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Clearinghouse Experience


1 Gateway EDI A medical
A medical clearinghouse for electronic claims.
Gateway Slide Testimonials Learn Trizetto Icd News Revenue Claims Medical Solutions Billing Clearinghouse Products Providers Check White Upcoming Healthassociates
2 Grinders Clearinghouse Traders in
Traders in used and rebuilt grinding machinery.
Grinders Centerless Grinder Machines Industrial Remanufactured Clearing Services Machine Rebuilt Account Machinery Metalworking Cincinnati Cylindrical
3 Charge-Off Clearinghouse Conducts online
Conducts online portfolio auctions.
4 Electronic Technologies, Inc. A medical
A medical claims clearinghouse and provider of EDI tools.
5 Companion Direct An internet-based
An internet-based medical claims solution connecting providers to payers, accelerating payments and eliminating clearinghouse costs.
6 The Clearing Corporation Independent clearinghouse
Independent clearinghouse for derivatives markets. Features information on history, careers, FAQs, bulletins, member login and services, and contacts.
7 Tesia-PCI Corporation Claims clearinghouse
Claims clearinghouse providing HIPAA conversion, eClaims, administrative data (eligiblity, claim status, EOBs), and imaging services.
8 The Clearing Corporation Independent clearinghouse
Independent clearinghouse for derivatives markets. Features information on history, careers, FAQs, bulletins, member login and services, and contacts.
9 Clemson Consulting Clearinghouse Corp. Industrial and
Industrial and manufacturing engineering consulting and training.
Work Consulting Study Sampling Manufacturing Training Engineering Flow Computer Aided Improvement Lean Pc Industrial Four Palmtop
10 ET and T Corp. An electronic
An electronic claims clearinghouse for medical and dental claims transmittals.
Ettchcom Electronic Claims Medical Legal Terms Billing Clearinghouses Section Click Debtadvance Consolidation Best
11 DMEFree A full
A full featured DME billing program with all claim billing is done by PC Solutions at DMERC approved clearinghouse.
Software Billing Medical Dme Medicare Equipment Hme Dmerc Dmefree Medicaid Claim Free Products Doctor Claims
12 Freelance Security Online clearinghouse
Online clearinghouse for professional investigation and security consultant services with contract bidding features.
Private Investigation Security Investigator Agency Missing Services Person Sign Freelance Detective Compare Investigators Buyers Detectives News
13 barter business unlimited barter exchange
barter exchange clearinghouse provides information on membership, benefits of bartering, news and job openings.
14 Refrigerant Clearinghouse Direct An online
An online, no charge refrigerant listing service for buying and/or selling virgin, reclaimed, dirty, or mixed refrigerants.
15 Voice-over talent
Voice-over talent audition clearinghouse in operation since 1985, serving the production community with a single point resource for professional voiceover talent.
16 blossoms network offers clearinghouse
offers clearinghouse network for the exchange of orders between member florists in the united states and canada. includes membership application and list of services.
17 Pacano Medical A medical
A medical claims clearinghouse and medical software office management online provider.
Medical Billing Software Claim Electronic Services Processing Support Claims Clearinghouse Scheduler Management Codes Insurance Filing Updates Survey
18 offers order
offers order exchange clearinghouse for the transfer of fresh floral arrangements and related products to local florist members for fulfillment. includes member services and wholesale product catalog.
Resource Teleflora Floral Access Members They Request Marketing Technology Sale Innovative – Business Agent Y
19 ftd, inc. offers the
offers the clearinghouse transfer of floral and gift orders between affiliated flower shop members and from consumers to those members. includes membership services and wholesale catalog of products.
20 Can Central The web
The web site of the Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), the trade association for can manufacturers and their suppliers. The web site is intended to serve as a clearinghouse for information about cans and the industry as a whole.
Cans Learn Sustainability Recycling Member Food Login Contact Beverage Center Community Outreach Aerosol Media Decorative Industry Tins Value Curbside Cooking Learn
21 A web
A web based medical claims clearinghouse with over 1000 connections on its payor list with Medicare, Medicaid and Blue Cross Blue Shields connections.
22 CopperInfo Worldwide copper
Worldwide copper information source from the International Copper Association which promotes the use of copper and serves as a clearinghouse for copper-related information.
Copper Intranet Association Alliance Ltd America History Benefits Europe Grow International Defend Resources Regions Core Terms Technical Mission
23 Home Textiles from Spain Web site
Web site of the Spanish National Committee for the Promotion of Home Textiles Abroad, aiming to be a clearinghouse for joint promotional strategies. Searchable company and product directories. List of trade events. Multi-lingual site.
De Tejidos Tejido Hogar Para Textil Internacionales Tapicerã­a La Cortinas Decoraciã³n Misiã³n Fundas Textiles Jacquard Prensa Por
24 Gordian Health Management Group Offering comprehensive
Offering comprehensive care management services, custom designed catastrophic case management programs and physician office clearinghouse services for all managed care contracts. Based in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Management Contact Stay Health Population Data Experience Readmission Length Team News Partners Case Post Executive Analytics Acute

2. Shopping and Clearinghouse Trade

1 Club Thongs A clearinghouse
A clearinghouse for quality mens swimwear and thongs.
Providerfor Pagedisplayedplease Error Contact Cannot
2 Drug Testing Clearinghouse Sells a
Sells a variety of testing kits and detox products plus powdered urine. Also contains links to information on using the hemp seed oil defense, medical marijuana, religion and hemp, and legal products that cause false negatives.
Drug Testing Test Marijuana Tests Urine Pass Durg Information Kit Hair Web Mall Kits Passing Testings

3. Clearinghouse Recreation

1 Musicians Tech Central A clearinghouse
A clearinghouse of music electronics, MIDI/audio, indie, and recording information.
Free Audio Offers Music Midi Software Sound Band Page Steps Guitar Other Recording Downloads Windows Multi Track Made Sampler
2 Spit Tobacco: Know the Score Fact sheet
Fact sheet from the National Oral Information Clearinghouse (NOHIC). In .pdf format.
3 Medication Foundation An information
An information clearinghouse for low cost/no cost prescription drug programs sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as local, state and federal agencies for people in need.
Medicationfoundationcomgo Click Here Z
4 Steve Carpers Lactose Intolerance Clearinghouse Includes basics
Includes basics for beginners, a guide to dairy and nondairy products, a milk-free bookstore, answers to questions, online resources, and research summaries.
5 HorseWorldData The harness
The harness racing section of HorseWorldData, an information clearinghouse for the worldwide community of equine enthusiasts. Includes listings of and links to racetracks, as well as events, champions and World records.
Crown Racing Triple Harness Breeds Merchandise Pari Mutuel Races Horseworlddatacom Stakes Tracks Major Records Libraries Submit
6 Journal of Basketball Studies Clearinghouse of
Clearinghouse of research about basketball. Primarily statistical studies as tools to analyze teams and individuals.
Basketball Defense Journal Math Science Page Jordan Stats Team Studies Michael Wins Paparazzi Sports They Thought Improve Articles
7 Lactose Intolerance Clearinghouse Comparative analysis
Comparative analysis of lactose intolerance and milk allergy.
Navigationshilfe Ty
8 Depression Resources Page Clearinghouse of
Clearinghouse of internet resources regarding mental health, depression, and optional treatments. Additional links to journals, prayer resources, and suicide prevention.
Sign Lifestream People Updated Now Policy Everything Places Go Theres Networks Reserved Stay Rights Advertise Date Social
9 The Association of Melody Crystal Healing Instructors Provides a
Provides a clearinghouse for information concerning instructors and workshops, and assures ethical standards in the profession of crystal healing.
Crystal Healing Melody Taomchi Association Instructors Workshops Crystals Healers Click International Enter Clearinghouse Highest Trained
10 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Online An independent
An independent, multi-jurisdictional, multi-discipline clearinghouse for current NIMS news, open-source document access, and general information about the NIMS Community.
Theres Nothinghere Whatevertumblr Sign Unless Posted
11 Aquatic Resources Network An international
An international, multidisciplinary clearinghouse of information about aquatic therapy, aquatic physical therapy and aquatic rehabilitation.
Aquatic Therapy Network | Equipment Water Therapist Rehabilitation University Blog Physical Members Education Training Join

4. Computer & Clearinghouse Games Websites

1 Compilers & Conformance Ada Information
Ada Information Clearinghouse, AdaIC.
List Compilers Conformance Conforming Gnat Processors Older Tools Information House Freeware Updated Testing Guards Y
2 Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse System of
System of clients and servers that collect and count checksums of email messages in order to detect and filter bulk UCE.
Dcc Servers Public Form Instructions Installation Rhyolite Software Archive List Dccm Mailing Dccifd Reputations Faq Server Consultants Etherboycom Checksum
3 Sales Tax Clearinghouse Offering online
Offering online state sales tax returns.
Sales Tax State Clearinghouse City Services Rates Questions Calculator Asked Taxes Data Stc Frequently Ecommerce Format
1 Chess History Center Service center
Service center for serious chess historians, clearinghouse of research requests and index to web resources.
Chess Forster Richard History Notes Books Kramnik Swiss Exzelsior Vladimir Burn Archives Zurich Lasker Negele Club Literature Ed Erwin

5. Sports Websites concerning Clearinghouse

1 HorseWorldData The harness
The harness racing section of HorseWorldData, an information clearinghouse for the worldwide community of equine enthusiasts. Includes listings of and links to racetracks, as well as events, champions and World records.
Crown Triple Racing Harness Stakes Merchandise Pari Mutuel Records Major Tracks Horseworlddatacom Horse Breeds Libraries Pacing
2 Journal of Basketball Studies Clearinghouse of
Clearinghouse of research about basketball. Primarily statistical studies as tools to analyze teams and individuals.
Basketball Defense Math Journal Team Michael Science Page Jordan Studies Stats Oops Championships Schemes Coachingscouting Thought Worship Sports

6. Society, Arts and Clearinghouse Crafts

1 hazing clearinghouse of deaths and incidents unofficial clearinghouse
unofficial clearinghouse to track hazing deaths and incidents by author of three books on hazing.
Hazing Hank Nuwer Author Athletic Franklin Page School Articles Dawn Ben Indiana Valuable Associate
2 the konformist an ezine
an ezine that is a conspiracy theory and anti-corporate clearinghouse.
Konformist Need Robalini@aolcom Beast Konform Issues World Klearinghouse Kirby Magazine Bank Says News Related Konspiracy Pragmatist Whats
3 Union Jobs Clearinghouse Central site
Central site for posting current openings for staffing and trades positions in organized labor.
Union Jobs Labor Trades Employment Positions Staffing Clearinghouse Apprenticeships Posting Organized Applications Testimonials Worklistings
4 Spicer and Associates A clearinghouse
A clearinghouse of disability resources -cognitive, physical, and emotional. Disabilty books, links, chat, and articles.
5 Work & Family Connection Clearinghouse of
Clearinghouse of information about work-life issues and practices for human resource professionals.
New Articles Reports Resources Work Company Care Training Parties Ex Contact Second Hope Government Vestibulum Organizational Illness Up Toyland
6 Parents For Megans Law Clearinghouse Helping to
Helping to manage Megans Law on a community level and childhood sexual abuse prevention tips.
Sex Offender Child Offenders Crime Sexual Abuse Report Law National Megans Rape Victims Laura Domestic Center Alert
7 Work & Family Connection News and
News and information from national clearinghouse on work-life issues and practices for human resource professionals.
Second Reports Resources Contact Training Ex Parties Articles Young Severe Products Patients Consumer Young Chance First Obesity Falls Insurer Privacy
8 Barlow Clearinghouse Database for
Database for those researching the name Barlow including variants Barlowe, Barlo, Barloe, Barler, Parler, Parlur, Barlage and those yet to be discovered.
Server Permanently The Apache Navigationshilfez
9 CONELRAD Atomic culture
Atomic culture past and present. A clearinghouse of atomic links, articles, photos, and memorabilia of the atomic age.
Atomic Conelrad Bomb Fallout Invasion Culture Shelter Cold Secrets Golden Homeland Defense Lost Usa Things Alert Inside Graff Mutated Thinking
10 youth activism project online youth
online youth civic engagement. clearinghouse has best practices, books, materials, and organizations that engage youth to make decisions.
Youth Strategies Stories School Activism Publications Girls Unite Adult Project Success Allies National Xhtml Found The
11 World Unity for Peace Clearinghouse for
Clearinghouse for information on war and weapons of mass destruction, praying for peace, and resources for nonviolent direct action. News, events, photos, commentary, and fact sheets. Some material is graphic.
12 education consumers clearinghouse provides educations
provides educations consumers access to information and opinion independent of the education community and sympathetic to the consumers concerns and priorities.
Here School Education Public Click Value Testing Core Times Added Common Research Consumers Standardized Messenger Preface
13 copyright clearance center online clearinghouse for
clearinghouse for copyright royalties payments. services include transactional reporting services for ill. search for royalties costs with the title database.
Copyright Content Services License News Pay Licensing Per Annual Use Solutions Access Events Education Permission
14 Jewish Jobs A clearinghouse
A clearinghouse for Jewish communal jobs which offers links to positions with Jewish organizations, and option for employers to list jobs.
Jobs Jewish Director Education Other New Congregation Job See Center Assistant York Jcc Seekers Testimonials
15 findlaw: america attacked extensive recources
extensive recources from findlaw including documents on president george w. bushs statements, congressional, nato, and other resolutions regarding the attacks, and reports and statistics from many government agencies as well as the rand corporation and the hoover institution on international terrorism and asymetric warfare. volunteer clearinghouse. usa.
Portpermanently Apache Servernavigationshilfe
16 A Drug Testing Clearinghouse An archive
An archive of factual drug testing information on the web. Exposing the fraud of the drug testing industry.
Disabled United Sign Freeservers Mypoints Mysite Free Billing Website Netzero Juno Priority Services Classmates Billingissue Statement Additional Been
17 Indiana Asatru Council Founded in
Founded in 1994 to promote the Asatru religion in the state of Indiana. The council facilitates networking among Kindreds in the state, as well as acting as a clearinghouse for information.
Indiana Asatru Councily
18 National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape Started in
Started in 1978, when marital rape was a crime in only 4 states. Follows national cases, has legal briefs, legislative testimony, bills, statutes, law reviews, newspaper clippings, articles, statistics, published and unpublished studies, and letters.
Sign Lifestream Account Everything Now People Policy Places Stay Login Networks Read Date Network Search Yourereserved
19 shaken baby syndrome prevention plus research, materials
research, materials and clearinghouse for shaken baby syndrome.
Syndrome Shaken Baby Sbs Frequently Increasingly Syndromeshakeninaddition Impact Most Knowledge Very Jacy Asked
1 Willow and A clearinghouse
A clearinghouse for information about fanlistings, mailing lists, bulletin boards, and fan fiction.
Willow Tara Fanlisting Always Problems Extra Vampire Sure ~ Join Tryingi Added Please Tarafrom Codes Puton
2 The National Talk Show Guest Registry Clearinghouse for
Clearinghouse for individuals who would like to share their personal life experiences on the air.
3 a forum
a forum and clearinghouse for the latest news, information, and techniques concerning historic preservation and the history of los angeles and southern california.
Angeles Historic Preservation County La Los West Building News City Last Wednesday Updated Times Contact Associations Thursday
4 a clearinghouse
a clearinghouse for creative expression. questions presented on a regular basis. selected responses published in a series of journals.
Tramadol Overnight Share Journal Welcome Winners Wisdom Contact Without Cheap Buy International Thoughts News Order Peace Presceiptu
5 shacks fan fiction clearinghouse index of
index of fiction sites arranged by fandom, with descriptions.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Account Aabaco Please Customer Terms Help Privacy
6 Voice-over talent
Voice-over talent audition clearinghouse in operation since 1985, serving the production community with a single point resource for professional voiceover talent.
7 the bluegrass blog a central
a central clearinghouse for timely news and information which serves producers and consumers in the bluegrass and acoustic music community, offered in a web log format, also with xml/rss feed.
8 The Simpsons Archive The Internets
The Internets clearinghouse of Simpsons guides, news and information, voluntarily maintained by members of
9 kill pop radio cultural global
cultural global radio clearinghouse cataloguing and archiving the best of internet radio.
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10 Moore Lies Clearinghouse with
Clearinghouse with the stated goal of exposing Michael Moore as a fictitous filmmaker whose career is staged scenes, twisted statistics, faked editing, and shameless self-promotion.
11 allen ginsberg - shadow changes into bone 'the clearinghouse
'the clearinghouse for all information on allen ginsberg: poems, photos, links, articles, interviews, humor, tributes, and other ginsbergia.'
12 Daredevil Resource Information clearinghouse
Information clearinghouse on the Marvel character Daredevil, produced by Kevin Hall. With general characters and story information, quizzes, games and bloopers and links.
13 bh-singing berkshire-hudson singing
berkshire-hudson singing is a clearinghouse for all who are interested in group singing in our geographic area of upstate new york and adjacent new england. while choral music is the prime focus, all forms including barbershopare welcome.
Yahoo Help Here Groups Please Ifyoure Food Mail Yahoos Onlineservices Inc Tv Travel Homes Music

Clearinghouse Dictionary Reviews for Clearinghouse. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Clearinghouse" (visitors of this topic page). Clearinghouse › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Clearinghouse Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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