Aesops Fables
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Eighty four fables (Advantage edition), e-text from the Encyclopedia of the Self.Aesops Fables [2nd version] by Aesop with annotations advancing emotional literacy education from the Encyclopedia of the Self

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Aesop Fables Version] Emotional Literacy Education Aesops [nd Authors Self Classical Directory Knowledge Aesops Books Mark Encyclopedia Tales Folklore Literature Tales Fables Aesops Fables Aesops Fables [2nd Version] Aesop Emotional Literacy Education
Reviews and Comments for Aesops Fables

Best entries for Aesop and Fables
1 Aesop
Four fables
Four fables of Aesop, illustrated by Linda Hastings.
Hastings Fables Linda Fable Illustrated Aesops Graphic Imagitek Network Design Illustrations Collectionchildrens Fiction
Four fables of Aesop, illustrated by Linda Hastings.
Hastings Fables Linda Fable Illustrated Aesops Graphic Imagitek Network Design Illustrations Collectionchildrens Fiction
3 4to40: Aesops Fables
Famous fables
Famous fables from Aesop for kids to learn from. The collection is in alphabetical order and the moral is highlighted.
Day Jayanti Yoga Music Science Travel World India Show Sports Art Health Shows Games New Articles Education Vibhaga Digital
Famous fables from Aesop for kids to learn from. The collection is in alphabetical order and the moral is highlighted.
Day Jayanti Yoga Music Science Travel World India Show Sports Art Health Shows Games New Articles Education Vibhaga Digital
4 Fables Collection
Collection of
Collection of fables of Aesop and others, as well as Philippine and other East Asian folktales, includes section in Tagalog.
Maxpagescom Cash Insurance Advance Consolidation Policy Debt Privacy Click Credit Life Availablebest Section
Collection of fables of Aesop and others, as well as Philippine and other East Asian folktales, includes section in Tagalog.
Maxpagescom Cash Insurance Advance Consolidation Policy Debt Privacy Click Credit Life Availablebest Section
5 Free Online Library - Aesop
Aesops fables
Aesops fables, including a brief biography.
News World Business Free Entertainment Science Library Health Background Edit Npr Google Cnn Newsgoogle Communications
Aesops fables, including a brief biography.
News World Business Free Entertainment Science Library Health Background Edit Npr Google Cnn Newsgoogle Communications
6 Aesop: In His 3rd Millennium
Modern edition
Modern edition of Aesops Fables by Kate Shannan, focussing on 'the Nature of the beasts...'
Disabled Website Requestedsorrybeen
Modern edition of Aesops Fables by Kate Shannan, focussing on 'the Nature of the beasts...'
Disabled Website Requestedsorrybeen
7 Fables, Fairy Tales, Stories and Nursery Rhymes
Ranging from
Ranging from Aesop to Andersen, Grimm, Carroll, and Mother Goose.
Ranging from Aesop to Andersen, Grimm, Carroll, and Mother Goose.
8 Aesops Fables
Compilation of
Compilation of nearly 400 fables from several existing translations. Includes a list of the animals that are used as primary characters in the fables, and links to the fables in which they appear.
Fables Aesop Aesops Crane Page Poetry Latin Conditions Fontaine Visual Gibbs Northcote Caldecott Translator Jones Paper Mercury Perry Mouse
Compilation of nearly 400 fables from several existing translations. Includes a list of the animals that are used as primary characters in the fables, and links to the fables in which they appear.
Fables Aesop Aesops Crane Page Poetry Latin Conditions Fontaine Visual Gibbs Northcote Caldecott Translator Jones Paper Mercury Perry Mouse
9 Aesops Fables
Eighty four
Eighty four fables (Advantage edition), e-text from the Encyclopedia of the Self.
Aesop Fables Version] Emotional Literacy Education Aesops [nd Authors Self Classical Directory Knowledge Aesops Books Mark Encyclopedia Tales
Eighty four fables (Advantage edition), e-text from the Encyclopedia of the Self.
Aesop Fables Version] Emotional Literacy Education Aesops [nd Authors Self Classical Directory Knowledge Aesops Books Mark Encyclopedia Tales
10 Aesops Fables
Collection of
Collection of over three hundred fables with brief biography and of the famous fabulist.
Fables Aesop Aesops Stories Translations Most Amusing Master Page Known Tales Complete Famous Fabulist Translation Immortalized Ancient
Collection of over three hundred fables with brief biography and of the famous fabulist.
Fables Aesop Aesops Stories Translations Most Amusing Master Page Known Tales Complete Famous Fabulist Translation Immortalized Ancient
11 Aesops Fables
Compilation of
Compilation of nearly 400 fables from several existing translations, searchable by prime character, quick tour available.
Fables Aesop Aesops Crane Fontaine Page Gibbs Visual Poetry Conditions Caldecott Latin Northcote Eliotjacobs Policy Whale Duck Ivecollected
Compilation of nearly 400 fables from several existing translations, searchable by prime character, quick tour available.
Fables Aesop Aesops Crane Fontaine Page Gibbs Visual Poetry Conditions Caldecott Latin Northcote Eliotjacobs Policy Whale Duck Ivecollected
13 Jewish Encyclopedia: Aesops Fables Among the Jews
Article about
Article about the possible relations between Talmudic, Indian, and Greek fables. Written about 1900.
Fable Encyclopedia Jewishencyclopediacom Fables Jewish See Among Directorate Greek Citation Synopsis Names Source Joseph Tannaim
Article about the possible relations between Talmudic, Indian, and Greek fables. Written about 1900.
Fable Encyclopedia Jewishencyclopediacom Fables Jewish See Among Directorate Greek Citation Synopsis Names Source Joseph Tannaim
14 Jewish Encyclopedia: Aesops Fables Among the Jews
Article about
Article about the possible relations between Talmudic, Indian, and Greek fables. Written about 1900.
Jewish Encyclopedia Fables See Jewishencyclopediacom Request Fable Complete Listings Talmudic Greekabbreviations Citation India
Article about the possible relations between Talmudic, Indian, and Greek fables. Written about 1900.
Jewish Encyclopedia Fables See Jewishencyclopediacom Request Fable Complete Listings Talmudic Greekabbreviations Citation India
15 Fairy Tales and Fables
Plain text
Plain text files of tales of the Grimm Brothers, the Arabian Nights, and H. C. Andersen, as well as fables.
Plain text files of tales of the Grimm Brothers, the Arabian Nights, and H. C. Andersen, as well as fables.
16 Beasts and Citizens, Forty Fables of La Fontaine
Book and
Book and CD presentation with seven sample fables (also MP3), as translated by Craig Hill, includes biography of de La Fontaine.
Book and CD presentation with seven sample fables (also MP3), as translated by Craig Hill, includes biography of de La Fontaine.
17 ChinaVista: Ancient Chinese Fables
Six fables
Six fables in Chinese and English.
China Tours Chinese Travel Virtual Experience Tibet Attractions Souvenirs Wall Destinations Tour Mountains Great Tips Cheongsam Well Shallow
Six fables in Chinese and English.
China Tours Chinese Travel Virtual Experience Tibet Attractions Souvenirs Wall Destinations Tour Mountains Great Tips Cheongsam Well Shallow
18 Fables and Fairy Tales
A classic
A classic collection of fairy tales, fables, and poems from 1909.
Tripod Create Requested Website Errorpage Check Shopping Tripodcom Login Couldnt Page Lycoscom Pleasehosting
A classic collection of fairy tales, fables, and poems from 1909.
Tripod Create Requested Website Errorpage Check Shopping Tripodcom Login Couldnt Page Lycoscom Pleasehosting
19 The Fairy Tales and Fables of Ambassador Parlay
Complete original
Complete original fairy tales and fables.
Ambassador Tales Parlay Fairy Fablesz
Complete original fairy tales and fables.
Ambassador Tales Parlay Fairy Fablesz
20 Aesops Fables
A collection
A collection of over 300 of Aesops Fables.
Marketing Buy Followers Network Youtube Email Views Ways Reef Diving Vine How Engine Coral Social Multi Level Business Grow
A collection of over 300 of Aesops Fables.
Marketing Buy Followers Network Youtube Email Views Ways Reef Diving Vine How Engine Coral Social Multi Level Business Grow
21 Aesop
Entry on
Entry on the legendary Greek fabulist from The Columbia Encyclopedia.
Books Classics Literature Poetry Poems Free Quotations Quotes Library Literary Novels Nonfiction Reference Harvard Anthologies Sigmund Verse Thriller
Entry on the legendary Greek fabulist from The Columbia Encyclopedia.
Books Classics Literature Poetry Poems Free Quotations Quotes Library Literary Novels Nonfiction Reference Harvard Anthologies Sigmund Verse Thriller
22 Warriors In Name
Complete text
Complete text of a book of fables authored by daasNdass.
Tripod Create Lycoscom Couldnt Shopping Check Tripodcom Signup Hosting Login Foundwebsite Page Requested
Complete text of a book of fables authored by daasNdass.
Tripod Create Lycoscom Couldnt Shopping Check Tripodcom Signup Hosting Login Foundwebsite Page Requested
23 Aesops Fables
As translated
As translated by George Fyler Townsend.
Baby Lion Wolf Love Names Farmer Sheep Goat Mother Fox Parenting Kids Ass Friends Pregnancy Wine Jar Filberts Pre Schools
As translated by George Fyler Townsend.
Baby Lion Wolf Love Names Farmer Sheep Goat Mother Fox Parenting Kids Ass Friends Pregnancy Wine Jar Filberts Pre Schools
24 Aesops Fables
As retold
As retold by Joseph Jacobs, e-text from Classic Books Online.
Navigationshilfe Ty
As retold by Joseph Jacobs, e-text from Classic Books Online.
Navigationshilfe Ty
25 Sky At Dusk
Fables pertaining
Fables pertaining to the fantasy world, including gypsies, werewolves and ghosts.
Fables pertaining to the fantasy world, including gypsies, werewolves and ghosts.
26 The Stuffed Fabulist
A collection
A collection of contemporary fables, parables, and other reports of 'things that go bump in the night.'
Updated Potatoheads Fungus Topiary Bubble Green Scorpion Menagerie Hallucination Flesh Spirit Hornswoggle Latest Harms Newborn Tales
A collection of contemporary fables, parables, and other reports of 'things that go bump in the night.'
Updated Potatoheads Fungus Topiary Bubble Green Scorpion Menagerie Hallucination Flesh Spirit Hornswoggle Latest Harms Newborn Tales
27 Land of Folklore and Fables
Full text
Full text of many public domain folktales, ordered alphabetically.
Full text of many public domain folktales, ordered alphabetically.
28 Romanian Tales
Fifteen fables
Fifteen fables and folktales edited by Christina Mambet and Troy Morash.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Help Domains Terms Account Privacy Customer Website Web
Fifteen fables and folktales edited by Christina Mambet and Troy Morash.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Help Domains Terms Account Privacy Customer Website Web
29 Fables of the Reconstruction
Links and
Links and writings from a Philadelphia guy with a law degree who likes to beat people and talk about politics.
Digg Delicious People Stupid Political Republican Lets Reprehensibilities Guns Philly Things Blog Whatever Strikes Law Talking Words Banana Pink
Links and writings from a Philadelphia guy with a law degree who likes to beat people and talk about politics.
Digg Delicious People Stupid Political Republican Lets Reprehensibilities Guns Philly Things Blog Whatever Strikes Law Talking Words Banana Pink
30 The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai
Retold by
Retold by Maude Barrows Dutton (1908), e-text at The Baldwin Project.
Tortoise Fox Hawk Geese Maude Crab Lion Hare Wolf Crow Falcon Partridge Camel King Crane Drinking Cup Glow Worm Children Piece Project Bidpai By Stories Three
Retold by Maude Barrows Dutton (1908), e-text at The Baldwin Project.
Tortoise Fox Hawk Geese Maude Crab Lion Hare Wolf Crow Falcon Partridge Camel King Crane Drinking Cup Glow Worm Children Piece Project Bidpai By Stories Three
31 Folklore and Myth, Fables and Tall Tales
Folktales and
Folktales and proverbs from around the world, and reference lists of deities and legendary creatures and lands.
Navigationshilfet Y
Folktales and proverbs from around the world, and reference lists of deities and legendary creatures and lands.
Navigationshilfet Y
32 Fairy Stories and Fables
By James
By James Baldwin (1841-1925), e-text from the Baldwin Project.
Baldwin Stories Little Three James Fairy Farmer Foolish Wise Wolf Fables Lion Tortoise Contents Table Lamb
By James Baldwin (1841-1925), e-text from the Baldwin Project.
Baldwin Stories Little Three James Fairy Farmer Foolish Wise Wolf Fables Lion Tortoise Contents Table Lamb