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CoCos Peace Page

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Best entries for Peace and Message

1 Pinups for Peace Beauties of
Beauties of the world - go out there and spread the message of peace with a smile.
2 John Denver Memorial Peace Cloth Photos, tour
Photos, tour information, and history of tapestry created by thousands of people from around the world as a visible expression of the late singers message of peace.
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3 Peerpeace Site created
Site created as a class project to promote the students visions of peace. Promotes peace in every person and every country. Articles, guest book, list of peacemakers, advice, and message board.
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4 Blondes for Peace Bringing an
Bringing an anti-war message of peace through humor. Provides world news stories on anti-war movements and links to petition and action sites.
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5 World Peace Flame Organizes peace
Organizes peace forums and world peace flame monuments throughout the world and gives people the tools to make peace a part of daily life. History of peace flame, events, news, techniques, and resources for creating peace.
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6 North Texas for Justice and Peace Dallas-based group
Dallas-based group promotes peaceful alternatives to war by calling public demonstrations, sponsoring educational forums and debates, and participating in activities that promote peace. Calendar of events and message board.
7 PeaceButtons.Com Sells peace
Sells peace buttons in different colors and designs. Contains pricing and ordering information, ways to wage peace, history of the peace symbol, and peace resources.
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8 Multicultural Buddhists for Peace Buddhist people
Buddhist people of color multicultural interfaith message board and speakers bureau sponsoring diversity in the heart of Americans to achieve peace, religious tolerance, heal racism, end violence, and alleviate poverty.
9 FootPrints for Peace Group organizes
Group organizes running and walking pilgrimages based on native tradition of carrying a message of peace by foot. Includes information on past and future events, photo library, ways to contribute, and contact information.
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10 The Peace Company Offer a
Offer a wide range of peace merchandise and training for building a more peaceful world. Publishes 'The Peace Book' and other titles. Offers consulting services and Peace Leadership Institute training programs.
11 Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition Hosts local
Hosts local events for peace and also publicizes local and national peace efforts. Reports of past and upcoming events, peace quotes, and links to related sites.
12 Peace On Earth - Its In Our Hands Thoughts on
Thoughts on peace and how to achieve it. Includes links to connect with others working for peace.
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13 peace and tolerance in the middle east the essence
the essence of peace is to merge two opposites. all we are saying, give peace a chance!
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14 Global Peace Info Provides a
Provides a peace email to forward to friends, commentary, and steps to take towards world peace.
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15 Planet Peace Organizations can
Organizations can raise funds and promote peace by selling peace badges.
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16 Peace Pagoda An interfaith
An interfaith monument to peace, built in 1993, hosts peace activities and prayer walks. It is also home to a Buddhist nun.
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17 Peace Things Offers peace
Offers peace symbol apparel, flags, and buttons, and related gifts. Includes blog, suggested reading list, and links to peace sites.
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18 Peace Builder A rowdy
A rowdy and ribald woman researcher and writer. Everything related to peace in any way is fair game. Focus on geopolitical impacts of events on women and peace. U.S. perspective.
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19 World Peace Herald An on-line
An on-line news publication covering issues that affect peace, World Peace Herald targets English-speaking readers worldwide who want to follow the issues standing in the way of peace.
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20 CoCos Peace Page Here folks
Here folks can feel free to post up shout outs, letters, statements, and testimonials that center around the concept of peace. Peace messages are posted as received.
Peace Message Page Words Poem East Go Statement Thoughts Biggie Article Tribute Davey West Short Various
21 Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition Group of
Group of people living and working in Bryn Mawr host local events for peace and also publicize local and national peace efforts. Reports of past and upcoming events, peace quotes, and links to related sites.
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22 History of Peace Movements Archived site
Archived site profiles individuals and groups throughout history who have fought for peace. Links to articles, speeches, essays, and art about world peace.
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23 The Peace Trench Coat Goal is
Goal is to provoke thought and provide links and information for readers to take further action by supporting organizations that promote peace efforts. Explores mystery of discovered coat with peace sign design.
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24 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Southaven, Mississippi.
Southaven, Mississippi. Worship schedule, pastoral message, location, and contacts.
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25 North Texas Peace Corps Association (NTPCA) An organization
An organization of returned Peace Corps volunteers and friends of Peace Corps in the Dallas and Fort Worth area.
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26 SoYouWanna join the Peace Corps? This article
This article provides all the information you need to know about joining the Peace Corps, including what the Peace Corps do, the application process, how to pack, and how to stick it out during the rough times.
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27 Dear Mr President: Words of Resistance, Reason, and Peace Features letters
Features letters to the U.S. President urging him to pursue peace and non-violence instead of war in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Also provides suggestions for activism and letter-writing, as well as quotations on war and peace.
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28 International Peace Light Annual Peace
Annual Peace Light from Bethlehem campaign. A light is taken to various countries to promote peace. Background to the event, downloadable publicity information, instructions on building Lantern Carriers.
29 Heavenly Peace Lutheran Fellowship Portland.
Portland. Includes contact information, worship schedule, location, and pastors message.
30 World Peace through Reverence for Life Symposium 2000
Symposium 2000 was an opportunity to spread the appeal for world peace in a very positive way. Prominent scholars, educators, and world-peace activists from various professional fields came together to introduce Schweitzer to a new generation.
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31 Business Council for Peace Group of
Group of businesswomen dedicated to helping women in regions of conflict and post-conflict build businesses to sustain their families and strengthen their abilities to foster peace. Projects, news, peace shop, and membership information.
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32 Lutheran Peace Fellowship The Lutheran
The Lutheran Peace Fellowship endowment fund is a charitable trust for the support of peace studies and action.
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More CoCos Peace Page Infos

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