of Arlington Site for
Site for guidance, direction, leadership, and vitality in the spiritual phase of Scouting.
Filelooking Resource Error Server Directory Might Removed Temporarilyfoundthe Been Unavailable Namechanged
36 St. Marys Health System A comprehensive
A comprehensive healthcare network centered around St. Marys Hospital in Knoxville. Operated by the Catholic Sisters of Mercy.
Listing Directory Deniedthiserrordirectorydenied Virtual
37 Saint Alexius Hospital Catholic facility.
Catholic facility. Includes history, news, list of services, and physician referral. Saint Louis
Services Hospital Care Policy Charity Medical Lutheran Surgery Alexius News Patients School Leadership Catholic Center Message Reconstructive
38 Essay on Sisters in the Civil War Copies of
Copies of typewritten pages, possibly written by Fr. Landry Genosky, of Catholic Nuns who served as nurses during the Civil War.
Navigationshilfe Ty
39 Catholic Guides of Ireland, Dublin - Aughrim Street Guides Includes information
Includes information on campfire songs, themes, crafts, events, and hikes
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Sports Sites Visit Reach Internet Maps Finance Trying Archives
40 St. Vincent Medical Center A Catholic
A Catholic Church run facility based on the tradition of service established by St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. (Los Angeles)
Center Health Md Medical Patient Services St Daughters Vincent Charity Organ System Angeles Cardiac Contact Education Unions Transplantation
41 Camp Ondessonk A residential
A residential Catholic youth Camp located in Shawnee National Forest of Southern Illinois. Campers learn to respect God, themselves, and the people and world around them.
Camp Adventure Ondessonk Mini Scholarships Leadership Staff Traditional Donate Campers Location First Summer Register Tony Round Now Vision Store
42 Camp Ondessonk A residential
A residential Catholic youth Camp located in Shawnee National Forest of Southern Illinois. Campers learn to respect God, themselves, and the people and world around them.
Camp Adventure Ondessonk Scholarships Mini Traditional Location Summer Leadership Staff Campers Donate First Register Directions Store
43 Pack 1283 - Houston, Texas Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts Pack sponsored by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Community. Features a calendar, den information, and a pack scrapbook.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policyfinance Terms User Archives Trying Hosting Games Reach
44 NaProTechnology Catholic-related, promotes
Catholic-related, promotes reproductive and gynecological health care that cooperate completely with natural systems. Describes therapeutic approaches for infertility, PMS, prevention of preterm birth, postpartum depression, and other conditions.
Paul Pope Reproductive Health Human Monitoring Hilgers Naprotechnology Major Womans Creighton Gynecological Medical Study Fertility Causes Procreative Physicianswho Consultant
45 Camp Ondessonk A residential
A residential Catholic youth Camp located in Shawnee National Forest. Campers learn to respect God, themselves, and the people and world around them. Information about programs, staff, and registration.
Camp Adventure Ondessonk Mini Scholarships Summer Leadership Staff Campers Donate First Location Traditional Register Store Counselors Training Connect
46 Camp Kodiak Alaska A leadership
A leadership camp for Catholic boys 12 to 14 years old, featuring canoeing, salmon fishing, survival camping, flightseeing, gold panning, and mountain climbing.
Portapache Serverpermanently The
47 Camp Marymount Coed residential
Coed residential camp of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville, for ages 6 - 16. Photos, descriptions of facilities and activities, job opportunities, accreditation information, and off-season programs.
Camp Now Marymount Rental Society Family News Donate Summer Forms Information Parent Payment Merchandise Programs Teambuilding Facilities
48 St. Thomas of Villanova Wildcats The varsity
The varsity baseball squad of St. Thomas of Villanova High School, who compete in the AA Division of the Detroit Catholic League.
Lasalle Villanova Wildcats Web Varsity Thomas St Ontario Villanovabaseball@canadacom Canada Eteamz School Sites Build Guestbook Policy Center
49 Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center Founded in
Founded in 1897 by the Sisters of St. Joseph and affiliated since 1990 with Mount Sinai Hospital, the first recorded collaboration between a Catholic and Jewish hospital.
Health Care Francis Center Saint Surgery Medicine Medical Program Hospital Patient Education Oncology Physician Community Post Acute Cardiac
50 Pack 7 - New Port Richey Includes program
Includes program and den information and unit contacts. Chartered by the Saint Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church in New Port Richey.
Pack Great Scouts Cub New Port Scout Floridaz Richey
51 St.Andrews Campus C.S.C. - Paul McStay # 8 This site
This site was built by the students at St.Andrews Roman Catholic Teacher Training Campus. Photographs of players both past and present, biographies, and songs.
Enter Mcstay Standrews Csc Paul Campus Celtic God Simpsons Songs Football Debut Sponsored Famousbiographies
52 Lexington Catholic Fastpitch Softball Girls fastpitch
Girls fastpitch team from Lexington, Kentucky.
Lexington Catholic Softball Fastpitch Information___ Assoc High School Weather Knights Local Griggs Catholic_ Season___ Directions Joseph
53 St. Rose Dominican Hospital Member of
Member of Catholic Healthcare West (CHW), a not-for-profit healthcare system sponsored by many communities of religious women, including the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Located in Henderson, NV.
Uncategorized Posted Closed Strosecarescom Rest Entry Wordpress Plans Insurance Health Company Right Blog Forum Themes Take
54 Saint Marys Health Network Information about
Information about this Catholic health organization providing an integrated health network based in Reno, Nevada.
Medical Marys Services Saint Center Reno Guide Information Patient Regional Group Visitors Office Quality Mission Fitness Feb
55 North Catholic Rowing Crew Coed school
Coed school near the Three Rivers Rowing Association and the Allegheny river. Member of the Midwest Rowing Association,
Crew Viagra Posted Girls Leave North Catholic Novice Boys Sprints Race Lightweight Final Scholastic Uncategorized Season Grand Open
56 Saint Marys Health Network A Catholic
A Catholic health organization providing an integrated health network based in Reno, Nevada.
Medical Center Marys Services Saint Reno Information Guide Regional Patient Visitors Office Business Quality History Vision
57 St. Louis CYC South Central District Basketball St. Louis
St. Louis area basketball teams in the Catholic Youth Council Leagues, regular season, post season and city/county archdiocesan championships.
Results Schedules Scores Brackets Tournament Information District Central Drills Reported Basketball South Coaching Week
58 Philadelphia Region 20 CYO Track and Field Catholic Youth
Catholic Youth Organization track and field for boys and girls ages 9-13 serving the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. Meet results, schedules, rosters and records.
Track Region Cecero Field Peter Contacts Records Rosters Here Calendar Click Faq Packetcommissioner
59 Colorado Wilderness Institute Offers
Offers customized outdoor adventure trips for groups including youth groups, individuals and Catholic summer camps experiencing Colorado whitewater rafting, mountaineering, climbing and backpacking trips. (USA)
Outdoor Colorado Adventure Trips Whitewater Rafting Wilderness Backpacking Institute Mountaineering Summer Catholic Groups Youth Adventures
60 Providence Health Care Hospitals of Vancouver, BC, Canada The largest
The largest Catholic health care organization in Canada, delivering tertiary/quaternary care, teaching and research on eight area in Vancouver.
Health St Hospital Providence Patient Services Donate Translink Bc Records Map Vincents Care Larger Well Conway Heather Provides Contact
61 St. Joseph Health Services of Rhode Island An integrated
An integrated system of Catholic health care providing for the people of Rhode Island, operating Our Lady of Fatima Hospital, and St. Joseph Hospital for Specialty Care.
Joseph St Health Rhode Island Services Hospitals Rinorth Northprovidencesj |
62 St. Francis Hospital Catholic hospital
Catholic hospital located in Columus describes facilities and services, including heart care, rehabilitation, corporate health, behavioral health, home care, home medical equipment, and cancer treatment. Presents the Womens Center, the Bradley Center for behavioral health, and the Franciscan Woods assisted living community.
Library Video Services Maps Contact Surgical Physician Directions Events Center Careers Donate Patient Volunteer Request Living Error Involved Other
63 St. Francis Hospital Catholic hospital
Catholic hospital located in Columus describes facilities and services, including heart care, rehabilitation, corporate health, behavioral health, home care, home medical equipment, and cancer treatment. Presents the Womens Center, the Bradley Center for behavioral health, and the Franciscan Woods assisted living community.
Library Francis St Video Associates Maps Starring Services Great Expectations Contact Directions Physician Volunteer Donate Surgical Careers

4. Computer & Catholic Games Websites

1 St. Blogs Parish For Catholic
For Catholic bloggers.
Foundyellow Yp * Home * Articles Rings * Articles * Contact Privacy Rings Pagepages Disclarmer
2 My Catholic Home Page Backgrounds for
Backgrounds for web pages of any sort. Also some textures and bumps for 3D applications.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Popularinc Visit Archiveorg Movies Mail Guidelines Hosting Privacy
3 Franciscan Cards Background & Stationery Catholic backgrounds
Catholic backgrounds and stationery for web pages and e-mails.
Permanently The Apache Server Portz
4 Apostle Advertising Offers print
Offers print advertising and web ads for Catholic businesses.
Design Advertising Catholic Web Apostle Ads Order Graphic Contact Rate Responsive Cards Html Template Place
5 Catholic Internet Services Dialup and
Dialup and ISDN Internet access with available server-based filtering that blocks inappropriate content.
1 Divinity Games Produces Catholic
Produces Catholic family and bible trivia games.
Request Rejectedy
2 Got Game 2 Teen choices
Teen choices and their consequences are explored in an online game format from a Catholic Christian perspective. Flash or HTML.
Game Choices Dating Life Pregnancy Young Romance Christian Sex Soap Smoking Drugs People Teens Friends Gotgame Relationship Future Interactive Gossip

5. Sports Websites concerning Catholic

1 Springfield Catholic High School Statistics, scores
Statistics, scores, pictures, and speeches on the Springfield Catholic Fighting Irish.
Schs Football Bracket State Speeches Playoff Catholic Random Stats Scores Pictures Post Profiles Champions Irish Missouri
2 Northeast Catholic Falcons Football Home Site
Home Site of the Northeast Catholic Falcons football team from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Navigationshilfe Ty
3 Lansing Catholic Central Cheerleading Home of
Home of the Lansing Catholic Central Cheerleaders in Lansing, Michigan.
Error Requesty
4 Camden Catholic High School Soccer Information, schedule
Information, schedule, scores and game results.
Create Tripod Website Lycos Please Signup Tripodcom Couldnt Login Shopping Requested Found Hosting Lycoscomerrorpage
5 Paramus Catholic Cheerleaders Competition results
Competition results, alums, and photos from New Jersey based program.
Z Request Y
6 Catholic University Cardinals Official baseball
Official baseball site with news, schedule, roster and statistics.
More] Baseball [read Cardinals Conference Landmark Catholic University Cua Moravian Win Week Saturday Game America
7 Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee Football Site includes
Site includes schedules and roster. District 6.
Information Services Error Tasks Directory Found Open Custom Common Clickmanager Help Administrative Product
8 Saint Bernards Central Catholic High School Rugby Team Includes news
Includes news, information and events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Joliet Catholic Academy Football Contains a
Contains a game schedule, pictures, videos, player records and current standings.
Construction Under Jolietcatholicfootballcomy
10 Catholic University of America Contains news
Contains news articles, past season coverage, related links, pictures, and statistics.
[read More] Cua Volleyball Cardinals Conference Landmark Two Win Week Wins Catholic Season Fall Tournament
11 Catholic University Football Official site
Official site of the Cardinals with a season review, history of the team, pictures, statistics and a roster.
More] Football [read Cardinals Cua Odac Saturday Catholic Week University Named Friday Cardinal Falls Team
12 Catholic University of America - WAFC Pictures, tournament
Pictures, tournament information, practice schedule, upcoming events and contact details.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Account Domains Web Please Help Customer Aabaco Inc
13 Camden Catholic High School Soccer Information, schedule
Information, schedule, scores, and game results. Located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Tripod Create Hosting Tripodcom Shopping Check Page Errorpage Found Lycos Signup Requested Login Website Y
14 Greater Des Moines Catholic Football League Includes a
Includes a calendar, standings, and registration information for youth tackle and flag leagues.
Grade Football Here Flag Tackle Click Th Dowling Rules Coaches Camps League Catholic Iowa Fourth Form
15 Catholic University of America Womens Softball Cardinals. Press
Cardinals. Press releases, a team photograph, statistics, game schedule, awards, and history.
More] Softball [read Cardinals Conference Cua Landmark Catholic University Two Spring Game Week Rizzi Games Student Athletes
16 Green Mariners From St.
From St. Jude Catholic School, located in Manila, the Philippines. Find meet results, information on activities, competitions, and pictures.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Aabaco Terms Account Please Domains Website Help Web Local
17 St. Thomas of Villanova Wildcats The varsity
The varsity baseball squad of St. Thomas of Villanova High School, who compete in the AA Division of the Detroit Catholic League.
Lasalle Villanova Web Thomas Varsity Wildcats St Villanovabaseball@canadacom Sites Ontario Build Eteamz Guestbook Na School Community Sport Drills
18 St.Andrews Campus C.S.C. - Paul McStay # 8 This site
This site was built by the students at St.Andrews Roman Catholic Teacher Training Campus. Photographs of players both past and present, biographies, and songs.
Mcstay Enter Paul Csc Campus Celtic Standrews Famous Debut Sex Songssoccer Simpsons Drugs
19 Lexington Catholic Fastpitch Softball Girls fastpitch
Girls fastpitch team from Lexington, Kentucky.
Catholic Lexington Softball Information___ High Weather Assoc Fastpitch School Directions Scoreboard Catholic_ Local Schedulevarsity Tournament
20 North Catholic Rowing Crew Coed school
Coed school near the Three Rivers Rowing Association and the Allegheny river. Member of the Midwest Rowing Association,
Crew Girls Posted Leave North Novice Catholic Sprints Boys Race Lightweight Scholastic Final Uncategorized Coach Mid Winter Three Practice Indoor Saturday
21 St. Louis CYC South Central District Basketball St. Louis
St. Louis area basketball teams in the Catholic Youth Council Leagues, regular season, post season and city/county archdiocesan championships.
Schedules South Brackets Results Scores Reported Central Drills District Winning Week Positive Rules Information Gyms
22 Philadelphia Region 20 CYO Track and Field Catholic Youth
Catholic Youth Organization track and field for boys and girls ages 9-13 serving the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. Meet results, schedules, rosters and records.
Track Region Field Peter Cecero Copyright Coaches Faq Click Track@verizonnet Archdiocese Cyo Rostersphiladelphia

6. Society, Arts and Catholic Crafts

1 Old Catholic Mission to UK Assists former
Assists former Roman Catholic priests who have left their ministry to return to the catholic ministry in the Old Catholic Church. Also encourages vocations to the Old catholic ministry, both from the UK, Ireland and world wide.
Mission Francis Church Holy They Deacons English Spirit Mass Under Catholic Priests Believe Celebrate Member Unbroken Candidate
2 Christ the King Catholic Church Little Rock.
Little Rock. Schedules, links, publications, and information about community opportunities and Catholic school. Also includes rosary instructions, a list of saints, Catholic prayers, and explanations of Catholic practices.
3 Catholic-Net-Links Catholic links
Catholic links arranged by topic. Some of the sites have brief descriptions. Categories include popular Catholic sites, saints, religious orders, papal encyclicals, home schooling, Catholic news.
Catholic Vatican Page Ewtn Summa Council Theologica Research Emil Things Catechism Mary Apologetics Music Test Forum Church
4 Spirituality for Catholic Lesbians General personal
General personal observations on dealing with adversity, nothing specifically Catholic about it, except that presumably the author is Catholic.
Spiritualitylesbians Engines Websitesubmit Free
5 Other-Catholic For anyone
For anyone with a genealogical interest in all of the branches of the Catholic Church including Roman Catholic.
Server Port Apache Permanently Thez
6 The Catholic Pages Information on
Information on all things Catholic, plus Catholic humor, and a discussion board.
Hosting Host Sql Services Sharepoint Aspnet Asp Web Contact Server Website Dedicated Plans Windows Customer Proudly
7 Catholic Marketing Network Association of
Association of retailers and suppliers of Catholic literature, music, gifts, and other products and services consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Trade Looking Show Membership Catholic Contact Chicago Reach Markets Tradeshow Resource Marketing Directory Potential Maximize Metro Yourstore’s
8 Catholic Corner All Catholic
All Catholic moderated Java chat environment, faithful to the Holy Father. Also a message board for Catholics and those wishing to learn more about the Catholic Faith, with various forums and topics.
Navigationshilfet Y
9 National Catholic Register Weekly Catholic
Weekly Catholic newspaper covering U.S. issues from a distinctly Catholic perspective. Sample news articles and movie review online, subscription information, ability to contact customer service.
Catholic Pope Faith Francis Holy News Register Vatican Marriage Life Sunday Guide Priests Saints Edward Same Sex Education National Human Scaled Co Cathedral
10 Trad Central Catholic resources.
Catholic resources. Traditional Catholic information. Holy Bible, Councils, Baltimore Catechism, and traditional catholic websites.
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Domains Website Web Terms Privacy Customer Help Please
11 The National Catholic Church of North America Independent Catholic
Independent Catholic Church. Old Catholic lines of succession. Provides parish locations, clergy list, and FAQ.
Close Click Thanks Sign Here Information Please North Church America Dont Latest Welcome Pagenational
12 Catholic Church Webring For Catholic
For Catholic churches, dioceses, religious congregations, or individuals with pages about the Catholic Church and her teachings.
Catholic Weblink Webring Pages Dioceses Religious Web Individuals Parishes Congregations Apache Faith Teachings Denominations Found Managers
13 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Enid. Operates
Enid. Operates St. Joseph Catholic School. Religious education programs, sacraments, and saint and feast days described, schedules, obituaries, prayer requests, photographs, and Catholic links also provided.
Catholic Saint Mass Parish Xavier Francis School Church Thanksgiving News Life Council Teen Break Office Madison enid Club Podcastother
14 John Wilkes Booth: A Catholic? Contends that
Contends that Booth was not a Catholic and, therefore, not the agent of a Catholic Church conspiracy as some have suggested.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Customer Help Terms Aabaco Domains Please Account Policy Ecommerce
15 Catholic Books and Tapes 1,500 Catholic
1,500 Catholic and patriotic books, plus the Fidelis et Verus online, a Catholic newspaper.
Catholic Obama Church Books Russian Mary Press Jesus Bayside Pope President Book Barack Usa Kenya Douay Rheims John Garrigou Lagrange Non Credit Op
16 Saint Paul Newman Center Catholic Church Catholic and
Catholic and non-Catholic members share in building up Gods Kingdom through ministries and outreach to others. Is the only non-territorial parish in the Diocese of Fresno. Serves the Fresno academic community.
Newman Catholic Center Mass Food Paul Festival Ministry International Reconciliation Family First Schedule Communion Ministries Monday Programs Map Pirates College
17 Catholic Answers [] A major
A major Apologetics site. Contains a large number of pamphlet style questions and answers about the Faith, as well as sample articles from the magazine 'This Rock' and a RealAudio archive of all of their daily one-hour talkback Catholic radio programs.
Catholic Answers Pope Mary Radio Apologetics Magazine Francis Club Starbucks News Isis Trinity Syrian Non Christians Pro Life Law Evangelize Paris
18 Byzantine Catholic Church, Inc. Orthodox-Catholic and
Orthodox-Catholic and Old Catholic in heritage, with Ofiesh and Carfora lines of succession. Religious orders for priests, brothers, and sisters. Women barred from ordination. Please do not confuse this independent jurisdiction with the Byzantine Catholics who are in communion with Rome.
Tripod Page Create Website Tripodcom Exists Pricing Remove Longer Permanentlyremoved References Lycos Hostingplease
19 Catholic Genealogy A membership
A membership based site for those with a British Catholic heritage researching their genealogy. Has members forum and links to other Catholic history and British genealogical sites.
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20 Catholic Goldmine Links to
Links to Catholic youth resources, apparitions, papal statements, bishops statements, Catholic prayers, pro-life resources, vocation information, and mens and womens religious orders.
File Removed Namechanged Might Temporarily Error Been Foundthe Looking Unavailablez Server Resource Directory
21 All Saints Independent Old Catholic Church Old Catholic
Old Catholic Parish located in Clarksville, Tennessee. Married and female clergy. Provides service and ordination information, FAQ, belief statements, and liturgy. AKA Independent Old Catholic Church of America
Create Tripod Tripodcomlycos Website Please Login Hosting Page Requested Signupcheck Shopping
22 The Roman Catholic Web Authors Resource Site Free graphics
Free graphics to help spruce up your Catholic Web site, ideas for free site enhancements. Links to Catholic webrings and MIDI sites.
23 Catholic Worker History Key documents
Key documents on the history and philosophy of the Catholic Worker Movement. Also information about Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, and other Catholic Worker pioneers.
Religion Visitenkarte Games Allgemein Catholicworker Vereinbar Dramatischer Gingenserver No Spiele Permanently The Christian Fern
24 Keeping It Catholic! A large
A large collection of Catholic family and homeschool articles on the web. Many ideas for keeping the homeschool Catholic.
Catholic Keeping Education List Study Flags Churchs Reviews Books Page Church Single Help Homeschooling Parents
25 Roman Catholic Parishes of Polish Ethnicity in USA List of
List of Roman Catholic parishes in the United States which offer Mass in Polish, taken from the Official Catholic Directory.
26 Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) Site of
Site of Catholic television network, featuring Catholic QandA, document library, audio library, Catholic news, and programming information for EWTN TV and WEWN radio.
Catholic Ewtn News Television Mass Radio Ndash Network Debbie Faith Glory Japan Visit Religious Ewtns Road
27 catholic people personal ads
personal ads for catholic singles. members can include video with their profiles.
Catholic Single Dating Today Perfect Christians Match Christian Join Findingchristians Singles Jesus People Christ Date
28 Catholic Answers Defines the
Defines the Millennium and Millennial and Rapture views per the Catholic perspective.
Radio Catholic Club Browse Answers Donate Presidents Speakers Bible Eucharist Questions Jesus Accounts Legacy Heresy
29 The Catholic Legate Lay apostolate
Lay apostolate dedicated to defending the Catholic faith. Forces frames.
Catholic •the Articles •articles Church •dialogues •q Dialogues Article Abortion Faith Bust Mark •catholic Homosexuality Pro Life •canadian Language Tendencies
30 Catholic For the
For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the tracing of Catholic ancestors using church records.
Port Server Permanently The Apachez
31 Scripture Catholic Provides citations
Provides citations from the Old and New Testament that explain and defend the teachings of the Catholic Church.
32 San Juan Catholic Seminars Booklets and
Booklets and tapes aimed at the beginning Catholic apologist.
Catholic Juan Booklets Apologetics Audio Javascript Seminars Tools Special Page Spanish Reading Dvds Values Video Terms Advanced Contact
33 Catholic Jobs Online Search or
Search or browse through job openings with Catholic organizations.
School Catholic Education Director Jobs Ministry Teacher Coordinator Grade Principal Job Manager Elementary Social Employers Religious Pro Life Teachers Senior Stewardship Pastoral
34 Roman Catholic WebRing 300+ sites.
300+ sites. Largest and oldest Catholic ring.
Catholic Roman Here Found Close Sign Login Liturgy Server Terms Found The Signupadd Port
35 Pharseas Traditional Gay Catholic Site A Traditionalist
A Traditionalist gay Catholic view of Scripture, Tradition and the Magesterium.
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36 Returning Home to the Catholic Church A page
A page especially for people who have either left the Catholic faith or who are not practicing it.
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37 Adam, Eve, and Evolution An article
An article in Catholic Answers (with Imprimatur) about the Roman Catholic position on creation.
Radio Club Catholic Browse Donate Calendar Staff Mission Answers Prayer Liturgy Magazine Evolution Culture Eucharist Speakers
38 CCAN Catholic Jukebox Artist links
Artist links, listening samples, and Catholic media resources.
Catholic Musicy
39 Catholic Analysis Provides commentary
Provides commentary, in-depth essays, and book reviews on issues in the Catholic world.
Catholicanalysiscom Advance Insurance Cash Consolidation Policy Debt Privacy Phones Domain Lifebest Learn Credit
40 Ashley Jeans Web Page Answers to
Answers to questions about the Catholic Church. Also Catholic music, art, and discussion.
Page Catholic Music Board Stuff Church Attempt Jeans Questions Apologetics Ashley Good Call Teresa Jesus Cool Christian
41 TX-Catholic For anyone
For anyone with a genealogical interest in the Catholic Church in Texas from the early Spanish settlement through the 1950s.
Navigationshilfeport Permanently The Serverapache
42 New Catholic Dictionary: Bañez, Domingo Concise paragraph
Concise paragraph on this 16th-century Catholic thinker.
43 Saint Bartholomew Catholic Parish Roman Catholic.
Roman Catholic. Worship services, contact and staff information available.
St Holy Bartholomew Cross Parish School Formation Faith Commission John Maximilian Preparation Portland Kolbe South Scarborough Cape Appeal Sisters
44 Catholic Discussion Canadian Catholic
Canadian Catholic site message boards. A personal initiative. Does not tolerate dissent.
Email Rss Re Catholic Discussion Forums Midgie Ad Apologetics Yuku Hadcatholicchurcha Catholics Files Board Sol Jewish
45 Suite 101: Roman Catholicism Archive of
Archive of articles on the Catholic Faith and Catholics, and links to Catholic sites.
Thankspage Gone Actually Suitecomsuite
46 Catholic Planet A world
A world online Catholic Christian magazine.
Catholic Roman Theology Secrets Resources Mary Bible Planet Jesus Kindle Teaching Free Music Books Poetry Co Redemptrix Natural Family Women Hunger
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Backgrounds, holy pictures, icons, mouse cursors, and e-cards with a Catholic theme.
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48 Its Cool to Be a Catholic Caveman A simple
A simple, traditional Catholic kind of guy, and proud of it. Personal home page of an ex-Marine.
Catholic Traditional Marine Here Click Corps American Retired Caveman Ever Line Best Movie Says Blogspot Novusordo Hath Richmond Faqs
49 Catholic Shopper Selection of
Selection of books to appeal to the traditional Catholic, rosaries, crucifixes, videos, gifts. Online ordering.
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50 Welcome to - Catholic Vocations for Men What God
What God wants is not your ability, but your availability. Information about vocation in Miles Jesu a secular order within the Catholic church
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51 Newman Catholic Club -- CSUF Community of
Community of Catholic Christian young adults at California State University Fullerton.
Navigationshilfe Ty
52 Explains the
Explains the Biblical foundation of the Roman Catholic Church in the form of conversion stories and FAQs on Catholic teaching.
Catholic Church Contin Catholics Click Jesus Christian Here Christ Original Holy Roman Conversion Crusade Founded Answers Earliest Sale Radio
53 Catholic Scholars Online A very
A very large Catholic homeschool help source on the web. Tips, message boards, articles, projects, curriculum.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Gallery Hosting Local App Advisor Help Has Sell Page Screen
54 Keeping Catholics Catholic Online ministry
Online ministry dedicated to teaching and educating all Christians about the Catholic Faith founded by Jesus Christ.
Sign Everything Now Lifestream Places Account Policy People Terms Reserved Social Networks Stream Aolcom Insign
55 CRCLinks Catholic, royalist
Catholic, royalist, and communitarian links. Urges the implementation of the traditional social magisterium and the establishment of Catholic monarchy, particularly in France.
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56 catholic introductions matchmaking service
matchmaking service for catholic singles. application required, then telephone interview. staff members choose possible matches.
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57 Gentle Shepherd Catholic Church Richmond, Virginia.
Richmond, Virginia. An open and accepting Old Catholic parish. Gays and lesbians welcome in both the pews and the clergy.
Found The Foundy
58 Our Sunday Visitor: Book Catalog Catholic publisher.
Catholic publisher. Complete line of Catholic books for adults and children, from Scripture to reference to spiritual.
59 Catholic Parenting Cyberplatform for
Cyberplatform for Catholic parents including articles, Church documents, family activities, message board, prayer chapel.
60 Saint Athanasius Catholic Church Liturgy schedule
Liturgy schedule, bulletin, parish history, an introduction to Byzantine Catholic worship, driving directions.
Requestcloudflare Nginx Z
61 Educational and Inspirational Tools for Educators Links on
Links on many Catholic and Christian topics, plus original material, including travelogue and photos. Traditional Catholic perspective.
62 Catholic Community Forum A guide
A guide to the Catholic world on the web, with categorized links, chat rooms, discussion groups, daily spiritual e-mail newsletter.
Founderrordocument Found The Additionally Z
63 Catholic Young Adults Directories of
Directories of Catholic groups for young adults around the world, and of Catholic student groups at universities.
Catholic Life Catechism News Bible Church Young Prayers Audio Priests Website Documents Pro
64 American Catholic Truth Society Email lists
Email lists, chat channels, online debates, and debate summaries. A great starting place for the lay-Catholic apologist.
Catholic Acts Windsor Email Scott Truth Forum Society Apologetics American Blog Debate Documentation Cathapol List Living
65 Catholic Pillar & Foundation Message board
Message board with general discussion of Catholic topics. Also news items, apologetics. Anyone can read, posting requires free registration.
Email Rss Celinarab Church Catholic Portia Forums John Pillar Friend Yuku Discussion Community Foundation Teaches
66 Catholic Treasures Searchable catalog
Searchable catalog of Catholic books, tapes, videos, and software. Showroom in Monrovia, California. Ordering by mail, phone, fax, or online form.
Catholic Books Bible Traditional Saints Treasures Church Mary Eucharist Christ Douay Rheims Letter Freemasonry Angels Spiritual Prayerbooks
67 Saint Peter Catholic Church Stevens Point.
Stevens Point. Mass schedule, weekly calendar, map, virtual tour, historical timeline, how to become a member. Catholic questions and answers.
Saint Church Catholic Peter Mass Religious Stevens Point Times Peters Adoration Education Information Contact Arul Events Men Welcome Confessions
68 Catholic Heritage Curricula An online
An online catalog of Catholic homeschooling products using a secure server. Materials for preschoolers through adults, including sacramental preparation, music, and Latin.
Grade Catholic School Homeschool Lesson Catalog Curricula Free Educating Chc Resources Kindergarten Plans Support Character Questions Religion
69 Catholic group on Code film: Its just fiction Opus Dei
Opus Dei, a Roman Catholic organization with powerful members and a reputation for secrecy, is trying to change its public image. From the International Herald Tribune.
International France Tribune Herald Video Points Page Turning Pages Journalism Learn Oops Struggles Spin Unit Thisweek Wordpress
70 Catholic Diocese of Nashville Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic serving the middle Tennessee area. Mass schedule, parish information, diocesan schools, campus ministry, and Camp Marymont.
Nashville School Tennessee Father Register Bishops Catholic Ryan Religious Diocese Seminarians Schools New Telli Ordination State Syro Malabar Editorial Annual Lawrence Faith
71 Theist Gal Catholic turned
Catholic turned atheist tells why she came back to Catholicism again. Her thoughts on the recent scandals. Where she hangs out. Links. And a hilarious spoof on 'conversion' spurred by ignorant anti-Catholic nutcases.
Theist Ill Update Ive Page Then Gal Well Gals Stooges Woman Enjoy Angelfire Meanwhile Life Link
72 St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church Details the
Details the parish history, services and ministries. Includes Catholic trivia, childrens activities pages, links, spiritual food for thought and humour.
Thank Please Loyola Ignatius Saturday Mass Ministry Sunday Church Friday Fair Glen Catholic Study Roman Shepherd Hours Monday Bolivar_
73 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Also serves
Also serves the Catholic students of Concord College, in Athens. Schedule, staff directory, upcoming events, information on the Newman Center, parish history.
Catholicwebcom Catholicchurch Here Learn Click Gods Closednews Good
74 Missionaries of St. Benedict/Friends Catholic Diocese of the Resurrection Old Catholic
Old Catholic religious order. Ordains men and women, married or single, gay or straight. Mission, beliefs, formation program. Frames-dependent.
Diocese Catholic Stbenedict Friends Missionaries Zresurrection Close
75 Eastern Catholic Webring Displays the
Displays the beauty and variety of non-Latin rites. All Eastern Catholic sites (especially eparchies and parishes) are welcome.
Eastern Catholic Webring Catholicism Close Churches Eparchies Coptic Apply Servernextring Welcome Together Malankara
76 Saint Joseph Catholic Church Contact information
Contact information, Mass schedule, organizations, information for new parishioners or for those thinking of becoming Catholic.
77 The Catholic Youth Ring Webring for
Webring for Catholic youth around the world to get together and view each others pages on the Net. This also provides opportunities to make new friendships or to discuss whatever.
Youth Catholic Christian Information Adult Ring Religion Nextring Server Join Forum Foundfound The Chrostian
78 All Saints Catholic Church Catholic church
Catholic church in Kenton. Mass times, contact details, directions, parish groups.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Privacy Maps Longeravailable Finance Machine Reach Sports Archiveorg Internet
79 Marys Collection of Catholic Prayers Prayers, chaplets
Prayers, chaplets, Catholic humor, the Stringfellow family, links. Requires frames.
Sign Everything Places Account Lifestream Now Policy People Terms Networks Read Bulk Rights Reserved Simplifying Youre Privacy
80 International Movement of Catholic Students Australia Australias national
Australias national federation of Catholic students and university clubs/societies.
Catholic Imcs Australia Movement Students International Contact Method Membership Documents News Historyaustralian Weare Visions
81 associated catholic cemeteries (acc) four cemeteries
four cemeteries owned and managed by the roman catholic archdiocese of seattle: calvary, holyrood, gethsemane and st. patrick.
Cemetery Cemeteries Calvary Photo Washington Gethsemane Holyrood Patrick St Resources  holyrood Gallery Pre Planning Seattle Grief
82 Protestant Church History Directory of
Directory of sites about the development of Protestantism, primarily regarding relations with the Catholic Church or anti-Catholic writers.
Reformation Bible Century Historicist Preterist Homefrontpage Copyright John Ministriespo News Enlightenment Coming Protestant Kingdom Sister
83 Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School A Catholic
A Catholic private school offering education for Preschool through 8th grade, located in Birmingham, Alabama.
Valley Catholic Lady Design Church School Birmingham Lane Double Tracy Nxtdimension Solutions Welcomegraphic
84 Catholic Mothers Internet Connection A wealth
A wealth of resources for Catholic mothers, including a busy mailing list to encourage each other and teach each other.
Catholic Today Saints Holy Blessed Here Rosary Church Medals Press Free Water Cards Pope Scapular Learn Members Patron Accept Schuyler Moms
85 Protestant Church History Directory of
Directory of sites about the development of Protestantism, primarily regarding relations with the Catholic Church or anti-Catholic writers.
Century Bible Reformation Historicist America Content Could Readers In Prophecticinterpretation Friday Foundnotice Caringola Sisterfoundsorry
86 N.D. versus O.E: Anonymitys moral ambiguity in Elizabethan Catholic controversy From 'Criticism'.
From 'Criticism'. A study of how the use of anonymity shaped Elizabethan Catholic apologetics.
Games News Entertainment Guides Reference Hardware Investing Cheats Travel Flights Celebrities Encyclopedias Electronics Lodging Opinion Copyright Updated Diseases Privacy
87 Saint Joseph Catholic Church Imperial. Contact
Imperial. Contact information, Mass schedule, organizations, information for new parishioners or for those thinking of becoming Catholic.
88 On the Catholic Priesthood (Ad Catholici Sacerdotii) Encyclical promulgated
Encyclical promulgated in 1935 by Pope Pius XI on Catholic Priesthood who are 'ordained for men in the things that appertain to God.'
Church Christ God Catholic Christian Lord Jesus Brethren Divine Father Venerable Holy Apostle Bishop Himself
89 Catholic Information League Presents information
Presents information on various topics pertaining to the Catholic Church in an easy to read graphical (tract) format.
Hardhat Catholic Joe Information League Salvation Feelgood Church Purgatory News Lay Men Sins Scoundrel Christian Baptism Saints Regarding Catholics Angels Justification
90 A Closer Look at the Orthodox Catholic Group How did
How did this highly religious group within the Catholic Church become so controversial? From Voice of America, USA.
Africa Health Central Europe Live Listen Mideast Asia Liveafrican Music Science Entertainment English Tech Afghanistan Newscast Captive Asiao‘zbekamerikaovozicom
91 Catholic Reformation by Henri Daniel-Rops An article
An article arguing that the Reformation was a movement started within the Catholic church.
Church Catholic Reformation Trent God Catholicreform Christendom Protestantism Churchs Protestant Wittenberg John Catholicism Written Lutheran Fathersof Tauler Those
92 Neumann Press Reprints traditional
Reprints traditional Catholic books and textbooks. History, readers, and books about the Catholic Faith.
Review Add Compare Books Np Catholic Press Neumann Tan Saints Scripture Faith Courses International Rheims Studies Prophecy Catalog
93 Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church Ukrainian Rite
Ukrainian Rite Catholic parish. Contact information, history.
Z Httpwwwstnbuffalocom Y
94 Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church Ukrainian Rite
Ukrainian Rite Catholic parish. Contact information, history.
Z Httpwwwstnbuffalocom Y
95 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Josephite parish.
Josephite parish. Contact information, Mass schedule, history. First African American Catholic church in the U.S.A.
Xavier Catholic Francis Baltimore St Church Pro Life Md Barnesdirector Baptism Schedulesaturday American Ospdirectorsfx Thurs Maryland Fri
96 Benedict Tang Personal home
Personal home page of a student in Singapore, Catholic and proud of it. Includes a directory of all the Catholic web sites in Singapore that he can find.
Create Tripod Websitetripodcom Couldnt Requested Lycoscom Check Please Login Signuppage Lycos
97 Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School A Catholic
A Catholic School providing academic programs, combined with Christian principles, located in Benton, Arkansas.
Fatima School Lady Catholic Youth Ministry Campbells Holiday Labels Admissions Involvement History Athletics Board Wordpress Contact Tops Education Affiliations Powered
98 Saint Kevins Catholic Parish Eastwood. Contains
Eastwood. Contains information on the local parish, events, contact details and links to other Christian and Catholic web sites.
99 The Recusant Group A Yahoo!
A Yahoo! discussion group devoted to the study of English Catholic experience during the Penal Times between the Reformation and the Catholic Relief Act.
Yahoo Groups Help Group Lists Sharing File Mailing Forum Please Free Community Photo Found Message
100 WEWN/EWTN Global Catholic Radio Catholic radio
Catholic radio network, site provides program schedule, local affiliates, and RealAudio feed.
Error Information Services Cannot Page Administrative Microsoft Help Directory File Openmessageslinks Click Common
101 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Princeton. Also
Princeton. Also serves the Catholic students of Concord College, in Athens. Schedule, staff directory, upcoming events, information on the Newman Center, parish history.
Catholic News Gifts Website Free Information Websites Echurch Page Bulletins Times Testimonials Hosting Ewtn Directory Vatican Linuxwindows Thecatholicdirectory Fl Post
102 Saint Francis De Sales Regional Catholic School Herkimer, New
Herkimer, New York. Pre-K to 8th grade Catholic school.
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103 Cmon Back to the Roman Catholic Church A gentle
A gentle invitation to return, for those who have become distanced from the Catholic Church.
ドラム演奏者に最適なスタジオばりの防音工事をしよう 防音 遮断に有効な工事 Cmonbackcom 音がうるさい楽器 Themes ドラムを楽しむ環境を作る Posted Author Generic Laquo Copyrightjun Wp
104 Catholic Answers: Seventh-Day Adventism Explores the
Explores the unbiblical teachings of the Seventh-Day Adventists from a Catholic viewpoint.
Catholic Answers Club Donate Radio Devotion Heresy Hearts Library Leadership Bible Blog Video Speakers Sacrament Magazine
105 Catholic Canada Directory of
Directory of Canadian Catholic sites, arranged by category. Sponsored by the Diocese of Hamilton. Includes some French-language sites as well as English.
Catholic Father Pope Canada Canadian Media Cc Vatican Mass Priests Uganda Bishop Fire Society Address Halifax Yarmouth Insider Housewife Makes Living
106 Catholic Canada Directory of
Directory of Canadian Catholic sites, arranged by category. Sponsored by the Diocese of Hamilton. Includes some French-language sites as well as English.
Catholic Father Canada Archdiocese Francis Pope Vatican Media Canadian Priests Diocese Cc Bishop News Blog Halifax Yarmouth Hamilton Reports Homilies
107 Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church Blackfen, Kent.
Blackfen, Kent. Mass times, directions, contact details, sacramental programmes, information on the Catholic church.
Broadband Freeuk Website Support Dial Once Contact Retain Webmail Tutorials Wish Status Account Available Wewill Amex
108 My Catholic Catholic apologetics
Catholic apologetics from a Filipino perspective. Includes original essays on questions about Catholicism, a history of the Bible and short history of the Church, links.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy News Finance Gamestrying Terms Popular Machine User Archiveorg
109 Saint Boniface Catholic Church Fort Smith.
Fort Smith. Includes schedule for Mass and Reconciliation, contacts, driving directions, and information about St. Boniface Catholic School.
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110 Christ the King Traditional Catholic Books & Gifts Online Catholic
Online Catholic store. Site has its own search engine to find items quickly. Online ordering.
Catholic Books Gifts King Christ Bible Short Biography Privacy Policy Send Gift Come Videos Special
111 TAN Books and Publishers Catholic Books Reprints a
Reprints a number of out-of-print and classic Catholic texts. Discounts are available when ordering from their Internet site. Full catalogue available online.
Review Add Compare Reviews Books Catholic Tan Np Saints Scripture Cc Press $ Courses Virgin
112 T.O.R.C.H. Traditions of
Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes. Support group for Roman Catholic homeschoolers in the United States. Activities, chapter links and information, article library.
Dieser Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Click Catholic Domain Homeschoolcominformationenz Homeschoolcom Informationen
113 Saint Patrick Roman Catholic Parish Contact information
Contact information, schedules, directions, parish history, ministries, prayers,links to Catholic education sites.
Parish Mass Enterenglish Patrick Parroquia Lawrence Reserved Broadwaylawrencepatricio Entreespañol Southsaint Allrights
114 Catholic Young Adults Online A message
A message board for young adult Catholics who follow the Catholic Church on all issues, social, political, sexual, and spiritual.
Catholic Adults Young Active Forums Topics Mark Yuku Lillygrace Community Forum Domain Members Now Blank Contributors
115 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic parish provides mission statement, contact information, Mass schedule, and bulletin. Information in English and Spanish.
Catholic Here Church Baptism Mass Rancho Roman Father California Rite Children Christian Clergy Times Heart Stewardship Sacred
116 Christ the King Traditional Catholic Books & Gifts Online Catholic
Online Catholic store. Site has its own search engine to find items quickly. Online ordering.
Catholic Books Gifts King Bible Christ Policy Privacy Short Biography Gift Send Come Videos Journals Teresa Epic Mother Bracelet
117 The Truth About Opus Dei--An Extremely Dangerous Sect From a
From a Peruvian Catholic perspective. Opus Dei is seen to be a deceitful secret society, whose founder was vulgar and whose methods are anything but Catholic. With links.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Privacy Help Website Domains Web Aabaco Customer Store
118 The Catholic Doctrine of Justification by Grace Extensive article
Extensive article on the Roman Catholic view of grace.
119 Protestant or Catholic Is the
Is the Truer form of Christianity protestant or Catholic? Which is closer to the Faith of the First Christians?
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing App Local Advisor Hosting Help Gallery Network Please Developer Movies Website Food
120 e-Catholic 2000 Hopes to
Hopes to serve as an online community of Catholics in communion with Rome. Sections on prayer and mysticism, Catholic Social Teaching, RCIA. E-zine, discussion board, chat (Java or IRC client).
Catholic Prayer Discussion Community Chat Rcia Rooms Mysticism Requests Fathers Contemplative Church Resources Abraham Catholics
121 Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church Josephite parish.
Josephite parish. Contact information, Mass schedule, history. First African American Catholic church in the U.S.A. Baltimore, Maryland.
Catholic Xavier Francis St Baltimore Church Pro Life Md Prolife Ssj African Schedulesaturday Gilbert Sacrament Josephites Sunday
122 Saint Louis Byzantine Catholic Mission Parish Byzantine-Ruthenian Rite
Byzantine-Ruthenian Rite Catholic church. Time and place of weekly Divine Liturgy, contact information.
Byzantine Louis Saint Mission Catholic Parish Father Joseph Weber Visit John Chapel Divineliturgy Archeparchy Parish The
123 Wordnet Information on
Information on Fr. Michael Mannings TV program dedicated to Bible study and explanation of Catholic teaching. Carried on TBN, Armed Services Network, and several local stations in the U.S. Site features questions and answers about the Catholic Church.
124 Catholic Doors Ministry Nine Roman
Nine Roman Catholic Bible study courses by correspondence, course material is online, and for a small fee they will check your answers to test. Other spiritual material and homily suggestions.
Bible Graphics Prayers Homilies Catholic Page Book Guest Saints Mass Email Jesus Vocation Doors Rosary Homily Fund Raising Flu Parables Icons
125 American Catholic Church (Hampton Bays, N.Y.) Official web
Official web site of the National church. 'A progressive alternative in the Catholic tradition.' Recognizes and follows the teachings of Vatican II, respects the sensus fidelium.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Web Please Website Terms Help Privacy
126 The Catholic Association of Musicians (CAM) Offering
(CAM) Offering support, training and promotion for Catholic musicians.
127 International Movement of Catholic Students Australia Australias national
Australias national federation of Catholic students and university clubs/societies. Vision, description of the pastoral cycle, and related contacts provided.
Imcs Catholic Australia Students Movement International Membership Method Documents Contactvisions Links Committee News
128 Saint Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church Mississauga. Details
Mississauga. Details the parish history, services and ministries. Includes Catholic trivia, childrens activities pages, links, spiritual food for thought, and humour. Frames-dependent.
Confirmation Grades Sacrament Students Catholic Thursday Friday Trust Offertory Christmas Please Loyola Shepherds’ Preparation Begins_ Church’s Priests Charles Shielswere Church
129 Musings of a Catholic Convert Daily devotional
Daily devotional writings from a former Baptist pastor turned Catholic apologist. Topics include Scripture, conversion, current events, and practical apologetics. Visitors may contact the author with their own questions about the Church.
Stepway Sandero Renault Blogger тест драйв ShinwaufacebookПоделиться TwitterОпубликоватьв Pinterest Z
130 Antiochian Catholic Church in America (ACCA) A very
A very small, independent Ephesine (non-Chalcedonian) Orthodox-(Old) Catholic jurisdiction, bringing the ancient Syriac Christian Tradition to light in todays culture in America.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Finance Reach Inc Archivesgames Privacy News Trying
131 Black Catholic Gospel Black Catholic
Black Catholic Afrocentric roundtable and field discussions of experts, religious, and just plain folks on issues as Sex, Morality, Mary , Liturgy, God, Sacraments, Resurrection, Sin, Justice, and Prayer.
Radio Music Live Station Internet Net Hop Media Broadcasting Old Jazz Mp Cast Web Age Stations Classical
132 Saint Matthew Catholic Church Winder. Only
Winder. Only Catholic parish in Barrow County. Offers Mass in English and Spanish. Contact information, Mass schedule, calendar, bulletin (in PDF), staff directory.
Catholic News Website Free Work Gifts Websites Information Page Echurch Bulletins Dating Mass Navigation Hosting Advertising Calendar Bulletin Tools
133 The Anglican Catholic Church of Canada Explains the
Explains the Traditional Anglican Communion (Anglican Catholic). Provides Bishops message, clergy directory, and links to other congregations and ministries.
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134 LibCath -- the Liberal Catholic BLOG A public
A public forum for discussions relating to the Liberal Catholic Church International and its teachings, beliefs, structure, or liturgies. On-topic conversations can include the LCC(I) and the Independent Sacramental movement.
Yahoo Libcath Help Please Groups Libcath@yahoogroupscom List Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Ifyoure Privacy Email Real Finance Denominations Health
135 Catholic Jokes Small collection
Small collection of Christian jokes, some specifically Catholic.
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136 Sacred Heart Catholic Parish A parishioner
A parishioner run web log for Teddingtons Catholic Parish.
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137 Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church The founding
The founding parish for the Anglican Use Liturgy within the Roman Catholic Church. Includes photographs of the church, the text of Mass online, and information about its grade school.
School Department Parent Login Admission Apply Calendar Forms Atonement Contact Documents History Crusader Prospective Staff Classics Night Students
138 Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes TORCH is
TORCH is a nationwide group for Roman Catholic homeschoolers in the United States, with local chapters throughout the country. Activities, chapter links and information, and an article library are at the mother site.
Catholic Dieser Click Here Domain Datenschutzrichtlinien Informationen Homeschoolcomhomeschoolcominformationen Z
139 Lazyboys Rest Stop: Catholic Stuff Links, testimonies
Links, testimonies, and articles on chatechetics, the papacy, Mariology, the Eucharist, the saints, and church history and government as relates to the Roman Catholic Church. From a conservative Protestant perspective.
Datemistyped Because Page Access Visit Error Foundyoubookmarkfavourite Listing Able Address
140 Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church San Antonio.
San Antonio. The founding parish for the Anglican Use Liturgy within the Roman Catholic Church. Includes photographs of the church, the text of Mass online, and information about its grade school.
Department School Parent Atonement Apply Admission Login History Calendar Inservice Forms Contact Documents Teachers Students Finance [faith Mathematics
141 Vatican Writers Fair and Balanced Assessment of Opus Dei The National
The National Catholic Reporters Rome correspondent John Allen is about to publish a study of Opus Dei that challenges its common depiction as a secretive and sinister cult within the Catholic Church.
Contact Other Reflections Cathnews List Bulletin Pastoral Archives Notes Jobs Letters Mass Cathblog Content Websites Most Story Another Perspectives
142 The Old Catholic Church of the United States Official web
Official web site of this Old Catholic church body. They believe that Scripture is inerrant in matters of faith and morals, in an opportunity after death for repentance, that sex is only legitimate in Christian marriage. Threefold ministry closed to women.
Dosarrest Internet Security Client Restricted Ddosprotection Pleasehost Protection
143 Saint Therese Byzantine Catholic Church St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg. Byzantine (Ruthenian) Rite. Site contains a large amount of information on the Eastern Catholic Church.
Bulletin Pastoral Team Robert School Icon Weekly Immaculata Contact Altar Reverend Servers History Revancho@tampabayrrcom Special Byzantine Events Very
144 Catholic News Service - Movie Reviews Reviews include
Reviews include an overview of the movie and a rating from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Office for Film and Broadcasting.
News | Catholic Cns Services Movies Movie Bishops Archives Vatican Special Clients Synod Frequently Ii
145 Divinity Religious Gift Shop Catholic bookstore
Catholic bookstore and gift shop for Baptism, First Communion, and other sacraments. Prayer cards, Catholic statues, and rosaries.
Joseph Catholic Gifts Christian Sale Gift Shop St Communion Clips Books Page Rosary Picture Kit First Prayer Booksstatuesvisor
146 St. Raphaels Liberal Catholic Church LCC parish
LCC parish in Berkeley, California. Schedule and location of services, early history of the Liberal Catholic Church, links.
Catholic Church Liberal Raphaels Services Sites Raphaels Interest Other Church_ Steucharist Since History
147 Mother Teresa Path of Love Catholic Webring Sites devoted
Sites devoted to Mother Teresa, or other Catholic pages in accord with the magisterium which support her principles.
Teresa Mother Catholic Love Ring Path Charity Works Here Christian Close Saints Jesus Mary Webring
148 Catholic Young Adults Online community
Online community of over 600 catholic young adults groups. Site includes free personals, resources, and recommended links.
Catholic Life Catechism News Bible Church Young Prayers Audio Priests Table Free Novenas
149 The Bread of Life Catholic Web Ring Sites must
Sites must be Catholic (any rite in communion with Rome) and faithful to the Church. Links from sites included must not oppose Church teaching.
Catholic Holy Rosary Eucharist Apologetics Faith Jesus Church Christ Webring Life St Joseph Bread Virgin Presence Carmelite Arizona Multiblog True
150 I Am a Roman Catholic Personal page
Personal page of Francis Lim Chin Choy, from Melaka, Malaysia. The Catholic Church, the Bible, favorite religious order, favorite religious pictures.
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Customer Web Please Domains Terms Website Help Sell Ecommerce Upgrade
151 Catholic Southwest: A Journal of History and Culture The journal
The journal of the Texas Catholic Historical Society. History, guidelines for contributors and selected articles.
Hosting Managed Compliant Recovery Disaster Services Colocation Fulllayer Hybrid Onramp Support Login Centers Customer Cloud Secure Austin Texas
152 Texas Catholic Historical Society Has the
Has the objectives of discovery, collection, preservation, and publication of historical material relating to the Catholic community in Texas.
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153 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Books and Gifts Wide selection
Wide selection of Catholic books, medals, statues, tapes, rosaries, baptismal gifts. Online ordering, by mail, fax, or telephone.
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154 Catholic Parish of Launceston Three churches
Three churches in the city of Launceston, Tasmania. Mission statement, some history, Mass times, local Catholic schools, photo directory of the parish team.
Version Microsoft Url Application Versionaspnet Framework Requested Description Information Cannot Server Errorfound_
155 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Books and Gifts Wide selection
Wide selection of Catholic books, medals, statues, tapes, rosaries, baptismal gifts. Online ordering, by mail or telephone.
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156 Catholic and Lutheran Liturgy Article in
Article in Ministry & Liturgy examines the links between the liturgical forms of the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches.
News Lutheran Browse Liturgy Resource Contact Lectionary Print Catholic Reprint Release Publications Roman Directory Ministry Street Annual
157 Abuse in the Catholic Church Hub for
Hub for articles and documents about the sexual abuse of children by priests and its effect on the Catholic Church. From the Boston Globe.
Cardinal Coverage Boston Church Globe Abuse Laws Law Bishop Archdiocese Complete Clergy Priests Reaction Should Resignations Fund Raising Daily Archbishop Team Catholics Cost Other
158 Bavarian Embassy Catholic Church An online
An online baptismal register from the Bavarian Embassy Catholic Chapel in Westminster during the Nineteenth Century.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Privacy Customer Web Terms Domains Account Claim Gojanecom Inc
159 Independent Catholic News Hard news
Hard news to human interest stories from the Catholic world. View stories by topic or by date.
News Francis Catholic Pope Reflections Saturday Feast Events Church Latest Friday World Uk Matters Paulo Saint Jobs Powered Farm
160 Saint Athanasius the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Indianapolis. Byzantine
Indianapolis. Byzantine Rite. Liturgy schedule, bulletin, parish history, an introduction to Byzantine Catholic worship, driving directions. Also recipes, and some icons to color.
Requestcloudflare Nginx Z
161 Saint Eleanor Catholic Church and St. Jude Catholic Mission Ruidoso and
Ruidoso and San Patricio, respectively. Also serves missions in Picacho and Lincoln. Offers Mass in English and Spanish. History, contact information, mission statement, staff directory, schedule.
Information Found Support Technical Address Cannot Click Openpage Microsoft Internet File
162 Council No. 08070 The Cardinal
The Cardinal Cody/Patriarch Maximos Council of Northlake, Illinois, serving the parishes of St. Vianney Roman Catholic Church, and St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church
163 CatholicWeb Portal. Recent
Portal. Recent articles from Catholic publications, electronic greeting cards, FAQ. Searchable directory of United States parishes and schools. Free web pages for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools.
Catholic Website Prayer Bulletins Design News Mass Page Churches Times Support Domain Forms Graphics Giving Intentions Sponsors Tell Friend
164 Our Lady of Victories Catholic Parish Serving the
Serving the Catholic communities of Horsley Park and Kemps Creek. Under the pastoral care of the Paulist Missionaries. Site includes locations, Mass times, childrens liturgy, and parish office contact details.
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165 Common Catholic Prayers Collection of
Collection of 20 beloved Catholic prayers.
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166 Saint Johns Catholic Church Russellville. Mass
Russellville. Mass schedule, driving directions, church bulletin, upcoming events, and information about parish organizations and committees, youth programs, and St. Johns Catholic School.
Disabled Website Sorryrequestedbeen
167 Why Study History? Article in
Article in Journal of Texas Catholic History and Culture by John Tracy Ellis. 'If secular history has suffered a woeful decline in the United States since the 1950s, the history of the Catholic Church has in general fared no better.'
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168 Catholic Sacred Art Original contemporary
Original contemporary catholic christian sacred religious art for churches, religious sites and shrines.
Lady Contemporary Sacred Guadalupe Saint Teresa Enrique Sculpture Mosaic Catholic Art Creation Vega Religious Christ Mother Evegazorro@coxnet Wwwetsycomshopartofthesacred
169 Holy Family United Catholic Church The parish
The parish community in Goodyear, Arizona, of the United Catholic Church
Navigationshilfe Ty
170 Catholic News Service The oldest
The oldest and largest news wire service specializing in reporting on religion, is the primary source of national and world news that appears in the U.S. Catholic press.
Catholic News Synod Cns Subscribers Bishops Church Families Pope Video Vatican Photosgraphics Conference Visit Everything Papal Jewish Adversity Things Romeros
171 Catholic Youth Ministry Central A catholic
A catholic site that provides tested and successful youth ministry meetings, retreats, bible studies, and other information for youth ministers who are strapped for time or ideas.
Crossroads Semester Curriculum Youth Kenosis Guide Catholic Ymcentralyou Tube Renewal Four Year Confirmation Survival Ymcentralfacebook Building Things Purchase Young
172 Seattle Catholic - The Wisdom of Bishop Cawcutt Essay of
Essay of support for the South African bishop who made statements directly opposed to the Roman Catholic Churchs teaching on contraception, fornication and homosexuality when he recommended proper condom use as a means of fighting the spread of AIDS.
Catholic Seattle Cawcutt Archive News Wisdom Bishop Events Articles Northwest Assistance Letters Editor South Homosexual Resources
173 Saint Therese Byzantine Catholic Church Byzantine (Ruthenian)
Byzantine (Ruthenian) Rite church. Site contains a large amount of information on the Eastern Catholic Church.
Bulletin Pastoral Team Events Evancho Organizations Revancho@tampabayrrcom Contact Servers Reverend Immaculata Altar Robert School History Petersburg Special Church
174 U. S. Catholic History A revisionist
A revisionist history of the colonial and early independent period, stressing the Catholic rather than Protestant nature of early American history.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help App Hosting Gallery Local Advisor Privacy Developer Shut Beauty Finance
175 Holy Trinity and St George Catholic Parish, Kendal A history
A history of the church, designed in the neo-Gothic style by local architect George Webster who was responsible for other fine buildings in Kendal. Service times, list of activities, and links to other Catholic sites of interest.
Sign Places Updated People Now Everything Policy Lifestreaminc Multiple Privacy Stream Account Network Search
176 The Catholic Communities of St. Augustine, St. Joseph, St. Cornelius, and Our Lady of Fatima The three
The three Catholic churches on the Winnebago Reservation, plus Our Lady of Fatima in Homer, share a pastor and a web site. Rosters of the two parish councils. Mass times, community groups, information on receiving the sacraments.
177 Holy Family Catholic Church Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic parish featuring church history, mass schedule, and reminder of upcoming Holy Days. Offers Mass in English and Spanish.
Parish Family Holy Denver Religious Mass Faith Education Colorado Catholic Church Roman Formation Schedule Mass| Services Week
178 Immaculate Conception Church (Catholic) Established 1826
Established 1826, located at 15 Hawthorne Boulevard (near Pickering Wharf). After the cathedral parish, Immaculate Conception is the oldest Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of Boston.
Icsalemcom Advance Cash Insurance Policy Consolidation Privacy Debt Report Section Click Freecredit Domain
179 Tridentine Catholic Church Apostolic succession
Apostolic succession in the Ofiesh and Duarte Costa lines. Called 'Tridentine' because the Council of Trent was the last authoritative Council of the Catholic Church. Beliefs, Q&A, history, requirements for ordination.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Advisor Local Gallery App Help Hosting Shut Website Sell Ads Toolkit
180 - Girls Catholic High Schools A group
A group of Catholic college preparatory schools. High school programs include academics, honors programs, and sports.
Wordpress Hello World Just Rss Stolz Letzte Uncategorized Beitrags Wordpressorg Another Page Tfy Anmelden Sample Mr
181 Novak’s Sect Appeal Does Bob
Does Bob Novak owe his uncanny capacity for secrecy to the right-wing Catholic sect Opus Dei? The columnist has so far managed to ignore persistent demands that he reveal his involvement in the Valerie Plame leak—a feat of rare internal fortitude that some say is a hallmark of the shadowy Catholic group. From Radar Online.
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182 Saint Anne Byzantine Catholic Church An Eastern
An Eastern Catholic Church in New Port Richey, Florida, which celebrates according to the Byzantine Rite, or the Rite of Constantinople.
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183 las vegas catholic weddings father david
father david st. john officiates catholic weddings in las vegas.
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184 Opus Dei - Catholic Sources Catholic perspectives
Catholic perspectives on Opus Dei.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Inc Popular Movies Privacy Reach Hosting Wayback Longeravailabletoolbar
185 Catholic Worker Farm Back-to-the-land aspect
Back-to-the-land aspect of the Catholic Worker Movement, including cottage industry (candles). Retreats for developmentally disabled adults and people with AIDS or other terminal illnesses at the 80-acre farm in Californias Sierra Nevada foothills near the town of Sheep Ranch.
Worker Farm Catholic Website Updated Homepage Abidesmurphys Sheepranchavery Association Land California
186 Catholic Pillar and Foundation This site
This site focuses on Catholic apologetics and the authors personal experience. The site includes personal writings, links to apologetics material, and Byzantine icons. Purpose of site is evangelization of non-Catholics.
187 Loyola Press A non-profit
A non-profit serving the Catholic community in education, faith formation, and spiritual growth since its founding by the Chicago Jesuits in 1912. Offers online orders for books and resources on prayer and spirituality, Catholic life, history, theology, and biography, and Jesuit spirituality and spiritual direction.
Catholic Faith Finding Special God Haga Saints English Needs Life Program Christ Programa Del Parish Samples Espiritualidad Prayer Minute Bridges Mission Releases
188 Roman Catholicism Is a Cult Warns Bible
Warns Bible Christians that the Roman Catholic Church is not the church of Christ, and that the purpose of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is to create doctrine which the Holy Bible does not contain.
Christ Eucharist Rome Jesus God Sacrifice Roman Church Holy Catholic Truth Revelation Pope Catechism Hebrews Spirit Only Begotten
189 Saint Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church Hackensack. Capuchin
Hackensack. Capuchin parish. Offers Mass in English and Spanish. Staff, Mass times, contacts for parish organizations, virtual tour, photo album. Catholic and Franciscan links, and an informational page in Spanish.
Tripod Create Hosting Website Requested Lycos Signup Lycoscom Found Errorpage Tripodcom Page Shoppingcheck
190 St. Johns Anglican Catholic Church A congregation
A congregation of the Anglican Catholic Church located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Offers Holy Communion (Mass) every Sunday and also holds a weekly Bible study, information on clergy and service times, location, news and contact details.
191 Catholic World News Daily Catholic
Daily Catholic news and Vatican updates by e-mail. Site includes links to daily news items and an archive of all previous items.
Catholic Reviews Web Website Visit Liturgical Catechism News Culture Church Commentary Information Statement Archives Inspires Request
192 Bishop Theodore G. Romzha The martyrdom
The martyrdom of Greek Catholic Bishop Theodore George Romzha and the cause for his glorification (canonization). Includes some links on the other Byzantine Catholic bishop martyrs.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Advisor Local Gallery App Hosting Help Screen Website Localworks Program Has
193 Catholic Prayer Library - Rosaries and Chaplets A library
A library of prayers to be said on Catholic prayer beads, including several rosaries (Dominican, Franciscan, Servite) and a variety of devotional chaplets (to Our Lady, Our Lord, Saints and Angels). Each is provided in printable format.
Chaplet Prayers Rosary St Holy Seven Prayer Souls Rosaries Mary Lady Blessed Virgin Chaplets Joseph
194 Opus Dei politician defends political party branch-stacking NSW Liberal
NSW Liberal MLC David Clarke, an Opus Dei Catholic, has said it is the responsibility of Christians to involve themselves in politics, and its natural that political party branch officials will seek new members among their friends. From Catholic News, Australia
Article Page Dateerror Mistyped Access Address Visit Listingadministrator Pages Because System
195 The Parish of St Columbas St Matthews Catholic parish
Catholic parish covering Cupar and Auchtermuchty. Mass times, contact details, parish history, contact details for other Catholic churches, photographs of the churches
Sign People Places Lifestream Policy Updated Everything Now Nowon Stay Reserved Account Or Advertise Aolcom Bulk
196 St Mary Moorfields Catholic Church: Record of Baptisms A Record
A Record of Baptisms from St Marys Catholic Church from December 1828 in Moorfields, London.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Movies Mailvisit Trying Terms Finance Privacy Guidelines
197 Largest Catholic Communities Nations and
Nations and U.S. states with highest numbers of Catholics, nations, U.S. states, and U.S. counties with highest proportion of Catholics, map of Catholic percentage of U.S. states populations.
Catholics Catholic Adherentscom Most Science Religious States Island Largest Fiction Rhode Highest Church Disqus Movies Cameron Visitor_
198 Distributivism and Catholic Social Teaching Essays on
Essays on Catholic Social Teaching, and social justice.
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199 associated catholic cemeteries

Cemetery Cemeteries Calvary Gethsemane Washington Photo Patrick Holyrood St  holyrood Resources Gallery Pre Planning Catholic Seattle
200 The Incarnation An explanation
An explanation by a Catholic layman.
Incarnation Jesus Creation God Christ Christmas Body Gods Irenaeus Nature Thomas Orbi Spirit Though Advent Satan Although Ignatius
1 Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) Site of
Site of Catholic television network, featuring Catholic QandA, document library, audio library, Catholic news, and programming information for EWTN TV and WEWN radio.
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2 st. john the baptist catholic church choirs about the
about the vianney and genesis choirs, handbell ringers and orchestras of st. john the baptist catholic church in johnsburg, illinois.
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1948 biography of the french writer.
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Catholic artist. Soul-soothing melodies, and inspiring lyrics.
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6 - Priestess Sinéad OConnor abandons neo-Catholic celibacy Article by
Article by Hank Hyena.
Here See Click Leonard Andrew Abrams Lindsay Kevin Murphy Schultz Berlatsky Noah Caryle Steve Clark Flory Saloncom News
7 hilaire bellocs view of history article examining
article examining the catholic writers book 'europe and the faith.'
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8 sub specie aeternitas: j. f. powers, 1917-1999 an appreciative
an appreciative essay on the american catholic author, by an unlikely admirer. [the new criterion]
File Resource Directory Been Foundthe Unavailable Error Server Might Namechangedz Removed Temporarily Looking
9 Column: NCR Impulse Palpable in The X-Files John L.
John L. Allen, Jr. considers the show and a Catholic response to popular culture.
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chicago heights, illinois. contains news, calendar, multimedia, and history.
11 e.d. white catholic high school band features news
features news, calendar, directors corner, pictures, and contact details.
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12 passing through st. peters a gallery
a gallery of beautiful images of the central cathedral of the catholic faith provided by eternal word television network.
13 Sister Mary Rotten Crotch Kansas Citys
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14 passing through st. peters a gallery
a gallery of beautiful images of the central cathedral of the catholic faith provided by eternal word television network.
15 estrada, francis the artist
the artist shows works which explore identity, growing up filipino in america, and the 'influence of the spanish (catholic) occupation.'
16 japans novelist endo wrote of faith, endured harry james
harry james cargas surveys endos writings. [national catholic reporter]
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17 hewitt, charles imagery drawn
imagery drawn from the maine seacoast and the catholic church infuse the abstract paintings & monotype prints of this contemporary american artist.
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red bank, nj info on the guard, our competitive season, pictures too...
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choir from the catholic church of the holy family in singapore that sings at the sunday 6pm mass.
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20 st. francis of assisi choir a catholic
a catholic robed parish choir, satb mixed voices in paddington, nsw australia.
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21 aelfric. preface to the first series of catholic homilies old english
old english text and modern english translation by benjamin thorpe.
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22 wewn global catholic
global catholic radio, which operates daily on wewn shortwave, via satellite and live audio streams, and on am/fm stations in u.s.
Ewtn Catholic Radio Live Visit Holy Line Open Mother News Fri World Mon Life Tue Pro Rfoh _ * Best Benedict Mary
23 Spirituality In Comics: The Religion of Priest The explicitly
The explicitly religious series features a Catholic priest and contemplations of Christianity and God. Excerpt by Sheena.
Lucifer Christian Promethea Ive Gaiman Christianity Jewish God Tart They Finder Jaeger Mists Hell Comics Satan Month Either Spirituality
24 aelfric. alia visio a homily
a homily from the second series of catholic homilies. includes old english text and modern english translation by benjamin thorpe.
Drihthelm English Version Bedes Last Ecclesiastica_ Visio_ Xxiii Sigeric Xxivmodern Preface Thorpes Eynsham
25 lewkovitch, bernhard biography showing
biography showing his work composing for the catholic church and his secular evolution from modality to serialism from the grove concise dictionary of music entry at wqxr radio.
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26 notre dame church choir gospel/contemporary music
gospel/contemporary music in a roman catholic setting. intergenerational choir. clips from cds, photos, concert news.
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27 graham greenes brighton rock sarah jones
sarah jones argues that 'the novel is not just a murder mystery but also addresses metaphysical issues of good versus evil and the influence of the roman catholic church.' (august 2004)
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28 the conversion of japan shusaku endo
shusaku endo has his work cut out for him, being the leading catholic novelist in a land of bright people who are not particularly religious. julian moynahan reviews 'the samurai.' free registration required. [new york times]
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29 Apokalupsis Comics Science fiction
Science fiction comic books, catholic christian comics with biblical adaptations (e.g. St Pauls Shipwreck) and original stories (E.g. Rock n Roll Kids).
Webcomics Apokalupsis Comic Malta Character Con Permalink Maltese Blog Vii Freebie Doctor Stargate Pauls Shipwreck Rrk
30 EWTN Home page
Home page of Mother Angelicas worldwide Catholic cable television channel. News, document library, and an 'Ask the Experts' forum where qualified priests and canon lawyers answer your questions about the faith.
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31 the catholic new world: st. edmund church photograph and
photograph and description of the decorated interior of this church in oak park, illinois, designed by henry schlacks in the english gothic style and dedicated in 1910.
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32 The Music Theater Research Project Provides public
Provides public performances of landmark musical comedies and operettas from Americas past. A presentation of the Music Theatre program at The Catholic University of America.
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33 st. bartholomew catholic church choir find out
find out what special events the choir is involved in and what music is being sung each sunday. you can also obtain information on how to join the choir. chicago, il.
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34 dello joio, norman brief biography
brief biography showing his education and the influences of italian opera, catholic church music, and jazz from the grove concise dictionary of music entry at wqxr radio.
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35 The Journey Home Call in
Call in show that examines reasons for joining the Catholic Church. Marcus Grodi and guests discuss personal conversion and how a Church teaching or experience influenced their decisions.
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36 matteo da perugia biography noting
biography noting service to roman catholic church in milan, noted works, style, and influence on northern italian culture from the grove concise dictionary of music entry at wqxr radio.
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catholic stories and legends written by ed noonan and illustrated by various artists.
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a visual tour of the many catholic churches of cincinnati built since 1840, with their histories.
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40 daniel martin diaz - artist self-described as
self-described as a 'prophetic outsider artist,' diaz combines traditional catholic iconography with his mexican american roots. includes artwork, reviews, video animation, contact, and event information.
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41 ratchov, ilian artist/iconographer ilian
artist/iconographer ilian ratchov paints orthodox catholic icons and religious art. copies of old masters such as rubens, raphael, leonardo, titian, van dyk, caravaggio, reni, murillo, velasquez. classical portraits of famous people.
42 wewn shortwave radio lists the
lists the programs and schedules of global catholic radio wewn, which operates 24 hours daily on wewn shortwave, via satellite and live audio streams, and also on many am/fm stations in u.s.a.
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43 Archbishop Molloy High School Pipe Band (Briarwood) Catholic
(Briarwood) Catholic high school pipe band. With history and pictures.
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Catholic Dictionary

Paternoster| (Roman Catholic Church) the Lord's Prayer in Latin, translates as `:
Catholic Church: any of several churches claiming to have maintained historical continuity with the original Christian Church
Roman Catholic / Western Church / Roman Catholic Church / Church of Rome / Roman: the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy
Old Catholic Church: Catholic churches that broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in the th century
Orthodox Church / Orthodox Catholic Church / Eastern Orthodox Church / Eastern C: derived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites
Catholic school: a parochial school maintained by the Catholic Church
Catholic: a member of a Catholic church
non-Catholic: a religious person who is not a Catholic
Anglican Catholic: a member of the Anglican Church who emphasizes its Catholic character
Greek Catholic: a member of the Greek Orthodox Church
Roman Catholic: a member of the Roman Catholic Church
Old Catholic: a member of the church formed in the th century by German Catholics who refused to accept the infallibility of the Pope
pope / Catholic Pope / Roman Catholic Pope / pontiff / Holy Father / Vicar of Ch: the head of the Roman Catholic Church
Ambrose / Saint Ambrose / St. Ambrose////| (Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest :
Bruno Saint Bruno / St. Bruno/| (Roman Catholic Church) a French cleric (born in:
Dominic / Saint Dominic / St. Dominic / Domingo de Guzman/| (Roman Catholic Chur:
Eckhart / Johannes Eckhart / Meister Eckhart| German Roman Catholic theologian a:
Isabella / Queen Isabella / Isabella/ Isabella the Catholic: the queen of Castile whose marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon in marked the beginning of the modern state of Spain, they instituted the Spanish Inquisition in and sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus in (-/)
John Chrysostom / St. John Chrysostom////| (Roman Catholic Church) a Church Fath:
catholic: free from provincial prejudices or attachments, "catholic in one's tastes"
Catholic: of or relating to or supporting Catholicism, "the Catholic Church"
Anglo-catholic: supporting the Anglican Church Reviews for Catholic. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Catholic" (visitors of this topic page). Catholic › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Catholic Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

44 results for Catholic: