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Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu

Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Review Experience Shinjinbukan Dōjō

TRADITIONAL OKINAWAN KARATE Onaga Yoshimitsu Sensei, Shinjinbukans founder, carries the oldest lineage of Karate. His teachings are based on Ti, the ancient Okinawan Martial Art, which preceded modern Karate.

Ti 手 is the ancient Okinawan martial art which preceded modern Karate Onaga Yoshimitsu Kaichō is the founder of the Shinjinbukan school in Okinawa

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Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Review Statistic generated on 2025-01-04
3 Points
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Shinjinbukan Dōjō Shibu Chō Onaga York Karate Kaichō Okinawa Yoshimitsu Jimmy Ti European Shinjinbukancom Foundation Martial Arts Karate Shorin Ryu Shinjinbukan Okinawa Karate Dō Karate Shōrin Ryu Okinawa Karate

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Okinawan Martial Arts Training covering fighting techniques, forms and weapons taught by Master Yoshihiko Shinzato
2 Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Karate Okinawan Martial
Okinawan Martial Arts Training covering fighting techniques, forms and weapons taught by Master Yoshihiko Shinzato
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3 Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu TRADITIONAL OKINAWAN
TRADITIONAL OKINAWAN KARATE Onaga Yoshimitsu Sensei, Shinjinbukans founder, carries the oldest lineage of Karate. His teachings are based on Ti, the ancient Okinawan Martial Art, which preceded modern Karate.
Shinjinbukan Dōjō Shibu Chō Onaga York Karate Kaichō Okinawa Yoshimitsu Jimmy Ti European Shinjinbukancom Foundation
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Located in Cooper City, Florida. Born in Okinawa, Japan, Master Yoshihiko Shinzato is chief instructor. Features class schedule, instructor profiles, links, style description, and contact information.
5 Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Karate of Florida Located in
Located in Cooper City, Florida. Born in Okinawa, Japan, Master Yoshihiko Shinzato is chief instructor. Features class schedule, instructor profiles, links, style description, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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