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Champaign Experience


1 Raptor Power Systems PDU &
Champaign, IL
Raptor Power Systems is focused on crypto mining power - we manufacture the equipment that runs the power for a... Error Manufacturer Military Crypto Mining Industrial
2 CDG Real Estate Real Estate
Champaign, IL
CDG Real Estate helps the homeowners in Illinois to sell their houses very quickly through a hassle-free process. We are... Bold Regular Italic Roboto Cormorant Garamond Montserrat Playfair Open Sans Barlow Poppins Caudex Light Noticia
1 Central Illinois Credit Union Champaign.
Champaign. Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in Champaign, Coles, Cumberland, DeWitt, Douglas, Ford, Moultrie, or Piatt county.
2 champaign - urbana mass transit district bus service
bus service for champaign and urbana, illinois. includes announcements, schedules, route maps, and fare information.
Visit Mtd Urbana Champaign Illini Transit District Page Sign Pass Mass Green Mtds Transport Login Flickr Learn Scene Schedules Randolph
3 champaign-urbana masstransit district schedules, maps
schedules, maps, routes, and fares.
4 Handicapped Vans Customizes and
Customizes and adapts all types of vehicles. Located in Champaign, Illinois.
5 pioneer rec, inc. a not-for-profit
a not-for-profit consumer-owned electric utility serving champaign, miami, and shelby counties in ohio.
6 Boombox Studios Located in
Located in Champaign, Illinois, USA. Mainly focused on individual singers, duos and trios. Welcomes any musical styles.
7 David Riecks Photography Approaches assignments
Approaches assignments with a fine-art sensibility. His love of travel has taken him to many places to photograph many different and unique people. Champaign.
8 champaign - urbana willard airport - cmi serving east
serving east central illinois, with flight information, fares, directions, parking, maps, and weather.
9 ZIMBOB Champaign, Illinois
Champaign, Illinois based label formed to release, distribute, and sell music from Zimbabwe. Includes discography with audio samples.
Zimbob Page Cds Order Email Instruments Cassettes Crafts Main Books Special Zimbabwe How Chrisplus Shipping
10 BLDD Architects, Inc. Architects in
Architects in Decatur, Champaign, Bloomington, and Chicago. Includes client portfolio with photographs.
11 Fuji Global Translation General Japanese-English
General Japanese-English translation service based in Champaign, Illinois.
Translation Fuji Global Japanese Professional Interpretation Business Provide Language Certified Translate Tsuuyaku Japan Interpret Here
12 Common Ground Food Co-operative Champaign, Illinois.
Champaign, Illinois. Wholesome food grocery store. Includes membership information.
13 Busey Bank A full-service
A full-service bank with 18 banking centers in Champaign, Ford and McLean counties as well as one center in Indianapolis, IN.
14 Busey Bank Illinois regional
Illinois regional bank providing banking services through branch offices in Champaign, Ford, and McLean Counties.
Busey Management Business Banking Services Wealth Loans Checking Center Credit Mortgage Personal Calculators Contact Resource Atms Bank Security Resources Investment
15 Busey Bank Illinois regional
Illinois regional bank providing banking services through branch offices in Champaign, Ford, and McLean Counties.
Busey Management Business Banking Services Wealth Loans Checking Cash Center Credit Mortgage Personal Calculators Contact
16 Quality Claims Service A multi-line
A multi-line claims adjustment firm serving all of central Illinois, USA, through offices in Springfield, Peoria and Champaign.
17 Dixon-Graphics Offers digital
Offers digital offset printing in full color, wide format printing, and design services. Located in Champaign, IL.
Print Dixon Services Request Graphics Blog Visit Mail Contact Champaign Purposecontent Urbana Illinois
18 Border Blue Records Champaign, Illinois
Champaign, Illinois Dance Pop label. Artists include Blue Audio, Chris Hunter, and Krissy Chow. MP3s, artist biographies, catalog, online ordering.
19 Prairie State Semen, Inc. Boar stud
Boar stud and hog semen supplier, offers semen from champion Hampshires, Yorkshires, Durcos, Pietrain, and show pigs sires. Located in Champaign, Illinois, USA.
20 Joel Ward Seminars Find out
Find out about continuing education classes, USPAP update courses and online distance education classes for Illinois real estate appraisers. Located in Champaign, IL.
Real Estate Joel Appraisal Illinois Seminars Update Ward Courses Uspap Classes Licensing Realtor Pre Location Education Course Foundation Hour
21 Playing Field Recordings Champaign, Illinois
Champaign, Illinois, USA indie Rock label. Website features artist information, streaming audio, latest release news, and tour calendar. Artists include Lenka Dusilova, Sheilbound, Sleeping for Sunrise, Park, Supporting Actress.

2. Shopping and Champaign Trade

1 Woodsys Gearhead City Hot rod
Hot rod and custom builder in Champaign, Illinois.
Custom Rods Projects Philo City Hot Gearhead Usservicesprojects Nowshelbydeuce Now Swanprojects Donefor Store Done Anns Daily Since Contact
2 GameDay Sports Sporting goods
Sporting goods store in Campustown offering a variety of Illinois gifts and apparel online and in Champaign.
Shirts College Cbs Store Official Fighting Merchandise Gifts Spirit Accessories Gameday Alumni Illini Nikereg Contact Major Guide Customer
3 Jons Pipe Shop Located in
Located in Champaign, Illinois. Sells pipes, cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and other products.
Pipe Cigars Jons Tobaccos Accessories Shop Cigarettes Smokeless Pipes Illinois Homepage Smoking Wednesday Traveldor Webmaster Sage Hours
4 Nursing Solutions, Inc. Nursing staffing
Nursing staffing services for Central Illinois areas including Mattoon, Decatur, Champaign, Danville, Springfield areas for RNs, LPNs, CNAs and private duty aides (PDAs). Thorough screening and references required.

3. Champaign Recreation

1 Champaign Area Fish Exchange Event schedule
Event schedule and membership information.
2 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Contains news
Contains news, rosters, schedules and results.
Champions Illinois Team Volleyball Tournament Mike Kevin Mens Steve Alex Podalak Carrington Kahn Keith Segneri
3 Tecumseh Breeding policies
Breeding policies, kennel tour, pictures, and pedigrees. Champaign.
4 Champaign Urbana Steel Tip Dart League News, schedules
News, schedules, and statistics.
Board Cuda League Members Dart Standings Head Schedule Current Tournaments Team Pdf Spring History Hot Match Component
5 Harmony Healthcare Katie Davidson
Katie Davidson practices traditional Chinese medicine. Champaign.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Internet User Maps News Toolbar Games Privacy Archives Visit
6 University of Illinois, Champaign Official site
Official site with roster, schedule, statistics and news for Fighting Illini softball.
7 Deliberate Success Offers individual
Offers individual coaching and special education advocacy. Also provides parenting classes by conference call. (Champaign)
8 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Womens Tennis Official site
Official site of the Fighting Illini with news, roster, statistics and schedule.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Hans Tae Kwon Do Grandmaster Han
Grandmaster Han Min Kyo, 9th dan, teaches traditional Tae Kwon Do at this Champaign, Illinois dojang.
Kwon Hans School Do Copyright World Gallery Tae Forum Alliance Dan Artgrandmaster Chung
10 IL - Boneyard Creek Regulators Champaign-Urbana, Illinois-area
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois-area group that offers details on its local shoots and shoot calendar, location maps, and guestbook.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce Help Hosting App Small Marketing Gallery Network Developer Customer Geocities Ifyoure
11 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Mens Tennis Official site
Official site of the Fighting Illini with press releases, scores, calendar of upcoming games and player profiles.
Navigationshilfe Ty
12 Best Academy of Martial Arts Located in
Located in Champaign and teaching Shaolin Kung Fu, Karate, and Tai Wei with an emphasis on discipline and self defense. Includes overview, location, hours of operation and contact information.
Self Martial Website Studio Flexibility Endurance Discipline Arts Muscle Concentration Business Fitness Complete Designed Girlfriend Robber Greater Schedule
13 University of Illinois Champaign Womens Gymnastics NCAA Division
NCAA Division I, region 3. Fighting Illini team roster/coaching staff, schedules/results, news releases, archives, statistics, top stories.
Navigationshilfet Y
14 University of Illinois Champaign Mens Gymnastics NCAA Division
NCAA Division I, East region. Fighting Illini team roster/coaching staff, schedules/results, news releases, archives, statistics.
15 Feng Zhi Qiang Martial Academy of North America Chen style
Chen style taught by Yang Yang in Champaign, Illinois. FAQ, articles, classes, workshops, and scrap book.
Qigong Taiji Studies Centerz
16 Feng Zhi Qiang Martial Academy of North America Chen style
Chen style taught by Yang Yang in Champaign, Illinois. FAQ, articles, classes, workshops, and scrap book.
Center Studies Taiji Qigongz
17 Central Illinois Youth Football League Youth football
Youth football in Champaign-Urbana area, includes news, scores, team pages, and photos.
Central Hosting Illinois Sponsors Registration Standing Football Youth Atcarpenters Local Scores Champaign Calendar Hold
18 Putt-Putt Golf Course Champaign, IL Features two
Features two beautifully landscaped 18 hole miniature golf courses. Open April to October as weather permits.
Putt Golf Center Welcome Batting Puttputt Challenging Goofy Centers Permittingwe Consists Professionally Beautifully Games Designed
19 F.L.U.F.F.Y. Cat Rescue Feline rescue
Feline rescue organization in Champaign, Illinois with a focus on feral colonies. Site offers photographs of cats available for adoption as well as those still living in the wild, happy ending stories, and information on the rescues history.
20 Little Illini Soccer Club Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, standings, roster, tournaments, news, links, camps. Traveling club based in Champaign-Urbana with boys and girls teams from U-08 to U-18.
Soccer Premier League Posted European Liga Real English Training Madrid Arsenal Paloma Bbva People Spain’s Match Ups Young Saturday
21 Midwest SCUBA Center Full service
Full service dive shop. Training schedules, SCUBA equipment sales and service, rentals, trips, and contact information. Located in Champaign, in East-Central Illinois.
Scuba Champaign Courses Course Facility Midwest Padi Information Spring Five Dive University Trips Urbana Illinoi Training
22 WBBM Newsradio 780: Bears Provider of
Provider of gameday play-by-play radio coverage. Includes sportscaster biographies, Urbana-Champaign fan guide, Bears news and opinion, and list of stations carrying game broadcasts.
Errorwordpresscom Google Instructionsclearing Whoops Your

4. Computer & Champaign Games Websites

1 Dadbhawala, Rushabh Documentation and
Documentation and presentations of projects for the Masters in Computer Science Program (iMCS) at the Quantum Institute, the Indian chapter of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Sitesarchiveorg Internet Reach Machine Inc Archives Toolbar

5. Sports Websites concerning Champaign

1 Champaign Urbana Steel Tip Dart League News, schedules
News, schedules, and statistics.
Cuda Head Board Dart Standings League Members Current Schedule Whos Measurements Pdf Ratings Sign Fall Team Rules Hot
2 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Contains news
Contains news, rosters, schedules and results.
Champions Illinois Team Volleyball Tournament Kevin Mike Mens Steve Podalak Alex Carrington Voy Illini Ashida
3 University of Illinois, Champaign Official site
Official site with roster, schedule, statistics and news for Fighting Illini softball.
4 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Womens Tennis Official site
Official site of the Fighting Illini with news, roster, statistics and schedule.
5 Hans Tae Kwon Do Grandmaster Han
Grandmaster Han Min Kyo, 9th dan, teaches traditional Tae Kwon Do at this Champaign, Illinois dojang.
Kwon Hans School Alliance Tae World Forum Do Gallery Copyright Grandmaster Kwan Chungart
6 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Mens Tennis Official site
Official site of the Fighting Illini with press releases, scores, calendar of upcoming games and player profiles.
Navigationshilfet Y
7 Best Academy of Martial Arts Located in
Located in Champaign and teaching Shaolin Kung Fu, Karate, and Tai Wei with an emphasis on discipline and self defense. Includes overview, location, hours of operation and contact information.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Restricted Client Protectionpleasehost
8 University of Illinois Champaign Mens Gymnastics NCAA Division
NCAA Division I, East region. Fighting Illini team roster/coaching staff, schedules/results, news releases, archives, statistics.
9 University of Illinois Champaign Womens Gymnastics NCAA Division
NCAA Division I, region 3. Fighting Illini team roster/coaching staff, schedules/results, news releases, archives, statistics, top stories.
10 Feng Zhi Qiang Martial Academy of North America Chen style
Chen style taught by Yang Yang in Champaign, Illinois. FAQ, articles, classes, workshops, and scrap book.
Qigong Taiji Center Studiesyang
11 Feng Zhi Qiang Martial Academy of North America Chen style
Chen style taught by Yang Yang in Champaign, Illinois. FAQ, articles, classes, workshops, and scrap book.
Taiji Center Studies Qigongz Yang
12 Central Illinois Youth Football League Youth football
Youth football in Champaign-Urbana area, includes news, scores, team pages, and photos.
Illinois Standing Sponsors Hosting Registration Central Football Youth Date Ciyfl History * Duncan Hostgatorhold
13 Putt-Putt Golf Course Champaign, IL Features two
Features two beautifully landscaped 18 hole miniature golf courses. Open April to October as weather permits.
Puttputtcucom Luxury Migraine Mortgage Cheap Insurance Credit Pain Phones Relief Cars Please Smart Rates Best Health Related
14 Little Illini Soccer Club Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, standings, roster, tournaments, news, links, camps. Traveling club based in Champaign-Urbana with boys and girls teams from U-08 to U-18.
15 WBBM Newsradio 780: Bears Provider of
Provider of gameday play-by-play radio coverage. Includes sportscaster biographies, Urbana-Champaign fan guide, Bears news and opinion, and list of stations carrying game broadcasts.
Whoops Yourgoogle Clearing Instructionswordpresscom Error

6. Society, Arts and Champaign Crafts

1 UIUC - SSA University of
University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, Sikh Student Association.
Domain Errory
2 Pi Kappa Phi - University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign - Upsilon Chapter Established since
Established since 1921.
Upsilon Phi Kappa Pi Chapter Illinois Universitychampaign Urbana Officialfounded Of Website
3 Sigma Gamma Rho - University of Illinois - Delta Rho Chapter Founded in
Founded in 1969 on the Urbana/Champaign campus.
Delta Sigma National Chapter Rho Sorority University Welcome Gamma Fund Council Association Martin Visit Events Center Land Marbury Mae White
4 AOH Church of God (Sheriff Temple) Located in
Located in Champaign, Illinois. Contact details, beliefs, service times, and links.
Page Tripod Create Website Tripodcom Please Hosting Blog Pricing Permanentlyremovedremove Lycos Youve References
5 Delta Xi Phi - National Website Multicultural sorority
Multicultural sorority founded on April 20th, 1994 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting App Help Local Advisor Gallery Network Sell Finance Build
6 Friendship Lutheran Church of Joy Champaign, Illinois.
Champaign, Illinois. Includes Worship schedule, faith statements, bulletin board, location with map, contacts, and links.
Story Friendship Contacts Events Church Lutheran Newsletters News Example Galleries Sermons Schedule Calendar Deal Leader Lord New Pictorial
7 dobbins, fraker, tennant, joy & perlstein law offices a mid-size
a mid-size law firm in champaign, il dealing with many legal issues including health care law and civil litigation.
Fraker Tennant Dobbins Perlstein Urbana Joy Facsimile Telephone Email Address Po Broadway Richard Rjoy@tbklawcom North Slesueur@tbklawcom
8 Phi Kappa Psi - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Illinois Delta Chapter Chartered in
Chartered in 1904.
Chapter Renovation House Update Illinois Delta Kappa Project Urbana Psi University Phi Champaign Donate Suffusion
9 Council No. 00891 The Knights
The Knights of the Twin City Council serve the communities of Champaign and Urbana, Illinois.
Navigationshilfet Y
10 Kappa Sigma - University of Illinois - Alpha Gamma Chapter Founded October
Founded October 15, 1891, in Champaign, Illinois.
11 Pi Kappa Phi - Illinois, University of - Upsilon Alumni Chapter Located in
Located in Urbana-Champaign, IL. Site contains information about the alumni and undergraduate chapters.
Kappa Upsilon Chapter Phi Illinois Urbana Champaign Pi Recruitment Donatecontact History Philanthropy Website Founded
12 McKay-Hunt-McCornack-Bostick-Kover-Connett-Good-Woods-Brown Family history
Family history of Edward Donald McKay from Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Navigationshilfe Ty
13 Alpha Chi Rho - Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of - Phi Kappa Alumni Chapter For Illinois
For Illinois Crow alumni.
Webfaction Another Returnconfigured If Urlor Dnsconfiguration Coming Check Wait Error Urlbeforeaccess
14 lifeline divorce & mediation services divorce advice
divorce advice, and financial and family mediation (pre- and post-divorce). offices in champaign and neoga.
15 the chronicle: attack on indian student at u. of illinois at urbana-champaign leads to brawl, 2 arrests the indian
the indian student was physically attacked by a fellow student who called him a 'terrorist.' the incident escalated into a fight involving over 30 people.
Permanently The Y
1 WCIA 3 Champaign Serving the
Serving the Champaign-Urbana metro area with local affiliate programming and news, weather, sports including University of Illinois coverage. [CBS]
Illinois News Weather Hellip State Local Illini Champaign Sports Capitol Wcia Campaign Budget Kettle Unity Tv Win Ten Twenty New
2 WCIA 3 Champaign Serving the
Serving the Central Illinois and the Champaign-Urbana metro area with local affiliate programming and news, weather, sports including University of Illinois coverage.
State Hellip Pumpkin Police Illinois Fair Wcia Halloween Champaign Local   Psychic Says Contest Report Uni High Boys Springfield
3 Copafeelia Album information
Album information and lyrics from the Champaign, Illinois band.
4 Backroadz, The Band from
Band from Champaign, IL. Includes gig dates, lyrics, and pictures.
Sign Lifestream People Everything Places Now Policy Updated Account Inc Bulk Networks Go Theres Terms Aolcom
5 Fade A cover
A cover band out of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Song list, gig dates, and news.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Longeravailable Maps Toolbar Popular Sorry Terms Movies Reach Machine
6 UnRated Magazine: Prince Review of
Review of an early show of the Musicology Tour in Champaign, Illinois.
Prince Unrated Magazine Review Subscribe Illinois Musicology Artist Star Hall Passion Champaign Artists Rain Hottest Hendrix Work
7 Missing The Point Pop/punk band
Pop/punk band from Champaign, Ill. Contains tour dates, lyrics, pictures, and a mailing list.
Share Monkey Could Little Cowboy Click Better Bit Nadafinga Here Tagged Andy Cover Itunes Great Baby Blind
8 The Great Scott Magic shows
Magic shows and balloon animals. Serving the Chicagoland and Champaign-Urbana areas.
Magician Chicago Great Magic Scott | Children Participation Fun Sharp Popular Focusing Copyrightevents
9 Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Theater, music
Theater, music and dance performances. Part of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Center Krannert Illinois Arts Performing Urbana University Champaign Corporate Stay Lend Meet Support Reduced Sponsors Board Student Invest Artful
10 Schultz, Don Performances with
Performances with fun and mystery. Slide show of performances. Located in Champaign.
11 tesseract a barbershop
a barbershop quartet from the university of illinois at urbana-champaign and the 2005 illinois district collegiate champions.
Navigationshilfe Ty
12 Moyamo Dance Modern dance
Modern dance company founded by Anna Sapozhnikov, consisting of choreographers and dancers from Chicago, Champaign (Illinois), and Louisville (Kentucky), and performing at diverse locations.
Louisville Dance Arts Anna Moyamo Sapozhnikov Center Ave Kentucky Theatre Chicago Devore Avenuesat Marquez Women Archives Third Cantrell
13 G-Mart Comic Book Store Offers current
Offers current issues and back issues. Retail store in Champaign, Illinois.
Issues **$ Subscribe Order Cover Printing Marvel Mart Back Book Il Subscriptions Browse Standard Black David Comic
14 WCCU TV Fox 27 Urbana / WRSP TV Fox 55 Springfield Central Illinois
Central Illinois entertainment stations with adult, childrens and sports programming. Along with community calendars for the Springfield and Champaign-Urbana metro areas.
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Champaign Dictionary

Champaign: a university town in east central Illinois adjoining Urbana
plain / field / champaign: extensive tract of level open land, "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain", "he longed for the fields of his youth" Reviews for Champaign. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Champaign" (visitors of this topic page). Champaign › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Champaign Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

15 results for Champaign: