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1 Gamezilla Review Rated 93%
Rated 93% by Jacob Proffitt. 'Its definitely a must-buy if youre a fan of adventure games. If youre not, well, this game may turn you around.'
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Review by Craig E. Engler, B+. 'Youre not just a fighter pilot, youre the whole bridge crew.'
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3 GamePro 'It is
'It is an update of Robotron with a fantasy backstory. If youre looking for a new kind of shooter, NightCaster will do--but RPG fans, youre still in the dark.'
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4 GameSpot [9.3/10] Reviewed
[9.3/10] Reviewed by Trent C. Ward. 'If youre into action games, and even if youre not, you should be playing Quake right now - its as good as PC gaming gets.'
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5 Review by J. Robinson Wheeler 'Please play
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6 The Electric Playground Review by
Review by Jason MacIsaac, 6/10. 'Unless youre a PC purest who wouldnt touch a console with a lightsaber, youre probably best off with the Xbox version.'
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7 PlanetPS2 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Andrei Alupului, score: 68 out of 100. 'Youre better off getting some PC sound software if youd really like it, but if you do decide to check out MG2, make sure you bring your patience. Youre going to need it.'
8 G4TechTV 'If youre
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9 Four Fat Chicks 'If you
'If you love solving puzzles, story be damned—go for it, as there isnt much out there of late. If youre looking for interaction, character development, and an involving plot, youre not going to find it here.'
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10 The Electric Playground PC review
PC review by Neil Harris, 75%. 'Starlancers presentation and user interface are pretty close to perfection, but the AI of your opponents will have you thinking youre an ace pilot, even when youre not.'
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11 Four Fat Chicks - Review (PC - Windows) Review, by
Review, by Steerpike: 'If youre in the mood for a shooter with style, action, and lasting value, youre better off with Serious Sam than with XIII.'
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12 GameSpot Rated 7.9/10
Rated 7.9/10 by Stephen Poole. 'If youre into collectible card games, even if youre not a big Star Trek fan, then you should download the starter pack and give the game a try.' [Subscription required.] Free reader reviews, hints, and 18 screenshots.
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13 IGN [8.7/10] Reviewed
[8.7/10] Reviewed by David Zdyrko. 'It has more characters, more moves, four-player tag battle, and more secrets than youll find in any other fighting game in the world. If youre looking for revolutionary new features or gameplay, youre not going to find it here.'
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14 Yahoo! Video Games Review, by
Review, by Allen Blue: 'If youre already a Guild Wars player, Nightfall is worth it for the story, continent, professions, and heroes. If youre new, Nightfall is the best installment so far, and a great place to start with this deservedly ultra successful MMO.' [Score: 4.5 out of 5]
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15 DigitalBackSpin - Review (Game Boy Advance) Review, by
Review, by Jennifer Scott: 'If you like The Sims, then youre bound to like The Sims Busting Out as well. In fact, if youre a Sims fan, boost all the scores by 10-15 points and have at it.' [Score: 68 out of 100]
16 DigitalBackSpin - Review (Game Boy Advance) Review, by
Review, by Jennifer Scott: 'If you like The Sims, then youre bound to like The Sims Busting Out as well. In fact, if youre a Sims fan, boost all the scores by 10-15 points and have at it.' [Score: 68 out of 100]
17 GamesFirst: Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkeys Reviewed by
Reviewed by Paul Cockeram. 'If youre a parent who thinks Max Payne will transform your child into a homicidal maniac, or if youre tickled by A Very Chipmunk Christmas because that Alvin is such a character, then you might enjoy playing The Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkeys.'
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18 Jedi Academy Gamespy Review
Gamespy Review, 3 out of 5 stars. 'If all youre looking for are some new missions and/or multiplayer options for Jedi Knight II and dont mind the full $50 price tag, youll find plenty to enjoy in Jedi Academy. However, if youre looking for a true sequel, you likely find yourself a bit disappointed...'
19 IGN Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: David Zdyrko, score 6.0/10. 'Youre not going to get a buy recommendation here.'
20 By: Tim
By: Tim McConnaughy, [79/100]. 'If youre looking for a decent RTS thats different than the others, Submarine Titans is a good bet.'
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21 [85/100] By
[85/100] By Tom Ham. 'If youre a hardcore soccer fan then snatch this one up.' Includes screen shots.
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22 IGN Reviewed by
Reviewed by Tom Chick, [4/10]. 'If youre looking for a game about the Roman Empire, theres very little to recommend Legion.'
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23 [8.5/10] 'If
[8.5/10] 'If youre a fan of arcade racing you should buy Burnout 2 even if you have the original.' Also contains screenshots. (Playstation 2)
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24 IGN Review by
Review by Tal Blevins, 8/10. 'Independence War is hard. I cant stress this enough, people. Youre only going to get out of this game what you put into it.'
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25 GameSpy Reviewed by
Reviewed by Bernard Dy, [3/5]. 'If youre a big Commandos fan, chances are youll find something here to like.'
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26 GameSpy [73/100] Review
[73/100] Review by Avi Fryman. 'No big breakthrough, but if youre a fan of the series, then play this game you must.'
27 Gamershell [8.7/10] By
[8.7/10] By Andreas Misund Berntsen. 'If youre both a fan of shooters and Star Trek then this is without a doubt a must-have.'
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28 GameSpot [9.6/10] PlayStation
[9.6/10] PlayStation 2 version reviewed by Giancarlo Varanini. 'If youre a fan of NFL football, then you owe it to yourself to pick up NFL 2K3.'
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29 WorthPlaying Review [9/10] 'The
[9/10] 'The levels arent a cakewalk, either: if you get through them without losing at least one ship, youre lying.'
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30 GameSpot Steven Garrett
Steven Garrett review [5.8/10] includes screenshots. 'If a good 16-bit shooter is what youre looking for, you could do a lot better elsewhere.'
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31 RedBoxs TetriNET site Downloads, themes
Downloads, themes, and an IP lister that doesnt work if youre on a LAN.
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32 Armchair Empire Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Mr. Nash, 6/10. 'If youre looking for a new game in this genre, keep on looking because this one isnt worth it.'
33 Xbox Solution Preview, by
Preview, by Infinity: 'Regardless of if youre a fighting fan or not, you really should be slobbering buckets in anticipation.'
34 - Preview By Sal
By Sal Accardo. 'If youre a fan of the Serious Sam games, Will Rock may be as close as we get to a sequel this year.'
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35 The Electric Playground 'If youre
'If youre a Resident Evil Veteran, this is the smartest and most polished of the series.'
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36 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Four-Eyed Dragon, [2.5/5]. 'Youre better off staying on the ground or soaring with a top gun like Ace Combat 4 or Dropship.'
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37 IGN Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Vincent Lopez, score 6.5/10. 'Its just like a cartoon, one where youre stuck playing the coyote.' (Xbox)
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38 Game Nation Reviewed by
Reviewed by Kristopher Abel, [91%]. 'If youre a real-time strategy fan you have to experience it.'
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39 Gamespot Review for the Gamecube [8.3/10] By
[8.3/10] By Giancarlo Varanini. '...if youre a hard-core fan, then you will certainly enjoy all of the new features.'
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40 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Craig Wessel, [92/100]. 'If youre an RTS fan, Warrior Kings should find a home on your machine.'
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41 GameSpot Review Rated 6.7/10
Rated 6.7/10 by John Leo. 'Unless youre the proud owner of the Threes Company box set, this game will likely get old quick.'
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42 1UP Review, by
Review, by Demian Linn: 'Play is made for people who dont really like games, and if youre someone who really does, thats a problem.' [Score: 6 out of 10]
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43 1UP Review, by
Review, by Demian Linn: 'Play is made for people who dont really like games, and if youre someone who really does, thats a problem.' [Score: 6 out of 10]
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44 GameSpot Frank Provo
Frank Provo review [7.8/10] includes screenshots. 'Its Gradius done good--if youre into that sort of thing.'
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45 GameSpot Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Joe Fielder, [8.5/10]. 'The closest thing youre going to get to GoldenEye 007 on the PlayStation.' Also includes hints and screenshots.
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46 Slingo A game
A game combining elements of Bingo and the slots. If youre quick, you can chat with your fellow players.
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47 GameSpot Dreamcast review
Dreamcast review by Frank Provo, 69%. 'Its an excellent game if youre into single-player sci-fi shooters.'
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48 GameSpot Reviewed by
Reviewed by Greg Kasavin, [4.8/10]. 'Unless youre perfectly starved for single-player action, then you can live without the campaign, too.'
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49 Armchair Empire Reviewed By:
Reviewed By: Mr. Nash [8.8/10]. 'If youre in the hunt for a 2D fighter for your PS2 you cant go wrong with Guilty Gear X 2, highly recommended.'
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50 Action Vault By Onur
By Onur Komili. 'Planetside is an excellent game and definitely worth a shot if youre thinking about buying it.'
51 Armchair Empire Review of
Review of PlayStation 2 version. 'If youve got an Xbox or gaming PC, youre much better off purchasing one of those versions.' Score: 7.6 out of 10.
52 Computer Gamers Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Scott, score 70%. 'If youre a diehard TREK collector buy the special edition with the pin.' (Windows)
Navigationshilfe Found Found They
53 GameSpot Reviewed by
Reviewed by Alex Navarro, [7.5/10]. 'When it comes down to it, if youre a Mortal Kombat fan, youll like Shaolin Monks. If you arent, you wont.'
Comicvine Trafficbomb Most Vpn Abnormalhuman We Detected Giant Gamespot
54 GameSpot News: Team 17s Union City Conspiracy 'Go on
'Go on, admit it, youre a sucker for the whole cyberpunk milieu, arent ya?'
Gamespot Detectedgiant Bomb Traffic Vpnabnormal Human We Comicvine Most
55 TotalVideogames 'The problem
'The problem is though that once you start getting into it, the game is over. A typical gamer would probably have this licked within 2hrs, and unless youre a huge virtual pet fan theres not a lot to go back and see.'
56 Four Fat Chicks Review, by
Review, by Old Rooster: 'If youre in the mood for a platform game in a rich, colorful and quite weird setting, Rayman 3 is sure to please.'
Hosting Domain Network Solutions Web Marketing Names Services Registration Website Networksolutionscom Innovative Name Grow Y
57 Gaming Age 'The colors
'The colors are drab, and the textures really are bad enough to make you wonder if youre really looking at Doom on the SNES.' Review by Travis Dwyer with score.
58 GamePro PC review
PC review by John Marrin. 'If youre up for a relatively mindless space shooter (not simulation), then Gunship should fit the bill nicely.'
Windows Hardware Idg Drives Security Pcworld Mobile Video Apps Laptops Phones Software Edition Accessories Videos Everything Input Information
59 Gamezilla Reviewed by
Reviewed by Alex Karls. 'A title most gamers will probably want to leave at the store. However, if youre a serious fan of music and all the design that goes into it, this may be one of the better PS2 titles you could buy.'
60 IGN Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: David Zdyrko, score 5.1/10. 'Just because you love both The Simpsons and Crazy Taxi, doesnt mean youre going to like this game.' (PlayStation 2)
Navigationshilfe Ty
61 IGN: Shadow Magic Reviewed by
Reviewed by Dan Adams, [8.5/10]. 'If youre a turn-based strategy fan, [...] you shouldnt be disappointed with Triumphs latest.'
62 ReviewYoshis Island: Super Mario Advance 3 (GBA) [90/100] By
[90/100] By Bryn Williams. 'If youre a fan of Nintendo, 2D gaming, and platforming, then this ones for you.'
Navigationshilfet Y
63 Reviewed by
Reviewed by By Jon M. Gibson (1/5). 'Unless youre an über-fan of the Die Hard franchise, theres absolutely no reason to play this.' Includes screen shots. [GameCube]
Foundhostidzlfzcubgtzcgiavkoqrbgglepzeplxciuiowxvuxhrqhh+kvhkkzcfhv+iabu= Code Requestid Keynavigationshilfe Message Nosuchkey
64 [80/100] Review
[80/100] Review of GameCube version by Craig Wessel. 'If youre a baseball fan, youll love the attention to detail in this game.'
Navigationshilfet Y
65 GameSpot 'If youre
'If youre a pinball fan, Fantastic Journey is a pretty amazing feat, and the price is definitely right.' Reviewed by Jeff Gerstmann (6.7/10). [PlayStation]
Xbox Gamespot Pinball Ps Reviews Pc News Wii Journey Interactive Fantastic New Discussion Fan Trailers Ref Id= Features Mods
66 IGN Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Doug Perry, score 6.0/10. 'This is a bad port of a good PC game, but if youre a diehard Star Trek fan you may want to rent it.' (PlayStation 2)
Navigationshilfe Ty
67 ign 'If youre
'If youre coming in looking for a storyline rich in atmosphere and style, something bathed in immersion, something fresh, you will not be disappointed.' Written by Ivan Sulic.
68 [6.5/10] Review
[6.5/10] Review with screen shots by Tal Blevins 'However, if youre a casual RPG gamer thats looking for a new adventure to keep you busy for a while, Id skip Might and Magic VIII altogether.'
69 NetJak [6.5/10] Review
[6.5/10] Review by Cory 'Rock_On' Glore. 'I cant really suggest to purchase the game unless youre a fan of the run n gun type games.' With screen shots.
Proceed Click Herey
70 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Starship Titanic
'Starship Titanic is full of puzzles that are entirely impossible to solve, unless youre Douglas Adams.'
Adams Mbytes Titanic Arboretum Succ Bus Starship Well Douglas Review Game Cd Rom Robots Super However Zarfhome Thats Galactic Village Conclusion Plus Guide_
71 GameSpot Review by:
Review by: Tim Soete, [7.6/10]. 'If youre looking for a new Civ-style strategy game that adds a new dimension to its gameplay, you may want to give Lords of the Realm II a try.'
Reviews Gamespot Review Xbox Realm Ii Pc Lords News Ps Wii Latest Soete Games Trailers Request
72 GamerDad [4.5/5] Review
[4.5/5] Review by Andrew Bub. 'Despite the staid atmosphere, Links is the fairway to hit if youre just in this for a round of golf.' Includes screen shots.
73 GameSpot Chris Hudak
Chris Hudak review [8.6/10] includes screenshots and download. 'From the opening level, youll know youre in for a movie-worthy experience.'
Reviews Gamespot Review Xbox News Pc Ps Outlaws Wii Discussion Latest Lucasarts Features Chris Ad Choice
74 Dark Station Review by
Review by Chris, 8/10. 'Despite some paper thin characters, and no radar ... you should buy this game if you like Star Wars or youre into flying games.'
Page Darkstation Features Does Reviews Darkcast Coveragepages Outdarkstationcom Staff Been Gucci Repeat Menu Review Inconvenience
75 Armchair Empire Reviewed by
Reviewed by Mr. Nash, [9.5/10]. 'Whether youre a fighting aficionado or a green rookie, theres plenty to enjoy about this game.' Also includes screenshots.
76 GameSpot Review Rated 5.6/10
Rated 5.6/10 by Stephen Poole. 'If youre a patient gamer looking for a challenging adventure, you should give SPQR a try.' Reader reviews.
Xbox Ps News Gamespot Reviews Pc Wii Discussion Darkest Trailers Sign Latest Adventure Spqr Topic Off
77 Review Rated 3/5
Rated 3/5 by Kirk Hiner. 'Although Safecracker wont make you stand up cheer, theres also really nothing about which to complain...unless youre easily frustrated, that is.'
Macintosh Software News Internet Games Reviews Utilities Hardware Applelinkscom Daydream Safecracker Business Applelinks Shareware Design Report Suite Cracker Engine [link Mac
78 GameSpot [5.3/10] Reviewed
[5.3/10] Reviewed by: Stephen Poole. 'If youre looking for high-performance motorcycle racing on the PC, youll tap this one out in very short order.' Includes screenshots.
Takegamespot Pressenter Found Welpfound Feel
79 PlanetPS2 'After all
'After all is said and done, what youre left with is a game that didnt deserve the time you spent playing it.' Review by Tom Harn with screen shots and overall score [45].
80 Rated 86%
Rated 86% by Jamie Madigan. 'This is a super polished Diablo. Like the original, the emphasis is on action rather than roleplay -- a beautiful game if thats all youre looking for.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
81 GamePro Review, by
Review, by Monkey: 'If youre into that breed of simplistic hack-n-slash, then by all means toss down the coin because it definitely provides immediate, if repetitious, thrills.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
Windows Hardware Pcworld Idg Drives Subscribe Printers Digital Reviews Apps Tablets Videos Business News Pcs Video Ad Done Virtualization Experts
82 Four Fat Chicks 'Sanitarium is
'Sanitarium is a wonderfully creepy, psychological thriller/mystery of a game where the sole purpose is to discover who you are, why youre in the asylum, whos done this to you and how to get out.'
Hosting Domain Network Solutions Marketing Web Services Names Website Registration Name Hostplace Request
83 GamePro Review, by
Review, by Monkey: 'If youre into that breed of simplistic hack-n-slash, then by all means toss down the coin because it definitely provides immediate, if repetitious, thrills.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
Windows Pcworld Drives Idg Hardware Laptops Printers Apps Pcs Subscribe Edition Phones Accessories Ultrabooks Videos Mobile Information
84 1UP Review, by
Review, by Nich Maragos: 'If youre going to duplicate the basic functionality of a system and charge money for it, its necessary to do a hell of a lot better a job than Ping Pals does.' [Score: 1 out of 10]
Ds Ps Bioshock Games Infinite Game Walkthrough Metal Video Reviews Gear Justin Iii Pokemon Haywald Atari Google_ads[i]line Super Beauty
85 GameSpot 'If youre
'If youre looking for a racing game that is easy to control but extremely difficult, Driven fits the bill.' Reviewed by Frank Provo (6.2/10). [GameCube]
Most Abnormalbomb Traffic Giant Human Wedetected Comicvine Vpn Gamespot
86 Review by
Review by Dave Kosak. Includes screen shots. 'If youre looking for a multiplayer wargame with all the subtlety of a napalm bomb, this is your game.' Score: 4 out of 5.
Vietnam Dice Illusions Battlefield Release Date Review Canada Arts Electronic Gamespy Developer Vietnam_ Page Cheats
87 Total Video Games Review by
Review by Chris Leyton, 8/10. 'Its not perfect, it does get tedious at the start as youre trying to level up, its not for everyone, but for those brought up on Elite youll love it.'
88 Gaming Nexus: Silent Scope Complete Review by
Review by Charlie Sinhaseni, scoring 6/10 : 'Aside from faithful recreations of the arcade versions youre not really getting much else out of this package.'
Disqus Powered Reviews John Profile Ati Menu Articles Yan Gaming Previews Nexus Xt Radeon News Y
89 Yahoo! Video Games Review, by
Review, by Giles Bird: 'So if youre looking to give SWAT 4 a bit more longevity, your $20 will go a long way with Stetchkov Syndicate, but sadly not as far as it could have gone.' [Score: 3.5 out of 5]
Games Yahoo Xe Plugged Videos News Trailer Gamescom Crackdown Video Photos Scalebound Where Xed Blog Suggestions Quothttpvideogamesyahoocomquot Papas Food
90 Review 8/10.
Review 8/10. 'This is one of those unique titles that take a bit of a risk by introducing a new type of control method but after about half an hour of play youre sooooo glad they did'.
Review Video Movie Trailer Music News Album Photos Gallery Ps New Sean Beckham Kardashian Selena Jenner Archive Pitt Brosnan Mix Tong
91 WorthPlaying Review 'With Syberia
'With Syberia, Benoit Sokal has created a gaming experience that will stay near and dear to your heart, regardless of whether youre an adventure newbie or a seasoned pro.'
Review Preview Pc Ps Shoot Xbox Request Saif Pack Trailer Syberia Disqus Powered Judy Duty Tanks Contest
92 GameSpot 'Even if
'Even if youre not well steeped in the world of video pinball, the games $9.99 price makes it well worth checking out.' Reviewed by Jeff Gerstmann (6.8/10). [PlayStation]
Xbox Reviews Gamespot Ps News Pinball Pc Interactive Wii Topic Well Empire Latest Pro Race Streamers Playstation
93 Gamezilla By Alex
By Alex Karls. 'The strength of the game lies in the squadding, and the still heavily social environment, even though youre dedicated to killing people left and right.'
94 GameSpy [57/100] Review
[57/100] Review of PlayStation 2 version by Ben Turner. 'Strip away a flawed bounty system and youre left with a basic, uninteresting action game.'
95 GameSpot [9.6/10] Reviewed
[9.6/10] Reviewed by: Frank Provo. 'If youre a racing game fan, you really owe it to yourself to give Le Mans a try.' Includes screenshots, hints, and reader scores. (Dreamcast)
Xbox News Reviews Gamespot Pc Ps Wii Le Mans Discussion Trailers Test Sign New Latest Button Fan
96 Game Nation TV Reviewed by
Reviewed by 'fungo', rated with 2 stars. '...if youre a big fan of turn-based, strategic empire-building games, youll be able to pry loose some enjoyment from this one.'
Game Review * Nation Nintendosfeed * Six Gamenationtvmenu Softs Gamecube Ps Pc * Rainbow Halo Mario
97 GameSpot Review, by
Review, by Ryan Davis: 'If youre willing to suffer the frame rate problems and the poor draw distance, theres enough of the SSX spirit in Out of Bounds to provide some fun.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
Reviews Gamespot Review Xbox News Ps Bounds Ssx Pc Wii Sports Discussion Trailers Features Davis Phantom Mario Forums
98 GameSpot [6.4/10] Review
[6.4/10] Review by Andrew Park. 'If youre a diehard PlanetSide fan looking to expand your game, you should definitely consider Core Combat.' Includes screen shots and system requirements.
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99 GamePro [5/5] 'The
[5/5] 'The GT series has a huge worldwide fan base, and GT3 measures up to those high expectations with style and depth. If youre into racing at all, this instant classic is simply a must-own game.'
Windows Idg Drives Hardware Pcworld Video Edition Ultrabooks Servers Subscribe Laptops Software Phones News Security Processors How Tablets
100 Games First Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Aaron Stanton, score 3/5. 'If youre looking for more of the same action-filled shooting that the original Elite Force gave you, the expansion is well worth your time.'
Trek Star Elite Force Reviews Articles Gamesfirst Games Pc Magazine Voyager Borg Internet Software Demos Cheats Built Multiplayer Gf Entertainment
101 GameSpot [7.3/10] Reviewed
[7.3/10] Reviewed by: Stephen Poole. 'This is a game, not a sim, and as long as youre OK with that concept then you should get a real kick out of [it].' Also includes screenshots, reader reviews, downloads, and cheats. [PC]
Xbox Reviews News Gamespot Ps Pc Wii Arts Racing Latest New Discussion Features Topic Andretti Reporting Metacriticcom Fallout Forums Stormfront
102 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Pong Sifu, [2.5/5]. 'If youre jonesing to play as a fire-breathing monster from Hell, youll be better off waiting for Panzer Dragoon Orta.'
Windows Drives Pcworld Idg Hardware Security Printers Ultrabooks Mobile Consumer Tablets Accessories Digital Software Videos Laptops Desktop Macworld Here Keyboards
103 Electric Escape A simple
A simple site that has lots of random things, but more to the interest of Paranoia players, a complete, non-published adventure entitled 'Just Because Youre Paranoid...'
Click Here Holdy
104 The Electric Playground 'A few
'A few minor annoyances, like poor enemy AI and some puzzles that seem almost too difficult keep it from a higher score, but if youre looking for a game you can invest some time in and not feel like you came away with nothing, welcome to Eden.'
Forbidden You Forbiddeny
105 ign 'While it
'While it wasnt 'Undying' scary, it definitely had some moments that made me jump and scream like Tal when he got his... well, nevermind. All in all, if youre a fan of this type of game, theres a good chance youll like it.' Review by Dan Adams.
Navigationshilfe Ty
106 RPGFan Review by
Review by user 'Blademaster Dezo.' [100%] 'If youre expecting a quality single player experience akin to Phantasy Star 4, then skip this title.'
Phantasy Star Encounter Reviews Random Rpgfan Episode Pso Ive Rhythm Rpgs Blademaster Preview Media Stories Sega Evoland Id Pinkal Podcasts
107 Gaming Age Review, by
Review, by Ernie Halal: 'If youre looking for a portable party game and want to play competitively with other GBA owners, Sonic Battle fits the bill.' [Grade: C]
108 Gaming Age Review, by
Review, by Ernie Halal: 'If youre looking for a portable party game and want to play competitively with other GBA owners, Sonic Battle fits the bill.' [Grade: C]
109 The Electric Playground 'The safe
'The safe move is to rent it. If youre in love after fighting with the first few characters, then you can commit.' Review by Jason Maclsaac with screen shots and score [6/10].
Forbidden You Forbiddeny
110 IGN - Panzer General III: Scorched Earth Review by
Review by Stephen Butts, [7.9/10]. 'If youre a fan of turn-based games or the Second World War (and who doesnt like the war?) then PGIII is definitely worth your attention.'
111 Armchair Empire Review [9.2/10] Reviewed
[9.2/10] Reviewed by: Stefan Shetty. 'Whether youre a casual racing fan or hardcore, [it] is worthy use of your free time.' Includes screenshots. (Playstation 2)
112 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Justin Raymond, [8.1/10]. 'If youre looking for a mech title that isnt quite like most others out there - or just a fun action title, perhaps - do not pass this up.'
Navigationshilfet Y
113 GamingNexus - Review Review, by
Review, by Matt Mirkovich: 'If youre a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh and want to play the game the way it is meant to be played then this is the way to go.' [Score: 7.9 out of 10]
Disqus Powered Charlie Articles Review Kings Twitch Menu Speed Xbox Gamingnexus Profile Sinhaseni
114 IGN - Review (Xbox) Review, by
Review, by Vincent Lopez: 'Its just like a cartoon, one where youre stuck playing the coyote.' [Score: 6.5 out of 10]
115 GameSpot [8.3/10] Reviewed
[8.3/10] Reviewed by: Justin Calvert. '...its difficult not to wonder about the games longevity--particularly if youre likely to be playing it alone rather than with friends.' Also includes screenshots, hints, downloads, and reader reviews. (Playstation 2)
Xbox Pc Reviews News Gamespot Ps Rally Colin Mcrae Wii Discussion Sign New Features Codemasters Ds Previews Community Help
116 ign 'I cant
'I cant think of a game thats made me feel so much suspense and freaked me out as much. If youre looking for a deep, chilling shooter with a lot of weapon and spell variety, you should be very happy with, as well as horrified by, Clive Barkers Undying.'
117 GameSpot Xbox review
Xbox review by Greg Kasavin, 91%. 'Its one of the only Star Wars games to truly make you feel at times as though youre a key player in and a part of this unique and beloved sci-fi setting.'
Request Nginxz
118 Reviewed By:
Reviewed By: Bryn Williams, [3/5]. 'Microsofts latest Xbox platformer will make you want to stick pins into your head -- a good thing, in case youre wondering!'
Vince Voodoo Release Date Developer Microsoft Beep Gamespy Industries Page Publisher Reviews Beepindustries Entertainment Violence Forum Dateseptember Williams
119 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Tim McConnaughy (Score: 68/100). 'If youre the type of console RPG player that wants combat and nothing else, Grandia Xtreme may be for you. For everyone else, wait until the price drops.' Includes screen shots.
120 GameSpot Shane Satterfield
Shane Satterfield review for PC [6.7/10] includes screenshots and movies. 'If youre tired of playing through Medal of Honor or Metal Gear Solid, it provides temporary relief.'
Request Nginxz
121 PlanetDreamcast Review [8.5/10].
Review [8.5/10]. '...[I]f youre looking for an accurate match-up between the two companies, forget it. For the rest of us though, Capcom just delivers some good, old-school 2-D fighting action, and we all need some of that.' Includes screen shots.
122 GameSpot Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Stephen Poole, 7.7/10. 'If youre looking to immerse yourself in a finely honed Star Trek game world - or if you just like plenty of action - then The Fallen is definitely worth checking out.'
Comicvine Vpnabnormal Giant Human We Bombdetected Gamespot Traffic Most
123 GameZone (Xbox) Review, by
Review, by Justin Raymond: 'The newest BMX title to appear on the Xbox might not be your cup of tea unless youre very eccentric about the sport.' [Score: 7.3 out of 10]
124 Game Revolution Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Brian, B+. 'So the Star Trek series has created another above-average game. If youre a DS9 fan, this is a good one.'
Cheats Xbox Star Faq Playstation Nintendo Evil Ps Games Pc Game Space Fallen Konami Iphone Fallout Mad Arkham Great Missions Review
125 GameZone (Xbox) Review, by
Review, by Justin Raymond: 'The newest BMX title to appear on the Xbox might not be your cup of tea unless youre very eccentric about the sport.' [Score: 7.3 out of 10]
126 - Review (GameCube) Review, by
Review, by Adam Pavlacka: 'Barely worth a purchase even if youre a hardcore fan of the movie.' [Score: 54 out of 100]
Nemo Finding Date Developer Release Nemo_ Tales Gamespy Disney Studios Interactive Travellers Gamecube Reviews Travellerstales Cheats Entertainment Wikis
127 GameSpy - Review Review, by
Review, by Steve Steinberg: 'If youre willing to put in the time, youll be rewarded with an extremely deep game.' [Score: 90 out of 100]
Navigationshilfe Ty
128 IGN - Review (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by David Zdyrko: 'Just because you love both The Simpsons and Crazy Taxi, doesnt mean youre going to like this game.' [Score: 5.1 out of 10]
Navigationshilfe Ty
129 Mr. Bills Adventureland Review Review and
Review and walkthrough. 'If you like LucasArts games like Monkey Island or Indiana Jones, youre going to love this little gem.'
Amazon Adventureland Queen Bills Available Review Places Games Russell Flight Cd Jones Here Drive Recommended Hard Hans Monkey
130 IGN Review, by
Review, by David Zdyrko: 'If youre looking for a quick fishing fix that offers a lot of action-oriented fun, you cant really go wrong with Take 2s Action Bass.' [Score: 5 out of 10]
131 IGN Review, by
Review, by David Zdyrko: 'If youre looking for a quick fishing fix that offers a lot of action-oriented fun, you cant really go wrong with Take 2s Action Bass.' [Score: 5 out of 10]
132 Game Zone Online [8.9/10] Reviewed
[8.9/10] Reviewed by: Angelina Sandoval. '...the game to buy if youre looking for rally racing done right.' Includes screenshots. (Xbox)
133 All-Reviews Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Tom Allen, score 2/4. 'If youre still in elementary school, Mario Party is just the ticket. If not, wait for Super Mario 64 II.'
Mario Party Videogame Games Video Music Reviewer Reviewscom Contact Game Nintendo Rating Review Amazoncom Movies Policy Role Other Stars
134 GameSpy Review, by
Review, by Bryan Stratton: 'If you own a PSP and crave only the most basic match-three gameplay for your morning commute, 7 Wonders might be what youre looking for, but do yourself a favor and at least take Puzzle Quest for a test drive first.' [Score: 2.5 out of 5]
Wonders Release Review Lava Dateapril Developer Gamespy Reviews Ancient Psp Page Consensus Articles Wonders_ Genre Ds
135 GamePro [4/5] Review
[4/5] Review with screen shots and system requirements. 'If youre patient and spend a good amount of time playing against the AI bots, your enjoyment of Tribes 2 will increase tenfold.'
Windows Pcworld Drives Hardware Idg Video Channel Consumer Pc Software Videos Servers Digital Advice Printers Community Resources Learn Viruses Newsletters
136 GameSpot 'Puts a
'Puts a unique twist on the current trend in skateboarding games. If youre a fan of the genre looking for something new, AirBlade fits the bill.' Review by Ryan Davis with screen shots.
Detected Human Webomb Gamespot Giant Abnormalmost Vpn Traffic Comicvine
137 GameSpy Review, by
Review, by Bryan Stratton: 'If you own a PSP and crave only the most basic match-three gameplay for your morning commute, 7 Wonders might be what youre looking for, but do yourself a favor and at least take Puzzle Quest for a test drive first.' [Score: 2.5 out of 5]
Wonders Release Lava Review Gamespy Dateapril Developer Psp Page Reviews Ancient Consensus Publishermumbojumbo Mumbojumbo Articles Publisher
138 GameZone Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Louis Bedigian, [7.5/10]. 'Due to its slower-paced gameplay and the large amount of walking, talking, buying and selling youre required to do, action-lovers should probably look elsewhere.' [Xbox]
Navigationshilfe Ty
139 Gaming Age 'With over
'With over 30 warriors to choose from, and over 30 maps, this game will take a while to get old. No matter how you play this game though, youre sure to have a blast.' Review by Brian Peterson with score [A-].
140 GameSpy Xbox Review, by
Review, by David Chapman: 'If youre a Ford enthusiast and you own an Xbox, then this game easily offers up enough for you to consider it a must-have disc.' [Score: 2.5 out of 5]
Racing Ford Release Razorworks Date Developer Gamespy Games Interactive Reviews Publisher Page Everyone Empire Older Privacy
141 Gamezilla Review Rated 95%
Rated 95% by Chris Taormina. 'Whether youre looking for a good adventure, or just a good laugh, beautiful animation, or great sound, theres something for everyone in this game.'
142 Realm of Gaming Reviewed by
Reviewed by Dane, [9/10]. 'Once or twice through Enter the Matrix will be enough to enjoy the variety and experience a true Matrix video game, its just that once youre done with that, youll probably have had enough.'
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143 Sim Horsey This is
This is a cyber horse game where you can make all your dreams of horse ownership come true. While youre here you can buy, sell, show, race and train horses.
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144 GameSpy GBA Preview, by
Preview, by Bryn Williams: 'Its really hard to say if ElectroPlankton will ever make it over to the Western world, but if it does, and youre looking for something very different for the DS, I highly recommend tracking down ElectroPlankton and going nuts.'
Foundhostidnqdpdktsiilrvckms+b+bvbuyxudhjjwbfuctpuodcqoget+qihdbcd Nosuchkey Key Messagecode Navigationshilfe Requestid
145 HonestGamers Review, by
Review, by honestgamer: 'Some people get it and some dont. If youre one who does, then you wont easily find an experience more magical than this one. Factor in how long itll all remain fresh and you have a clear winner.' [Score: 9 out of 10]
146 GameSpot 'Manhunt is
'Manhunt is shaping up to be a disturbing and unique game in its own right. It should definitely be worth a look, provided youre not easily unsettled or have an aversion to blood.' Review by Ricardo Torres with screenshots and user scores.
Human We Trafficvpn Bomb Most Comicvinegiant Gamespot Detected Abnormal
147 HonestGamers Review, by
Review, by honestgamer: 'Some people get it and some dont. If youre one who does, then you wont easily find an experience more magical than this one. Factor in how long itll all remain fresh and you have a clear winner.' [Score: 9 out of 10]
148 GameSpot Review (PlayStation) Rated 4.4/10
Rated 4.4/10 by Miguel Lopez. 'If youre dead set on experiencing this title, youd be better off going with the N64 version, or maybe even wait for the Dreamcast release.' 20 screen shots. Reader reviews.
Giant Trafficdetected Vpn Human We Gamespotabnormal Most Bomb Comicvine
149 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Scott Osborne [83/100]. 'If youre up to its challenges, Steel Beasts offers an accurate, involving, and rewarding simulation of modern tank warfare.' Includes screen shots.
Navigationshilfet Y
150 [79/100] Reviewed
[79/100] Reviewed by: Andy Eddy. 'While suffering at the hands of some glitches and foibles...offers deep gameplay and lots of bonus content -- if youre patient enough.' Includes screenshots. (Xbox)
151 GameSpy Reviewed by
Reviewed by Matt Peckham, [4.5/5]. 'If youre looking for a lengthy (as in 100+ hours) RPG that blends quick and dirty gameplay with heaping plates of detail and sophisticated character development, no one else comes close to this series.'
Release Divinity_ Review Larian Beyond Studios Date Developer Divinity Interactive Gamespy Page Reviews Publisher Gamestats Entertainment Follow Y
152 GamePro Review, by
Review, by FourEyeDragon: 'All told, this ATV runs its course as another Offroad game. If youre into this type of genre, then youll be slightly intrigued. For the rest of us, wait for another extreme sportster to reach the PSP.' [Score: 2.5 out of 5]
Windows Idg Hardware Drives Pcworld Business Software Digital Tablets Consumer Ultrabooks Printers Mobile Reviews Security Components Cards Permissions Processors New
153 GamePro Review, by
Review, by FourEyeDragon: 'All told, this ATV runs its course as another Offroad game. If youre into this type of genre, then youll be slightly intrigued. For the rest of us, wait for another extreme sportster to reach the PSP.' [Score: 2.5 out of 5]
Windows Drives Idg Pcworld Hardware Laptops Channel Servers Advice Accessories Ultrabooks Subscribe Tablets Mobile Printers Business Hub Contact
154 'If youre
'If youre a Harry Potter fan with Buddha-like patience, youll likely love this game. The rest of the world is better off playing hooky from Hogwarts.' Review by D-Pad Destroyer with scores and screen shots.
Windows Hardware Pcworld Drives Idg Subscribe Tablets Consumer Reviews Videos Printers Mobile Video Digital Business Privacy Resources +selectedads[i]title+
155 GameBanshee [7.2/10] Review
[7.2/10] Review with screen shots. 'It is definitely a title that is good for a good dungeon romp and stress relief due to the mindless combat, but if youre looking for something with a bit more substance, then I would recommend you look elsewhere.'
Gamebanshee Forums Led Doors Astray Advertise City Gamebansheecom Has Policy Privacy Error Rss Discussion Y
156 Game Power Australia Review, by
Review, by Adam Washington: 'Unless youre a serious Sonic fan and have to have every piece of merchandise, its safe to let Sonic loose the race on N-Gage.' [Score: 5 out of 10]
157 Game Power Australia Review, by
Review, by Adam Washington: 'Unless youre a serious Sonic fan and have to have every piece of merchandise, its safe to let Sonic loose the race on N-Gage.' [Score: 5 out of 10]
Gamepowercomau Informationen Request Finden Themen Allgemeinen Speziellen Thema Htmlses=yjlptendiyntqzndgmdgnpzddzeuzftzxbvdvylmnvbshdtuzjcwztbjnmeowuljcznjmymtgwjmzratxmtyxmdkjnrhcscvhcmnojmrvbwfpbjnywlcgzxiuytlmfjnmyjuntyxyjgnmqyzmntkogmmbgfuzvhzuzgumyvpzdykeyword=token= Quelle Gesuchte Hoffensachverhalten
158 Planet Dreamcast Review, score:
Review, score: 9 out of 10. 'From the second you turn on your Dreamcast, youll realize youre stepping into a game world like no other, and you may never want to leave.' Includes screen shots.
159 Deeko - Kirby Air Ride Reviewed by
Reviewed by Pete, [8/10]. 'The game has its faults, that much is certain, but when you peel back those minor infarctions, what youre left with is a fantastic game that anyone can enjoy.'
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160 GameSpot Review by
Review by Hugo Foster, 69%. 'Terminal Velocity is the proverbial quick fix. Youll never spend twenty hours straight playing, but you will never be disappointed when youre looking for a few minutes of high-speed excitement.'
Reviews Review Xbox Gamespot News Terminal Pc Ps Wii Velocity Air Latest Sign Minutes Retro Gaming Gamerankingscom Feel
161 GameSpot Review Rated 5.5/10.
Rated 5.5/10. 'Playing Riven on the PlayStation is sort of like watching Star Wars on a 13' TV, youll get the point but youre definitely missing something.' By John Broady. Reader reviews. 5 screen shots.
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162 Gamezilla 'Theres a
'Theres a significant amount of enjoyment to be had here, if youre of the mind to find it, but the more annoying events (those with poor control) really bring the rest of the title down for me.' Reviewed by Alex Karls with screen shots and overall score [72/100].
163 Stuff Magazine: FlatOut Rated [6.5/10].
Rated [6.5/10]. 'Like a late-night hookup with the town floozy, this game might look promising when you take it home, but trust us, the next morning youre going to wonder why this disc is snuggled up inside your Xbox. Rent.'
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164 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Russell Garbutt, with screen shots. 'Although some of the higher levels will cause you to rip your hair out in frustration, there is no reason not to pick up this title if youre looking for some accessible rhythm-based fun with a scathing soundtrack.' Score: 80 out of 100.
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165 GameSpot Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Andrew Park, [4.2/10]. 'Unless you happen to like frustration, or you love Batman fanatically, or both, youre better off leaving Batman: Vengeance alone.' Also includes downloads, movies, and news.
Xbox Pc Reviews Gamespot News Ps Batman Vengeance Wii Ubisoft Trailers Features Sign New Off Association Join
166 'So long
'So long as youre the type of player to go willy-nilly into the void without once attempting to actually play the game, you could probably have a lot of fun playing the game.' Review by Gil Landi with score [6.0] and screen shots.
167 - Review (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by Avi Fryman: '...overall this game remains thoroughly addictive and is worth picking up if youre interested in a fun diversion with a reasonable shelf life.' [Score: 4.0 out of 5]
Sims Bustin Maxis Release Gamespy Arts Developer Date Reviews Page Publisher Cheats Electronic Out_ Humor Only Datedecember Impact_
168 - Review (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by Avi Fryman: '...overall this game remains thoroughly addictive and is worth picking up if youre interested in a fun diversion with a reasonable shelf life.' [Score: 4.0 out of 5]
Sims Bustin Maxis Release Arts Developer Date Gamespy Reviews Page Electronic Publisher Cheats Out_ Mild Forum Around Network Simulationrelease Aerosmith_
169 IGN [7.0/10] Reviewed
[7.0/10] Reviewed by Fergus Poole. 'If youre in the thick of hours of Roller Coaster Tycoon, and think you still have hours more to go, the Expansion Pack adds some nice functionality and some interesting scenarios.'
170 1UP Review, by
Review, by Jennifer Tsao: 'So whether youre looking for a real intellectual workout or just hoping to move to the next level of brain training, sign up for Big Brain Academy and get crackin!' [Score: 9 out of 10]
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171 By: Trent
By: Trent C. Ward, [8.9/10]. 'If youre a hard core strategy fan whos into world building, youll have a hard time finding a game that will keep you more entertained than this remarkable product.'
172 1UP Review, by
Review, by Jennifer Tsao: 'So whether youre looking for a real intellectual workout or just hoping to move to the next level of brain training, sign up for Big Brain Academy and get crackin!' [Score: 9 out of 10]
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173 'If youre
'If youre looking for a fresh and vibrant experience, its visuals will please your eyes, its soundtrack and story provide formidable foundation and filigree, culminating in a soaring epic.' Review by Christian Nutt with overall score [86] and screenshots.
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174 - Review [75/100] By
[75/100] By Gerald Villoria. 'No matter what sort of terrain youre racing on, youll find yourself wrestling with the controls more than the environment, which is the games only flaw, albeit a glaring one.' Includes screen shots.
Rally Release Games Eden Date Gamespy Developer Page Infogrames Reviews Cheats Everyone Genre Sweden United Particularlyserious Entertainmentgames Review
175 IGN Review by
Review by Vincent Lopez. 'With more depth and an actual racing engine there could have been some fun gaming, but instead youre left with a short, simple, and fluffy affair thats best kept on the consoles, where bright eyed electric mice and magical plumbers are par for the course.' [6.2/10]
176 Game Revolution 'Maximo: Ghosts
'Maximo: Ghosts to Glory is a great next-gen trip down memory lane. It looks good and had some fun enemies to trounce. But if youre not from the old school, make sure you rent before running outside in your best pair of boxers.' Review by G-Wok with score.
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177 Electric Playground Review, by
Review, by Victor Lucas: 'Unless youre the most diehard football fanatic on the planet and you consider it your duty to the NFL to pick up every single officially licensed product on the shelves, Id keep extremely wide of NFL Xtreme 2.' [Score: 5 out of 10]
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178 Gamezilla: Poseidon Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Brian Crecente, [Fans Only]. 'This budget add-on ... is well worth the loot if youre into city builders or have grown tired of watching your Greeks amble about their land-locked Italian province.'
179 GamingWorld X: Preview Preview by
Preview by Craig Harwood. 'If youre a fan of strategy RPGs and love a long battle across dusty plains and grassy hillsides, then this is the game youve been waiting for.'
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180 Hardcode Gaming reader review [6/10] Reviewed
[6/10] Reviewed by Decimus. 'If you played Parappa, this game comes highly recommended. Its also worth a try if youre in the mood for something completely different than the usual gaming trite.'
181 Review of
Review of GameCube version by Kevin Murphy. Includes screen shots. 'If youre looking for a great soccer game, you cant go wrong with FIFA Soccer 2003.' Score: 85 out of 100.
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182 IGN Review by
Review by Stephen Butts, 82%. 'If youve got the patience to become familiar with all the controls, and youre willing to work within the framework of a team, and youve got the chance to train and drill with a squad, then Allegiance can be very rewarding.'
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183 - Review Review by
Review by Raymond Padilla: 'Animal Crossing is conceptually brilliant, yet still accessible to all gamers. Its a bit strange and a bit demanding, but if youre willing to invest in it, the rewards are plenteous.' [Score: 84 out of 100]
184 GameSpot PC [8.2/10] Reviewed
[8.2/10] Reviewed by Ron Dulin. 'The only real problem with Loopy Landscapes is that it doesnt add two much-needed elements to RollerCoaster Tycoon: a free-for-all mode in which youre not constrained by scenario objectives, and a means of controlling the game speed.'
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185 - Review Review, by
Review, by Hector Guzman: 'After the initially amusing introduction, youre thrust into the stumpy body of everybodys favorite fluffy-moustache quivering plumber.' [Score: 94 out of 100]
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186 Kobolds Ate My Baby! Publishers site
Publishers site for the 'Beer and Pretzels Role-Playing Game' set in a town thats been ravaged and pillaged from a nearby tribe of Kobolds. This time, youre the devilish little critters.
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187 GameZone - Review Review, by
Review, by Eduardo Zacarias: 'If youre a fan of Digimon and love a good fighting game, you cant go wrong with Battle Spirit--although the battles could get pretty dull after awhile.' [Score: 7.0 out of 10]
188 Gamers Hell (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by M. Cobussen: 'Some events are a lot of fun and will have you pushing hard for that world record that youre so close to, but youll lose interest in other events in a manner of minutes.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
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189 PlanetPS2 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Ben Turner [67/100]. 'Some people still enjoy the outdated and arguably unfair rules of Gradius, and if youre one of them, then youll probably enjoy this package a great deal.' Includes screen shots.
190 - Review Review, by
Review, by Hector Guzman: 'After the initially amusing introduction, youre thrust into the stumpy body of everybodys favorite fluffy-moustache quivering plumber.' [Score: 94 out of 100]
191 Reviewed by
Reviewed by David Cassady and Debra McBride (78/100). 'If youre looking for blisteringly fast paced four-player racing action, Mad Dash Racing is a keeper.' Includes screen shots.
192 Gamers Hell (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by M. Cobussen: 'Some events are a lot of fun and will have you pushing hard for that world record that youre so close to, but youll lose interest in other events in a manner of minutes.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
Games Videos Downloads Star Reviews Rage News Fist Armageddon North Cheats Duty Call Wii Gears Borderlands Ops Tom Killzone Collection
193 IGN (Dreamcast) Review, by
Review, by Anthony Chau: 'As much fun as I had, Maximum Pool isnt a game I would own, and unless youre dying for the next game of virtual 8-ball, its unlikely that readers will be interested in this game.' [Score: 7.8 out of 10]
Navigationshilfet Y
194 IGN (Dreamcast) Review, by
Review, by Anthony Chau: 'As much fun as I had, Maximum Pool isnt a game I would own, and unless youre dying for the next game of virtual 8-ball, its unlikely that readers will be interested in this game.' [Score: 7.8 out of 10]
Z Navigationshilfe Y
195 GameSpy N-Gage Review, by
Review, by Thomas Flint: 'While Requiem of Hell isnt Diablo or Baldurs Gate, it is the only title of this type on N-Gage right now. So, if youre desperate for an action RPG this is it until something better appears on the horizon.' [Score: 2 out of 5]
Navigationshilfet Y
196 GameSpot Review, by
Review, by Jeff Gerstmann: 'People that are totally hooked on unlockables will find a lot of dudes to unlock here, and if youre an absolute fiend for cooperative gameplay, its nice that the game offers it up, even though youll only get about two hours of content.' [Score: 5.2 out of 10]
Reviews Xbox Gamespot Review Ps Pc News Wii Sign Battle Street Spikeout Latest Log Guides Features
197 All About N-Gage Review, by
Review, by Ewan: 'So Pathway to Glory... youre a Mega-Game. The first in the history of the N-Gage. Go forth and bask in the glory.' [Score: 90%]
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198 All About N-Gage Review, by
Review, by Ewan: 'So Pathway to Glory... youre a Mega-Game. The first in the history of the N-Gage. Go forth and bask in the glory.' [Score: 90%]
199 GameSpot: Wario Land 4 (GBA) Review by
Review by Shane Satterfield, [8.7/10]. 'If youre looking for a quality 2D platformer for your Game Boy Advance, look no further than Wario Land 4.'
Reviews Xbox Gamespot Review Pc Wario Turtlethetaffer Ps Land News Wii Sign Latest Nintendo Releases Connection U Cheats
200 GameSpot Review by
Review by Tahsin Shamma, [7.6/10]. 'if you love the board game, youre going to want this version. And if you havent played the board game, buy this instead.'
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42 Youre Out! John is
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Review says the movie isnt quite as bad as some critics have said. Still, recommends skipping it unless youre a fan of science fiction. Rated 2/5.
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45 Graham Coxon: Youre So Great A fan
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48 Addeas Youre Under Arrest Page Contains character
Contains character profiles, wallpapers, image galleries, sound files, information on the TV series and movie, and episode guide.
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49 Supercharged Grinch Musical rendition
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Review by Marty Apes. 'Unless youre a true fan, theres no reason to run out and buy it, but this DVD is definitely worth a rental, both as a movie and as a disc.'
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Review by Ryan Schreiber, rated 7.9. 'This makes for a great listen when youre aching for some electro- kitsch.'
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59 Dragons Den UK Review, by
Review, by Andrew Saroch: 'If youre not expecting a deep examination into Asias politics then Purple Storm is an absorbing and emotionally charged action-thriller that does more than just pass the time.' [Score: 4 out of 5]
60 In Film Australia: V for Vendetta It’s a
It’s a film that provokes excitement, for sure, but championing the film’s philosophies is a bit like psyching yourself up for a fight without knowing who or what youre really fighting for. By Luke Buckmaster.
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Fanzine review by Irving Bellemead. 'Youre not going to get the urge to actually do anything while listening to these tracks, but you might just drift off into some strange, dark dreamland...'
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Johns review: 'With a down-to-earth feel and a honest message, Kendall makes you feel like youre listening to the thoughts and feelings of a friend.' Includes audio clips.
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69 Flipside Movie Emporium: Dear Frankie Movie Review At its
At its heart lies a very sweet concept, but one thats easily poked to pieces if youre inclined to do so. Review by Sean OConnell.
70 The Flick Filosopher: Dear Frankie Director Shona
Director Shona Auerbach and writer Andrea Gibb have found all sorts of ways to depict tender moments of unspoken love and the wisdom and sweetness of children and will require at least four hankies if youre anything like me. By MaryAnn Johanson.
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71 In Music We Trust - Nextdoorland Album review
Album review by Alex Steininger, rated B+. 'You cant help want, maybe even expect, Underwater Moonlight II. Youre not going to get it, but Nextdoorland is a suitable follow-up twenty plus years later, and a good album to boot.'
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73 Irish Modes and the 'D' Tin Whistle This article
This article adds notation and whistle tablature to its clearly-written text to explain what exactly musical modes are, which modes youre likely to find in Irish music, and how to play them on 'D' tin whistles.
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74 Maybe One Day - A Draco/Hermione Fanlist About Draco
About Draco and Hermione shippings. This website is a 'fanlisting', or also known as a place for D/H pairing fanatics. If youre a D/H fan, then you sign up to be part of that list of all the other devotees. The bad-mannered, contemptuous, Draco Malfoy and the brilliant yet bold Hermione Granger are characters who belong to J.K Rowling in the book series 'HARRY POTTER'.
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75 The Ecleftic: 2 Sides II a Book: Review 'Clefs second
'Clefs second solo album, The Ecleftic: 2 Sides II a Book, is the most pleasingly direct yet musically adventurous hip-hop long-player youre likely to hear all year.' Album review by Kris Ex. [ Rating : 4 / 5 ]
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77 Beowulf Meets Girl, Girl Meets Troll. Eeew. Its intended
Its intended as a cautionary tale about needless military intervention, as well as a commentary on the danger of making sweeping moral assumptions in foreign policy -- especially when dealing with trolls. The problem is, when you blur the moral lines of the Beowulf saga, youre left with nothing but a bunch of drunks in animal skins, scratching themselves. By Mick LaSalle.
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