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Al Andalus

Al Andalus Review Experience Horse Andalusian

Standing 3 stallions at stud. Partbred and Aztecas for sale. Chatroom, recipes, and links to Spanish sites. Farms in California, Washington, and Oregon.

The Online Resource for the Andalusian Horse

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Horse Andalusian Pre Videos Andalus Al Iberian Riding Equestrian Trainers Quartercontents Spanish Lusitano Equestrian Breeds Andalusian Breeders North America United States Al Andalus Andalusian Azteca Andalusian Stallions Classical Riding Iberian Horse Iberian Andalusians Horses Horse Equestrian Equus Riding Caballo Spanish Horse Quarter Horse Thoroughbred Arabian Pony Pura Raza Espanol Pre Pre Tack Horse Supplies Horse Videos Videos Trainers Lusitano

Reviews and Comments for Al Andalus

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Best entries for Horse and Andalusian

1 Cambalong Andalusian Stud Breeding registered
Breeding registered pure Spanish horses, and the Australian Stock Horse. Standing Andalusian stallion, Brujo MF. History, pedigrees, and photographs.
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2 Equiberique: Andalusian, Lusitano and Lipizzan Specializing in
Specializing in traing and classical dressage with Andalusian, Lusitano and Lipizzan horse. Listing stock for sale and offering dressage lessons. Located in Montreux-Jeune, France. English, German, and French translation.
Equiberique Cavallo Horses Ibericoraca Heimann Pferde Sell Lusitanos Andalusia Spagnolo Espanola Equina Espagnols
3 Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse, The Promoting the
Promoting the Andalusian horse in North America. News, clinics, breeders book, member services, and rescue details.
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4 Yeguada Romerito - Andalusian Farm Andalusian breeder
Andalusian breeder standing bay stallion at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses.
Business Romerito Yeguada Matches Mares Stallions Template Welcome Sale Max Saturday Httpmichiganhorseexpoorg Exhibition Expoyeguadaromerito@gmailcom
5 Andalusian Horse Includes photos
Includes photos and history of the breed.
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6 Olympic Andalusians Andalusian horse
Andalusian horse breeder. Bay stallion standing at stud. Horses of all ages available for sale.
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7 Andalusian Stallions WebRing Open to
Open to owners of Andalusian and Lusitano stallions.
Navigationshilfeapache Server Portfound The Found
8 Wild Wind Andalusians Andalusian breeder.
Andalusian breeder. Provides pictures of mares and fillies, stories from shows, pedigree details, and individual horse achievements.
Pedigree Amada Manzanita Luna Eclipse Honda Odessa Caballar Cria Plata Mares Gozo Click Andalusian Hanna Berraco Youtube Video
9 Ross Andalusians Horse trainer
Horse trainer and breeder standing two Andalusian stallions. Includes breed profile, events calendar, and stable history.
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10 Cambalong Andalusian Stud Standing PRE
Standing PRE stallion Brujo MF, also registered as Australian Stock Horse. Located in New South Wales, Mid North Coast
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11 Double R Ranch Horse ranch.
Horse ranch. Andalusian breeder standing Principe RR. Details of pedigree and performance.
12 Andalusian Horse Ring Index of
Index of the sites connected through this ring.
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13 Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Inc. A rare
A rare and exclusive breed, the Spanish-Norman blends the genes of the Andalusian of Spain and the Percheron of France to re-create the phenotype of the courageous horse that thundered across the battlefields of Europe. Site offers breed profile, foundation sires, breed registration and a photo gallery.
Norman Spanish Foundation Award Form Horse Registry Point High Sire News Sires Updates Breed Registration Gallery
14 Mystique Andalusians Andalusian horse
Andalusian horse breeder. Breeder of purebreds out of National Champion mares. Referral sales list.
Andalusians Mystique Andalusian Horse Farm Trail Horses Rides Ventures Stallions Mystiques Bc Canada Mares Foals Ponies
15 Skelton Mountain Dream Ranch Andalusian horse
Andalusian horse breeder. Stallion photos, pedigrees and video clips, sales lists, mare galleries, and show results.
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16 Simanda Park Andalusian horse
Andalusian horse stud. Services, fees, photos of breeding stock, breed history, and stock for sale.
Stud Horse Iii Simanda Park Formantero Andalusian Breeding Stallion Found Perth Formatero Picture Port Found The
17 Charme Cheval Standing gray
Standing gray stallion at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Contains information on the Andalusian horse. Located in Forest Lake, Minnesota.
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18 Southwest Andalusian and Lusitano Club Club providing
Club providing seminars, training clinics, IALHA qualifying shows, breed information for Andalusian, Lusitano, Azteca, Spanish Norman, Hispano-Arab, and Iberian owners and enthusiasts. Southwest area, United States.
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19 Royal Horse Farms Andalusian breeder
Andalusian breeder offers PRE stallions at stud: Dobladillo II, Decorado, Disparo, Desdichado. Photos and pedigrees of breeding stock and stock for sale.
Rhf Sale Horses Horse Farms Royal Champion National Andalusian Pre Lineage Stallions Guerrero Mares Show Fucilazo Cen Payment
20 Riverview Equestrian Park Standing Andalusian
Standing Andalusian, Westphalian, Trakehner, and Quarter Horse stallions. Includes photos and profiles of horses. Offers boarding, training, and lessons. Located in Quesnel, British Columbia.
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21 Azteca Horse Registry of America, Inc. North American
North American Registry for Azteca and Andalusian horses.
22 Spanish Horse Quest Sourcing Andalusian
Sourcing Andalusian and Lusitano horses from breeders and trainers in Spain and internationally. Includes services, sales list, and breed history, also Spanish saddlery online store. Based in the United Kingdom.
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23 Equiberia Week long
Week long horse trials in Central Spain - Avila and in Andalusia - Seville. Andalusian and Arab horses. Riding holidays in Central and Southern Spain. Spanish company. [English and French]
Spain Horse Riding Equiberia Holidays More… Horses Rides Gredos Responsible Prices Testimonials Food Dates Tourism Españoles Days
24 Narrawin Stud Breeds horses
Breeds horses including Saddlebred, Peruvian Paso, Paso Fino, Icelandic Horse, Andalusian and Paso Creole. News, horses and gear for sale, services and breed information.
Narrawin Stud Paso Gaited Occasionally Horses Pasos American Saddlebred Fino Whether Stallions Creolesaddlebreds
25 Andalusian Horse Export International broker
International broker that offers accompanied tours of farms, interpreter service, veterinary examination, judges exams. Search site by price, age, gender, training, color, and more. Offers photos, videos, height, registration status, some pedigree and show history on the horses for sale. View site in: English, Spanish, French, or Dutch. Barcelona, Spain
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26 Rancho Tres Potrillos Breeder of
Breeder of purebred Andalusian horses.
27 Ozark Andalusians Andalusian youngstock
Andalusian youngstock for sale. Located in Springdale, Arizona.
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28 El Rancho Fe Andalusian and
Andalusian and Azteca horses for sale, as well as owners biography and location information.
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29 Moonstruck Meadows Breeder of
Breeder of purebred Andalusian and Hanoverian horses - breeding for dressage and temperament.
Horses Carla Moonstruck Meadows Andalusian Pre Sheltiesshetland Sheepdogs Washington Vancouver Shown Standard Usa Poodles Breeder Since
30 Rivas Andalusians Breeding, imports
Breeding, imports and sales of pure Spanish Andalusian horses from Spain.
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31 Sunsinger Andalusians Andalusian breeder
Andalusian breeder offers one stallion at stud. Photos of breeding stock, pedigrees.
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32 Dragonwood Farm Andalusian breeder.
Andalusian breeder. Site includes photos of breeding stock, and purebreds for sale.
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More Al Andalus Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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