Dutch Submarines
Experience Dutch Submarines
Review the history of the Royal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service. Attack logs, ship specs, eyewitness WWII accounts, mission assignments, construction details, periscope shots, mystery images, weapons specifications, and war stories.Dutch Submarines The submarines of the Royal Netherlands Navy

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Dutch Submarines
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Best entries for Dutch and Submarines
1 Subs on Display
Submarines, Model
Submarines, Model submarines, Plans, Pictures, Video
Type Submarine Model Rc Plans Submarines Heiszwolf Display Johan Subs Real Pictures Boats Zulu Ii Number Virtual Brandtaucher Nautilus
Submarines, Model submarines, Plans, Pictures, Video
Type Submarine Model Rc Plans Submarines Heiszwolf Display Johan Subs Real Pictures Boats Zulu Ii Number Virtual Brandtaucher Nautilus
2 Dutch Submarines
Review the
Review the history of the Royal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service. Attack logs, ship specs, eyewitness WWII accounts, mission assignments, construction details, periscope shots, mystery images, weapons specifications, and war stories.
Dutch Submarines Navy Netherlands Submarine Royal Help Export Sub Board Models Boats Wwii Website Photos Commercial
Review the history of the Royal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service. Attack logs, ship specs, eyewitness WWII accounts, mission assignments, construction details, periscope shots, mystery images, weapons specifications, and war stories.
Dutch Submarines Navy Netherlands Submarine Royal Help Export Sub Board Models Boats Wwii Website Photos Commercial
3 Dutch Submarines
Review the
Review the history of the Royal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service. Attack logs, ship specs, eyewitness WWII accounts, mission assignments, construction details, periscope shots, mystery images, weapons specifications, and war stories.
Dutch Submarines Navy Netherlands Submarine Royal Help Wwii Website Here Sub Board Awarded Photos Export Models Boats Become
Review the history of the Royal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service. Attack logs, ship specs, eyewitness WWII accounts, mission assignments, construction details, periscope shots, mystery images, weapons specifications, and war stories.
Dutch Submarines Navy Netherlands Submarine Royal Help Wwii Website Here Sub Board Awarded Photos Export Models Boats Become
4 How Stuff Works: Submarines
Six-segment narrative
Six-segment narrative describes how submarines actually work, including life support, power, navigation and rescue. Includes animation and a large list of related links.
How Work Submarine Submarines Howstuffworks Could Remarkable Request Airplanes Science Containers Air People Take Iffa== Facts Help Iduntgui
Six-segment narrative describes how submarines actually work, including life support, power, navigation and rescue. Includes animation and a large list of related links.
How Work Submarine Submarines Howstuffworks Could Remarkable Request Airplanes Science Containers Air People Take Iffa== Facts Help Iduntgui
5 Berts American- Dutch Homepage
Links to
Links to Dutch news sources, and information about travelling, transportation, businesses, and obtaining Dutch products.
Sign Places Everything Now People Policy Lifestream Updated Advertise Trademarks Stream Account Or Multiple Create Incterms
Links to Dutch news sources, and information about travelling, transportation, businesses, and obtaining Dutch products.
Sign Places Everything Now People Policy Lifestream Updated Advertise Trademarks Stream Account Or Multiple Create Incterms
6 The Dutch Canadian Society London and district
General information
General information about the Dutch Canadian Society in London Ontario. Info about events, about and for the Dutch community.
Wwwdutchcanadiansocietycom Httpwwwexeculinkcom~gvandindexhtmly
General information about the Dutch Canadian Society in London Ontario. Info about events, about and for the Dutch community.
Wwwdutchcanadiansocietycom Httpwwwexeculinkcom~gvandindexhtmly
7 The Dutch Canadian Society London and district
General information
General information about the Dutch Canadian Society in London Ontario. Info about events, about and for the Dutch community.
Httpwwwexeculinkcom~gvandindexhtml Wwwdutchcanadiansocietycomy
General information about the Dutch Canadian Society in London Ontario. Info about events, about and for the Dutch community.
Httpwwwexeculinkcom~gvandindexhtml Wwwdutchcanadiansocietycomy
8 The Kentish Knock Company
A source
A source for information about the Anglo-Dutch Wars, much of which is from the Dutch Nationaal Archief in the Hague.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A source for information about the Anglo-Dutch Wars, much of which is from the Dutch Nationaal Archief in the Hague.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Dutch Heritage Site Home Page
Publishes the
Publishes the Windmill Herald newspaper, and provides articles on Dutch history and genealogy.
Dutch Cart Genealogy Research Newspaper Business Directory Issue America Windmill Book Blog News North Subscribe Christmas Farewell Story Benefits Potatoes
Publishes the Windmill Herald newspaper, and provides articles on Dutch history and genealogy.
Dutch Cart Genealogy Research Newspaper Business Directory Issue America Windmill Book Blog News North Subscribe Christmas Farewell Story Benefits Potatoes
10 NLBorrels.com
A non-profit
A non-profit network for Dutch expat professionals and entrepreneurs dedicated to increasing social interaction, career advancement and exchange of information of interest to the Dutch community living in the US and Canada.
Dutch Expat Het Borrel Network Nederlandse Gezellig Borrelen Hollandse Professionals Nederlanders Buitenland Entrepreneurs Nl Meer Day Nederlandseexpats | York
A non-profit network for Dutch expat professionals and entrepreneurs dedicated to increasing social interaction, career advancement and exchange of information of interest to the Dutch community living in the US and Canada.
Dutch Expat Het Borrel Network Nederlandse Gezellig Borrelen Hollandse Professionals Nederlanders Buitenland Entrepreneurs Nl Meer Day Nederlandseexpats | York
11 Brazil and the Netherlands
An illustrated
An illustrated timeline of Dutch Brazil and Brazilian-Dutch relations and interaction from the 16th through the 20th centuries.
Tripod Create Check Shopping Requested Please Website Hosting Login Signup Tripodcomlycoscom Page Lycos
An illustrated timeline of Dutch Brazil and Brazilian-Dutch relations and interaction from the 16th through the 20th centuries.
Tripod Create Check Shopping Requested Please Website Hosting Login Signup Tripodcomlycoscom Page Lycos
12 The Holland Ring
Collection of
Collection of over 400 home pages from Dutch all over the world, information about The Netherlands and an information place for Dutch living abroad.
Click Here Proceedz
Collection of over 400 home pages from Dutch all over the world, information about The Netherlands and an information place for Dutch living abroad.
Click Here Proceedz
13 Gay Swimming Netherlands
Swimming is
Swimming is a very popular sport among Dutch Gays and lesbians. We have 10 gay swimclubs in 11 cities. Over 600 Swimmers and a 2 Yearly Dutch Championship.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Domains Please Terms Customer Web Website Help Privacy Commerce Reliable Local
Swimming is a very popular sport among Dutch Gays and lesbians. We have 10 gay swimclubs in 11 cities. Over 600 Swimmers and a 2 Yearly Dutch Championship.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Domains Please Terms Customer Web Website Help Privacy Commerce Reliable Local
14 A Social History of the Dutch in Quebec
A genealogy
A genealogy site for the Lowenstein family and a comprehensive look on the Dutch population of Quebec.
Dutch Quebec History Community Demographics Living Quality Part Life Immigration Making Experience Lowensteyn World Iroquois Role Table
A genealogy site for the Lowenstein family and a comprehensive look on the Dutch population of Quebec.
Dutch Quebec History Community Demographics Living Quality Part Life Immigration Making Experience Lowensteyn World Iroquois Role Table
15 Crime Library: Dutch Schultz: Beer Baron of the Bronx
Writer Allen
Writer Allen May delivers a biography of Arthur 'Dutch Schultz' Flegenheimer.
Navigationshilfet Y
Writer Allen May delivers a biography of Arthur 'Dutch Schultz' Flegenheimer.
Navigationshilfet Y
16 How the Dutch of 'New Amsterdam' Brought St. Nick to N.Y. with Them
The reason
The reason New Yorkers and Americans celebrate St. Nicholas is that Dutch immigrants brought their traditions about Sinter Klaas with them.
Sign Now Policy Lifestream Everything Updated Places People Connecting Networks Stream Multiple Aolcom Bulk Learnmore
The reason New Yorkers and Americans celebrate St. Nicholas is that Dutch immigrants brought their traditions about Sinter Klaas with them.
Sign Now Policy Lifestream Everything Updated Places People Connecting Networks Stream Multiple Aolcom Bulk Learnmore
17 How the Dutch of 'New Amsterdam' Brought St. Nick to N.Y. with Them
The reason
The reason New Yorkers and Americans celebrate St. Nicholas is that Dutch immigrants brought their traditions about Sinter Klaas with them.
Sign Places Lifestream People Policy Updated Everything Now Rights Network Search Login Youre Bulk Networks Read Stay
The reason New Yorkers and Americans celebrate St. Nicholas is that Dutch immigrants brought their traditions about Sinter Klaas with them.
Sign Places Lifestream People Policy Updated Everything Now Rights Network Search Login Youre Bulk Networks Read Stay
18 Transgender Index
Dutch bilingual
Dutch bilingual (Dutch/English) list for transgender related sites.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Terms Customer Web Please Domains Help Website Get
Dutch bilingual (Dutch/English) list for transgender related sites.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Terms Customer Web Please Domains Help Website Get
19 Black Dutch and Irish, Melungeons, Moravians, Pennsylvania Dutch
Shirley Hornbecks
Shirley Hornbecks This and That Genealogy Tips, Genealogy Tips on Black Dutch and Irish, Melungeons, Moravians, Pennsylvania Dutch
Serverport Apache Permanently Thenavigationshilfe
Shirley Hornbecks This and That Genealogy Tips, Genealogy Tips on Black Dutch and Irish, Melungeons, Moravians, Pennsylvania Dutch
Serverport Apache Permanently Thenavigationshilfe
20 wired: dutch cryptographer cries foul
'a dutch
'a dutch cryptography expert blasted as 'horrific' the ambiguous legal reach of the u.s. digital millennium copyright act, which he feels bars him from publishing his work, even in the netherlands.' by steve kettmann.
Follow Wired Uson Subscribe Latest Miss Videos Footer Page Wickedly News Twitter * Wireds Youtubedont Whats Look Calls Inspiring
'a dutch cryptography expert blasted as 'horrific' the ambiguous legal reach of the u.s. digital millennium copyright act, which he feels bars him from publishing his work, even in the netherlands.' by steve kettmann.
Follow Wired Uson Subscribe Latest Miss Videos Footer Page Wickedly News Twitter * Wireds Youtubedont Whats Look Calls Inspiring
21 The Anglo-Dutch Wars
One-page summary
One-page summary of the various naval wars between England and the Dutch.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Toolbar Sitesfinance Wayback Maps Archives Mail News
One-page summary of the various naval wars between England and the Dutch.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Toolbar Sitesfinance Wayback Maps Archives Mail News
22 Yahoo Groups: Black Dutch
A discussion
A discussion group for anyone interested in people described as Black Dutch or Black German.
Yahoo Help Black_dutch Attachments Please Origin Groups Terms Copyright Ifyoure Beauty Httpwwwblackdutchwebscom Page Style News Mail Owner@yahoogroupscom
A discussion group for anyone interested in people described as Black Dutch or Black German.
Yahoo Help Black_dutch Attachments Please Origin Groups Terms Copyright Ifyoure Beauty Httpwwwblackdutchwebscom Page Style News Mail Owner@yahoogroupscom
23 Anglo-Dutch Wars (Blog)
This site
This site is an ongoing discussion of information and issues about the Anglo-Dutch Wars, and other 17th Century naval conflicts. This includes research results and answers to questions.
Dutch Posted Anglo Wars Ships Century Th Prins Blog Period Laurens Sint Hired Naval Interesting Lt Admiral
This site is an ongoing discussion of information and issues about the Anglo-Dutch Wars, and other 17th Century naval conflicts. This includes research results and answers to questions.
Dutch Posted Anglo Wars Ships Century Th Prins Blog Period Laurens Sint Hired Naval Interesting Lt Admiral
24 Dutch Heritage Site
Home page
Home page of the Dutch Heritage Site, the Windmill Herald, and Vanderheide Publishing.
Dutch Cart Genealogy Directory Business Newspaper Research America News Subscribe Book Blog Guide Windmill North Willem Rich Books Horizon
Home page of the Dutch Heritage Site, the Windmill Herald, and Vanderheide Publishing.
Dutch Cart Genealogy Directory Business Newspaper Research America News Subscribe Book Blog Guide Windmill North Willem Rich Books Horizon
25 Dutch Colonial History
Dutch colonial
Dutch colonial history in Arabia Gulf, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brazil, Taiwan, Ghana, Macao, Timor, colonial remains of forts and heritage, maps.ÂÂÂÂ
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Please Customer Web Domains Website Terms Privacy Help Ifyoure Ecommerce Reliable
Dutch colonial history in Arabia Gulf, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brazil, Taiwan, Ghana, Macao, Timor, colonial remains of forts and heritage, maps.ÂÂÂÂ
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Please Customer Web Domains Website Terms Privacy Help Ifyoure Ecommerce Reliable
26 Submarines of the Great War
Photographs and
Photographs and postcards with informational captions.
Submarines Submarine Coward Great Sandford Dover Harry Books Constance Submariners Postcards Zeebrugge Citation World Royal Class Images Ships
Photographs and postcards with informational captions.
Submarines Submarine Coward Great Sandford Dover Harry Books Constance Submariners Postcards Zeebrugge Citation World Royal Class Images Ships
27 Sailing Warships
A compendium
A compendium of sailing warship information, including the Anglo-Dutch Wars. I have contributed information about Dutch ships to this site. This site is constantly improving and adding new information, so it warrants revisiting fairly frequently.
Please Contactdisplayederror Page Cannot Providerfor
A compendium of sailing warship information, including the Anglo-Dutch Wars. I have contributed information about Dutch ships to this site. This site is constantly improving and adding new information, so it warrants revisiting fairly frequently.
Please Contactdisplayederror Page Cannot Providerfor
28 Black Dutch
Six different
Six different meanings for the term Black Dutch or Black German.
Six different meanings for the term Black Dutch or Black German.
29 The Silent Service: Submarines
This sight
This sight provides a chronological history of the evolution of the submarine with photos.
Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Domains Help Website Terms Customer Privacy Please Solutions Inc Domain
This sight provides a chronological history of the evolution of the submarine with photos.
Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Domains Help Website Terms Customer Privacy Please Solutions Inc Domain
30 Royal Netherlands Navy Submarines in World War II
A historical
A historical article on boats with photographs.
Navy Netherlands Dutch Submarines Royal World Xi Second Specials Boats Tenders Export Indies British Therefore
A historical article on boats with photographs.
Navy Netherlands Dutch Submarines Royal World Xi Second Specials Boats Tenders Export Indies British Therefore
31 Chazzanut Online
Comprehensive site
Comprehensive site on Chazzanut. Contains original sheet music by cantor Yossele Rosenblatt, Isaac Heymann, and Abraham Katz. Offers a selection of traditional Dutch synagogue tunes (Nusach) with midi audio, archive with articles from Dutch pre-war newspapers, and background information on tunes including Max Bruchs Kol Nidrei and the Maoz Tzur.
Jewish Music Dutch Nusach Chazzanut Nidrei Articles Rozumni Abraham Katz Persons Discography Synagogue Archives Englander Chanukah Media Archive Sadly Mens Amsterdam
Comprehensive site on Chazzanut. Contains original sheet music by cantor Yossele Rosenblatt, Isaac Heymann, and Abraham Katz. Offers a selection of traditional Dutch synagogue tunes (Nusach) with midi audio, archive with articles from Dutch pre-war newspapers, and background information on tunes including Max Bruchs Kol Nidrei and the Maoz Tzur.
Jewish Music Dutch Nusach Chazzanut Nidrei Articles Rozumni Abraham Katz Persons Discography Synagogue Archives Englander Chanukah Media Archive Sadly Mens Amsterdam
32 Secor, Al - Home off the Information Highway
Sections on
Sections on robots, personal submersibles and submarines, scuba diving, and ham radio.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Please Terms Domains Account Website Web Privacy Also
Sections on robots, personal submersibles and submarines, scuba diving, and ham radio.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Please Terms Domains Account Website Web Privacy Also