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Dancing Wheels

Dancing Wheels Review Experience Wheels Dancing

A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.

GG Greg Agency Presents The Dancing Wheels Company Americas premier physically integrated dance company comprised of professional dancers with and without disabilities wheelchair dancers

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Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Center Company Gg Greg Integrated Agency Programs Promotional Music Physically Ctr University States Concert Disabled Arts Dance Dancing Wheels Dancing For The Disabled Wheelchair Dance Disabled Dancers Disability Programs Integrated Dance Physically Integrated Dance Mary Verdi Fletcher School Programs Artist In Schools Spina Bifida Motivational Programs Disability Awareness

Reviews and Comments for Dancing Wheels

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Best entries for Wheels and Dancing

1 Dancing Wheels A modern
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher, this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Center Company Agency Gg Greg Integrated Promotional Programs Music Dancers University Wheelchair Dumbo
2 Dancing Wheels A modern
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Center Company Gg Greg Integrated Agency Programs Promotional Music Physically Ctr University States Concert
3 Dancing Wheels A professional
A professional, integrated, modern dance company comprised of dancers with (using a wheelchair for movement) and without disabilities. The company is recognized as a pioneer in the art of integrated (mixed abilities)dance. (Cleveland, OH USA)
Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Company Center Integrated Greg Programs Agency Promotional Gg Presents Music Univ Physically Games Morningamerica Show
4 Prayer Wheels The benefit
The benefit of Tibetan prayer wheels as a Dharma practice.
5 Exotic Dancing and Sexual Abuse Exotic dancing
Exotic dancing, sexual abuse, and associated mental disorders. Support links/hotlines.
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6 Wheels of Terror Bridging the
Bridging the gap between the disabled and the able-bodied in all mediums of the horror genre.
7 Offering astrology
Offering astrology charts and reports, as well as general information and birth wheels.
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8 King of Big Wheels Personal conjecture
Personal conjecture, mindless ramblings, and a healthy dose of humor.
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9 Rainbow Wheels Provides wheelchair
Provides wheelchair accessible rental vans for disabled users in the state of Florida.
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10 A Celebration of Wheels A portfolio
A portfolio of active wheelchair users who enjoy full and fulfilling lives.
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11 Path Of The Feather Teaches techniques
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12 Wheels of Love Christian relief
Christian relief organization that provides items such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, and bedside commodes.
13 Astral Arts Provides individual
Provides individual astrological and compatibility profiles, color birth chart wheels and sun sign descriptions.
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14 Metro Meals On Wheels Serving Minneapolis
Serving Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Includes information on how to donate, volunteer, or get a meal.
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serves harris, brazoria, chambers, ft. bend, and galveston counties. includes online quote request and contacts.
17 Life Consulting Academy Offers courses
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18 Winners On Wheels Empowers kids
Empowers kids in wheelchairs by encouraging personal achievement through creative learning and expanded life experiences that lead to independent living skills.
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19 renting wheels and riding rails as skies stay off limits federal authorities
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20 Judaica On Wheels Offering wide
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21 TWO Motorcycle Resort Two Wheels
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23 Winners On Wheels A social/recreation
A social/recreation program designed to assist children and youth who use wheelchairs for mobility to develop positive self-esteem, sense of self worth, and increase levels of independence.
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24 Tibetan Art and Craft Imports Authentic Tibetan
Authentic Tibetan merchandise including singing bowls, rugs, incense, prayer wheels, bells, jewelry, and stationary.
25 Tibetan ArtCraft Imports Imported Tibetan
Imported Tibetan art including singing bells, rugs, incense, and prayer wheels. Includes products and order form.
26 Inspiration on Wheels! Motivating, uplifting
Motivating, uplifting, encouraging, fun site which shows how being disabled is a challenge which can enhance the quality of life when a person tries. Scouting for kids in wheelchairs, snow skiing, feelings, and elmo.
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27 The Dancing Sausage Web Journal But its
But its so hard to dance that way when its cold and theres no music.
28 Dancing on Colettes Grave One womans
One womans journey through life, love and beyond.
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29 Mellor, David Includes hypertext
Includes hypertext poetry, art, and break dancing.
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30 The Goddess Is Dancing Features photos
Features photos of BBWs and FAs and an essay on lifes lessons.
31 Dancing with the Divine An on-line
An on-line magazine containing articles and poems of non-dual wisdom.
32 Dancing Shiva Yoga & Ayurveda, Los Angeles Schedule of
Schedule of classes and special events.
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More Dancing Wheels Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Dancing Wheels in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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