1 Inspiral Architecture and Design Studios Architect Eventrocket Bali Te Inspiral Indonesia Rocket Promisee Datenow Art Meets Architecture Architects Symbol Function Objectdefine
Denpasar City
Inspiral Architects have created numerous remodeling and unique projects on many spots in Bali. Our team of reliable Architects Indonesia...Denpasar City Eventrocket Bali Te Inspiral Indonesia Rocket Promisee Datenow Art Meets Architecture Architects Symbol Function Objectdefine
2 Home Renovation Expert Architect Renovation Home Expert Renovations Melbourne We Free For Your This Menu Us Remodeling Quote East
Cranbourne East
Im an experienced home renovation expert. I have years of experience in the industry and have worked with a...Cranbourne East Renovation Home Expert Renovations Melbourne We Free For Your This Menu Us Remodeling Quote East
3 Passionscape Pte Ltd Landscape Architect Landscape Design Singapore Ajax Custom Skip Content Post Container Landscaping Slider The Essential Type Grid
We specialize in Landscape Design, Custom Landscape Design, Garden Design, Patio garden design, Balcony garden Design, Rooftop Garden Design in...Singapore Landscape Design Singapore Ajax Custom Skip Content Post Container Landscaping Slider The Essential Type Grid
4 Architecture Job Board Architecture Archipro Staff Agency Interior Architect Landscape Architects Architecture Designers Design Project Leslie Add Links Placement
Archipro Staff Agency helps employers to find a proficient candidate for the architecture job board. Our team of experts helps...Miami Archipro Staff Agency Interior Architect Landscape Architects Architecture Designers Design Project Leslie Add Links Placement
5 Leesa Fazal Architects Architect Leesa Fazal Objectget Objectrdocument Rdata Muck Rack Find Twitter
Las Vegas
Leesa Fazal is the owner of the Leesa Fazal Architects and she has developed excellence in her profession with extended...Las Vegas Leesa Fazal Objectget Objectrdocument Rdata Muck Rack Find Twitter
1 Michelsen, Andreas
Online portfolio
Online portfolio of an architect graduated from Bartlett and Copenhagen School of Architect.
Online portfolio of an architect graduated from Bartlett and Copenhagen School of Architect.
2 S Russell Groves Architect PC
Architect for
Architect for interior, retail and furniture design in New York City.
Architect for interior, retail and furniture design in New York City.
3 James Prisco Architect
Architect in
Architect in Freeport, New York. Profile, portfolio of commercial and residential projects.
Architect in Freeport, New York. Profile, portfolio of commercial and residential projects.
4 Dan Lansner Architect
New York
New York City based architect with experience in residential, exhibit and furniture design.
New York City based architect with experience in residential, exhibit and furniture design.
5 Hal Walter Architect Pty Ltd
Design philosophy
Design philosophy and photographs from Australian architect.
Design philosophy and photographs from Australian architect.
6 Joe Chindarsi Architect
Australian architect
Australian architect with experience in renovations, housing and building projects as well as furniture and interior design.
Architects Chindarsi Australia Website Wa Westernarchitecturearchitect Joe Perth
Australian architect with experience in renovations, housing and building projects as well as furniture and interior design.
Architects Chindarsi Australia Website Wa Westernarchitecturearchitect Joe Perth
7 Lawrence Lee Vowels Architect, P.C.
Birmingham-based architect
Birmingham-based architect provides portfolio of health care, religious and commercial projects.
Larch@msncomalabama Squared Parkway Birmingham Architectl Ultimateaddress Derby Inspired
Birmingham-based architect provides portfolio of health care, religious and commercial projects.
Larch@msncomalabama Squared Parkway Birmingham Architectl Ultimateaddress Derby Inspired
8 Micahel Rust Architect LLC
Chandler-based architect
Chandler-based architect provides credentials, testimonials, photos of recent projects and publications.
Lloyd Wright Frank Architecture Taliesin Organic Rust Michael Foundation Former West Inspired Design Fellow Architects
Chandler-based architect provides credentials, testimonials, photos of recent projects and publications.
Lloyd Wright Frank Architecture Taliesin Organic Rust Michael Foundation Former West Inspired Design Fellow Architects
9 Michael George Hasara Architect
Residential architect
Residential architect offering design services for estate houses and home renovations.
Residential architect offering design services for estate houses and home renovations.
10 Michael Dunlap, Architect
Photo gallery
Photo gallery of work by this Florida architect specializing in custom residential homes and commercial buildings.
Best Free Credit Luxury Michaeldunlapcom Phones Relief Cheap Migraine Pain College Insurance Smart Health Courses Trademark Domain
Photo gallery of work by this Florida architect specializing in custom residential homes and commercial buildings.
Best Free Credit Luxury Michaeldunlapcom Phones Relief Cheap Migraine Pain College Insurance Smart Health Courses Trademark Domain
11 Marsha Berger, Architect
Specializing in
Specializing in residential, commercial and interior projects, the architect presents her portfolio, brief profile and contacts. Located in Pennsylvania.
Architect Berger Marsha Architecture Remodeling Kitchen School Architects Carnegie American Commercial Institute Tech Designing Mellon Med
Specializing in residential, commercial and interior projects, the architect presents her portfolio, brief profile and contacts. Located in Pennsylvania.
Architect Berger Marsha Architecture Remodeling Kitchen School Architects Carnegie American Commercial Institute Tech Designing Mellon Med
12 Bille Luigi Architect
London architect
London architect offering building and interior design, urban planning, and project management. Includes CV and description of services.
London architect offering building and interior design, urban planning, and project management. Includes CV and description of services.
13 Marilyn Crenshaw AIA Green Architect
A Monterey
A Monterey Bay area architect specializing in Green Architecture.
Architect Greeny
A Monterey Bay area architect specializing in Green Architecture.
Architect Greeny
14 Ron Kern Golf Course Architect, ASGCA, Golf Design Group, Inc.
Golf course
Golf course architect, based in Indiana
Golf Kern Course Architect Asgca Design Ron Inc Group Purgatory Mackenzie Chase Architecture West Fazio
Golf course architect, based in Indiana
Golf Kern Course Architect Asgca Design Ron Inc Group Purgatory Mackenzie Chase Architecture West Fazio
15 Nili Portugali, Architect
A presentation
A presentation of the work, exhibitions, designs, courses and awards of Nili Portugali, an Israeli architect.
A presentation of the work, exhibitions, designs, courses and awards of Nili Portugali, an Israeli architect.
16 w a schumacher naval architect
yacht and
yacht and boat design by naval architect bill schumacher in south florida.
Design Architect Naval Yacht Schumacher Construction Boat Florida Styling Marine Email System William Build Refit Captain Net Fl
yacht and boat design by naval architect bill schumacher in south florida.
Design Architect Naval Yacht Schumacher Construction Boat Florida Styling Marine Email System William Build Refit Captain Net Fl
17 Sales Proposal Architect
Sales Proposal
Sales Proposal Architect automtes the design of customer-focused sales proposals. Use this system to link a consultative sales process with the development of a winning sales proposal.
Sales Proposal Architect automtes the design of customer-focused sales proposals. Use this system to link a consultative sales process with the development of a winning sales proposal.
18 Michael R. McLeod, Architect, PA
Architectural services
Architectural services
Plans House Architect Architectural Design Building Wilmington Michael Medical Architecture Projects Office Firm Services Cottages Church Drawings Store
Architectural services
Plans House Architect Architectural Design Building Wilmington Michael Medical Architecture Projects Office Firm Services Cottages Church Drawings Store
20 Janta, Tudor
Portfolio of
Portfolio of this Romanian architect.
Portfolio of this Romanian architect.
21 Voogt, Casper
Independent architect
Independent architect based in Amsterdam.
Independent architect based in Amsterdam.
22 Jerry Gropp
An architect
An architect practicing in the Seattle area.
An architect practicing in the Seattle area.
23 Pat Lemmerman - RLA
Landscape architect.
Landscape architect. Includes information on services.
Landscape architect. Includes information on services.
24 Turk, Danko
Projects and
Projects and realizations of this Croatian architect.
Projects and realizations of this Croatian architect.
25 Yordanka Windlinger
Interview with
Interview with the model, who also works as an architect.
Interview with the model, who also works as an architect.
26 Waldrip, Deborah
Malibu architect
Malibu architect provides bio and information on completed projects.
Deborah Projects Texts Calendar Waldrip Architect Bit_ Happy Malibu Sorensenarchitectscom Memorial Japanese Very Three Bonus Comic
Malibu architect provides bio and information on completed projects.
Deborah Projects Texts Calendar Waldrip Architect Bit_ Happy Malibu Sorensenarchitectscom Memorial Japanese Very Three Bonus Comic
27 Malcolm Davis
Residential architect
Residential architect located in the San Francisco bay area.
Residential architect located in the San Francisco bay area.
28 Virtual Architect
Service that
Service that provides access to architects for new homes, remodeling and add-ons.
Service that provides access to architects for new homes, remodeling and add-ons.
29 Robert Moore Architect
Architectural and
Architectural and interior design services.
Moore Robert Architect Bainbridge Island Quality Architecture Architect I Buildings Commercial Client Houseswashington High
Architectural and interior design services.
Moore Robert Architect Bainbridge Island Quality Architecture Architect I Buildings Commercial Client Houseswashington High
30 Curtis Kemp
Architect specializing
Architect specializing in high-end custom homes.
Architect specializing in high-end custom homes.
31 John Henry Architect
House plans
House plans which are small and more affordable.
House plans which are small and more affordable.
32 Gates, Bill
Writings from
Writings from Microsofts chief software architect.
English Microsoft Español News Windows Office Press Deutsch Blog Ð ÑÆ’ÑÂÂÑÂÂкий Products Official Stories Executive
Writings from Microsofts chief software architect.
English Microsoft Español News Windows Office Press Deutsch Blog Ð ÑÆ’ÑÂÂÑÂÂкий Products Official Stories Executive
33 Zaretsky, Michael
California architect
California architect provides portfolio of work and philosophy.
California architect provides portfolio of work and philosophy.
34 Shui Endo Architect Institute
Presents work
Presents work and company information.
Architect Institute Shuhei Endoz
Presents work and company information.
Architect Institute Shuhei Endoz
35 Sandybayev, Jomart
Includes the
Includes the resume, architecture, sculpture and design by the architect.
Includes the resume, architecture, sculpture and design by the architect.
36 Brian Shore Architect
Specializing in
Specializing in new homes and renovations. Locust Valley.
Specializing in new homes and renovations. Locust Valley.
37 Morimoto Architects
Berkeley Architect
Berkeley Architect specializing in residential and commercial projects.
Domain Hosting Network Marketing Web Solutions Services Names Website Registration Networksolutionscom Place Host Gogrow
Berkeley Architect specializing in residential and commercial projects.
Domain Hosting Network Marketing Web Solutions Services Names Website Registration Networksolutionscom Place Host Gogrow
38 Shremshock Architects
AIA, NCARB Architect registered showing projects and portfolio.
AIA, NCARB Architect registered showing projects and portfolio.
39 Frank Warner Riepe - Architect
Residential architecture
Residential architecture for the greater Boston area.
Arts Building Architect Sudbury Custom Frank Email Residential Architecture Riepe Studio Since Townhouse Specialized Newbridge Individuals Important
Residential architecture for the greater Boston area.
Arts Building Architect Sudbury Custom Frank Email Residential Architecture Riepe Studio Since Townhouse Specialized Newbridge Individuals Important
40 Steve Heflin Architect / Builder, Inc.
Portfolio, model
Portfolio, model homes and company information.
Portfolio, model homes and company information.
41 Roger A. Weaver, Architect
Firm specializing
Firm specializing in architecture, planning, and historical preservation.
Firm specializing in architecture, planning, and historical preservation.
42 Balas, David
Overview of
Overview of projects and services offered by Bainbridge Island architect.
’À‘ÝŽ––±Ã‚Š‘å•Ï–ð‚Éâ€‧‚‘åÂÂãŽü•Ó‚Ì’À‘ÝŽ––±Ã‚Š‚ÌËœb‚ð•·Ã¢â‚¬Å¡«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ü‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡½ ‘åÂÂã ’ÀÃ¢â‚¬ËœÝ Ã‚Âv‘åÂÂã‚É‚ ‚é‘ÝŽ––±Ã‚Š‚ð‚à
Overview of projects and services offered by Bainbridge Island architect.
’À‘ÝŽ––±Ã‚Š‘å•Ï–ð‚Éâ€‧‚‘åÂÂãŽü•Ó‚Ì’À‘ÝŽ––±Ã‚Š‚ÌËœb‚ð•·Ã¢â‚¬Å¡«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ü‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡½ ‘åÂÂã ’ÀÃ¢â‚¬ËœÝ Ã‚Âv‘åÂÂã‚É‚ ‚é‘ÝŽ––±Ã‚Š‚ð‚à
43 Curtis Kemp
Architect specializing
Architect specializing in high-end custom homes. Located in Sun Valley.
Architect specializing in high-end custom homes. Located in Sun Valley.
44 Gropp, Jerry
Mercer Island
Mercer Island based architect practicing in the Seattle area.
Mercer Island based architect practicing in the Seattle area.
45 Dias, Filipe Oliveira
A variety
A variety of different projects by the Portuguese architect who works in Oporto.
Town Dias Architecture Filipe Building Project Real Architect Oliveira Bragança Works Portuguese Municipal Planning Design Happens Polytechnician Chamber Woven
A variety of different projects by the Portuguese architect who works in Oporto.
Town Dias Architecture Filipe Building Project Real Architect Oliveira Bragança Works Portuguese Municipal Planning Design Happens Polytechnician Chamber Woven
46 C.Y. Lee Architect
Toronto firm
Toronto firm specializing in religious, residential, commercial and institutional design.
Architect Cy Inc Toronto Lee Architecture Firm Projects Cyl Basedcyleearchitect Canada Copyrightc Z
Toronto firm specializing in religious, residential, commercial and institutional design.
Architect Cy Inc Toronto Lee Architecture Firm Projects Cyl Basedcyleearchitect Canada Copyrightc Z
47 Bessel, Torsten
German architect
German architect based in Greece (Athens) and Germany (Berlin).
Griechenland Torsten Bauen Bessel Energieeffizienz Netzwerk | Greece Architect Germany Architektur Leistungen Vita Thema Engagement Athens
German architect based in Greece (Athens) and Germany (Berlin).
Griechenland Torsten Bauen Bessel Energieeffizienz Netzwerk | Greece Architect Germany Architektur Leistungen Vita Thema Engagement Athens
48 Arkitekturel Grids
Architect practice.
Architect practice. Includes details of projects, portfolio, and clients.
Architect practice. Includes details of projects, portfolio, and clients.
49 HTI
Award winning
Award winning straw bale homes designed by professional architect students.
Design Builders Springs Hti Pagosa Build Building Custom | Contact Awards Testimonials Client Philosophy Toland Copyright Welcomes Do At
Award winning straw bale homes designed by professional architect students.
Design Builders Springs Hti Pagosa Build Building Custom | Contact Awards Testimonials Client Philosophy Toland Copyright Welcomes Do At
50 Samuel Anderson Architect
A brief
A brief introduction to the New York firm with a few photographs of completed work.
Anderson Architects Museum Samuel Sfmoma Derstine Aic Snohetta Recognition Portfolio Contact Spliteye Leedgold Content Conservation College
A brief introduction to the New York firm with a few photographs of completed work.
Anderson Architects Museum Samuel Sfmoma Derstine Aic Snohetta Recognition Portfolio Contact Spliteye Leedgold Content Conservation College
51 Flynn, Adam R.
Software developer
Software developer and database architect using ASP, VB COM, JSP, XML, SQL Server, Oracle and other tools.
Software developer and database architect using ASP, VB COM, JSP, XML, SQL Server, Oracle and other tools.
52 Mittal, Kunal
J2EE, EJB, XML, Web Services, Weblogic and Cajun technologies Internet architect.
Soa Services Jee Kunal Consultant Saas Mittal Cloud Click Portal Computing Go Startup Web Strategy
J2EE, EJB, XML, Web Services, Weblogic and Cajun technologies Internet architect.
Soa Services Jee Kunal Consultant Saas Mittal Cloud Click Portal Computing Go Startup Web Strategy
53 Mikurcik, Juraj
Slovakian architect
Slovakian architect interested in architecture, graphic design and photography.
Slovakian architect interested in architecture, graphic design and photography.
Interior architect
Interior architect and designer. Features a resume, and information on completed projects.
Interior architect and designer. Features a resume, and information on completed projects.
55 Neal Huston Architect, Inc.
Firm with
Firm with more than 20 years experience in commercial, interior and residential design.
Firm with more than 20 years experience in commercial, interior and residential design.
56 Neil Rambert - Architect
Specializes in
Specializes in residential and light commercial remodeling. Includes portfolio.
Displayed Pageerrorcannot Providerfor Contact Please
Specializes in residential and light commercial remodeling. Includes portfolio.
Displayed Pageerrorcannot Providerfor Contact Please
57 Gibson Architects LLC
Aspen-based architect
Aspen-based architect provides photos and information on residential and civic projects.
Å’¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡èÂÂe˜’ÉÆ’kÆ’cÆ’h ˜’Å’ÅÃ…Â Ôâ€ÂÂÆ’wƒ‹ƒjÆ’a‚ÆÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Í Ã†â€™}Æ’bÆ’tÂÂ[Æ’w‚ðŽó‚¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡éÂÂÛ‚Ì’ÂÂÃ‹â€ Ó Ã…â€™¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡èÂÂe˜’É‚Ìâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œh–@ •a‰@ÂÂeÂÂfâ€â€ÃŠ‚Ì‘i‚Ñ•û ÂÂâ€â€Ã‚«â€šÆÂÂ
Aspen-based architect provides photos and information on residential and civic projects.
Å’¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡èÂÂe˜’ÉÆ’kÆ’cÆ’h ˜’Å’ÅÃ…Â Ôâ€ÂÂÆ’wƒ‹ƒjÆ’a‚ÆÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Í Ã†â€™}Æ’bÆ’tÂÂ[Æ’w‚ðŽó‚¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡éÂÂÛ‚Ì’ÂÂÃ‹â€ Ó Ã…â€™¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡èÂÂe˜’É‚Ìâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œh–@ •a‰@ÂÂeÂÂfâ€â€ÃŠ‚Ì‘i‚Ñ•û ÂÂâ€â€Ã‚«â€šÆÂÂ
58 Ronnett, Marius A.
Romanian-born Chicago
Romanian-born Chicago architect. Architectural projects and competition entries.
Romanian-born Chicago architect. Architectural projects and competition entries.
59 Burns Organic Modern
San Diego
San Diego architect, provides project portfolio and information on furniture design.
San Diego architect, provides project portfolio and information on furniture design.
60 Patel, Vijay
Portfolio of
Portfolio of academic and professional work of a London based graduate architect.
Portfolio of academic and professional work of a London based graduate architect.
61 Milani, Italo
Rock Island
Rock Island architect provides photographic portfolio of recently completed projects.
Rock Island architect provides photographic portfolio of recently completed projects.
62 Gary Tucker Architect
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa firm specializing in natural materials and designs.
Santa Rosa firm specializing in natural materials and designs.
63 PEC AIA, Inc.
Architect and
Architect and interior designer, specializing in custom residential and commercial architectural projects. San Antonio.
Architect and interior designer, specializing in custom residential and commercial architectural projects. San Antonio.
64 Jaroslaw J. Gruzewski
Architectural and
Architectural and interior design services provided by MIT educated Bostonian architect.
Architectural and interior design services provided by MIT educated Bostonian architect.
65 guy saillard
naval architect
naval architect for sail and power boats, based in france. [english and french]
Bateaux Bateau Agrave Moteur Naval De Sail Saillard Expert Architecte Maritime Expertise Voile Construction Consommation Doccasion Coeurs Eacutenergeacutetique
naval architect for sail and power boats, based in france. [english and french]
Bateaux Bateau Agrave Moteur Naval De Sail Saillard Expert Architecte Maritime Expertise Voile Construction Consommation Doccasion Coeurs Eacutenergeacutetique
66 Lewisch, Gerit J.
Architect and
Architect and planner based in Doylestown provides overview, news and information on services.
Architect and planner based in Doylestown provides overview, news and information on services.
67 Henry, John
Luxury home
Luxury home and estate architect provides overview of services. Based in Orlando.
Luxury home and estate architect provides overview of services. Based in Orlando.
68 Eric Watson, Architect, P.A.
Specializing in
Specializing in coastal residential architecture. Offices in Tampa and Seaside.
Architect Eric Watson Pa Beach O Houses Watercolor Rosemary Residential Seasidemenu Seagrove Florida
Specializing in coastal residential architecture. Offices in Tampa and Seaside.
Architect Eric Watson Pa Beach O Houses Watercolor Rosemary Residential Seasidemenu Seagrove Florida
69 Daryl Hansen Architect
Custom designed
Custom designed rugs using intuitive geometries and handknotted in Nepal.
Custom designed rugs using intuitive geometries and handknotted in Nepal.
70 Richard Meier and Partners
New York
New York based architect provides project descriptions with photographs, biography and bibliography.
New York based architect provides project descriptions with photographs, biography and bibliography.
71 George Ewart Architect
Health care
Health care, industrial, historic and commercial services. Knoxville, Tennessee
Health care, industrial, historic and commercial services. Knoxville, Tennessee
72 Kenneth R. Carlson Architect P.A.
Commercial and
Commercial and residential services provided by Deerfield Beach architectural firm.
Commercial and residential services provided by Deerfield Beach architectural firm.
73 Martin E. Rich Architect, PC
New York
New York City firm specializing in commercial and medical design projects.
New York City firm specializing in commercial and medical design projects.
74 Steven Holl Architects
Web site
Web site of the architect of the award winning Chapel of St. Ignatius in Seattle, Washington.
Steven Holl Architects Awards Plans Offices Design Museums Educational Infrastructure Studio Contact Mixedconstruction
Web site of the architect of the award winning Chapel of St. Ignatius in Seattle, Washington.
Steven Holl Architects Awards Plans Offices Design Museums Educational Infrastructure Studio Contact Mixedconstruction
75 Brian Higley
Landscape architect
Landscape architect and modern site designer working in the Hudson Valley, New York.
Landscape architect and modern site designer working in the Hudson Valley, New York.
76 TFS Design
Suppliers of
Suppliers of tension fabric structures using a lightweight medium that can be manipulated by the designer or architect for production needs.
Suppliers of tension fabric structures using a lightweight medium that can be manipulated by the designer or architect for production needs.
77 Maltz, Dean
New York
New York City architect specializing in residential, commercial, retail and furniture design.
Shigeru Architects Maltz Architect Dean Ban| Z
New York City architect specializing in residential, commercial, retail and furniture design.
Shigeru Architects Maltz Architect Dean Ban| Z
78 Brennan + Company Architects
Architect and
Architect and planning firm. Information on commercial and residential projects and contact.
Architect and planning firm. Information on commercial and residential projects and contact.
79 John Schlesinger, AIA, Architect
San Francisco
San Francisco, Ca. based firm specializing in custom residential and commercial design.
John Residential Commercial Architect Aia Views Quick Schlesinger Soon Chow Credits Francisco Coming Photo Trina
San Francisco, Ca. based firm specializing in custom residential and commercial design.
John Residential Commercial Architect Aia Views Quick Schlesinger Soon Chow Credits Francisco Coming Photo Trina
80 Albert L. De Guglielmo Architect A.I.A.
Describes the
Describes the purpose, services, personnel and examples of the work of an architectural firm.
| Firm Architect Albert Aia Guglielmo People Portfolio News Principal Therefore Personal De Size Keep
Describes the purpose, services, personnel and examples of the work of an architectural firm.
| Firm Architect Albert Aia Guglielmo People Portfolio News Principal Therefore Personal De Size Keep
81 Michael Mullin Architect
Architecture firm
Architecture firm in San Francisco specializing in residential building and remodel design.
San Francisco Michael Mullin Architect Architecture Area Bay Remodeling Design Construction Responsible Ecological Contextual California
Architecture firm in San Francisco specializing in residential building and remodel design.
San Francisco Michael Mullin Architect Architecture Area Bay Remodeling Design Construction Responsible Ecological Contextual California
82 Jameson, David
Alexandria architect
Alexandria architect provides portfolio of work and firm profile, including awards and publications.
Alexandria architect provides portfolio of work and firm profile, including awards and publications.
83 Richard C. Kawalek Architect, Inc.
Design of
Design of custom homes, remodeling, and additions. Located in Moreland Hills.
Design of custom homes, remodeling, and additions. Located in Moreland Hills.
84 Stephen Rhoads, Architect
A portfolio
A portfolio of custom structures for residential, governmental, institutional and corporate clients.
A portfolio of custom structures for residential, governmental, institutional and corporate clients.
85 Stephen Rhoads Architect
Designing custom
Designing custom structures for residential, governmental, institutional and corporate clients.
Designing custom structures for residential, governmental, institutional and corporate clients.
86 John Lape, Architect
Architectural firm
Architectural firm specializing in multi-family and elderly care facilities.
Architecture Architectsorry Lape Portlandmacadam Oregon John Suite
Architectural firm specializing in multi-family and elderly care facilities.
Architecture Architectsorry Lape Portlandmacadam Oregon John Suite
87 Wilcox Architecture
Cincinnati-based architect
Cincinnati-based architect offers profile and portfolio of residential interiors and exteriors.
Wilcox Architecture Blog Contact Works Legend Testimonials Ohio Portfolio Cincinnati Check Copyright Services Zumstein Welcome Avenue Y
Cincinnati-based architect offers profile and portfolio of residential interiors and exteriors.
Wilcox Architecture Blog Contact Works Legend Testimonials Ohio Portfolio Cincinnati Check Copyright Services Zumstein Welcome Avenue Y
88 Architecture of A. Lira V. Luis
First Filipino
First Filipino apprentice architect at Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin since 1932.
First Filipino apprentice architect at Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin since 1932.
89 Oliver Cope Architect
Specializes in
Specializes in classically-American homes in a variety of historic styles. New York City.
Specializes in classically-American homes in a variety of historic styles. New York City.
90 Willy Muller
A short
A short introduction to the architect and his work. Lists competition submittals and publication sources for further research.
A short introduction to the architect and his work. Lists competition submittals and publication sources for further research.
91 Ziemer, Jurgen
Database architect
Database architect, with industry experience at leading international institutions and consulting service providers.
Database architect, with industry experience at leading international institutions and consulting service providers.
92 Ronski+Burke Architekten
Irish architect
Irish architect located in Berlin, Germany, residential new build, renovation, and feasibilities.
+ Berlin Sanierung Umbau Gutachten Anbau Neubau Immobilienberatung Private Bauen öffentliche Bestand Renovierung Auftraggeber Y
Irish architect located in Berlin, Germany, residential new build, renovation, and feasibilities.
+ Berlin Sanierung Umbau Gutachten Anbau Neubau Immobilienberatung Private Bauen öffentliche Bestand Renovierung Auftraggeber Y
93 Hacin, Janez
Architect working
Architect working in Geneva, Switzerland. Various residential projects, office buildings and competition entries.
Janez Hacin Architect Profile Geneva Video Projects Contact Switzerland |tv Janezhacin Z
Architect working in Geneva, Switzerland. Various residential projects, office buildings and competition entries.
Janez Hacin Architect Profile Geneva Video Projects Contact Switzerland |tv Janezhacin Z
94 Before The Architect
Residential and
Residential and light commercial. Consulting, designing, concept, model, and builder drawings on Autocad 2000.
Residential and light commercial. Consulting, designing, concept, model, and builder drawings on Autocad 2000.
95 alain silberstein
french watch
french watch architect and creator offering several collections for travellers, men and women. requires flash.
french watch architect and creator offering several collections for travellers, men and women. requires flash.
96 Harry Morison Lay: Architect
Architectural firm
Architectural firm based in Toronto. Builds and renovates private homes and cottages.
Architectural firm based in Toronto. Builds and renovates private homes and cottages.
97 Stromberg, Alan
Brief introduction
Brief introduction to the Boulder City architect and his projects. Includes portfolio, firm profile and contacts.
Brief introduction to the Boulder City architect and his projects. Includes portfolio, firm profile and contacts.
98 David Bearss, Architect
Small architecture
Small architecture office which specializes in creating designs for living. Hood River.
Small architecture office which specializes in creating designs for living. Hood River.
99 David E. Wiggins, Architect
Stock home
Stock home plans ranging in size from 1500-4500 square feet.
Stock home plans ranging in size from 1500-4500 square feet.
100 Arthur Lasky Architects
New York
New York City based architect with experience in residential, commercial and manufacturing facilities.
New York City based architect with experience in residential, commercial and manufacturing facilities.
101 Alexandra Hayes, Architect
Custom homes
Custom homes in Tucson and surrounding areas. Photos and descriptions of selected projects.
Custom homes in Tucson and surrounding areas. Photos and descriptions of selected projects.
102 Oliver Cope Architect
Specializes in
Specializes in classically-American homes in a variety of historic styles. New York City.
Specializes in classically-American homes in a variety of historic styles. New York City.
103 Becher, James
Resume and
Resume and portfolio of the architect includes examples from work with previous employers, commissions and research.
Portfolio James Becher Architectz
Resume and portfolio of the architect includes examples from work with previous employers, commissions and research.
Portfolio James Becher Architectz
104 Michael George Hasara Architect Incorporated
Full-service residential
Full-service residential estate architecture. Based in Columbus.
Full-service residential estate architecture. Based in Columbus.
105 Henritzy, Craig Allen
Berkeley solar
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
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Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
ãÂÂÅ 金をã‹ã‘れã°綺éºÃ¢â‚¬â€ã«ãªã‚Œã‚‹ã®ã‹ï¼Ã…¸ Jinwen エスãĠã§ç¾Ã…½è²Ã…’を手ã«å…¥ã‚Œã‚‹ Xhtml å¼Ã¢â‚¬Â¢è&
106 Craig Allen Henritzy
Berkeley solar
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
107 Thordarson, Olafur
Biography and
Biography and portfolio of the Icelandic architect, artist and designer, co-partner in Dingaling Studio, New York.
Museum Iceland York Helvetica Decorative Denmark Art Gallery Copenhagen Arial Design Olafur Center Germany Milwaukee Columbia Nordlys Milano Island
Biography and portfolio of the Icelandic architect, artist and designer, co-partner in Dingaling Studio, New York.
Museum Iceland York Helvetica Decorative Denmark Art Gallery Copenhagen Arial Design Olafur Center Germany Milwaukee Columbia Nordlys Milano Island
108 Gary Daugherty Architect
Custom homes
Custom homes, residential remodeling, and neighborhood commercial projects. Located in San Marcos.
Custom homes, residential remodeling, and neighborhood commercial projects. Located in San Marcos.
109 Michael Henry Architect
Architectural services
Architectural services for Southwestern ranch, residential and light commercial projects. Santa Fe.
Og Stem Jobb Michaelhenryarchitectcom Poker Utdanning Sport Avslapping Skrevet Livssyn Bonuskode Titan Guys News Live Networking Source Helse
Architectural services for Southwestern ranch, residential and light commercial projects. Santa Fe.
Og Stem Jobb Michaelhenryarchitectcom Poker Utdanning Sport Avslapping Skrevet Livssyn Bonuskode Titan Guys News Live Networking Source Helse
110 Saini, Prachi
Resume and
Resume and personal information outlining education and work experience of the architect and construction manager.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Shopping Couldnt Lycoscom Signup Page Lycos Website Requestedplease Login Hosting
Resume and personal information outlining education and work experience of the architect and construction manager.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Shopping Couldnt Lycoscom Signup Page Lycos Website Requestedplease Login Hosting
111 Michael S. Johnstone
Architect based
Architect based in Fletcher specializing in custom residences, golf courses and commercial buildings.
Architect based in Fletcher specializing in custom residences, golf courses and commercial buildings.
112 Michael S. Johnstone
Architect based
Architect based in Fletcher specializing in custom residences, golf courses and commercial buildings.
Johnstone Michael Architecture Consulting Forensic Jump Expert Services Navigation Witness Carolina Mountains Etowah Provides Court Y
Architect based in Fletcher specializing in custom residences, golf courses and commercial buildings.
Johnstone Michael Architecture Consulting Forensic Jump Expert Services Navigation Witness Carolina Mountains Etowah Provides Court Y
113 Henritzy, Craig Allen
Berkeley solar
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
114 Craig Allen Henritzy
Berkeley solar
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
Berkeley solar architect uses alternative building systems and references indigenous precedent.
115 rick etsell, naval architect
specializes in
specializes in steel and aluminum workboats, heavy duty yachts, and classic motoryachts.
specializes in steel and aluminum workboats, heavy duty yachts, and classic motoryachts.
116 Birdseye Building
Architect and
Architect and home builder offering design services, custom woodworking, stonework and estate renovations.
Architect and home builder offering design services, custom woodworking, stonework and estate renovations.
117 Sanya, Tom
Kampala, Uganda
Kampala, Uganda architect offers career and personal information, articles and overview of sustainable shelter project.
Kampala, Uganda architect offers career and personal information, articles and overview of sustainable shelter project.
118 Birdseye Building
Architect and
Architect and home builder offering design services, custom woodworking, stonework and estate renovations.
Building Design Woodworking Birdseye Metal Vermont Company Awards Build Sustainable Sitework Publications Architects Custom Blog
Architect and home builder offering design services, custom woodworking, stonework and estate renovations.
Building Design Woodworking Birdseye Metal Vermont Company Awards Build Sustainable Sitework Publications Architects Custom Blog
119 Duncan G. Stroik, Architect, LLC
Firm overview
Firm overview, portfolio, publications and contact information for South Bend, Indiana agency.
Firm overview, portfolio, publications and contact information for South Bend, Indiana agency.
120 Van Yahres Associates Campus Planners
Landscape architect
Landscape architect firm specializing in master planning, for college and university campuses.
Yahres Van Associatesy
Landscape architect firm specializing in master planning, for college and university campuses.
Yahres Van Associatesy
121 Samuel Y. Harris
Architect, engineer
Architect, engineer, and attorney who specializes in historic preservation, building technology and pathology, physical assessments.
Historic National Project Ltd Building Projectsltbgt Landmarks Projects Capital Historically Adaptive Inspection Expeditions Council Program Geographic Credentials Diagnosticsstructural Park
Architect, engineer, and attorney who specializes in historic preservation, building technology and pathology, physical assessments.
Historic National Project Ltd Building Projectsltbgt Landmarks Projects Capital Historically Adaptive Inspection Expeditions Council Program Geographic Credentials Diagnosticsstructural Park
122 Troels Grum-Schwensen
Architect and
Architect and designer. Shows photo gallery of past design pieces. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Architect and designer. Shows photo gallery of past design pieces. Copenhagen, Denmark.
123 Sunbiosis
Charlottesville, Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia based architect offering sustainable design, consulting services, buildings, and green architecture.
Architect Bundoran Farm Charlottesville Sunbiosis Plc Albemarle Green Virginia Plans Download Design Email Building Development
Charlottesville, Virginia based architect offering sustainable design, consulting services, buildings, and green architecture.
Architect Bundoran Farm Charlottesville Sunbiosis Plc Albemarle Green Virginia Plans Download Design Email Building Development
124 Javier Barba BC Studio
Located in
Located in Spain, the architect provides a brief portfolio focused on architecture and the environment. Includes articles and contacts.
House Spain – Barba Green Torres Greece Leap Portugal Hotel Houses Architecture Javier Estudio Architects Fahad
Located in Spain, the architect provides a brief portfolio focused on architecture and the environment. Includes articles and contacts.
House Spain – Barba Green Torres Greece Leap Portugal Hotel Houses Architecture Javier Estudio Architects Fahad
125 Deborah Berke Architect & Partners LLP
Residential, commercial
Residential, commercial and institutional projects plus furniture design. Located in New York City.
Residential, commercial and institutional projects plus furniture design. Located in New York City.
126 Cohalan, Michael
Biography time
Biography time line, client list, methodology and project profiles from architect based in Lewes.
Biography time line, client list, methodology and project profiles from architect based in Lewes.
127 Architect View
Services include
Services include architectural illustrations, computer animations, drafting, and interior design. Located in India.
Architectural Drafting Modeling Interior Illustrations Services Architect Drawing Design Views Rendering Drawings Manual Designs Sketching
Services include architectural illustrations, computer animations, drafting, and interior design. Located in India.
Architectural Drafting Modeling Interior Illustrations Services Architect Drawing Design Views Rendering Drawings Manual Designs Sketching
128 Penelope Rozis
Also specializes
Also specializes in interior architect and furniture design. Gallery, designer biography and contacts. Based in San Francisco.
Also specializes in interior architect and furniture design. Gallery, designer biography and contacts. Based in San Francisco.
129 Dan Duckham, Architect
Provides creative
Provides creative and organic architectural designs for commercial and residential clients. Based in Cashiers, North Carolina.
Architect Duckham Unbuilt Welcome Philosophy Commercial Hospitality Dan Personal Interiors Website Office Community Residential Photography History Contact Landscaping
Provides creative and organic architectural designs for commercial and residential clients. Based in Cashiers, North Carolina.
Architect Duckham Unbuilt Welcome Philosophy Commercial Hospitality Dan Personal Interiors Website Office Community Residential Photography History Contact Landscaping
130 Gruzewski, Jaroslaw J.
Boston-based architect
Boston-based architect, interior designer and fine artist provides information on his background, services and projects.
Urban Development Management Planning Architect Design Gruzewski Estate Architectural Project Real Services Manager Jerry Dear Dhabi Polana
Boston-based architect, interior designer and fine artist provides information on his background, services and projects.
Urban Development Management Planning Architect Design Gruzewski Estate Architectural Project Real Services Manager Jerry Dear Dhabi Polana
131 Millennium Design Group LLC
Providing architect
Providing architect and residential designer in Michigan: custom homeplans, estate, and luxury and traditional designs.
Design Millennium Architects Services Projects Dc Washington Pllc Principal Mdaplanning Th Throughout Mid Engineering
Providing architect and residential designer in Michigan: custom homeplans, estate, and luxury and traditional designs.
Design Millennium Architects Services Projects Dc Washington Pllc Principal Mdaplanning Th Throughout Mid Engineering
132 Cooper Kessel, Architect & Associates
A firm
A firm in Sonora specializing in the design and construction of custom homes in the western United States.
Design Solar Build Sustainable Designs Inc Energy Alternative Tanks Construction System Faqs Contact Insolar Advantages Involvement Earth Coupled Associations
A firm in Sonora specializing in the design and construction of custom homes in the western United States.
Design Solar Build Sustainable Designs Inc Energy Alternative Tanks Construction System Faqs Contact Insolar Advantages Involvement Earth Coupled Associations
133 Cooper Kessel, Architect, & Associates
An architectural
An architectural firm specializing in design and construction of custom homes in the western United States.
Design Build Solar Sustainable Inc Alternative System Energy Construction Tanks Designs Contact Architect Faqs Kessel Portfolio Earth Coupled Aed Collectors
An architectural firm specializing in design and construction of custom homes in the western United States.
Design Build Solar Sustainable Inc Alternative System Energy Construction Tanks Designs Contact Architect Faqs Kessel Portfolio Earth Coupled Aed Collectors
134 Michael Mogilowski
Located in
Located in Germany, the architect presents his portfolio through scrolling images and contact information. Requires 1024 x 768 resolution.
Frankfurt Main Museum Architektur Moeve Weltkulturen Sanierung Stadt Thonet Niedrigenergiehaus Museums +studio Planen Direkt Architekten Fischer Umbau Genossenschaftliche Kunst
Located in Germany, the architect presents his portfolio through scrolling images and contact information. Requires 1024 x 768 resolution.
Frankfurt Main Museum Architektur Moeve Weltkulturen Sanierung Stadt Thonet Niedrigenergiehaus Museums +studio Planen Direkt Architekten Fischer Umbau Genossenschaftliche Kunst
135 Luis, A. Lira V.
First Filipino
First Filipino apprentice architect at Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin since 1932. Personal background, portfolio, resume.
First Filipino apprentice architect at Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin since 1932. Personal background, portfolio, resume.
136 John Portman & Associates
Global recognition
Global recognition for first atrium hotel design, mix-used development and bridging the gap between architect and developer. Georgia location.
Portman Architect John Design Associates Planning Shanghai Engineering Architectural Master Atlanta Offices Used Mix Established
Global recognition for first atrium hotel design, mix-used development and bridging the gap between architect and developer. Georgia location.
Portman Architect John Design Associates Planning Shanghai Engineering Architectural Master Atlanta Offices Used Mix Established
137 Solarhomes
Architect Richard
Architect Richard Wright offers environmentally sustainable design solutions for residential and commercial buildings. Based in New Zealand.
Solar Energy Homes Power Panels Benefits Go Money Electic Incentives Networkmediacom Use Lower Costs Government
Architect Richard Wright offers environmentally sustainable design solutions for residential and commercial buildings. Based in New Zealand.
Solar Energy Homes Power Panels Benefits Go Money Electic Incentives Networkmediacom Use Lower Costs Government
138 Henry Yorke Mann
Architect specializing
Architect specializing in design of a spiritual and structural nature. Profile, portfolio, publications, and contact details.
Residence Architecture Henry Yorke Architectural Dance Architect Part Manndala Club Institute Canada Works Philosophy Royal Temple Integral
Architect specializing in design of a spiritual and structural nature. Profile, portfolio, publications, and contact details.
Residence Architecture Henry Yorke Architectural Dance Architect Part Manndala Club Institute Canada Works Philosophy Royal Temple Integral
139 Bernard Tschumi Architects
News, projects
News, projects, theoretical works and contact information for renowned architect with offices in Paris and New York.
Architects Tschumi Bernard Publications Office News Contact Projects Englishfranais Z
News, projects, theoretical works and contact information for renowned architect with offices in Paris and New York.
Architects Tschumi Bernard Publications Office News Contact Projects Englishfranais Z
140 Bruce Wardell Architect, P.C.
Virginia firm
Virginia firm with a focus on ecclesiastical structures, as well as commercial and residential design. Includes contact and profile.
Architects Charlottesville Brwarchitects Firm Renovation Resources Design Residential Projects Historic Urban Ecclesiastical Virginia Church Contact Established Interior Residence News
Virginia firm with a focus on ecclesiastical structures, as well as commercial and residential design. Includes contact and profile.
Architects Charlottesville Brwarchitects Firm Renovation Resources Design Residential Projects Historic Urban Ecclesiastical Virginia Church Contact Established Interior Residence News
141 Gil Sanchez, Architect
Provides full
Provides full historic architectural services in the Southwest US, specializing in restoration, rehabilitation and historical documentation of adobe construction.
Provides full historic architectural services in the Southwest US, specializing in restoration, rehabilitation and historical documentation of adobe construction.
142 Greenleaf, Stephen
Rumford, Rhode
Rumford, Rhode Island architect specializing in residential and small commercial projects. Firm history and services provided.
Architectural Greenleaf Redirectionautomatic Z
Rumford, Rhode Island architect specializing in residential and small commercial projects. Firm history and services provided.
Architectural Greenleaf Redirectionautomatic Z
143 Robert Wynne Architects
Architect and
Architect and architecture, providing custom, traditional and period upscale designs in residential and interior design. Houston.
Architect and architecture, providing custom, traditional and period upscale designs in residential and interior design. Houston.
144 Tharin Architect, Inc.
Introduction to
Introduction to Canadian based architectural firm specializing in design and construction of institutional facilities and historic renovation projects.
Intro Architect Thariny
Introduction to Canadian based architectural firm specializing in design and construction of institutional facilities and historic renovation projects.
Intro Architect Thariny
145 Siddiqui, Nasheet
Portfolio of
Portfolio of the architect includes resume, images of new and old work, links, personal information and a little Jethro Tull to pass the time.
Portfolio of the architect includes resume, images of new and old work, links, personal information and a little Jethro Tull to pass the time.
146 e-Architect
Employment listings
Employment listings and resume service for the architectural profession. Includes news from the industry, client search for architects and opinion polls.
Employment listings and resume service for the architectural profession. Includes news from the industry, client search for architects and opinion polls.
147 Marc Peter Keane
A licensed
A licensed landscape architect, garden designer, writer, and artist who has lived in Kyoto, Japan for the past 15 years.
A licensed landscape architect, garden designer, writer, and artist who has lived in Kyoto, Japan for the past 15 years.
148 George Armour Ewart, Architect
Knoxville firm.
Knoxville firm. Provides examples of past and ongoing commercial, industrial, institutional, and historic renovation projects.
Architect Armour Ewart George Knoxville Architecture Firm Tennessee Contact East Tn Work Construction Georgearmour Solutions Tennessee|
Knoxville firm. Provides examples of past and ongoing commercial, industrial, institutional, and historic renovation projects.
Architect Armour Ewart George Knoxville Architecture Firm Tennessee Contact East Tn Work Construction Georgearmour Solutions Tennessee|
149 Paik, Taeho
Australian architect
Australian architect based in Rome provides resume, profile, capabilities and information on residential and commercial interior design projects
Australian architect based in Rome provides resume, profile, capabilities and information on residential and commercial interior design projects
150 Wilson, Carol A.
Maine architect
Maine architect provides slide show of New England houses, museums and sustainably-designed buildings in wood, steel and glass.
Maine architect provides slide show of New England houses, museums and sustainably-designed buildings in wood, steel and glass.
151 Robert P. Senn Architect
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara & Montecito based firm specializing in fine homes and estates of authentic European character.
Barbara Santa Architects Architect Senn Revival Spanish Robert Homes California Firstcrescent Estates Colonial Quantum Y
Santa Barbara & Montecito based firm specializing in fine homes and estates of authentic European character.
Barbara Santa Architects Architect Senn Revival Spanish Robert Homes California Firstcrescent Estates Colonial Quantum Y
152 Calatrava, Santiago (1951- )
Official web
Official web site of the Spanish architect, offices in Paris, Valencis and Zurich. Extensive project portfolio, with some animations.
Official web site of the Spanish architect, offices in Paris, Valencis and Zurich. Extensive project portfolio, with some animations.
153 Vishwanath, Chitra
Bangalore-based architect
Bangalore-based architect designs homes and commercial buildings. Includes information on projects, techniques and energy savers.
Bangalore-based architect designs homes and commercial buildings. Includes information on projects, techniques and energy savers.
154 Khanna, Rajat
Architect currently
Architect currently working for a Dallas-based design firm specialising in educational buildings and sports facilities. Resume and portfolio.
Architect currently working for a Dallas-based design firm specialising in educational buildings and sports facilities. Resume and portfolio.
155 Lee-Wolfe and Associates
Landscape architect
Landscape architect and project management firm offering resumes, completed projects, and details on domestic and overseas services.
Landscape architect and project management firm offering resumes, completed projects, and details on domestic and overseas services.
156 Joseph Pell Lombardi Architect
New York
New York City based preservation and restoration firm provides company profile and information on completed projects.
New York City based preservation and restoration firm provides company profile and information on completed projects.
157 David Mailing Architect Inc.
Designs projects
Designs projects for the residential, commercial and industrial communities. Includes profile, services, references, awards and contacts.
Associates Commercial Cottages David Residential Fine Projects | Inc Architectmailingmailingarchitect
Designs projects for the residential, commercial and industrial communities. Includes profile, services, references, awards and contacts.
Associates Commercial Cottages David Residential Fine Projects | Inc Architectmailingmailingarchitect
158 maritime home page for ole christensen
information and
information and pictures of danish fishing vessels, cargo ships, my work as naval architect and shipbuilding.
information and pictures of danish fishing vessels, cargo ships, my work as naval architect and shipbuilding.
159 David Watson Architect
Manhattan Beach
Manhattan Beach firm, serving the greater Los Angeles area, specializing in custom homes and major additions/remodels.
Manhattan Beach firm, serving the greater Los Angeles area, specializing in custom homes and major additions/remodels.
160 Architect Consultants
Full service
Full service architecture, interior design and planning services to a wide range of corporate and commercial clients. Locations in India and the U.S.
Vs Gupta Delhi Mall Architect Consultants West Kamlendu North Saswati Enter Zdesigned Egainzcom
Full service architecture, interior design and planning services to a wide range of corporate and commercial clients. Locations in India and the U.S.
Vs Gupta Delhi Mall Architect Consultants West Kamlendu North Saswati Enter Zdesigned Egainzcom
161 Nick Mehta Architect Inc.
Residential, urban
Residential, urban design, community and institutional projects. Includes profile, portfolio, philosophy and contacts. Based in Calgary.
Architect Mehta Nick Residential Commercial Institutional Inc Industrial Firm Centrescommercialoffice Housing Successful Clients Narayona Calgary
Residential, urban design, community and institutional projects. Includes profile, portfolio, philosophy and contacts. Based in Calgary.
Architect Mehta Nick Residential Commercial Institutional Inc Industrial Firm Centrescommercialoffice Housing Successful Clients Narayona Calgary
162 James L. Swoop, Professional Architects
Portfolio of
Portfolio of Louisiana architect profiling residential, commercial, educational and renovation projects. Includes brief profile and contacts.
Portfolio of Louisiana architect profiling residential, commercial, educational and renovation projects. Includes brief profile and contacts.
163 Bethany Ramey
Located in
Located in Texas, the architect presents their portfolio, of commercial, residential and public space, along with their interior work. Includes brief history and contacts.
Pagefound To Requested Found Sorry Z
Located in Texas, the architect presents their portfolio, of commercial, residential and public space, along with their interior work. Includes brief history and contacts.
Pagefound To Requested Found Sorry Z
164 Christopher Andrews Architect & Town Planner
Offers a
Offers a complete range of architectural services, from site planning to interior design. Oakland, California.
Offers a complete range of architectural services, from site planning to interior design. Oakland, California.
165 archivedesigns, inc.
manufacturers of
manufacturers of large document filing and storage products for the engineer, architect, artist, printer, designer, draftsman, builder, and for the library and museum.
Storage University Museum File Flat Inc Large National Document Archives Cabinets America Supplies Designs Library Manufacturerer Products Virginia Yale
manufacturers of large document filing and storage products for the engineer, architect, artist, printer, designer, draftsman, builder, and for the library and museum.
Storage University Museum File Flat Inc Large National Document Archives Cabinets America Supplies Designs Library Manufacturerer Products Virginia Yale
166 Auten, Deborah
Provides philosophical
Provides philosophical statement, project portfolio and includes articles on how to work with an architect, green building and a pictorial glossary of Santa Fe terms.
Domain Hosting Network Solutions Marketing Web Services Names Registration Website Place Networksolutionscom |grow
Provides philosophical statement, project portfolio and includes articles on how to work with an architect, green building and a pictorial glossary of Santa Fe terms.
Domain Hosting Network Solutions Marketing Web Services Names Registration Website Place Networksolutionscom |grow
167 gregory c. marshall naval architect ltd.
designers of
designers of production and custom luxury motor yachts in canada. specialize in composite engineering using vacuum infusion.
Gregory Marshall Architect Naval Luxury Inc Radar Portfolio News Ltd International Hill Technology Yachts Press Designer
designers of production and custom luxury motor yachts in canada. specialize in composite engineering using vacuum infusion.
Gregory Marshall Architect Naval Luxury Inc Radar Portfolio News Ltd International Hill Technology Yachts Press Designer
168 Harry Elson Architect PC
A full
A full service architectural firm based in New York City. Portfolio includes residential, commercial and institutional design.
A full service architectural firm based in New York City. Portfolio includes residential, commercial and institutional design.
169 Drew-Alton Architect
Missouri firm
Missouri firm providing services to the educational and institutional markets. Includes profile, history, project types and contacts.
Missouri firm providing services to the educational and institutional markets. Includes profile, history, project types and contacts.
170 James R. Harlan, Architect
Harlan creates
Harlan creates modern designs in Southern California.
Harlan creates modern designs in Southern California.
171 Cesta , André Augusto
Software engineer
Software engineer, senior developer and software architect.
Software engineer, senior developer and software architect.
172 Storm Studio
Architectural rendering
Architectural rendering and 3D architectural animation by a Cebuano architect.
Architectural Design Renderings Studio Rendering Architecture Animation Outsourcing Innovative Presentation Floor Contact Animations Process Conceptual Graphic
Architectural rendering and 3D architectural animation by a Cebuano architect.
Architectural Design Renderings Studio Rendering Architecture Animation Outsourcing Innovative Presentation Floor Contact Animations Process Conceptual Graphic
173 Balagopal, Jaidev
Sun Certified
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect and a Sun Certified Java Programmer.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Longeravailable Financeuser Internet Sites Sorry Reach Privacy
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect and a Sun Certified Java Programmer.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Longeravailable Financeuser Internet Sites Sorry Reach Privacy
174 Duo Dickinson, Architect
Specializing in
Specializing in residential projects of all sizes. Resume and information about awards and projects.
Contact Resume Dickinson Projects Ct Publishedwork Contract Erosionrevelation Writing Media Duo| Madison News
Specializing in residential projects of all sizes. Resume and information about awards and projects.
Contact Resume Dickinson Projects Ct Publishedwork Contract Erosionrevelation Writing Media Duo| Madison News
175 Architect Guide
National directory
National directory of architects and designers. Affiliate of Find architects by zip code.
National directory of architects and designers. Affiliate of Find architects by zip code.
176 Architect Connect
A listing
A listing of architects, landscape architects, interior designers contractors and resources for these disciplines.
A listing of architects, landscape architects, interior designers contractors and resources for these disciplines.
177 Lee, Gerard
Resume of
Resume of Gerard Lee, AIA, practising architect in California. Includes portfolio and images within main site.
Resume of Gerard Lee, AIA, practising architect in California. Includes portfolio and images within main site.
178 Michael W. Tranfo, Architect
Specializing in
Specializing in residential homes. Provides gallery of new and remodeled homes, and work in progress.
Architect Tranfo Michael Washington Architects Americaninstitute Juanisland State Architectural Aia Vermontpage Member Aiamm_preloadimagesimagespress_ongif
Specializing in residential homes. Provides gallery of new and remodeled homes, and work in progress.
Architect Tranfo Michael Washington Architects Americaninstitute Juanisland State Architectural Aia Vermontpage Member Aiamm_preloadimagesimagespress_ongif
179 Oltrogge, Brian
The portfolio
The portfolio of the architect includes portfolio and his resume.
The portfolio of the architect includes portfolio and his resume.
180 Voltage Records
Rock, Metal
Rock, Metal, and Goth label. Acts include Worm, Brody, Idiot Box, Harlequyn, Architect, Darwin, Us. Located in Bradford, England.
Voltage Records Yorkshire West Recording Studio Bradford Music Rehearsal Rooms Tuition Company Digital Leeds Most Lovincriminals
Rock, Metal, and Goth label. Acts include Worm, Brody, Idiot Box, Harlequyn, Architect, Darwin, Us. Located in Bradford, England.
Voltage Records Yorkshire West Recording Studio Bradford Music Rehearsal Rooms Tuition Company Digital Leeds Most Lovincriminals
181 Stephen Rhoads - Architect
Planning, designing
Planning, designing, coordinating and managing the construction of custom residences, and renovations and additions to existing structures. Greenville, South Carolina.
Planning, designing, coordinating and managing the construction of custom residences, and renovations and additions to existing structures. Greenville, South Carolina.
182 Karen L. Jacobson Architects Studio
New York
New York City based architect specializing in medical offices, high end loft apartments, country and beach houses.
Karen Jacobson Architect Studio Architects Established Restorations L Brownstone Historic Combing Residentialyork Reade
New York City based architect specializing in medical offices, high end loft apartments, country and beach houses.
Karen Jacobson Architect Studio Architects Established Restorations L Brownstone Historic Combing Residentialyork Reade
183 Peter Marquis-Kyle
Freelance 'conservation
Freelance 'conservation architect' offers planning, building assessment, design, and documentation services for projects in Australia, following the Burra charter.
Freelance 'conservation architect' offers planning, building assessment, design, and documentation services for projects in Australia, following the Burra charter.
184 Audrey Matlock Architect
A New
A New York firm specializing in commercial, residential, institutional and urban design projects. Includes portfolio, profile, competitions and contacts.
Architect Audrey Matlock Chelseamodern Keywordsz
A New York firm specializing in commercial, residential, institutional and urban design projects. Includes portfolio, profile, competitions and contacts.
Architect Audrey Matlock Chelseamodern Keywordsz
185 Garcia, Julian J.
Florida architect
Florida architect and engineer offering design service for car washes, metal buildings, and dry cleaners. Includes profile, services, portfolio and contacts.
Florida architect and engineer offering design service for car washes, metal buildings, and dry cleaners. Includes profile, services, portfolio and contacts.
186 Ameres, M
Consultant and
Consultant and internet architect having objectives to gain experience in developing accounts, design innovative services, create effective teams, and deliver client value.
Managed York Project Engineering Consulting Manager Process System Oracle Developed Ameres Ey’s Sunflower Management Jcl Software Oracledatabases Development
Consultant and internet architect having objectives to gain experience in developing accounts, design innovative services, create effective teams, and deliver client value.
Managed York Project Engineering Consulting Manager Process System Oracle Developed Ameres Ey’s Sunflower Management Jcl Software Oracledatabases Development
187 Neil Rambert, Architect
Specializes in
Specializes in residential and light commercial remodeling, serving the Main Line and surrounding southeastern Pennsylvania region from office in Paoli.
Contact Pleaseerrorpage Cannot Providerfor Displayed
Specializes in residential and light commercial remodeling, serving the Main Line and surrounding southeastern Pennsylvania region from office in Paoli.
Contact Pleaseerrorpage Cannot Providerfor Displayed
188 Duo Dickinson, Architect
Specializing in
Specializing in residential projects of all sizes. Resume and information about awards and projects. Located in Madison.
Dickinson Madison | Work Ct Contact Media Revelation Resume Printerfriendlycontract Newspublishedwork Friendly Contract
Specializing in residential projects of all sizes. Resume and information about awards and projects. Located in Madison.
Dickinson Madison | Work Ct Contact Media Revelation Resume Printerfriendlycontract Newspublishedwork Friendly Contract
189 The Image Architect
Providing corporate
Providing corporate and individual workshops for developing an image that is credible, professional and distinctive. Norfolk VA.
Image Sandy Consultant Women Before Dumont Consulting Here Architect Dvds Accessories Training Workshops Executive Esteem Media
Providing corporate and individual workshops for developing an image that is credible, professional and distinctive. Norfolk VA.
Image Sandy Consultant Women Before Dumont Consulting Here Architect Dvds Accessories Training Workshops Executive Esteem Media
190 EGL Architecture
Brief introduction
Brief introduction to the small New York firm includes firm history, reason why an architect should be used and contact information.
Brief introduction to the small New York firm includes firm history, reason why an architect should be used and contact information.
191 Carole Boleman - Landscape Architect
Specializing in
Specializing in residential landscape and subdivision design with information on the company, links and contacts.
Landscape Design Planning Carole Indianapolis Boleman Entry Architect Subdivision Renovations Pre Construction Residential Carmel • Plant Zionsville
Specializing in residential landscape and subdivision design with information on the company, links and contacts.
Landscape Design Planning Carole Indianapolis Boleman Entry Architect Subdivision Renovations Pre Construction Residential Carmel • Plant Zionsville
192 Mayernik, David Thomas
Classical design
Classical design architect and painter. Gallery of projects, classical architecture, fresco and oil paintings.
Classical design architect and painter. Gallery of projects, classical architecture, fresco and oil paintings.
193 Bille Luigi Architect
Offers building
Offers building design, urban design, planning, project management and interiors. CV and services.
Offers building design, urban design, planning, project management and interiors. CV and services.
194 Erica Broberg Architect, East Hampton New York
A full
A full service architectural design firm specializing in well-crafted, finely detailed residences in Manhattan and the Hamptons.
A full service architectural design firm specializing in well-crafted, finely detailed residences in Manhattan and the Hamptons.
195 Atalay, Ilker
Computer engineer
Computer engineer with M.Sc. E-business consultant, software architect, entrepreneur, value added services designer. Site includes resume, articles and some personal background.
Computer engineer with M.Sc. E-business consultant, software architect, entrepreneur, value added services designer. Site includes resume, articles and some personal background.
196 Damon A. Robling, Architect
Florida firm
Florida firm presents a portfolio of commercial and residential work, including educational, religious and fitness projects. Provides contacts, references and profile.
Construction Robling Architecture Inc Cgc Aia Damon Design Ncarb Aa Rights Architect Qb Architectural Walkerinformation Robling
Florida firm presents a portfolio of commercial and residential work, including educational, religious and fitness projects. Provides contacts, references and profile.
Construction Robling Architecture Inc Cgc Aia Damon Design Ncarb Aa Rights Architect Qb Architectural Walkerinformation Robling
197 Lee-Wolfe and Associates
Landscape architect
Landscape architect and project management firm offering resumes, completed projects, and details on domestic and overseas services, based in Walnut Creek, CA.
Landscape architect and project management firm offering resumes, completed projects, and details on domestic and overseas services, based in Walnut Creek, CA.
198 Patricia Lemmerman
Registered Landscape
Registered Landscape Architect and Planner trained in horticulture, ecology, storm water management, grading and construction for residential, commercial and institutional property.
Registered Landscape Architect and Planner trained in horticulture, ecology, storm water management, grading and construction for residential, commercial and institutional property.
199 Antoine Predock Architect
With offices
With offices in New Mexico, road cuts, clay and motorcycles give insight into the architects influences. Media, project examples, and drawings included.
With offices in New Mexico, road cuts, clay and motorcycles give insight into the architects influences. Media, project examples, and drawings included.
200 Top Notch Studio
Bert Notch
Bert Notch, architect. Design, architecture, interiors, engineering with styles ranging from Frank Lloyd Wright to I.M. Pei.
Bert Notch, architect. Design, architecture, interiors, engineering with styles ranging from Frank Lloyd Wright to I.M. Pei.
2. Shopping and Architect Trade
1 Olson, George
Architect and
Architect and Old World pen and ink artist.
George Ruth Olson Art Artists Temples Fineartstudioonline Regular Painting Architecture Mormon Edit Fantasy Flowers City
Architect and Old World pen and ink artist.
George Ruth Olson Art Artists Temples Fineartstudioonline Regular Painting Architecture Mormon Edit Fantasy Flowers City
2 Architectural Editions
Birdhouses designed
Birdhouses designed by architect for home and garden.
Birdhouses Architectural Bird House Richard Editions Architect Banks Award Garden Winning Classic Nest Boxes Amazoncom Birds Richardsbirdhouses
Birdhouses designed by architect for home and garden.
Birdhouses Architectural Bird House Richard Editions Architect Banks Award Garden Winning Classic Nest Boxes Amazoncom Birds Richardsbirdhouses
3 Structures Video Seminar
NCARB architect
NCARB architect registration exam preparation.
Structures Design Video Seminar Beams Stress Shear Beam Exam Column Amstar Slabs Cold Wood Lateral Composite Architecture Click Legal
NCARB architect registration exam preparation.
Structures Design Video Seminar Beams Stress Shear Beam Exam Column Amstar Slabs Cold Wood Lateral Composite Architecture Click Legal
4 Projects
Architect designed
Architect designed products and housewares by Alessi, Andy Warhol, and other designers.
Wishlist Browse Quick Add Mm Black Reveal Steel Brass Shop Watch Witherspoon Crossover Blue Browsewishlist
Architect designed products and housewares by Alessi, Andy Warhol, and other designers.
Wishlist Browse Quick Add Mm Black Reveal Steel Brass Shop Watch Witherspoon Crossover Blue Browsewishlist
5 The Not So Big House
Site for
Site for everything about architect Sarah Susanka, author and leading proponent of better residential design.
House Big Sarahs Sarah Susanka Here Available Amazoncom Design Books Bungalow Plans See Paperback Remodeling Architecture Solutions
Site for everything about architect Sarah Susanka, author and leading proponent of better residential design.
House Big Sarahs Sarah Susanka Here Available Amazoncom Design Books Bungalow Plans See Paperback Remodeling Architecture Solutions
6 Daryl Hansen Architect
Custom designed
Custom designed rugs using intuitive geometries and handknotted in Nepal.
Rugs Daryl Custom Architecture Hansen Architect Nepal Handknotted Design Technique Rug Drawings Architectural Glimpse Tibetan
Custom designed rugs using intuitive geometries and handknotted in Nepal.
Rugs Daryl Custom Architecture Hansen Architect Nepal Handknotted Design Technique Rug Drawings Architectural Glimpse Tibetan
7 Anderson Graphic Division
Supplier of
Supplier of engineer, architect, and notary seals or stamps. Search by state feature.
Seals Divisionanderson Graphic Rubber Thispage Featuring Professionalstateprofessional Stamps
Supplier of engineer, architect, and notary seals or stamps. Search by state feature.
Seals Divisionanderson Graphic Rubber Thispage Featuring Professionalstateprofessional Stamps
8 Maurys Gift Store
A collection
A collection of woodwork made from saguaro ribs and branches by Maury Lipowich, artist and architect. Includes figurines, candleholders, menorahs and Mezuzahs, and hiking sticks.
Saguaro Cactus Dreidel Menorahs Ribsroot Hanukkah Art Menorah Artist Judaica Casing Mezuzahs Rib Mezuzah Architecture Gallery Page Sevivon Lipowichcom Modify
A collection of woodwork made from saguaro ribs and branches by Maury Lipowich, artist and architect. Includes figurines, candleholders, menorahs and Mezuzahs, and hiking sticks.
Saguaro Cactus Dreidel Menorahs Ribsroot Hanukkah Art Menorah Artist Judaica Casing Mezuzahs Rib Mezuzah Architecture Gallery Page Sevivon Lipowichcom Modify
9 The N Scale Architect
Makes and
Makes and sells laser-cut model stucture kits. Also create kits, models and educational projects for retailers, historical societies and school groups. USA.
Click Here Proceedy
Makes and sells laser-cut model stucture kits. Also create kits, models and educational projects for retailers, historical societies and school groups. USA.
Click Here Proceedy
10 David Childers Signature Landscapes
Get design
Get design help online from award winning Landscape Architect David Childers. Portfolio available
Design Landscape David Town City Island North Athens Fort Atlanta Waterfalls Hill Great Anywhere Email Sketch Process Nevils
Get design help online from award winning Landscape Architect David Childers. Portfolio available
Design Landscape David Town City Island North Athens Fort Atlanta Waterfalls Hill Great Anywhere Email Sketch Process Nevils
11 PF Pros
Pond and
Pond and fountain equipment and supplies. Information and diagrams for the contractor, architect, or experienced do-it yourselfer to help design, build, maintain, and troubleshoot a pond or fountain.
Fountain Supply Pond Water Garden Fountains Indoor Outdoor Supplies Equipment Sand Filter Pros Waterfall Pump
Pond and fountain equipment and supplies. Information and diagrams for the contractor, architect, or experienced do-it yourselfer to help design, build, maintain, and troubleshoot a pond or fountain.
Fountain Supply Pond Water Garden Fountains Indoor Outdoor Supplies Equipment Sand Filter Pros Waterfall Pump
12 Ioan Nemtoi
New York
New York gallery features decorative vessels, perfume bottles and candlesticks by Ioan Nemtoi as well as stainless steel furniture by architect Amur Busioc.
New York gallery features decorative vessels, perfume bottles and candlesticks by Ioan Nemtoi as well as stainless steel furniture by architect Amur Busioc.
3. Architect Recreation
1 Roger Packard
Course architect
Course architect with award winning projects worldwide.
²© °ÄÃŲ© ´óÍæ¼ÒÓéÀÖ³Ç BetÓéÀÖ ¿Ê±ÓéÀÖ³Ç ½ð¶üʱʱ²Ê »Ê¹ÚͶע °ÄÃÅÓéÀÖ³Ç È¥°ÄÃÅÓéÀÖ³Ç °ÄÃŶIJ©¾&Agrav
Course architect with award winning projects worldwide.
²© °ÄÃŲ© ´óÍæ¼ÒÓéÀÖ³Ç BetÓéÀÖ ¿Ê±ÓéÀÖ³Ç ½ð¶üʱʱ²Ê »Ê¹ÚͶע °ÄÃÅÓéÀÖ³Ç È¥°ÄÃÅÓéÀÖ³Ç °ÄÃŶIJ©¾&Agrav
4 Tim N. Cate Designs, Inc.
Golf course
Golf course architect located in Sunset Beach, North Carolina.
Cate Designs Inc Course Golf Architect Landscape Designer Portfoliobeach Sunset Media Carolina North
Golf course architect located in Sunset Beach, North Carolina.
Cate Designs Inc Course Golf Architect Landscape Designer Portfoliobeach Sunset Media Carolina North
5 Biltmore Garden Tour
Forests and
Forests and gardens, designed by landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted.
Biltmore Estate Photo Gallery Visit Events Stay Activities Meet Shop Catering Wine Travel Asheville Venues Upgrade Amenities Tickets Wines
Forests and gardens, designed by landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted.
Biltmore Estate Photo Gallery Visit Events Stay Activities Meet Shop Catering Wine Travel Asheville Venues Upgrade Amenities Tickets Wines
6 Origins Golf Design
Todd Eckenrode
Todd Eckenrode course architect. Course photos, sketches and philosophy are featured.
Origins Golf Design Web Copyright Z
Todd Eckenrode course architect. Course photos, sketches and philosophy are featured.
Origins Golf Design Web Copyright Z
7 DarkHorse Golf Club
Public course.
Public course. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information, and a list of amenities.
Golf Academy Contact Facilities Shop Club News Darkhorse Auburn Menu Tournaments Course Ca Join Book Membership Event Gallery
Public course. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information, and a list of amenities.
Golf Academy Contact Facilities Shop Club News Darkhorse Auburn Menu Tournaments Course Ca Join Book Membership Event Gallery
8 Musket Ridge
18 hole
18 hole public golf course designed by architect Joe Lee. Facility and course profiles, rates and membership information.
Golf Learn Club Events News Weddings Reserve Maryland Login Membership Best Contact Tee Eshop Use Memberships
18 hole public golf course designed by architect Joe Lee. Facility and course profiles, rates and membership information.
Golf Learn Club Events News Weddings Reserve Maryland Login Membership Best Contact Tee Eshop Use Memberships
9 Blue Mash Golf Course
Features course
Features course layout with hole descriptions, architect background, rates, and tee time reservations.
Golf League Course Spring Club Outings Blue Specials Book Week Camp Cards Mash Gift Junior Trail
Features course layout with hole descriptions, architect background, rates, and tee time reservations.
Golf League Course Spring Club Outings Blue Specials Book Week Camp Cards Mash Gift Junior Trail
10 William W. Amick
Architect since
Architect since 1959 and current ASGCA member. Biography, services, course list and articles are featured.
Golf Course Amick Architect Bill Courses Professional Architecture Amick@iagnet Services Articles Since Williamdaytona Biography
Architect since 1959 and current ASGCA member. Biography, services, course list and articles are featured.
Golf Course Amick Architect Bill Courses Professional Architecture Amick@iagnet Services Articles Since Williamdaytona Biography
11 The Club at Black Rock
Jim Engh
Jim Engh designed private course. Architect information, philosophy and development notes are featured.
Golf Black Club Rock Coeur Gallery Here Forbes Click Facilities Kimberlite Toview Club Residential At Best Overlooking Contact
Jim Engh designed private course. Architect information, philosophy and development notes are featured.
Golf Black Club Rock Coeur Gallery Here Forbes Click Facilities Kimberlite Toview Club Residential At Best Overlooking Contact
12 Glenn Dale Golf Club
Designed by
Designed by George Cobb, the resident architect of Augusta National, this course has been in existence since 1956.
Golf Club Hole Course Book Black Contact Tee Birthday Events Scorecard Room Dale Times History Banquets Bar Shop Maryland Directions Information
Designed by George Cobb, the resident architect of Augusta National, this course has been in existence since 1956.
Golf Club Hole Course Book Black Contact Tee Birthday Events Scorecard Room Dale Times History Banquets Bar Shop Maryland Directions Information
13 Reunion Golf Club
Michael Riley
Michael Riley designed public course. Architect information, screen saver, rates and specials are listed.
Reunion Golf Atlanta Club Northeast Country Neighborhoods Tournaments Grandgainesville Holes Weddings Wieland Near
Michael Riley designed public course. Architect information, screen saver, rates and specials are listed.
Reunion Golf Atlanta Club Northeast Country Neighborhoods Tournaments Grandgainesville Holes Weddings Wieland Near
14 Romenchantress
An architect
An architect and a philologist team up to offers special tours into ancient and modern Rome and southern Italy. Itineraries with photographs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
An architect and a philologist team up to offers special tours into ancient and modern Rome and southern Italy. Itineraries with photographs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
15 Hawk Pointe Golf Club
Kelly Blake
Kelly Blake Moran designed public course. Course map, scorecard, architect and membership information is listed.
Golf Hawk Pointe Club Nj Jersey New County Warren Northern Outings Clubs Camp Course Weddings
Kelly Blake Moran designed public course. Course map, scorecard, architect and membership information is listed.
Golf Hawk Pointe Club Nj Jersey New County Warren Northern Outings Clubs Camp Course Weddings
16 South County Golf Club
Dr. Nick
Dr. Nick Bielenberg designed course in Brittas Village. Photos, architect description and membership information is listed.
Southcountygolfcom South Credit Cash Debt County Cell Consolidation Advance Insurance * Free Estate * Searches * Phones * Terms
Dr. Nick Bielenberg designed course in Brittas Village. Photos, architect description and membership information is listed.
Southcountygolfcom South Credit Cash Debt County Cell Consolidation Advance Insurance * Free Estate * Searches * Phones * Terms
17 DeVries Designs, Inc.
Mike DeVries
Mike DeVries course architect. Philosophy essays and projects are listed.
Golf Devries Designs Explore Courses Larry Hancock News Writer Club People Course Kingsley Lambrecht Modern | Consultant Shackelford
Mike DeVries course architect. Philosophy essays and projects are listed.
Golf Devries Designs Explore Courses Larry Hancock News Writer Club People Course Kingsley Lambrecht Modern | Consultant Shackelford
18 Tony Ristola Architect
Golf course
Golf course architecture, landscape design and planning, construction and golf course renovation.
Golf Course Design Tony Architecture Architect Landscape Renovation Ristola Here Click Irrigation Hole Contact Development Land
Golf course architecture, landscape design and planning, construction and golf course renovation.
Golf Course Design Tony Architecture Architect Landscape Renovation Ristola Here Click Irrigation Hole Contact Development Land
19 Cutlip Golf Design
Architect Ronald
Architect Ronald S. Cutlip. Projects, Q and A and Rockefeller putting green information is listed.
Cutlip Golf Design Stuart Development Lets University_ Sportsillustrateds Freeorbit Architecture West Realestate Landscape Content Sportsillustrated_
Architect Ronald S. Cutlip. Projects, Q and A and Rockefeller putting green information is listed.
Cutlip Golf Design Stuart Development Lets University_ Sportsillustrateds Freeorbit Architecture West Realestate Landscape Content Sportsillustrated_
20 Hancock Golf Course
Public golf
Public golf course designed by architect Robert Trent Jones. Course tour, history, rules, and pictures.
Golf Course Hancock Golfing Leisure French Zny Woods
Public golf course designed by architect Robert Trent Jones. Course tour, history, rules, and pictures.
Golf Course Hancock Golfing Leisure French Zny Woods
21 Edwin Roald - Golf Course Architect
Iceland designer
Iceland designer believes uniqueness and exceptional variety can be achieved by letting nature dictate the design of a course. Projects and partnership are listed.
Iceland designer believes uniqueness and exceptional variety can be achieved by letting nature dictate the design of a course. Projects and partnership are listed.
22 DarkHorse Golf Club
Keith Foster
Keith Foster designed public course in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information and amenities are featured.
Golf Academy Darkhorse Club Facilities Shop News Contact Auburn Tournaments Book Course Menu Join Junior Calendar List
Keith Foster designed public course in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information and amenities are featured.
Golf Academy Darkhorse Club Facilities Shop News Contact Auburn Tournaments Book Course Menu Join Junior Calendar List
23 Desert Horizons Country Club
Private course
Private course designed by Ted Robinson in Indian Wells. Architect information, hole descriptions and membership information are listed.
Private course designed by Ted Robinson in Indian Wells. Architect information, hole descriptions and membership information are listed.
24 The Quail
A par
A par 72, 18-hole championship course over 6,891 yards in Kelowna. Offers description, architect, score card, hole by hole tips, fees and rental rates.
Golf Golfbc Wailea Okanagan Book Courses Offers Vancouver Quail Join Academy Maui North Rewards Program Free
A par 72, 18-hole championship course over 6,891 yards in Kelowna. Offers description, architect, score card, hole by hole tips, fees and rental rates.
Golf Golfbc Wailea Okanagan Book Courses Offers Vancouver Quail Join Academy Maui North Rewards Program Free
25 River Islands Golf Club
A Golf
A Golf Digest 4-star rating course designed by architect Arthur Hills. Course measures over 7,000 yards and has water on 9 holes. Located near Knoxville in Kodak, TN.
Golf River Islands Golfing Kodak Club Course + Outings Book Tennessee Packages Gallery Events Weather
A Golf Digest 4-star rating course designed by architect Arthur Hills. Course measures over 7,000 yards and has water on 9 holes. Located near Knoxville in Kodak, TN.
Golf River Islands Golfing Kodak Club Course + Outings Book Tennessee Packages Gallery Events Weather
26 Black Mesa Golf Club
Baxter Spann
Baxter Spann design, near Santa Fe, named best new affordable course in America for 2003 by Golf Digest. Course photography, scorecard, architect information and services are listed.
Golf Mesa Black Club Instruction Reserve Times Privacy Tee Packages Specials Contact Course News Events Pueblo Stars Press
Baxter Spann design, near Santa Fe, named best new affordable course in America for 2003 by Golf Digest. Course photography, scorecard, architect information and services are listed.
Golf Mesa Black Club Instruction Reserve Times Privacy Tee Packages Specials Contact Course News Events Pueblo Stars Press
27 Mingay Golf
Jeff Mingay
Jeff Mingay partnered with fellow award winning Canadian architect, Rod Whitman, provide design and construction services. Experience, philosophy, selected writings, and course profiles featured.
Golf Course Mingay Design Jeff Architecture Shaping Club Canada Rendering Derrick York Fairways Rod Cutten
Jeff Mingay partnered with fellow award winning Canadian architect, Rod Whitman, provide design and construction services. Experience, philosophy, selected writings, and course profiles featured.
Golf Course Mingay Design Jeff Architecture Shaping Club Canada Rendering Derrick York Fairways Rod Cutten
28 Gary Kern Golf Course Architect
Design Philosophy
Design Philosophy, list of courses, and background of Gary Kern
Golf Course Architect Gary Kern Design Contemporaty Web Louis Click Learn Development Architecture St Style
Design Philosophy, list of courses, and background of Gary Kern
Golf Course Architect Gary Kern Design Contemporaty Web Louis Click Learn Development Architecture St Style
29 Undine Barge Club
Built in
Built in 1882, the Undine Boathouse stands as one of the best preserved works of Frank Furness, a Philadelphian and respected American architect. It is the home of the club.
Racing Castle Club Schuylkill Wordpress River Boat Boathouse Use Contact Rowing Ringstetten Member Central Row Rules Welcome
Built in 1882, the Undine Boathouse stands as one of the best preserved works of Frank Furness, a Philadelphian and respected American architect. It is the home of the club.
Racing Castle Club Schuylkill Wordpress River Boat Boathouse Use Contact Rowing Ringstetten Member Central Row Rules Welcome
30 Danvers State Insane Asylum
John Gray
John Gray presents the history of this institution erected in 1878 in Massachusetts, to the design of prominent Boston architect Nathaniel Bradlee, and abandoned since June 1992. Includes plan and gallery of photographs.
Asylum Peopleinkpress@people Incorg State Insane Danvers Contactenter Z
John Gray presents the history of this institution erected in 1878 in Massachusetts, to the design of prominent Boston architect Nathaniel Bradlee, and abandoned since June 1992. Includes plan and gallery of photographs.
Asylum Peopleinkpress@people Incorg State Insane Danvers Contactenter Z
31 Kyle Phillips Golf Course Design
Architect Kyle
Architect Kyle Phillips, ASGCA member, has more than 60 courses worldwide including Kingsbarns which is endorsed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club.
Golf Course Phillips Kyle Magazine Design California Courses Kingsbarns Club Europe South Architects News Drift Phillips’ Press Photos
Architect Kyle Phillips, ASGCA member, has more than 60 courses worldwide including Kingsbarns which is endorsed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club.
Golf Course Phillips Kyle Magazine Design California Courses Kingsbarns Club Europe South Architects News Drift Phillips’ Press Photos
32 Wildcat Golf Club
Daily fee
Daily fee Highlands and Lakes courses, designed by Scottish architect Roy Case, have the highest elevations in Houston and are three miles from Texans Stadium. Layouts, course images, Matt Swansons golf school programs, event hosting and grill information is featured.
Dolor Ipsum Lorem Golf Wildcat Rooms Facilities Club Instruction Courses Highlands Event Houstons Programs Member Weddings
Daily fee Highlands and Lakes courses, designed by Scottish architect Roy Case, have the highest elevations in Houston and are three miles from Texans Stadium. Layouts, course images, Matt Swansons golf school programs, event hosting and grill information is featured.
Dolor Ipsum Lorem Golf Wildcat Rooms Facilities Club Instruction Courses Highlands Event Houstons Programs Member Weddings
33 Couples Bates Golf Design
Offers a
Offers a range of golf design services based around a partnership between professional golfer Fred Couples and course architect Gene Bates.
Golf Course Design Bates Couples Architect Fred Gene Group Designer Year Magazine Introduction Best Fredcouples
Offers a range of golf design services based around a partnership between professional golfer Fred Couples and course architect Gene Bates.
Golf Course Design Bates Couples Architect Fred Gene Group Designer Year Magazine Introduction Best Fredcouples
34 Breakfast Hill Golf Club
Breakfast Hill
Breakfast Hill is the NH Seacoasts newest public golf course. Designed by Brian Silva, Golf World Magazines 1999 Architect of the Year, it features rolling fairways, contoured greens, picturesque woodlands and granite boulders.
Golf Outings Breakfast Hill Club Course Calendar Print Dining Memberships Employment Tips League Gallery Member Events Located Book Effect
Breakfast Hill is the NH Seacoasts newest public golf course. Designed by Brian Silva, Golf World Magazines 1999 Architect of the Year, it features rolling fairways, contoured greens, picturesque woodlands and granite boulders.
Golf Outings Breakfast Hill Club Course Calendar Print Dining Memberships Employment Tips League Gallery Member Events Located Book Effect
4. Computer & Architect Games Websites
1 Deep Inside C#: An Interview with Microsoft Chief Architect Anders Hejlsberg
Interview with
Interview with the architect of C#. By John Osborn, OReilly & Associates, Inc.
Hejlsberg Osborn Java Goodhew Visual Oreilly Microsoft C++ Weve Basic Yes Ecma Xml Studio Anders Then Developers Lets Terms
Interview with the architect of C#. By John Osborn, OReilly & Associates, Inc.
Hejlsberg Osborn Java Goodhew Visual Oreilly Microsoft C++ Weve Basic Yes Ecma Xml Studio Anders Then Developers Lets Terms
2 Chief Architect Users
An independent
An independent discussion mailing list for users of the Chief Architect software.
Yahoo Chief Groups Help Users Group Lists Sharing Community Forum Photo File Free Mailing Attachments Boards Club Privacy
An independent discussion mailing list for users of the Chief Architect software.
Yahoo Chief Groups Help Users Group Lists Sharing Community Forum Photo File Free Mailing Attachments Boards Club Privacy
4 New Architect
Article exploring
Article exploring the issues involved in migrating from HTML to XML.
Development Testing Programming Dobbs Web Languages Tools Parallel Design Dr Mobile Net Articles Software Awards York Latest Corporate Alm Zendphp Tweet
Article exploring the issues involved in migrating from HTML to XML.
Development Testing Programming Dobbs Web Languages Tools Parallel Design Dr Mobile Net Articles Software Awards York Latest Corporate Alm Zendphp Tweet
5 Chip Architect
Architecture reviews
Architecture reviews of the latest micro processors.
Intels Cache Architect Prescott Chip Mustang Willamette Amds Sse Architecture Branch Hans Northwood Vries Micro Tech Tweet Kumar Microprocessor
Architecture reviews of the latest micro processors.
Intels Cache Architect Prescott Chip Mustang Willamette Amds Sse Architecture Branch Hans Northwood Vries Micro Tech Tweet Kumar Microprocessor
6 Todd Leybas Perspectives on Search and Discovery
Weblog by
Weblog by an IBM software architect.
Click Yahoo Omnifind Edition Discovery Todd Ibm’s Leyba Enterprise Here Ibm Lotusphere Ibms Google Review Type Ahead Open Lotus
Weblog by an IBM software architect.
Click Yahoo Omnifind Edition Discovery Todd Ibm’s Leyba Enterprise Here Ibm Lotusphere Ibms Google Review Type Ahead Open Lotus
7 Form.Z
Software for
Software for complex 3D modelling and visualisation. Designed and conceived by an architect
Joint Study Support Gallery Discussion Formmiddotz Updates Bonzaid Tutorials Products Contact Tools Copyright Modeling Renderzone Autodessys Formz Awards Api Topics Academic
Software for complex 3D modelling and visualisation. Designed and conceived by an architect
Joint Study Support Gallery Discussion Formmiddotz Updates Bonzaid Tutorials Products Contact Tools Copyright Modeling Renderzone Autodessys Formz Awards Api Topics Academic
8 PHP Architect
English monthly
English monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to PHP. Published in PDF format.
English monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to PHP. Published in PDF format.
9 Infrastructure Architect Group, Inc
IAG is
IAG is a network, engineering, and consulting firm that focuses on enterprise networks.
Request Rejectedy
IAG is a network, engineering, and consulting firm that focuses on enterprise networks.
Request Rejectedy
10 Taylor, James
Personal site
Personal site of a Vermont web designer, programmer, author and information architect.
Web Design Vermont Taylor James Taylormade | Sites Designer Wwwwebhedscom Thetforddesigners Webheds England
Personal site of a Vermont web designer, programmer, author and information architect.
Web Design Vermont Taylor James Taylormade | Sites Designer Wwwwebhedscom Thetforddesigners Webheds England
11 When a Language Becomes a Platform
Modest article
Modest article describes REBOL/IOS, Internet Operating System. [New Architect]
Development Programming Testing Web Languages Parallel Design Mobile Dobbs Tools Jolt Cloud Net Jvm Tech Cc++ Forgotten
Modest article describes REBOL/IOS, Internet Operating System. [New Architect]
Development Programming Testing Web Languages Parallel Design Mobile Dobbs Tools Jolt Cloud Net Jvm Tech Cc++ Forgotten
12 David Grossman, Data Architect
Expertise in
Expertise in Information Engineering and datawarehouse design and analysis.
Data Case Designed Design Architecture Database Warehouse System Metadata Logical Created Models Provided Physical Developed Business
Expertise in Information Engineering and datawarehouse design and analysis.
Data Case Designed Design Architecture Database Warehouse System Metadata Logical Created Models Provided Physical Developed Business
13 Bill Gates
The official
The official biography from Microsoft of its Chairman and Chief Software Architect. Also his speeches and publications.
English Microsoft Español Windows News Office Blog Deutsch Press United Surface Africa Video Privacy
The official biography from Microsoft of its Chairman and Chief Software Architect. Also his speeches and publications.
English Microsoft Español Windows News Office Blog Deutsch Press United Surface Africa Video Privacy
14 ASIC Architect
Design and
Design and manufacture of PCI Express and DDR I/II controller IP cores. Based in Santa Clara, California.
Design and manufacture of PCI Express and DDR I/II controller IP cores. Based in Santa Clara, California.
15 One huge computer
Article on
Article on Bill Joys (chief architect at Sun) vision of Jini [Wired magazine].
Wired Cond Reviews Tech Nast Subscribe Blogs Webmonkey Gadget Digital Issue Gaming Vogue Contact Product Epicenter Click Gadgets Here Arstechnica
Article on Bill Joys (chief architect at Sun) vision of Jini [Wired magazine].
Wired Cond Reviews Tech Nast Subscribe Blogs Webmonkey Gadget Digital Issue Gaming Vogue Contact Product Epicenter Click Gadgets Here Arstechnica
16 Tangible Architect
Generates the
Generates the data access layer for C# application and the database schema from within Visual Studio.NET .
Generates the data access layer for C# application and the database schema from within Visual Studio.NET .
A systems
A systems architect shares his experiences of extending Citrix and Terminal Server environments using .NET and other technologies.
Citrix Synergy Jason Conger Xenapp Google Blog Linkedin Share Splunk This * Mobility Live Workspace Services
A systems architect shares his experiences of extending Citrix and Terminal Server environments using .NET and other technologies.
Citrix Synergy Jason Conger Xenapp Google Blog Linkedin Share Splunk This * Mobility Live Workspace Services
18 Croc O Lyle
Weblog by
Weblog by a practicing User Experience Architect. Usually about usability, design information architecture and e-business.
Auto Dealer Charges Estimate Lyle Hazmat Balsamiq Mockups Google Croc Steve Krugs Kantrovich Posted Rule Book Wrecking Includes Good
Weblog by a practicing User Experience Architect. Usually about usability, design information architecture and e-business.
Auto Dealer Charges Estimate Lyle Hazmat Balsamiq Mockups Google Croc Steve Krugs Kantrovich Posted Rule Book Wrecking Includes Good
19 Carls Consulting Adventures
Blog of
Blog of an EAI architect and PM as he discovers the wonderful world of Agile product development with ThoughtWorks
Agile Therapy Carl Simon Corporate Behavior Agilesoa Practical Cognitive Services Infoq Pm They Disillusionment Patterns First Rate Loosely Manager Especially
Blog of an EAI architect and PM as he discovers the wonderful world of Agile product development with ThoughtWorks
Agile Therapy Carl Simon Corporate Behavior Agilesoa Practical Cognitive Services Infoq Pm They Disillusionment Patterns First Rate Loosely Manager Especially
20 IntisSoft
Article Architect
Article Architect manages news and articles posts online with templates. Multilanguage support. Picture upload and editing.
Article Architect manages news and articles posts online with templates. Multilanguage support. Picture upload and editing.
21 Williamson, Alan
Java Champion
Java Champion, Blog-City Architect, BlueDragon CFML Creator, SpikeSource Evangelist, and general all round coder.
Openbd Cfml Cloud Java Amazon Alan Williamson Jquery Updated Thursday Future Garden Inspired Summit Cfcs
Java Champion, Blog-City Architect, BlueDragon CFML Creator, SpikeSource Evangelist, and general all round coder.
Openbd Cfml Cloud Java Amazon Alan Williamson Jquery Updated Thursday Future Garden Inspired Summit Cfcs
22 Usable Interface
The portfolio
The portfolio and resume of Kyle Pero, a usability analyst, interaction designer, and information architect consultant based in Pennsylvania, USA.
Interface User Usable Boston Usability Consulting Design Company Nh Portsmouth Clients Near Services Contact Client Are Usable Director Testing St
The portfolio and resume of Kyle Pero, a usability analyst, interaction designer, and information architect consultant based in Pennsylvania, USA.
Interface User Usable Boston Usability Consulting Design Company Nh Portsmouth Clients Near Services Contact Client Are Usable Director Testing St
23 Community Architect
12Mb with
12Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. 256kb filesize limit. Online site builder. Subdomain hosting.
12Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. 256kb filesize limit. Online site builder. Subdomain hosting.
24 Quality Plans
Purchase site
Purchase site for Chief Architect, Quantum Leap Estimator, Architectural Graphic Standards CD-ROM, BeamChek, and construction details.
Chief Architect Baumann Marketing Design Dan Business Training Products Full Story { } Plans Structural Software
Purchase site for Chief Architect, Quantum Leap Estimator, Architectural Graphic Standards CD-ROM, BeamChek, and construction details.
Chief Architect Baumann Marketing Design Dan Business Training Products Full Story { } Plans Structural Software
25 Advanced Relational Technology, Inc.
Developers of
Developers of the Chief Architect 3D architectural design software, offering technical support, training resources, and discussion forums.
Architect Chief Support Products Center Training Design Free Download Software Webinars Trial Downloads Knowledge Base User Videos Chieftalk
Developers of the Chief Architect 3D architectural design software, offering technical support, training resources, and discussion forums.
Architect Chief Support Products Center Training Design Free Download Software Webinars Trial Downloads Knowledge Base User Videos Chieftalk
26 An Interview With Microsofts New Visual C++ Architect Stanley Lippman
Talks about
Talks about the future of Visual C++.
Talks about the future of Visual C++.
27 New Architect: A Tidal Wave Of Spam
Editorial. One man decides to give up on spam filtering.
Editorial. One man decides to give up on spam filtering.
28 New Architect: NetIQ WebTrends Reporting Center 5.0, Enterprise Edition
Review of
Review of WebTrends, with mention of other tools.
Review of WebTrends, with mention of other tools.
29 Prasks Resources
Sun Certified
Sun Certified Java Architect resources and experiences.
Navigationshilfet Y
Sun Certified Java Architect resources and experiences.
Navigationshilfet Y
30 Web Services Architect
A resource
A resource site dedicated entirely to Web Services, helping to build and expand upon the Web Services community.
A resource site dedicated entirely to Web Services, helping to build and expand upon the Web Services community.
31 drcauto
Developers of
Developers of the Smart Architect range of architectural extensions to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, as well as a 3D modeller, and a LISP enabler for AutoCAD LT.
Cad Software Design Training Drcauto International Toolkit Mac Max Slingshot Support Landscape For Articles Check
Developers of the Smart Architect range of architectural extensions to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, as well as a 3D modeller, and a LISP enabler for AutoCAD LT.
Cad Software Design Training Drcauto International Toolkit Mac Max Slingshot Support Landscape For Articles Check
32 XRT: The Secure Financial Flow Architect
Provides financial
Provides financial executives and treasurers with truly global IT solutions for controlling financial risks and optimizing cash flows.
Votredescription Cliquez Httpwebmailovhnet Mots Webmail Pour De Ici Lesredirection
Provides financial executives and treasurers with truly global IT solutions for controlling financial risks and optimizing cash flows.
Votredescription Cliquez Httpwebmailovhnet Mots Webmail Pour De Ici Lesredirection
33 Ransom Love, Co-founder of Caldera and SCO, Speaks of Unix, GPL and the Lawsuit
The former
The former CEO of Caldera and architect of its SCO acquisition disagrees with firms legal campaign against Linux vendors, but he still thinks SCO has case against IBM. [eWeek]
Center Hp Project Security Blogs News Eweek Mobile Email Needs Cloud Weeks Apple Watch Additional Management Hit Big Firewall
The former CEO of Caldera and architect of its SCO acquisition disagrees with firms legal campaign against Linux vendors, but he still thinks SCO has case against IBM. [eWeek]
Center Hp Project Security Blogs News Eweek Mobile Email Needs Cloud Weeks Apple Watch Additional Management Hit Big Firewall
34 The Multicore Advantage
Article on
Article on Marc Tremblay, chief architect of Suns Scalable Systems Group, who began the multicore, multithread Throughput Computing program. Contrarian Minds Archive.
Navigationshilfet Y
Article on Marc Tremblay, chief architect of Suns Scalable Systems Group, who began the multicore, multithread Throughput Computing program. Contrarian Minds Archive.
Navigationshilfet Y
35 Popkin Software - System Architect
Offers business
Offers business process modeling, object-oriented and component modeling with UML, relational data modeling, and structured analysis and design.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Offers business process modeling, object-oriented and component modeling with UML, relational data modeling, and structured analysis and design.
Navigationshilfe Ty
36 Shirans DOM-Based Snakes Game, Part I
Learn how
Learn how to plan and architect a DOM-based game. Includes new browser sniffer.
Web Html Javascript Design Xml Dhtml Animation Css Reference Rss Internet Tools Authoring Version Perl Resources Contact
Learn how to plan and architect a DOM-based game. Includes new browser sniffer.
Web Html Javascript Design Xml Dhtml Animation Css Reference Rss Internet Tools Authoring Version Perl Resources Contact
37 Chief Commercial
Provides Chief
Provides Chief Architect compatible 3D Cad symbols of commercial equipment and furnishings. Includes online catalogs and pricing.
Architect Chief Furnishings Symbols Equipment Compatible Commercial Cadcommercialequipment Z
Provides Chief Architect compatible 3D Cad symbols of commercial equipment and furnishings. Includes online catalogs and pricing.
Architect Chief Furnishings Symbols Equipment Compatible Commercial Cadcommercialequipment Z
38 Reynolds, Louis
Information architect
Information architect and GUI consultant, specializing in information architecture, user testing, user experience, and GUI design. Located in New Jersey, USA.
Architect Information Louis Reynolds Test Complete Name Posts Friday |subscribe Profile Z
Information architect and GUI consultant, specializing in information architecture, user testing, user experience, and GUI design. Located in New Jersey, USA.
Architect Information Louis Reynolds Test Complete Name Posts Friday |subscribe Profile Z
39 The Soul of a New Programming Language
Article on
Article on Guy Steele, chief architect of Suns new Fortress language, part of a larger Sun Labs effort to create a design for the supercomputer of the future. Contrarian Minds Archive.
Article on Guy Steele, chief architect of Suns new Fortress language, part of a larger Sun Labs effort to create a design for the supercomputer of the future. Contrarian Minds Archive.
40 Chief Symbols
Source of
Source of Chief Architect add-on symbol libraries and a user-created symbol exchange.
Cc Architect Library Chief Download Symbols Hd Chiefsymbols Software Cad Click Only Libraries Design Cardiff Price Developed Fixtures
Source of Chief Architect add-on symbol libraries and a user-created symbol exchange.
Cc Architect Library Chief Download Symbols Hd Chiefsymbols Software Cad Click Only Libraries Design Cardiff Price Developed Fixtures
41 Community Architect
Create your
Create your own online community or join one complete with free web hosting, free email, instant messenger and other website building tools.
Free Affiliate Architect United Sites Enroll Community Web Email Program Webmaster Premium Tools Now Netzero
Create your own online community or join one complete with free web hosting, free email, instant messenger and other website building tools.
Free Affiliate Architect United Sites Enroll Community Web Email Program Webmaster Premium Tools Now Netzero
42 Coleman Consulting, Inc
Specializes in
Specializes in database services, performance tuning and modeling. PeopleSoft: architect, installation, change management, upgrade, performance tuning. Speaking schedule provided.
Db Zos Coleman Troy News Contact Blog Bio Events Magazine Articles Dbutor Colemans Ibm Solutions Systems
Specializes in database services, performance tuning and modeling. PeopleSoft: architect, installation, change management, upgrade, performance tuning. Speaking schedule provided.
Db Zos Coleman Troy News Contact Blog Bio Events Magazine Articles Dbutor Colemans Ibm Solutions Systems
43 Enterprise Java Architecture Workshop
Addresses advanced
Addresses advanced enterprise software architecture topics, bringing together senior technical contributors into a group setting to design and architect a solution to a challenging problem.
Ejaw Where Architecture Enterprise Java Workshop Madrid India Notify Agenda Why Leader Setting How Events London
Addresses advanced enterprise software architecture topics, bringing together senior technical contributors into a group setting to design and architect a solution to a challenging problem.
Ejaw Where Architecture Enterprise Java Workshop Madrid India Notify Agenda Why Leader Setting How Events London
44 Privacy Policy
New Architect
New Architect review of IBMs P3P Policy Editor. Pros and Cons as well as an introduction to the practical use of the Editor to generate your policy.
Development Enterprise Connect Mobile Cloud Dobbs Programming Testing Blogs Web Tools Dr Conference Microsoft Parallel Google Newsletters Code
New Architect review of IBMs P3P Policy Editor. Pros and Cons as well as an introduction to the practical use of the Editor to generate your policy.
Development Enterprise Connect Mobile Cloud Dobbs Programming Testing Blogs Web Tools Dr Conference Microsoft Parallel Google Newsletters Code
45 Growing with Gentoo
Daniel Robbins
Daniel Robbins, Gentoos chief architect, spoke to students and professors at Stanford Universitys Computer Systems Lab. Danny OBrien reports on his presentation, which focused on lesser known aspects of Gentoo: how it evolved, what problems it had.
Gentoo Robbins Linux Oreilly Gentoos Daniel Development Trackback Obrien Danny Media System Administration Kernel Systems Stampede Device Computer
Daniel Robbins, Gentoos chief architect, spoke to students and professors at Stanford Universitys Computer Systems Lab. Danny OBrien reports on his presentation, which focused on lesser known aspects of Gentoo: how it evolved, what problems it had.
Gentoo Robbins Linux Oreilly Gentoos Daniel Development Trackback Obrien Danny Media System Administration Kernel Systems Stampede Device Computer
46 System Architect
A modeling
A modeling solution designed to provide the tools necessary for development of enterprise systems. It supports business modeling, object-oriented and component modeling with UML, relational data modeling, and structured analysis and design. [Commercial, Free Trial]
Rational Software Ibm Download Management Now Product Modernization Enterprise See Telelogic Business Modeling Privacy Development Multiplatform Sap
A modeling solution designed to provide the tools necessary for development of enterprise systems. It supports business modeling, object-oriented and component modeling with UML, relational data modeling, and structured analysis and design. [Commercial, Free Trial]
Rational Software Ibm Download Management Now Product Modernization Enterprise See Telelogic Business Modeling Privacy Development Multiplatform Sap
47 Enterprise Architect
A UML analysis, design, documentation and project management CASE tool. Includes basic UML models plus testing, metrics, change management, defect tracking and user interface design extensions. By Sparx Systems. [Commercial, Free Trial]
Architect Enterprise Uml Modeling Software Systems Business Sparx Engineering Resources Sysml Case Integration Requirements Design Global Tool State
A UML analysis, design, documentation and project management CASE tool. Includes basic UML models plus testing, metrics, change management, defect tracking and user interface design extensions. By Sparx Systems. [Commercial, Free Trial]
Architect Enterprise Uml Modeling Software Systems Business Sparx Engineering Resources Sysml Case Integration Requirements Design Global Tool State
48 DB Visual Architect
An Object-Relational
An Object-Relational mapping tool. Generate persistent enable Java source from Class Diagram or ERD. A diagram editor is provided. It can generate code for client applications and server side applications. [Commercial]
Database Uml Software Engineering Visual Code Hibernate Tool Generation Design Case Paradigm Reverse Erd Model Support Guide Team
An Object-Relational mapping tool. Generate persistent enable Java source from Class Diagram or ERD. A diagram editor is provided. It can generate code for client applications and server side applications. [Commercial]
Database Uml Software Engineering Visual Code Hibernate Tool Generation Design Case Paradigm Reverse Erd Model Support Guide Team
49 eKnowlogie ColdFusion to J2EE Migrator
a software
a software transformation tool to automatically migrate ColdFusion applications to Java J2EE. It will re-architect the original monolithic ColdFusion application into a modular Model-View-Controller (MVC) application framework using Struts and JSP.
Coldfusion Java Mybatis Technology Controller Model Migration Spring Migratorincreases Migrator Force Themigrator Inc Introduction Y
a software transformation tool to automatically migrate ColdFusion applications to Java J2EE. It will re-architect the original monolithic ColdFusion application into a modular Model-View-Controller (MVC) application framework using Struts and JSP.
Coldfusion Java Mybatis Technology Controller Model Migration Spring Migratorincreases Migrator Force Themigrator Inc Introduction Y
50 Fujitsu Mainframe Servers
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of IBM mainframe-compatible servers, services, software and storage. Fujitsu acquired Amdahl, originally founded by IBM System/360 architect Gene Amdahl.
Fujitsu Services Solutions Products Cloud Management Software Network Corporate Computing Support Financial Environmental Activities Infrastructure Responding Business Printer
Manufacturer of IBM mainframe-compatible servers, services, software and storage. Fujitsu acquired Amdahl, originally founded by IBM System/360 architect Gene Amdahl.
Fujitsu Services Solutions Products Cloud Management Software Network Corporate Computing Support Financial Environmental Activities Infrastructure Responding Business Printer
51 Charles Rennie Mackintosh font
A TrueType
A TrueType font featuring the style developed and made famous by the renowned scottish architect and artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
A TrueType font featuring the style developed and made famous by the renowned scottish architect and artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
52 Telelogic
Relational data
Relational data modeling with System Architect includes conceptual data modeling, logical data modeling that is provided through models and synchronized subject areas, and physical data models.
Rational Software Ibm Download Management Now Product Modernization Enterprise See Markets Engineering Watchfire Continuous Utilities Announcements Automotive Devops
Relational data modeling with System Architect includes conceptual data modeling, logical data modeling that is provided through models and synchronized subject areas, and physical data models.
Rational Software Ibm Download Management Now Product Modernization Enterprise See Markets Engineering Watchfire Continuous Utilities Announcements Automotive Devops
53 Software Architecture, Architects and Architecting
Provides resources
Provides resources for software architects, answers such questions as 'what is software architecture' and 'why is it important', and covers the architecting process and role of the architect.
Architecture Architects Bredemeyer Enterprise Consulting Ruth Requisite Variety Malan Blog Architecting Software Differentiator Making Table Johannesburg Page
Provides resources for software architects, answers such questions as 'what is software architecture' and 'why is it important', and covers the architecting process and role of the architect.
Architecture Architects Bredemeyer Enterprise Consulting Ruth Requisite Variety Malan Blog Architecting Software Differentiator Making Table Johannesburg Page
54 Coleman Consulting, Inc
Company specializes
Company specializes in data modeling, database design, database administration, performance tuning, performance modeling, database systems programmer, E-DBA services. PeopleSoft: architect, installation, change management, upgrade, performance tuning.
Db Coleman Zos Troy Events Contact Articles Blog Magazine News Bio Colemanssolutions Idug
Company specializes in data modeling, database design, database administration, performance tuning, performance modeling, database systems programmer, E-DBA services. PeopleSoft: architect, installation, change management, upgrade, performance tuning.
Db Coleman Zos Troy Events Contact Articles Blog Magazine News Bio Colemanssolutions Idug
55 Q&A: The Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio.NET Provide a Unified Environment for Building Powerful Web Services
In a
In a conversation with PressPass, Anders Hejlsberg, a key architect of the Microsoft .NET Framework and C#, Microsofts new object-oriented programming language for C and C++ developers, describes how these technologies combine with the tools in Visual Studio.NET to help developers create applications that interoperate over the Web.
English Microsoft Español News Windows Office Web Deutsch Blog Press Products Europe United Phone
In a conversation with PressPass, Anders Hejlsberg, a key architect of the Microsoft .NET Framework and C#, Microsofts new object-oriented programming language for C and C++ developers, describes how these technologies combine with the tools in Visual Studio.NET to help developers create applications that interoperate over the Web.
English Microsoft Español News Windows Office Web Deutsch Blog Press Products Europe United Phone
1 Sim City 3k Terrain Stop
Downloads include
Downloads include terrains, as well as the Building Architect Tool, and map editing utilities.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery App Help Advisor Local Hosting Finance Website Privacy Please Sports Affiliate Geocities Makers
Downloads include terrains, as well as the Building Architect Tool, and map editing utilities.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery App Help Advisor Local Hosting Finance Website Privacy Please Sports Affiliate Geocities Makers
5. Sports Websites concerning Architect
1 The Walter J. Travis Society
Promoting the
Promoting the legacy of the golden age architect.
Promoting the legacy of the golden age architect.
2 The Walter J. Travis Society
Promoting the
Promoting the legacy of the golden age architect.
Promoting the legacy of the golden age architect.
3 Roger Packard
Course architect
Course architect with award winning projects worldwide.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Course architect with award winning projects worldwide.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 Tim N. Cate Designs, Inc.
Golf course
Golf course architect located in Sunset Beach, North Carolina.
Cate Designs Inc Golf Course Architect Designer Landscape Portfolio Media Planner Timcarolina Landscapearchitect
Golf course architect located in Sunset Beach, North Carolina.
Cate Designs Inc Golf Course Architect Designer Landscape Portfolio Media Planner Timcarolina Landscapearchitect
5 Origins Golf Design
Todd Eckenrode
Todd Eckenrode course architect. Course photos, sketches and philosophy are featured.
Golf Design Origins Eckenrode Todd Irvine Suite Charlie Designs Ca Located Cowan Classic
Todd Eckenrode course architect. Course photos, sketches and philosophy are featured.
Golf Design Origins Eckenrode Todd Irvine Suite Charlie Designs Ca Located Cowan Classic
6 Musket Ridge
18 hole
18 hole public golf course designed by architect Joe Lee. Facility and course profiles, rates and membership information.
Golf Club Learn Events Weddings News Best Reserve Maryland Eshop Tee Membership Contact Login Privacy
18 hole public golf course designed by architect Joe Lee. Facility and course profiles, rates and membership information.
Golf Club Learn Events Weddings News Best Reserve Maryland Eshop Tee Membership Contact Login Privacy
7 William W. Amick
Architect since
Architect since 1959 and current ASGCA member. Biography, services, course list and articles are featured.
Request Rejectedy
Architect since 1959 and current ASGCA member. Biography, services, course list and articles are featured.
Request Rejectedy
8 The Club at Black Rock
Jim Engh
Jim Engh designed private course. Architect information, philosophy and development notes are featured.
Golf Club Black Rock Experience Nature Id Made Spectacular Dalene – Overlooking The At
Jim Engh designed private course. Architect information, philosophy and development notes are featured.
Golf Club Black Rock Experience Nature Id Made Spectacular Dalene – Overlooking The At
9 Blue Mash Golf Course
Features course
Features course layout with hole descriptions, architect background, rates, and tee time reservations.
Golf Course Mash Blue County Montgomery Email List Instruction Laytonsville Hills Driving Camp Rates Gift Olney Readers Northern
Features course layout with hole descriptions, architect background, rates, and tee time reservations.
Golf Course Mash Blue County Montgomery Email List Instruction Laytonsville Hills Driving Camp Rates Gift Olney Readers Northern
10 DarkHorse Golf Club
Public course.
Public course. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information, and a list of amenities.
Golf Club Darkhorse Academy Contact Shop Facilities News Auburn Book Course Menu Tournaments Rates Specialsdeals Meet Blog Clubhouse
Public course. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information, and a list of amenities.
Golf Club Darkhorse Academy Contact Shop Facilities News Auburn Book Course Menu Tournaments Rates Specialsdeals Meet Blog Clubhouse
11 Glenn Dale Golf Club
Designed by
Designed by George Cobb, the resident architect of Augusta National, this course has been in existence since 1956.
Golf Club Course Hole Black Contact Book Rates Times Room Dale Glenn Tee Store Tournaments Birthday History
Designed by George Cobb, the resident architect of Augusta National, this course has been in existence since 1956.
Golf Club Course Hole Black Contact Book Rates Times Room Dale Glenn Tee Store Tournaments Birthday History
12 Hawk Pointe Golf Club
Kelly Blake
Kelly Blake Moran designed public course. Course map, scorecard, architect and membership information is listed.
Golf Hawk Pointe Club Nj Jersey County Warren New Clubs Northern Outings Weddings Info@hawkpointegolfcom Camp
Kelly Blake Moran designed public course. Course map, scorecard, architect and membership information is listed.
Golf Hawk Pointe Club Nj Jersey County Warren New Clubs Northern Outings Weddings Info@hawkpointegolfcom Camp
13 Reunion Golf Club
Michael Riley
Michael Riley designed public course. Architect information, screen saver, rates and specials are listed.
Golf Course Reunion Club Hole Atlanta Th Tee Country Hall Weddings Dinner Book Wedding Events Rsmga Day Clinics Night
Michael Riley designed public course. Architect information, screen saver, rates and specials are listed.
Golf Course Reunion Club Hole Atlanta Th Tee Country Hall Weddings Dinner Book Wedding Events Rsmga Day Clinics Night
14 South County Golf Club
Dr. Nick
Dr. Nick Bielenberg designed course in Brittas Village. Photos, architect description and membership information is listed.
Kors Michael Outlet Australia Bags Clearance %off Uncategorized Hottest Archives Outlet Michael They Typicallyflorian
Dr. Nick Bielenberg designed course in Brittas Village. Photos, architect description and membership information is listed.
Kors Michael Outlet Australia Bags Clearance %off Uncategorized Hottest Archives Outlet Michael They Typicallyflorian
15 DeVries Designs, Inc.
Mike DeVries
Mike DeVries course architect. Philosophy essays and projects are listed.
Golf Designs Devries Explore Larry Kingsley Hancock News Writer Course Courses People Club Modern Design Press Mike@devriesdesignscom Landscape
Mike DeVries course architect. Philosophy essays and projects are listed.
Golf Designs Devries Explore Larry Kingsley Hancock News Writer Course Courses People Club Modern Design Press Mike@devriesdesignscom Landscape
16 Tony Ristola Architect
Golf course
Golf course architecture, landscape design and planning, construction and golf course renovation.
Golf course architecture, landscape design and planning, construction and golf course renovation.
17 Cutlip Golf Design
Architect Ronald
Architect Ronald S. Cutlip. Projects, Q and A and Rockefeller putting green information is listed.
Cutlip Golf Design Stuart Development Prior Lee_ Company Landscape Long Toolsbynbspfreeorbit Architect An Virginiauniversity Term Lets
Architect Ronald S. Cutlip. Projects, Q and A and Rockefeller putting green information is listed.
Cutlip Golf Design Stuart Development Prior Lee_ Company Landscape Long Toolsbynbspfreeorbit Architect An Virginiauniversity Term Lets
18 Hancock Golf Course
Public golf
Public golf course designed by architect Robert Trent Jones. Course tour, history, rules, and pictures.
Golf Hancock Course Lodge Contact Club Play Book Woods Tee Stay Events Country Lodging French Address Tournament Free Directions
Public golf course designed by architect Robert Trent Jones. Course tour, history, rules, and pictures.
Golf Hancock Course Lodge Contact Club Play Book Woods Tee Stay Events Country Lodging French Address Tournament Free Directions
19 Edwin Roald - Golf Course Architect
Iceland designer
Iceland designer believes uniqueness and exceptional variety can be achieved by letting nature dictate the design of a course. Projects and partnership are listed.
Golf Course Design Roald Certified Edwin Form Sustainable Sustainability Name Batumi Enter Submitting Environmental Environment Geo
Iceland designer believes uniqueness and exceptional variety can be achieved by letting nature dictate the design of a course. Projects and partnership are listed.
Golf Course Design Roald Certified Edwin Form Sustainable Sustainability Name Batumi Enter Submitting Environmental Environment Geo
20 DarkHorse Golf Club
Keith Foster
Keith Foster designed public course in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information and amenities are featured.
Golf Club Academy Darkhorse Contact News Shop Facilities Auburn Menu Course Tournaments Book Rates Ca Blog Email
Keith Foster designed public course in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. Layout, hole illustrations and descriptions, architect information and amenities are featured.
Golf Club Academy Darkhorse Contact News Shop Facilities Auburn Menu Course Tournaments Book Rates Ca Blog Email
21 Desert Horizons Country Club
Private course
Private course designed by Ted Robinson in Indian Wells. Architect information, hole descriptions and membership information are listed.
Listingspolicy Sponsored Privacydeserthorizonscom
Private course designed by Ted Robinson in Indian Wells. Architect information, hole descriptions and membership information are listed.
Listingspolicy Sponsored Privacydeserthorizonscom
22 The Quail
A par
A par 72, 18-hole championship course over 6,891 yards in Kelowna. Offers description, architect, score card, hole by hole tips, fees and rental rates.
Golf Golfbc Okanagan Wailea Courses Vancouver North Island Maui Planning Program Book Nicklaus Rewards Academy Event Experiences Members Lakes Canyon Group
A par 72, 18-hole championship course over 6,891 yards in Kelowna. Offers description, architect, score card, hole by hole tips, fees and rental rates.
Golf Golfbc Okanagan Wailea Courses Vancouver North Island Maui Planning Program Book Nicklaus Rewards Academy Event Experiences Members Lakes Canyon Group
23 River Islands Golf Club
A Golf
A Golf Digest 4-star rating course designed by architect Arthur Hills. Course measures over 7,000 yards and has water on 9 holes. Located near Knoxville in Kodak, TN.
Golf Islands Club River Knoxville Course Tour Tn Weather Calendar Event Flyover Events Information Outings Kodak
A Golf Digest 4-star rating course designed by architect Arthur Hills. Course measures over 7,000 yards and has water on 9 holes. Located near Knoxville in Kodak, TN.
Golf Islands Club River Knoxville Course Tour Tn Weather Calendar Event Flyover Events Information Outings Kodak
24 Black Mesa Golf Club
Baxter Spann
Baxter Spann design, near Santa Fe, named best new affordable course in America for 2003 by Golf Digest. Course photography, scorecard, architect information and services are listed.
Baxter Spann design, near Santa Fe, named best new affordable course in America for 2003 by Golf Digest. Course photography, scorecard, architect information and services are listed.
25 Mingay Golf
Jeff Mingay
Jeff Mingay partnered with fellow award winning Canadian architect, Rod Whitman, provide design and construction services. Experience, philosophy, selected writings, and course profiles featured.
Golf Course Mingay Design Jeff Canada Shaping Club Architecture York Blackhawk Downs Based Ontario Overlake
Jeff Mingay partnered with fellow award winning Canadian architect, Rod Whitman, provide design and construction services. Experience, philosophy, selected writings, and course profiles featured.
Golf Course Mingay Design Jeff Canada Shaping Club Architecture York Blackhawk Downs Based Ontario Overlake
26 Gary Kern Golf Course Architect
Design Philosophy
Design Philosophy, list of courses, and background of Gary Kern
Course Golf Kern Gary Architect Design Louis Web Cover Grill St Contemporary Room Kerning Magazine
Design Philosophy, list of courses, and background of Gary Kern
Course Golf Kern Gary Architect Design Louis Web Cover Grill St Contemporary Room Kerning Magazine
27 Undine Barge Club
Built in
Built in 1882, the Undine Boathouse stands as one of the best preserved works of Frank Furness, a Philadelphian and respected American architect. It is the home of the club.
Racing Castle Club Photos Boat Rowing Summer Member Program Results Ringstetten Parking Equipment Log Storage Undine Squad Boathouse
Built in 1882, the Undine Boathouse stands as one of the best preserved works of Frank Furness, a Philadelphian and respected American architect. It is the home of the club.
Racing Castle Club Photos Boat Rowing Summer Member Program Results Ringstetten Parking Equipment Log Storage Undine Squad Boathouse
28 Kyle Phillips Golf Course Design
Architect Kyle
Architect Kyle Phillips, ASGCA member, has more than 60 courses worldwide including Kingsbarns which is endorsed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club.
Golf Course Phillips Kyle Magazine Design Kingsbarns California Courses South Architects Overall Company Kingdom American
Architect Kyle Phillips, ASGCA member, has more than 60 courses worldwide including Kingsbarns which is endorsed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club.
Golf Course Phillips Kyle Magazine Design Kingsbarns California Courses South Architects Overall Company Kingdom American
29 Wildcat Golf Club
Daily fee
Daily fee Highlands and Lakes courses, designed by Scottish architect Roy Case, have the highest elevations in Houston and are three miles from Texans Stadium. Layouts, course images, Matt Swansons golf school programs, event hosting and grill information is featured.
Here Click Golf Tee Houston Specials Club Wildcat | Journey Championship Public Highlands Memberships Lakes Offers
Daily fee Highlands and Lakes courses, designed by Scottish architect Roy Case, have the highest elevations in Houston and are three miles from Texans Stadium. Layouts, course images, Matt Swansons golf school programs, event hosting and grill information is featured.
Here Click Golf Tee Houston Specials Club Wildcat | Journey Championship Public Highlands Memberships Lakes Offers
30 Couples Bates Golf Design
Offers a
Offers a range of golf design services based around a partnership between professional golfer Fred Couples and course architect Gene Bates.
Golf Course Design Bates Couples Architect Gene Fred Group Designer Tour Year Genehtml Fredcouples Best
Offers a range of golf design services based around a partnership between professional golfer Fred Couples and course architect Gene Bates.
Golf Course Design Bates Couples Architect Gene Fred Group Designer Tour Year Genehtml Fredcouples Best
31 Breakfast Hill Golf Club
Breakfast Hill
Breakfast Hill is the NH Seacoasts newest public golf course. Designed by Brian Silva, Golf World Magazines 1999 Architect of the Year, it features rolling fairways, contoured greens, picturesque woodlands and granite boulders.
Golf Breakfast Hill Course Club Outings Functions Menu Holiday Here Specials Memberships Charity Group Rates Events
Breakfast Hill is the NH Seacoasts newest public golf course. Designed by Brian Silva, Golf World Magazines 1999 Architect of the Year, it features rolling fairways, contoured greens, picturesque woodlands and granite boulders.
Golf Breakfast Hill Course Club Outings Functions Menu Holiday Here Specials Memberships Charity Group Rates Events
6. Society, Arts and Architect Crafts
1 Anthemius of Tralles
A brief
A brief biography of a mathematician and an architect.
Anthemius Ancient Tralles Crystalinks Page Sophia Reading Alchemy Alphabetical Files Greece Civilizations Mathematicians Hagia Ellie Anthemiusit Hecompiled
A brief biography of a mathematician and an architect.
Anthemius Ancient Tralles Crystalinks Page Sophia Reading Alchemy Alphabetical Files Greece Civilizations Mathematicians Hagia Ellie Anthemiusit Hecompiled
2 Nelson, Rhonda - Sounds of Retreux
Internet developer/information
Internet developer/information architect.
Nelson Morocco Cuba Redirect User Information Html Architect Rhonda Maps Builds Consultant Httpwwwrhondanelsoncom Indexes Recently
Internet developer/information architect.
Nelson Morocco Cuba Redirect User Information Html Architect Rhonda Maps Builds Consultant Httpwwwrhondanelsoncom Indexes Recently
3 The Architect
A contemporary
A contemporary Jewish essay analyzing the character and history of the builder of the Tabernacle.
Homepage Httpwwwaishcomtorahportionmoraythe_architectasp Redirectingy
A contemporary Jewish essay analyzing the character and history of the builder of the Tabernacle.
Homepage Httpwwwaishcomtorahportionmoraythe_architectasp Redirectingy
4 Satyakam Garg
New Delhi
New Delhi architect in Vastu based design - summary of projects done and CAD solutions.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Mapssports Reach Longeravailable Sites Visit Inc Finance
New Delhi architect in Vastu based design - summary of projects done and CAD solutions.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Mapssports Reach Longeravailable Sites Visit Inc Finance
5 j. norman stark
attorney and
attorney and architect, with offices in cleveland, practicing in the area of construction law, contracts, and claims.
Construction Law Norman Public Stark Letters Expert Consulting Publications Speaking Attorney Real Contact Background Estate
attorney and architect, with offices in cleveland, practicing in the area of construction law, contracts, and claims.
Construction Law Norman Public Stark Letters Expert Consulting Publications Speaking Attorney Real Contact Background Estate
6 Raed in the Middle
An Iraqi-Palestinian
An Iraqi-Palestinian architect opening new doors of communication between the east and the west. Understanding 'the other' is what this blog is all about.
Iraq Budget Middle Iraqis Military Spending Else Jarrar Everything Office Afsc Raed Posted Table Management Years Iraqi American Viewed
An Iraqi-Palestinian architect opening new doors of communication between the east and the west. Understanding 'the other' is what this blog is all about.
Iraq Budget Middle Iraqis Military Spending Else Jarrar Everything Office Afsc Raed Posted Table Management Years Iraqi American Viewed
7 Gunkel, William - SQA Architect and Software Engineer
Detailied history
Detailied history and information about the author and his family, with focus on his professional experience.
Engineer Platform Group Tools Sqa Manager Jira Confluence Software Senior Gunkel Projecthead Resumes
Detailied history and information about the author and his family, with focus on his professional experience.
Engineer Platform Group Tools Sqa Manager Jira Confluence Software Senior Gunkel Projecthead Resumes
8 Wright, Alex
Writer and
Writer and user experience architect living and working in San Francisco. Personal information, resume, and projects.
Alex Wright Projects Writing Information Speaking World Ages Contact Sept Cataloging Paul Visual York Glut Atlantic Program Masteringinformation
Writer and user experience architect living and working in San Francisco. Personal information, resume, and projects.
Alex Wright Projects Writing Information Speaking World Ages Contact Sept Cataloging Paul Visual York Glut Atlantic Program Masteringinformation
9 Robert A. Armon - Architect
Essential architecture
Essential architecture and art based on sacred geometry, with an emphasis on solar, sustainable, and ecological principles.
Sacredarchcom Cash Advance Insurance Privacy Policy Debt Consolidation Best Credit Learn Section Lifereport
Essential architecture and art based on sacred geometry, with an emphasis on solar, sustainable, and ecological principles.
Sacredarchcom Cash Advance Insurance Privacy Policy Debt Consolidation Best Credit Learn Section Lifereport
10 Kotamraju Narayana Rao
Renowned Astrologer
Renowned Astrologer, author of over 25 books, editor of the Journal of Astrology, and architect of a great astrological renaissance.
Filemight Looking Directory Error Been Foundthe Removed Resource Server Namechanged Unavailabletemporarily
Renowned Astrologer, author of over 25 books, editor of the Journal of Astrology, and architect of a great astrological renaissance.
Filemight Looking Directory Error Been Foundthe Removed Resource Server Namechanged Unavailabletemporarily
11 LDS Temples
Pen and
Pen and ink temple drawings by architect George Olson, based in Midway, Utah. Image samples, pricing and order information.
Request Errory
Pen and ink temple drawings by architect George Olson, based in Midway, Utah. Image samples, pricing and order information.
Request Errory
12 great buildings online: world trade center
information about
information about the building, the architect, images, drawings, 3d model, commentary and resources.
Center Trade World Photo York Building Architectureweek Manhattan Yamasaki Looking Buildings Towers State Amazoncom Empire
information about the building, the architect, images, drawings, 3d model, commentary and resources.
Center Trade World Photo York Building Architectureweek Manhattan Yamasaki Looking Buildings Towers State Amazoncom Empire
13 Albert Speer: A Website
Profiles Hitlers
Profiles Hitlers architect who later became the Nazi governments Minister of Armaments. Includes Biography, essays, and photographs.
Website Create Design Features Log Sites Store Works Webmail Sell Advanced How Paid Plans Customer Local Services Gallery Request Lift
Profiles Hitlers architect who later became the Nazi governments Minister of Armaments. Includes Biography, essays, and photographs.
Website Create Design Features Log Sites Store Works Webmail Sell Advanced How Paid Plans Customer Local Services Gallery Request Lift
14 Gozar, Eric
Architect, planner
Architect, planner, interior designer and design consultant. Includes resume, contact information, and favorite links.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Terms News Movies Finance Games User Longeravailable Privacy Internet
Architect, planner, interior designer and design consultant. Includes resume, contact information, and favorite links.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Terms News Movies Finance Games User Longeravailable Privacy Internet
15 The Madeleine Smith Story
19th century
19th century Scottish murder case plus testimony and details on architect David Hamilton, Madeleines grandfather.
Smith David Hamilton Madeleine Story Royal Exchange Glasgow Evidence Murder Most Trial Hamiltons Birkenshaw Castle Stables Works Houses Napier
19th century Scottish murder case plus testimony and details on architect David Hamilton, Madeleines grandfather.
Smith David Hamilton Madeleine Story Royal Exchange Glasgow Evidence Murder Most Trial Hamiltons Birkenshaw Castle Stables Works Houses Napier
16 Ryan, Alexander - Software Architect
Includes articles
Includes articles on topics of interest to software architects.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Includes articles on topics of interest to software architects.
Navigationshilfe Ty
17 bin laden: architect of new global terrorism
osama bin
osama bin laden personifies movement against america and its allies.
News Dc Politics Va Washington Post World Business Sports Live Virginia Guide Breaking Worldviews Going Ad Kuwait Toxic Including
osama bin laden personifies movement against america and its allies.
News Dc Politics Va Washington Post World Business Sports Live Virginia Guide Breaking Worldviews Going Ad Kuwait Toxic Including
18 Albert Speer: A Philosophical Case Study
An exploration
An exploration of the life and career of Hitlers architect and armaments minister. With biography, bibliography, essays and some text sources.
Create Tripod Checkshopping Tripodcom Couldnt Lycos Login Hosting Signup Pagewebsite Please
An exploration of the life and career of Hitlers architect and armaments minister. With biography, bibliography, essays and some text sources.
Create Tripod Checkshopping Tripodcom Couldnt Lycos Login Hosting Signup Pagewebsite Please
19 Jewish Encyclopedia: Bezalel
Overview of
Overview of the architect of the Tabernacle from the traditional Jewish perspective, including rabbinic commentary.
Jewishencyclopediacom Jewish Encyclopedia Foster Louis Citation Charles Terms Synopsis Listingkent Preface Ginzberg List
Overview of the architect of the Tabernacle from the traditional Jewish perspective, including rabbinic commentary.
Jewishencyclopediacom Jewish Encyclopedia Foster Louis Citation Charles Terms Synopsis Listingkent Preface Ginzberg List
20 christopher t. restak
hanover attorney
hanover attorney, with experience as a construction lawyer, architect, general building contractor and attorney.
Learn Construction Attorney Providing Practice Video Profile Mrsfields Practice Realdevelopment Related Issues Estate Fine Clients
hanover attorney, with experience as a construction lawyer, architect, general building contractor and attorney.
Learn Construction Attorney Providing Practice Video Profile Mrsfields Practice Realdevelopment Related Issues Estate Fine Clients
21 The Scotsman - Neocon Architect says: Pull it down
One of
One of Neoconservatisms prime architects now says his movement has failed America and needs to be discarded on to historys pile of discredited ideologies. [Free registration required.]
Here | Scottish Clicking Hibs Independence Edinburgh Rumour Business News Mill Close Celtic Directory Lifestyle Project Property European
One of Neoconservatisms prime architects now says his movement has failed America and needs to be discarded on to historys pile of discredited ideologies. [Free registration required.]
Here | Scottish Clicking Hibs Independence Edinburgh Rumour Business News Mill Close Celtic Directory Lifestyle Project Property European
22 Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford
The only
The only neo-classical Georgian cathedral in Ireland, designed by John Roberts (1714-1796). The official site includes a history and images, and a brief biography of its architect.
Cathedral Church Christ Waterford Fáilte ArdeaglaischrÃost Welcome City Gonzalez Arts Duo Heritage Guitar Flamenco Walsh Website
The only neo-classical Georgian cathedral in Ireland, designed by John Roberts (1714-1796). The official site includes a history and images, and a brief biography of its architect.
Cathedral Church Christ Waterford Fáilte ArdeaglaischrÃost Welcome City Gonzalez Arts Duo Heritage Guitar Flamenco Walsh Website
23 Holy Trinity and St George Catholic Parish, Kendal
A history
A history of the church, designed in the neo-Gothic style by local architect George Webster who was responsible for other fine buildings in Kendal. Service times, list of activities, and links to other Catholic sites of interest.
Sign Places Updated People Now Everything Policy Lifestreaminc Multiple Privacy Stream Account Network Search
A history of the church, designed in the neo-Gothic style by local architect George Webster who was responsible for other fine buildings in Kendal. Service times, list of activities, and links to other Catholic sites of interest.
Sign Places Updated People Now Everything Policy Lifestreaminc Multiple Privacy Stream Account Network Search
24 War Blogging: Who is Admiral John Poindexter?
information on
information on Admiral John Poindexter, whose wife Linda is a member of Opus Dei and volunteers at the Opus Dei center in downtown Washington DC. Poindexter is the chief architect of a program called Total/Terrorist Information Awareness that will have access to the personal records of Americans.
World [read Ii Military More] Used Gun Iraq Safe Reviews Firearms Soldiers Here Americas Economic Riverboats Safety
information on Admiral John Poindexter, whose wife Linda is a member of Opus Dei and volunteers at the Opus Dei center in downtown Washington DC. Poindexter is the chief architect of a program called Total/Terrorist Information Awareness that will have access to the personal records of Americans.
World [read Ii Military More] Used Gun Iraq Safe Reviews Firearms Soldiers Here Americas Economic Riverboats Safety
1 william jay, architect
the career
the career of a young regency architect in america. illustrated biography by kelly-denslow and associates.
Request Rejectedy
the career of a young regency architect in america. illustrated biography by kelly-denslow and associates.
Request Rejectedy
2 downing, andrew jackson (1815-1852)
a brief
a brief article and web links from noted relations on this american horticulturalist, nurseryman, architect and landscape architect.
Servernavigationshilfe Port Permanently Themoved Apache
a brief article and web links from noted relations on this american horticulturalist, nurseryman, architect and landscape architect.
Servernavigationshilfe Port Permanently Themoved Apache
3 the architect le corbusier
article on
article on the innovatory swiss architect by witold rybczynski from time magazine with photo portrait, accompanied by the masters guiding tenet in audio.
Privacy World Subscribe Newsletters Year Advertising Rights Parents Business Sign Shop Entertainment Magazine Ideas Adele Page Inc
article on the innovatory swiss architect by witold rybczynski from time magazine with photo portrait, accompanied by the masters guiding tenet in audio.
Privacy World Subscribe Newsletters Year Advertising Rights Parents Business Sign Shop Entertainment Magazine Ideas Adele Page Inc
4 an interview with albert frey
volume 5
volume 5 asked this swiss-born american architect about his work, apprenticeship with le corbusier, and other influences. photographs of the architect and his house at palm springs.
volume 5 asked this swiss-born american architect about his work, apprenticeship with le corbusier, and other influences. photographs of the architect and his house at palm springs.
5 architect drofa
a biography
a biography of the czechoslovak architect miroslav drofa (1908-84) and his works in housing, and public and industrial building. [czech, english, german]
Architekt Drofa Redavemiroslav Z
a biography of the czechoslovak architect miroslav drofa (1908-84) and his works in housing, and public and industrial building. [czech, english, german]
Architekt Drofa Redavemiroslav Z
6 albert kahn: the architect of the auto industrialists
illustrated article
illustrated article by vivian m. baulch from detroit news on the german-born industrial architect who worked in detroit.
illustrated article by vivian m. baulch from detroit news on the german-born industrial architect who worked in detroit.
7 john nash, regency architect
biography of
biography of the premier architect of regency england, his work in london for the prince regent, and on the brighton pavillion from britain express.
London Trust England National Historic Heritage Wales Scotland British Britain Express History Attractions Pass Attraction Quiz Including
biography of the premier architect of regency england, his work in london for the prince regent, and on the brighton pavillion from britain express.
London Trust England National Historic Heritage Wales Scotland British Britain Express History Attractions Pass Attraction Quiz Including
8 wayne mcallister, a pioneer strip architect, dies after fall
obituary from
obituary from the las vegas review-journal of the architect who designed pioneering playlands on the strip in las vegas including the original desert inn and sands.
obituary from the las vegas review-journal of the architect who designed pioneering playlands on the strip in las vegas including the original desert inn and sands.
9 Ledwidge, Michela
Filmmaker and
Filmmaker and technical architect.
Contact Writingapache Server Permanently The Portledwidge Biography Michela
Filmmaker and technical architect.
Contact Writingapache Server Permanently The Portledwidge Biography Michela
10 My Architect
Official site
Official site with synopsis, biographies, and multimedia.
Official site with synopsis, biographies, and multimedia.
11 My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Tim Knight.
Found Apache Reelcomport Found Theserver Page New
Review by Tim Knight.
Found Apache Reelcomport Found Theserver Page New
12 My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Jay S. Jacobs.
Reviews Interviews Movie Popentertainmentcom Kahn Journey Architect Sons Nathaniel Music Concert Review Jacobs Feature Postedmarch Philip Masthead
Review by Jay S. Jacobs.
Reviews Interviews Movie Popentertainmentcom Kahn Journey Architect Sons Nathaniel Music Concert Review Jacobs Feature Postedmarch Philip Masthead
13 PopMatters: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Rob Horning.
Special Music Cynthia Collapse Fuchs Stories Spotlight Film Features Gaze News Reviews Untold Most Casts Sci Fi Opposed Igor Scandals Culture Victor Co Fanzine
Review by Rob Horning.
Special Music Cynthia Collapse Fuchs Stories Spotlight Film Features Gaze News Reviews Untold Most Casts Sci Fi Opposed Igor Scandals Culture Victor Co Fanzine
14 Chicago Sun-Times: My Architect
Review by
Review by Roger Ebert.
Archives Ebert Roger Great Itself Reviews Far Life Movies Matt Disqus Boone Steven Zoller Jana Chaz Proscenium Seitz Nick Channels
Review by Roger Ebert.
Archives Ebert Roger Great Itself Reviews Far Life Movies Matt Disqus Boone Steven Zoller Jana Chaz Proscenium Seitz Nick Channels
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the architect
the architect, sculptor and painter of the florentine reinassance.
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the architect, sculptor and painter of the florentine reinassance.
Brunelleschi Filippo Florence Buildings Italy Great Maria Architectureweek Archiplanet Advanced Subscribe Degli Architect Isbn Architects Licensing Expanded Places
16 i. m. pei
biography and
biography and works of the modern architect from great buildings online.
Architectureweek Pei Buildings Model York Gold Center Medal Great China Inc Museum National Architecture Archiplanet Viewing Articles Stubbins
biography and works of the modern architect from great buildings online.
Architectureweek Pei Buildings Model York Gold Center Medal Great China Inc Museum National Architecture Archiplanet Viewing Articles Stubbins
17 HARO Online: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review and
Review and pictures.
Louis Nathaniel Kahn Movies Architect_ Architect Tyng Nathaniels Advice Salk Kahns Louiskahn Music Contact Institute Movie Esther
Review and pictures.
Louis Nathaniel Kahn Movies Architect_ Architect Tyng Nathaniels Advice Salk Kahns Louiskahn Music Contact Institute Movie Esther
18 Rotten Tomatoes: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Reviews and
Reviews and forum.
Show Kahn Architect Movie Review Critics Louis Full Reviews Critic Season Movies Journey Best Fresh Blu Ray Office Sons York List Showtimes
Reviews and forum.
Show Kahn Architect Movie Review Critics Louis Full Reviews Critic Season Movies Journey Best Fresh Blu Ray Office Sons York List Showtimes
19 My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Warren Curry.
Kahn Nathaniel Architect_ Architect Kahns Louis Warren Director Complex Articles Curry Cinemaspeakcom York Indiespeak Philadelphia Susan Opens
Review by Warren Curry.
Kahn Nathaniel Architect_ Architect Kahns Louis Warren Director Complex Articles Curry Cinemaspeakcom York Indiespeak Philadelphia Susan Opens
20 designer enric miralles
brief biography
brief biography and photograph of the architect from forms and surfaces.
Products Elevator Architectural Surfaces Outdoor Doors Systems Bonded Design Metal Pulls Portfolio Wall News Tweets Policy Project Columns
brief biography and photograph of the architect from forms and surfaces.
Products Elevator Architectural Surfaces Outdoor Doors Systems Bonded Design Metal Pulls Portfolio Wall News Tweets Policy Project Columns
21 frank lloyd wright
biography of
biography of this influential architect from prairie styles.
Wright Chicago Taliesin Prairie Lloyd Sullivan Wisconsin Frank Wrights Green Spring School Imperial Catherine Architecture Gross Cheney
biography of this influential architect from prairie styles.
Wright Chicago Taliesin Prairie Lloyd Sullivan Wisconsin Frank Wrights Green Spring School Imperial Catherine Architecture Gross Cheney
22 Deseret News: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Jeff Vice.
Review by Jeff Vice.
23 The Austin Chronicle: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Marc Savlov.
Music Listings Food Arts Austin Archives News Daily Reviews Screens Sports Place Film Events Letters File Community Festival Rise Print
Review by Marc Savlov.
Music Listings Food Arts Austin Archives News Daily Reviews Screens Sports Place Film Events Letters File Community Festival Rise Print
24 louis sullivan
a portrait
a portrait photograph and biography from prairie styles of this innovatory architect.
Sullivan Prairie Building George School Louis Boston William Adler Gross Architecture Frank Wright Grant Lloyd Chicago Sullivancontinued Bank
a portrait photograph and biography from prairie styles of this innovatory architect.
Sullivan Prairie Building George School Louis Boston William Adler Gross Architecture Frank Wright Grant Lloyd Chicago Sullivancontinued Bank
25 robert adam
biography of
biography of the famous scottish architect from great buildings online.
Adam Robert Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Advanced Subscribe Architects Park Architect England Rangers Inc Free Viewing House
biography of the famous scottish architect from great buildings online.
Adam Robert Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Advanced Subscribe Architects Park Architect England Rangers Inc Free Viewing House
26 Reel Film Reviews: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by David Nusair.
Louis Kahn Nusair David Kahns Architect Architect_ Here Review Festivals Lists Nathaniel Bacon Miscellaneous Gehry Philadelphia
Review by David Nusair.
Louis Kahn Nusair David Kahns Architect Architect_ Here Review Festivals Lists Nathaniel Bacon Miscellaneous Gehry Philadelphia
27 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: My Architect - A Sons Journey
Review by
Review by Patricia Lowry.
Story New Contact Mail Request Map Help Print Terms Architect Whats Advertise Privacy Use Y
Review by Patricia Lowry.
Story New Contact Mail Request Map Help Print Terms Architect Whats Advertise Privacy Use Y
28 aia mid-missouri
provide architectural
provide architectural news, events, help, and information to both those in the profession and those interested in finding an architect.
Missouri Mid Architects Aia Calendar Knowledge Committees Institute Community American News Awards Honors Action Y
provide architectural news, events, help, and information to both those in the profession and those interested in finding an architect.
Missouri Mid Architects Aia Calendar Knowledge Committees Institute Community American News Awards Honors Action Y
29 Gopalan, Arivazhagan
India based
India based architect and product designer specializing in transportation design.
Tripod Create Couldnt Signup Shopping Hosting Tripodcom Please Lycoscom Lycos Login Check Pagerequested
India based architect and product designer specializing in transportation design.
Tripod Create Couldnt Signup Shopping Hosting Tripodcom Please Lycoscom Lycos Login Check Pagerequested
30 calatrava, santiago (1951- )
biography of
biography of the spanish architect and engineer in great buildings online.
Calatrava Santiago Architectureweek Spain Buildings Photo Valencia Great Zurich Archiplanet Station Subscribe Architecture Switzerland Advanced Discussion Riba Eylon
biography of the spanish architect and engineer in great buildings online.
Calatrava Santiago Architectureweek Spain Buildings Photo Valencia Great Zurich Archiplanet Station Subscribe Architecture Switzerland Advanced Discussion Riba Eylon
31 sir john soane
brief biography
brief biography of this original architect in great buildings online, with details of several of his works.
Soane John Buildings England Great Archiplanet Sir Model Architectureweek London Architect Architects Advanced Subscribe Gallery Books
brief biography of this original architect in great buildings online, with details of several of his works.
Soane John Buildings England Great Archiplanet Sir Model Architectureweek London Architect Architects Advanced Subscribe Gallery Books
32 biltmore garden tour
forests and
forests and gardens, designed by landscape architect, frederick law olmsted.
Biltmore Photo Gallery Estate Inn Hotel Events Visit Meet Activities Dining Cottage Asheville Catering Wine
forests and gardens, designed by landscape architect, frederick law olmsted.
Biltmore Photo Gallery Estate Inn Hotel Events Visit Meet Activities Dining Cottage Asheville Catering Wine
33 charles moore (1925-1993)
biography of
biography of the humanist postmodern architect from great buildings online.
biography of the humanist postmodern architect from great buildings online.
34 adolf loos
biography of
biography of the architect in great buildings online, with information on selected works in austria.
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biography of the architect in great buildings online, with information on selected works in austria.
Loos Adolf Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek House Austria Advanced Architects Vienna Subscribe Architect Resources Villa Link Model
35 epalladio
watercolor drawings
watercolor drawings by giovanni giaconi of all the villas planned by renaissance architect andrea palladio.
Giaconi Palladio Vicenza Giovanni Scamozzi Villas Giornale Publications Touring Andrea New Book Di Gente Viaggi Rotonda Crete Architectural
watercolor drawings by giovanni giaconi of all the villas planned by renaissance architect andrea palladio.
Giaconi Palladio Vicenza Giovanni Scamozzi Villas Giornale Publications Touring Andrea New Book Di Gente Viaggi Rotonda Crete Architectural
36 Gerrit Rietveld - Great Buildings Online
Dutch architect
Dutch architect of the Schroder House, biography, and resources.
Rietveld Gerrit Buildings Netherlands Great Schroder Utrecht House Chair Archiplanet Architectureweek Blue Architects Architect Advanced Link
Dutch architect of the Schroder House, biography, and resources.
Rietveld Gerrit Buildings Netherlands Great Schroder Utrecht House Chair Archiplanet Architectureweek Blue Architects Architect Advanced Link
37 steven holl architects
web site
web site of the architect of the award winning chapel of st. ignatius in seattle, washington.
Holl Steven Works Architects News Educational Museums Housing Videos Awards Writing Mixed Exhibitions Furniture Houses New Buildings Press Fixtures
web site of the architect of the award winning chapel of st. ignatius in seattle, washington.
Holl Steven Works Architects News Educational Museums Housing Videos Awards Writing Mixed Exhibitions Furniture Houses New Buildings Press Fixtures
38 artnet: villanueva, carlos raúl
a biography
a biography of the venezuelan architect and teacher inspired by his european background.
Artnet ${displayname} Reports Ag Relations Investor Financial Corporate ${myaccdisplayname} Publications Market Products Log Request Governance And
a biography of the venezuelan architect and teacher inspired by his european background.
Artnet ${displayname} Reports Ag Relations Investor Financial Corporate ${myaccdisplayname} Publications Market Products Log Request Governance And
39 mak schindler house
includes a
includes a profile of the architect and description of his studio-residence, now used by the mak center for art and architecture, california.
Request Errory
includes a profile of the architect and description of his studio-residence, now used by the mak center for art and architecture, california.
Request Errory
40 the horatio alger association of distinguished americans: charles deaton
photograph and
photograph and brief biography of the us architect and engineer.
Occurred Processing Error Request Base Coldfusion File Knowledge Documentation Browser Remotereferrer Membersmember_infocfm Check
photograph and brief biography of the us architect and engineer.
Occurred Processing Error Request Base Coldfusion File Knowledge Documentation Browser Remotereferrer Membersmember_infocfm Check
41 meza, benjamin
featuring the
featuring the oil paintings of san diego architect and artist. landscapes, portraits, and still-lifes. impressionist.
Meza Benjamin Foliolinktrade Isproductionssculpture Gesture Studies Photographers Portraits Memberships Biographyportfolios Request
featuring the oil paintings of san diego architect and artist. landscapes, portraits, and still-lifes. impressionist.
Meza Benjamin Foliolinktrade Isproductionssculpture Gesture Studies Photographers Portraits Memberships Biographyportfolios Request
42 rudolf m. schindler (1887-1953)
profile and
profile and works of the viennese-born architect from great buildings online.
Schindler Rudolf Buildings House Great California Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Advanced Angeles Subscribe Architect Neutra Lovell Ct Subscribers Models
profile and works of the viennese-born architect from great buildings online.
Schindler Rudolf Buildings House Great California Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Advanced Angeles Subscribe Architect Neutra Lovell Ct Subscribers Models
43 mcdonough, william
architect, designer
architect, designer, and author known for his work in sustainability. includes biography, writings, and schedule of appearances.
Mcdonough William Cradle Design Innovation Whats | Learn Urban Sustainability Right Partners Upcycle New Products
architect, designer, and author known for his work in sustainability. includes biography, writings, and schedule of appearances.
Mcdonough William Cradle Design Innovation Whats | Learn Urban Sustainability Right Partners Upcycle New Products
44 victor horta
great buildings
great buildings online provides a brief biography and list of works of the belgian architect who was at the forefront of art nouveau.
Horta Belgium Brussels Victor Buildings House Great Nouveau Archiplanet Hotel Arts Architectureweek Isbn Department Store Discussion Visualization Send Photo
great buildings online provides a brief biography and list of works of the belgian architect who was at the forefront of art nouveau.
Horta Belgium Brussels Victor Buildings House Great Nouveau Archiplanet Hotel Arts Architectureweek Isbn Department Store Discussion Visualization Send Photo
45 vitruvius: 1st century bc roman architect
brief biography
brief biography and outline of the contents of his famous work de architectura from hyperhistory online.
Vitruvius Vitruviusst Romanarchitectmarcus Renaissance Bcroman Vitruvius * Biographylink
brief biography and outline of the contents of his famous work de architectura from hyperhistory online.
Vitruvius Vitruviusst Romanarchitectmarcus Renaissance Bcroman Vitruvius * Biographylink
46 tadao ando
biography of
biography of the modern japanese architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work and bibliography.
Ando Tadao Japan Architectureweek Buildings Architect Great Rokko Model Archiplanet Isbn Osaka Gold Medal Subscribe Articles Dictionary
biography of the modern japanese architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work and bibliography.
Ando Tadao Japan Architectureweek Buildings Architect Great Rokko Model Archiplanet Isbn Osaka Gold Medal Subscribe Articles Dictionary
47 architect of discworld
article about
article about his books and his life as a fantasy writer. by michael mccarty and mark mclaughlin.
Sci Fi Syfy Series Tv Channel Movies Mini Show Movie Shows Film World
article about his books and his life as a fantasy writer. by michael mccarty and mark mclaughlin.
Sci Fi Syfy Series Tv Channel Movies Mini Show Movie Shows Film World
48 hassan fathy
photographs of
photographs of the egyptian architect and images of his project at new gourna, illustrating the use of traditional elements. from kmtspace.
photographs of the egyptian architect and images of his project at new gourna, illustrating the use of traditional elements. from kmtspace.
49 bruce goff
brief biography
brief biography of the individualistic american architect from great buildings online, with information about the bavinger and colmorgan residences.
Goff Bruce Buildings Great Architectureweek Photo House Archiplanet Architects Oklahoma Subscribe Architect Advanced Free Link Resources Licensing Map
brief biography of the individualistic american architect from great buildings online, with information about the bavinger and colmorgan residences.
Goff Bruce Buildings Great Architectureweek Photo House Archiplanet Architects Oklahoma Subscribe Architect Advanced Free Link Resources Licensing Map
50 louis i. kahn
biography of
biography of the estonian-born us architect and academic (1901-74) from great buildings online, with examples of his work.
Kahn Louis Architectureweek Buildings Center Yale Pennsylvania House Great Trenton Architect University Isbn Available Haven Archiplanet
biography of the estonian-born us architect and academic (1901-74) from great buildings online, with examples of his work.
Kahn Louis Architectureweek Buildings Center Yale Pennsylvania House Great Trenton Architect University Isbn Available Haven Archiplanet
51 arne jacobsen (1902-1971)
photograph and
photograph and biography of denmarks leading international style architect and designer, from
Found Opensslyserverdav Arne Portjacobsen Php Apache Found The
photograph and biography of denmarks leading international style architect and designer, from
Found Opensslyserverdav Arne Portjacobsen Php Apache Found The
52 man of the month: hassan fathy
a photograph
a photograph and profile of the egyptian architect from an outline of his works with plans of some of the buildings he has designed.
Egypt Page Business Successful Wordpress Simply Embarrassing Meta Uncategorized Best Wordpressorg It It Amazing Defend Fire
a photograph and profile of the egyptian architect from an outline of his works with plans of some of the buildings he has designed.
Egypt Page Business Successful Wordpress Simply Embarrassing Meta Uncategorized Best Wordpressorg It It Amazing Defend Fire
53 Smithsonian Magazine - Its a Michelangelo!
British scholar
British scholar unearthed an unsigned drawing by the Italian master painter, sculptor and architect.
Smithsonian Scienceplacestravel | History People Arts
British scholar unearthed an unsigned drawing by the Italian master painter, sculptor and architect.
Smithsonian Scienceplacestravel | History People Arts
54 eero saarinen (1910-1961)
brief biography
brief biography and major us works of the finnish-born architect, from great buildings online.
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brief biography and major us works of the finnish-born architect, from great buildings online.
Saarinen Eero Buildings York Architectureweek Great Archiplanet Yale Architects Kresge Architect Building Advanced Subscribe Massachusetts
55 rolka, john
this new
this new york city architect shows photography, pencil sketches, watercolors, and mixed media pieces.
this new york city architect shows photography, pencil sketches, watercolors, and mixed media pieces.
56 richard meier and partners
official web
official web site of the new york based architect. brief project descriptions with photographs, biography and bibliography.
Meier Richard Partners Architects Architecture Pritzker Award Lifetime Paulevery Yorker Llp Contact American
official web site of the new york based architect. brief project descriptions with photographs, biography and bibliography.
Meier Richard Partners Architects Architecture Pritzker Award Lifetime Paulevery Yorker Llp Contact American
57 aldo van eyck
biogragraphy of
biogragraphy of the dutch architect from great buildings online with references, and a list of his works, with images or details of some.
Dav Apacheopensslrnavigationshilfe Permanently The Phpserver Port
biogragraphy of the dutch architect from great buildings online with references, and a list of his works, with images or details of some.
Dav Apacheopensslrnavigationshilfe Permanently The Phpserver Port
58 inigo jones (1573-1652)
biography from
biography from infoplease encyclopedia of the architect who introduced the palladian style to england, with reference.
biography from infoplease encyclopedia of the architect who introduced the palladian style to england, with reference.
59 olmsted, frederick law (1822-1903): american landscape architect
rod davis
rod davis provides a photograph and brief biography, with related web links, most with short descriptions.
Serverapache Permanently The Portmoved
rod davis provides a photograph and brief biography, with related web links, most with short descriptions.
Serverapache Permanently The Portmoved
60 Malakasi, Vasiliki - Lighting Designer & Architect
Offers portfolio
Offers portfolio, curriculum vitae and contact details. Projects in Greece and Britain.
Offers portfolio, curriculum vitae and contact details. Projects in Greece and Britain.
61 koolhaas, rem (1944- )
brief biography
brief biography of the dutch architect and his office for metropolitan architecture in great buildings online, with a sample of his work and sources.
Koolhaas Architectureweek Photo Netherlands Buildings Great Library Prize Public Rem Pritzker Isbn Seattle France Architecture Friend
brief biography of the dutch architect and his office for metropolitan architecture in great buildings online, with a sample of his work and sources.
Koolhaas Architectureweek Photo Netherlands Buildings Great Library Prize Public Rem Pritzker Isbn Seattle France Architecture Friend
62 renzo piano (1937- )
biography with
biography with sources of the high-tech italian architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work.
Piano Renzo Architectureweek Buildings Medal Gold Great Paris Building Workshop Sciences Pompidou Archiplanet California Academy Grossman Architect
biography with sources of the high-tech italian architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work.
Piano Renzo Architectureweek Buildings Medal Gold Great Paris Building Workshop Sciences Pompidou Archiplanet California Academy Grossman Architect
63 richard neutra: in a nutshell
ian smith
ian smith looks into the life of the viennese-born californian architect: a concise biography, photographs, projects, and books.
Yahoo Hosting Policy Helppage Terms Guidelines Privacy Requested Sorry Inc Easilyfound
ian smith looks into the life of the viennese-born californian architect: a concise biography, photographs, projects, and books.
Yahoo Hosting Policy Helppage Terms Guidelines Privacy Requested Sorry Inc Easilyfound
64 richard neutra (1892-1970)
biography of
biography of the vienna-born architect associated with southern california modernism, from great buildings online.
biography of the vienna-born architect associated with southern california modernism, from great buildings online.
65 salk institute: the great buildings collection
includes commentary
includes commentary, pictures, and references about this building designed by architect louis i. kahn.
includes commentary, pictures, and references about this building designed by architect louis i. kahn.
66 salk institute: the great buildings collection
includes commentary
includes commentary, pictures, and references about this building designed by architect louis i. kahn.
includes commentary, pictures, and references about this building designed by architect louis i. kahn.
67 andrea palladio (1508-80)
biography of
biography of the hugely influential renaissance architect with samples of his work and bibliography in great buildings online.
biography of the hugely influential renaissance architect with samples of his work and bibliography in great buildings online.
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biography of
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biography of the swedish architect from great buildings online, with information on a selection of his work.
Asplund Stockholm Gunnar Erik Sweden Buildings Great Architectureweek Woodland Archiplanet Architects Architect Advanced Subscribe Builderspacecom
69 william kent
the career
the career of the english architect and landscape garden pioneer - part of the british biography guide from britain express.
London Trust Heritage Historic Wales England National Scotland British Britain Express History Attractions Attraction Lanark Blog
the career of the english architect and landscape garden pioneer - part of the british biography guide from britain express.
London Trust Heritage Historic Wales England National Scotland British Britain Express History Attractions Attraction Lanark Blog
70 architecture of harris armstrong
ruminations of
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Library Lewis Modern Clark Historic Preservation School University Fox Mcm Lilly Channel Dunn Paid Art Mid Century Saint Sculpture
ruminations of andrew l. w. raimist in weblog format on the saint louis modern architect, with images of his buildings.
Library Lewis Modern Clark Historic Preservation School University Fox Mcm Lilly Channel Dunn Paid Art Mid Century Saint Sculpture
71 great buildings online: otto wagner
brief biography
brief biography of the austrian architect with reference, and images of a selection of his major works in vienna.
Wagner Otto Vienna Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Subscribe Austria Architect Architects Advanced Types Viewing Books Builderspacecom Fine Send House
brief biography of the austrian architect with reference, and images of a selection of his major works in vienna.
Wagner Otto Vienna Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Subscribe Austria Architect Architects Advanced Types Viewing Books Builderspacecom Fine Send House
72 jacopo sansovino
biographical sketch
biographical sketch and analysis of the work of the influential renaissance architect and sculptor who shaped the core of venice, from c.i. gable.
Rejected Requesty
biographical sketch and analysis of the work of the influential renaissance architect and sculptor who shaped the core of venice, from c.i. gable.
Rejected Requesty
73 luis barragan (1902-88)
biography of
biography of the mexican architect from great buildings online, with a description of casa antonio galvez (1954).
Barragan Luis Buildings Architectureweek Mexico Great Architects Archiplanet Casa Free Architect Prize Subscribe Pritzker Mexican Contribute Available Upflush
biography of the mexican architect from great buildings online, with a description of casa antonio galvez (1954).
Barragan Luis Buildings Architectureweek Mexico Great Architects Archiplanet Casa Free Architect Prize Subscribe Pritzker Mexican Contribute Available Upflush
74 filippo brunelleschi (1377-1446)
brief biography
brief biography and bibliography of the first italian renaissance architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work.
Brunelleschi Filippo Florence Buildings Italy Great Maria Architectureweek Archiplanet Architect Isbn Degli Advanced Subscribe Architects Angeli Innocenti Books
brief biography and bibliography of the first italian renaissance architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work.
Brunelleschi Filippo Florence Buildings Italy Great Maria Architectureweek Archiplanet Architect Isbn Degli Advanced Subscribe Architects Angeli Innocenti Books
75 IMDb: My Architect - A Sons Journey (2003)
Plot summary
Plot summary, cast and crew information, user reviews, and message board.
Plot summary, cast and crew information, user reviews, and message board.
76 westonlandmark
organization dedicated
organization dedicated to the pservation of former mental hospital building designed by architect r. snowden andrews, located in west virginia.
organization dedicated to the pservation of former mental hospital building designed by architect r. snowden andrews, located in west virginia.
77 hector guimard (1867-1942)
biography, bibliography
biography, bibliography and samples of the work of the best-known french art nouveau architect from great buildings online.
Guimard Hector Buildings Great Paris France Archiplanet Architectureweek York Architect Architects Hotel Subscribe Advanced Contribute Builderspacecom Guimard Maurice Designworkshop
biography, bibliography and samples of the work of the best-known french art nouveau architect from great buildings online.
Guimard Hector Buildings Great Paris France Archiplanet Architectureweek York Architect Architects Hotel Subscribe Advanced Contribute Builderspacecom Guimard Maurice Designworkshop
78 great buildings online: the parthenon
description, images
description, images and 3d model of this monument by ictinus and callicrates with phidias architect, at athens, greece, built -477 to -438.
Photo Drawing Parthenon Images Architecture Great Buildings Greatbuildings Isbn Model Archiplanet Artifice Phidias Amazoncom Callicrates Web Verlag
description, images and 3d model of this monument by ictinus and callicrates with phidias architect, at athens, greece, built -477 to -438.
Photo Drawing Parthenon Images Architecture Great Buildings Greatbuildings Isbn Model Archiplanet Artifice Phidias Amazoncom Callicrates Web Verlag
79 richard rogers
biography of
biography of the british architect of the pompidou centre provided by great buildings online, with photographs, details and bibliography for some of his works.
Rogers Richard Architectureweek Buildings London Great Prize Center Technology Archiplanet England Street Wales Wood Foster Resources France
biography of the british architect of the pompidou centre provided by great buildings online, with photographs, details and bibliography for some of his works.
Rogers Richard Architectureweek Buildings London Great Prize Center Technology Archiplanet England Street Wales Wood Foster Resources France
80 arne jacobsen 100
the official
the official website celebrating the centenary of the danish designer and architect includes a biography, portrait photographs, and press releases.
Jacobsen Arne Biography Arts School Cph Architecture Designs Arne Professor Fine Fritzdesigner Gallery
the official website celebrating the centenary of the danish designer and architect includes a biography, portrait photographs, and press releases.
Jacobsen Arne Biography Arts School Cph Architecture Designs Arne Professor Fine Fritzdesigner Gallery
81 william jay
lynn harvey
lynn harvey looks at the life and works of a regency architect (1792-1837) in england and savannah, usa. photographs and archival images of his buildings.
William Savannah House London Chapel Robert Weyman Richardson Habersham Roper Jay Bolton Joseph Smith Theatre Richard Lynn
lynn harvey looks at the life and works of a regency architect (1792-1837) in england and savannah, usa. photographs and archival images of his buildings.
William Savannah House London Chapel Robert Weyman Richardson Habersham Roper Jay Bolton Joseph Smith Theatre Richard Lynn
82 calatrava, santiago (1951- )
official web
official web site of the spanish architect, offices in paris, valencis and zurich. extensive project portfolio, with some animations.
official web site of the spanish architect, offices in paris, valencis and zurich. extensive project portfolio, with some animations.
83 art galleries and museums
information on
information on the architect, location, date, construction system, context and style of a world selection from great buildings online.
Museum Art Gallery York Kahn Arata Isozaki Louis Architectureweek Museums Galleries Buildings Paris Building James Japan Advanced Stuttgart Germany
information on the architect, location, date, construction system, context and style of a world selection from great buildings online.
Museum Art Gallery York Kahn Arata Isozaki Louis Architectureweek Museums Galleries Buildings Paris Building James Japan Advanced Stuttgart Germany
84 the incredible lightness of being renzo piano
illustrated article
illustrated article from the smithsonian magazine on the genoese architect who has built an international reputation with daring designs.
Places Historyartspeople Smithsonian Travel Science |
illustrated article from the smithsonian magazine on the genoese architect who has built an international reputation with daring designs.
Places Historyartspeople Smithsonian Travel Science |
85 sir john vanbrugh (1664-1726)
portrait and
portrait and detailed biography from malaspina of the british dramatist and architect, adapted from encyclopedia britannica (1911).
Found Port Opensslfips Errordocumentfrontpage Found The Serverat Apache
portrait and detailed biography from malaspina of the british dramatist and architect, adapted from encyclopedia britannica (1911).
Found Port Opensslfips Errordocumentfrontpage Found The Serverat Apache
86 hector guimard
photograph of
photograph of the french art nouveau architect at work, with brief biography and expandable photographs of his buildings in paris including metro entrances.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Machine Sites Reach Inc Hosting Maps Internet Sorry Y
photograph of the french art nouveau architect at work, with brief biography and expandable photographs of his buildings in paris including metro entrances.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Machine Sites Reach Inc Hosting Maps Internet Sorry Y
87 berkeley city club
the official
the official site includes a photographic tour of the building designed and built in 1929 by architect julia morgan.
Berkeley Avenue Street Club Room California City Shattuck Park Calendar Pool Local Lounge Fitness Salon
the official site includes a photographic tour of the building designed and built in 1929 by architect julia morgan.
Berkeley Avenue Street Club Room California City Shattuck Park Calendar Pool Local Lounge Fitness Salon
88 scott, michael (1905-1989)
the foremost
the foremost architect practising in ireland in the 20th century. biography and illustrated descriptions of his work from archiseek.
the foremost architect practising in ireland in the 20th century. biography and illustrated descriptions of his work from archiseek.
89 erich mendelsohn
the life
the life, expressionist philosophy and buildings of the german-born architect who fled nazi germany for england, then moved to palestine and the us.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Privacy Customer Please Domains Web Aabaco Terms Commerce
the life, expressionist philosophy and buildings of the german-born architect who fled nazi germany for england, then moved to palestine and the us.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Privacy Customer Please Domains Web Aabaco Terms Commerce
90 armin crewe: charles rennie mackintosh
personal tribute
personal tribute to the architect: his life, photographs of his work and annotated link and book listings.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Glasgow House School Church Art Armin Pictures Square Here Public Lover Blythswood
personal tribute to the architect: his life, photographs of his work and annotated link and book listings.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Glasgow House School Church Art Armin Pictures Square Here Public Lover Blythswood
91 antonio gaudÃÂÂ
biography and
biography and bibliography of the architect who dotted barcelona with monuments to his astonishing imagination, with photographs of his work, in great buildings online.
Gaudi Antoni Buildings Spain Casa Barcelona Architectureweek Great Architect Model Archiplanet Architects Guell Inc Isbn
biography and bibliography of the architect who dotted barcelona with monuments to his astonishing imagination, with photographs of his work, in great buildings online.
Gaudi Antoni Buildings Spain Casa Barcelona Architectureweek Great Architect Model Archiplanet Architects Guell Inc Isbn
92 kenzo tange
the pritzker
the pritzker architecture prize site provides a brief biography of the influential japanese architect, 1987 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Ceremony Prize Contact Hyatt Architecture Jury Announcement Foundation Press Media Laureate Citation Process History Ban Nomination Releases Conference
the pritzker architecture prize site provides a brief biography of the influential japanese architect, 1987 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Ceremony Prize Contact Hyatt Architecture Jury Announcement Foundation Press Media Laureate Citation Process History Ban Nomination Releases Conference
93 george grant elmslie
biography and
biography and photograph of the scottish-born prairie style architect from a site associated with 'the airplane house', woods hole, mass.
Elmslie George Grant William Purcell Prairie Wright Sullivan Sullivans School Chicago Frank Architecture Gross Lloyd Park Schools Mayer
biography and photograph of the scottish-born prairie style architect from a site associated with 'the airplane house', woods hole, mass.
Elmslie George Grant William Purcell Prairie Wright Sullivan Sullivans School Chicago Frank Architecture Gross Lloyd Park Schools Mayer
94 aia portland
non profit
non profit organization consisting of architects, interns and design professionals. includes event schedule, member resources and a local architect directory.
Forbidden Errordocumentadditionallyinternal Forbidden You Server Error
non profit organization consisting of architects, interns and design professionals. includes event schedule, member resources and a local architect directory.
Forbidden Errordocumentadditionallyinternal Forbidden You Server Error
95 josef hoffmann (1870-1956)
great buildings
great buildings online presents a profile of this viennese architect, a pupil of otto wagner, and examples of his works.
Josef Hoffmann Buildings Great Archiplanet Vienna Architectureweek Architects Architect Subscribe Advanced Stoclet House Models Media Moravia
great buildings online presents a profile of this viennese architect, a pupil of otto wagner, and examples of his works.
Josef Hoffmann Buildings Great Archiplanet Vienna Architectureweek Architects Architect Subscribe Advanced Stoclet House Models Media Moravia
96 rockville: a scottish pagoda
illustrated description
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
97 imhotep (2635-2595 bc)
brief biography
brief biography of the ancient egyptian architect responsible for the step pyramid at saqqara, from great buildings online, which quotes its source.
Imhotep Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Subscribe Free Architect Architects Advanced Model Models Send Upflush Inc Press Friend Adolf Map
brief biography of the ancient egyptian architect responsible for the step pyramid at saqqara, from great buildings online, which quotes its source.
Imhotep Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Subscribe Free Architect Architects Advanced Model Models Send Upflush Inc Press Friend Adolf Map
98 leon battista alberti (1404-72)
biography of
biography of the italian renaissance architect, with photographs and bibliography of his greatest works provided by great buildings online.
Alberti Battista Leon Buildings Great Architect Archiplanet Italy Maria Architectureweek Books Novella Advanced Subscribe Architects Media
biography of the italian renaissance architect, with photographs and bibliography of his greatest works provided by great buildings online.
Alberti Battista Leon Buildings Great Architect Archiplanet Italy Maria Architectureweek Books Novella Advanced Subscribe Architects Media
99 rockville: a scottish pagoda
illustrated description
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
100 rockville: a scottish pagoda
illustrated description
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
Navigationshilfet Y
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
Navigationshilfet Y
101 rockville: a scottish pagoda
illustrated description
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
Navigationshilfe Ty
illustrated description by j.k. gillon of the now-demolished victorian extravaganza built in edinburgh in 1858 by architect sir james gowans as his own home.
Navigationshilfe Ty
102 francesco borromini (1599-1667)
biography and
biography and bibliography of the italian baroque stone-carver and architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work.
Borromini Francesco Buildings Great Rome Archiplanet Carlo Architectureweek Italy Books Architects Subscribe Architect Advanced Lugano Contribute Send Bissone Fontane
biography and bibliography of the italian baroque stone-carver and architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work.
Borromini Francesco Buildings Great Rome Archiplanet Carlo Architectureweek Italy Books Architects Subscribe Architect Advanced Lugano Contribute Send Bissone Fontane
103 foster, norman (1935- )
biography of
biography of the prize-winning high-tech modern architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work and bibliography.
Foster Architectureweek Norman England Photo London Great Buildings Partners Article Architects Prize Artifice Hall Archiplanet Bridge Berlin Hong
biography of the prize-winning high-tech modern architect in great buildings online, with samples of his work and bibliography.
Foster Architectureweek Norman England Photo London Great Buildings Partners Article Architects Prize Artifice Hall Archiplanet Bridge Berlin Hong
104 libeskind:
official web
official web site of daniel libeskind (1946 -), project archive and texts by the architect.
Architecture Studio Design Projects Libeskind | Believe Exhibitions Commercial Optimism Of Contact News Upgrade Composed
official web site of daniel libeskind (1946 -), project archive and texts by the architect.
Architecture Studio Design Projects Libeskind | Believe Exhibitions Commercial Optimism Of Contact News Upgrade Composed
105 brasÃÂÂlia is an orphan
obituary from
obituary from brazzil of lúcio costa, architect of brasÃÂÂlia, brazils modern capital.
Welcome Music Website Amazing Movie Hate Found Story Wordpressorg Metadownload It It Chadha Page
obituary from brazzil of lúcio costa, architect of brasÃÂÂlia, brazils modern capital.
Welcome Music Website Amazing Movie Hate Found Story Wordpressorg Metadownload It It Chadha Page
106 portrait of sir charles barry
portrait and
portrait and biographical notes on the architect from the royal institute of british architects.
Filedirectory Error Server Been Resource Foundthe Temporarily Looking Might Namechangedremoved Unavailable
portrait and biographical notes on the architect from the royal institute of british architects.
Filedirectory Error Server Been Resource Foundthe Temporarily Looking Might Namechangedremoved Unavailable
107 apollodorus of damascus
biography of
biography of the roman emperor trajans chief architect provided by great buildings online from adolf k placzek. macmillan encyclopedia of architects.
Apollodorus Damascus Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Architect Markets Trajan Subscribe Free Architects Advanced Link Discussion Tips Send Map Vitruviuss Rome
biography of the roman emperor trajans chief architect provided by great buildings online from adolf k placzek. macmillan encyclopedia of architects.
Apollodorus Damascus Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Architect Markets Trajan Subscribe Free Architects Advanced Link Discussion Tips Send Map Vitruviuss Rome
108 henry van de velde
biography of
biography of the belgian artist, designer and architect from great buildings online, with information on the bloemenwerf house (belgium) and the werkbund theater (germany).
Velde Henry Buildings Great Architectureweek De Van Archiplanet Architects Architect Advanced Belgium Subscribe Books Support Upflush Sources
biography of the belgian artist, designer and architect from great buildings online, with information on the bloemenwerf house (belgium) and the werkbund theater (germany).
Velde Henry Buildings Great Architectureweek De Van Archiplanet Architects Architect Advanced Belgium Subscribe Books Support Upflush Sources
109 leiber-meister louis sullivan
biography and
biography and bibliography of the notable american architect, with links to sites relating to his buildings. part of the broadacre all-wright site.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Help Advisor Local App Hosting Gallery Privacy Finance Website Style Developer
biography and bibliography of the notable american architect, with links to sites relating to his buildings. part of the broadacre all-wright site.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Help Advisor Local App Hosting Gallery Privacy Finance Website Style Developer
110 salon brilliant careers: frank gehry
karen templer
karen templer assesses the career of the pritzker prize-winning architect. includes links to photographs of his works.
Follow Salon Norton News Cruz Paris Scott Eric American Smith Donald Kaufman Trump Trevor David Saccaro Here Show Illing Watkins Noah
karen templer assesses the career of the pritzker prize-winning architect. includes links to photographs of his works.
Follow Salon Norton News Cruz Paris Scott Eric American Smith Donald Kaufman Trump Trevor David Saccaro Here Show Illing Watkins Noah
111 palladian buildings in vicenza
ash multimedia
ash multimedia presents professional photographs and brief descriptions of 27 works by and attributed to the much-imitated renaissance architect andrea palladio in this italian city.
Error Create Information Detailed Urlscan Application Summary Module Iis Looking Things Removed Most Path Cinetpubwwwrootashmmculturapalladiohomefrukhtm Logon Core Notification Maprequesthandler Handler Staticfile Error Method Anonymous Logon Y
ash multimedia presents professional photographs and brief descriptions of 27 works by and attributed to the much-imitated renaissance architect andrea palladio in this italian city.
Error Create Information Detailed Urlscan Application Summary Module Iis Looking Things Removed Most Path Cinetpubwwwrootashmmculturapalladiohomefrukhtm Logon Core Notification Maprequesthandler Handler Staticfile Error Method Anonymous Logon Y
112 george w. maher (1864-1926)
photograph and
photograph and brief biography of the prairie style architect, with a list of his works from the official site of one of them - the pleasant home in oak park, illinois.
Found Troubleshootingpagetemporarily Suggestions Check Indexhtm
photograph and brief biography of the prairie style architect, with a list of his works from the official site of one of them - the pleasant home in oak park, illinois.
Found Troubleshootingpagetemporarily Suggestions Check Indexhtm
113 hollein, hans (1934- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the sophisticated austrian architect, 1985 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Press Announcement Conference Contact Citation History Pritzker Media Architecture Ceremony Jury Laureate Foundation Medal Works Releases
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the sophisticated austrian architect, 1985 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Press Announcement Conference Contact Citation History Pritzker Media Architecture Ceremony Jury Laureate Foundation Medal Works Releases
114 great buildings online: sinan
biography of
biography of the great turkish architect (1489-1588) with examples of his work.
Sinan Buildings Turkey Great Architect Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Subscribe Advanced Istanbul Ottoman Builderspacecom Viewing Mosque Resources Link
biography of the great turkish architect (1489-1588) with examples of his work.
Sinan Buildings Turkey Great Architect Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Subscribe Advanced Istanbul Ottoman Builderspacecom Viewing Mosque Resources Link
115 marion mahony
a portrait
a portrait photograph and biography from prairie styles of this architect of the prairie school who worked in the us and australia.
Marion Prairie Chicago Walter Perkins Mahony School Wright Architecture Lloyd Park Gross Steinway Roberts Frank Hall George Marioncontrol
a portrait photograph and biography from prairie styles of this architect of the prairie school who worked in the us and australia.
Marion Prairie Chicago Walter Perkins Mahony School Wright Architecture Lloyd Park Gross Steinway Roberts Frank Hall George Marioncontrol
116 great buildings online: helmut jahn
a profile
a profile of the german-born architect together with images and commentary on some of his best-known buildings.
Architectureweek Helmut Jahn Buildings Photo Great Archiplanet Murphyjahn Illinois Chicago Honor Awards Germany Advanced Subscribe Architects
a profile of the german-born architect together with images and commentary on some of his best-known buildings.
Architectureweek Helmut Jahn Buildings Photo Great Archiplanet Murphyjahn Illinois Chicago Honor Awards Germany Advanced Subscribe Architects
117 drawing from nature
a brief
a brief study of scottish architect charles rennie mackintosh and the influences of nature in his work from suite101.
Pagethanks Suitecom Suitegone Actually
a brief study of scottish architect charles rennie mackintosh and the influences of nature in his work from suite101.
Pagethanks Suitecom Suitegone Actually
118 sinan mosques in istanbul
chuck newmans
chuck newmans photographs of his tour around the mosques designed by the famed 16th-century architect.
Great Mosque Really Cool Thanks Sinan Very Turkey Awesome Pasa Keep Istanbul Much Thank
chuck newmans photographs of his tour around the mosques designed by the famed 16th-century architect.
Great Mosque Really Cool Thanks Sinan Very Turkey Awesome Pasa Keep Istanbul Much Thank
119 walter burley griffin
a portrait
a portrait photograph and biography from prairie styles of this architect of the prairie school who worked in the us and australia.
Walter Griffin Burley Marion Prairie Wright Gross Byrne Australia Barry Steinway Architecture Chicago Richard Francis Japan Bergen
a portrait photograph and biography from prairie styles of this architect of the prairie school who worked in the us and australia.
Walter Griffin Burley Marion Prairie Wright Gross Byrne Australia Barry Steinway Architecture Chicago Richard Francis Japan Bergen
120 seattle public library
arcspaces page
arcspaces page about the innovative design for the new central library by architect rem koolhass, with brief description and photographs.
Features Architects Museum Send Page Bookcase Travel Library Sven Most Latest Articles Exhibitions Jacobsen Arquitetura Sculpture Privacy Url
arcspaces page about the innovative design for the new central library by architect rem koolhass, with brief description and photographs.
Features Architects Museum Send Page Bookcase Travel Library Sven Most Latest Articles Exhibitions Jacobsen Arquitetura Sculpture Privacy Url
121 la architect magazine
the magazine
the magazine of design in southern california.
the magazine of design in southern california.
122 la architect magazine
the magazine
the magazine of design in southern california.
Privacy Laarchcom Policyy
the magazine of design in southern california.
Privacy Laarchcom Policyy
123 hassan fathy (1899-1989)
biography and
biography and bibliography from great buildings online of the egyptian architect who used ancient design methods and materials, with information on his village of new gourna.
Fathy Hassan Buildings Great Isbn Architectureweek Archiplanet Advanced Architects University Subscribe Amazoncom Architect Architecture Egypt Friend Arts
biography and bibliography from great buildings online of the egyptian architect who used ancient design methods and materials, with information on his village of new gourna.
Fathy Hassan Buildings Great Isbn Architectureweek Archiplanet Advanced Architects University Subscribe Amazoncom Architect Architecture Egypt Friend Arts
124 bernard tschumi architects
based in
based in new york and paris. includes several texts by the architect, who is an academic and theorist, winner of several international awards and responsible for projects such as parc de la villette.
Architects Tschumi Bernard Contact Franaisenglish Newsbernardtschumi Office Projects Publications
based in new york and paris. includes several texts by the architect, who is an academic and theorist, winner of several international awards and responsible for projects such as parc de la villette.
Architects Tschumi Bernard Contact Franaisenglish Newsbernardtschumi Office Projects Publications
125 morgan, julia (1872 - 1957)
photograph and
photograph and profile of the architect of the hearst castle, with an illustrated selection of her designs and a bibliography, taken from the book american dreams collection, advertised here.
photograph and profile of the architect of the hearst castle, with an illustrated selection of her designs and a bibliography, taken from the book american dreams collection, advertised here.
126 arévalo, elena
uk-based guatemalan
uk-based guatemalan architect-turned-artist, containing modern, impressionistic oils and pastels which represent human form, emotion, interaction and intimacy.
Artcom Englandimoved Arevalo Barcelona Azulholding Guatemala Elena Please
uk-based guatemalan architect-turned-artist, containing modern, impressionistic oils and pastels which represent human form, emotion, interaction and intimacy.
Artcom Englandimoved Arevalo Barcelona Azulholding Guatemala Elena Please
127 edwin lutyens (1869-1944)
biography of
biography of this much-admired architect (taken from dennis sharp, the illustrated encyclopedia of architects and architecture) with details of several of his works, from great buildings online.
Lutyens Edwin Buildings Great England Architectureweek Archiplanet Architect Subscribe Heathcote Advanced London Free Architects Support Viewing Tips Inc
biography of this much-admired architect (taken from dennis sharp, the illustrated encyclopedia of architects and architecture) with details of several of his works, from great buildings online.
Lutyens Edwin Buildings Great England Architectureweek Archiplanet Architect Subscribe Heathcote Advanced London Free Architects Support Viewing Tips Inc
128 jones, dennis m.
michigan-based artist
michigan-based artist and architect shows drawings, paintings, and sculpture. limited-palette abstract and figurative works. includes exhibitions listing.
Financial Finance Market Stock Stocks Markets Advisor Advice First Management Freedom Jones Michael Dennis Entries Sydney However
michigan-based artist and architect shows drawings, paintings, and sculpture. limited-palette abstract and figurative works. includes exhibitions listing.
Financial Finance Market Stock Stocks Markets Advisor Advice First Management Freedom Jones Michael Dennis Entries Sydney However
129 meier, richard (1934- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the prolific american public architect, 1984 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Media Hyatt Laureate Citation Pritzker Announcement Foundation Contact Ceremony Architecture Process History Jury Press
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the prolific american public architect, 1984 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Media Hyatt Laureate Citation Pritzker Announcement Foundation Contact Ceremony Architecture Process History Jury Press
130 pattern language
official web
official web site of the architect. attempts to put his theory into practice via the web, users can design buildings online using alexanders principles. extensive excerpts from the architects texts and reviews.
Patternlanguagecom Building People [view Introduction Pattern Aims Living Coming Membership Change Anintroduction World Free Nature Project Battle_ * Membership * Picture
official web site of the architect. attempts to put his theory into practice via the web, users can design buildings online using alexanders principles. extensive excerpts from the architects texts and reviews.
Patternlanguagecom Building People [view Introduction Pattern Aims Living Coming Membership Change Anintroduction World Free Nature Project Battle_ * Membership * Picture
131 moneo, rafael (1937- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the spanish architect, illustrated chronology and discussion of his work, and 1996 citation by the jury.
Laureates Prize Contact Jury Ceremony History Hyatt Citation Announcement Foundation Process Architecture Laureate Pritzker Media Images Archive
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the spanish architect, illustrated chronology and discussion of his work, and 1996 citation by the jury.
Laureates Prize Contact Jury Ceremony History Hyatt Citation Announcement Foundation Process Architecture Laureate Pritzker Media Images Archive
132 frank lloyd wright
mark freeman
mark freeman supplies photographs of the famous architect and a guide to his designs for stained glass, featuring many images, books, and links to other relevant sites.
Page Sorry Requestedfound Tofound
mark freeman supplies photographs of the famous architect and a guide to his designs for stained glass, featuring many images, books, and links to other relevant sites.
Page Sorry Requestedfound Tofound
133 fehn, sverre (1925- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the norwegian architect, photo gallery and chronology of his work, and 1997 citation by the jury.
Frei Otto Prize Media Laureates Ceremony Jury Foundation History Tributes Process Contact Architecture Hyatt Laureate Pritzker Videos
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the norwegian architect, photo gallery and chronology of his work, and 1997 citation by the jury.
Frei Otto Prize Media Laureates Ceremony Jury Foundation History Tributes Process Contact Architecture Hyatt Laureate Pritzker Videos
134 ludwig mies van der rohe (1886-1969)
brief biography
brief biography, bibliography and works of the german-born architect, teacher and philosopher of international modernism, provided by great buildings online.
Mies Rohe Ludwig Buildings Architectureweek Germany Model Great House Chicago Architects Illinois Van Lake Shore Resources Discussion
brief biography, bibliography and works of the german-born architect, teacher and philosopher of international modernism, provided by great buildings online.
Mies Rohe Ludwig Buildings Architectureweek Germany Model Great House Chicago Architects Illinois Van Lake Shore Resources Discussion
135 mauro codussi (c.1440-1504)
biographical sketch
biographical sketch of the innovative venetian renaissance architect by c.i.gable. photographs and description of cornaro della regina chapel at the church of ss. apostoli.
Request Rejectedy
biographical sketch of the innovative venetian renaissance architect by c.i.gable. photographs and description of cornaro della regina chapel at the church of ss. apostoli.
Request Rejectedy
136 church of christ the king, turners cross, cork
profile of
profile of the chicago architect f. barry byrne and a history of the church he designed from art deco ireland.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Local Hosting Help App Advisor Gallery Screen Network Yahoos Travel
profile of the chicago architect f. barry byrne and a history of the church he designed from art deco ireland.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Local Hosting Help App Advisor Gallery Screen Network Yahoos Travel
137 barry byrne (1883-1967)
american architect
american architect who merged the american prairie style and expressionism. biography and details of his religious commissions from
Church St Barry Christ Byrne King Kansas Paul Patrick History Pierre Wordpress Other Bulletin Architecture Buildings
american architect who merged the american prairie style and expressionism. biography and details of his religious commissions from
Church St Barry Christ Byrne King Kansas Paul Patrick History Pierre Wordpress Other Bulletin Architecture Buildings
138 murphy/jahn architects
the professional
the professional site of the chicago firm now headed by helmut jahn includes a photograph and cv of the architect, and portfolio of current work.
Welcome Nginxorg Nginx Ifz Nginxcom Further Nginx Commercial
the professional site of the chicago firm now headed by helmut jahn includes a photograph and cv of the architect, and portfolio of current work.
Welcome Nginxorg Nginx Ifz Nginxcom Further Nginx Commercial
139 shaw, richard norman (1831-1913)
brief biography
brief biography in great buildings online of an architect noted for his country houses in the old english and queen anne styles, with information on bedford park.
brief biography in great buildings online of an architect noted for his country houses in the old english and queen anne styles, with information on bedford park.
140 the architecture of gordon w. lloyd
english/canadian architect
english/canadian architect who had an office in detroit, michigan and home in windsor, ontario, canada. biography and works, from the traverse city state hospital site.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Ecommerce Local Small Central Domains App Advisor Marketing Hosting Help Gallery Commerce Food
english/canadian architect who had an office in detroit, michigan and home in windsor, ontario, canada. biography and works, from the traverse city state hospital site.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Ecommerce Local Small Central Domains App Advisor Marketing Hosting Help Gallery Commerce Food
141 james gandon (1743-1823)
brief biography
brief biography from archéire of the architect responsible for some of dublins most important buildings including the custom house, the four courts, the additions to the houses of parliament and the kings inns.
England East Unbuilt South West Wales Dublin North Scotland Page Buildings Lost Architecture Ireland Winnipeg Lancashire Laois Vanished
brief biography from archéire of the architect responsible for some of dublins most important buildings including the custom house, the four courts, the additions to the houses of parliament and the kings inns.
England East Unbuilt South West Wales Dublin North Scotland Page Buildings Lost Architecture Ireland Winnipeg Lancashire Laois Vanished
142 lubetkin, berthold (1901-1990)
brief summary
brief summary of the work of the russian architect who moved to england in 1930, and whose most popular work was at london zoo. from great buildings online.
Lubetkin Berthold Buildings Architectureweek Great London Archiplanet Architect England Photo Architects Russia Housing Subscribe Advanced Unitedkingdom Pix
brief summary of the work of the russian architect who moved to england in 1930, and whose most popular work was at london zoo. from great buildings online.
Lubetkin Berthold Buildings Architectureweek Great London Archiplanet Architect England Photo Architects Russia Housing Subscribe Advanced Unitedkingdom Pix
143 landscape direct
directory of
directory of products and services for the landscape architect and the general public. index broken down into categories and subcategories covering all areas of the landscaping industry.
Found Even Closed Welandscape Folks Sorrydirect Green Sheriff
directory of products and services for the landscape architect and the general public. index broken down into categories and subcategories covering all areas of the landscaping industry.
Found Even Closed Welandscape Folks Sorrydirect Green Sheriff
144 pouchulu
the former
the former head of the munich experimental design unit, argentinian architect patricio pouchulu, displays his portfolio of futuristic designs, including those for major competitions.
Architecture Architect Pouchulu Architektur T Arquitectura Patricio Essentielle Esencial Essential Sz Wesentlich
the former head of the munich experimental design unit, argentinian architect patricio pouchulu, displays his portfolio of futuristic designs, including those for major competitions.
Architecture Architect Pouchulu Architektur T Arquitectura Patricio Essentielle Esencial Essential Sz Wesentlich
145 ricardo legorreta
e-architect report
e-architect report on the award of the 2000 aia gold medal for the architects indigenously-inspired architecture. biography, photographs of legorreta and his solana complex.
Degree Architecture Schools Proudly Wordpress Page Schoolsand Perhapssearching Found Apologiesz
e-architect report on the award of the 2000 aia gold medal for the architects indigenously-inspired architecture. biography, photographs of legorreta and his solana complex.
Degree Architecture Schools Proudly Wordpress Page Schoolsand Perhapssearching Found Apologiesz
146 Author-Created vs. Third-Party Professional Indexes
Essay regarding
Essay regarding the advantages and disadvantages of indexes developed by the authors themselves. Written by Seth Maislin, indexer and information architect.
Tripod Create Shoppingrequested Tripodcom Hosting Website Please Lycos Loginpage Check Signup
Essay regarding the advantages and disadvantages of indexes developed by the authors themselves. Written by Seth Maislin, indexer and information architect.
Tripod Create Shoppingrequested Tripodcom Hosting Website Please Lycos Loginpage Check Signup
147 from bauhaus to koolhaas
katrina heron
katrina heron interviewed dutch architect rem koolhaas for wired magazine when he was commissioned to redesign mca headquarters and its 420-acre universal studios lot in los angeles.
Privacy California Wiredlabs@wiredcom Center Condé Faq Wired Contact Care Nast Pressuser Magazine Permission
katrina heron interviewed dutch architect rem koolhaas for wired magazine when he was commissioned to redesign mca headquarters and its 420-acre universal studios lot in los angeles.
Privacy California Wiredlabs@wiredcom Center Condé Faq Wired Contact Care Nast Pressuser Magazine Permission
148 grave of frederick law olmstead
photographs of
photographs of the landscape architect and his grave in old north cemetery in hartford, connecticut, from find a grave.
Grave Cemetery Records Success New Statement Last Store Stories Refine Privacy Burial Begin Help Community Memorials Lookup Millions
photographs of the landscape architect and his grave in old north cemetery in hartford, connecticut, from find a grave.
Grave Cemetery Records Success New Statement Last Store Stories Refine Privacy Burial Begin Help Community Memorials Lookup Millions
149 paramount theatre, oakland, california
the official
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
Wednesday Paramount Theatre Oakland Friday California Click Symphony Seating Office Here Saturday Concert Movies Choir Tickets
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
Wednesday Paramount Theatre Oakland Friday California Click Symphony Seating Office Here Saturday Concert Movies Choir Tickets
150 portzamparc, christian de (1944- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the french architect, photo gallery and discussion of his work, 1994 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Jury Pritzker Citation Ceremony History Contact Process Media Hyatt Announcement Architecture Foundation Laureate Press Year Selected Conditions Past
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the french architect, photo gallery and discussion of his work, 1994 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Jury Pritzker Citation Ceremony History Contact Process Media Hyatt Announcement Architecture Foundation Laureate Press Year Selected Conditions Past
151 paramount theatre, oakland, california
the official
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
Wednesday Paramount Theatre California Oakland Friday Office Click Symphony Seating Here Concert Movies Saturday Javascript Broadway Resources Roll Theater Disabledbrowsers
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
Wednesday Paramount Theatre California Oakland Friday Office Click Symphony Seating Here Concert Movies Saturday Javascript Broadway Resources Roll Theater Disabledbrowsers
152 irving gill central
erik d.
erik d. hanson collates sources on the california arts and crafts architect. articles by eloise roorbach from the architectural record (1913), preservation news, links and bibliography.
erik d. hanson collates sources on the california arts and crafts architect. articles by eloise roorbach from the architectural record (1913), preservation news, links and bibliography.
153 paramount theatre, oakland, california
the official
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
154 maki, fumihiko (1928- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography and photograph of the japanese architect, photo gallery and discussion of his work, 1993 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Laureate Contact Jury Announcement History Citation Foundation Architecture Ceremony Media Process Hyatt Pritzker Medal Selected Works Nomination
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography and photograph of the japanese architect, photo gallery and discussion of his work, 1993 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Laureate Contact Jury Announcement History Citation Foundation Architecture Ceremony Media Process Hyatt Pritzker Medal Selected Works Nomination
155 paramount theatre, oakland, california
the official
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
the official site offers photographs and a history (with source) of this extraordinary art deco theater. the 1930s movie palace was designed by san francisco architect timothy pflueger.
156 katodrytis, george
an architect
an architect involved in practice, teaching and research who is currently assistant professor of architecture at the american university of sharjah, uae. biography, articles, teaching and built projects.
Architecture George Sharjah Katodrytis Failed Categories None Studio Author Studionova Hazber Khazeen Hers Urbanism World Oman Role Goodarchitects Architectural Process
an architect involved in practice, teaching and research who is currently assistant professor of architecture at the american university of sharjah, uae. biography, articles, teaching and built projects.
Architecture George Sharjah Katodrytis Failed Categories None Studio Author Studionova Hazber Khazeen Hers Urbanism World Oman Role Goodarchitects Architectural Process
157 great buildings online: george gilbert scott (1811-1878)
biography of
biography of the english architect dedicated to the historic preservation of medieval buildings and whose designs were influenced by them.
Scott George Gilbert Buildings Great Architectureweek England Archiplanet Architect Architects Advanced Subscribe Models Artifice Builderspacecom Photo Licensing
biography of the english architect dedicated to the historic preservation of medieval buildings and whose designs were influenced by them.
Scott George Gilbert Buildings Great Architectureweek England Archiplanet Architect Architects Advanced Subscribe Models Artifice Builderspacecom Photo Licensing
158 Geesin, Ron
A composer
A composer, performer and sound architect, among other things. Geesin co-wrote Atom Heart Mother with Pink Floyd. Biography, CD and tape ordering, pictures and news.
Ronhome Audiography Geesin Headlines Gallery Contact Biography Here Official Content Renaissance Schlesingers Neo Computing Flaming Bloody
A composer, performer and sound architect, among other things. Geesin co-wrote Atom Heart Mother with Pink Floyd. Biography, CD and tape ordering, pictures and news.
Ronhome Audiography Geesin Headlines Gallery Contact Biography Here Official Content Renaissance Schlesingers Neo Computing Flaming Bloody
159 callicrates (5th century bc)
brief details
brief details on the architect of the parthenon and temple of athena nike in athens, with photographs of both and plan and downloadable 3d model of the parthenon provided by great buildings online.
Callicrates Buildings Great Architectureweek Architects Archiplanet Greece Architect Advanced Model Subscribe Upflush Models Types Contribute Pix Athens
brief details on the architect of the parthenon and temple of athena nike in athens, with photographs of both and plan and downloadable 3d model of the parthenon provided by great buildings online.
Callicrates Buildings Great Architectureweek Architects Archiplanet Greece Architect Advanced Model Subscribe Upflush Models Types Contribute Pix Athens
160 the alexander thomson society
promotes the
promotes the life and work of the 19th-century glasgow architect. biographies of greek thomson, description of his birthplace, list of his buildings, references.
promotes the life and work of the 19th-century glasgow architect. biographies of greek thomson, description of his birthplace, list of his buildings, references.
161 frank gehry
the pritzker
the pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of this canadian-born naturalized us architect, 1989 citation by the pritzker jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Laureate Jury History Ceremony Announcement Contact Citation Architecture Process Media Hyatt Pritzker Foundation Official
the pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of this canadian-born naturalized us architect, 1989 citation by the pritzker jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Laureate Jury History Ceremony Announcement Contact Citation Architecture Process Media Hyatt Pritzker Foundation Official
162 Task Architect
A software
A software tool designed by human factors specialists for hierarchical task analysis. Suitable for complex system design, documentation or training materials.
Task Analysis Software Taskarchitect Hierarchical Purchase Here Trial Free Help Human Taskarchitectpro Support Tool Solutions Group Program Kern
A software tool designed by human factors specialists for hierarchical task analysis. Suitable for complex system design, documentation or training materials.
Task Analysis Software Taskarchitect Hierarchical Purchase Here Trial Free Help Human Taskarchitectpro Support Tool Solutions Group Program Kern
163 foster, norman (1935- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the leading english high-tech architect, chronology of his projects, photographs of his work and 1999 citation by the jury.
Laureates Prize Laureate Pritzker Announcement Ceremony Process Architecture Contact Jury Foundation History Hyatt Media Citation Learn Sponsored Terms
pritzker architecture prize site offers a biography and photograph of the leading english high-tech architect, chronology of his projects, photographs of his work and 1999 citation by the jury.
Laureates Prize Laureate Pritzker Announcement Ceremony Process Architecture Contact Jury Foundation History Hyatt Media Citation Learn Sponsored Terms
164 robert venturi
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site has a brief biography and photograph of this leading american post-modern architect and theorist, photo gallery of his work, 1991 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Hyatt Jury Announcement Architecture Media Pritzker Laureate Process Foundation History Contact Ceremony Citation Jurys Medal Conditions
pritzker architecture prize site has a brief biography and photograph of this leading american post-modern architect and theorist, photo gallery of his work, 1991 citation by the jury and his acceptance speech.
Laureates Prize Hyatt Jury Announcement Architecture Media Pritzker Laureate Process Foundation History Contact Ceremony Citation Jurys Medal Conditions
165 palladios italian villas
life and
life and works of the seminal italian renaissance architect, whose impact was world-wide. plans, photographs, descriptions, bibliography, visitor information by c. i. gable.
Villas Palladio Renaissance Italian Palladios Andrea Venice Surrounds Italy Palladios Architecture World Introduction Architect Today Influential
life and works of the seminal italian renaissance architect, whose impact was world-wide. plans, photographs, descriptions, bibliography, visitor information by c. i. gable.
Villas Palladio Renaissance Italian Palladios Andrea Venice Surrounds Italy Palladios Architecture World Introduction Architect Today Influential
166 pei, ieoh ming (1917- )
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the chinese-born architect who worked mainly in the us, 1983 citation by the pritzker jury and his acceptance speech.
Frei Otto Ceremony Media Prize Laureates Video Jury Tributes Pritzker History Laureate Architecture Process Contact English Watch Citation Foundation
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the chinese-born architect who worked mainly in the us, 1983 citation by the pritzker jury and his acceptance speech.
Frei Otto Ceremony Media Prize Laureates Video Jury Tributes Pritzker History Laureate Architecture Process Contact English Watch Citation Foundation
167 Gaiety Theatre
Theatre built
Theatre built in 1899 and recently restored. Now hosts all sorts of events both professional and amateur. Articles on the history, architect, restoration and plays. Includes movie clips.
Gaiety Theatrey
Theatre built in 1899 and recently restored. Now hosts all sorts of events both professional and amateur. Articles on the history, architect, restoration and plays. Includes movie clips.
Gaiety Theatrey
168 kevin roche
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the irish-born architect who worked in the us, initially with saarinen, 1982 citation by the pritzker jury and his acceptance speech.
Frei Otto Laureates Ceremony Prize Media Hyatt Video Contact Process Architecture Tributes Foundation History Laureate Works
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography of the irish-born architect who worked in the us, initially with saarinen, 1982 citation by the pritzker jury and his acceptance speech.
Frei Otto Laureates Ceremony Prize Media Hyatt Video Contact Process Architecture Tributes Foundation History Laureate Works
169 brunel, isambard kingdom (1806-59)
brief biography
brief biography of the victorian architect and engineer notable for the clifton suspension bridge, bristol and the great western railway. part of great buildings online.
Brunel Isambard Kingdom Buildings Great England Station Archiplanet Architectureweek Subscribe Clifton Model Architect Advanced Architects Suspension Meads Viewing Although
brief biography of the victorian architect and engineer notable for the clifton suspension bridge, bristol and the great western railway. part of great buildings online.
Brunel Isambard Kingdom Buildings Great England Station Archiplanet Architectureweek Subscribe Clifton Model Architect Advanced Architects Suspension Meads Viewing Although
170 christ church cathedral, waterford
the only
the only neo-classical georgian cathedral in ireland, designed by john roberts (1714-1796). the official site includes a history and images, and a brief biography of its architect.
Cathedral Church Waterford Christ Parish Contact Ireland Gallery History Events Picture Sunday Remembrance Charges Categories Locations Attributions Notification Where
the only neo-classical georgian cathedral in ireland, designed by john roberts (1714-1796). the official site includes a history and images, and a brief biography of its architect.
Cathedral Church Waterford Christ Parish Contact Ireland Gallery History Events Picture Sunday Remembrance Charges Categories Locations Attributions Notification Where
171 glenapp castle, ballantrae, ayrshire
house built
house built in 1870 by the architect david bryce for james hunter, the deputy lord lieutenant of ayrshire, and now a hotel. includes some history and images.
Castle Glenapp Hotel Ayrshire Rooms Luxury Star Guest Scotland Gtgt Dining Book Relais Families Winning
house built in 1870 by the architect david bryce for james hunter, the deputy lord lieutenant of ayrshire, and now a hotel. includes some history and images.
Castle Glenapp Hotel Ayrshire Rooms Luxury Star Guest Scotland Gtgt Dining Book Relais Families Winning
172 jefferson, thomas
a vast
a vast departure from the typical biography of thomas jefferson, this site introduces visitors to his contributions as an architect.
Jefferson Thomas Virginia Buildings Great Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Monticello Advanced Model Architect Subscribe Types France Essentially Illustrated
a vast departure from the typical biography of thomas jefferson, this site introduces visitors to his contributions as an architect.
Jefferson Thomas Virginia Buildings Great Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Monticello Advanced Model Architect Subscribe Types France Essentially Illustrated
173 the parkinson architectural archives
privately-held collection
privately-held collection featuring the work of english-born us architect john parkinson and the successor firms in los angeles and austin (1889-current.) online queries.
Marketing Notizie Casa Internet Estetica Eventi Ristrutturare L’ortica Le Viaggi Design Aziende Turismo Benessere Salute Cotto Usata Risparmio Novità Tuo Senza
privately-held collection featuring the work of english-born us architect john parkinson and the successor firms in los angeles and austin (1889-current.) online queries.
Marketing Notizie Casa Internet Estetica Eventi Ristrutturare L’ortica Le Viaggi Design Aziende Turismo Benessere Salute Cotto Usata Risparmio Novità Tuo Senza
174 inigo jones (1573-1652)
great buildings
great buildings online provides a brief biography of the english architect who embraced the renaissance ideas of palladio, with images and information on the elegant queens house and banqueting house.
Jones Inigo Buildings Great London Architect England House Architectureweek Archiplanet Works Advanced Architects Subscribe Upflush Link Types Encyclopedia Isbn
great buildings online provides a brief biography of the english architect who embraced the renaissance ideas of palladio, with images and information on the elegant queens house and banqueting house.
Jones Inigo Buildings Great London Architect England House Architectureweek Archiplanet Works Advanced Architects Subscribe Upflush Link Types Encyclopedia Isbn
175 christ church (anglican) cathedral, waterford
the only
the only neo-classical georgian cathedral in ireland, designed by john roberts (1714-1796). the official site includes a history and images, and a brief biography of its architect.
Church Cathedral Christ ArdeaglaischrÃost Fáilte Waterford Welcome City Flamenco Arts Guided Heritage Gonzalez Guitar Walsh Conference Foundation Media
the only neo-classical georgian cathedral in ireland, designed by john roberts (1714-1796). the official site includes a history and images, and a brief biography of its architect.
Church Cathedral Christ ArdeaglaischrÃost Fáilte Waterford Welcome City Flamenco Arts Guided Heritage Gonzalez Guitar Walsh Conference Foundation Media
176 futuro house : home of the future
len peltier
len peltier presents photographs, a plan, and links to related sites on this space-saucer modular home designed by finnish architect matti suuronen in 1968.
Futuro House Future Saucer Futuros Matti Finland Thank Mechanics Ufo Plastic Modern Flying Ontwerp Other Architectural Medals
len peltier presents photographs, a plan, and links to related sites on this space-saucer modular home designed by finnish architect matti suuronen in 1968.
Futuro House Future Saucer Futuros Matti Finland Thank Mechanics Ufo Plastic Modern Flying Ontwerp Other Architectural Medals
177 the happy new house
a new
a new millennium single-family home, remodelled from an existing mid-century dwelling highlighting sensitivity to family dynamics. plans by architect neil m. denari of nmda, and work in progress.
Here Clickpermanently Theconnection Server Port Problem Apache
a new millennium single-family home, remodelled from an existing mid-century dwelling highlighting sensitivity to family dynamics. plans by architect neil m. denari of nmda, and work in progress.
Here Clickpermanently Theconnection Server Port Problem Apache
178 benjamin henry latrobe (1764-1820)
biography and
biography and bibliography from great buildings online of the english-born architect who introduced the greek revival style to america with a series of monumental buildings.
Latrobe Benjamin Henry Buildings Great England Archiplanet Architectureweek Capitol Subscribe Architecture Greek Baltimore Cathedral Architect Thornton Bulfinch Advanced
biography and bibliography from great buildings online of the english-born architect who introduced the greek revival style to america with a series of monumental buildings.
Latrobe Benjamin Henry Buildings Great England Archiplanet Architectureweek Capitol Subscribe Architecture Greek Baltimore Cathedral Architect Thornton Bulfinch Advanced
179 canadian architect
timely topics
timely topics on architecture with a canadian bent, international architecture news is also covered.
Request Errory
timely topics on architecture with a canadian bent, international architecture news is also covered.
Request Errory
180 canadian architect
timely topics
timely topics on architecture with a canadian bent, international architecture news is also covered.
Request Errory
timely topics on architecture with a canadian bent, international architecture news is also covered.
Request Errory
181 john lautner
profile of
profile of 20th-century us architect john lautner from great buildings online.
John Lautner Buildings Great Architect Architectureweek Architects Archiplanet York Isbn Inc Advanced Subscribe Tips Models Support Place Link
profile of 20th-century us architect john lautner from great buildings online.
John Lautner Buildings Great Architect Architectureweek Architects Archiplanet York Isbn Inc Advanced Subscribe Tips Models Support Place Link
182 gaudàand barcelona club
club devoted
club devoted to the architect, with information on his work, plus events and membership information.
club devoted to the architect, with information on his work, plus events and membership information.
183 aia san diego
this chapter
this chapter of the american institute of architects advises on choosing an architect, and gives information on the chapter, its lectures, programs and awards. database of local architects.
this chapter of the american institute of architects advises on choosing an architect, and gives information on the chapter, its lectures, programs and awards. database of local architects.
184 victor djorbenadze (1920-99)
rolf gross
rolf gross provides insights into this architect from the republic of georgia. photo essay on his 'wedding cathedral' in tbilisi. a visit with victor djorbenadze.
Tripod Create Lycoscompage Requested Couldnt Shopping Login Lycos Website Signup Tripodcom Checkplease
rolf gross provides insights into this architect from the republic of georgia. photo essay on his 'wedding cathedral' in tbilisi. a visit with victor djorbenadze.
Tripod Create Lycoscompage Requested Couldnt Shopping Login Lycos Website Signup Tripodcom Checkplease
185 alvar aalto
brief biography
brief biography and bibliography of the modern finnish architect in great buildings online. photographs or downloadable 3d models of some of his buildings, with dates, comments and bibliography.
Aalto Alvar Finland Model Buildings Helsinki Library Finnish York Flats Otaniemi Great Seinajoki Schildt Goran Discussion Advanced Summer Kit Subscribe
brief biography and bibliography of the modern finnish architect in great buildings online. photographs or downloadable 3d models of some of his buildings, with dates, comments and bibliography.
Aalto Alvar Finland Model Buildings Helsinki Library Finnish York Flats Otaniemi Great Seinajoki Schildt Goran Discussion Advanced Summer Kit Subscribe
186 new york state inebriate asylum
founded 1858
founded 1858 and designed by architect isaac perry. now known as binghamton state hospital. contains recent and vintage photos, historical info, rare documents, links, and forum.
State Hospital Willard Asylum Utica Buffalo Richardson Insane Landmark Nysasylum Binghamton County Center Turner Psychiatric Nyslandmarkscom Richardsonian
founded 1858 and designed by architect isaac perry. now known as binghamton state hospital. contains recent and vintage photos, historical info, rare documents, links, and forum.
State Hospital Willard Asylum Utica Buffalo Richardson Insane Landmark Nysasylum Binghamton County Center Turner Psychiatric Nyslandmarkscom Richardsonian
187 danvers state insane asylum
john gray
john gray presents the history of this institution erected in 1878 in massachusetts, to the design of prominent boston architect nathaniel bradlee, and abandoned since june 1992. includes plan and gallery of photographs.
State Asylum Danvers Hospital Insane Balter Mental Abandoned Mariepsychiatricillness
john gray presents the history of this institution erected in 1878 in massachusetts, to the design of prominent boston architect nathaniel bradlee, and abandoned since june 1992. includes plan and gallery of photographs.
State Asylum Danvers Hospital Insane Balter Mental Abandoned Mariepsychiatricillness
188 ÃÂÂlvaro siza
pritzker architecture
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography and photograph of the portuguese architect, photo gallery of his work, 1992 citation by the jury, his acceptance speech and discussion of his work by vittorio gregotti.
Laureates Prize Architecture History Foundation Pritzker Hyatt Announcement Citation Contact Media Process Laureate Jury Ceremony Year Past Selected
pritzker architecture prize site offers a brief biography and photograph of the portuguese architect, photo gallery of his work, 1992 citation by the jury, his acceptance speech and discussion of his work by vittorio gregotti.
Laureates Prize Architecture History Foundation Pritzker Hyatt Announcement Citation Contact Media Process Laureate Jury Ceremony Year Past Selected
189 burton court
this 14th-century
this 14th-century manor house in herefordshire was re-fronted by 20th-century architect sir clough williams-ellis. includes history and information on the holiday flat, exhibition and soft fruit farm.
Venue Herefordshire Location Court Wedding Private Burton Hire Parties Historic Conference Film Tv Guided Tours
this 14th-century manor house in herefordshire was re-fronted by 20th-century architect sir clough williams-ellis. includes history and information on the holiday flat, exhibition and soft fruit farm.
Venue Herefordshire Location Court Wedding Private Burton Hire Parties Historic Conference Film Tv Guided Tours
190 charles correa
architect, planner
architect, planner, activist and theoretician, his work covers a wide range. over the last four decades, correa has done pioneering work in urban issues and low cost shelter in the third world.
Correa Charles Buildings India Great Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Medal Subscribe Correas Advanced Architect Tips Upflush Link Contribute
architect, planner, activist and theoretician, his work covers a wide range. over the last four decades, correa has done pioneering work in urban issues and low cost shelter in the third world.
Correa Charles Buildings India Great Architectureweek Archiplanet Architects Medal Subscribe Correas Advanced Architect Tips Upflush Link Contribute
191 m. h. baillie-scott
brief biography
brief biography of m. h. baillie-scott, architect, from great buildings online.
Baillie Scott Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Advanced Architect Architects Subscribe Scotts England School Greatbuildings Types Artifice
brief biography of m. h. baillie-scott, architect, from great buildings online.
Baillie Scott Buildings Great Archiplanet Architectureweek Advanced Architect Architects Subscribe Scotts England School Greatbuildings Types Artifice
192 robert adam
a biography
a biography by corinne mills of scotlands most famous architect, illustrated with a portrait and portrait bust. includes links to images and descriptions of buildings in scotland designed by adam.
a biography by corinne mills of scotlands most famous architect, illustrated with a portrait and portrait bust. includes links to images and descriptions of buildings in scotland designed by adam.
193 galinsky
a showcase
a showcase for the worlds most exciting modern buildings. photographs, descriptions and visitor information for more than 200 buildings across europe, north and south america and the asia-pacific region, searchable by architect or region.
America Welcome Europe East Galinsky Asia Pacific Contribute Travel Contact Middle South North Explore Y
a showcase for the worlds most exciting modern buildings. photographs, descriptions and visitor information for more than 200 buildings across europe, north and south america and the asia-pacific region, searchable by architect or region.
America Welcome Europe East Galinsky Asia Pacific Contribute Travel Contact Middle South North Explore Y
194 aia portland
portland chapter
portland chapter of the american institute of architects. non profit organization consisting of architects, interns and design professionals. includes event schedule, member resources and a local architect directory.
Pediatric Louisiana Dentists Outstanding Dentist Dentistry Mandeville Academy American Uncategorized Association Dental Contact Most Main
portland chapter of the american institute of architects. non profit organization consisting of architects, interns and design professionals. includes event schedule, member resources and a local architect directory.
Pediatric Louisiana Dentists Outstanding Dentist Dentistry Mandeville Academy American Uncategorized Association Dental Contact Most Main
195 the muzharul islam archive
maintains and
maintains and catalogs the drawings and related materials of noted bangladeshi architect muzharul islam. it is hosted by the university of asia pacific. site includes a biography and photographs.
Islam Architecture Muzharul Work Bangladesh Architect Architects Also Only Archive Social Country Been Most Region Land Address Dhaka
maintains and catalogs the drawings and related materials of noted bangladeshi architect muzharul islam. it is hosted by the university of asia pacific. site includes a biography and photographs.
Islam Architecture Muzharul Work Bangladesh Architect Architects Also Only Archive Social Country Been Most Region Land Address Dhaka
196 architectural exam
norman k.
norman k. dorf offers a study guide for the graphic divisions of the architect registration exam (us): list of contents and samples on-line. also a home study course and workshops: dates and details.
Exam Architect Prep Registration Study Nalsa Dorf Ncarb Systems Archiflash Design Vignettes Test Architecture Solutions Thaddeus Graphic Content
norman k. dorf offers a study guide for the graphic divisions of the architect registration exam (us): list of contents and samples on-line. also a home study course and workshops: dates and details.
Exam Architect Prep Registration Study Nalsa Dorf Ncarb Systems Archiflash Design Vignettes Test Architecture Solutions Thaddeus Graphic Content
197 Richard Sobol Photography
Documentary photographs
Documentary photographs by Richard Sobol including the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda, Architect Frank Gehry and the design and construction of MIT Stata Center wildlife and endangered species
Photographs Jews Gehry Abayudaya Uganda Frank Sobol Richard Whales Architect Books Center Architecture Wildlife Photography Music Wildphoto Franks
Documentary photographs by Richard Sobol including the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda, Architect Frank Gehry and the design and construction of MIT Stata Center wildlife and endangered species
Photographs Jews Gehry Abayudaya Uganda Frank Sobol Richard Whales Architect Books Center Architecture Wildlife Photography Music Wildphoto Franks
198 the muzharul islam archive
maintains and
maintains and catalogs the drawings and related materials of noted bangladeshi architect muzharul islam. it is hosted by the university of asia pacific. site includes a biography and photographs.
Islam Architecture Muzharul Work Bangladesh Architect Architects Also Only Social Archive Country Environment Been Life Award Makes Qualities Think Aremeasurable
maintains and catalogs the drawings and related materials of noted bangladeshi architect muzharul islam. it is hosted by the university of asia pacific. site includes a biography and photographs.
Islam Architecture Muzharul Work Bangladesh Architect Architects Also Only Social Archive Country Environment Been Life Award Makes Qualities Think Aremeasurable
199 origamic architect keiko nakazawa
pictures of
pictures of several types of origamic architecture and a section on the american craft museum origamic architecture exhibit.
Contact Pleasedisplayedcannot Providerfor Page Error
pictures of several types of origamic architecture and a section on the american craft museum origamic architecture exhibit.
Contact Pleasedisplayedcannot Providerfor Page Error
200 asilomar conference grounds: julia morgan
biography of
biography of the architect who in 1912 designed the asilomar, california, conference center, with an illustrated description of her work at asilomar and the arts and crafts style.
Specials Area Asilomar Lodging Sustainable Programs Retrieve Events Signup Activities Bios Itinerary Account Share Reservation Meetings Ranger Guided History Founders Dining
biography of the architect who in 1912 designed the asilomar, california, conference center, with an illustrated description of her work at asilomar and the arts and crafts style.
Specials Area Asilomar Lodging Sustainable Programs Retrieve Events Signup Activities Bios Itinerary Account Share Reservation Meetings Ranger Guided History Founders Dining
Architect Dictionary
architect / designer: someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings)landscape architect / landscape gardener / landscaper / landscapist: someone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively
Alberti / Leon Battista Alberti| Italian architect and painter, pioneering theor:
Bernini / Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini| Italian sculptor and architect of the baroqu:
Lin / Maya Lin| United States sculptor and architect whose public works include :
Palladio / Andrea Palladio| highly original and much imitated Italian architect : Reviews for Architect. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Architect" (visitors of this topic page). Architect › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Architect Opening Times and Reports. Date:
Our Recommendations:
An architect is a person who plans, designs, and oversees the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to provide services in connection with the design and construction of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human occupancy or use. Etymologically, architect derives from the Latin architectus, which derives from the Greek , i.e., chief builder.
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