Six Nations Adoptees
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Best entries for Youre and Found
1 a new way to spend money
political campaigns
political campaigns know who you are, where youre registered to vote, what party youre affiliated with -- and which web sites you use. presidential candidates are using internet advertising to target likely supporters in early key primary states like iowa, new hampshire and virginia. from salon.
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political campaigns know who you are, where youre registered to vote, what party youre affiliated with -- and which web sites you use. presidential candidates are using internet advertising to target likely supporters in early key primary states like iowa, new hampshire and virginia. from salon.
Follow Salon Burris Sarah Donald Thanksgiving Lobby Trump They Barrel Curtis News Southern Republican Night Scott White Sophia Jones”
2 black box from pennsylvania crash found
searchers thursday
searchers thursday found one of the boxes from united airlines flight 93. debris has been found up to six miles away from the crash site.
searchers thursday found one of the boxes from united airlines flight 93. debris has been found up to six miles away from the crash site.
3 The Principia Discordia
Or, How
Or, How I Found the Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her. The Magnum Opiate of Malaclypse the Younger, wherein is explained everything worth knowing about absolutely anything.
Discordia Principia Common | Chaos Black Walls Channel Prison Fnord Discord Confusion Iron Forums Chao Ching Te
Or, How I Found the Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her. The Magnum Opiate of Malaclypse the Younger, wherein is explained everything worth knowing about absolutely anything.
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5 Found: 1978 composite photo of the Wake Forest chapter
Composite photograph
Composite photograph that was found on August 14, 2000 in Greenville, NC.
Composite photograph that was found on August 14, 2000 in Greenville, NC.
6 Vaccines Found to Contain Mercury, Are Vaccinations Safe?
The whooping
The whooping cough vaccine has been found to contain potentially dangerous levels of mercury.
Health Heavy Metals Food Ratings Natural Ranger News Foods World Say Warns Officials Story Scientific Activist Turned Scientist Less Cayenne
The whooping cough vaccine has been found to contain potentially dangerous levels of mercury.
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8 Youre Not Stupid
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A free downloadable book about the Bush administrations activities and decisions.
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9 You Think Youre So Smart, But Ive Seen You Naked
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Mix of news and personal happenings of a librarian in New York City.
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10 Zeke Fund Animal Rescue
Committed to
Committed to animal wellness, community education to prevent abuse and neglect, and placing all of its found animals in loving homes. Pictures of available pets, lost and found postings, and a list of ways to help.
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Committed to animal wellness, community education to prevent abuse and neglect, and placing all of its found animals in loving homes. Pictures of available pets, lost and found postings, and a list of ways to help.
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south florida-based firm specializing in destination weddings.
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12 Zeke Fund Animal Rescue
Committed to
Committed to animal wellness, community education to prevent abuse and neglect, and placing all of its found animals in loving homes. Pictures of available pets, lost and found postings, and a list of ways to help. Brookshire.
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Committed to animal wellness, community education to prevent abuse and neglect, and placing all of its found animals in loving homes. Pictures of available pets, lost and found postings, and a list of ways to help. Brookshire.
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13 Youre Able
Offering help
Offering help and advice on issues such as employment, motoring, equipment, money, computing, health and the community.
Offering help and advice on issues such as employment, motoring, equipment, money, computing, health and the community.
14 Maidstone Independent Christian Spiritualist Church
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Come and enjoy our meetings, services and special events and when youre happy, tell others. If not, tell us as we only wish the best for all.
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15 How to Spend Valentines Day If Youre Single
Article from
Article from offers singles several ideas for enjoying this day that is generally reserved for couples.
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Article from offers singles several ideas for enjoying this day that is generally reserved for couples.
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16 My Addled Brain
Personal weblog
Personal weblog of Brett Glisson - because life isnt easy when youre living with a homicidal robot.
Personal weblog of Brett Glisson - because life isnt easy when youre living with a homicidal robot.
17 major toy site, um, er, sucks
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A humorous test to discover if youre a conservative, liberal, libertarian, or a communist.
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19 Cult kids wont be returned to facility
Quebec Court
Quebec Court order ensures that children found at the Apostles compound will be raised elsewhere. Details on the arrest of two of the nuns on charges of assault and making threats. Child-care workers found no evidence that the children removed during the police raid had been abused. Article by Campbell Clark in the National Post.
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Quebec Court order ensures that children found at the Apostles compound will be raised elsewhere. Details on the arrest of two of the nuns on charges of assault and making threats. Child-care workers found no evidence that the children removed during the police raid had been abused. Article by Campbell Clark in the National Post.
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20 suck: hit and run 02.1.01
whether youre
whether youre a tortured kitty or an abused child, a moral and upright and increasingly stupid nation stands ready to defend you, despite the small fact that you dont actually exist.
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whether youre a tortured kitty or an abused child, a moral and upright and increasingly stupid nation stands ready to defend you, despite the small fact that you dont actually exist.
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21 the contrition peddlers
when youre
when youre a big corporation and you step in racial doo-doo, you call chisholm-mingo -- your full-service agency for repentance, prevention and brand-burnishing. salon article.
when youre a big corporation and you step in racial doo-doo, you call chisholm-mingo -- your full-service agency for repentance, prevention and brand-burnishing. salon article.
22 St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, New York City
This Paulist
This Paulist parish has a gay and lesbian outreach group. This is where you go to Mass when youre in New York.
This Paulist parish has a gay and lesbian outreach group. This is where you go to Mass when youre in New York.
23 Practical Spirituality and New Age
This is
This is a great place to visit if youre looking for practical ways to apply spiritual, new age, metaphysical and mystical concepts to improve the quality of your life.
This is a great place to visit if youre looking for practical ways to apply spiritual, new age, metaphysical and mystical concepts to improve the quality of your life.
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includes information about several issues important to austinites, including how to buy a house, what to do when youre arrested, how to save electricity, how not to get hit by a car when biking, nudity law in austin, police misconduct, and vegetarianism.
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25 the relationship coach newsletter
a weekly
a weekly e-zine for people who want fulfilling relationships. for singles, the newsletter will help you attract your mr. or ms. right. if youre in a relationship, you will learn to create more closeness and intimacy with your mate.
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a weekly e-zine for people who want fulfilling relationships. for singles, the newsletter will help you attract your mr. or ms. right. if youre in a relationship, you will learn to create more closeness and intimacy with your mate.
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26 Janets Gender Transition
Janet Bowman
Janet Bowman describes her transsexual journey from male 52 year old entrepreneur, athlete, and wannabe rock star to 44 year old femme lesbian. Includes before and after photos and details on transitioning on the job when youre the boss.
Sign Now Policy Everything Places Account Lifestream People Email Simplifying Stream Nowon Connecting Trademarks Date
Janet Bowman describes her transsexual journey from male 52 year old entrepreneur, athlete, and wannabe rock star to 44 year old femme lesbian. Includes before and after photos and details on transitioning on the job when youre the boss.
Sign Now Policy Everything Places Account Lifestream People Email Simplifying Stream Nowon Connecting Trademarks Date
27 Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods Youre Eating
Argues that
Argues that industry manipulation and political collusion allow dangerous genetically engineered food into daily diets.
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Argues that industry manipulation and political collusion allow dangerous genetically engineered food into daily diets.
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28 Anything That Moves: The Magazine for the Uncompromising Bisexual
Its a
Its a magazine! its an activist organization! youre both right! Anything That Moves has put out full-page ads with the bi and trans counterarguments to the 'ex-gay' issue. Every single issue has transgender content, and they dont even require that it be bi-focused. Even their ongoing soap opera installments have a recurring FTM hunk.
Its a magazine! its an activist organization! youre both right! Anything That Moves has put out full-page ads with the bi and trans counterarguments to the 'ex-gay' issue. Every single issue has transgender content, and they dont even require that it be bi-focused. Even their ongoing soap opera installments have a recurring FTM hunk.
29 Ankh
The origins
The origins and where found with images.
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The origins and where found with images.
Ankh Egyptian Alchemy Christian Isis Hermeticism Crystalinks Egypt Ptah Venus Gods Christians Djed Ancient Egyptians Egyptologists Andrew Budgethought
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Posting whatever clever things can be found on the web.
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Posting whatever clever things can be found on the web.
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Free lost-and-found
Free lost-and-found pet posting service.
Free lost-and-found pet posting service.
32 Joshua
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All things Joshua and things that relate to Joshua. If youre a Joshua, contribute.
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All things Joshua and things that relate to Joshua. If youre a Joshua, contribute.
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