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Assume Experience


1 World Heart Corporation Develops unique
Develops unique ventricular assist devices which, without replacing the heart, either assist or assume the natural hearts pumping functions. (Nasdaq: WHRT).

2. Shopping and Assume Trade

3. Assume Recreation

1 The 4th World Congress On The Aging Male Prague (Czech Republic) Congress Aim
Congress Aim was the promotion of healthy aging and the prevention of disability in all older people must assume a central role in medical research and medical practice.
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4. Computer & Assume Games Websites

1 HP to SCO: Go Ahead, Make My Day Hewlett-Packard takes
Hewlett-Packard takes up SCO challenge to Linux users with indemnification against SCO lawsuits, move not as bold as it looks: HP thinks legal risks are so small, its willing to assume them to make customers feel more secure. [eWeek]
Video Center Hp Cloud Project News Weeks Small Apple Watch Eweek Blogs Needs Customers Virtualization Pictures Server Developer Apache
1 NTSC-uk Review by
Review by Duncan Harris [Score: 8/10]. 'You see, Play 2 actually proves to be the very things we assume it not to be. It’s innovative, progressive and technically surprising, in spite of its somewhat limited remit.'
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2 Lost Souls A horse
A horse role playing game where you assume the role of a mare or stallion and live out its life in the wild.
Souls Losty
3 Gaming World X: Celebrity Deathmatch Review by
Review by Nick Pappas, [2.0]. 'Today it is safe to assume that a new game with a budget price tag is not much of a game at all.' (PS2)
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4 Science and Industry A teamplay
A teamplay modification for Half-Life, in which players assume the role of Security Officer in one of two rival corporations striving for domination in the cutthroat world of chemical weapons research and development.
Navigationshilfe Ty
5 Rocknors Bad Day You assume
You assume the role of Rocknor on your Windows PC, a humble robot whos lost and looking to get back home. On his way, hell cross 35 levels, each packed with clever puzzles, conniving foes, ominous obstacles.
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6 Gamespot Review by
Review by Greg Kasavin with overall score of 8/10. 'The game doesnt assume your familiarity with the previous installments, though a lot of the storys references might fly over your head if all this material is new to you. Even so, theres enough exciting action in this latest Onimusha to make it live up to the quality of its predecessors.'
Navigationshilfe Ty

5. Sports Websites concerning Assume

6. Society, Arts and Assume Crafts

1 all is not changed we have
we have no cause to wallow in what is becoming a fashionable dread, and no reason to assume the doom of our personal security and national prosperity.
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2 cyveillance says it
says it is reasonable to assume this company assists the us government to help discredit a site about bankruptcy court corruption.
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3 Monastic Interreligious Dialog Established by
Established by the Benedictine Confederation in 1978 to assume a leadership role in the dialogue between Christianity and the religions of the East, in cooperation with all others engaged in this dialogue.
Navigationshilfet Y
4 John Tylers Presidential Precedent - Tyler set
Tyler set the pattern for Vice-Presidents who assume the top spot when the elected President dies in office. This article details the struggles he faced in establishing that precedent.
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5 Homosexuality in Buddhism As homosexuality
As homosexuality is not explicitly mentioned in any of the Buddhas discourses, we can only assume that it is meant to be evaluated in the same way that heterosexuality is. And indeed it seems that this is why it is not specifically mentioned. In the case of the lay man and woman where there is mutual consent, where adultery is not involved and where the sexual act is an expression of love, respect, loyalty and warmth, it would not be breaking the third Precept. And it is the same when the two people are of the same gender.
Y Apache Server Permanently Theport
1 MacKenzie, Bob Review of
Review of the singer-songwriters 'Assume Nothing' release, from
2 The Beach A humorous
A humorous roleplaying blog where players can assume the roles of GW characters in daily adventures.
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3 classical music review 'before the
'before the success of high infidelity allowed kevin cronin to assume a dictatorship role, thus turning reo into corporate rock, this is what reo was all about.'
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4 virtual harry tests and
tests and games that determine the character one could assume in the harry potter world.
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5 PopMatters: The Tragically Hip - Music @ Work Barbara Flaskas
Barbara Flaskas review: 'The Tragically Hip may really be trying to assume some of the responsibility that goes along with proliferating ideas.'
6 The Guerilla Faction An AOL
An AOL Chat based role playing game players assume the role of guerillas against the Zeons and Earth Federation.
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7 Playbill News: Joey McIntyre Confirmed as New Fiyero in Wicked Wicked will
Wicked will mark the Broadway debut for former pop star Joey McIntyre, who will assume the role of Fiyero on July 20, the same day Jennifer Laura Thompson is set to get witchy in the hit musical.
Wicked Broadway Mcintyre Joey Here Fiyero Click Request New Simonson Merchandise Robert Confirmed Hit Email Rent Mark
8 Playbill News: Joey McIntyre Confirmed as New Fiyero in Wicked Wicked will
Wicked will mark the Broadway debut for former pop star Joey McIntyre, who will assume the role of Fiyero on July 20, the same day Jennifer Laura Thompson is set to get witchy in the hit musical.
Wicked Broadway Mcintyre Joey Fiyero Playbill Click Here Confirmed Theatre Merchandise Logo New Musical Request Privacy Opens Multimedia
9 Playbill News: Joey McIntyre Confirmed as New Fiyero in Wicked Wicked will
Wicked will mark the Broadway debut for former pop star Joey McIntyre, who will assume the role of Fiyero on July 20, the same day Jennifer Laura Thompson is set to get witchy in the hit musical.
Broadway Joey Mcintyre Wicked Polls Tickets Buy Multimedia Nyc Playbill Photo Theatre Features Merchandise Fiyero Former Member Media Shelf
10 Playbill News: Joey McIntyre Confirmed as New Fiyero in Wicked Wicked will
Wicked will mark the Broadway debut for former pop star Joey McIntyre, who will assume the role of Fiyero on July 20, the same day Jennifer Laura Thompson is set to get witchy in the hit musical.
Wicked Broadway Mcintyre Joey Fiyero Click Here New Shirt Confirmed Robert Merchandise Simonson Request Made Laura

Assume Dictionary

wear put_on / get_into / don / assume a: put clothing on one's body, "What should I wear today?", "He put on his best suit for the wedding", "The princess donned a long blue dress", "The queen assumed the stately robes", "He got into his jeans"
assume / acquire / adopt take_on / take: take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect, "His voice took on a sad tone", "The story took a new turn", "he adopted an air of superiority", "She assumed strange manners", "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"
re-assume: take on again, as after a time lapse, "He re-assumed his old behavior"
assume / presume / take_for_granted a a ann: take to be the case or to be true, accept without verification or proof, "I assume his train was late"
assume: take up someone's soul into heaven, "This is the day when May was assumed into heaven"
simulate / assume / sham / feign: make a pretence of, "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger", "he feigned sleep"
assume / take / strike take_up: occupy or take on, "He assumes the lotus position", "She took her seat on the stage", "We took our seats in the orchestra", "She took up her position behind the tree", "strike a pose"
assume / usurp / seize take_over arrogate: seize and take control without authority and possibly with force, take as one's right or possession, "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town", "he usurped my rights", "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
bear take_over accept assume/: take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person, "I'll accept the charges", "She agreed to bear the responsibility"
assume / adopt take_on take_over: take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities, "When will the new President assume office?" Reviews for Assume. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Assume" (visitors of this topic page). Assume › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Assume Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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