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Anniversaries Experience


1 A1 Offers artists
Offers artists and bands for venues, weddings and anniversaries.
2 Princess Bride Photo Wedding, anniversaries
Wedding, anniversaries and event photography. Marietta, GA
Bride Princess Photo Galleries Love Contact Services Atlanta Blog Just | Team Years Weddings Photographing
3 Unique Photography Weddings, anniversaries
Weddings, anniversaries and Quinceañeras. Located in Southern Arizona.
4 Designer Video Videotape weddings
Videotape weddings, receptions, anniversaries, birthdays and other social events.
Designervideocom Clickgo Here Z
5 The Proper Exposure Weddings, Christenings
Weddings, Christenings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, and Banquets, Home Family Photographs, and Sports.
6 Shuter Photographic Photojournalist covers
Photojournalist covers weddings, bar mitzvahs, and anniversaries. Portfolio, some images in black and white.
Photography Shuter Photographic Wedding Rochester Bar Anniversary Photographer Ny White Black Mitzvahs Portrait Photo York Occasion
7 PitchProfessor Offers custom
Offers custom speechwriting services for various events, including retirements, anniversaries, and military ceremonies.
Domain Hosting Linux Bulk Name Windows Reseller Transfer Free Register Datacenter Builderknowledge Tool
8 Words2Touch Custom speeches
Custom speeches, toasts, poems, and presentations for occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, retirements, birthdays, and funerals.
Speeches Custom Writing Wordstouch Poems Speech Toasts Wedding Services Free Ridolfi Speechwriting Words Anniversary Canadian Polak Ceremonies Web Atfestive Farewell
9 Jay-Cyns Creations Providing professional
Providing professional photography services for weddings, anniversaries, reunions and special events. Wilmington.
Beach Family Wilmington Photographer Portraits Wedding Carolina Photography Wrightsville North Curley Jay | High Sessions Coast
10 UonDVD Video Productions Dallas-based production
Dallas-based production company, focused precious memories such as weddings, anniversaries, and graduations.
11 Memory Lane Productions Offers video
Offers video tributes for all occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and graduations.
12 Shuter Photographic Specializing in
Specializing in black and white photography for a wide variety of events including weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, anniversaries, and special occasions.
Shuter Photography Rochester Photographic Wedding Portrait Anniversary White Bar Mitzvahs Black Photographer Ny Photo Any Gallery
13 Affordable Memories Video Video services
Video services for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other occasions.
14 The Chocolate Guy Sales and
Sales and rentals of chocolate fountains for parties, anniversaries, weddings, and other special events.
15 Austin Siena Professionally produced
Professionally produced tribute films, for anniversaries, birthdays, retirement, graduation, other milestones. Located in Austin, TX.
16 Mountain Visions Photography Specializing in
Specializing in location photography at weddings, anniversaries, conventions, and other special events. Color, and black and white.
17 Mountain Visions Photography Specialize in
Specialize in location photography at weddings, anniversaries, conventions, and other special events. Work in color and black and white.
18 Moving Pictures Animates photographs
Animates photographs in video for special events, weddings, golden anniversaries, birthdays, family reunions and family histories.
19 Memory Catchers This publisher
This publisher specializes in personal, family, company, and community histories as well as mini-histories for anniversaries, engagements, reunions, and graduations.
20 The Video Studio Central coast
Central coast (California) based producer offers video services for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, tributes, memorials, personal biographies and documentaries.
21 Video Diamonds San Diego
San Diego wedding photography services and packages at affordable prices. Other videography services: anniversaries, legal depositions, living histories, and home insurance records.
22 Zanadu Photography Serving the
Serving the Philadelphia, PA and Southern New Jersey area. Professional event and portrait photography services including weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, anniversaries, in-home portraits, and family portraits.
23 Remember When movie production Kind Professional
Kind Professional Movie Production, Film Presentation and Party Planning for all life Events, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Funeral Video Tributes and Services that Honor Our Loved ones for all time.
24 Lauren Grabelle Photography Lauren Grabelle
Lauren Grabelle, an editorial and fine-art photographer, specializes in high-quality documentary coverage of weddings, commitment ceremonies, anniversaries and all other celebratory events. Her work is technically simple and casual, yet visually and emotionally rich.
25 Heritage Video Productions Specializing in
Specializing in weddings, anniversaries, theatrical performances, competitions, photo/slide/movie transfers, video to DVD transfers, training videos, and product demos. Serving New Yorks Southern Tier and Northern Pennsylvania areas. Features an online services catalog.

2. Shopping and Anniversaries Trade

1 Flemington Floral Themes such
Themes such as birthday, get well, anniversaries and sports.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Go Baskets Includes weddings
Includes weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, new baby, honeymoon, and corporate.
Here Proceed Clicky
3 Things Remembered Offering gifts
Offering gifts for occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and graduations.
Gifts Business Wedding Clearance Sale Jewelry Under Items Accessories Globes Christmas Order Boxes $ Account Leftpxcolorwhitetext Aligncenterbox Sizingborder Box
4 The Basket Corner A selection
A selection of custom gift baskets for birthdays, anniversaries or any occasion.
Gifts Diego Gift Baskets Basket Corporate Fruit Gourmet Beach Baby Christmas Thank Holiday Valley Day Thanksgiving
5 Single song
Single song gift CDs for baby showers, weddings, anniversaries, and even the loss of a pet.
Songimagesamazoncom Gift Lifes Amazon Email Occasions Visit Home Contactcontact *
6 The Gifted Basket Offering themes
Offering themes for corporate events, anniversaries, and special occasions.
Gifted Basketcom Insurance Advance Cash Legal Consolidation Terms Debt Credit Learn Freedomain Browse
7 Tisket Tasket Designs for
Designs for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, meetings or special events.
Directories Tisket Leading Tiskettasketcom Business Tasket Directorylists Attorney Net Joinfranchise Dentist Lawyer
8 Celebrations Galore Favors, invitations
Favors, invitations, and accessories for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, showers, and holidays.
% Kleid Brautkleiderwwwsheegodegroße_größen Größen Gaastra Wwwgaastraproshopcomsommer_ Shop Outlet Celebrationsgalorecom Besten Br Indoorspielplatz Umstandsmode
9 Candy bar
Candy bar wrappers for birthdays, anniversaries, parties, Weddings and special events.
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10 Fantasy Glassworks Glassware for
Glassware for weddings, holidays, anniversaries and other occasions. Also offer glass engraving for home bar.
Glasses Rsaquo Collection Learn Engraved Beer Mugs Day Whiskey Wine Glassware Scotch Flutes Gifts Designs Fantasy Morecategories Crystal Decanters
11 Crappy Endings Offered for
Offered for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and thinking of you. Also, desktop backgrounds and animated screensavers.
Namecheap Crappyendingscom Please Registered Namecheapcom Privacythis Crappyendingscom Parkingcrewcopyright Reserved Rights Policy Sponsored
12 Super Celebration Custom CD
Custom CD recording created to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or class reunions.
13 Mikes Creative Carvings Sand etching
Sand etching on rock and glass for home, garden, memorials, weddings, and anniversaries.
Erstellen Impressumnutzungsbedingungen Freunde Standorte Musik Themen Nutzer Finden Karrieren Uns Spieleapps Something Sorry
14 Candy Wrappers for You Offering for
Offering for baby and bridal showers, birth announcements, weddings, anniversaries, graduation, birthdays, and retirement.
Tripod Create Lycos Check Shopping Requested Login Lycoscom Hosting Couldnt Page Website Foundplease
15 EVS Engraving and Gifts Specially etched
Specially etched motivational messages for celebrations, weddings, anniversaries on acrylic hearts, stars, frames, and paperweights.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 e Party Products Features imprinted
Features imprinted items for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and reunions. Includes cups, plates, napkins, balloons, invitations, and announcements.
Medical Technician Certification Uncategorized Leave Ultrasound Assistant Sonography Need Hvac Pharmacy College Classes Having Room Air Conditioned Consider Computer
17 Kays Keepsake Quilts Personalized quilts
Personalized quilts for weddings, anniversaries or any special occasion.
~~~* Color=redkkksyteiela*~~~a Color=spring Color=tealsz
18 Party Answers Party supplies
Party supplies and gifts for birthdays, weddings, holidays, anniversaries.
19 A Gift of Poetry Individually written
Individually written poems written for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.
Poems Poetry Poem Gift Anniversary Allen Poet Love Wedding Birthday England Unique First Here Romantic Found Against
20 Christine Cards Greeting cards
Greeting cards which shows pictures of authors life for events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings.
21 Fantasy Glassworks Personalized engraved
Personalized engraved glassware for weddings, holidays, anniversaries and other occasions. We also have engraved glasses for your home bar.
Glasses Rsaquo Collection Learn Mugs Engraved Beer Wine Glassware Day Whiskey Flutes Scotch Designs Pilsner Ravensoft Impressions
22 Peter James - Best Friends Song Offers single
Offers single song for sale that can be used to celebrate weddings, anniversaries, or other special occasions.
Music Bestfriendssongcom Leading Song Friends Best Audio Bands Dance Lightingnet Speakers Join Recording
23 Langdon Florist Custom arrangements
Custom arrangements for weddings, holidays, corporate events, anniversaries, receptions, and funerals. Provides delivery in New York City and worldwide order relay service.
Manhattan Flowers Birthday Ny Delivery Flower Plants Funeral York Baskets Florists Gift Green Florist Local Spring Gifts Thinking Nursing
24 K J & Paula Gift Custom made
Custom made gifts with themes for anniversaries, new born, gourmet, bath and body, wedding and corporate gifts.
Gift Baskets Basket Boston Fruit Gourmet Baby Ma Thank Holiday Occasion Delivery Corporate Free Day
25 Juhlin Glass Studio Offering handcrafted
Offering handcrafted stained glass gifts with options for personalization. Includes items specifically for anniversaries and weddings.
Gifts Personalized Gift Wedding Anniversary Glass Stained Votives Light Vases Magnets House Th Flower New Christmas
26 Engraving Creations Glass and
Glass and crystal engraving for weddings, graduation, anniversaries, births, sports, hunting, fishing, corporate gifts, awards, trophies, and keepsakes.
Awards Gifts Glasses Sports Wine Gt Crystal Mugs + Glass Ornaments Beer Engraved Barware Clocks Drink Glassware Printed Mascots
27 Chocolate Necessities Belgian chocolate
Belgian chocolate gifts, gourmet truffles, sugar free and organic chocolate for holidays, anniversaries and weddings.
Chocolate Necessities Store Locations Truffles Contact Eating Information Gourmet Shop Solid Learn Returns Belgium Vanilla
28 Jarys Flowers Full service
Full service floral shop specializing in fresh flower arrangements for birthdays, anniversaries, sympathy and holidays. Salem area and out of area delivery.
29 Chocolate Necessities Chocolate gifts
Chocolate gifts, gourmet truffles, sugar free, and organic chocolate for holidays, anniversaries and weddings. Also gift certificates.
Chocolate Necessities Truffles Contact Locations Store Chips Eating Learn Wont Tahitieverything Copyright Agostoni Amarena Importing
30 Top Notch Gourmet Gifts, Inc. Offers gourmet
Offers gourmet food gift baskets for a variety of themes and occasions. Themes include weddings, anniversaries, housewarmings and birthdays.
31 Trudys Flowers Full-service florist
Full-service florist offering gift baskets and floral arrangements for Seattle and King County delivery. Fresh, unusual and organic flowers for banquets, lobbies, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries.
Flowers Seattle Trudys Deliveries Arrangements Design Baskets Floral Olive Order European Delivery King Gift County Mon Fri Accounts
32 Langdon Florist Flowers and
Flowers and arrangements for weddings, holidays, corporate events, anniversaries, receptions, and funerals. Provider of custom arrangements and exotic flowers, delivering locally and worldwide.
Manhattan Flowers Birthday Ny Delivery Flower Plants Funeral York Florists Gift Green Baskets Florist Romance Shops Center
33 Betberg Designs Purchase candy
Purchase candy bar wrappers as favors for weddings, anniversaries, engagement parties, baby announcements, bridal showers, baby showers and birthday parties.

3. Anniversaries Recreation

1 Green Tree Lodge Cottage and
Cottage and RV park catering for honeymoons and anniversaries.
Erroroccurred Y
2 Tahiti TravelNet Deluxe, moderate
Deluxe, moderate and budget packages to celebrate wedding honeymoons or anniversaries. Also offers seasonal and promotional specials.
Bora Tahiti Honeymoon Packages Moorea Vacation Travel Polynesia French Borabora Overwater Sauvage Sofitel Kia Vacations Ora
3 National Railway History Society Chicago Chapter Provides a
Provides a meeting calendar with videos and slides, member anniversaries, and links to sites of related interests.
Chapter Chicago Events Meetings Nrhs Application National Pictures Board Expression Rights Main Contactpresidents Society_
4 A Beautiful Balloon Hot Air
Hot Air Balloon Champagne Flight over the scenic, rural, rolling countryside of western NJ. Gift certificates, surprise flights for proposals, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries.
5 National Railway History Society (NRHS), Chicago Chapter Seeks to
Seeks to preserve and honor trains and railroads equipment and pioneers. Provides a meeting calendar with videos and slides, member anniversaries, and links to related interests.
Chapter Chicago Nrhs Meetings Events Application Expression National Copyright Upcoming Presidents Letter Board Main Y
6 Culinary Events Calendar A calendar
A calendar of food-related historical events, anniversaries and discoveries. Overview of the month and day by day listings.
Food History Today Calendar Festivals Culinary Events Agriculture Timeline Cooking Month_ American Drink National Magazines
7 Admiral Yacht Charters Newport Beach
Newport Beach company offering a selection of vessels for 2 to 350 passengers for weddings, showers, birthdays, graduations, anniversaries and corporate functions. Includes boat details, pictures, rates and contact information.
Sailing Yacht Admiralyachtchartercom Leading Charter Admiral Ocean Greece Net Jointhousands Luxuryyacht Motor Catamarancaribbean Charters Z
8 Classic Carriages Professionally driven
Professionally driven horse drawn carriages and other horse drawn vehicles for weddings, anniversaries, special events, Central Kansas area.

4. Computer & Anniversaries Games Websites

1 Info Panel Creates a
Creates a small database to remember birthday, anniversaries, addresses, and telephone numbers.
Panel Windows Remember Download Anniversaries Addresses Birthday Numbers Phone Freestone Easy Use Design Directory Requirements Registration
2 Instant Reminders Free email
Free email reminder service for birthdays, anniversaries, and any other important date you might forget.
3 MiniReminder Small and
Small and simple Windows application to remind yourself of important yearly events like birthdays, anniversaries, renewals. Available in English, Spanish, and Catalan.
Z Cumpleaños Mini Program Agenda Reminder Birthday Minireminder Calendar Recordatorio Recordarsmall Freeware Personal
4 Group Cards Customized designs
Customized designs available for birthdays, anniversaries, get well and everyday events. Recipients name appears on cakes, balloons and graphics. Send to friends to sign.
5 The Custom Cards Offers a
Offers a library of objects for every occasion to be used on custom designs. Features birthday, anniversaries, holidays, stationery and invitations.
Cards Free Day Custom Love Printable Welcome Ecards Greeting Birthday Flowers Astrology Funny Valentine Sympathy Thank Print Holidaysfathers Bible
6 FreeStone Group Freeware and
Freeware and shareware products include screensavers, analyzer recording a utility for grabbing an image from the window and record in AVI the file, 'info panel' to remember birthday, anniversaries, addresses, and phone numbers.
Desktop Clock Wallpapers Magnifier Game Freestone Wallpaper Freeware Group Changer Games Arcade Screensaver Screensavers Free Hunter Planet Analyzer Neon Xp
7 4t Calendar Reminder MP3 Reminder application
Reminder application that can remind about birthdays, anniversaries, appointments and other events, can organize events in MS Outlook-like calendar and arrange ones in tree form using Explorer-like interface.
Order Tray List Wish Software Minimizer Mail Faq Reminder Support Calendar Camera Download Whats Privacy Wishes

5. Sports Websites concerning Anniversaries

1 Classic Carriages Professionally driven
Professionally driven horse drawn carriages and other horse drawn vehicles for weddings, anniversaries, special events, Central Kansas area.
Navigationshilfet Y

6. Society, Arts and Anniversaries Crafts

1 Original candlelighting
Original candlelighting poems, speeches, and toasts that will make your childs celebration one to remember. We also do birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and more.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Cards for
Cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions, for friendship and romance, with Christian humor, and inspirational themes such as discipleship.
Ecards Free Christian Funny Birthday Love Gospel Romantic Thank Cards Holiday Tracts Christmas Day Year |christian
3 Wards Book of Days Find out
Find out what happened on this day in history with pages of interesting anniversaries, famous birthdays and critical events.
Book Days Wards Year Pages Writing Birthday History Essays Days_ Click Here Offersoriginal Grace High Quality Later_ Company
4 Coffeerooms Calendar - Remos Reminders Message boards
Message boards for women with a monthly calendar listing birthdays and anniversaries.
Carrie Calendar Here Click Jo Sammi Squint Vonsters Lori Dianed Saja Jeannierose Dahla Coffeerooms Sami Tisha Sarabeth Cardo
5 Custom Ketubah by Miriam Karp Hand made
Hand made, custom designed ketubot for weddings, anniversaries, and commitment ceremonies.
Ketubah Jewish Custom Miriam Marriage Contracts Karp Interfaith Prints Commitment Ceremonies Ketubot Ketuba Anniversaries Miriamkarp@customketubahcom Available Kettubah
6 Studios of Lee Loebman Offering custom
Offering custom ketubot and limited edition prints for weddings or anniversaries. Ketubot are created using the traditional paper cutting technique.
Ketubah Ketubot Anniversary Studios Custom Prints Loebman Lithographs Jewish Art Coat Lithograph Paper Judaic Designs Page Judaica
7 Hand Made Fine Art Ketubot Hand-painted, fine
Hand-painted, fine art ketubot from Israel commissioned for weddings or anniversaries. Information about the artist, Jonah Schiller and ordering instructions.
Tripod Create Check Lycos Shopping Errorpage Hosting Requested Found Lycoscom Login Tripodcomwebsite Please Signup
8 interfaith ceremonies officiates wedding
officiates wedding ceremonies as well as baby namings, renewal of vows, anniversaries, commitment ceremonies, second marriages and interfaith marriages.
Ceremonies Interfaith Renewal Baby Weddings Beliefs Vow Yourwed@interfaithceremoniescom Susan Commitmentsame Funeral Carolina Blessing Heartwarming Marlan Funerals Pet Blessings Asheville
1 Santiagos Magic Corporate events
Corporate events, private parties, weddings and anniversaries.
Magic Cruz Santa Santiagos Santiago Elegant California Magician Entertainer Entertainment Private Fire Magical Alchemical Style
2 ice illusions professional designs
professional designs for weddings, corporate functions, parties, receptions, anniversaries, or any special events. based in philadelphia and san francisco.
3 a professionally
a professionally trained pianist available to play for parties, weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. includes training, booking, biography and contact information.
Kristi Chandler Crossville Pianoal Special Copyright Events Websiteinteractive Parties Website Designcontact
4 a gift of poetry individually written
individually written poems written for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.
Poems Poetry Poem Gift Anniversary Allen Poet Wedding Love Wife Husband Birthday England First Here Perfect Gifts Everything
5 paul germains artistic ice handcarved ice
handcarved ice sculptures for weddings, catering, company parties, proms, anniversaries, church socials, promotions, grand openings, and all special occasions.
Ice Sculptures Sculpture Carving California World Academy Wedding Design Fresno Paul Special Weddings Shows Carvings Washington Christianchurch
6 Oaks, Hope - Highland bagpiper (Indiana) Offers
(Indiana) Offers bagpipe and trumpet music. Solo or group performances are available for weddings, funerals, golf outings, anniversaries, and other special events.
Indiana Funeral Bagpipe Indianapolis Services Bagpiper Wedding Events Music Photos Credentials Northern Faqs Remembrance Bagpiping Hope Funerals Piping Ornkey
7 Re-release The Way We Were and Yentl Petition to
Petition to persuade the movie studios to re-release the films to movie theaters on their anniversaries.
Petitionbeen Retired Changeorghas

Anniversaries Dictionary Reviews for Anniversaries. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Anniversaries" (visitors of this topic page). Anniversaries › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Anniversaries Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

8 results for Anniversaries: