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Best reviews ›

Decade Experience


1 Next Decade, Inc. Publisher of
Publisher of immigration, citizenship, and investing books.
2 Newteck Enterprise Decade low
Decade low power FM transmitters for indoor and outdoor use.
3 Columbia Futures Group, Inc. Full service
Full service, discount, managed and system trading accounts. Over a decade of experience.
4 Jan Jansen Dutch shoe
Dutch shoe designer presents highlights by decade, biography, collections direction, and retailer information.
Jan Jansen Schoenen Collectie Webshop Snelle Geen Grootste Degrootste Assortiment Het Cookiebeleid Officiële
5 Coldtech Corp Suppliers of
Suppliers of freezers and various refrigeration products serving the refrigerated and frozen product industry for the past decade.
6 Natural Order Educators Innovators in
Innovators in trader education for over a decade. Teaching proprietary strategies and methods for trading futures and stocks. Limited enrollment.
7 Kruckenberg, Pete Senior Network
Senior Network Engineer, Extensive BGP, OSPF, EIGRP routing protocol design and management, Over a decade of Unix, Linux, Novell and Microsoft administration
8 Jeff Ripple Native natural
Native natural history writer and photographer, has devoted much of the last decade to exploring and photographing natural areas in Florida.
Landscape Ripple Jeff Photography Photographs Artist Effect Florida Events Large Format Bear Everglades Sleeping Dunes
9 Emron A fresh
A fresh perspective on health care communications. A managed health care marketing, communications, training, and consulting firm with more than a decade of experience.
10 John Fulbright, Photographer Specializing in
Specializing in portraits of families and children. Based in Beaumont, Texas, John Fulbright, Photographer has specialized in unique and creative portraits, weddings and commercial images for over a decade.
11 Elizabeth McGlynn - The Pageant Coach A Pageant
A Pageant Coach for over 14 years and Pageant Judge for over a decade, Elizabeth McGlynn has perfected the art of preparing young women for pageant competition.
Miss Pageant Professional Preparation Mcglynn Elizabeth Services Expertise New Teen Application Photo Areas America Kathleen Hair
12 pace uk educational test equipment resistance boxes
resistance boxes, decade boxes, capacitance boxes, pace uk test gear, waveform generators, signal generators, resistance substitution test equipment
Pace Led Driver Engines Bespoke Circuit Design Light Sectors Uk Contact Leds Solutions Please Years Square

2. Shopping and Decade Trade

1 Decade Boardsports Selection of
Selection of snowboards, skateboards, parts, protective gear and clothing.
2 Decade of Champions Classic sports
Classic sports biographies featuring exclusive interviews with players and coaches.
3 Movie Poster Memory Dealer with
Dealer with catalog of posters for sale - grouped by decade, from 1910 to present.
Z Request Y
4 Movie Grooves Soundtracks and
Soundtracks and library music from the 1950s-1980s, categorized by decade, country, and genre.
5 Fathers Touch Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse survivor Donald DHaene chronicles his experience of being sexually abused for over a decade within a Jehovahs Witness family, and the subsequent trial of his abuser.
Fathers Sexual Abuse Touch Donald London Child Jehovahs Pedophile Free Witness Press Dhaene It’s Erik Photos
6 Severn Gas Pumps Restores gas
Restores gas pumps, and buys, sells and trades old pumps. Photo gallery organized by decade along with before and after pictures.
Pumps Gas Pump Signs Severn Petrol Collectible Antique Miscellaneous Other Paul Contact Restoring Restoration Clocks Functional Rights Dates Hittle
7 Bob Masses Rock Posters Thirty years
Thirty years of rock art and concert posters listed by decade.
Rejected Requesty

3. Decade Recreation

1 Greatest Baseball Squads by Decade Since 1900 Features the
Features the best baseball squads by decade since 1900.
Create Tripod Page Requested Please Lycos Check Tripodcom Lycoscom Signuplogin Couldnt Hosting Website
2 Whos Who in the Cage Profiles of
Profiles of the top fighters from the sports first decade.
Whos Cage Web Hosting Thanks Free Womens Around Disclaimer Fighting Internet Page Commerce Speed Y
3 Westhaven Breeding show
Breeding show and pet Cockers for more than a decade in Germantown, Maryland.
4 Decade 9 Offers skateboarding
Offers skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding and BMX photos, videos and trick tips.
Create Tripod Login Page Shopping Lycoscom Signup Couldnt Please Tripodcom Requestedhosting Lycos Website
5 Drovers Old English Sheepdogs Kennel history
Kennel history by decade, show memories, opinions on the breed and champion profiles.
News Drovers Kennel Australian Bobtail Sheepdog Oes Agility Show Välitalo Dog Satu Shepherds English Champion Shepherd Tanner  lammaskoira
6 Moni Maker Hoof Beats
Hoof Beats article on this exceptional trotter that raced during the last decade of the twentieth century (December 2000).
Racing Usta Rule Beats Book Hoof Guide Harness Stakes Youth Race Magazine Member Pdf Standardbred Off Track Fan Driving Trackmaster Reader Change Net Owners
7 Gootee Systems Personal collection
Personal collection of antique radios and electronics, vacuum tube equipment repair advice, resistor decade box plans.
Music Equipment Circuit Easy Tracer Electronics Gootee Great Electronic Tektronix Background Boards Tube Repair Printed Really Capacitors Wood Printer
8 Drovers Kennel history
Kennel history by decade, show memories, opinions on the breed and champion profiles, based in Finland. In English, Finnish, and Swedish.
News Drovers Kennel Australian Bobtail Agility Oes Sheepdog Aussie Old Saku Champion Satu Shepherds Show Välitalo Tanner Shiny
9 MV Dreamer Details from
Details from over a decade of ownership of a 1974 Alaskan 45. Includes notes from the restoration and outfitting and ongoing logs of a trip south from the Pacific Northwest.
Dreamers Dreamer Lapaz Coast Costa Rica News Grand Islands Nicaragua Caribbean Panama Marine Quikcastcom Waterside Library Outfitting
10 Catalog of
Catalog of videos covering table tennis competitions of the past decade. Also features stories and links of the most recent Olympic and World Championship events.
Tennis Table Videos Ping Pong Championships World Rules Request Coaching European Competition Olympics Kong Wang
11 East Coast Shaping Jim Basiliere
Jim Basiliere, a Berkshire County native, has more than a decade of experience in the art of shaping and course Construction. Projects and techniques are listed.
Displayed Cannoterrorpage Please Contact Providerfor
12 Century League The Century
The Century League is an APBA league formed to determine the 20th Centurys top baseball decade.
Account Seanet Desk Help Tools Hosting Phone Error Mail Ethernet Network Found Products Webmail Dial Contact Services Seattle
13 Vintage Pix: Images of Women in the Past Collection of
Collection of historic photos of women from the 1860s to the 1930s. Categories of photos are organized by decade or image theme including courtship, women at work, and hats.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Advisor App Local Help Gallery Hosting Terms Shut Ads Beauty Yahoos Network
14 Master Hutchisons Whaitburn TaeKwon-Do Academy ITF style
ITF style TaeKwon-Do Academy in and around the Whitburn area. The club has been established for over a decade and is led by Master Hutchison 8th Dan.
15 Out West Newspaper Online Roving editor
Roving editor and publisher Chuck Woodbury travels the American West in his mobile newsroom in search of interesting people and places for his quarterly newspaper Out West. Here are highlights from more than a decade of fascinating issues.
Rv West Motorhome Woodbury Woodburys Travel Chuck American Enter Road Rving Editor Today News Hisquarterly Looking
16 Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games Games feature
Games feature clans, pipes and drums, dancing, athletics, history, tattoo, genealogy, a Burns supper, and a 10 K run. Site has past results and general information about the Games now entering their sixth decade and held annually in August in Fergus, Ontario.
Highland Registration Events Festival Where Fergus Main Scottish Centre Sponsors Series Music Concert Dancing Field Ticket Caber Author Gamesall John
17 IBA Official site
Official site of the International Boxing Association. The world sanctioning body is headed by retired All Star baseball player Dean Chance. Chance was named the American League Pitcher of the Decade (1960s) by The Sporting News and is now president of the IBA. The site includes IBA world rankings, champions and event schedules.
Shumenov Boxing World Title Kos Champion Heavyweight Escalante Casino Story Vegas Bruno Light Full President Vice Super Flyweight California Mike

4. Computer & Decade Games Websites

1 Are Scripting Languages the Wave of the Future? Programming guru
Programming guru, Robert Martin, on languages of the coming decade. []
Data Knowledge Tech Business Itworld Cloud Vault Management Sign Should Mobile Network Join Community Recovery Disaster Needs Delivering
2 The GPL Will Win, Claims Law Prof Eben Moglen
Eben Moglen, Professor of Law, Columbia University, FSF pro bono general counsel for last decade, says no need to fear GPL being tested in US Court, astonished by latest SCO legal tactic to reject GPL validity. [The Register]
| Software Windows Microsoft How Apple Still Android Permanent New Berlin Torvalds Ios Xm Hell Rescued – Open Source Change Mnchen£ Bootnotes Moon
3 theByteFactory A Microchip
A Microchip Consultant and LONWorks Node Developer offering design and programming services as well as affordable PICmicro Development Tools. Benefit from intellectual property and skills obtained during more than a decade of experience with embedded design.
Services Microchip Design Pic Development Network Nl Newron Thebytefactory Custom Consultant Variable Embedded Neuron Offering Lns Test Lonbuilder Program
4 Dan Dodge and Gordon Bell: When Software Really, Really Has to Work As far
As far as anyone can tell, software created by Canadian firm QNX Software Systems simply doesnt crash. Their software has run nonstop without mishaps at some customer sites since being installed more than a decade ago. [Fortune]
Privacy Fortune Email Password Inc Fortunecom Subscribe Powered Timecom Page Wordpresscom Policy Sign Could Rankings Pages Forgot
5 Nexenta Systems, Inc. Custom OpenSolaris
Custom OpenSolaris technology, over a decade experience building Solaris and Linux systems, pioneered GNU/OpenSolaris: integration of OpenSolaris (SunOS kernel) and Open Source Software (OSS) programs. California, USA.
Nexenta Nexentaconnect Partner Solutions White Program Edition Data Storage Awards Paper Nexentastor Software Cloud Network Defined Papers Quote Zealands Virtualization
6 ERP: still alive in the Internet age Thomas Davenport
Thomas Davenport, Network World, February, 28, 2000. Over the past decade, two major innovations have transformed the way companies build and operate information systems: the Internet and its associated e-commerce technologies, and enterprise resource planning systems.
Page Articles Worldsearching Here Similar Network Found The
7 IBM Jaguar Tape IBM TotalStorage
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape Drive 3592 replaces 3590 MagStar with a non-compatible tape cartridge format, just as MagStar replaced 3480 a decade earlier. Originally code-named Jaguar.
Navigationshilfe Ty
1 GameSpy - Mega Man X7 (PS2) Preview by
Preview by Bejamin Turner, titled 'A decade-old series finally takes its biggest leap ... to 3D.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 GameSpot [7/10] By
[7/10] By Brett Todd. '... successful in some aspects, but ultimately isnt a fulfilling sequel to one of the best computer games of the past decade.'
Review Reviews Xbox Gamespot Tycoon Ps Rollercoaster Pc News Sign Wii Latest Avezsatria Log Button Minutes
3 Got Next Preview by
Preview by Travis Fahs. 'The Fushigi no Dungeon name probably doesnt mean a lot to most gamers in the West, but Chunsofts classic series has had more than 10 games and has been running for over a decade in Japan.'
4 Loras CRPG Reviews [55%] Review
[55%] Review with screen shot and part ratings by Lora. '...shows its age in its chunky isometric graphics and turn-based combat, but oddly enough its still fun a decade later.'
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Local App Advisor Hosting Gallery Help Please Sell Map Network Mail
5 Gaming World X Preview by
Preview by Brendon Hivner, with screen shots. 'It looks fabulous, it plays like a dream, and there are plenty of new elements incorporated into the action-packed basic concept thats over a decade old.'
Buyclick Here Gamingworldxcomdomain Datenschutzrichtlinien
6 Listen to
Listen to song sound clips and correctly name the artist or group to earn points. Songs are categorized by decade and offered at three levels of play that include beginner, expert, and professional.
Quiz Name Song Music Game Artists Tune Rules Points Listen Soccer Songs Clips Login Winners Changes
7 Total Video Games Reviewed by
Reviewed by Jon Wilcox, [8/10]. 'Considering the legacy of Mortal Kombat action/adventure titles in the past, Shaolin Monks is a quite a turnaround and continues with the franchise’s resurgence after its low ebb at the beginning of the decade.'
8 Valtone Finnish music
Finnish music studio specializing in multimedia production, with a specific focus on game music production. Headed up by Jonne Valtonen, aka Purple Motion, who has been making music on the PC for nearly a decade.

5. Sports Websites concerning Decade

1 Greatest Baseball Squads by Decade Since 1900 Features the
Features the best baseball squads by decade since 1900.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Please Hosting Shopping Website Check Requested Lycos Logincouldnt Signup Found
2 Whos Who in the Cage Profiles of
Profiles of the top fighters from the sports first decade.
Whos Cage Womens Around Thanks Fighting Sign Disclaimer Close Fighters Yeswelcome Nomedeas@mailcitycom Please
3 Decade 9 Offers skateboarding
Offers skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding and BMX photos, videos and trick tips.
Create Tripod Page Requested Lycos Please Login Shopping Hosting Lycoscom Tripodcomfound Couldnt Errorpage
4 Moni Maker Hoof Beats
Hoof Beats article on this exceptional trotter that raced during the last decade of the twentieth century (December 2000).
Usta Racing Beats Rule Book Guide Hoof Stakes Harness Youth Magazine Race Member Standardbred Pdf Officials Current Trotting
5 Catalog of
Catalog of videos covering table tennis competitions of the past decade. Also features stories and links of the most recent Olympic and World Championship events.
Table Tennis Pong Videos Ping Championships World Coaching Request Rules Competition European Producer Testimonials Highlights Special
6 East Coast Shaping Jim Basiliere
Jim Basiliere, a Berkshire County native, has more than a decade of experience in the art of shaping and course Construction. Projects and techniques are listed.
7 Century League The Century
The Century League is an APBA league formed to determine the 20th Centurys top baseball decade.
Internet Website Account Help Services Phone Business Seanet Desk Seattle Contact Network Metered Admin Support Television Perfect Servicesfast Hosting Virtual
8 Master Hutchisons Whaitburn TaeKwon-Do Academy ITF style
ITF style TaeKwon-Do Academy in and around the Whitburn area. The club has been established for over a decade and is led by Master Hutchison 8th Dan.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games Games feature
Games feature clans, pipes and drums, dancing, athletics, history, tattoo, genealogy, a Burns supper, and a 10 K run. Site has past results and general information about the Games now entering their sixth decade and held annually in August in Fergus, Ontario.
Highland Registration Events Festival Series Where Fergus Centre Main Scottish Concert Sponsors Dancing Field Music Shop Celtic Tattoo Contact Clan
10 IBA Official site
Official site of the International Boxing Association. The world sanctioning body is headed by retired All Star baseball player Dean Chance. Chance was named the American League Pitcher of the Decade (1960s) by The Sporting News and is now president of the IBA. The site includes IBA world rankings, champions and event schedules.
Shumenov Boxing World Kos Title Champion Heavyweight Escalante Casino Vegas Story Bruno Light President Photo Vice Super Flyweight Center Belt Thursday York Danbury

6. Society, Arts and Decade Crafts

1 Looking for the Light: A Decade of Living with HIV A series
A series of multimedia essays about the past decade of the AIDS crisis, with topics ranging from AIDS treatments to AIDS adoptions.
Aids Essays Hiv Multimedia Face Inhibitors Treatment Apache Server Proteus Scott Adoption Housephotos
2 The Childrens Prayer For World Peace A Decade
A Decade A Day is a Rosary campaign in which children pray a decade of the Rosary each day at school for world peace.
Navigationshilfe Ty
3 1980s Timeline Major events
Major events that occurred during the decade of 1980.
Timeline Music Events Quizzes Movies People Died Store Games Eighties World Scandal Worldevents Messageboard Challenger Tv Contra Pac
4 The Aerican Empire An interplanetary
An interplanetary micronation with over a decade of recorded history and culture.
Empire Government Visit Aerican Culture Stuff Agencies News List Citizenship Application Fun Keywords Shop Empires
5 1990s Flashback Celebrates the
Celebrates the lifestyle of the era, including music, movies, TV, news, and books of the decade.
Flashback Music Fashion Hosting Years Reunion Horoscope Columbus Edge Ohio Web Sports Board Builders Traders Gifts Development
6 Stuck in the 70s Personal account
Personal account of the decade through diary pages, with links to music, fads, clothing, and movies.
Stuck Coming Here Welcome Now Fidler Drop Click Widgets Whats Stuckinthes@yahoocom Webmaster Julie Department Please Wls Once News Goin Machine
7 Fifties Website Features the
Features the nostalgia, trivia and music for the decade that kicked off the boomer generation and the birth of Rock n Roll.
Litespeed Forbidden Incaccessserver Proudly Technologies
8 Skooldays Online community
Online community celebrating pop-culture phenomena. Topics are organized by decade and include TV, lunch boxes, toys, and more.
Request Request Youry
9 Rotary Club of Athens, Georgia Meets Wednesdays
Meets Wednesdays at noon, 80 year history proudly recounted by decade. District 6910.
Page Newy
10 Michael A. Aun Agency Knights of
Knights of Columbus Insurance agency, operating in Central Florida, for over a decade.
Targets Shooting Steel Ar Posted Times Airsoft Firearms Filed Tags Canada Clear Cut Company Starting Well Plate Ronald Army
11 1980s Flashback Celebrates the
Celebrates the lifestyle of the 1980s, with information about music, movies, TV, sports, and books of the decade.
Flashback Music Fashion S Hosting Years Prices Books Contact Poll Message Reunion Sports Board Tv Weather Future Visit
12 Americas Timeline Select a
Select a century or decade to generate a timeline.
13 history of banned music in the united states anecdotes about
anecdotes about music censorship, dating to the 1950s and sorted by decade.
Eric Nuzum Vampiremusic Dot Com Ghost Censorshipnpr Welcome World Author
14 Ron Wheelers Cartoons and Cartoonworks Ron Wheeler
Ron Wheeler is a Christian cartoonist whose work has been featured in many Christian periodicals and publication over the past decade.
Rons Stevens Stinky Videos Cartoon Cool Jeremiah Clip Cartoons Games Wheeler Books Puzzles Art Animation
15 holy warriors escalate an old war on a new front the culmination
the culmination of a decade-long holy war against the united states that is escalating methodically in ambition, planning and execution.
Times Page Nytimescom York Most Terms Help Popular Youre Archives Broken Report Jobs Region Interest Sale
16 after shining decade, city dwellers reassess face of their reality the damage
the damage caused to the self-esteem of a city that has been riding an eight-year high is only beginning to come into focus.
Times Page Nytimescom Help Most York Terms Popular Opinion Jobs Ny Work Real Archives Company Found
17 Americas big dirty secret Robert James
Robert James Parsons article discusses the US use of depleted uranium weaponry over the last decade against bunkers in Iraq, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. (French publication Le Monde Diplomatique.)
New Against Uranium Depleted Has Left American Americas Within Threat Defense Secret Fas Website Used Archives Balkans Diplomatique Medical Headlines
18 USA Today: Updating voting machines could take a decade Discussion of
Discussion of the possible problems upgrading voting systems throughout the U.S. as demand might exceed supply. Includes charts of what methods are currently used in which counties in the U.S.
News Usatodaycom Sports Today Machines Updating Life Tech Weather Money Voting Privacy Right Jobs Room Spacecom Print Weekend Could
19 top 100 corporate criminals of the decade russell mokhiber
russell mokhiber brings you the list of big companies that have pled guilty or no contest to crimes and have been criminally fined. [corporate crime reporter]
Crime Corporate Reporter Type Criminal Fine Inc Environmental Corporation Antitrust Federal Company United International Fraud
20 Virtual Rosary for Mac OS X Free Rosary
Free Rosary software for Mac OS X, with Scripture verses, illustrations. Includes Luminous mysteries, Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Keeps track of bead and decade. 12 languages.
Sign Everything People Policy Now Account Places Lifestream Social Reserved Learnmore Bulk Login Privacy Aolcom
21 Beads for Prayer Pre-made and
Pre-made and custom gemstone rosaries. Single-decade rosaries, chaplets. Catalog available. Order online, or by toll-free phone in Canada. Prices in U.S. dollars.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Beadsforprayercomdieserinformationen Here Domain Click
22 Women of the Century Experience the
Experience the struggles and achievements of American women in the 20th century through the heroes, events, and voices of each decade.
23 Sun Angels Abraham-Hicks Page Abraham, a
Abraham, a group of entities channeled by Esther Hicks, for over a decade.
Abraham Hicks Quotes Law Attraction Quote Cd Seconds Free Deliberate Esther Vibrational Love Ask Angel Soul
24 Chaplet of the Five Wounds of Jesus This variation
This variation of the chaplet of the Five Wounds, by Doug McManaman, has longish discursive prayers for the beginning of each decade, and uses ordinary rosary beads.
Jesus Wound Father Wounds Holy Hand Five Foot Etc Chaplet Eternal Heart Lord Face Divine Shoulder
25 Jones, Gary Badge 149
Badge 149 - Shots Fired! Non-fiction account of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department in law enforcements deadliest decade, the 1970s. Site includes author bio, excerpt, photo gallery and law enforcement-related links.
Badge Jones Author National Gary Bryant Police Enforcement Fund Books Gallery Fort Endorsements Follow Picture Survivors Last
26 Custom Rosaries Your choice
Your choice of crucifix, centerpiece and beads. Rosary bracelets, necklaces, and 1, 5, and 15 decade rosaries. Engraving on crucifix available. Ship to U.S., U.K. and Australia. Prices in U.S. dollars.
Rejected Requesty
27 History of the World Timeline (500BCE-2000) From
(500BCE-2000) From the History Channel: select a century or decade to generate a timeline with links to other items or enter text to search the site.
History Watch Shows Videos Now Episodes Day New Dvds World Shop Buy Games Topics Live Speeches Tuesdays Policy Email
28 Charisma News Service Christian and
Christian and under-reported secular news that concerns Christians. By Charisma magazine, a leading provider of news about the Pentecostal/charismatic movement for the past decade.
Charisma Opinion World Culture News Issues Christian Marketplace Magazine American Pastor Subscribe Israel Paris Thanksgiving Pro Life Modern Day Response Prayer
29 Worldwide Contraceptive Use Rising Discussion of
Discussion of UN data on current contraceptive practices and needs in 153 countries and areas. Overall contraceptive use increased substantially over the past decade in developing countries. [Requires free registration.]
File Resource Server Error Directory Might Namechanged Foundthe Removed Lookingz Been Unavailable Temporarily
30 year-round school: the long history of failure over a
over a decade of research documents that year-round school fails to deliver on promises of education and cost-savings benefits.
School Year Round County Education Calendar Orange Florida Debbie Traditional Nayre Schools Association President Parsons Board
31 cnn: prosecution uses bin laden interview in embassy bombings trial 'osama bin
'osama bin ladens historic hour-long interview with cnn was played wednesday for the jury deciding whether four men are part of an alleged decade-long conspiracy led by the saudi expatriate and aimed at killing americans and destroying u.s. property abroad.'
Apacheport Serverpermanently The
1 History of Fashion: Designers Decade by
Decade by decade glimpse at Schiaparelli and the evolution of her designs and influences.
Bawa Leadingdilnet Preet Dilpreetbawacom Request
2 Larry O. Dean and The Me Decade The singer-songwriter
The singer-songwriter and poets web site, featuring the latest news on solo endeavors as well as his band, The Me Decade, including biography, tour and gig information, and photos.
3 abc 70s decade quilt challenge quilt art
quilt art members participated in a quilt challenge to design quilts that reflect the 70s decade. visit this site to view the results of the challenge.
Quilt Prev Decade List Challenge Ring Flashback Contemporary Aspect Timeline Angelife Internet Services Sitesmeet
4 a century of midi musical memories files of
files of all genres, sorted by decade.
Tripod Create Websitecouldnt Please Requested Check Tripodcom Shopping Hosting Lycoscom Lycospage Login
5 Onion AV Club: Alejandro Escovedo Interview with
Interview with No Depressions artist of the decade.
6 Me Decade, The Profile and
Profile and show dates for the Chicago-based alt-Americana pop band.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce App Gallery Help Hosting Local Advisor Developer Domains Answers Flickr
7 the muzik machine compilation of
compilation of the top dance songs for each decade from 1940 to the present.
Dance Songs Muzik Party First Music Machine Mother Father Groom Bride Charts Contact Halloween Family
8 The Pogues: The Lost Decade The complete
The complete text of the Anne Scanlon book.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 the best book on the dope decade a review
a review of fear and loathing in las vegas by crawford woods.
Thompson Vegas Loathing Dope Books Page Angels American Decade Best York Book Americandream Op Ed Science Classifieds Where Freak Mexico
10 Journal E Interactive photo
Interactive photo essays on subjects from childbirth and cigar bars to the Watergate decade.
Photo Musariumtm Interviews Portraits Book Planet Cents Cape Matter Codless Moments Hiking Earth Video Musings President Visions Halloween Afghan
11 Arabic Stars An article
An article assessing the status of dance and dancers in Egypt in the first decade of this century.
Looking Sorry Snsで不倫できるのか Sex中 Qrコード Nothing Existwe Arabicstars Rights Very Skype Doesnttheme Id掲示板30
12 the greenman: kate rusby, 10 review of
review of the 2002 album, 10 which celebrates her first decade as a performing artist.
Rusby Rusbys Here Kate Mccusker Michael Records Lights John Sleepless Little Al Lloyd Song Themissing Capercaillies Firstly
13 chawla, anil kumar - poetry by a doctor! an assortment
an assortment of reflective, philosophical poems written over the last decade or so.
14 An introduction
An introduction to the first decade of film, with biographies, filmographies, technology, films, essays and additional resources.
15 An introduction
An introduction to the first decade of film, with biographies, filmographies, technology, films, essays and additional resources.
16 Satan Stole My Teddybear: Warrior Soul Reviews of
Reviews of the albums 'Last Decade Dead Century' and 'Drugs, God and the New Republic'.
17 Pied-A-Terre Story about
Story about a Shinigami, whos sent to earth for a decade as punishment only to learn that heaven isnt all seeing as it is thought to be.
18 Nostalgia Central Informative reference
Informative reference guide to television of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Contains brief overview of each decade with links to pictures and facts about tv shows from the era.
19 Chamber Of Horrors The history
The history of horror movies by decade. Includes sections on the Silent Era, the monsters, directors and top 100 films.
20 A Decade in the Life of Billy Idol Chart results
Chart results from 81 to 89, mini-biography and quotes from people in the music industry about some of the albums.
Create Tripod Checklycos Tripodcom Couldnt Signup Shopping Lycoscom Login Requestedpage Please
21 Sebastian Shaw: The Black King Includes a
Includes a character biography, a pictures gallery organized by decade, fan-fiction, and links.
22 FilmAffinity: Top Movies List of
List of films with the highest ranking, according to site users. Sortable by genre, country of origin, and decade.
David Charles Series John Tv Robert Chaplin Creator Jack Michael Filmaffinity Documentary Billy Henry Mark Coster Waldau Mcdonough Yoshio Hugh Jones Benioff Bergman Maurice
23 decade a four
a four piece, emo/rock band from southern vermont. with news, show dates, member profiles, pictures and links.
24 An introduction
An introduction to the first decade of motion pictures. Focuses on the early pioneers and includes biographies, technology, a timeline, essays, and resources.
Earlycinemacom Thomas Film Edison Dickson Acres Cinema Pioneers Birt Timeline Biograph Technology Early Kinetoscope Zoetrope Paul Resources
25 An introduction
An introduction to the first decade of motion pictures. Focuses on the early pioneers and includes biographies, technology, a timeline, essays, and resources.
26 Nude as the News: Sugar Jonathan Cohens
Jonathan Cohens review: One of the more unheralded debut albums of the decade, and further proof of Moulds significant creative vision.
Z Iis Y
27 Horror Remedy Reviews featuring
Reviews featuring movies by decade, broken down by year, dating back to the 1930s. Includes message boards and trivia.
Proceedfound The Click Herefound
28 Tom Yak: Tattooer, Painter, Illustrator An artist
An artist dedicated to the tattoo business for over a decade. Image gallery, flash section, and contact information. [Point Pleasant]
Main Usanj Beach Electricviewbook Powered Tattoo Streetbradley
29 CMJ: Lifes Rich Pageant Jeff Tamarkins
Jeff Tamarkins review: 'Is it enough to say that R.E.M. has outdone itself? Or does it have to be added that its not only their most consistently brilliant work but one of the great rock n roll albums of the decade?'
Foundfound The Server Apacheport
30 planet midi large archive
large archive of midi files sorted by decade and artists.
31 the music of the fifties - oldies but goodies resource for
resource for music produced during the decade.
Litespeed Accessinctechnologies Forbidden Server Proudly
32 jazz vocalists: the 1950s list of
list of female jazz singers of the decade.
33 80s music lyrics collection of
collection of memorable rock and pop lyrics from the 80s decade.
Music Lyrics Games Quiz Board Message Articles Arcade Pop Songs S Might Here Free Policy Vpnreactor Forums
34 In Praise & Celebration of The Iron Giant Viewer comments
Viewer comments and reviews from Aint It Cool News. Only one negative review out of several dozen here. Thats unheard of for any film in this decade, animated or not.
News Film Cool Aint Peeks Contact Coaxial Negative Review Movie Picks Powered Comics Go Tv Rss Staff Take Reviews
35 brands, h w author of
author of sixteen books, including 'the strange death of american liberalism', 'what america owes the world', 'the reckless decade', and 'the devil we knew', and edited four others.
Z Grillparzer Haiku Sneak History Pearls Connect Books Laws Biolectures Brands Franz
36 history of banned music in the united states anecdotes about
anecdotes about music censorship, dating to the 1950s and sorted by decade.
Eric Nuzumworld Censorship Npr Vampire Dot Welcomeauthor Music Ghost Com
37 target center the most
the most popular national bands have played here over the last decade. you can see the view from your seat with the seat locator at this site.
Tickets Buy Minnesota Center Target Arena Club Seating Live Lynx Services Plan Visit Timberwolves Guest Tag Tot Pre Show Ticketing
38 Nude as the News: Ragged Glory A review
A review of one of 'the most compelling albums of the decade' with links to other reviews of Youngs albums.
Contactdocumentwrite Nudeasthenewscomy
39 Chois Classic Film Page Personal site
Personal site containing favorite movie lists by decade for the last 100 years of film
Create Tripod Hosting Tripodcom Requested Login Lycoscom Shopping Please Page Couldnt Website Lycoscheck
40 History of Fashion: Designers Profile of
Profile of the designer whos managed two careers in fashion after a two decade retreat from the business.
41 Looking for the Light The last
The last decade of the AIDS crisis photographed by well-known New York photographer Scott Thode. Co-published with the New York Times.
Aids Essays House Adoption Inhibitors Menu Scott Epidemic Server Face Decade Thodequicktime Hiv
42 ladies of jazz site dedicated
site dedicated to female jazz vocalists and organized by the decade in which they recorded - from the 1930s to the 1990s.
43 planet midi hundreds of
hundreds of free midi files from classical to current songs, arranged in categories by decade and artist.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sports Trying Hosting Wayback Movies Maps Sorry News Mail
44 super seventies top 100
top 100 seventies singles, ten for each year of the decade.
Singles Seventies Love John Night Bad Three Come Dawn Country Elton Mccartney Heart Gees_ Want Much Feel Loco Motion Earth Woman Travolta Star
45 books: beautiful brooding (tucson weekly . 08-11-97) mary gaitskill
mary gaitskill is at it again -- mining those twisted psyches and revealing the demographics of sex, power and intimacy -- in her first collection of short stories in more than a decade.
Gaitskill Mary Weekly Beautiful Brooding Gaitskills Tucson Books They Dispatch Collection Margot Stories Interview Wanted Perhapsshe Sex
46 Looksmart: Interview Magazine - Inside Paris Fashion Ingrid Sischy
Ingrid Sischy asks the designer to define Paris through specific places for each decade from the 60s to the 90s.
47 Trainwreck Collective Dedicated to
Dedicated to a collective of musicians which has been creating mostly instrumental music for over a decade. Biographies, message board, show dates, and MP3 files for download.
Music Collective Trainwreck Website Close Thanks Sign Mp Musicians Independent Experimental Free Instrumental Bios Cds Doug Web Welcome
48 PopMatters: Liz Phair - Liz Phair Adrien Begrands
Adrien Begrands review: 'highly overproduced, shallow, soulless, confused, pop-by-numbers disaster that betrays everything the woman stood for a decade ago'
Music Best Collapse + Photos Albums New Phizix Fabriclive Explore Tour Reviews Bruce John Features Ahn Sahm Buhl Hip Hop Ties
49 Stones Mania Site is
Site is in English and Japanese and dedicated to the group by Toru Fujiwara. Offers a tour schedule by decade, song lists, photos, concert reviews, guestbook, message board and collection of memorabilia.
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50 Silhouette Of Janet Jackson Raquel has
Raquel has been performing as a Janet Jackson impersonator for over a decade. Photos, video clips, song list, and contact information.
Website Create Design Traffic Log Sites How Works Features Services Booster Sell Ads Homestead Pricing Seo Found Sample Error
51 retrospect nine-piece band
nine-piece band performing music of every decade, from the big band era through current dance and popular music. includes song list, photos, links and booking info.
Retrospect Wedding Band Washington Party Dc Md Va Bethesda Music Montgomery Events Weddingwire Bands Delaware Baltimore Decades
52 All That You Cant Leave Behind James Goods
James Goods review: 'U2 seems to have rediscovered its the songwriting that matters and with this new release, the writing combined with various musical influences and arrangements, makes an effort to reassure its core fan foundation they can walk the fence and be the U2 of 10 years ago as well as the U2 of this decade.' Rating: 4/5.
53 Billboard: Exciter Billboard review:
Billboard review: 'Exciter is the best Depeche Mode album in a decade.'
54 ksan - jive95 dedicated to
dedicated to the memories and spirit of ksan-fm, san francisco. for more than a decade, starting in 1968, under the hands of fm godfather, tom donahue, ksan led a free-form revolution that produced incredible, inspiring and outrageous radio.
Z Jivehome Y
55 history of rock and roll, the the golden decade
the golden decade 1954 through 1963. comprehensive coverage of many styles, from soul and rock to the girl groups and hot rod music. includes record companies, performers, disc jockeys, photos, audio files and technology of the era.
Rock Roll American History Enter Europeanmusic United African Count Originating Peneny Basie Radio Elvis Foster
56 valtone finnish music
finnish music studio specializing in multimedia production, with a specific focus on game music production. headed up by jonne valtonen, aka purple motion, who has been making music on the pc for nearly a decade.
57 the history of rock and roll examines the
examines the golden decade 1954 through 1963. comprehensive coverage of many styles, from soul and rock to girl groups and hot rod music. includes record companies, performers, disc jockeys, photos, audio files and technology of the era.
Rock Roll American History Decade States Wyonnie Foster Bill Enter Cleveland Without Baby Harris Movies
58 The Fantasticks, The Worlds Longest Running Musical The official
The official The Fantasticks Fifth Decade! website, commemorating the musical by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt which opened off-Broadway on May 3, 1960 and is still delighting audiences. Contains history, photos, and memorabilia, as well as ticket information.
Fantasticks Music Schmidt Musical Book Jones Running Official Longest Broadway Theatre Harvey Off Award Guinness Sullivan Lyrics Here
59 80s Television Trivia Questions Questions about
Questions about television of the decade.
What Simon Name Facts House Dukes Family Threes Tv Television Trivia Company Music Questions Life Mork Susan Desperately Arnold Pro Wrestler
60 Playbill News: Christine, Christine: Two Actresses Now Share Role in London Phantom For the
For the first time in its more than two-decade run at Her Majestys Theatre, the London production of Andrew Lloyd Webbers The Phantom of the Opera features two women equally sharing the role of Christine Daae.
Christine Playbill London Two Theatre Broadway Features Polls Role Shelf Phantom Nyc Photo Job Quality Permanently The Listings Privacy
61 lapidary journal - feats of clay a decade
a decade after it was introduced, how is metal clay used today by modern metal clay artists? article from the lapidary journal magazine.
62 monster magazines - the first decade online magazine
online magazine with a focus on horror and monster publications of the 'golden age' of horror magazines (1960s). also links to online horror merchants.

Decade Dictionary

ten / X / tenner / decade: the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one, the base of the decimal system
decade / decennary / decennium: a period of / years Reviews for Decade. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Decade" (visitors of this topic page). Decade › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Decade Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

A decade is a period of 10 years. The word is derived from the Ancient Greek dekas which means ten. Other words for spans of years also come from Latin: biennium, triennium, quadrennium , lustrum , century , millennium .

63 results for Decade: