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Breeders Experience


1 Goldendoodle Dandies Pet Breeders
Broken Arrow
We are a small family ran “hobby breeder” that is rapidly becoming one of the best known international champion pedigreed... Goldendoodle Dandies English Cream Jana Teddy By Leave Goldendoodles Standard March Our Mini Romeo Dandie
1 Breeders World Online livestock
Online livestock breeders directory with hog breeders, upcoming shows and sales, breed association information, and hog supplies and services.
2 Central States Beefmaster Breeders Association A satellite
A satellite association of the Beefmaster Breeders United and is composed of breeders of registered Beefmaster cattle, though many of these cattlemen also produce quality commercial Beefmasters.
Hosting Found Affordable Error Been Looking Changed Might Unavailable Web Reliableweb Solutions Bluehostcom Filetemporarily
3 Breeders World Online livestock
Online livestock breeders directory with sheep, cattle, and hog breeders, upcoming shows and sales, livestock breed association information, and sheep, cattle, and hog supplies and services.
4 Alpaca Breeders of Western Pennsylvania Showcasing farms
Showcasing farms, alpacas for sale and services to breeders.
5 Online information
Online information source for dairy goat breeders including a breeders list and free classified ads.
Content Main Forgot Jump Menu Joomla Joomlar Login User Searchnavigationsearch Formsource Remember Powered
6 Wild Fibers Magazine Quarterly journal
Quarterly journal for wool breeders, spinning mills and yarn processors. Directory of breeders and retail shops.
7 Missouri Miniature Donkey Breeders ASSociation The Missouri
The Missouri Miniature Donkey Breeders ASSociation is a non-profit organization consisting of Miniature Donkey breeders and enthusiasts.
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8 The Alpaca Stud Bowford Alpacas
Bowford Alpacas, one of the larger breeders of Huacayas and Suris in Europe supporting new and small breeders. 25 stud males.
9 Garden State Sheep Breeders Breeders of
Breeders of Tunis sheep, in addition to California Reds, Lincolns and Hampshires. Gift items also available on their website. Located in New Jersey.
Information Error Services Page Help Administrative Product Open Setup File Common Customfound Click
10 Boer Goat Breeders Listing of
Listing of owners and breeders of Boer goats in Texas and other places too.
Here Support Browserthemclick Doesntcontinue Page Uses
11 Canadian Finnsheep Breeders Association Includes information
Includes information about Finnsheep and a members/breeders list.
12 Mini Corn Patch Farm Midwest breeders
Midwest breeders of miniature zebu. Very few web pages of this breed. A promising young bull should mature at 32 inches. Breeders of miniature donkeys also.
13 Breeders World Sheep Directory Sheep breeders
Sheep breeders listing of club lamb producers, sheep sales, breed associations, and an informative bulletin board.
Parent Directory Meettheteamhtml Termshtmlsalereps Cabanisscatalogpdf Whatisbwhtml Transporationhtml Apache Sheep Icontacthtml Saletrackerhtml Linkshtml
14 Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America (ISBONA) Information about
Information about Icelandic sheep including the breed standard and a breeders list.
Sheep Breeders Icelandic Isbona Listing America North Contacts Facts Resources Wool Fleece Fiber Breed Mail
15 Australian Brahman Breeders Association Primary Australian
Primary Australian breeders association -- site offers breed information, members directory, industry newsletters, and online public-sale catalogues.
16 Carlolinas Brahman Breeders Association Brahaman Association
Brahaman Association in the Southwest. Members are Brahman breeders from North and South Carolina
Domain Hosting Marketing Web Network Solutions Services Names Website Registration Go Businesses Helps| Host
17 Alberta Sheep Breeders Association The source
The source for information on the various sheep breeds available and how to contact purebred breeders in Alberta, Canada.
18 Quail Breeders Web Ring Sites of
Sites of quail breeders and hobbyists.
19 Longhorn Salepen This site
This site serves as a central site for Texas Longhorn breeders to market their quality Longhorn cattle. It offers bulletin boards to showcase the animals and includes descriptions of the breeders programs.
Longhorn Cattle Sale Texas Spotlight Member Ranch Ranches List Longhorns Become Rates Registered Here Pen Step Questions
20 Cattle Breeders Directory Online Purebred
Online Purebred Cattle Breeders Directory with a emphasis on Simmental & Simbrah.
Cattle Breeders Directory Angus Purebred Beef Limousin Anjou Maine Simmental Charolais Simbrah Cows Beefalo Beefmaster Piedmontese Salethese Available Wagyu_
21 Cattle Breeders Directory Online Purebred
Online Purebred Cattle Breeders Directory with a emphasis on Simmental & Simbrah.
22 West Elm Farm- Icelandic Sheep breeders Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic Sheep with sheep and fiber for sale, also Pilgrim Geese. Located in Pembroke, MA.
Farm Elm Westy
23 Sheep Breeders Online Directory Welcome to
Welcome to our U.S. sheep breeders directory. Add your free listing today.
24 Cattle Breeders Directory Purebred cattle
Purebred cattle breeders directory and online sale catalogs.
Cattle Breeders Angus Directory Purebred Beef Maine Limousin Anjou Charolais Simmental Simbrah Charbray Bull Beefalo Galloway Operation South
25 Cattle Breeders Directory Purebred cattle
Purebred cattle breeders directory and online sale catalogs.
26 American Galloway Breeders Association The Association
The Association represents Galloway breeders throughout America.
Galloway Cattle Beef Magyary Linda Agba Breeders Association American Design Forage Grassfed Gallway Contact Natural Joinagba
27 Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia Offers services
Offers services to Brown Swiss breeders in Australia. Features information about the breed, publications, branches, production information, industry links, membership fees and a calendar of events.
Swiss Brown Cattle Australia Breeders Digestmagazine World Contacts Awards Farmers Membershipregistration News Dairy Theirquiet Around
28 Montadale Sheep Breeders Association Montadale Sheep
Montadale Sheep -- breed information, association news, classifieds, and a breeders directory.
29 Icelandic Sheep Breeders of New England Resources for
Resources for new shepherds from the Icelandic Sheep Breeders of New Englands Small Farm Project. On farm clinics, stock lists, articles on raising Icelandic sheep, and sources for fleece, roving, and wool yarn.
Sheep Farm Icelandic Vermont Raising Morrison Corner Visit Adventures Lamb Soap Lost Outlander England Chickens Rss
30 Miniature Donkey Breeders List Free listing
Free listing of miniature donkey breeders by state or country. Free show listings. Also free classified ads for donkey related items.
Donkey Listing Miniature Gotdonkeys List Breeders Median Free Firefox Post Ads Payment Contact Ranch New Clubs Canada
31 Miniature Cattle Sale Barn A site
A site for Miniature Cattle breeders to advertise cattle, semen and embryos for sale around the world. A great place for new and established breeders to shop for new blood lines from all corners of the world.
32 Brown Swiss Breeders Association Australia Offers services
Offers services to Brown Swiss breeders in Australia, features information about Brown Swiss, publications, branches, production information, industry links, membership fees and a calendar of events.
33 New England Merino Field Days Home to
Home to the Merino breeders of New England, Australia. Including information of their field days. All breeders are OJD Status MN1 or better
34 Boer Goat and Meat Goat Information Center Directory of
Directory of Boer and meat goat information and breeders listings. The on-line magazine for boer and meat goat breeders. Also offering web site development and advertising for the agriculture industry.
Goat Goats Boer Sale Meat Apr Boersupdated Catalogslarr Show Classified Ads Ffffee Calendar Due Center Now
37 Da-Mar Holsteins Breeders located
Breeders located in Hutchinson, MN, USA.
38 Double LL Shorthorns Shorthorn breeders
Shorthorn breeders in Tennessee.
Cattle Shorthorn Tennessee Short Breeder Horn Steers Show Double | Bulls Tn Ll Sale Elaine
39 Georgia Dairy Goat Breeders Association Georgia Dairy
Georgia Dairy Goat Breeders Association
Dairy Goat Breeders Association Georgia President Hosting Khimaira Group Youth Goats Latimer Club Meetings Lawrence Desk Feeds
40 Double N Ranch Breeders located
Breeders located in Boerne, Tx.
41 goatwisdom Information and
Information and links for goat breeders.
Goat Goats Raising Ring Disease Care Beginner Random Hub Give Farming Join Treatment Look Poisoning
42 Animality Farm Breeders of
Breeders of various colors of registered animals.
43 Gottschalk Farms Shorthorn breeders
Shorthorn breeders located in Greencastle, IN.
44 Groveland Farms Breeders of
Breeders of llamas in northern Wisconsin, USA.
45 Cyder Bay Farm Breeders located
Breeders located in Mishicot, Wisconsin.
46 The Little Orchard Farm Breeders of
Breeders of white and CVM Romeldales. Located in Bow, WA.
Champion American Sheep Ewe Best Looking Wssp Pspsba Albc Romeldale Registered Registry Fiber White Oregon Felt Mutant
47 Southwind Farms Alpaca breeders.
Alpaca breeders. Located in Watertown, CT.
48 RiceTec, Inc. Breeders and
Breeders and suppliers of hybrid rice seed.
49 Oak Grove Alpacas Huacaya alpaca
Huacaya alpaca breeders in Michigan.
50 Straitside Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of polled miniature herfords.
Ranch Straitside Miniature Calves Herefords Polled Sequim Spring Olstead Nice Mini Straitside@qcom Hereford Washington Growing Future
51 Xen-AGRI Developments Ltd Software for
Software for seed breeders and distributors.
52 Leland Hayes Gamebird Publications Articles and
Articles and books for breeders.
53 Pacific Sun Alpacas Huacaya Alpaca
Huacaya Alpaca Breeders in Duncan, BC Canada.
Alpacas Canada Facts Island Vancouver Alpaca Bc Studs Ari Duncan Bloodlines Fiber Females Boys Sale Info@pacificsunalpacascom Claa
54 BHR Buzzard Hollow Ranch Simmental beef
Simmental beef cattle breeders.
55 Pacific Sun Alpacas Huacaya Alpaca
Huacaya Alpaca Breeders in Duncan, BC Canada.
Alpacas Canada Island Alpaca Facts Vancouver Studs Bc Sale Breeding Females Directions Fiber Fleece Duncan Bloodlines Registered Alpamayo Cowichan
56 Haugens Hamps Breeders of
Breeders of Hampshire sheep in Dilworth, Minnesota, USA.
Haugens Hamps Sheep Semenhampions Available Rghhamps@yahoocom Sponsoredbyclose Gone
57 The Green Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of Targhee sheep in Mellville, Montana.
58 Erdman Texels Breeders of
Breeders of Texel sheep, located in Polo, IL.
Godaddycom Instantpage Httperdmantexelscomwant [[domain]] Go Name Daddy Description Powered Seefree Yours
59 Herd Management Software Designed for
Designed for llama and alpaca breeders.
Llama Dog Tips Train How Information Types Simple Anyone Feeding Owning Buying Training Painless Own
60 Topstud Software for
Software for collecting stud data for sheep breeders.
61 Acton Farms Chiangus cattle
Chiangus cattle breeders in Lapeer, Michigan.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Visitsorry Sports Archives Longeravailable Hosting Trying Terms
62 Severn Park Merinos Commercial breeders
Commercial breeders of merino sheep.
63 Paragon Farm Breeders of
Breeders of miniature Hereford cattle in Echunga, S.A., Australia.
64 International Equine Breeders Photo sales
Photo sales site for all breeds, 3 years of age and under only.
65 The Baker Farms Angus and
Angus and Simmental cattle breeders in Northeast Missouri.
66 Lonker Herefords Breeders of
Breeders of Hereford and Red Angus cattle. Located in Kansas, USA.
67 Turkey Creek Farm Oklahoma breeders
Oklahoma breeders of Miniature Jersey cattle.
68 Little Prairie Cluns Breeders of
Breeders of Clun Forest sheep in southeastern Wisconsin.
69 Ks Heavenly Hill Pygmy goat
Pygmy goat breeders located in Sonoma, California.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Terms Inclongeravailable Sports User Games Machine Finance
70 Alpacas of Alberta Ranch Offers animals
Offers animals for sale, assistance to new breeders.
71 Alpaca Breeders Toolkit This kit
This kit is a search facility for the Australian and NZ breeding records.
72 Alpacas de la Patagonia Alpaca breeders
Alpaca breeders with farms located in both Washington and Chile.
Results Show Sale Huacaya Alpacas Patagonia Females Auction Camano Customer Parade Champions Herdsires Males Open Maiden
73 Black Acre Alpacas Alpaca breeders
Alpaca breeders in the Portland, Oregon, area.
Youre Error Happened Ever Found Feel Things Place Visitor Sure Wrongowner Z
74 Silver Rose Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of huacaya alpacas. Located in Medford, OR.
Rose Silver Ranch Alpacasz
75 Mason Suffolks Breeders of
Breeders of Champion Quality Suffolk Club Lambs.
76 Apex Show Cattle Club calf
Club calf breeders located in Dannebrog, NE.
77 Glenholme Jerseys Located in
Located in Caledon, Ontario. Breeders of several All Canadians since 1937.
78 All Animals Advertisements for
Advertisements for a variety of pet and livestock breeders, plus tack, services, and gifts.
79 Genesis Farms Breeders of
Breeders of saddle mules and performance donkeys. Ohio, USA.
80 Sugar Creek Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of donkeys and mules. Located in Pineville, MO.
Creek Ranch Sugar Sale Familiar Missouri Breeding Adms Used Those Longer Pancho Date Breed
81 Clift Livestock Breeders of
Breeders of Suffolk sheep for 17 years. Located in Central, WA.
82 Solidago Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic Sheep, located in Nottingham, New Hampshire.
83 GippFinn Finnsheep Breeders of
Breeders of Finnish Landrace sheep in Morwell, Victoria, Australia.
Finn Sheep They Finns Than Wool Australia Finnsheep Lambs Lamb Year Long Ewes Genetics Breed Texel Cross Productivity Names Toeat Each
84 Gold-Bar Livestock Canadian breeders
Canadian breeders of Red Angus located north of Guelph, Ontario.
85 Show Steers .com Information about
Information about the club calf business, including a list of breeders.
86 Bills Poultry Breeders of
Breeders of Japanese bantams with breed information and pictures. Maryland, USA.
Sign People Everything Policy Now Updated Places Lifestream Simplifying Stream Multiple Login Trademarks Account Email Bulk
87 Lewis-Riehle Southdowns Breeders of
Breeders of Southdown sheep since 1938. Located in Iowa.
88 The Creeks Edge Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic sheep in Rapid City, South Dakota.
89 Arkansas Beefmaster Breeders Association Composed of
Composed of members from several states and provides information about the breed.
90 Suttor Merino Stud Breeders of
Breeders of fine and superfine Merinos, located in Hargraves, NSW.
91 Breed Object The genetic
The genetic selection aid for breeders, buyers, and sellers of beef seedstock.
92 Cold Brook Farm Breeders of
Breeders of registered Rambouillet sheep. Located in Marathon, NY.
Farm Cold Brook Soap Wool Binghamton Information Central Sheep Ordering Ithaca York Syracuse Parties Yael Dasha Natural Pete
93 A marketing
A marketing venture of the American Breeders Co-op offering information and links to farms across the US.
Alpaca Alpacas Investment Farm Invest Love Ranch Fiber Information Breeding Wool Raising Suri Near Farms
94 Hayseed Farms Breeders of
Breeders of registered Nigerian Dwarf and Nubian goats in New York.
Zoomtrader Börseagb Anfänger Z
95 Beartooth Ranch, Columbus, MT Breeders of
Breeders of Gelbvieh and Angus cattle. Located in Montana.
Horse Riding Boarding Beartooth Ranch Pasture Association Endurance Rides Billings Ride Events Columbus Arena Horseback Join
96 Mills Family Farm Breeders of
Breeders of white Dorper Sheep. Located near Goldthwaite, TX.
97 Wolfpaca Ranch Breeders in
Breeders in Northern Illinois offering suri alpacas for sale.
98 Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Breeders of
Breeders of alpacas offering sales, breeding, and boarding. Located in Perkinsville, VT.
Cad Cas Nac Farm Alpacas Herdsires Sale Alpaca Mill Winning Fiber Studio Meat Award Contact
99 Hamblin Farms Breeders of
Breeders of registered LaMancha dairy goats. Located in Falmouth, MA, USA.
Sign Lifestream Policy Places Everything People Updated Aol Downloads Login Bulk Privacy Advertise Trademarks Aolcom
100 Weldehaven Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Fleckvieh-Simmental Cattle in Grenville, Quebec, Canada.
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101 Kensington Woodlands Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Bluefaced Leicester Sheep since 1979. Located in the UK.
102 Lil Foot Mini Ranch Collinsville, Texas
Collinsville, Texas breeders of registered miniature donkeys.
Welcome Bitsy Sire Red Itsy Stars Marias Champion Stdblogg Foot Medicine Stegall Marie Chorus Mini Reserve
103 CeleBRAYtion Acres Breeders, offering
Breeders, offering stud services. Located in Aubrey, Texas, USA.
104 Saanendoah Informative site
Informative site presented by breeders of Saanen goats in Temecula, California.
Saanendoah Joyce@saanendoahcom Deficiency Goats Best Ebcounter Resolution Near Breederscom Copper Saanen Nationalproduction Website
105 Mini Pickens Donkey Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of miniature donkeys in Terrebonne, Oregon.
106 Markes Family Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Gelbvieh cattle. Located in Waukomis, Oklahoma, USA.
107 Arvgarden Bed & Breakfast Breeders of
Breeders of Corriedale sheep on an 118 acre farm near Wellsboro, Pennsylvania.
Flock Features Farm Directions Contact Arvgården Calendar Accommodations Products Kbcooper@epixnet Wwwarvgardencom Arvgårdencom Attractions Pa Wellsboro Roadwellsboro Solutionsr Corriedale Flockproductscontact
108 Club Calf Breeders Complete list
Complete list of cattle shows & sales nationwide.
109 Breezy B Farm Breeders specializing
Breeders specializing in Tunis Sheep and Hampshires. Located in Tennessee.
110 McRoberts Game Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Pere David Deer located in Gurley, NE, USA.
111 Peaceful Pastures Breeders of
Breeders of Lincoln sheep, also offering fleeces for sale. Located in Hickman, TN.
112 BHR Buzzard Hollow Ranch Simmental beef
Simmental beef cattle breeders located in Granbury, Texas, USA.
Reference Donors Sires Click Edje Cattle Sales Ranch News Classic Here Buzzard Hollow Bhr’s Freds Bhrs
113 Morningstar Farm Breeders pf
Breeders pf purebred Nubian Dairy Goats. Located in Knappa, Oregon.
114 River Creek Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Simmental cattle and Rambouillet sheep. Located in Manhattan, KS, USA.
115 Hand Hampshires Breeders of
Breeders of Hampshire sheep who attend many fairs in the Midwest. Located in DeSoto, MO.
Hand Web Hampshires Desoto Sheep Hosting Lamb Thanks Missouri Mo Larry Saculmit Ewe Ram Free High
116 Harlow Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of Gelbvieh cattle offering bulls and heifers. Located in Richfield, KS, USA.
117 Brush-Creek-Vu Holsteins Breeders of
Breeders of registered Holstein dairy cattle. Located in Everett, PA, USA.
118 England Creek Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of fullblood and percentage South African boer goats.
Ranch England Creek Jacksonville Pierce Debbie Texas Shows Cattle Animal Please Events Current History James
119 Lake Country Saanens Breeders of
Breeders of award winning Saanen dairy goats in Minnesota.
Saanen Lake Country Goat Breeding American Dairy Goats National Milk Nsba Farm Total Winners Stock Sale Awards Sovann
120 Four E Ranch Gray Brahman
Gray Brahman cattle breeders. Sales include embryos. Madisonville, Texas.
121 Huffard Dairy Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Jersey cattle since 1929. Located in southwest Virginia, USA.
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122 Old Hall Estate Breeders of
Breeders of a variety of rare or traditional breeds of cattle, sheep, and swine in the UK.
123 The Land & Lamb Company Breeders of
Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep, located in Royalton, Vermont.
124 Independent Breeders Service Export qualified
Export qualified Canadian beef cattle semen for sale.
125 Abertees Nebraska Shorthorn
Nebraska Shorthorn breeders. Site includes past champions and calves for sale.
126 Independent Breeders Service Export qualified
Export qualified Canadian beef cattle semen for sale.
Independentbreederscom Herego Click Z
127 Lauries Lambs Breeders of
Breeders of Tunis and Polled Dorset sheep. Located in Chesterfield, New Jersey.
128 Verdant Vistas Breeders of
Breeders of registered Pygora Goats offering stock and fiber for sale.
129 Independent Breeders Service Export qualified
Export qualified Canadian beef cattle semen for sale.
130 Independent Breeders Service Export qualified
Export qualified Canadian beef cattle semen for sale.
Independentbreederscom Here Togo Click Z
131 Galloways - Kaehlers Mill Farm Breeders of
Breeders of black and red Galloway cattle in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.
132 Hoffman A.I. Breeders A bull
A bull stud providing high quality artificial insemination products.
Breeders Ai Hoffman Sites Oriented Bulls Stallions Order Feature Cowboy Info@hoffmanaibreederscominc Form Web
133 Lauries Lambs Breeders of
Breeders of Tunis and Polled Dorset sheep. Located in Chesterfield, New Jersey.
Lauries Lambs Solutions Welcome Integ Network Rights Tunis Chesterfield Offering Gotland Reserved Percentagelaurie@laurieslambscom
134 Braunvieh Breed News and
News and events, photo gallery of champions, and links to breeders and associations.
Braunvieh Braunviehcom Texas Cattle Breed Contact Services Sale Show Worth Events News Dominates Beef Cowtown
135 Lamas of OZ Breeders of
Breeders of Suri and Huacaya Alpacas and champion quality Llamas. Located in Osgoode, ON, Canada.
136 Alpacas of Sunset Fields Huacaya alpaca
Huacaya alpaca breeders in Glen Rock, Pennsylvania near the Maryland border.
137 Rising Sun Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Australian Shepherds, Border Collies and St. Croix Sheep. Located in Minnesota.
Border Collie Pups Croix Dams Ref Neels Rising Bengal Australian Farm Email Shep Cats Dogs Maria Minneapolis
138 Sandy Park Alpacas Service and
Service and sales.Offers advice for beginners and quality animals for all breeders.
Alpacas Alpaca Sale Stud Victoria Quality Farm Sandy Park Member Port Fineness Beautiful Server Meet
139 Stormy Blizzard Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Pygmy goats, Dobermans and Pug dogs. Located in Millersburg, Ohio.
Kennels Blizzard Stormy Farm Akc Guestbook Construction Kennel Underplaces Pinschers Doberman County Submit
140 Sleepy Coyote Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of registered pygmy goats. Located in South Central Nebraska.
141 Pacific Crest Alpacas. Alpaca breeders
Alpaca breeders specializing in Peruvian bloodlines. Located in Helvetia, Oregon, USA.
Accoyo Alpacas America Crest Pacific Parade Welcome Champions Quality Herdsires Breeding Food Outstanding Annual Peruvian Herd Seminars Speakers
142 Meyer Brothers Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Saler cattle with proven performance. Located in Osage City, KS, USA.
143 Mangers Dorsets Breeders of
Breeders of top quality Polled Dorset show sheep. Located in Englewood, Ohio, USA.
144 Star Dust Sheep Farm Club lamb
Club lamb breeders, site features past winners.
145 Desert Weyr Farm Information about
Information about and breeders of Black Welsh Mountain Sheep, located in Colorado.
146 Southern Breeze Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of quality Santa Gertrudis cattle located in Midway, Alabama.
Life Place Santa Gertrudis Claudes Breeders Association* Theme Blog Contact Bulls Yearling Southern Trees Breeze Navigation Horse Oliver Practice Marketplace
147 Lords Acres Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Toggenburg and Alpine Dairy Goats. Located in Tenino, Washington, USA.
148 Bullock Romneys Breeders of
Breeders of white and natural colored Romney sheep, located in Enumclaw, Washington, USA.
149 Shady Creek Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Boer Goats and Charolais cattle. Located in East Bernard, TX, USA.
150 Maple Tree Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep and Berkshire pigs in Salem, Oregon.
151 Fiddling Fleece Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Southdowns and Pygmy goat kids. Located in southern Minnesota.
152 Locksley Fields Shetlands Breeders of
Breeders of Shetland sheep, bunnies, and llamas. Located in southwestern Missouri.
153 Star Dust Sheep Farm Club lamb
Club lamb breeders, site features past winners.
154 Teixeira Cattle Co. California club
California club calf breeders. Site contains pictures of calves and herd sires.
Concerts Canyon Foundation Venue Thousand Hills Ranch Wedding Teixeira Pismo Beach Cattle Thefoundation Theweddingvenue Ca
155 A service
A service for sheep breeders, linking the buyers and sellers of ram semen for AI purposes throughout the United States.
156 Crossventure Livestock Breeders of
Breeders of Galloway and Welsh Black Cattle. Located in Crossfield, Alberta, Canada.
157 Treetop Acres Breeders of
Breeders of Oberhasli Dariy Goats offering their farm for sale. Located in Hillsboro, Ohio, USA.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Sites News Visit Moviesmaps User Sorry Finance
158 Llamapaedia Veterinarians/breeders of
Veterinarians/breeders of llamas providing information about a variety of llama issues including husbandry and fiber.
» Alpaca Farms Llama Yarn Sale Origin Care Sweaters Shows Terms Clothing Woolfiber Booksmags History Oswd
159 Steaks Alive Ranch Fullblood and
Fullblood and Purebred Simmental breeders and branded beef providers. Located in Joplin, MO, USA.
160 Shuswap Lake Haven Breeders of
Breeders of llamas and alpacas. Located in north central British Columbia, Canada.
161 Minto Galloways Stud and
Stud and commercial Galloway breeders located in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia.
162 Smokey Valley Farm Breeders of
Breeders of eight breeds of miniature and toy sheep, pictures, information, and history on each. Located in Toledo, WA.
Found Perlvfound Thephpmod_perl Server Port Openssln Apache
163 Sheepy Valley Breeders of
Breeders of Tunis sheep, Horned Dorsets and Romneys in the western Catskills of New York State.
Sheep Wool Dorset Lambs Horned Honey Meat Valley Order Romney Take Romneys Sheepy Patterns Contact York Virginia Zealand
164 Horse Hoops Ranch Breeders in
Breeders in Georgia, USA, striving to establish a quality line of registered pygmy goats.
Sign Now Everything Updated Lifestream Policy Places People Go Theres Inc Social Privacy Account Login Networks Stay
165 Raymos Roost Old English
Old English Game bantam breeders raising several varieties in New York sell birds and eggs.
Pricing Blog Services Suite Faqs Looking Career Does Webspawnercom Exist Stuff Features Login Resources Y
166 Dillards Aviary Breeders of
Breeders of quality Miniature Donkeys, Alpacas, and exotic birds. Located in Troutville, Virginia
Aviary Dillards Farm Quakers Miniature Troutville Birds Scarlet Chested Email Life Pages Reply Parrot Uncategorized Interesting Please Contact
167 Kasler Suffolks Breeders of
Breeders of Suffolk sheep. Lamb crop and herd sire photos. Located in Amesville, OH.
168 Bird Creek Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic sheep and Highland cattle, located near Great Falls, Montana.
169 Sunset Canyon Jerseys Breeders of
Breeders of Jersey cattle in Beaver, Oregon, USA, specializing in embryo sales and bulls to fit every need.
Jersey National Cattle Dairy American Association Ajca Inc Jerseys Milk Marketing Sales Click Services Genetic Showmanship Letter
170 Chimney Butte Ranch, Mandan, ND Breeders of
Breeders of Gelbvieh cattle. Bulls listed for sale in online catalog.
Butte Ranch Chimney Day Page Field Ndga Cattle Chimneybutteranch@westrivcom Hille Gelbvieh Home Sales Mandan Y
171 Empire Alpaca Association New York
New York state breeders, owners, and enthusiasts. Newsletter, calendar, and show information.
Alpaca Alpacas Here Farm Empire Click Member Farms Association Extravaganza Events Sales Hearts Calendar Newsletters Membership Nyaoba Within North
172 WestOK Swine A group
A group of independent pig breeders who operate small farms and sow herds in west central Oklahoma.
173 Dally Post Comprehensive site
Comprehensive site offering pages to members, usually horse related businesses, particularly breeders and trainers
Z Page Permanently The News Home Contact Server Apache Menu Admin Commentaryport Login Moved
174 Fairwoods Farm Longtime LaMancha
Longtime LaMancha breeders, located near Waller, TX., USA. DHIR records, HES scores. CAE Prevention Program.
175 Cedar Grove Farms Breeders of
Breeders of fullblood, purebred and percentage Boer goats. Located in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.
176 Blue Mountain Breeders dedicated
Breeders dedicated to the preservation of the rare Soay Sheep. Located in Port Angeles, Washington, USA.
Soay Sheep British Availability Lifestyle Needs Basic Rare They Feeding Small Care Current Contact Shepherds Anyway Are Adult Map
177 APaca Fun Farm Breeders specializing
Breeders specializing in show quality Alpacas of all colors. Located in Mount Airy, Maryland, USA.
178 SummerDayz Farm Breeders of
Breeders of ADGA registered Toggenburg and Nubian Dairy Goats. Located in southern Indiana, USA.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Terms Longeravailable Wayback Reach Archives News Sportspopular Archiveorg
179 California Variegated Mutant Sheep History of
History of the breed, information about the official registry, and a short list of breeders.
180 Little Critters Farm Breeders of
Breeders of quality, registered Nigerian Dwarf goats. Located in Fort Benton, Montana, USA.
181 Shimmels Rocky Top Farm Breeders who
Breeders who raise and sell fullblood South African Dorpers. Located in Richmond, OH.
182 Apple Valley Alpacas Huacaya alpaca
Huacaya alpaca breeders in Pennsylvania just minutes from the borders of Maryland and West Virginia.
183 Chakaya Alpacas Alan and
Alan and Coleen Froome are passionate Suri alpaca breeders, in the Huon Valley, Tasmania.
184 Van Etten Dorsets Breeders of
Breeders of registered Polled Dorset sheep and developing a new herd of llamas. Located in Sandy, OR, USA.
185 Calfurray Alpacas Alpaca breeders
Alpaca breeders raising and selling for the national and international markets. Located in Villarrica, Chile.
Option Signup Host Whydont Dont Alpacascalfurraybizhostingcom Premium Available Bizhosting Hosting Sign Easybizhostingcom Account
186 Zuesthaven Homestead Breeders of
Breeders of Romney sheep offering stock and fleece for sale. Located in Escondido, California, USA.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Sorry Financesites Visit Reach Wayback Games Longeravailable Movies Inc
187 Penner Hampshires Breeders of
Breeders of Hampshire Hogs offering boars, gilts, show pigs and semen. Located in Plymouth, NE.
Ne Penner Genetics Plymouthz
188 Golden Eagle Alpaca Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of alpacas offering animals and fiber for sale. Located in Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
189 Black Kettle Farm Breeders of
Breeders of registered Polypay Sheep with an accelerated lambing program and OPP testing. Located in Farmington, MN.
190 Greenwater Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Jacob sheep and Cashmere goats, also raising hardy Kiwis. Located in Port Townsend, WA, USA.
191 Hollyhock Hollow Breeders of
Breeders of Pygora Goats offering fiber and stock for sale. Located in Santa Margarita, California, USA.
Pygora Pygoras Goats Goat Hollyhock Fleece Sale Hollow Wethers Bucks Does Gallagher Jill Association Life County
192 Drudik Suffolks Offers rams
Offers rams, ewes, and club lambs. Contains photographs, tips and topics, and a U.S. sheep breeders directory.
193 Verdant Vistas Breeders of
Breeders of registered Pygora Goats offering stock and fiber for sale. Located in Salem, Oregon, USA.
194 FyreHart Farm Breeders of
Breeders of quality Alpine and Nubian dairy goats and miniature horses. Located in northeastern Texas, USA.
Lser Pagey
195 Nubiangoats A mailing
A mailing list for nubian breeders and anyone who has any general goat questions. Information on how to join, and public message archives.
196 Bluefaced Leicester Union of North America Offering breed
Offering breed and membership information, a list of breeders, links, and news.
197 The Mountain Dam Breeders of
Breeders of fine wool merino sheep. Includes ram and semen sales, genetics, stud and business profile.
198 South African
South African breeders and growers of clivia and cyrtanthus species and hybrids, offering divisions, seeds and plants.
199 Maple Tree Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep and Berkshire pigs. Information about the breeds and animals for sale.
200 McCaslin Farm Breeders of
Breeders of CVM Romeldale and Border Leicester sheep with fleece and breeding stock for sale. Located in Hartville, OH.
Page Requestedfound Sorry Found To Z

2. Shopping and Breeders Trade

1 Mascarino Breeders of
Breeders of exotic frogs.
Frogs Waxy Monkey Frog Exotic Giant Mascarino Breeders Poison Breeding Dart Red Co Authored Yellow Spotted Captive Bred Article Take Tigerleg Four Fromthem
2 Dendrobate Design Breeders of
Breeders of poison frogs.
Dendrobate Sale Design Designs Species Tadpoles Foods Adams Housings Sponsoredby Links Welcomepanama Under
3 Boesters Breeders of
Breeders of tropical fish. Illinois.
Cichlids Gallery Aulonocara List Malawi African Price Please Boesters Dragon Chuck Specializing Quality Videos Blood Fedexif Stuart
4 Rancho de las Tortugas Breeders of
Breeders of snakes and lizards.
Click Herez
5 K and M Reptiles Private breeders
Private breeders offering leopard geckos.
Create Tripod Checkpage Lycoscom Hosting Login Please Website Signuptripodcom Lycos Requested
6 A and B Reptiles Breeders offering
Breeders offering a selection of snakes and lizards.
7 Breed Mate Management package
Management package for dog, cat and horse breeders. PC only.
Pedigree Breedmate Breed Features Pedx Databases Free Easy Contact Press Software World Access Data Product Pedpointusers Orders Goats Court
8 RL Reptiles Vision cages
Vision cages and tubs for breeders and dealers.
Vision Click Enter Productsz
9 Animals.Com Breeders and
Breeders and dealers of a wide variety of reptiles and amphibians.
Domain Hosting Web Solutions Network Marketing Names Services Website Registration Name Request Innovative Helps Y
10 JEHM Co., Inc. Offers bulk
Offers bulk foods and supplies for breeders and hobbyists.
Fish Filters Pumps Foods Products Bulkhead Water Filter Room Food Supply Rock Aquarium Shrimp Freeze Specials Devices Backup Breeder Central
11 Out of Africa Breeders and
Breeders and distributors of African Cichlids. Located in New Jersey.
Fish Africa County Contact Videos Distributor Keeping Africachris African Cichlids Customer Tanks Sale Food Guarantee â call Hackensack Caruso
12 All Boas A site
A site devoted to sharing one breeders enthusiasm for boa constrictors.
Boa Constrictors Boas Red Constrictor Exceptional Tail Rushin Specializing Bci Hypo Offering Guyanan Motley Pictures
13 Australian Beardies Herpetoculture Breeders of
Breeders of bearded dragons and leopard geckos.
Providerfor Cannotpagedisplayed Contact Error Please
14 Marietta Gardens North Carolina
North Carolina based breeders and growers of daylilies.
Daylily Daylilies Shooter Gardens Introductions Faye Marietta Elizabeth John Gourds Gourd Plants Breeders Garden Green Years Click
15 Diamond Reptile Breeders Selling collected
Selling collected and captive-bred reptiles.
Diamond Follow Welcome Breeders Reptile Contact Terms Bushnell Expos Wholesale@diamondreptile Po List Tortoise Venomous
16 Hiss N Things Florida based
Florida based breeders of boas, pythons, colubrids and lizards.
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17 Arizona Reptile Company Breeders of
Breeders of geckos, Bearded dragons and Corn snakes.
18 Big Cheese Rodent Factory Breeders offering
Breeders offering frozen or live mice and rats.
Feeder Mice Rats Store Frozen Contact Salefrozen Products Chick Cheese Shop Testimonials Shipping Old Quote Cart
19 Evans Software Services Providing management
Providing management assistance for rabbit and cavy breeders. PC only.
Software Services Evans Page Ranch Rabbits Hamster Needs Chinchillas Hamsters Managment Chinchilla Rabbitry Specific Y
20 Quality Koi Company Inc. Japanese breeders
Japanese breeders in all sizes and varieties. Also, products and equipment for related ponds.
Nk Farm Kohaku Quality Nisei Showa Company Event Koi Events Koisupplier Article Size Upcoming Follow
21 Constable Reptiles Specializing in
Specializing in boas and pythons, all of which have been purchased from select breeders across North America.
22 Peaceful Pastures Breeders of
Breeders of Lincoln sheep, also offering fleeces for sale. Located in Hickman, TN.
Pastures Pork Winter Share Farmers Peaceful Csa Local List Full Directions Policies Half Meat Contact Grass Fed Free Nashville
23 Napa Valley Snakes Specialized breeders
Specialized breeders of rare boas and pythons, as well as Asian ratsnakes.
Navigationshilfe Ty
24 Leicestershire Emus Emu breeders.
Emu breeders. Includes online shop for emu products and details on keeping birds.
Emus Leicestershire Emu Eggs Products Rhea Carved Rheas Breeding Link Eggshells Birds Opportunity They Egg Hardy
25 Cherryville Farms Breeders offering
Breeders offering colubrids, rosy and sand boas and several species of pythons.
Reptile Reptiles Supply Expo Store Pets Snake Blogs Supplies Video Photos Herp Inc Show Exotics Kingsnakecom Squad
26 Freedom Breeders Offers racks
Offers racks for keeping or breeding rodents and reptiles as well as rodent and reptile accessories.
Cart Add Reptile Details Fb Rodent Inserts Ventilation Racks Venomous Replacement Tubs To Rack Systems
27 Siams Best Bettas Suppliers and
Suppliers and breeders of Plakats. Includes information on breeding, diseases and care. Retail and wholesale available.
Fish Betta Bettas Fighting Siams Class Intro Articles Awards Half Gallery Breeding Show Care Siamese Moon Diseases
28 Siams Best Bettas Suppliers and
Suppliers and breeders of Plakats. Includes information on breeding, diseases and care. Retail and wholesale available.
Fish Bettas Betta Fighting Diseases Intro Half Gallery Care Breeding Show Articles Class Siamese Moon Fighter Mission Exotic
29 K9Kloud9 Sells harnesses
Sells harnesses, clothing, carriers and jewelry. Also has blogs, directories for breeders, links to rescues and pet friendly resorts.
Business Guest Post No Posts Cashflow Skype Proudly Mentor Everything Winning Most Large Using Social Wanted
30 Professional Breeders Supplying Gila
Supplying Gila monsters, Ball pythons, Rosy boas, King, Milk and Hognose snakes.
Professional Breeders Design Terms Photos Pricelist Caresheet Call Information Cheddarhead Brochure Steve Osborne Websitephotos
31 Zoo Easy Offers record
Offers record management programs for bird, cat, dog and other small animal breeders and clubs. Product information and downloadable demos.
Zooeasy Contact Choose Features Sign News Modules Reasons List Customers Pricing Downloads Services Support Subscriptions Register Plus
32 Deer Fern Farms Herpetoculture Breeders of
Breeders of uromastyx, and also offering custom cages, care sheets, and edible plant guide.
Bengal Savannah Cats Uromastyx Reptile Tortoises Farms Deer Fern Breeders Lizards Pages Iguanas Reptiles Rare Spinytailed
33 Arcata Pet Offers a
Offers a Windows based freeware database program for breeders, featuring records for both individual birds and breeding pairs. Download available.
Page Here Redirection Newz
34 Petlove Promotions and Tara Associations Pedigree program
Pedigree program for dog breeders. Features pup calendar, mating cycle chart, new owners records, and notepad.
35 Hatchtown Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Coopworth Sheep and manufacturers of elegant, handturned wooden tools for handspinners, weavers and knitters. Located in Bristol, Maine, USA.
Farm Hatchtown Spindles Whorl Journal Tools Sheep Maine Coopworth Contact Fiber Spinning News Good Yarn Laquo Cats
36 Cold Hardy Plants Rhode Island
Rhode Island growers and breeders of banana, bamboo, eucalyptus, and palm for hardiness in Southern New England (USDA zone 6).
Navigationshilfet Y
37 Pangea Reptile Co. Reptile breeders
Reptile breeders that specialize in crested geckos and other gecko species.
Gecko Reptile Supplies Pangea Sign Contact Certificates Shipping Diet Gift Reptiles Live Care Thg Decorations Insects Light International Gauges
38 Pythons Direct Breeders and
Breeders and importers of ball pythons as well as many other species of reptiles.
Create Tripod Please Page Login Check Found Couldnt Hosting Requested Tripodcom Lycoscom Lycos Signup Y
39 Yume Nishikigoi Supplies Japanese
Supplies Japanese Koi (Nishikigoi) from breeders who are listed. Provides information on ponds and water hardness.
Click Image Open Farm Koi Japan Yume Show Matsue Drum Omosako Profidrum Momotaro Videos Filters Autumn
40 Something for Everyone Reptiles Breeders of
Breeders of Leopard geckos, Corn snakes, Ball pythons and Jungle Carpet pythons.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Sportswayback Archiveorg Sites Hosting Machine Finance Sorry
41 Sundial Reptile Breeders of
Breeders of bearded, rankins, and frilled dragons. also chameleons, uromastyx, various lizards, gecko species, and snakes. Includes care sheets and photographs.
Sundialreptilecom Insurance Advance Cash Inquire Consolidation Debt Terms Legal Life Report Credit Freelearn
42 Obsession Dragons Private breeders
Private breeders of bearded dragons (pogona vitticeps). Includes care sheets and photographs.
43 Kadmiel Stibbar, a
Stibbar, a rabbit management software for fancy and commercial breeders, but written specifically for the commercial raiser.
Leather Leashes Collars Braided Couplers Dogs Gift Product Leads Show Xtra Short Soft Unbraided Tweet Wholesale Martingale Certificates Woven
44 Koi And Kin Offers a
Offers a variety of fish from both large and small Japanese breeders. All fish are quarantined on arrival and rested for several weeks after their trip.
Koi Pond Varieties Ponds Welcome Caring Spring Building Kin History Bigger Growth Cleaning Size Well
45 A1 Reptiles Breeders of
Breeders of lizards and tortoises. They also sell a large variety of food items, heaters, and other habitat related items.
Bearded Dragons Dragon Sale Care Known Reptilesnet German Leatherback Giant Flame Available Dragonorange Citrus Nationwide
46 Oceania Finches Distributors of
Distributors of products from The Birdcare Co., Vetafarm, Twin Beaks Herb Salad and more. Also breeders of Gouldian and Owl Finches.
47 Lithuanian breeders
Lithuanian breeders and growers of herbaceous and tree peonies. Sells hybrid peonies, including their own crosses, worldwide.
Peonies Peony Tree Prints Herbaceous Contact Paeonia They Price Lactiflora Ordering Wild Latemidseason Superba Note Nursery
48 Sundial Snakes Breeders of
Breeders of captive bred snakes.
Nespresso News France Posted People World Authority Sncf London Publications Business Heat Insurance Economy Technology Ile De Resources Uk Holiday
49 The North American Reptile Breeders Conference and Trade Show Here you
Here you will find NARBCs complete show information and date listings.
Reptile Breeders Conference Tinley Arlington Park Anaheim American North | Shows Narbc California Show Illinois
50 New England Reptile Distributors Breeders of
Breeders of a large variety of reticulated pythons, designer ball pythons, tortoises, lizards and frogs.
Combos Tags Morphs Water Supers Albino Pythons Recessive Codomdom Here Ball Nerd Collection Base Monitors
51 Winstons Gecko Page Leopard gecko
Leopard gecko breeders site. Designers are mostly hypos and hypo-tangerines, but will produce a few blizzards and albinos.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Reach Incgames Archiveorg Toolbar Maps Finance Guidelines
52 Rebel Dragons Breeders of
Breeders of bearded dragons of many color morphs and bloodlines. Includes a care sheet, FAQ, photographs, and a company profile.
Navigationshilfe Ty
53 All Oddball Aquatics Breeders and
Breeders and distributors offering catfish, killies, cichlids, dwarf cichlids, angelfish, and live food cultures.
Photos Aquatics Oddball Aquarium Products Rainbowfish List Catfish Bodrock Sera Cichlid Killifish Fish Price Vintage Tetra
54 The Budgerigar Program Windows based
Windows based program to help breeders keep track on their stud. Breeding records with information about pedigree and 5-generation report.
Page Found To Navigationshilfez Sorry Requested Found
55 Signal Herpetoculture Private breeders
Private breeders of green tree pythons (Chondropython / Morelia viridis) and emerald tree boas (Corallus caninus).
Tree Green Available Pythons Signal Chondro Herpetoculture Books Boas Products Best Forum Contact Coalition Terms Page Articles
56 Lithuanian breeders
Lithuanian breeders and growers of herbaceous and tree peonies selling a variety of species and hybrid peonies, including their own crosses, worldwide.
Peonies Peony Tree Herbaceous Prints Contact They Paeonia Lactiflora Wild Ordering Price Martin Directly Cahuzac
57 Breeders Blend Bird Food Food, water
Food, water bottles, concrete perches and handfed cockatoos. Also general information about macaws and cocatoos.
Bird Food Blend Birds Parrots Avian Nutrition Parrot Conure Breeders Exotic Supplies Breeders Pet Veterinarians Cockas Pollys
58 Hognose Snake Plus Breeders of
Breeders of various Hognose and Blood Red cornsnakes. Site also includes herp-related original art photo composites by Steve Jones.
Navigationshilfe Ty
59 Grandview Commercial Rabbitry Providing cages
Providing cages, watering systems and feeding equipment for breeders and owners of rabbits and birds. Includes message board, forum and photograph gallery.
Rejected Requesty
60 Dragon Planet Breeders of
Breeders of the Australian bearded dragon. Includes a forum, list of available dragons, animation of breeding behavior, care sheets, and links.
Navigationshilfe Ty
61 All Oddball Aquatics Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh, PA based breeders/distributors offering catfish, killies, cichlids, dwarf cichlids, angelfish, and live food cultures.
Photos Oddball Aquatics Aquarium Products Fish Sera Rainbowfish Cichlid Killifish List Bodrock Catfish Vintage Price Articles
62 Dallas Discus Breeders of
Breeders of discus, goldfish and koi.
Discus Dallas Breeders Pear Postal Thank Information Electronic Address Tree Goldfish Telephonemail
63 Classic Dums Breeders site
Breeders site contains information on the natural environment and captive husbandry for the Dumerils boa. Includes photos and a discussion of the differences between Dumerils and Red Tail boas.
Dumerilscom Clickgo Here Z
64 Cichlids R Us Pennsylvania breeders
Pennsylvania breeders of cichlids from Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria, as well as West African cichlids.
65 Cichlids R Us Breeders of
Breeders of cichlids from Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria, as well as West African cichlids. Photos, descriptions and contact details.
66 Mans Best Friend Software Provides Windows-based
Provides Windows-based programs for dog, cat and horse breeders, also a software for grooming shops. Presentations of the available software and their features.
67 Jakes Lake Farm Information for
Information for breeders and consumers of Red Deer/Elk, including, herd management, cooking with venison, ordering venison, and health benefits of antler velvet.
68 Tims Alpha Bettas Located in
Located in Canada, breeders stock shop of siamese fighting fish, and information on how to care for them from someone who has over twenty years of experience with betta fish.
Navigationshilfet Y
69 A Plus Reptiles Breeders of
Breeders of high color Bearded dragons, Corn snakes, Rat snakes, and King snakes. Also sells silkworms, mealworms, superworms, rats, and mice.
70 Sweet Tweet Aviary Small breeders
Small breeders specializing in green rumped, and color variety pacific parrotlets, also raises turquoisines, rosie bourkes, and cockatiels. Includes pictures and information. Located in High Island.
Z Please Check Page Fun Angelfire Websites Tryagain Requested Angelfirecomprofessionalerror Couldnt
71 Milk Snake Encyclopedia for Breeders and Collectors Learn about
Learn about and shop for milk snakes (Lampropeltis triangulum) and supplies with the encyclopedia offered here.
Milksnakescom Domain Sales Terms Domainnamesalescom Name Privacy Names Dreams Inquiry Plan Premium Sale Policy Domains
72 Monster Cages Reptile Enclosures Custom polypropylene
Custom polypropylene cages and rack systems for reptile hobbyists and breeders.
Cages Reptile Monster Snakes Feeder Rack Sale Contact Animals Systems Photos Custom Pythons Plastic See Snake
73 High End Herps Breeders of
Breeders of high-end reptiles in the form of python and boa morphs, rare and unusual snakes and other reptiles.
Интерьер детской Leave гостиной для в комнату ребенка комнаты интерьера Ящики Яркий девочки Интерьеров
74 Michigan Reptile Show Show for
Show for reptile breeders from all over the midwest. Site lists schedule of shows held one day every month, and has a list of vendors.
Michigan Reptile Event Expo Show Animal Taylor Trade Python Lizard Reptiles Saturday Largest Largestselection Phone
75 Derby Box Kentucky Derby
Kentucky Derby Boxes, seats, tickets and tables. Kentucky Oaks, and Breeders Cup as well.
Tickets Kentucky Derby Packages Derbyboxcom Other Travel Oaks Louisville Cup Events Breeders Derbybox Combo Downs
76 Boesters Cichlids Illinois breeders
Illinois breeders of cichlids and tropical fish. Buy fish and various breeding supplies.
Cichlids Gallery Aulonocara Malawi List Price African Boesters Please Articles Videos Quality Dragon Blood Specializing Tobys Peacocks George Lake
77 Hidden Cedars Kennel Breeders of
Breeders of AKC Mini Dachshund and stud service. Assorted doggie bedding and comfort items. Arabian Stallion standing at stud. Used cars and trucks and other vehicles through the sub-site Butchs Best Buys.
Dachshund Dog Mini Hidden Cedars Glatour@consolidatednet Puppies Breeder Glatour@dachshundpupscom Piebald Akc Smooth Pet Dachshunds Longhair
78 Midwest Reptile Shows: The Indianapolis Breeders Expo Show dates
Show dates for reptile show held at Indiana State Fairgrounds, including photo gallery, vendor listing,
Showsreptile Midwestreptilecom Entermidwest Llc
79 Avian Management Services Providing avian
Providing avian incubation management system, a Windows based incubating and stock management software for breeders.
Aims Wwwvisualaimscom Management Aviancomprehensive Incubation Available System Aims The Birdprogram Most
80 Ball Python World A Canadian
A Canadian Ball Python breeder who promotes quality care for Ball Pythons purchased as pets, for collections, or as breeders.
Ball Python World Contact News Pythons Available Ballpythonworldcommain Services Pythonbreeding Nita Webdevelopment Canadian
81 Double D Reptiles Breeders and
Breeders and sellers of select snakes, lizards and other reptiles, including Burmese pythons, Spotted pythons, Corn snakes and Leopard geckos.
Tripod Create Hostingtripodcom Lycoscom Login Website Page Shopping Signup Couldnt Requestedplease Check
82 Bearded Dragons and other Creatures Private breeders
Private breeders of bearded dragons, specializing in many color morphs of bearded dragons. Site offers a picture gallery, care sheets and list of available reptiles.
Bearded Dragon Dragons Pictures Dachiu Hypo Translucent Leatherbacks Sale Breeders Care Information Forum German Breeding

3. Breeders Recreation

1 Directory of
Directory of pet bird breeders that includes classifieds for babies for sale, breeders for sale, and breeders wanted.
Sale Birds Avianbreedercom Bird Parrots Pet Breeder Greys Macaws Directory Amazons African Cockatoos Cockatiels Conures Free
2 Collie Breeders An email
An email list for breeders nationwide to discuss and learn about the breed.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Screen Page Inc Mail Suggestionscopyright Privacy Sign Found Movies
3 The International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance (IPCBA) A cat
A cat registry which emphasizes control to the breeders.
Breed Breeders Ipcba International Progressive Cats Article Breeds Cat Registry Association Chartered Control Unique Alliance Allianceipcba Disclaimer Forms_
4 Minnesota Breeders Photographs and
Photographs and litter announcements from a group of breeders in Minneapolis.
Tripod Create Signup Page Lycos Found Login Check Hosting Couldnt Requested Pleasewebsite Lycoscom
5 McNab Breeders List Breeders listed
Breeders listed by state and their contact information.
6 American Bobtail Breeders Association Group of
Group of breeders abiding by an accpeted code of ethics.
Page American Members Sponsored Health Questions Bobtails_ Ofour Contact Please Quality Breeders Experience Breedingamerican Bobtails Y
7 K-9 Breeders Referral List Directory of
Directory of breeders from all over the world. Searchable by breed and sorted by area.
8 Cavalier Ethical Breeders Details of
Details of Breeders who are actively testing their dogs by Specialists for hereditary defects.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Popular Archives Reach Movies Games Sportsmail Sorry
9 American Bobtail Breeders Club Listings for
Listings for this group of breeders.
Breeders Bobtail Americany
10 Oriental Cats - Breeders Ring A webring
A webring for breeders of Orientals.
Serverfound Found The Portapache
11 Pets 4 You - Samoyed Breeders Referral service
Referral service for breeders of Samoyeds.
Sale Pet Puppies Breeders Petsyoucom Dog Samoyed Contact Advertise Articles Sign Samoyeds Dogs Photo Kittens
12 Palomino Horse Breeders of America Show approvals
Show approvals and results, leading breeders, sires, and membership information.
Phba Show Association Palomino Horse Registration Breeders Handbook World Contact Brochures Forms Membership Affiliates Programs Aqha Heritage Major Horsecattle Events
13 East Texas Horse Breeders and Ranches List of
List of breeders, horses for sale, boarding facilities, and trainers.
Horses Texas East Horse Breeders Sale Ranches Farriers Design Paint Quarter Related American Stallion Free Miniature Spanish Artists
14 Quail Creek Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of working dogs. Photographs of their breeding stock, with descriptions, also breeders of quarter horses.
15 Mi-Ki Breeders USA Mi-Ki Breeders
Mi-Ki Breeders USA is a club dedicated to the preservation of the pure bred Mi-Ki. Site Includes photos, breeder listing, and breed standard.
Mi Ki Breeders Woolrich Breed Usa Sale Standard Parka Fall Botte Outlet Pandora Verkauf Photographs Klein
16 Shire Horse Breeders Australia, Inc Includes newsletter
Includes newsletter, calendar of events, list of breeders, photos, membership form, and contacts.
Permanently The Apache Port Serverz
17 Ranchers Quarter Horse Breeders Association List of
List of South Dakota breeders, and offering select auction sale each August.
Futurity Sale Rqhba Breeders Horses Quarter Horse Performance Contact Memorial Location Ranch Gelding Owned Brunner
18 Colour Canary Breeders Association Serving British
Serving British breeders and exhibitors of lipochrome and melanin canaries in all ground colors and all feather types.
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19 Northeast Nebraska Quarter Horse Breeders Association A group
A group of local breeders dedicated to producing great working horses that can win in the showring too.
Request Errory
20 The International Savannah Breeders Association (TISBA) A group
A group of breeders, owners, and enthusiasts dedicated to preserve, improve, and promote the future of the breed.
Weight Loss Savannah Camp International Boot Everything Breed Camps Tisba Need Breeders Kids Cats Does Best
21 Rocky Hill Miniatures AMHA/AMHR breeders
AMHA/AMHR breeders offers photos, a sales page and links. Also breeders of sheltland ponies. Located in Arcadia.
22 SevenAcres Farm AMHA/AMHR breeders.
AMHA/AMHR breeders. Offers sales list, photos, and message board. Also breeders of tiny pygmy goats. Located in Monroe.
Cgi Biny
23 Legacy Breeders Council A group
A group of breeders in Texas and southern United States, promoting exhibits of the Peruvian horse at shows and fairs. Includes breeder directory.
Peruvian Website Breeders Horse Council Digest Legacy Paso Road Ranch Mail Horses Gaited Valley Magazine
24 ACT Cat Alliance Inc. Australian based
Australian based club with the philosophy that breeders and exhibitors should be able to register and show their cats with any registry they choose. Includes list of shows, breeders and contact information.
Actcat Lastz Alliance Updated Please
25 Cental California Cavy Breeders Forum A place
A place for breeders, 4H members or anyone else interested in cavys to get together to discuss cavies, talk about upcoming shows, join clubs, get transports, or just ask for help.
Z Wwwcavybreedersproboardscom Y
26 The Paso Fino Breeders Club Organization for
Organization for breeders, owners, trainers and judges in good standing with PFHA. Includes a report from the last meeting, proposed rule changes, and links.
Navigationshilfet Y
27 The Paso Fino Breeders Club Organization for
Organization for breeders, owners, trainers and judges in good standing with PFHA. Includes a report from the last meeting, proposed rule changes, and links.
Navigationshilfet Y
28 Phatfurr Rabbitry Breeders of
Breeders of Holland, Am.Fuzzy, and English Lops, Mini-Rex and Netherland Dwarfs. Breeders Listing and Classified Section. Located in Hamilton Ontario Canada.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Popularmovies Privacy News Trying Internet Guidelines Mail
29 American Greater Swiss Breeders Association Sharing ideas
Sharing ideas, thoughts, and experiences on breeding, raising, and loving this breed of dog. Breeders listed by state and guidelines for litter announcements.
30 Chesapeake Regional Dutch Breeders Association Chesapeake Regional
Chesapeake Regional Dutch Breeders Association is a local Dutch Rabbit Club serving Dutch Breeders in the states surrounding the Chesapeake Bay. Our purpose is to promote and educate people about Dutch Rabbits.
Tripod Create Requested Lycoscom Tripodcom Check Couldnt Signup Page Shopping Lycos Websiteplease Hosting
31 Petcave.Com Find dog
Find dog breeds, dog breeders, dog handlers and information. Free listings, web site development and hosting for breeders and handlers.
Yeti Chew Cart Blog Policy Products Lorem Dog Felt Account Faqs Cave Toys Charles Coleman Checkout Aenean Bed
32 International Breeders Index Listings of
Listings of breeders from around the world. Our index makes it easy to find a quality breeder in your local area.
33 Arnolds Exotic Cat Breeders Breeders of
Breeders of exotic cats: bobcats, servils, jungle cat, located in Okeechobee, Florida.
Breeders Exotic Arnolds Serval Breeder Cats Bobcat Cat Jungle Exotics Caracal Sale Kittens Breeding Nutrition
34 Herdingdogs-unlimited An email
An email list for all owners, breeders, fanciers, soon-to-be owners/breeders, and lovers of the herding breeds.
Yahoo Herdingdogs Groups Help Unlimited Group Lists Sharing Community File Please Photo Free Mailing Forum Newsgroups Discuss Flickr
35 Avinjas German Shepherd Dogs Breeders/exhibitors of
Breeders/exhibitors of show and working dogs. Breeders history, photographs, pedigrees, and profiles. Lancashire.
Avinjas German Shepherds Shepherd Chavinjas Dogs Here Gallery Click Fargo Available Gold Godalis Champion Franks Oberon Puppies Breeders
36 Dalmatian breeders, and also Hungarian Vizslas, breeding at Craggan Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders at Acheron in Victoria, Australia.
Dalmatians Dogs Pedigree Craggan Australia Dalmatian Breeders Click Hungarian Cumming Mail Dog Bred Vizslas Maggie Bruce Welcome Iggins Thegrampians Affordable
37 Esmond Breeders/exhibitors/competitors of
Breeders/exhibitors/competitors of show and working dogs. Breeders history, rottn fun, many links, and photographs, profiles, and pedigrees of their dogs. Ontario.
Esmonds Rottweiler Rottweilers Hic Amcan Cgc Agility High Dogs Cdx Hall Esmond Obedience Most Fame Gold Versatility Click Rottweillers
38 Maryland Horse Breeders Association Functions as
Functions as an informational resource for horse breeders and owners, the media, community, government organizations and the general public.
Maryland Park Laurel Farm Stable Horse Racing Llc Bred Stakes Mrs Pimlico Thoroughbred Million Love Mid Atlantic Fasig Tipton Howard
39 Mastiff Breeders Webring Links to
Links to web pages of members of the Mastiff Breeders mailing list.
Join Mastiffclick Here List Now Breeder Mbwebring Mastiffbreeder
40 Sundance Aviary and Pet Shop Breeders of
Breeders of exotic birds and other small animals. All their babies are hand feed and handled daily. Their breeders include: macaws, amazons, conures, cockatiels, and parakeets. Located in Toronto.
Aviary Sundancey
41 Ashlaren Weimaraners Breeders for
Breeders for pet and show in Australia. Includes general history of the breeders background, show dog pedigrees and results, planned litters, photos, pets, and related links.
Weimaraners Ashlaren Show Dogs Welcome Point Rachel Weimaraner Knox Weis Daughter Kennel Family Oldies Lauren Stock Field Enough Compete
42 Mutation Chinchilla Breeders Association An international
An international group of mutation breeders. Includes history, care, show, and genetics information in addition to ranch helps and a general store.
Chinchilla Breeders Mutation Breeder Ranch Association Show Board Directors National Regional Chinchillas Application Shows * Brandsgt Need Genetics State Information
43 Great Dane Breeders and Exhibitors A members-only
A members-only chat group for experienced and new breeders, owners, and exhibitors. Topics include genetics, pedigrees, brags, showing, breeding, whelping, behavior and nutrition.
Yahoo Gdbe Help Groups Please Mail Intensive Also Finance Travel Sports Policy Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Ifyoure Style
44 Southwest Spanish Mustang Association Formed by
Formed by breeders who seek to preserve, promote, and enjoy the pure line of Spanish Mustangs. Contains list of breeders, articles, registration information, coat colors, and photos.
Spanish Horse Mustang Mustangs Sorraia Association Southwest Ssma Here Oklahoma Jones Gilbert Lp Rickman Spanishmustangs
45 Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association Official site
Official site, featuring rules and regulations national news, provincial chapter news, breed FAQs, stallion directory, sales list and links to breeders.
Stallion Breeders Canadian Directory Warmblood Horse Auction Members Registration Association Sale News Entry Fee Cwhba Inspection Benefits Subscribe Performance
46 Lil Beginnings Miniature Horses Breeders of
Breeders of quality miniature horses, with a guide for a variety of information, including featured breeders, tack suppliers and auctions.
Horse Miniature Beginnings Pony Sale Horses Small Farm Board Ponies Mini Free Connect Sales Information Equine Banner
47 Havana Rabbit Breeders Assoc. The goal
The goal of this site is to unite all breeders of the Havana rabbit is a closer bond. History, show highlights and pictures of the breed are available here.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Visit Wayback Games Trying Sites Archiveorg Sorry Longeravailable Maps
48 AQHA Southeast Iowa Breeders Small association
Small association for breeders located within a 10 mile radius in Southeast Iowa. Includes list of horses for sale and information about the members.
Aqha Iowa Southeast Horses Foals Quarter Horse Sale Purchase Helling Contact Circle Welcome Ranch Offering Y
49 Queensland Anglo Nubian Breeders The QANB
The QANB is a group of meat goat breeders striving to promote the sale and consumption of goat meat.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Mailguidelines Finance Movies Sorry Games Trying Reach
50 Yahoo Groups: Novice Breeders Advice Assistance for
Assistance for novice breeders. Post messages, photos, links and chat. Unmoderated forum and Yahoo profile required to join.
Yahoo Help Groups Group Sharing Novicebreederadvice Lists Free Community Forum Photo File Mailing Please Calendar Cats Forums
51 Thoroughbred Breeders and Trainers Directory UK based
UK based central meeting point for Thoroughbred Breeders, Trainers and related professions on the internet.
52 Hedgehogs by Vickie Hedgehog breeders
Hedgehog breeders offering a variety of hedgehogs for sale and hedgehog paraphernalia. USDA-licensed breeders since 1994.
Hedgehogs Hedgehog Sale Breeders Pets African Pygmy Offering Best Variety Cages Vickie Enter Ahead + Small Animals
53 Midwest Breeders Group A breeders
A breeders group dedicated to breeding quality Sport Horses for Hunters, Jumpers, and Dressage in the midwest USA.
Internal Server Error Error The Additionallyerrordocumentplease
54 Australian Thoroughbred Breeders Club Local club
Local club catering for breeders in the Hawkesbury district, New South Wales. Includes news, membership application, details on incentive scheme, lending library, event and sale/lease pages.
Video News Forum Scheme Contact Club Australian Thoroughbred Salelease Incentive Stallion Racehorse Event Breeders Stakes List Special Rider John
55 Racing Pigeon Mall Includes many
Includes many areas for flyers: futurity listings, race reports, forum, news, articles - also areas for breeders including an auction site and breeders mall.
Racing Pigeon Futurity Race Auction Pigeons Results Here Products Loft Contact Racingpigeonmall Sale Mall Sport Look Immune Within
56 Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Association Southeastern Montana
Southeastern Montana organization which sponsors sales and futurities annually over Labor day weekend. Reference sires, futurity information, a breeders directory, stallion auction information, and sales listings.
Sale Futurity Yearling Horse Breeders Quarter Winner_ Prqhba River Montana Transport Powder Filly Catalog Sept Horses Structure Colt_ Here_
57 Southern Cleveland Bay Breeders Club A club
A club for owners, breeders and lovers of the Cleveland Bay horse in the southern UK. Includes membership information, breed history, show results and calendar.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Local Help App Gallery Hosting Advisor Website Sell Domains
58 Michigan Association of Gamebird Breeders and Hunting Preserves Includes directory
Includes directory of officers, hunting preserves, gamebird breeders, membership application, news and stories, and contact information. Located in Sterling.
Michigan Resources Preserves Association Hunting Gamebird Member Breeders Members Inc Oj Consultants Advertising Computer Classified American Update Reserved
59 Australian German Shepherd Dog Web Ring Web ring
Web ring for the benefit of Australian breeders and enthusiasts, breeders around the world welcome to join. How to join and a starting point to browse the member sites.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Popularmachine Archives Sports Visit Movies Maps Trying
60 Golden Horseshoe American Pit Bull Terrier Club An American
An American Dog Breeders Association sanctioned club in Ontario, Canada dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the breed by hosting conformation shows, weight pulls and public events. Pictures, membership details, and list of breeders.
Z Page Error Angelfirecomprofessional Websites Fun Angelfire Close Check Tryagaincouldnt Requested Please
61 The Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Directory A website
A website where rabbit and cavy breeders can list the rabbitry or caviary. Also has section for free classified ads for rabbit and cavy related items.
Create Tripod Lycoscomlycos Shopping Please Website Login Requested Check Pagesignup Couldnt Tripodcom
62 Cat@Home Balinese Breeders A list
A list of some Balinese breeders.
63 Cat@Homes Burmese Breeders A list
A list of Burmese breeders.
Requesthomepetcom Pet Leadinghomes Net
64 Iowa State Rabbit Breeders Iowa State
Iowa State Rabbit Breeders Association Official site. Dedicated to promoting all breed of rabbits
年月 続きを読む エロ不倫 ウワサのコミュ 結びつく エロエロな不倫関係を結べるウワサのコミュサイト 非常に簡単なことですよね 助言してもらうことが大切です 種類は様々でリアルです 双方の暮らしに影響
65 National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders National Club
National Club site dedicated for Flemish Giants. Includes a breeders directory, Flemish Giant photos, informative articles and membership information.
Nffgrbcom Luxury Mortgage Apparel Parental Credit Relief Cars Control Tickets Pain Free Migraine Health Click Domain Sale
66 National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club Web Ring A list
A list of Angora rabbit breeders sites belonging the NARBA club.
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67 Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club CPWCC is
CPWCC is a club for Corgi breeders and fanciers in the Pacific Northwest. Breeders list, breed information, tips to finding a reputable breeder or rescue corgi, and links to Pembroke regional clubs.
Club Welsh Pembroke Corgi Cascade Non Sponsoredprofit State Please Responsibly Devoted Close
68 Breeders Assistant - Equine Education and Reproductive Services Providing hands-on
Providing hands-on training to large and small horse breeders in equine reproductive management, artificial insemination, transported cooled semen, phantom training for stallions, foaling management and equine genetics.
Equine Breeders Assistant Semen Reproductive Services Education Ultrasound Frozen Guest Insemination Book School Click Artificial Fresh Schools Breeder
69 Western Morgan Horse Breeders Association Association of
Association of breeders that promote the Morgan horse as an all purpose western horse. Site includes listing of participating farms and members, and their stallions.
Tripod Create Couldntwebsite Lycoscom Please Requested Signup Lycos Shopping Hosting Checkpage Login
70 Conejo Valley Arab Breeders Association Conejo Valley
Conejo Valley Arabian Horse Breeders Association. Social and IAHA memberships. Circuit shows, Arabian horse related activities. Horses for sale.
Calendar Photo Contact Gallery News Sponsor Faq Horse Cvahaconejo Pleaseevents President Rich Association
71 American Association of Spanish Timbrado Breeders Group Email list
Email list for the American Association of Spanish Timbrado Breeders, open to non-members.
Yahoo Help Spanishtimbrados Please Attachments Groups Tv Weather Health Shine Mobile Found Sports Policy Music
72 Model Arabian Collectors and Breeders A ring
A ring for collectors and 'breeders' of Arabian model horses. Index of the sites connected through this ring.
Model Horses Arabians Here Arabian Close Login Forum Good Found Found The Horse Pictures Signup Hub
73 Model Arabian Collectors and Breeders A ring
A ring for collectors and 'breeders' of Arabian model horses. Index of the sites connected through this ring.
Model Horses Arabians Close Here Hub Arabian Forum Found The Pedigree Provide Collections Information Good Sale
74 Model Arabian Collectors and Breeders A ring
A ring for collectors and breeders of Arabian model horses.
Model Horses Arabians Close Forum Here Arabian Hub Even Youll Collections Available Pictureslogin
75 Model Arabian Collectors and Breeders A ring
A ring for collectors and breeders of Arabian model horses.
Model Horses Arabians Close Forum Here Arabian Hub Available Apache Signup Assignment Found The Collections Pictures
76 Quarter Horse Breeders Web Ring Ring that
Ring that includes only Quarter Horse breeders.
Quarter Horse Breeders Horses Those Place Breed Own Stand Share Accomplished Pride Sale Aqha World
77 Sandkats Connecticut breeders.
Connecticut breeders.
78 GoldenBreeders Breeders and
Breeders and informational sites.
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79 Kimand Breeders located
Breeders located in Greenville.
Tripod Create Login Requested Check Tripodcom Website Page Signup Lycos Hosting Couldntlycoscom Shopping
80 Purrfurdots Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania breeders.
Purrfurdots Ocicats Ocicat Spotted Kittens Sale Chocolate Breeder Ebony Domestic Dots Double Pennsylvania Print Tawny Registered
81 FBRLs Breeders List - Birman

Birman Fbrl Breeders Cat Cats Chanan Breeder Fanciers Breed Referral Strappstudio Sale List Information Contact
82 Cattery Row A list
A list of breeders and their locations.
Norwegian Cats Cattery Forest Cat Netherlands Rows Breeders Braveheart Tigergas Coonplay Landsker Maelstrom Verdicatz Tica S*alnkungens Listings Norgeskaukatt Buskateigen Pocahontas
83 Tibetan Terrier Breeders Ring Web Ring
Web Ring only for Tibetan Terrier breeders.
Tibetan Terrier Webring Dogs Here Close Port Look Signup Terms Login Apache Follow Sign Pictures Y
84 Desertstar Breeders in
Breeders in northern Los Angeles County.
85 Shortontails Photographs of
Photographs of this Vermont breeders cats.
86 Emmel Breeders based
Breeders based in Queensland, Australia.
Tonkinese Enteremmel Click Australia
87 Diamond 'S' Farm Breeders of
Breeders of several macaw species.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Signvisit Sites Games Mail Guidelines Movies Toolbar Hosting
88 US and
US and Canadian Breeder Listings.
89 BreederBase Directory of
Directory of breeders from around the world. Add your kennel.
Whelping Dura Box Weaning Puppy Easy Puppies Boxes Door Whelp® Rails Video Pads Whelpr Breeding Cleanest Xo Corp
90 Purrshka Photographs and
Photographs and information from a Canadian breeders.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Domains Website Terms Customer Web Help Privacy Please Copyright Times
91 Palace Dolls Photos of
Photos of this breeders cats.
Siberian Kittens Cats New Litters Past Winnipeg Kitten Purrshka Queens Introducing Kings Traits Dads Moms Cattery Year
92 A-Kerrs Bengals Breeders of
Breeders of Bengal cats.
Captivate Bengal Kerrs Female Cats Kittens Male Purebred Wheel Winning Award Leopard Channel Cattube Marble Infospot Cat Clients
93 Catteryrow Listing of
Listing of breeders with links to their web sites.
Ragdolls Usa Ragdoll Cattery Dolls Cats Rags Carolina Canada Tica York Kittens Island California Blue
94 Granitefields Photographs and
Photographs and history of the breeders and the breed.
Glen Imaal Irish Eithne Clearys Cleary Terrier Terriers Standard Away Reference Pleasephoto Contact
95 Catalons and Strangelucks California and
California and Massachusetts breeders.
Bobtail American Fine Bobtails Gothic Filesfrontpagetempdirjpg Wildest Copyright Breeder Kitten Pixie Bobtailkittens@msncom Mail Examples Hearing
96 Coslinkar Australian breeders
Australian breeders also working with Siamese .
Navigationshilfet Y
97 Coslinkar Australian breeders
Australian breeders also working with Siamese .
Australia Subscribe Billing Found Work Limitedacn Media Iinet We Legal Bobtm Website Business Broadband Rights Y
98 Rotties Down Under Rottweiler breeders
Rottweiler breeders in Australia and around the world.
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99 DMB Farms Breeders of
Breeders of registered Appaloosas horses.
100 Oregon breeders
Oregon breeders also rearing Munchkins.
Laperm Munchkin Skookum Cat Cats Kittens Laperms Breeder Calicorose Information Show Munchkins Today Skookums Cattery
101 Kyjara Breeders based
Breeders based in Sydney, Australia.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Inc Finance Terms Visit Sports Maps Popular Toolbar Wayback
102 Hensleek Photographs of
Photographs of this Texas breeders cats and kittens.
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103 Ventura Boxers History of
History of these breeders, and information on available puppies.
Ventura Boxers Quality Texas Directed Hold Breederpuppies Conformationakc Champion
104 Heartland Breeders of
Breeders of UKC registered Russell Terriers. Colorado.
Russell Terrier Jack Terriers Breed Dogs First Heartland Colorado Kennel Also Beautiful Ukc Free Club Thatis
105 The LaPerm Cat Breeder Site Links to
Links to breeders and resources.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Sports Guidelines Archivesfinance News Toolbar Longeravailable Sorry
106 Sunberry Kennels Breeders history
Breeders history and photographs. Canada.
Sphynx Chinese Havanese Puppies Sunberry Cats Enter Crested Cresteds Westminster Perm Regd Ring Alberta Champions
107 Sunberry Kennels Breeders history
Breeders history and photographs. Canada.
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108 Cat @ Home Features contact
Features contact details for breeders all over the world.
Pethomepetcom Leading Homesnet Request
109 White Wolf Appaloosas Breeders of
Breeders of Appaloosa Horses.
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110 Godz Anointed 4Him Joint venture
Joint venture of 3 different breeders.
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111 KittySites.Com Listings for
Listings for breeders, services, rescue organizations.
Canada Shorthair American Kittysitescom Cat Listing Other Website Lynx New Bobtail South Countries Bob Turkish Pixie Siamese Mexico Maine Clubs Luxembourg
112 Diamond S Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of quality paint horses.
Request Paint Diamond Horses Farm Stallion Foals Ranch Family Breeding Maresowned Nginx
113 Stormcloud Breeders of
Breeders of Samoyeds, pictures and breed links.
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114 Foxan Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic Horses in the Netherlands.
Horses Farm Photos Foxan Favoritefrafoxan@cybercommnl Website Pageemail Smudge Click Here
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Breeders of hunting dogs.
Hunting Dogs Lots Here Click Found Prescott Dog Family Brittanies Valley High Living Arizona Kids Provide Chi Adoption Desertbrittanies Work Website
116 Flashpoint Dalmatians Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders and exhibitors in Georgia.
117 Claddagh Breeders information
Breeders information and photographs. Holmes, New York.
Navigationshilfet Y
118 Sukari Photographs of
Photographs of this Rhode Island breeders cats.
119 Ridge Point Missouri breeders
Missouri breeders webpage about their Traditionals.
120 Clekarn Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors, with photographs and show results.
Web Collies Clekarn Rough Hosting Foundation Free Champion Thanks Australian Cnocmoy Doyle Commerceowners
121 Waterhoek Belgian breeders
Belgian breeders of New Forest ponies, with many photos.
Hosting Waterhoek Paarden Cost Wwwdewaterhoektk Page België Tienen Free Forest Deze Forestponys Hier Frontpage Stoeterij Y
122 Rodeo Boxers Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors in Cuero,Texas.
Boxers Rodeos Rodeo Texas Boxer Debra Leather Smoke First Others Mirror Rappn Wilke Litters Available Wacey Cuero Coming Develop
123 Alekseij and Meedermews Two hobby
Two hobby breeders in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Disabled Website Requestedz Been Sorry
124 Fazziobear Buffalo breeders
Buffalo breeders photographs and cattery information.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce Domains App Central Advisor Gallery Marketing Small Help Hosting Website Shut Tech
125 Astroflash Photographs and
Photographs and breeders history. Grantham, Lincolnshire.
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126 Mas-Ree Mau Breeders located
Breeders located in Florida. Photographs and breed information.
Free Website Angelfire Hosting Builder Web Angelfires Magazine Great Knowledgebase Help Welcome Templates Support Instructions Should
127 Amantay Newfoundlands Breeders with
Breeders with photos and pedigrees of their dogs.
Wordpress Hello Website World Just Proudly Another Rss Uncategorized Wordpressorg Entries Page Sample Welcome Primary Edit
128 Spencers Breeders of
Breeders of European bloodlines. Photographs. New Paris.
129 Repetite Australian breeders
Australian breeders also working with Bombays and Mandalays.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Internet News Longeravailablemovies Games Guidelines Toolbar Visit Mail
130 J-Bars Breeders of
Breeders of AKC miniature schnauzers with most colors available. Pennsylvania.
Schnauzer Schnauzers Miniature Puppies Pennsylvania Puppy Bars Black Holland Barbara Please Registered Click Stewart They None Breeders Mennonite Pa White
131 Daystar Chihuahua Breeders and
Breeders and exibiters with photos. Located in CA.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Popular Privacy News Terms Sports Sites Waybacksorry
132 S and P Fish Hatchery Koi breeders
Koi breeders based in Olanta, Pennsylvania.
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133 Allahs Foals For all
For all Arabian Foal breeders and owners
Found Yellow Pages Privacy Articles Page Rings Home * Yp *articles * Disclarmer Rings * Contact
134 British Shorthair Cat Webring Ring for
Ring for BSH lovers, owners, and breeders.
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135 Cotonkiss Coton de Tulear Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors in the United Kingdom
Cotons Learn Gallery Jhb Photo Grooming Hjb Puppies Cotonkiss Show Hb Bjh Award Guide Showteam Care Blog Results Sale
136 Tyrah Australian breeders
Australian breeders of kittens for pets, showing, and breeding.
137 Summit Kennels Breeders of
Breeders of American Staffordshire Terriers in Missouri.
138 Establo Shetland Pony
Shetland Pony and miniature horse breeders in Texas.
139 Cow Dog Central Directory of
Directory of breeders and associations promoting the use of working cow dogs.
Dog Border Training Information Breeders Collie Breed Breeding Associations Cow Dogs Breeder Working Cowdog Stockdogs Share Livestock
140 Betta Lovers Species specific
Species specific, for hobbyist and breeders sites.
Apachefound The Server Foundport
141 Kachina Havanese Breeders with
Breeders with photos of dogs. Located in Phoenix, AZ.
Havanese Kachinas Cuba Weebly Us * Hedge Forums Hosting Cuban Litter Gallery Video Puppies Contact Web Tenerife American
142 Phlicks Maltese Breeders/xxhibitors of
Breeders/xxhibitors of champion dogs has pictures. GA.
Portserver Faviconico Apache
143 Poodles Directory listings
Directory listings of standard, miniature and toy breeders.
Poodles Standard Breeders Minis Standards Toys Poodle Apricot Black Miniature Toy Blue Brown White Cream
144 Undeniably Dolls Includes pedigree
Includes pedigree of breeders, available kittens, and photos.
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145 Smaroel Arabians Straight Egyptian
Straight Egyptian Arabian breeders in Holland.
146 Sporting Dog Online Resources, articles
Resources, articles, list of breeders, and links.
Bull Pit Pitbull Terrier American Miami Condo Sporting Kennels Pictures Breeders Pitbulls Dog Bulls Estate Yacht Chinaman
147 Breed information
Breed information, bulletin board, and breeders list.
Savannahs Cats Savannah Cattery Exotics Bengals Exotic Bengal Sale Spots Breed Kittens Cat Chausies Pride
148 Alaskan Malamute Links to
Links to pictures, activities, clubs, and breeders.
Markazits Lchf Gi Joomla Wordpress Templates Kontakta Kristen Lã¥gt Carb Welcome Blogg Och Low Atkins Android Appar Hundar Menu Cavalier
149 Mystik Breeders of
Breeders of American Staffordshire Terriers for pet, conformation, or obedience.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Terms Movies Sorry Trying Visit Games Mail Toolbar Guidelines
150 Yarrowfell Dalmatians Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders located in Canberra, Australia.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Sorry Games Reachmachine Hosting Sports Inc Archives
151 Cattery Row Features a
Features a directory of breeders, photos, and breed profiles.
Cattery Lynx American Shorthair Turkish Siamese Curl Persian Bobtail Scottish Featured Munchkins Sphynx Pixie Bob Devon Singapura Oriental Uncategorized Laperm Rescue Exotic
152 Betta Shops Species specific
Species specific, for hobbyist and commercial breeders.
Serverfound The Navigationshilfe Portfound Apache
153 City of Gold Photographs of
Photographs of a Mississippi breeders cats and kittens.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Trying Longeravailable Sites Maps Toolbarguidelines Privacy Archiveorg Hosting
154 Spotfire Dalmatians Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders located in Melbourne, Australia
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Gallery App Local Hosting Advisor Help Customer Please Mobile
155 Australasian Bullmastiff Breeders and Fanciers Breeder lists
Breeder lists in Australia, UK and US.
Bullmastiff Breeders Fanciers Australian Mail New Dogs Australia Zealand Sponsored Lists Chat Australasian Smartgroupscomshow
156 Masterpiece Arabians Breeders of
Breeders of Arabian horses since 1961. In Sisters.
157 Wunderbar Arabians Arabian horse
Arabian horse breeders located in Saskatoon.
Arabians Wunderbar Arabian Friesen Presents Click Proudly Horses Couturier Halter Laura Enter Versace Polish Quality Matinee
158 Barcoo Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors, with photographs of dogs and links. Perth.
Barcoo Rough Smooth Copyright Collies Collie Based Breederexhibitor Perth Powered Barcookennels Collies Collie Western Barcookennels@bigpondcom Corgiaustralia
159 The Dunberghof Breeders of
Breeders of New Forest and Shetland ponies. Located in Nederlands.
Click Here Free Page Member Website Area Freeservers Web Hosting Visit Tools Thanks Technical Building
160 Baxterbred Cavaliers Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors located in Concord, Michigan.
161 Enora Breeders offering
Breeders offering an overview of their dogs and litters. Kentucky.
Navigationshilfet Y
162 Big Valley Kennels Boarding kennel
Boarding kennel and breeders of labrador retrievers.
Labradors Valley Labrador Big Kennels British Canada Columbia Retrievers Nellie Bigvalleykennel Schipperkes Lab Welcome Road
163 Shawnkara Breeders profile
Breeders profile and history, stock bloodlines, and guarantees.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Machine Internet User Archivesfinance Privacy Sites Hosting Games News
164 French Bulldog WebRing Contains links
Contains links to Frenchie breeders pages.
French Bulldogs World Around Bulldog Close Here Port Server Blog Dogs Login Found The Another Y
165 Sutera A small
A small cattery with kittens and retired breeders for sale.
166 Breeders of
Breeders of macaws, cockatoos, and conures. Located in Humble.
Birds Toys Image Birdscom Love Email Selection Available Behavior Swing Services Mediumsized Feathered Never Usstoreparrot Fantastic
167 Cattery World List of
List of breeders, with description and contact details.
Cattery Kitten Breeder List Catteryworld Care Contact World Add Please Catastrophelonerock Ragdollsphotos Youve
168 Victory Breeders, training
Breeders, training, conditioning, and professional handlers. Photographs.
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169 Google Groups - Russianblue This list
This list is for breeders, owners, and lovers of the cat.
Navigationshilfet Y
170 Silverado Keeshonden Breeders in
Breeders in Texas, provides numerous photos of their showdogs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Sign Help Popular Reach Guidelines Inc Longeravailable Terms User Wayback Archives Y
171 The International Bengal Breeders Association Sites of
Sites of TIBBA members.
Bengal Association Inc Breeders International Here Close Breeds Efforts Server Found Tibbadomestic Add
172 Tru Grit Breeders history
Breeders history and photographs. Wilson, North Carolina.
Guestbook Love Dogsco Httpwwwi Random Contact Hit Here Counter Website Free Americanassoc World
173 Amazolou Breeders of
Breeders of British Shorthairs, Selkirk Rex and Devon Rex cats.
Cats Selkirk Kittens Rex British Curly Sale Free Bsh Line Amazolou Counters Breeding Golden Blue Shorhair Kitten
174 Baskerville Hounds Local breeders
Local breeders provide photos and background information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
175 Northern Bough Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Quality Dutch Warmbloods in Massachusetts.
Dutchbough Warmbloods Northernfarm
176 Little Critter Breeder Ring A webring
A webring for breeders of small rodents and rats.
Apachefound Found The Portnavigationshilfe Server
177 NIISYF Whippets UK breeders
UK breeders for show and performance. Photographs and kennel information.
Whippets Dogs Niisyf Girls Although Produce Boys Day Owned Racing Create Abbott Together Born Lancashire
178 Michigan Guppy Breeders Contains news
Contains news, member details, and photo gallery.
Disabled Website Beenrequested Sorry Z
179 Beaks N Featherz Breeders of
Breeders of cockatiels, lovebirds, and quaker parakeets. Located in VA.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Gallery Local Advisor App Help Network Website Shut Please Domains News Parenting Compare
180 Bramerita Chihuahuas Breeders/exhibitors. Includes
Breeders/exhibitors. Includes photos. Located in Hampton, UK.
Lose Going Weight Fast Fats Gym Diet Life Tips Contact Without Privacy Healthy Benefits Rid Pills
181 Finnish Schapendoes Club Includes photographs
Includes photographs, show results, and breeders.
182 Flaming Star Shows photos
Shows photos of breeders Frenchies. Located in Texas.
Chowsgracie Brody Gloria Past Albumchows Photoflamingstar Error Updates
183 Danemoor Great Danes Dog breeders.
Dog breeders. Includes photographs and litter announcements.
184 Tanalith Kennels English Springer
English Springer Spaniel breeders in Australia and New Zealand.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Archiveorg Sports Reachwayback Finance Inc Mail News Sorry Guidelines
185 Next Day Pets Directory of
Directory of classified advertisements from breeders, as well as providing breed information.
Puppies Dog Group Dogs Sale Breeds Browse Account Pets Puppy Terrier Breeders Breed Plans Videos Breedmatch
186 Montague Dalmatians Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders and exhibitors, showing in conformation and obedience
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyrightmachine Guidelines Internet Hosting Longeravailable Sorry Maps Visit User
187 Dalmatian Pictures, frequently
Pictures, frequently asked questions, breeders and facts about Dalmatians.
Dalmatian Dog Books Hoflin Breed Reviews Order Prints Museum Annuals Annual Gait Today Behavior Training
188 HI-C Chihuahuas and Maltese Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors with photos of dogs. Located in Laurens, SC.
Sale Puppies Chihuahua Coat Health Clar@prtcnetcom Boys Hamster Permanently The Smooth Pages Hopefuls Tiny Guarantee Here Cage
189 Roma Shelties Breeders of
Breeders of Shetland Sheepdogs. North Highlands, California.
Request Error Website Disabledz
190 Ice Caps Finnish Spitz Exhibitors and
Exhibitors and breeders. Located in LaPine, Oregon, USA.
Finnish Spitz Diane Helland Dogs Show Enter Caps Puppies Mccool_ Pedigree Copyright Ernest Photos Health Phantomand
191 Tosa Inu Dog Origin, description
Origin, description, photographs, lists of breeders and clubs, and links.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Archivesvisit Sports Longeravailable Reach Hosting Maps Popular
192 Interlude Boxers Breeders and
Breeders and handlers. Photographs and pedigrees. Granger, Indiana.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Privacy Mail Archives News Trying Terms Sorry Popular Archiveorg
193 Ravin Dalmatians Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders and exhibitors located in Billings, Montana.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sites News Mail Wayback Reach Sorry Archiveorginc Popular
194 Dolce Pictures, breeders
Pictures, breeders oath, news, and pedigrees. Walnut Creek.
Dolces Golden Retriever Club Rest Peace Retrievers Party Return Norcal Burning Part Love Dolce
195 EstoEs Chihuahuas Breeders of
Breeders of long and smooth coats, with photos. Australia.
Breeders Nswregistered Estoes Chihuahuassydney Chihuahua Hosting Space Wwwestoesmbcom Web Gocom Freez Thanks
196 Gentry Dalmatians Dalmatian breeders
Dalmatian breeders located in South Bega, NSW, Australia
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Customer Please Privacy Help Terms Domains Website Policy Marketing
197 UK Bullmastiff Webring Sites of
Sites of United Kingdom breeders, exhibitors, and fanciers.
Portfound Apache Serverfound The
198 Karimar Kennels Breeders of
Breeders of Gordon Setters since 1996. Puppies and dogs available.
Karimarkennelscomhere Click Go Z
199 Mavmon Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors. Includes photographs, pedigrees, links, and a guestbook.
200 KEF Breeders of
Breeders of Sharplaninec in Macedonia. Photo galleries, breed history and characteristics.
Website Counter Sobak For Sharplaninechit Sharplaninec Book Kef Z

4. Computer & Breeders Games Websites

1 Dog Webz Web designing
Web designing for dog breeders, dog groomers, dog handlers, veterinarians.
Website Banners Wordpress Designs Banner Graphic Regretz Dog Grfx Designers Install Screen Bulldog Studio Design Southern
2 Vulcan-Ltd Offering web
Offering web site design to dog, cat and horse breeders.
Web Design Vulcan Ltd Page Animal Inexpensively Yes Network Increase Cat Advertise Sites Lover Champion
3 Heavenly Web Designs Offers basic
Offers basic services to dog breeders.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Movies Sportstoolbar Machine Visit Inc Wayback News
4 Offers graphics
Offers graphics, design, email, message boards, and chat room services for cat breeders.
Bali Design Chicago Green Property Seminyak Cattery Villas Blog Company Land Best Villa Web Real
5 Kennels Regd Web site
Web site designing and hosting for dog fanciers. Specializing in dog breeders, professional handlers and dog groomers.
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6 Dovetail Web Creations Website design
Website design for dog related sites such as breeders, trainers and clubs. Belgian Sheepdogs a specialty.
Health Posted Furniture Jane Bringing Food Together Shape However Lighting Syrup They Getting Diet Fitness Oilsandhair Use First Janeare
7 ShadowCaster Design Providing internet
Providing internet exposure for breeders, kennels, catterys and other members of the animal industry through professionally designed websites.
Dog Breeder Web Portfolio Pet Seo Designservices | Z
8 Centric Software Inc. Software developer
Software developer for the cow/calf industry that meets the needs of breeders and associations.
Software Registry Cattle Inc Centric Calf Management Herd Sheep Association Cow Elk Breed Goat Livestock Horse Wedesign

5. Sports Websites concerning Breeders

1 East Texas Horse Breeders and Ranches List of
List of breeders, horses for sale, boarding facilities, and trainers.
Horses Texas East Horse Design Sale Breeders American Free Farriers Quarter Boarding Related Paint Ranches Stables
2 Palomino Horse Breeders of America Show approvals
Show approvals and results, leading breeders, sires, and membership information.
Palomino Association Horse Breeders Heritage Show Phba Foundation News Reining Alliance Programs World Classes Contact Brochures
3 Shire Horse Breeders Australia, Inc Includes newsletter
Includes newsletter, calendar of events, list of breeders, photos, membership form, and contacts.
4 Ranchers Quarter Horse Breeders Association List of
List of South Dakota breeders, and offering select auction sale each August.
Futurity Sale Rqhba Breeders Horses Quarter Horse Performance Contact Gelding Bred Ranch Catalog Memorial Brunner Confidence Tequila
5 Northeast Nebraska Quarter Horse Breeders Association A group
A group of local breeders dedicated to producing great working horses that can win in the showring too.
Domain See Domains Help Policy Testimonials Hassle Request Jenshacom Profile Price Speak Return Botushacom Mst Cart Center
6 Rocky Hill Miniatures AMHA/AMHR breeders
AMHA/AMHR breeders offers photos, a sales page and links. Also breeders of sheltland ponies. Located in Arcadia.
7 SevenAcres Farm AMHA/AMHR breeders.
AMHA/AMHR breeders. Offers sales list, photos, and message board. Also breeders of tiny pygmy goats. Located in Monroe.
8 The Paso Fino Breeders Club Organization for
Organization for breeders, owners, trainers and judges in good standing with PFHA. Includes a report from the last meeting, proposed rule changes, and links.
9 The Paso Fino Breeders Club Organization for
Organization for breeders, owners, trainers and judges in good standing with PFHA. Includes a report from the last meeting, proposed rule changes, and links.
10 Legacy Breeders Council A group
A group of breeders in Texas and southern United States, promoting exhibits of the Peruvian horse at shows and fairs. Includes breeder directory.
Peruvian Website Breeders Horse Digest Council Legacy Road Paso Ranch Mail Horses Po Valley Gaited
11 Maryland Horse Breeders Association Functions as
Functions as an informational resource for horse breeders and owners, the media, community, government organizations and the general public.
Park Maryland Laurel Stable Farm Llc Mrs Racing Ob Inc Horse Bowman Million Charles Mr Bred Sagamore Breds Moss Fitzhugh
12 Southwest Spanish Mustang Association Formed by
Formed by breeders who seek to preserve, promote, and enjoy the pure line of Spanish Mustangs. Contains list of breeders, articles, registration information, coat colors, and photos.
Spanish Horse Mustang Mustangs Sorraia Rickman Association Ssma Southwest Bryant Oklahoma Jones Livestock Here Chairman
13 Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association Official site
Official site, featuring rules and regulations national news, provincial chapter news, breed FAQs, stallion directory, sales list and links to breeders.
Stallion Breeders Directory Canadian Members Warmblood Horse Registration Member Awards Auction Cwhba Entry Horses Sale General Vienna Lenregistrement Presentation Application
14 Lil Beginnings Miniature Horses Breeders of
Breeders of quality miniature horses, with a guide for a variety of information, including featured breeders, tack suppliers and auctions.
Horse Sale Miniature Horses Farm Small ↓ Forms Connect Board Ponies Lil Sales Farms Directory Mares Contests
15 AQHA Southeast Iowa Breeders Small association
Small association for breeders located within a 10 mile radius in Southeast Iowa. Includes list of horses for sale and information about the members.
Aqha Iowa Southeast Horses Foals Quarter Ranch Purchase Circle Welcome Horse Contact Helling Sale Great Under
16 Midwest Breeders Group A breeders
A breeders group dedicated to breeding quality Sport Horses for Hunters, Jumpers, and Dressage in the midwest USA.
17 Thoroughbred Breeders and Trainers Directory UK based
UK based central meeting point for Thoroughbred Breeders, Trainers and related professions on the internet.
18 Australian Thoroughbred Breeders Club Local club
Local club catering for breeders in the Hawkesbury district, New South Wales. Includes news, membership application, details on incentive scheme, lending library, event and sale/lease pages.
Video News Tender Stallion Forum Contact Club Scheme Special Australian Salelease Thoroughbred Breeders Stakes Racehorse Featuring Article Eclipse
19 Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Association Southeastern Montana
Southeastern Montana organization which sponsors sales and futurities annually over Labor day weekend. Reference sires, futurity information, a breeders directory, stallion auction information, and sales listings.
Sale Futurity Horse Breeders Yearling Prqhba Quarter Winner_ Powder Transport River Filly Sept Association Montana Kevin
20 Southern Cleveland Bay Breeders Club A club
A club for owners, breeders and lovers of the Cleveland Bay horse in the southern UK. Includes membership information, breed history, show results and calendar.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Please Web Website Domains Account Aabaco Customer Help Registration
21 Western Morgan Horse Breeders Association Association of
Association of breeders that promote the Morgan horse as an all purpose western horse. Site includes listing of participating farms and members, and their stallions.
Create Tripod Signup Check Please Shopping Lycoscom Login Page Hostingwebsite Errorpage Lycos Found
22 Conejo Valley Arab Breeders Association Conejo Valley
Conejo Valley Arabian Horse Breeders Association. Social and IAHA memberships. Circuit shows, Arabian horse related activities. Horses for sale.
Photo Calendar Contact News Gallery Sponsor Faq Home Arabian Sincerely Richevents Valley President
23 Model Arabian Collectors and Breeders A ring
A ring for collectors and 'breeders' of Arabian model horses. Index of the sites connected through this ring.
Model Horses Arabians Arabian Arabianswebsites Collecting Provide Youll Information Good Horse Found Sale Even Nextring
24 Model Arabian Collectors and Breeders A ring
A ring for collectors and breeders of Arabian model horses.
Model Horses Arabians Arabian Arabianswebsites Collecting Information Youll Provide Good Picture Models Available Assignment Y
25 Quarter Horse Breeders Web Ring Ring that
Ring that includes only Quarter Horse breeders.
Quarter Horse Breeders Horses Breed Place Accomplished Share Own Stand Pride Those Foundation Sale Stallions
26 DMB Farms Breeders of
Breeders of registered Appaloosas horses.
27 Waterhoek Belgian breeders
Belgian breeders of New Forest ponies, with many photos.
Waterhoek Thanks Sign Page Wwwdewaterhoektk Paarden Forest Deze Tienen Welcome Komt Arabische Ponys Van Leuven Y
28 Diamond S Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of quality paint horses.
Request Paintmares Owned Ranch Horse Stallion Diamondfarm Horses Nginx Family
29 Allahs Foals For all
For all Arabian Foal breeders and owners
Foundarticles * Disclarmer Rings Yp * Pages Privacy Home * Articles Rings * Page Contactyellow
30 Foxan Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic Horses in the Netherlands.
Horses Farm Photos Foxan Favorite Smudge Newfrafoxan@cybercommnl Here Pageclick Website Email
31 White Wolf Appaloosas Breeders of
Breeders of Appaloosa Horses.
Navigationshilfe Ty
32 Smaroel Arabians Straight Egyptian
Straight Egyptian Arabian breeders in Holland.
Navigationshilfe Ty
33 Masterpiece Arabians Breeders of
Breeders of Arabian horses since 1961. In Sisters.
Navigationshilfe Ty
34 Establo Shetland Pony
Shetland Pony and miniature horse breeders in Texas.
35 Wunderbar Arabians Arabian horse
Arabian horse breeders located in Saskatoon.
Arabians Wunderbar Arabian Friesen Proudly Presents Halter Laura Click Enter Couturier Horses Quality Class Show Matinee
36 The Dunberghof Breeders of
Breeders of New Forest and Shetland ponies. Located in Nederlands.
Click Here Freeservers Member Website Area Page Free Visit Support Technical Photos Building Sign Upload
37 Northern Bough Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Quality Dutch Warmbloods in Massachusetts.
Boughwarmbloods Dutch Northernfarm
38 The Crabbet Alliance of Texas A group
A group of breeders and owners dedicated to the CMK Arabian.
Electronic Cigarette Cigarettes Ecig Reading Review Continue Best Order Direct Buy Factory Smoke How Great Awards Well
39 Raintree Morgans Horse farm
Horse farm, exhibitors and breeders of Morgan horses.
Morgan Horses Morgans Raintree Muncie Indiana Mares Fillies Breeding Geldings Rd~ Family Masterworks Rudicel Y
40 Circle B Bar T Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of Arabian horses for performance and halter. In Fishtail.
Navigationshilfet Y
41 CPC Stables Small Appaloosa
Small Appaloosa breeders and exhibitors offer picture gallery.
Z Request Y
42 Hillside Acres Trainers and
Trainers and breeders of Hackney ponies. Located in Elkton, MI.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Aabaco Please Customer Website Help Domains
43 Georgia Appaloosa Horse Association Organization of
Organization of breeders and trainers, located in Conyers.
Gaha Clothing Tips Way Guidance Awareness Student Loom Education Purchasing Wordpressorg Tank June Health Geniune Wearing Ready Best Fruit
44 Mill Stream Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Foundation Blood Tennessee Walking Horses.
Tips Posted Richard Abrahams Camping Buying Stay Farms Used Gobbler Mill Alternative Avoid Stream Recreation Bird Snowmobiling Consequently
45 New Albion Stud Preservationist breeders
Preservationist breeders of CMK Arabian horses. Standing seven stallions. In Davis.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Website Aabaco Domains Customer Privacy Please Account Found Upgrade
46 CPC Stables Small breeders
Small breeders and exhibitors offer picture gallery. Located in Danville.
Sign People Lifestream Everything Places Now Policy Account Simplifying Connecting Networks Networks Read Create Learnmore Stream
47 Fell Pony Fun (Yahoo! Groups) Discussion forum
Discussion forum for owners, breeders and enthusiasts.
Yahoo Fellponyfun Help Groups Please Also Copyright Style Beauty Equestrian Xhome Fellponyfun@yahoogroupscom Shopping Answers Classical
48 VFM Miniatures AMHA/AMHR breeders
AMHA/AMHR breeders offers photos and horses for sale. Located in Hillsboro.
Navigationshilfet Y
49 Ks Klassic Ponies Breeders of
Breeders of registered classic American Shetlands. Located in Mitchell, Nebraska.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Please Privacy Terms Aabaco Domains Website Help Customer Account
50 Summersong Farm Paso Fino
Paso Fino horse breeders located in Cashiers, North Carolina.
Farm Gypsy Contact Horses Vanners Events Sale News Fino Permanently The Website Web Summersong North Y
51 Demi Farms Breeders of
Breeders of traditional Canadian Horses. Located in Paisley, Ontario, Canada.
Demi Farms Breeders Canadien Horses Qualitytradtional Z
52 Contains list
Contains list of breeders, pedigrees, photos, articles, classified advertising, and foaling calculator.
53 Maurdar Arabians Blue Star
Blue Star, Al Khamsa horse breeders standing several stallions. In Roberts.
Sirecho Sirecho__ Maur Fadls Bint Finale Star Fadl Turfara__ Arrogaance Fadl__ Blue Asmaje Asmaje__ Fire Turfara Chestnut Khabira Fanale
54 Cutters Unlimited A directory
A directory (webring) of stallions, breeders, and trainers in the cutting horse industry.
Found Thefound Navigationshilfe Serverport Apache
55 Seven Cedars Arabian Farm Breeders of
Breeders of family horses with emphasis on black Polish Arabians.
56 Flying W Farms, Inc. Breeders of
Breeders of horses, English and American mastiff, and Miniature Zebu cattle.
Horses Friesian Mastiff Cross Georgian Grande Sport Dressage Miniature Dales Grand English Breeds Bloods Wagner Flying
57 Early Curly Breeders Association, The Features a
Features a sales list and links to member sites.
58 Kentuckiana Farms Breeders of
Breeders of 10 million dollar winning Standardbred horses. Located in Lexington, KY.
Kentuckiana Farms Close * Race Record Pedigree Contact Videos Kentucky Lexington Colts Trotting Mass Glide Muscle Stallion Fillies Phone
59 Southwest Montana Horse Breeders Included consignment
Included consignment and purchasing information for annual sale held in May.
60 Porvenir Ranch Breeders and
Breeders and sellers of Peruvian Paso horses. Located in Fort Worth, Texas.
Paso Ranch Peruvian Horse Villa Porvenir Hacienda Pasos La Dob Trading Excellent Horsedirect America Criadero
61 OzArabs Discussion list
Discussion list for Australian owners, breeders and fanciers of the Arabian Horse. Information on how to join.
Yahoo Ozarabs Help Groups Please Morexc Beauty Policy Nzarabians Politics Flickr Health Parenting Music Style Tv Celebrity
62 Shining Meadows Clydesdales Breeders, exhibitors
Breeders, exhibitors, and trainers of Clydesdale horses. Located in Eastern Ohio.
Disabled Website Sorryz Been Requested
63 Eagle Ridge Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Tennessee Walkings specializing in champagne coloration. Located in Arlington.
Dieser Eagleridge Domain Datenschutzrichtlinien Here Click Twhcominformationen Twhcomz Informationen
64 Rancho Encanto Amor Breeders/sales of
Breeders/sales of Pinto, IAHA horses located in Southern, California, USA.
65 Fell Pony Directory Listing of
Listing of associations, breeders and owners, breed information, and related links.
66 ARJO Breeders Photos and
Photos and descriptions of mares, babies, and horses for sale. Rockaway Township, New Jersey.
67 EQUUS OLE A marketing
A marketing site for a group of Spanish breeders with quality Andalusian Horses for sale worldwide.
68 Ryan Farms Breeders site
Breeders site contains details of principal sires, their bloodlines and the successes of their progeny. Florida, USA.
Water Heater Carpet Cleaning Gainesville Coast Dog Installation White Pendant Control Lighting Stripping Fence Gold
69 Bells Miniature Horse Ranch AMHA Breeders
AMHA Breeders offer sales list. Located in Colusa.
70 Galten Farms Breeders of
Breeders of world class Trakehner horses, with pictures and biographies of brood mares and studs.
Farms Horse Galten Trakehner Stallions Mare Sport Web Ontario Mares Canada Well Equine Adrian Sale
71 Arabian Horse Friends An index
An index of breeders and owners sites. Studs, training centers and features are accepted.
Foundrings Yp * Home * Privacy Disclarmer Yellow Page Articles *contact Articles Rings * Pages
72 Carolina Horses E-group A resource
A resource for owners, breeders, trainers, farriers, vets, and all horse enthusiasts in the Carolinas.
Yahoo Help Please Groups Sports Inc Central Terms Parenting Onlineservices Create News Politics Health Real
73 Rainwater Farms Breeders of
Breeders of American Saddlebreds in Fresno, California. Sale offerings, details about the breeding program.
Horse Fresno Boarding Horses Rainwater Training Farms Saddlebred American David Becker Sale Photos Stables Michael
74 7S Miniatures AMHA/AMHR breeders
AMHA/AMHR breeders offering show results, photos, and many horses for sale. Located in Springfield.
Miniatures Sale Driving Champion Pleasure Night Nashville Grand World Championpleasure Sales Single Nfcs Horsepadding Fillies
75 CAB Appaloosas. Breeders of
Breeders of foundation performance/distance winners. Standing Chief Chelsea Bea and lists stock for sale.
Page Distance Chelsea Chief Appaloosa Foundation Medallion Close Custom Thanks Appaloosas Sire Favorite Photo Winners Infopics King Beeleading Mansfieldcomanche
76 Lakota Creek Ranch AMHA/AMHR Breeders
AMHA/AMHR Breeders standing studs, photos, and sales. Located in Briggsdale.
Horses Amhr Miniature Ranch Creek Lakota Amha Colorado Quarter Pictures Foundation Mares Information Lane Foals Click Geldings
77 MJ Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Canadian Warmblood Horses and Anglo Arabians. Photographs, pedigree, sales list, anv videos.
Horses Warmblood Sale Mj Farms Tango Junior Cwhba Canada Dresden Samba Hosting Sport Rider Olds Mara Check Good
78 Falconwood Legacy Bloodstock Straight Egyptian
Straight Egyptian breeders standing National Champion Thee Gambler. In Texarkana.
Reference Legacy Falconwood Farm Sires Bloodstock Remembered Sales Dams Whats Babies Stallions Historynew
79 High Shams Ranch Breeders also
Breeders also offering training services. Standing A Music Tradition. Located in Mendocino.
Sign Account Policy People Places Everything Now Lifestream Privacy Networks Read Email Incsocial Trademarks
80 Thunder Valley Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Foundation Quarter horses and Angus cattle. Located west of Nanton.
Request Rejectedy
81 Bay View Farms Breeders of
Breeders of champion Peruvian horses in Safford, Alabama. Includes sales list, map, and directions.
82 Almase Arabians Breeders of
Breeders of Arabian performance horses. Egyptian, Russian and Crabbet bloodlines. Located in Willebringen.
Horses Sale Arabian Belgium Endurance Egyptian Crabbet Request Straight | Show Asil Suitable Y
83 MJ Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Canadian Warmblood Horses and Anglo Arabians. Photographs, pedigree, sales list, anv videos.
Horses Warmblood Sale Farms Mj Tango Dresden Cwhba Canada Junior Olds Brazilia Hosting Check Warmbloods Current Stallions
84 Montana Mini Horse AMHR breeders
AMHR breeders offers photos, a sales page, and a height chart. Located in Victor.
Horses Mini Horse Amhr Configuration Height Never Things Contact Montana Health Internet Miniature Vet Check  Accept Powered Posts
85 BlackLeg Acres Breeders of
Breeders of Brabant and Percheron draft horses offering stallion services, sales and event listings.
Horse Roan Heavy Percherons Belgium Gray Draft Ring American Type Breed Horses Prev Brabant Color Cindy Registered Itseuropean Been
86 Hacienda Nirvana Breeders and
Breeders and trainers of Peruvian Paso horses. Includes information on sales, breeding, fees, and facilities.
Domain Policy Testimonials Categories Shopping Cart Contact Help See Haciendanirvanacom Deals Domains Companyvisit Price
87 North Street Warmbloods Breeders of
Breeders of OLD/NA Sporthorses offspring by Art Deco and Rainbow. Quality Draft Cross Sales. Topsfield MA
Horse Topsfield Page North Street Dressage Call Please Foxhunting Contact Boarding Horses Email Returned Learn Orwill Group Tune Need
88 Tara Hills Stud Breeders of
Breeders of winning Standardbred horses with some for sale. Located in Port Perry, Ontario, Canada.
Hills Winners Tara Stallions Stud Muscle Hes Mass Titan Three Contact Sportswriter Kadabra Mach Watching Amberican Lambethdesktop
89 Saintjuliots Stud Breeders of
Breeders of Cleveland Bay horses, Britains oldest and rarest breed of horse. Chilled and frozen semen available.
Sign Everything Lifestream Places Account People Policy Now Connecting Login Networks Rightssocial Create Advertise
90 Hideaway Farms Breeders of
Breeders of AMHA Miniature Horses, includes photos and details on mares, stallions, and animals for sale.
Request Rejectedy
91 Heavens Gate Farm Breeders of
Breeders of registered paint and quarter horses for competition, pleasure, working cattle or trail.
92 Clays Clydesdales Breeders of
Breeders of bay and black draft horses in Tomah, Wisconsin. Details of sires, photos, and a sales list.
Clydesdales Wisconsin Farm Clay Clays Horses Breeds Sells Family Bay Dillon Clydesdale Corey Black Barbara Bluiebeau Draft
93 Pineridge Icelandics Breeders of
Breeders of Icelandic horses and sheep. Sales include all of North America. British Columbia, Canada.
Z Enter Rare_ Birth Sheepdog_ Horse Pineridge Icelandic Icelandics_ Sheepenter_ Click Announcement_
94 Korona Polish Arabian
Polish Arabian Breeders Society including news, membership information, and lists of stallions and horses for sale.
Arabians Arabian Horse Farm Horses Clients Equine Varian World Services Kiesner Video Magazine Training Design Productions Friends Soleil
95 Percheron Horse Network Offers list
Offers list of North American breeders, discussion forums, classifieds advertisements, and photos.
96 IceHorseColor A list
A list for breeders and others who care for the rare colors of the Icelandic horse. Information on how to join, and public message archives.
Yahoo Help Icehorsecolor Please Groups Horses Treeless Sports Beauty Onlineservices Central Answers Saddle Politics Mail
97 Summerfield Farm Lambert Morgan
Lambert Morgan breeders. Stallion services, photographs, breed profile, and horses for sale. Libby.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Domains Website Web Aabaco Terms Privacy Help
98 Fine Touch Acres Breeders of
Breeders of purebred and part Arabians, standing Egyptian stallion Ibn Ben Malik. Crooked Creek.
Create Tripod Hosting Login Couldnt Please Lycoscom Lycos Shopping Page Requestedsignup Errorpage Website Tripodcom
99 New Forest Pony Owners & Breeders Australian based
Australian based organization. Features breed description and history, plus show photos.
Pony Forest New Owners Australian Breeders Ponies Stud Australia Nfpob Jumping Dressage Apsb Delwyn Olympic
100 Fox Chase Farm Breeders of
Breeders of quality Tennessee Walking Horses. Specializing in champagnes and creme dilutes. Located in Culpeper.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Terms Customer Privacy Domains Web Account Website Articles
101 Wesco Farms - American Miniature Horses AMHA/AMHR breeders.
AMHA/AMHR breeders. offers sales, photos, and small equine dictionary.
Miniature Horses Horse Mini Sale Farms Wesco Information American Before Buy Chevaux Color Geldings Reference Stuff
102 Hendershot New Millennium Haflingers and Paints Horse breeders
Horse breeders and trainers. Features photos of breeding stock and list of horses for sale.
Policy Stock Acceptable User Privacy Agreement Use Mail Page Payment Quote Headlines Port Linknycom Apache
103 Abria Miniatures AMHA breeders
AMHA breeders offering many photos, show results, pedigree information, and sales list. Located in Lowell.
104 Eastbrook Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Lippitt Morgan horses. Lists mares in residence, stallions at stud, and links to favorite sites.
Medical テレクラとツーショットダイヤルでテレフォンセックス以外のこと Travel Health 携帯、一般電話から簡単に利用できるツーショットダイヤルはここ:ハニートーク Tourism テレフォンセックスで女の子のエッチな声をèÅ
105 Thoroughbred Breeders Association of New Jersey Includes race
Includes race schedules, news, farm links, a stallion register, and resource articles.
Jersey News Breeders Racing Thoroughbred Stakes Nj Monmouth New Association Breds Stallion Breeding Handicap Awards Mid Atlantic Wins Bred Farmsservices Owners
106 Bellamy Stud Horse breeders
Horse breeders offering a range of paint breeds. Find sales list, photos and profiles of horses.
Navigationshilfet Y
107 Bridestone Walkers Specialist breeders
Specialist breeders of Tennessee Walking Horses, provides history of the breed and articles on purchasing, riding, training, and breeding.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Website Found Shopping Page Login Signup Tripodcom Please Errorpage Lycoscouldnt
108 Swedish Warmblood Zone Offers FAQs
Offers FAQs, a history of the breed, a breeders directory, inspection tour schedules, and photo galleries.
109 B.C.s Miniature Horses AMHR breeders
AMHR breeders offer photos, some pedigree information, show results, and links. Located in Sioux City.
Navigationshilfet Y
110 Hewetsons Miniature Horses Breeders of
Breeders of studbook ponies. Includes herd profiles, photos, and sales. Located in Williamsburg, Ontario.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Aabaco Web Terms Help Privacy Customer Account
111 Owners & Breeders of Thoroughbreds Includes photos
Includes photos and profiles of horses. Contains barn camera and message board. Located in Benton City.
Navigationshilfe Ty
112 Northwest Horse Source Online articles
Online articles, community, and marketplace complimenting the print magazines focus on everything about horses, breeders, and trainers.
Horse Source Farm Marketplace Press Health Wellness Feature Experts Free Nw Products Special Events Advertising Gift New Karen Noteworthy
113 Innishfael Farm Breeders of
Breeders of part Arabian Pintos in Palomino and Buckskin colors. Breeding for show and pleasure. Located in Houston, MN, USA.
Navigationshilfet Y
114 TWHbreeders An email
An email discussion list for Tennessee Walking Horse breeders and lovers. Information on how to join, message archives for members only.
Yahoo Help Twhbreeders Groups Horse Please Politics Finance Morexc Policy Inc Mobile Care Yahoos Health
115 ClevelandBay An email
An email discussion group for owners, breeders, and fanciers of Cleveland Bay horses. Information on how to join, message archives for members only.
Yahoo Help Clevelandbay Please Groups News Makers Shopping Tech Tv Xhome Mobile Privacy Owner@yahoogroupscom Central
116 Modern Miniatures AMHA/AMHR breeders.
AMHA/AMHR breeders. Offers sales pages, stallions at stud, and show results. Located in Longview.
117 Amazing Sonrise Miniature Horses AMHA breeders
AMHA breeders standing studs. Offers photos, pedigree information and a sales page.
Request Rejectedy
118 National Association of Breeders Offering judges
Offering judges standard video for purchase, and containing news, membership information and forms, by-laws, and stallion listings.
Shop Directory News Menu * Design Shortcodes Stallion Missouri Email Copyright Administration Sidebar Right Subscribe Trotter
119 Baer Creek Miniature Horse Farm Breeders offering
Breeders offering photos, show records, a foaling calculator, and links. Located outside Houston.
120 Be Bop Farm AMHA/AMHR breeders.
AMHA/AMHR breeders. Standing at stud: B.Z.s Legacy. Offers photos, horses, carts, and pet products for sale. Located in Gresham.
121 Briar Patch Miniatures Large AMHA/AMHR
Large AMHA/AMHR breeders offering show results, photos, sales, and links. Located in Winona.
122 Eastwind Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Classic and Foundation type American Shetland Ponies in Perry, Maine. We breed for disposition, confirmation and color.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Customer Privacy Website Domains Aabaco Help Account Blog
123 Tibbs Family Miniatures AMHA/AMHR Breeders
AMHA/AMHR Breeders offers photos, pedigree information, horses for sale, and links. Located in Pierre.
Horse Miniature Tibbs Family Exotic Horses Miniatures Pony Small Shetland Breeder American Stallions South Registry Boones Caballos Little
124 Makos Snowy Hill Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Paso Fino horses for pleasure, show, and endurance and trail. Located in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Navigationshilfe Ty
125 A Windy Ridge Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Warmblood horses and standing stud the Dutch Stallion JOSHUA by the legendary Roemer. Located in Bethel, PA, USA.
Windy Horses Farm Ridge Joshua Services Sale Reggio Welcome Boarding Suzy Sold Keur Mares Contact Located Wrf Yrold
126 Arabians Limited Straight Egyptian
Straight Egyptian breeders offering mare leases and broodmare services, introductory conferences and client seminars. In Waco.
File Edit Manager Files Permissions Click Directory Mode User Ways Look Check Group Manager Before Deny Write Once
127 Marydell Farms Breeders and
Breeders and importers of all around sporthorses including Hanoverians, Holsteiners, and Westfalens. Features sale horses, broodmares, foals, and services.
128 Creekside Farm AMHA breeders
AMHA breeders specializing in driving horses. Offers photos, show results, and a sales page. Located in Anderson.
Z Request Y
129 Rinconada Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of champion Peruvian Paso horses. Includes sales list and stud services. Located in Tucson, Arizona
Navigationshilfe Ty
130 Rusty Spur Stable Breeders of
Breeders of Appaloosa and Quarter horses offering quality stallions available for breeding and semen straws. Located in Red Bluff.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Shopping Website Lycoscom Page Lycos Couldnt Login Found Check Hosting Please Y
131 Mill Stream Farms Breeders of
Breeders of foundation Tennessee Walking Horses. Stands Easys Mocha Java and Ghostwriter. Located in Princeton.
Tutor Designer Report Health Relief Tickets Best Found Trendsserver Phones Insurance Cars Luxury
132 Iowa Quarter Horse Racing Association Source for
Source for information including events, stakes races, membership, breeders, and racehorse sales.
Youre Happened Error Found Ever Things Visitor Sure Place Feel Wrongowner Z
133 Fantasy Corral Breeders of
Breeders of reindeer, camels, Grants zebra, Watusi cattle, wallaby, chinchilla rabbits, and miniature horses and donkeys.
Exhibits Petting Corral Page Fantasy Exotic Watusi Miniature Reindeer Horses Live Pets Around Prev Christmas Zebras Thisexotic Animal Chinchilla
134 Eventide Arabians Breeders since
Breeders since 1973 of black Straight Egyptian Arabian horses. Standing Ibn Layalia and Al Badieh Aswad Emir. In Ferrum.
135 SLC Stables Breeders of
Breeders of American Miniature Horses selected for their conformation, smooth motion, small refined heads, and disposition. Located in The Netherlands.
  Amha Miniature Fantastic Horses Sale Stables Creek Pedigree Contact Perfection Appaloosa Black Pearl Marcolini Buck Dam 
136 Heather Hill Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Welsh cobs. Stallion service available and also a selection of imported and homebred young stock. Woodside, California.
Farm Heather Hill Breeding Boarding Sales Sale Riders Jack Russellcopyright Members Horses Horsesponies
137 Scott Creek Farm AMHA breeders.
AMHA breeders. Offers photos, sales page, and links to horse health articles. Located in Salem.
Horses Horse Miniature Show Scott Creek Farm Sale Foaling Mini Gallery Mares Foal Stallion Joanne Little Direction
138 QH-TB Discussion group
Discussion group for owners, breeders and admirers of the running bred Quarter Horse, including the Thoroughbred influences and heritage, from Yahoo Groups.
Yahoo Qh Tb Help Please Groups Parenting Xhome Celebrity Policy Onlineservices Httpwwwegroupscomgrouparchivesqh Autos Privacy Movies
139 Canyon Creek Kigers Breeders of
Breeders of Kiger Mustangs offering horses for sale and the tale of the origin of the breed. Located in Woodinville, Washington, USA.
Canyon Kiger Kigers Creek Mustang Photo Mares Canyoncreekkigers@hotmailcom Mesteno Foals Salechinook Album Horses
140 Lancaster Miniature Horses Breeders standing
Breeders standing five stallions for stud. Offers photos, sales page, and articles on the breed and care. Located in Hot Springs.
Miniature Horses Horse Sale Stallions Stud Fillies Lancaster Farm Omniark Webmaster Miniture Farms Services Blood
141 Represents two
Represents two Morgan horse breeders located near Stony Plain. Includes sale offerings and descriptions of mares and stallions in the breeding program.
Morgans Mystik Mystiks Mystikxs Tangowood Model Destiny Soul Gypsy El Bars Highview Sierra Golden Miss Sales Sold King Morgan
142 Hidden Meadow Canadians Breeders Brenda
Breeders Brenda and Jeff Pantling. Reviews the history, description, uses and naming system of the Canadian Horse breed. Orton ON,
Farm Meadow Hidden Horse Canadian Canada Orton Page + Breeder Brenda Javascript Ontario Email Sss Selling Computer
143 CandyLand Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of AMHR ASPC miniature horses. Offers photos, show results, a sales page, and links. Located in Ozark.
Recommend Clickdoesyourbrowser Browser Support Upgrading Here
144 Mountainview Canadian Horses Breeders Includes information
Includes information on two stallions at stud, foals, mares and stock for sale. Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.
Canadian Horses Breeders Horse Mountainview British Stallions Mares Foals Columbia Canada Sale Media State Canadians Pictures Photos
145 Thoroughbred Breeders Association of NJ Promoting the
Promoting the racing industry of New Jersey. Information on races, stallion stakes, news, farm directory, and online forms.
Jersey News Breeders Racing Thoroughbred Nj Stakes Monmouth New Association Handicap Breds Breeding Stallion Entries Mid Atlantic Ridge Wasted Membership North
146 Lacey Oaks Stables Breeders offering
Breeders offering stallion service, and prospects and finished barrel racing horses for sale. Located in Olympia, Washington.
147 Hacienda Nirvana Breeders and
Breeders and trainers of Peruvian Paso horses. Includes information on sales, breeding, fees, and facilities. Located in Wetumpka, Alabama.
Error Requesty
148 Fieldstone Farm Small breeders
Small breeders offering youngstock and imported performance horses for sale. Training and showing also offered. Hockley Valley, Ontario.
Fieldstone Heff Heartbreaker Free Show Balou Breeders Champion Realbigwig Eventing Farm Solutions Candy Counter Horses Rcra Anita
149 J & J Stables Joliet breeders
Joliet breeders of naturally gaited, flat-shod Tennessee Walking horses with predominant colors: Palomino, chestnut, black, and buckskin.
Tennessee Horses Sale Filly Walking Chestnut Trail Sold Palomino Gaited Walkers Broodmare Walker Buckskin Broodmares Colts
150 Mini Bucks Miniatures AMHA/AMHR breeders
AMHA/AMHR breeders offers photos and details of their horses, a sales page and miniature horse related links.
151 Palacio del Corcel and Klabauter Spanish horse
Spanish horse and Standard Schnauzer breeders. Information on farm, breeds, animals available and at stud, and photo albums provided.
Wwwspanishhorsecomau Wwwstandardschnauzercomauwwwrosocomau Wwwrosonetau Wwwbischofcomau Z
152 Catrin Arabians Breeders of
Breeders of purebreds for showing and pleasure. Located in Perth, Western Australia. Includes stallion pedigree and mare and sales list.
153 Harkaway Farm Breeders of
Breeders of pure-bred Irish Draught horses. The site provides extensive information on the breed characteristics and history, and pictures. Wisconsin
154 Rancho Agua Zarca Breeders and
Breeders and brokers located in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Includes photos and pedigrees of Karuso 2, MPR Copernicus, and Kokoloco. Available in Spanish and English.
155 Three Stirrups Stables Breeders of
Breeders of Trakehners, Westphalians and Hungarian Warmbloods. Offers youngstock for sale and broodmares available for yearly lease. Pedigree, photographs, and prices.
Error Information Server Detailed Website Enable Directory Browsing Url Manager Contents Verify Application Things Services Forbiddenthe Features
156 Royal Heritage Miniature Horses AMHA Breeders.
AMHA Breeders. Offers photos, sales page, some pedigree information and stallion references. Located in Waddell.
157 Arabian Horse Breeders Network Offers web
Offers web design and hosting for farms and stallion owners. Includes hosted websites, list of services, and fees.
158 MGM Miniature Horse Ranch AMHA and
AMHA and AMHR breeders standing LTDs Phantom Spirit, Photographs, and breed FAQs. Located near Bonners Ferry.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Customer Terms Help Domains Web Account Registration
159 Arabian Stars Breeders of
Breeders of Golden Cross Arabians. Details of stallions, brood mares, stud news and stock for sale. Located in Ijzendijke.
Domain Testimonials Policy See Domains Help Usd Return Categories Contact Aztarscom Hassle Request Summerhillarabianscom Pm Mst Filstarscom
160 Argowan Arabians Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors of purebreds and riding ponies with facilities in Bargo and Lakesland, New South Wales. Photos, pedigrees and sales list.
Navigationshilfe Ty
161 Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society North American
North American division of the Verband. Directory providing information on the breed, auctions, inspections, stallions, and sales.
Found Found They
162 Resource for
Resource for enthusiasts in the UK and Europe. Contains list of breeders, sales list, forum, and FAQ.
Sue Posts Moore Topics Last Post Jem Melliver Re Shetland Forum Corner Stud Emmerson Linda Hello
163 The Arabian Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Ring Index of
Index of the sites connected through this ring.
Arabian Horses Horse Every Mild Pertaining Aspect Ring Sites Wonderfully Known Endurance Apache Stallions Foals Found The Nextring
164 Oakfield Icelandic Horses Breeders with
Breeders with horses for sale. Located in Dorset, UK.
165 Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. The breed
The breed registry for the Clydesdale horse in the United States.
Clydesdale Breeders Services National Events Show Calendar Resources Contact Member Blog American United Event Marketing
166 Oklahoma Draft Horse and Mule Page News, events
News, events, breeders and links for the Oklahoma region.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Please Account Customer Domains Terms Web
167 Foxtrotters Online Information and
Information and classified ads for fox trotters. Site includes names of breeders and information about studs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
168 Texas Draft Horse and Mule Assn Specializing in
Specializing in information, shows and breeders located in Texas.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Web Website Please Help Customer Account Domains Terms Sell Reliable
169 Circle S Ranch Breeders of
Breeders of Tennessee Walking Horses and Quarter Horses. Located in Borrego Springs.
170 Fell Pony Forum (Yahoo! Groups) An electronic
An electronic discussion forum for enthusiasts, breeders and boosters.
Yahoo Help Fellpony Groups Please Answers Morexc Finance Beauty Page Politics Yahoos Style Flickr Central Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom
171 NXS Miniature Horses AMHA/AMHR breeders
AMHA/AMHR breeders offers photos and horses for sale. Located in Irving.
172 Elbony Kennels Features include
Features include pedigrees, photos, race winners page, and a monthly journal giving an insight into one of the largest greyhound breeders in Ireland.
Storage Picking Order Commerce Warehouse Logistics Useful Tips System Improving Elbonykennels Transport Fantastic Concerning Hunting Archives Incentive Picking Their
173 VEL Enterprises Breeders of
Breeders of sport horses and dogs. Standing Oldenburg Stallion, Waltmar. Photos of his offspring and sales list. Silver Lab puppies by reservation.Brighton, MI
Silver Labrador Puppies Retriever Gray Lab Charcoal Puppy Labs Registered Grey Chocolate Princesses Pictures Shipping Usa Kennel
174 Rhythm and Blues Stables Lessons, sales
Lessons, sales breeders of Dutch Warmbloods dressage, jumpers, equitation. Listing of boarding and training options. Located in Allentown.
Stables Riding Training Dressage Rhythm Boarding Blues Horse Lemack Show Championship New Level Heidi Horses Tenaya Flip Marsh
175 Dream Maker Miniature Horses Breeders specializing
Breeders specializing in Frame Overos. Standing 2 studs. Offers photos, sales page and links. Located in Phoenix.
Overo Dream Mares Miniature Maker True Miniatures Page Horse Cisco Creative Phoenix Visitors Chomz Counter Black Horses Just
176 Sommer Ranch Breeding and
Breeding and sales of pure and partbred horses. Breeders of exotic birds including Eclectus, Macaws, and Grays. Located in Acton, California.
Email Standardmobile Found Friendfound The Call Tell Click
177 Alada Arabian horse
Arabian horse breeders providing pedigree information, stud fee schedule, photographs, foal to be for sale details, related links and contacts.
Found Error Found Notmeditation Xidvarnish Guru
178 Alada Mississauga horse
Mississauga horse breeders providing pedigree information, stud fee schedule, photographs, foal to be for sale details, related links and contacts.
Found Found Not Guru Errorz Meditation Xid Varnish
179 American Friesian Association A registry
A registry and performance organization for purebred horses and their derivatives in America. Includes rules, forms, stallion auction, and list of breeders.
Friesian American Association Horse Registry Friesianassociation Afapurebred Crossbred Board Weapologize Heritage Dear Sport
180 Twin Dreams Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Percheron Draft horses. Standing at stud Dream Come True Zeus. Some youngstock for sale. Located in Barnesville, Georgia.
Percheron Draft Twin Barnesville Farm Horse Dreams Georgia Horses True Breeder Come Beckom Dream Percherons Highway
181 Eastowest Appaloosas Foundation breeders
Foundation breeders standing PVS Thundersmemory,Tahr El Sahib and Eastonvest Inheritance. Listing stock for sale. Also offers information on breeding and history.
182 Jarabella Park Arabians Breeders and
Breeders and Trainers of the Arabian Horse. Standing at stud: Shannonbrook Essklan (Esscort x Shaklas Fantasy) double El Shaklan lines.
Arabians Park Champions Future Fillys Colts Stallions News Mares Foalsstud Menu Geldings Sale
183 Marydell Farms Breeders and
Breeders and importers of Hanoverians, Holsteiners, and Westfalens. Features sale horses, broodmares, foals, and services. Located in Columbus, North Carolina.
Navigationshilfe Ty
184 Twin Lakes Ranch - Brookshire, Texas Importer and
Importer and breeder of Friesian performance horses and breeding stock from selected breeders in Europe. Transported semen available.
185 Represents two
Represents two Morgan horse breeders located near Stony Plain, Alberta. Includes sale offerings and descriptions of mares and stallions in the breeding program.
Morgans Mystik Mystiks Mystikxs Tangowood Model Golden Klassic Country Gypsy El Bars Destiny Mystango Luna Lady Miss Storm
186 Villas Rainbow Miniatures Breeders of
Breeders of miniature horses. Describes stallions standing at stud and provides photos and information about breeding standards, herd profiles, and sales.
Sale Miniature Horses Minis Rainbow Villas Tennessee Horse Stallions Email Rainbwmini@aolcom Champions World Lascassas Farm
187 Canequin Morgans Breeders of
Breeders of Morgan sporthorses since 1974. Home to stallion, Equinox Locomotion. History, breeding program, photographs, and sales. Located in Rome.
Morgans Locomotion Canequin Equinox Usdf Sale Sport Dressage Morgan Addsmorgan News Sales Legends Breeders Charismatic
188 CBQ Arabians Polish Arabian
Polish Arabian breeders offering Bask bloodlines. Contains a small video of the legendary stallion Bask.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Terms Help Customer Web Account Please Domains Customers
189 Paint Horse Web-Ring Home Page Fun place
Fun place to view APHA Paint Horses and breeders from around the country.
Paint Horse Webring Enthusiasts Private Farms Websites Includes Breeders Competitors Ring Nextring Horses Apache Source Also
190 Burnett Farms Breeders of
Breeders of Tennessee Walking horses. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses.
Navigationshilfe Ty
191 Gallún Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Arabian horses standing seven stallions. Farm also offers training. In Santa Ynez.
Stallions News Farm Contact Sales Farms Social Fillies Happenings Services Latest Facilities Mares Colts Geldings Media Jack Sable_
192 Mcculloch Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Whippoorwill Morgans provide farm history and information on events and horses for sale.
Whippoorwill Morgans Farm Sale Horses Morgan Horse Mcculloch News Jean Mary Versatility Sport Harness Classic Bloodlines Stallions Barns
193 Rare Web resources
Web resources for the Rocky Mountain Horse. Breed descriptions, breed organizations, breeders and links.
194 Rocky Creek Miniatures Breeders of
Breeders of miniature horses. Top bloodlines, correct in every way. Show Quality and Family horses.
Miniature Horses Dogs Sale Stallions Coufal Sold Mares Yearling Webmaster Teresa Available International Sales Stocks Custom Puppies Now Nursery
195 National Reining Breeders Classic Largest added-money
Largest added-money reining event. Held each April in Texas.
196 Bittersweet Farm Breeders of
Breeders of Irish draught and Irish sport horses. Details of mares. Youngstock always for sale.
197 Hallowmere Stud Breeders of
Breeders of Arabian and Arabian-bred horses. Standing black Egyptian stallion with stock for sale.
198 Pinto Arabian Horse Webring Index of
Index of sites connected through this ring, for breeders and exhibitors of the colorful Pinto Arabians.
Pintabian Horses Pintabians Arabian Tobiano Generation Purebred Crossing Horse Result First Join Arabians Pintonextring
199 Horse trainers
Horse trainers and breeders share informative articles and offer professional services to improve your relationship with your horse.
Horse Equine Today Visit Call Horses Information Video Stalls Hoof Automatic Order Control Care Barn Porta Grazer Soft Ride Shoo Fly
200 Twin Oaks Paint Horse Stud Horse breeders
Horse breeders offering sales list, photos and profiles of horses.
Horses Twin Oaks Paintenter Z

6. Society, Arts and Breeders Crafts

1 desert weyr farm information about
information about and breeders of black welsh mountain sheep, located in colorado.
Sheep Welsh Black Mountain Oogie Sale Desert Farm Mesa Shop Weyr Garvin Poultry Chicken Contact Wool Paonia Roving
1 The Breeders Unofficial homepage
Unofficial homepage of the 4AD recording artists, The Breeders discography, biography, pictures, and reviews.
@ Tour Dates New Yet Pm Year Rss @thebreeders Listbreeders Mailing Happy Lsxx
2 Crud Magazine: The Breeders 'Title TK' Review of
Review of the bands comeback album.
3 4AD: The Breeders Biography, discography
Biography, discography, images, and video clips from their record label.
4 The Breeders Includes a
Includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, links and message board.
Rolling Stone Policy Privacy Subscribe Archives Pinterest Contact Sign Neveradvertise Stonenewsletter Thank Terms
5 Kim Deal Fan site
Fan site for the Breeders frontwoman includes articles, discography, equipment, links, lyrics, pictures, and tablature.
Create Tripod Found Please Couldnt Errorpage Check Lycos Page Shoppinglycoscom Website Signup Requested
6 new york state sheep and wool festival held the
held the third weekend in october in the hudson valley, offers workshops, competitions and vendors. contains schedule, registration forms, and breeders information.
Festival Results Sheep Wool Vendor Volunteer Zero Fleece Shows Contests Waste List Webdesign Livestock Show Here Reservation

Breeders Dictionary Reviews for Breeders. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Breeders" (visitors of this topic page). Breeders › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Breeders Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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7 results for Breeders: