JBR Ranch Miniature
Experience Zebu Mini
Specializing in Appaloosa miniatures. Offers photos, sales, pedigree information, photo gallery of how appaloosas change colors, guestbook, and links. Located at Christmas.Miniature Zebu Cows for Sale Miniature Zebu Cattle for Sale in Central Florida at JBR Ranch quality IMZA and AMZA registered miniature Zebu Cows for sale mini zebu Calves for sale miniature zebu Bulls for sale Mini Zebu Heifers for Sale

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JBR Ranch Miniature Horses
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Zebu Mini Miniature Sale Cattle Florida Ranch Zebus Bulls Cows Heifers Amza Click Horses Jbr Calves Equestrian Breeds Miniature Breeders North America United States Florida Mini Zebu Cows Miniature Zebu Cattle For Sale In Central Florida Mini Zebu Cattle For Sale Miniature Zebus For Sale In Florida Mini Zebu Cattle Mini Zebu Bulls Mini Zebu Calves Miniature Zebu Cattle Miniature Zebu Heifers For Sale Miniature Zebu Bulls For Sale Amza Imza Mini Zebu For Sale In Florida Mini Cattle Mini Cows Mini Bulls Mini Calves Miniature Zebus For Sale In Florida Mini Zebus Mini Zebu Heifers Colored Miniature Zebu Cattle For Sale Paint Mini Zebus Miniature Zebus Miniature Zebus In Florida Mini Zebus Miniature Zebu Imza And Amza Mini Zebu Cattle For Sale Amha Amhr Horses Minihorses Mini Equine Mini Horses Miniature Appaloosas Miniature Appaloosa Horses In Florida Mini Appaloosas
Reviews and Comments for JBR Ranch Miniature Horses

Best entries for Zebu and Mini
1 Flying W Farms, Inc.
Breeders of
Breeders of horses, English and American mastiff, and Miniature Zebu cattle.
Horses Friesian Mastiff Cross Georgian Grande Sport Dressage Miniature Dales Grand English Breeds Bloods Wagner Flying
Breeders of horses, English and American mastiff, and Miniature Zebu cattle.
Horses Friesian Mastiff Cross Georgian Grande Sport Dressage Miniature Dales Grand English Breeds Bloods Wagner Flying
2 Big Country Speedway
Located in
Located in Cheyenne, this 1/5 mile semi-banked asphalt oval features Late Models, Pure Stocks, Mini Stocks, Super Stocks, Legends, Dwarfs, Baby Grands, Mini Trucks, Mini Sprints, Modifieds and Thunder Car racing events.
Snsã§å‹ã ã¡をã¤ãÂÂã‚Šã¾ã—ょã†サイトマップ Snsサイトを利çâ€Â¨Ã£Â™ã‚‹å ´åˆã®メールã®やりå–りã®ãƒÂイント ã„ã‚Âã‚“ãª出会ã„ãŒ広ãŒるsns ソーシャルãƒÂットワークを使ã£ã¦å¯愛ã„åÂÂã¨ジャンジャン出会ãˆるランã‚Âング オã
Located in Cheyenne, this 1/5 mile semi-banked asphalt oval features Late Models, Pure Stocks, Mini Stocks, Super Stocks, Legends, Dwarfs, Baby Grands, Mini Trucks, Mini Sprints, Modifieds and Thunder Car racing events.
Snsã§å‹ã ã¡をã¤ãÂÂã‚Šã¾ã—ょã†サイトマップ Snsサイトを利çâ€Â¨Ã£Â™ã‚‹å ´åˆã®メールã®やりå–りã®ãƒÂイント ã„ã‚Âã‚“ãª出会ã„ãŒ広ãŒるsns ソーシャルãƒÂットワークを使ã£ã¦å¯愛ã„åÂÂã¨ジャンジャン出会ãˆるランã‚Âング オã
3 Classic-Mini
Competes in
Competes in the Mighty Mini Championship. Find photos, driver details and car specifications.
Competes in the Mighty Mini Championship. Find photos, driver details and car specifications.
4 Western New York Mini Cup Club
Latest news
Latest news, rules and events for 1/2 scale Mini Stock Car racing.
Error Requesty
Latest news, rules and events for 1/2 scale Mini Stock Car racing.
Error Requesty
5 Capt Kens Site
Mini racing
Mini racing team competing in the Dunlop Winter Mini Se7en Series.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Domains Website Account Please Terms Privacy Aabaco
Mini racing team competing in the Dunlop Winter Mini Se7en Series.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Domains Website Account Please Terms Privacy Aabaco
6 Wyldewood Forest Mini Ranch and B&B
Offering various
Offering various top blood lines. Show and pet quality.Mini Donkeys , mules and Shetlands also.B&B to open in 2004.
Offering various top blood lines. Show and pet quality.Mini Donkeys , mules and Shetlands also.B&B to open in 2004.
7 Bakersfield Raceway Park
A 1/5
A 1/5 mile, dirt track where Dwarf cars, Mini-Stocks, Modified Midgets and Mini-Sprints are raced.
Years Wonderful Lives Farm Linton Sold Located Closed Rest Operation Goodindiana Property Drivers
A 1/5 mile, dirt track where Dwarf cars, Mini-Stocks, Modified Midgets and Mini-Sprints are raced.
Years Wonderful Lives Farm Linton Sold Located Closed Rest Operation Goodindiana Property Drivers
8 I-76 Speedway
1/4 mile
1/4 mile, high banked, dirt oval features Late Model, Midget, IMCA Modified, Street Stock, Econos, Outlaw Mini Sprints, Mini Sprints, Dwarf, Go-Kart, Mini Micros, Trucks and Micro Sprint racing events. Includes track information and admission prices, schedule of events, race results and season standings.
Link Winners Weekly See Racing Speedway News Sport Mods Virtual Stock Group Events Sponsors Forgot Late Modifieds Results Street Models
1/4 mile, high banked, dirt oval features Late Model, Midget, IMCA Modified, Street Stock, Econos, Outlaw Mini Sprints, Mini Sprints, Dwarf, Go-Kart, Mini Micros, Trucks and Micro Sprint racing events. Includes track information and admission prices, schedule of events, race results and season standings.
Link Winners Weekly See Racing Speedway News Sport Mods Virtual Stock Group Events Sponsors Forgot Late Modifieds Results Street Models
9 Dinosaur Valley Mini-Golf
Mini-putt course
Mini-putt course featuring custom-built dinosaurs in Chelmsford. Conducts annual fundraising for families of cancer victims.
Golf Mini Valley Ontario Dinosaur Sudbury Dinosaurs Tourism Packages Putt ’ Attraction Brochure Trips Walk Come
Mini-putt course featuring custom-built dinosaurs in Chelmsford. Conducts annual fundraising for families of cancer victims.
Golf Mini Valley Ontario Dinosaur Sudbury Dinosaurs Tourism Packages Putt ’ Attraction Brochure Trips Walk Come
10 Bakersfield Raceway Park
Facility is
Facility is a 1/5 mile, dirt track located east of Linton. Classes raced are Dwarf cars, 4 Cly. Mini-Stocks, Modified Midgets and Mini-Sprints.
Years Located Ground Linton Supported Fans Good Been Property Closed Indianasold Farm Operation
Facility is a 1/5 mile, dirt track located east of Linton. Classes raced are Dwarf cars, 4 Cly. Mini-Stocks, Modified Midgets and Mini-Sprints.
Years Located Ground Linton Supported Fans Good Been Property Closed Indianasold Farm Operation
11 Stabley MotorSports Mini Cup Team
Driver information
Driver information, news, race results, point standings, schedule and mini cup car information.
Racing Scale Cars League News Seat Information They Motorsports Board Website Scaleracingleaguecom Drivers Minicup Gallery Beconfused Office scale Sponsord
Driver information, news, race results, point standings, schedule and mini cup car information.
Racing Scale Cars League News Seat Information They Motorsports Board Website Scaleracingleaguecom Drivers Minicup Gallery Beconfused Office scale Sponsord
12 Nidri Mini Golf
Offers 17
Offers 17 holes, mini cars, other games and bar. Located in Nidri of Lefkas, Greece.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Web Domains Help Privacy Please Terms Website Blog
Offers 17 holes, mini cars, other games and bar. Located in Nidri of Lefkas, Greece.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Web Domains Help Privacy Please Terms Website Blog
13 MiniATVs.com
We Are
We Are Your #1 Source For Mini ATV Performance. We Provide, Tech Articles, Reviews, Race Reports, and High Performance Products For All Mini ATVs
Dieser Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Domain Click Informationen Miniatvscominformationenz Miniatvscom
We Are Your #1 Source For Mini ATV Performance. We Provide, Tech Articles, Reviews, Race Reports, and High Performance Products For All Mini ATVs
Dieser Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Domain Click Informationen Miniatvscominformationenz Miniatvscom
14 Northwest Mini Road Racing Association
Organizing YSR
Organizing YSR and mini bike racing in Oregon and Washington.
Ysr Racing Motorcycles Derbi Yamaha Tuning Honda Porting Gpr Cylinder Road Mini Cyclinder Two Cc Pennsylvania
Organizing YSR and mini bike racing in Oregon and Washington.
Ysr Racing Motorcycles Derbi Yamaha Tuning Honda Porting Gpr Cylinder Road Mini Cyclinder Two Cc Pennsylvania
15 TBR Motorsports
A midwest
A midwest based Mini-sprint race team. Includes photos, information and links to similar sites about Mini-sprint racing.
Sign Everything Lifestream Account Now Policy People Places Terms Go Theres Trademarks Date Connecting Login Advertise
A midwest based Mini-sprint race team. Includes photos, information and links to similar sites about Mini-sprint racing.
Sign Everything Lifestream Account Now Policy People Places Terms Go Theres Trademarks Date Connecting Login Advertise
16 University of Central Florida SAE Mini-Baja Team
Currently designing
Currently designing, building and testing two new SAE Mini-Baja cars for the 2001 SAE Collegiate Design Competition Series.
Baja Information Florida Central Mini Team University Photos Event Technical News Datasponsor Media Contact
Currently designing, building and testing two new SAE Mini-Baja cars for the 2001 SAE Collegiate Design Competition Series.
Baja Information Florida Central Mini Team University Photos Event Technical News Datasponsor Media Contact
17 U.S. Outlaw Mini Sprint Association
Sanctions 1200cc
Sanctions 1200cc mini sprint racing in North America. Promotes national level events from Colorado to Indiana.
Results Usoma Graphics Information Entry Rules Page Nationals Bobdouglasmls@rodendsupplycom Merchandise Form Home Too_ Sunday Copyright Lightning Only
Sanctions 1200cc mini sprint racing in North America. Promotes national level events from Colorado to Indiana.
Results Usoma Graphics Information Entry Rules Page Nationals Bobdouglasmls@rodendsupplycom Merchandise Form Home Too_ Sunday Copyright Lightning Only
18 Northwest Mini Road Racing Association
Organizing YSR
Organizing YSR and mini bike racing across the state.
Ysr Racing Derbi Motorcycles Yamaha Cylinder Gpr Porting Tuning Honda Road Washington Tzr Pennsylvania Two
Organizing YSR and mini bike racing across the state.
Ysr Racing Derbi Motorcycles Yamaha Cylinder Gpr Porting Tuning Honda Road Washington Tzr Pennsylvania Two
19 Orland Raceway
This 1/5
This 1/5 mile clay oval track features Pure Stock, Mini Stock and Mini Truck racing. Schedule, driver profiles and race results.
This 1/5 mile clay oval track features Pure Stock, Mini Stock and Mini Truck racing. Schedule, driver profiles and race results.
20 Scandia Amusement Park
A 12
A 12 acre amusement park located in Ontario California. Rides, mini race cars, mini golf, and batting cages.
California Ontario Scandia Family Center Fun Sacramento Victorville Cages Californiasacramento Located Golf Mini Gamesarcade
A 12 acre amusement park located in Ontario California. Rides, mini race cars, mini golf, and batting cages.
California Ontario Scandia Family Center Fun Sacramento Victorville Cages Californiasacramento Located Golf Mini Gamesarcade
21 Winchester SpeedPark
This 1/5
This 1/5 mile, high banked, dirt oval features Go-Karts, Rookie, Junior, Light, Heavy, 250cc Mini Sprints, 750cc Mini Sprints, Wingless Modified and Thunder Stock racing events.
Schedule Banquet Forms Winchester Speedpark Motocross Here Open Awards Staff Link Seat Supercross Race Under Arrival Click Passed
This 1/5 mile, high banked, dirt oval features Go-Karts, Rookie, Junior, Light, Heavy, 250cc Mini Sprints, 750cc Mini Sprints, Wingless Modified and Thunder Stock racing events.
Schedule Banquet Forms Winchester Speedpark Motocross Here Open Awards Staff Link Seat Supercross Race Under Arrival Click Passed
22 Mini Sprint Racing
Dedicated to
Dedicated to supporting Mini-Sprint 600 to 1200cc racing across the USA. Get news, links and rule guidelines.
Mini Sprint Lightning Sprints Speedway Heat Race Michnowicz Assoc Lincoln Main Baugh Products City John En Usmso Bidi
Dedicated to supporting Mini-Sprint 600 to 1200cc racing across the USA. Get news, links and rule guidelines.
Mini Sprint Lightning Sprints Speedway Heat Race Michnowicz Assoc Lincoln Main Baugh Products City John En Usmso Bidi
23 GAB Mini-Cup Racing
A site
A site about Super Mini-Cup Racing in Tennessee.
Click Here Jeff Photos Purvis Gene Washer Show Kiss Race Bass Dirt Wwwfacebookcom Clock Debt Jan Donny
A site about Super Mini-Cup Racing in Tennessee.
Click Here Jeff Photos Purvis Gene Washer Show Kiss Race Bass Dirt Wwwfacebookcom Clock Debt Jan Donny
24 Peach State Speedway
Un-official site
Un-official site for the 1/2 mile, high banked, asphalt track featuring Late Model Stock, Pro Trucks, Sportsman, Street Stock, Modified Mini Stock and Mini Stock racing events. Located in Jefferson.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Aabaco Website Domains Privacy Help Customer Account Please
Un-official site for the 1/2 mile, high banked, asphalt track featuring Late Model Stock, Pro Trucks, Sportsman, Street Stock, Modified Mini Stock and Mini Stock racing events. Located in Jefferson.
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25 Southern Oregon Speedway
Just outside
Just outside of Medford in White City is the 1/3 mile clay oval track, NHRA 1/4 mile dragstrip and outlaw Kart track. Events include Pro Stock, Mini Stock, Mini Truck, Dwarf Car and Winged Modifieds.
Sos Oregon Here Click Speedway Stocks Southern Contact Main Schedule News Mods Dash Sport Track
Just outside of Medford in White City is the 1/3 mile clay oval track, NHRA 1/4 mile dragstrip and outlaw Kart track. Events include Pro Stock, Mini Stock, Mini Truck, Dwarf Car and Winged Modifieds.
Sos Oregon Here Click Speedway Stocks Southern Contact Main Schedule News Mods Dash Sport Track
26 Mohave Valley Raceway
This 1/3
This 1/3 mile, semi-banked, clay oval is located in Mohave Valley. Classes raced include IMCA Modified, Dwarf, Factory Stock, Mini Sport Car, Mini Sport Truck, Sprint Car and Western Dirt Late Models.
Winner Stock Raceway Mini Valley Mohave Street Imca Banneros City Modified Sports Children Directions Steve Website Race Mohavevalley General Thompson
This 1/3 mile, semi-banked, clay oval is located in Mohave Valley. Classes raced include IMCA Modified, Dwarf, Factory Stock, Mini Sport Car, Mini Sport Truck, Sprint Car and Western Dirt Late Models.
Winner Stock Raceway Mini Valley Mohave Street Imca Banneros City Modified Sports Children Directions Steve Website Race Mohavevalley General Thompson
27 NMMTPA - National Micro-Mini Tractor Pullers Association
Main sanctioning
Main sanctioning body for the sport in the United States and Canada. Features information about micro-mini tractors, and its classes including classes for pro and super stock, and open modified tractors, 2wd road vehicles, and 4x4 trucks.
Tripod Create Errorpage Check Shopping Tripodcom Please Signup Lycos Page Login Lycoscomcouldnt Found Requested
Main sanctioning body for the sport in the United States and Canada. Features information about micro-mini tractors, and its classes including classes for pro and super stock, and open modified tractors, 2wd road vehicles, and 4x4 trucks.
Tripod Create Errorpage Check Shopping Tripodcom Please Signup Lycos Page Login Lycoscomcouldnt Found Requested
28 Sacramento Raceway Park
This racing
This racing facility offers 3 Tracks: 1/4 mile asphalt drag strip, 1 mile oval and a 1/4 mile low banked clay oval. Racing events include: NHRA, ET Brackets, Funny Car, IMCA Modified, Street Stock, Mini Stock and Mini Sprints.
Racing Nhra Series Muscle Magic Click Drag Mopar Sport Compact Reunion Shootout Championships Drags National Nostalgia
This racing facility offers 3 Tracks: 1/4 mile asphalt drag strip, 1 mile oval and a 1/4 mile low banked clay oval. Racing events include: NHRA, ET Brackets, Funny Car, IMCA Modified, Street Stock, Mini Stock and Mini Sprints.
Racing Nhra Series Muscle Magic Click Drag Mopar Sport Compact Reunion Shootout Championships Drags National Nostalgia
29 Bedfordshire FA Vauxhall Mini Soccer League
Bedfordshire FA
Bedfordshire FA Vauxhall Mini Soccer League.
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Bedfordshire FA Vauxhall Mini Soccer League.
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30 T. T. Farms Little Angels
A mini
A mini owners home page.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Please Customer Domains Terms Privacy Aabaco Ifyoure Sell
A mini owners home page.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Please Customer Domains Terms Privacy Aabaco Ifyoure Sell