Topic: OR City:
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Directed Experience


1 Hypnotherapist in Melbourne Health &
Olivia Walford is passionate about empowering and inspiring individuals to discover their full potential so they may become the best... Hypnotherapy More Hypnosis Melbourne Olivia Clinic Hypnotherapist About Specialties Irritable Bowel Syndrome Gut Directed Loss
1 Directed Electronics, Inc. Manufactures car
Manufactures car alarms and audio products.
Directed Smartstart Permalink Viper Remote | Car Mobile Vendor Security Keyless Cloud Connected Brands Alarms Company Awareness Directeddealerscom
2 Directed Electronics, Inc. Manufactures car
Manufactures car alarms and audio products.
3 24x7 BPO India based
India based firm offering BPO services directed at IT companies.
Bpo India Services Outsourcing Business Process Management Xbpo Project Ahmedabad Started Analysis Pvt Conversion Offshore
4 IMC Marketing Provider of
Provider of telemarketing and call center services directed at the financial industry.
5 Directed By You Services for
Services for weddings, corporate, music recitals and events within 100 miles of Dallas.
6 Directed By You Services for
Services for weddings, corporate, music recitals and events within 100 miles of Dallas.
7 Competitive Advantage Consultants Specializes in
Specializes in the design and implementation of self-directed work teams (SDWTs).
Teams Directed Advantage Team Consultants Competitive Work Self Training Management Development Netscape Page Internet Navigator
8 Providio Trading Consultants, Inc. Customized brokerage
Customized brokerage and risk management services for self directed clients.
9 ANCO Discount Futures Self-directed IRA/KEOGH
Self-directed IRA/KEOGH accounts. Free quotes and charts to customers.
10 Donaldson and Co. Inc. Directed brokerage
Directed brokerage specialists, a soft dollar and commission recapture broker dealer.
11 Merrill Lynch Direct Services for
Services for self directed investors with online trading, research and financial tools.
Open Retirement Investing Edge Merrill Account Planning Investment Trading Guidance Financial Invest Small How Ways Privileges® Funds Fixed
12 paul marrs shipper waterway this site
this site is directed at the shippers/cargo prospective and provides useful links to various maritime interests.
Shipper Paul Marrs Shipping Admiralty Here Waterway Marine Barging Distractions Transport Ocean Terminal Sites Forwarders
13 Entrust Administration Inc. We handle
We handle the record keeping and government reporting requirements for truly self-directed IRAs and Qualified Plans.
Ira Directed Entrust Plans Self Investments How Account Group Administrator Tax Alternative Professionals Gold Precious Benefits Open
14 ars, inc. a specialty
a specialty cro focusing exclusively in monitoring clinical trials. provides project teams as well as individual monitors for client directed projects.
Travel Services Leading Rservicescomjoin Cruise Net Africa Asia Arcaribbean Business Discount
15 Springboard Thinking Provides competitive
Provides competitive advantages to organizations through goal-directed, results-based programs and by developing productive behaviors and attitudes.
Thinking Group Inc Springboard Anthem Village President Services Wilkin Contact Drivehenderson Results Do   Our Hosting Yourstrategic Free 
16 Directed Light Inc. Company providing
Company providing workstations and systems for laser welding, drilling and specialty cutting lamps. Contracted services also available.
Light Directed Laser Components Manufacturing Contract Medical Upcoming Events Inc Updates Contact News Fabtech Services Parts Catalog
17 Essential Business Solutions Management consulting
Management consulting organization with a focus and expertise directed to small- and medium-sized enterprises. Australia.
18 AmeriTrade Holding Corporation Provides online
Provides online discount brokerage services to self-directed investors in the United States and abroad. (Nasdaq: AMTD)
19 Mike Frank Sales and
Sales and marketing directed presentations include 'Prospecting Skills', 'Overcoming Objections' and 'Building Strong Client Relationships'.
Speakers Mike Professional Speaker Frank Sales Consultant Trainers Speaking Ethics Conductingconvention Effective Managing
20 C Tech Defense Corporation Research, design
Research, design and testing of ballistics, hydrodynamics and directed energy devices. Modeling and simulation of projectiles and explosives.
Tech Defense Aerospace Hydrodynamic Engineering Here Ballistic Contact Projects Mine Winds Corporation Explosive Inc Ballistics Scientificamerican
21 FL Guarnizioni Industriali Manufacture complex
Manufacture complex gaskets and shapes from drawings, using the various rubber materials including Silicone, FKM, NBR, HNBR, EPDM, SBR, NR, CR, ECO, CPM, and other compounds as directed.
22 Bollywood Strings Dedicated to
Dedicated to Indian and Indo-Western music and arrangements in the United Kingdom and Europe. Directed by Chandru, violinist and composer.
Bollywood Strings Indian Music String Arrangements Nitin India Dana Gillespie Chandru Heights Clients Sawnhey Frou Miten Talvin
23 Directed By A complete
A complete, affordable, video editing and post-production service for the amateur videographer, photographer, small business, and commercial venture.
24 Angelica Rose: The Heart of Motivation Offers relaxation
Offers relaxation through movement, higher conscious living, communication skills, creative marketing, and self-directed leadership.
Angelica Heart Motivation Training Since Members Videos Living Conscious Essence Class Spiritual Adviser Sign Line Self Improvement Store
25 Performance Directed Management Melbourne-based management
Melbourne-based management training and consulting.
Channel Enablers Philip Training Sales Moon Follow Consulting Indirect Oracle Expertise Blog Heimanchannel Heiman Market
26 Medical Coders Institute, Inc. Self directed
Self directed training course for medical coding which prepares for certification test.
27 directed energy, inc. high voltage
high voltage pulse generators, pulsers, modulators and pulsed voltage sources
Ixys Driver Product Laser Colorado Diode Solar Pulse Rf Ixysrf Generator Power Instruments Mosfets Series Information Application Scientific Discrete Notices
28 directed energy, inc. high voltage
high voltage pulse generators, pulsers, modulators and pulsed voltage sources
Product Ixys Driver Laser Colorado Diode Selector Series Pulse Rf Solar Ixysrf Generator Mosfets Instruments Power
29 Investment Trading Services, Inc. Independent introducing
Independent introducing broker specializing in self directed and managed trading accounts.
30 Directed Electronics, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of car alarm brands including Viper, Hornet, Python, Clifford, and Avital. Also offers amplifiers, subwoofer, component sets, and coaxials.
Directed Smartstart Permalink Viper Remote | Car Mobile Vendor Keyless Security Cloud Connected Entry Alarms Window Gps Company
31 Directed Electronics, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of car alarm brands including Viper, Hornet, Python, Clifford, and Avital. Also offers amplifiers, subwoofer, component sets, and coaxials.
32 Striker Securities, Inc. Chicago based
Chicago based futures and securities brokerage specializing in services for managed and self-directed system trading.
33 Striker Securities, Inc. Chicago based
Chicago based futures and securities brokerage specializing in services for managed and self-directed system trading.
34 minerva associates. inc. warehouse management
warehouse management system with directed management of operators, control of automated equipment and inventory tracking.
35 Circle Trust Company Mutual fund
Mutual fund trading, retirement investments, assets management, trust services and self-directed brokerage.
36 Insight Technical Education, Melvin G. Peterman Provides self-directed
Provides self-directed learning materials and tools for introducing vocational, technical, and professional fields and for life enrichment.
Practical Peterman Drafting Technical Design Accounting Vol Complete Education Insight Business Project Graphic Sketchâ„¢ Self Vision Dexterity Focus Fundamentals
37 Pan Geo Investment Inc. Provides registered
Provides registered independent local to global portfolio investment advisory services electronically. Facilitates self-directed investing, providing an alternative to mutual funds.
Investment Advice Page Global Green Portfolio Also Order Jazeera Fund Return Performance Website Growth Information Capital Names Table People Related Hasoutperformed Discontinued
38 electrical sales, distributing & consulting, inc. sources and
sources and supplies electrical wire, cable and fiber optic cables directed to power utilities, telcom, traffic signal, distributors and end users.
39 CDM Retirement Consultants, Inc. Specializing in
Specializing in self-directed defined contribution plans. Offers advisory services on design, implement and administer of retirement plans.
Cdm Selecting Found Retirement Plan Why Sponsors Proposal Participant Server Question Portssl Inc
40 Stuifbergen Bloembollen Export Wholesaler of
Wholesaler of Dutch bulbs, operating several distribution warehouses in the US, with sales are directed to garden centers, nurseries, greenhouses and the landscape industries. Company information, spring and fall catalogs, and growing tips.
Account Suspended Suspendedthisbeen Z
41 PlasmaCAM CNC plasma
CNC plasma cutting system for producing intricate shapes in metal. Comprises cutting table and a hand torch that can be directed by software containing scanned images, computer fonts, and common drawing formats.
Demo Video Cutting Plasmacam Systems Community Owners Technical Uses Click Information Articles Plasma Testimonials System Inc
42 directed energy inc. manufactures range
manufactures range of high speed, pulsed power instruments and components. applications include mass spectroscopy, pulsed component characterization, and semiconductor, dielectric, insulation, and laser diode testing.
43 directed energy inc. manufactures range
manufactures range of high speed, pulsed power instruments and components. applications include mass spectroscopy, pulsed component characterization, and semiconductor, dielectric, insulation, and laser diode testing.
44 Asarco Exploration Company, Inc. Focuses on
Focuses on the identification and acquisition of advanced gold, copper and silver exploration projects. Most expenditure is directed at projects in South America, Australia and Ireland.
45 Directed By You! Video Productions Event, Wedding
Event, Wedding, Corporate, Musical video productions. Single and multi-camera. All digital cameras. DV and DVCAM. Two non linear edit bays. Based in Jackson, Mississippi
46 Directed By You! Video Productions Event, Wedding
Event, Wedding, Corporate, Musical video productions. Single and multi-camera. All digital cameras. DV and DVCAM. Two non linear edit bays. Based in Jackson, Mississippi
47 Surgeons Group Liability Insurance National non-profit
National non-profit organization, directed by surgeons, offers medical malpractice insurance for surgeons.
48 Self Leveling Machines Inc. Offers worldwide
Offers worldwide onsite machining service, with emphasis on handling large circular and irregular shaped items. Serves wide range of onshore and offshore industries. Site provides detailed account of laser directed equipment and capabilities.
49 Sterling Trust Company Self-directed individual
Self-directed individual retirement accounts, qualified business retirement plans, personal custodial accounts and corporate trust and escrow arrangements. Details of services and account access.
50 Sterling Trust Company Self-directed individual
Self-directed individual retirement accounts, qualified business retirement plans, personal custodial accounts and corporate trust and escrow arrangements. Details of services and account access.
Ira Investment Account Investments Iras Types Equity Investing Alternative Forms Business Grow Precious Private Custodial Flex Menu Needs Registered
51 Hain Celestial Group, Inc. Markets, distributes
Markets, distributes and sells full line of natural foods, cooking oils, sugar-free products, medically directed snack foods, low sodium food products and frozen kosher food products. (Nasdaq: HAIN).
Hain Celestial Group Natural Foods Spectrum Transparency Chains Careers Relations Inc Investor Brands California Supply Yves
52 Ohio State Life Insurance Company All new
All new sales of life and annuity products are offered through Americo Financial Life and Annuity Insurance Company in most states. Policy holders and agents are directed to company information or a claims service link.
53 TeeJet Spray Nozzles for Agricultural Spraying Spraying Systems
Spraying Systems Co. Agricultural Division - TeeJet spray nozzles, boom components and accessories for broadcast spraying, banding and directed spraying. Detailed product specs and technical support center.

2. Shopping and Directed Trade

1 Physician directed
Physician directed products such as LRS and MATIS.
Skin Signature Shop Now Care Science Maloney Richard Md Customer Blog Botanical Sign Follow Cart
2 Trail Girls Clothing directed
Clothing directed towards women in sport. Includes shirts, tanks, polos and hats.
Photography Cart Art Digital Artists Fine Artworks Clay Mixed Media People Jewelry Trailgirls Images Bead Sign
3 Dr.Detail Offering alarms
Offering alarms and stereo products from Viper, Hornet, Directed Amps, Compx Subs and Your Valet.
Alarm Parts Viper Remote Alarms Avital Price Starters Python Buy Clifford Xpresskit Remotes Hornet Installed Notice Customer Keyless
4 Liberal Issues Specializing in
Specializing in themed merchandise, directed at current issues and legislation.
5 AxelAir Online kitesurf
Online kitesurf and flysurf shop. Includes FAQs and information about their kitesurf school, directed by Laurent Ness, in Carnon, France.
Kitesurfaxelair Portail Ledu
6 Black Forest Imports Wholesale clock
Wholesale clock suppliers of movements, clock parts and clocks since 1981. Our products and services are directed to the professional horologist.
Cuckoo Movements Parts Hermle Related Clock Wheels Series Kieninger Style Clocks Forest Tools Weight Imports Gothic Arial San
7 Main Street Audio PPI, Directed
PPI, Directed Audio, MA Audio, Audiobahn, Rockford Fosgate.
Main Street Policy Wordpress Load String Functionsimplexml Warning Terms Reviews Spam Theme Anti Contact Privacy
8 An Eye On Health Wellness-directed medical
Wellness-directed medical, health, skin care and personal enhancement professionals. An e-community, including news, articles and health store.
Rejected Requesty
9 Brummitt-Taylor Music Listening Program Its is
Its is a daily, non-directed approach to music listening that can be used school-wide or in individual classrooms.
Tall Publishing Timbers Contact Blog Posts Uncategorized Partners Corporation Testimonials Website Advision Categories Embarrassing Y
10 Proctor Clinic Medical treatment
Medical treatment center for hairloss, directed by Peter H. Proctor, PhD, MD. Dr. Proctor has been active in hair loss research for over 20 years and holds nine US patents for hair loss treatment agents.
Hair Loss Treatment Regrowth Email Blog Texas Areata_ Italyplease Orders Cartkorea Disclaimer

3. Directed Recreation

1 Forerunners Track Club Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, Florida. Coached/directed by Joe Burgasser.
Forerunners Boston Burgasser Petersburg Schedule Track Disney Events Marathon Payne America Bank Results Club Coyne Michael Team
2 Pathway to Happiness Articles, exercises
Articles, exercises, and audio directed at self awareness and building relationships.
Self Happiness Awareness Beliefs Mastery Core Power Relationships Anger Change Love Personal Happy Overcoming Coaching Work Deprived Optimistic Management Feeling
3 Isshinryu Karate Academy Based in
Based in Pittsburgh, PA and directed by Master William H. Duessel. Instructors, schedule of classes and events.
Domain Testimonials Policy Help Domains See Business Usd Todayour Hotelkaratcom Premium Trust Hassle Affiliateucom Hugedomainscom
4 CalmFlight A program
A program for business travelers based in Westchester County, New York. Directed by Dr. Alan Strohmayer, a pilot and a behavioral therapist.
5 Center for Ophthalmology and Laser Surgery Directed by
Directed by Michael Loeffler, MD, Miami. About the procedures, map and directions, practice policy, FAQs and useful links.
Glaucoma Schedule Lens Surgery Loeffler Cataract Meet Evaluation Patient Replacement Exam Cataracts Lenses Contact Oculoplastics Faqs
6 Wus Tai Chi Chuan Europe Based in
Based in London, Sifu Gary Wragg teaches the form as directed by the Wu family. News, theory, syllabus, and workshops.
7 Lifelounge Lifestyle site
Lifestyle site directed towards the youth market incorporating information relating to extreme sports, fashion, music, travel, and games.
Request Errory
8 Texas - BrainTraining Services directed
Services directed at teaching parents how to provide children with a play environment that meets their developmental needs, with a focus on meaning and relationships.
Cognitive Therapy Social Sensory Attention Skills Deficit Brain Training Neuroscience Processing Academic Michelle Macalpine Disorders Experiencehelping
9 Life First Alternative health
Alternative health site directed towards the Art of Hypnotherapy, the empowermentof choice, the resolution of issues and traumas from the past and the elimination of unwanted habits.
Hypnosis Self Dream Handwriting Corner Analysis Products Help Control Center Lifefirst Nutrition Sleep Positive Courses Theory Certification Regression
10 Advanced Fertility & Reproductive Endocrinology Institute Clinic directed
Clinic directed by Dr. Gail F. Whitman-Elia, learn about the egg donor program, treatments available, and upcoming seminars.
Fertility Elia Columbia Whitman South Carolina Advanced West Gail Ivf Dr Support Reproductive Endocrinology Success
11 The Flying Life magazine A lifestyle
A lifestyle magazine directed at general aviation enthusiasts and their families.
Communications Marketingstrategic Web Development Inc Housing Relations Crisis Planning Consultingpublic Corporate
12 Camp Summit Runs a
Runs a traditional 8-week program, as well as a 4-week term directed toward first-time campers.
Domain Lease Identity Moscomcom Registration Internet Business Protection Summit Camp Support Map Pause Hometripcom Post Inquire Space Awareness
13 Memorial City Neurology Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas, directed by Dennis G. Brown, M.D., a specialist in headaches and general neurology.
14 Dogbus Online Humor directed
Humor directed at Canadian life includes original movies, music, chat, forum, artist of the month, local band list, and archive.
Page Title Redirectingdefaultwebhosting Nexicom
15 R/C Aerial Photography This page
This page describes some of the history and the current state of research directed toward development of a low cost system for aerial imaging.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Sorry Wayback Guidelines Sports Mail Inc Machine Hosting Maps Y
16 O-Mei Wushu Center School directed
School directed by Sifu Lu Xiaolin in Alexandria, Virginia. Traditional and contemporary Wushu is taught as well as external and internal styles.
Wushu Mei Camp Chantilly Fairfax Center Dance Sifu Kung Summer Health Chinese Qigong Schedule North Students Registration Omei Meis Tournament
17 Camp Sewataro A traditional
A traditional summer day camp owned and directed by the Taylor family in a north woods setting. For boys and girls ages 4 to 13.
Camp Staff Sewataro Request Concord Meet Boston Lunch Trips Sprouts Apply Day Wellesley Bolton Tribe Counselor Training Open
18 AxelAir Online kitesurf
Online kitesurf and flysurf shop. Includes FAQs and information about their kitesurf school, directed by Laurent Ness, in Carnon, France.
Kitesurfdu Portail Leaxelair
19 DCA - Das Immunvitamin Information about
Information about DCA, DeoxyCholic Acid, and what diseases can be healed with it. Details on active and passive therapy, indications, and publications. Info about the use of DCA as a medicament is directed to professionals such as doctors, scientists and naturopaths.
Dca Deoxycholic Cancer Vlcek Immunity Acid Aids Inflammations Herpes Research Immunestimulator References Macrophages Medicament Services Flora Dca Deoxycholic Health
20 Advanced Fertility & Reproductive Endocrinology Institute Clinic directed
Clinic directed by Dr. Gail F. Whitman-Elia, learn about the egg donor program, treatments available, and upcoming seminars. Located in West Columbia.
Fertility Elia Whitman Columbia Carolina South Advanced West Gail Ivf Dr Support Reproductive Success Endocrinology
21 Lake Murray Association Conducts surveys
Conducts surveys and environmental studies directed at enhancing the health, safety and welfare of the area. Includes special events, calendar and membership application.
Lake Murray Association Message Program Water Golf Meeting Officers Homes Pontoon Safety Committees Relicensing Quality Login Tour
22 Community Tae Kwon Do Self defense
Self defense classes directed by Taekwondo 5th Dan Master Robert Sutter, and sponsored by the Boise Public Schools Community Education program.
Boise Page Community Kwon Doz Tae
23 LifeFirst: Child Birthing Center Alternative health
Alternative health site directed to the art of hypnotherapy for pain free childbirth, empowerment of choice, resolution of issues and traumas from the past and the elimination of unwanted habits.
Hypnosis Corner Center Self Dream Handwriting Analysis Childbirth Control Nutrition Products Lifefirst Positive Download Help Area Visualization Oregon Thomas
24 Wintergreen Resort A handsome
A handsome 10,000-acre ecologically sensitive resort in Virginias Blue Ridge Mountains notable for the tennis programs directed by former touring pro Craig Wittus.
Golf Resort Mountain Virginia Tennis Wintergreen Creek Activities Stoney Group Spa Member Lessons Calendar Menu Lots Academy Foundation Passes
25 Camp Sewataro A traditional
A traditional summer day camp owned and directed by the Taylor family in a north woods setting located in Sudbury Massachusetts. For boys and girls ages 4 to 13.
Camp Staff Sewataro Concord Request Boston Meet Activities Lunch Expectations Sprouts Trips Apply Parent Sudbury Dover Counselor Training Massachusetts Tuition Liberty
26 Eye Center of Central Texas Temple. Provides
Temple. Provides a full complement of vision services and medically directed skin care treatments. The doctors perform LASIK, cataract surgery, laser facial and eye rejuvenation and general ophthalmology.
27 Pennsylvania Center for Plastic Surgery Directed by
Directed by Dr. Scott Brenman, offers plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery information. In Philadelphia.
Breast Skin Contouring Enhancement Lift Procedures Brenman Surgery Body Facelift Augmentation Plastic Reconstruction Liposuction Office Reviews Reduction Scott Hernia Deformities
28 Bertagna Goaltending and Defense Camps Camps are
Camps are directed by former Boston Bruins and Olympic goalie coach Joe Bertagna.
Bertagna Application Goaltending Download Cost Goalie Yha Click Hockey Mike Jbertagna@comcastnet Staff Instruction Here Goaltender Year Round Boston Traditional Celebrate
29 The Wright Eye Center Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs eye center specializing in laser vision correction. Directed by Dr. John R. Wright.
30 Talbott Squash Academy, Rhode Island Largest squash
Largest squash summer camp program in the USA directed by former North American champion Mark Talbott.
Talbott Page Talbottsquash@gmailcom Director Center Mark Phone Alto Palo Email Academyussra Po National
31 Welder Outfitting Services Guided or
Guided or self-directed bow, muzzle loading, and rifle hunting. Also offers fishing, pack trips, and snowmobile trips. Includes photo gallery and rate information. Based in Meeker.
Hunting Guided Services Outfitting Colorado Welder Rifle Fishing Elk Deer Deerelk Northwest Season Camp Pack Self Directed Wildlife Cell
32 Touring Kayakers Ottawa-Outaouais A non-profit
A non-profit, member-directed organization dedicated to providing a forum for Ottawa area sea kayakers to exchange information and plan outings.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy News Archiveorg Wayback User Longeravailable Trying Terms Maps Guidelines
33 Coastal Carolina Soccer Camps and Academy Offers programs
Offers programs at various skill levels for boys and girls, directed by Paul Banta, includes details on facilities, daily schedule, staff, session dates and locations, and online registration.
Domain Cart Contact Policy Testimonials Shopping Help Categories See Bellevuesoccercom Privacy Assets Request Groovecampcom Visit
34 Camp Kingsmont Owned and
Owned and directed by staff who were once overweight children themselves. Offers co-ed programs for 7-18 year olds. Located in Amherst, Massachusetts. Includes staff profiles, parent and camper FAQs, photos, and registration information.
Camp Ma Fat Camps Fit Fitness Loss Weight Program Ck Enroll Kingsmont Kids Trips Massachusetts Parents Why
35 York Volleyball Camp For boys
For boys and girls grade 4th through 12th, held at Dallastown School District, Dallastown, PA, and directed by Bruce and Barb Koller. Offers physical and mental training for the beginner to experienced player.
36 Keystone State Basketball Camps Basketball boys
Basketball boys and girls camps directed by Pete White. Application, college coaches, shootouts, talent camp and awards for future stars.
Staff Application Shootouts Team App Camp Talent Keystone Boys Counselor Coach Camps College Alumni Skills State
37 Camp Kingsmont Owned and
Owned and directed by staff who were once overweight children themselves. Offers co-ed programs for 7-18 year olds. Located in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Includes staff profiles, parent and camper FAQs, photos, and registration information.
Camp Ma Fat Camps Fit Fitness Weight Loss Program Ck Enroll Kingsmont Kids Now Youth
38 Coma Waiting Page Information about
Information about coma and brain injury directed at helping with answers and support in those critical first days and weeks, while waiting for someone to awake from a coma.
Brain Injury Coma Traumatic Waiting Survivors Trauma Head Information Resources Icu Closed Care Damage Attorney
39 Pencak Silat Austria Information
Information on history, the trainer and the curriculum of the school directed by master teacher Eduard Linhart in Vienna, Austria. Contact facilities, photo gallery, glossary of Indonesian terms. Languages are English, German and Italian.
Basement Silat Juegos Decor Waterproofing House Decorating Mexico De Toronto Car Part Book Plans Remodeling Training Fluent Schüler Golok How
40 Washington Air Search and Rescue A volunteer
A volunteer organization established to support Air Search and Rescue activities directed by the Washington State Department of Transportation -- Aviation Division
Rescue Washington Wasar Table Sar Air Contents Return Survival Infrared Aerial Page Aviation Gear Training Transportation Col Christmas Services
41 Boise Community Tae Kwon Do Boise Public
Boise Public Schools Community Taekwondo directed by Master Robert Sutter, 5th Dan Tae Kwon Do, is martial arts training school for beginners to black belt students.
Community Boise Page Kwontae Do Z
42 Derma -Tech , Skin Care Clinic Details about
Details about this medically directed skin care clinic focusing on corrective treatments such as acne, pre-mature aging, and sun damaged skin. Located in Joplin, Missouri.
Services Hair Tech Aesthetic Derma Care Joplin Medical Aveda Products Adding Cut Specials Color Salon Manicures Fillers Reserved
43 Radio/DX Information from Wisconsin News and
News and information about radio (AM, FM, TV, long wave beacons) in and around Wisconsin, directed to radio fans and DXers (long-distance listeners).
Radio Wisconsin Page Dx Board Band Media Iowa Tv Radiodx Club Information Wave Station Milwaukee Vhf Uhf Louis List Nd
44 Malvern Warriors Eskrima Club Open to
Open to both beginners and experienced martial artists wishing to cross train. All aspects of Filipino arts taught as directed by Pangulong Guro Krishna Godhania. Includes information on the club, instructors, eskrima, classes taught, links, and related topics.[Malvern, Worcestershire]
Eskrima Malvern Dacayana Group Website Filipino Concepts Merlins System Jeet Martial Do Kune Uk Years Stick Official Migsunedo
45 Eating Disorder Center of California EDCC provides
EDCC provides day programs, intensive outpatient programs, and outpatient counseling to those with anorexia, bulimia, and exercise addiction. Information on staff, programs, and other resources. The EDCC is directed by the same director as the Monte Nido residential treatment center, and can serve as a place for patients before or after treatment at Monte Nido, or as a stand-alone treatment program.
Eating Disorder Monte Nido Center Treatment York Ca Edcc California Exercise Admission Free Assessment Program Irvington_irvington

4. Computer & Directed Games Websites

1 Internet help
Internet help directed at women. Weekly tutorials for on-line basics.
Sheclickscom Insurance Cash Advance Consolidation Debt Report Learn Phonesfree Policy Section Browse Life
2 Grover, A implementation
A implementation for Scheme. Directed, acyclic graphs of nodes, which have properties, and can be used with XML or SGML.
3 MyHealthBank Providers of
Providers of self directed healthcare software systems for insurers. Includes product details.
4 Student Scrambler Software generates
Software generates randomized classroom seating charts and lists, using teacher directed restrictions.
Information Services Error Help File Directory Tasks Messageslinks Foundinternet Setup Open Administrative Pageproduct
5 Cooper Interaction Design Offers a
Offers a range of goal-directed services that can be used to create and improve interactive solutions from California, USA.
Design Journal Cooper Case Services Study Taskrabbit Article Practice Cooperista Full Thomson Work Fusion Learning World Gadgets Windows | Real
6 Coastal Software A Customer
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) package designed for mid-sized businesses with limited IT staffs. Consulting services directed toward eBusiness is also available.
Software Coastal Payroll Accounting Solutions ® Payments Credit Card Integration Custom Programing Business Terms Consulting Privacy Reserved
7 Seven Annoying E-Mail No-Nos Provides some
Provides some annoying habits of message composition. Directed to a business user.
Advice Estate Real Market Agent Conditions Realty Marketing Article Report Times Headlines Ca Island – Emotional
8 caiPHP PHP tutorials Tutorials and
Tutorials and code snippets directed to those who are learning PHP.
9 Alice Pascal A syntax
A syntax directed editor, interpreter and IDE for Pascal. Free source code (linux) plus binaries for IBM PC and Atari ST.
Pascal Alice Windows Disk Translation Brad Guide Below Software Publishing Language Jokes Clarinet Turbo
10 Up and Running with Frontier Web Site Management Information directed
Information directed at teaching people what they need to know in order to use Frontier for developing web sites. Will need to click on Web Tutorial link to start.
Found Message Nosuchkey Key Requestidhostidfjjkxgcadhrssgalkgdoqryfzfrzcrjmsjhhpjlytdkjlauqfuwjx Code
11 Voice category at Voice-technology related
Voice-technology related tutorials and articles including introduction to VXML, natural vs directed dialogs, SRGS and CCXML introductions
Voice Published Article Java Using Developercom Voip Basics Speech Plsql Projects Year Voicexml Center Application Annotations Technology Creating
12 Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters Description of
Description of simple techniques for controlling goal-directed motion of simulated characters around their world, for applications in games and animation. Includes Java demos and related links.
Steering Autonomous Willemsen Racing Reynolds Characters Environments Craig Path Following_ Peter Crowd Real Simulation Simulating Hunter Prey Collision Vectors Open City Co Evolution Lines Yang
13 How to do a Warehouse Assessment (And Why) Arthur Moore
Arthur Moore and David Wells. The essence of data warehousing assessment is directed at refining the warehousing process and revitalizing the warehousing initiative.
Data Business Management Enterprise Rfid Bill Together Analytics Bpm Mining Imhoff Archive Part Inmon Chain Do
14 Directed Perception, Inc. Provides a
Provides a line of miniature, computer-controlled pan/tilt tracking mounts for us in robotics, web cams, computer vision, teleconferencing, security, industrial automation, video camera control, film photography, laser, antenna and motorized positioning.
Ptu Series Tilt Systems Pan Security Applications Robotics Computer Request Information Policy Flir Directed Spectral Automation
15 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing This international
This international journal is directed to researchers, engineers, educators, managers, programmers, and users of computers who have particular interests in parallel processing and/or distributed computing. Published monthly.
Elsevier Journal Journals Consult Sciences Corporate Books Guidelines Article Research Ebooks Mosbys Update Access Responsibility Request Conditions
16 Warehouse Management Voice Technology Solutions BCPs Accord
BCPs Accord warehouse management system uses speech technology to provide voice directed picking, goods receiving, pallet movements, and stock checking. Fully integrated voice software enables real-time interaction with the system.
Voice Wms Picking Software Food Warehouse Solutions Wholesale Retail Management Accord Drink Distribution Stories Order Questions
1 UnOfficial Parents Guide Pokémon Dispenses information
Dispenses information directed towards adults with tools to learn about the game.
Tripod Create Please Requested Errorpage Website Tripodcom Lycos Signuphosting Couldnt Shopping Found Page
2 All-Reviews Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Tom Allen, 'The weakly directed full motion video scenes have very limited animation, something that is even more noticeable than in the original.' [2.5/4]
Syphon Filter Videogame Adventure Games Music Video Reviewer Rating Contact Reviewscom Review Movies Amazoncom Overall Playing Copyright
3 United States Airhockey Association Guided and
Guided and directed by the USAA, this Yahoo! Group provides information about tournaments, local events, rankings, tables, supplies, tips, and hints.
Error Navigationshilfe Could Processdescription Request
4 Game Revolution Reviewed by
Reviewed by Johnny Liu [Grade: C]. 'It would have worked better had the game allowed you to switch from any of these game styles at will. I think that was the original idea, but sadly it all turns out overly scripted and directed.' Includes screen shots.
Cheats Nintendo Phantom Xbox Playstation Faq Call Ps Video Pain Iphone Games Haven King Solid Anno Payday
5 Movie Trailer Trailer for
Trailer for the movie based on the game directed by Lem Sportsinterviews.
Lem Joint Sportsinterviewsy

5. Sports Websites concerning Directed

1 Forerunners Track Club Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, Florida. Coached/directed by Joe Burgasser.
Forerunners Boston Schedule Burgasser Petersburg Track Disney Payne Marathon Events Bank Club Results America Christy Honolulu Coyne Delong
2 Isshinryu Karate Academy Based in
Based in Pittsburgh, PA and directed by Master William H. Duessel. Instructors, schedule of classes and events.
Domain Testimonials Help See Policy Domains Business Sale Advanced Karatworldcom Speak Own Rutrohcom Click Customer
3 Lifelounge Lifestyle site
Lifestyle site directed towards the youth market incorporating information relating to extreme sports, fashion, music, travel, and games.
4 Wus Tai Chi Chuan Europe Based in
Based in London, Sifu Gary Wragg teaches the form as directed by the Wu family. News, theory, syllabus, and workshops.
5 O-Mei Wushu Center School directed
School directed by Sifu Lu Xiaolin in Alexandria, Virginia. Traditional and contemporary Wushu is taught as well as external and internal styles.
Wushu Mei Chantilly Fairfax Center Chinese Kung Health China Maryland North Championships Qigong Sifu Potomac Directions Connect
6 AxelAir Online kitesurf
Online kitesurf and flysurf shop. Includes FAQs and information about their kitesurf school, directed by Laurent Ness, in Carnon, France.
Portailaxelair Du Kitesurfle
7 Community Tae Kwon Do Self defense
Self defense classes directed by Taekwondo 5th Dan Master Robert Sutter, and sponsored by the Boise Public Schools Community Education program.
Community Kwon Boise Page Do Tae Homez
8 Bertagna Goaltending and Defense Camps Camps are
Camps are directed by former Boston Bruins and Olympic goalie coach Joe Bertagna.
Bertagna Goaltending Season Format Hockey Goalie Jbertagna@comcastnet Mike Goaltender Contact Pdf Joe Staff Drills Morrison Instruction Schaus
9 Talbott Squash Academy, Rhode Island Largest squash
Largest squash summer camp program in the USA directed by former North American champion Mark Talbott.
Stanford Talbott Squash Newport Mark Academy Rhode Overnight Camp Island Travel Stanford Open Summer California Session Forms Tsa Evening
10 Touring Kayakers Ottawa-Outaouais A non-profit
A non-profit, member-directed organization dedicated to providing a forum for Ottawa area sea kayakers to exchange information and plan outings.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Domains Website Customer Account Aabaco Please Web Privacy
11 Coastal Carolina Soccer Camps and Academy Offers programs
Offers programs at various skill levels for boys and girls, directed by Paul Banta, includes details on facilities, daily schedule, staff, session dates and locations, and online registration.
Domain Contact Testimonials Policy Categories Cart Help See Shopping Trust Visit Arsenalsoccercom Call Us Center Deals
12 York Volleyball Camp For boys
For boys and girls grade 4th through 12th, held at Dallastown School District, Dallastown, PA, and directed by Bruce and Barb Koller. Offers physical and mental training for the beginner to experienced player.
13 Keystone State Basketball Camps Basketball boys
Basketball boys and girls camps directed by Pete White. Application, college coaches, shootouts, talent camp and awards for future stars.
Staff Shootouts Application State Keystone Coaches Coach Camp Team Counselor Pennsylvania App Talent Camps Boys Recruiter Girls
14 Pencak Silat Austria Information
Information on history, the trainer and the curriculum of the school directed by master teacher Eduard Linhart in Vienna, Austria. Contact facilities, photo gallery, glossary of Indonesian terms. Languages are English, German and Italian.
Basement Silat Decor Juegos Decorating Waterproofing House Mexico Remodeling Car Book Plans Toronto De Part Eduard Body Furniture Paint Ceiling
15 Boise Community Tae Kwon Do Boise Public
Boise Public Schools Community Taekwondo directed by Master Robert Sutter, 5th Dan Tae Kwon Do, is martial arts training school for beginners to black belt students.
Page Boise Kwon Community Taedo Z
16 Malvern Warriors Eskrima Club Open to
Open to both beginners and experienced martial artists wishing to cross train. All aspects of Filipino arts taught as directed by Pangulong Guro Krishna Godhania. Includes information on the club, instructors, eskrima, classes taught, links, and related topics.[Malvern, Worcestershire]
Eskrima Malvern Dacayana Website Group Filipino System Concepts Merlins Jeet Kune Uk Do Martial Stick Official Single

6. Society, Arts and Directed Crafts

1 directed decisions, inc. jury research
jury research and exhibit preparation services.
Navigationshilfet Y
2 Islam And Christianity Resources of
Resources of a Brethren ministry directed at Muslims.
Muhammad Islam Allah Terrorism News Islamic Book Jihad Muslim Last + Muslims Christians America Christian Oath Council Maryam Christ
3 Lukewarm Outreach Directed toward
Directed toward the professing Christian. Articles, songs, and poems.
Guestbook Outreach Add Words Fruits Simon Times Heathen Does Among Think Guy Tabsign
4 Evangelistic Outreach Don and
Don and Wendy Krow provide dozens of tracts directed to the non-believer.
Chapter Hebrews Timothy Romans God Galatians Jesus Kingdom Peter John Free Tracts Discipleship Christian Do Kjv Arabic Romanian Before
5 Dear Kate Self-directed coping
Self-directed coping strategies. Offers 'sometimes humorous but always sincere' advice in response to readers requests.
Sign Updated Lifestream Everything Now Places People Policy Stay Inc Advertise Network Search Social Terms Youre
6 The Danger of Submitting to Human Authority for Spiritual Direction A homily
A homily by Christopher J. Cisneros, directed toward the Apostolic Christian Church.
Apostolic Spiritual Authority Church Submission Christian Close Sponsoredz
7 alpha delta plus site directed
site directed at london metropolitan police officers who served at cannon row. includes obituaries, photographs, and information.
Police Station Delta Alpha Officers Cannon Contact Plus Hosting Alphadeltaplus@gmailcom London John Memories Email Page Life Palace Clarence Footage
8 Bride 3 in One Dance and
Dance and music production that tells the story of Gods love for Israel and the Church. Directed by Erica Bebb and touring in UK.
International Erica Christian Dance Concert Bristol Bebb Snape Written Gods Maltings Hall Ministries Israel Music Suffolk Has Maltingsconcert Church
9 emergencynet: armed islamists seen as long-term threat for central asia a report
a report about attacks in the region directed by the imu and the groups ties to bin laden.
Fileremoved Namechanged Temporarily Foundthe Error Server Been Directory Unavailablemight Looking Resource
10 Land of Compassion Buddha Tibetan Buddhist
Tibetan Buddhist center, within the Gelugpa lineage, directed by Geshe Lobsang Tsephel. Highlights beliefs, news, and studies.
Land Buddha Compassion Rinpoche Audio Khensur Teachers Tibetan Gelug Directed Content Addressemail Geshelobsang Software West
11 Holy Cross Monastery and Retreat House - Templestowe, Victoria, Australia Information about
Information about directed and individual retreats. discernment opportunities and mass times.
Centre Cross Templestowe Passionist Holy Retreat Events Community Transport Contact Newsletters Resources Conference Retreats Passionists
12 Ken Starr Incorrect Political satire
Political satire songs, jokes, and humor directed to Ken Starr.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Gallery App Local Help Hosting Advisor Terms Privacy Please Politics Website
13 professional driver legal plan a legal
a legal plain directed at holders of commercial drivers (cdl) licenses.
14 Mitzvah CDs CD directed
CD directed to a specific parasha describing the ideas found in the biblical portion and how those ideas can be applied.
Z Mitzvahcdcom Y
15 Asatru-U Develops and
Develops and publishes Asatru (Germanic Heathen) courses for different kinds of students, for different levels of rigor and abstraction, and for directed and independent study.
Yahoo Asatru Help Groups Please Attachments Onlineservices Travel Lands Tv Terms Real Makers Style Xhome
16 Washington PAVE Parent-directed organization
Parent-directed organization that exists to increase independence, empowerment, and future opportunities for consumers with special needs, their families and communities, through training, information, referral and support.
Found The Foundy
17 Washington PAVE Parent-directed organization
Parent-directed organization that exists to increase independence, empowerment, and future opportunities for consumers with special needs, their families and communities, through training, information, referral and support.
Stomp Pti Events Parent Information Cip Community Staff Family Pave Match Sheets Health Cie Training Fact Found Services Everyone Here
18 Midreshet Moriah Offers women
Offers women a one-year Torah and Judaic Studies curriculum directed towards Yeshiva high school graduates. Provides extra-curricular activities and volunteer programs.
Midreshet Choices Contact Moriah News Alumnae Life Mazal Journey Videos Whats Tovs Schedule Faq Iyun Torah Meaningful Advanced Level Student
19 Voices of Praise Ensemble A spirit
A spirit filled and anointed gospel ensemble founded and directed by Raymond W. Hinton of Akron, OH. History songs and booking information.
20 Sinai Academy Yeshiva High School Directed toward
Directed toward Soviet immigrants for grades 9-12. Offers a Sunday school, summer camp, Mishmar program, and Shabbatons.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Ecommerce Local Gallery App Help Small Hosting Marketing Developer Sell Screen Localworks Sports
21 Nietzsche-Studien Provides an
Provides an international forum for the questions directed at Nietzsche. The yearbook was founded by Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, and Heinz Wenzel.
Gruyter Contact Sorry Walter Publications Textbooks Page Help House Content Publisher Could Looking Publishing Conferences News * Sales Gruyter *
22 The Path of Liberation Teachings Started in
Started in 1994, Land of Compassion Buddha is a Tibetan Buddhist center, within the Gelugpa lineage, directed by Geshe Lobsang Tsephel, it is located in Rowland Heights, California.
Land Compassion Buddha Rinpoche Audio Khensur Teachers Tibetan La Puja Buddhistcenter Contact Started Angeles Addressemail
23 Yoga Loka Reno -
Reno - Studio directed by Kim Orenstein offers group yoga classes for all levels and ages, regular workshops, private instruction and teacher training.
Yoga Reno Loka Teacher Class Classes Training Nevada Teachers Schedule Workshops Descriptions Students Advanced Children Health
24 MAQOM Cyber-School for
Cyber-School for Adult Talmud Study directed by Rabbi Judith Abrams, dedicated to spiritually enlightening and intellectually honest study of Jewish texts.
Maqom Abrams Rabbi Study Talmud Judith Jewish Spiritually Place Adult Associates Searching Google Other Intensive Tefillin List
25 Life and Death in Dallas Documentary film
Documentary film 'Auf der Kippe', directed by Romanian-born Andrei Schwartz. 'Dallas' is the name of the Roma camp near Cluij in Romanian Transylvania.
Roma European Romnews Network Ngos Travellers Deutsch Independent English Invite Schools Romagypsypeople Form Media Re Username Romania Imagining Barvalipe
26 Perpetual Preschool Fundraisers directed
Fundraisers directed at pre-schools. Examples: McDonalds night, bike-a-thon, yard sales, childrens creations, bake sales and cinema night.
Rejected Requesty
27 attack on u.s. ship signals new wave of terror arab rage
arab rage over the violence in palestinian territories is directed at both israel and the u.s. tony karon concludes, 'israeli leaders have already warned their people to brace for a new wave of terrorist attacks. washington will probably have to do the same.'
Subscribe Sign World Future Year Influential Magazine Sports Parents Ideas Health Privacy Newsletters Choices Vault Territories Timecoms Mixx
28 the venus project plan to
plan to redesign global society using high technology directed by an ethic of sustainability: essays, model project in florida, photo-realistic graphics of proposed future cities and technologies, books for sale on site.
Project Venus Fresco Jacque Future Book Money Buy Best Tvp Documentary Magazine Oblivion Design Cant Education System French Disc Plus
29 A Ritual of the Heptagram The magickal
The magickal circle has the Heptagram inscribed, with its points touching the circle. Topmost point directed east. Glyphs of the planets or other appropriate sigillia should be drawn within the angles of the Heptagram.
Earth Heptagram Benjamin Hermeticcom Hermetic Underground Hrmtc Ritual Tree Kether Rowe Malkuth Contact Mars Library Seed Apostate Participate
30 cuba central joint project
joint project sponsored by organizations working to change us policy to normalized relations between the united states and cuba. includes news items from both countries, and petitions and action items directed at the us government.
Cuba Leave Entry Uncategorized Rest Permalink Wordpresscom Herald Here Blog State Cda Post Miami Washington Theme Florida Removes Called
31 chino mounted posse an equestrian
an equestrian community service group composed of civlian and sworn volunteers directed by the chino police department. provides membership information, directory of members, calendar of events and contact information.
Found Apache Found The Additionallyerrordocumentserver Port
32 Beyond Natural Selection Review and
Review and synopsis of Robert Wessons classic critique of Natural Selection, which gives examples of unexplained natural phenomena to support his theory of the genome as part of a goal-directed universe.
33 isp blocked after etoys protest access to
access to was blocked until one of its subscribers agreed to remove a protest site directed against etoys. by matt mirapaul [new york times].
Thingnet Etoys York Verio Rtmark Solutions Dominguez Inc Disturbance Network Theater Electronic Times Etoy Internet Ross Op Ed Classifieds
34 Impeach President Bush Now Offers a
Offers a petition directed to the U.S. Congress asking them to impeach President George Bush.
Navigationshilfe Ty
35 Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood - Mariawald Retreat Center - Shillington, Pennsylvania A retreat
A retreat center ran by the sisters in Shillington, Pennsylvania. Group, private and directed retreats available
Sign Lifestream Places Now Policy Updated Everything People Account Privacy Youre Go Theres Learnmore Trademarks Stay Inc
1 apartment 206 complete script
complete script of the film in pdf (48k) directed by zymnet.
2 AMCTV: Leo McCarey Movies he
Movies he directed and other film credits.
Dead Full Halt Shows Walking Breaking Catch Episodes Sign Schedule Freakshow Book Arms Small Turn Movie Network Provider
3 Stalker Collection Film created
Film created and directed by GDragonAF.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Website Terms Help Web Customer Domains Privacy
4 Spooge The sex
The sex and love monologues written and directed by Joshua James.
Tripod Create Hosting Page Found Check Lycos Errorpage Lycoscom Requested Shopping Login Pleasecouldnt
5 Raspberry and Lavender A romantic
A romantic teen comedy directed by Johnny Kim.
6 Dog An upcoming
An upcoming film produced in Bedford, TX and directed by James Russell.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Advisor Hosting Local Help Gallery App Geocities Network Music Affiliate Screen
7 Renaldo and Clara Synopsis of
Synopsis of the film, written and directed by Dylan.
Dylan Baez Sara Ginsberg Joan Clara Neuwirth Gypsy Stoner Renaldo David Dylans Stanton Indian Jack Note Blue
8 Watermark Featuring the
Featuring the independent feature film, directed by Georgina Willis
9 Kill as Directed Reviews of
Reviews of the various movies based on Ellery Queen stories.
Queen Ellery Mystery Crime Bellamy Dannay Gargan Kill Study Thin Ralph Terror Cape Nobody William List Inspector Close
10 Plus One Choose-Your-Own-Ending Stories A collection
A collection of self-directed tales involving the band.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Movies Hosting Finance Maps Machine Visit Reach Sports Terms
11 The Austin Chronicle - Windtalkers Marc Savlov
Marc Savlov reviews the war drame directed by John Woo.
Music Listings Food Arts Austin Archives News Daily Reviews Screens Sports Place Letters Film Calendar File Connect Kings Welcome
12 San Francisco Chronicle - Windtalkers Mick LaSalle
Mick LaSalle reviews the war drama directed by John Woo.
Sfgate He Privacy Chronicle Blogs Ad Policy Sports News Advertise Careers Business Newsletters Film Events Cinematic Ads Travel Monterey Carmel
13 Chicago Sun-Times - Windtalkers Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert presents a film directed by John Woo.
Roger Archives Ebert Blog He Far Villaça White Story Great John Chazxs Movies Movie Cage Patched Made Lemire Scout
14 And Then There Were None (1945) Review by
Review by Jeff Ulmer of the DVD version of the 'well acted and skillfully directed' film.
Blu Ray Dvd Jeff Wars Box Review Season Doc Harrison Television Office Ford Girl Take Needle Shepherd Dragon Readers
15 pflugerville high school color guard directed mr.
directed mr. wilson. includes photos.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Domains Customer Account Website Privacy Terms
16 Leftovers Directed by
Directed by John Derevlany. Approximately 15 minutes, in streaming RealPlayer format.
Film Festival Leftovers Intl Derevlany Short John Award Video Winning Brooks Fite Mark Posehn Ray Official Street
17 Boxoffice Magazine: Dear Frankie A satisfying
A satisfying and well-directed story. Review by Dan DiClerico.
18 A Certain Kind of Death Story of
Story of what happens to people who die that have no kin. Directed by Grover Babcock and Blue Hadaegh.
Film Contact Synopsis Filmmakers Press Kind Reviews Certain Death See How Copyright Menu Inc Y
19 Chicago Sun-Times - Out of Sight Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert reviews the film directed by Steven Soderbergh.
Ebert Archives Roger Steven Nick Movie Matt Awards Reviews Far Great Movies Festivals Jana Chaz Contributors Relishes
20 Box Office Talk: Passion of the Christ Provides synopsis
Provides synopsis, opinion, and discussion about this movie directed by Mel Gibson.
21 Chicago Sun-Times - The Italian Job Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert presents a film directed by F. Gary Gray.
Archives Matt Roger Ebert Movies Film Despond Seitz Life Cannes Italian Itself Great Reviews Zoller Oxmalley Existential Craig Jana
22 Hearts and Minds Review of
Review of Oscar-winning documentary about the Vietnam War directed by Peter Davis.
Hearts Minds Davis Peter Documentary Vietnam Criterion Review Images Dvd Collection Oscar United Vietnamwar George Y
23 SplicedWire - Romance Review (1999) Rob Blackwelder
Rob Blackwelder reviews the movie directed by Catherine Breillat.
24 Montreal Mirror - Romance Matthew Hays
Matthew Hays reviews the movie directed by Catherine Breillat.
25 Scotland the Movie: Braveheart Details the
Details the Scottish filming locations of the Mel Gibson-directed film.
Glen Nevis Braveheart Httpwwwactualtestscomexam Locations Htm Movie Scotland Location Guide Coe Book Filmingireland
26 Chicago Sun-Times - Traffic Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert presents a film directed by Steven Soderbergh.
Archives Monji Ebert Roger Jana Drugs Far Great Movies Festivals Awards Reviews Matt Steven Stephen Wael Milian Jacob Digital
27 Sledge: David Leitch Official biography
Official biography from the 2005 movie directed by Brad Martin.
28 Divx on the Defensive Article about
Article about the criticism directed towards the former Circuit City video rental scheme.
Divx Jones Circuit Business City Alerts News Market Inc Video Dare Tech Morningstar Google+ Youtube Compatible Indices Real Apps Media Personal
29 Blood of the Samurai An independent
An independent action adventure film written and directed by Aaron Yamasato.
Hosting Domain Marketing Web Network Solutions Services Names Registration Website Place Networksolutionscomgrow Businesses
30 The Big Clock Turner Classic
Turner Classic Movies look at the film noir 'directed by John Farrow in an elegant style.'
Tcm Now Movie Classic Clock Big Sign Playing Add Terms Use Moregt Clips Own Remind Vault Post
31 Chicago Sun-Times - Memento Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert presents the film written and directed by Christopher Nolan.
Ebert Archives Roger Jana Monji Awards Festivals Reviews Great Matt Movie Movies Film Far He Quotbrain Cho Zoller
32 Best of New Orleans - Insomnia Film Review David Lee
David Lee Simmons reviews the movie directed by Christopher Nolan.
Browse Gambit News Events Film Music Notices Food Shopping Orleans Restaurant Reviews Drink Guide Calendar Terms Estate
33 Chicago Sun-Times - Oceans Eleven Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert reviews the film directed by Steven Soderbergh.
Archives Ebert Roger Steven Soderbergh Matt Itself Reviews Movies Far Movie Great Life Ted Scott Pound Sort Ingrid Cast Policy Slick
34 Popkorn Junkie Movie review
Movie review for the film Americas Sweethearts directed by Joe Roth with other opinions from 'junkies' as well.
Movie Film Sweethearts Popkorn Billy Junkie Jones Love Cusack Zeta John Americas Roberts Julia Catherine Crystaliswellbilly Joe
35 Nowottny, Marianne At this
At this site you can view Ms. Nowottnys first music video 'The Deep End' Directed by Steve Doughton.
Found Fridaynotfoundapache Server Port Please Found The
36 Taganaka Troupe Theatre company
Theatre company based at Taganka Theater in Moscow directed by Yuri Lyubimov.
Sign Lifestream Policy Account Places Now Everything People Trademarks Go Theres Bulk Date Create Advertise Aolcom
37 Baltimore City Paper - The Transporter Ian Grey
Ian Grey analyzes the action movie directed by Corey Yuen.
Paper City Baltimore Found Page News * Eats Photos * Thank Calendar Drinks * Screens * Week *cannot
38 The Killer Walter Hills
Walter Hills Americanized version of the Hong Kong action film directed by John Woo.
39 Forgotten, The A film
A film about American soldiers in the Korean war, directed by . Synopsis, credits, production images, trailer, and links.
Korean Forgotten Movie Tanks Korea Film Movies Veterans Wayne Website Caroff Resources Jonathan War Veteran Video
40 Movies Directed By Women Unofficial organization
Unofficial organization offers members historical information and statistics on female directors.
Directors Women Movies Oscar Story Academy Data Kathryn Woman Chat Telling Movie News History Contact American Theme Piano Bigelows
41 Jin Kato Mu An independent
An independent movie filmed, produced, directed, and acted entirely by high school students in Jackson, Tennessee.
Tripod Create Lycos Tripodcom Website Please Page Shopping Hosting Couldnt Errorpage Requestedlogin Lycoscom
42 Hooked on Prom The official
The official web site of the romantic comedy written, directed and produced by Jun Wakabayashi and Naraelle Barrows.
43 Chicago Sun-Times - The Thin Red Line Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert reviews the war movie written and directed by Terrence Malick.
Archives Ebert Roger Movie Blog Movies Far Great Reviews Seitz Matt Chazxs Zoller Thin Flungers Above Point Grace Steve Awards
44 Chicago Sun-Times: Once Upon a Time in Mexico Rogert Ebert
Rogert Ebert reviews the movie written and directed by Robert Rodriguez.
Archives Ebert Roger Rodriguez Movies Matt Great Itself Far Reviews Upon $ Life Tarantino Robert Campbell Richardson Bunting Patrick Simon
45 - The Phantom of the Opera The well
The well known movie critic provides a comprehensive analysis of the 2004 film directed by Joel Schumacher.
Archives Ebert Roger Matt Jana Monji Phantom Far Movies Festivals Reviews Awards Great Opera Brian Long Villaça |
46 Flesh Crawl Independent, low-budget
Independent, low-budget zombie genre film directed and produced by Dustin Bennett and Troy Collins.
Interview Bc Productions Exclusive Film Crawl Flesh Dustin Dead_ Intelligencer Stills Written Bennett Moviesonline Troy Authors Interviews Exclusive Llc Rights
47 fried, philip (1955- )
(1955- ) new york city. biography, performances, reviews, and works. also provides self directed music composition lessons on the net.
Sign Everything People Policy Account Places Lifestream Now Reserved Networks Advertise Trademarks Login Learnmore Y
48 Chicago Sun-Times - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert reviews the movie written and directed by Guy Ritchie.
Archives Ebert Roger Blog Villaça Michael Reviews Far Great Pablo Movies Chazxs Netflix Video Smoking Veggies Quotlock Omar Need
49 God Squad Religious spoof
Religious spoof written and directed by J. F. Kinyon. Synopsis, cast and crew, trailer, media, photographs, and links.
Bb Sg対å¿Ã…“円ç¨Ã…½込blブãÆ’«ãÆ’¼ New 新入荷
50 Mondo-Digital - Solaris Review of
Review of the 1972 film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, including images. (DVD Criterion Edition)
Tarkovsky Russian Criterion Andrei Solaris Dvd Blu Ray Though Bondarchuk Tarkovskys Banionis Eduard Ruscico Artemievin Phillip
51 Act Your Age Produced and
Produced and directed by Peter Rhodes, this fifty minute movie tells the story of a family that gets mixed up in some very weird magic.
Rsaquo Account Afternic Domains Agent Buy Sell Domain Afternicdls Activation Support Password Email Now Resend Hire Contact
52 Chicago Sun-Times - The Pianist Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert reviews the film directed by Roman Polanski, written by Ronald Harwood.
Archives Roger Ebert Monji Matt Jana Life He Reviews Itself Great Far Movies Survived Polanski Nick Own Death Tallerico Understatement
53 Hollywood Jesus: The Passion of the Christ Credits, synopsis
Credits, synopsis, interviews, links, and film forum for the Mel Gibson directed movie.
54 First Street Playhouse Auditions and
Auditions and shows directed by Craig Gustafson, community theater director, DuPage County, Illinois.
55 God Squad Religious spoof
Religious spoof written and directed by J. F. Kinyon. Synopsis, cast and crew, trailer, media, photographs, and links.
New 新入荷 Lsミニ電動ä¹Ã¢â‚¬â€ç”¨love タイニãÆ’¼ãÆ’©ãƒ– Kitty Aprica Copyright Reserved Tinyhello
56 Crazy for Cinema: All About Eve (1950) Review of
Review of a movie 'so evil in points it could have been directed by Hitchcock.' Rated 4 stars ('film heaven').
Margo Book Davis Best Baxter Film Holm Academy Everyone Margos Eve Thelma Lloyd Celeste Birdie Actors Once
57 Consort de Danse Baroque Company directed
Company directed by Philippa Waite. Information about classes, their summer school, and products for sale.
Baroque Dance Danse School Philippa Classes Danza Notation Waite Th Feuillet Consort Summer Company Century Beauchamp Camargo
58 Flipside Movie Emporium Review of
Review of The Yellow Sign, starring Shawna Waldron and Dale Snowberger. Directed by Aaron Vanek.
59 SplicedWire - The Bourne Identity Review Rob Blackwelder
Rob Blackwelder reviews the action-packed adaptation of savvy Ludlum novel directed by Doug Liman.
60 Reviews: V for Vendetta The acclaimed
The acclaimed movie critic offers a comprehensive and insightful review of the James McTeigue directed film.
Ebert Archives Roger Jana Matt Monji Reviews Far Movies Festivals Awards Great Fawkes Donald James Maheshwari Fry Balder Follow
61 - Oceans Eleven Paul Clinton
Paul Clinton describes the caper flick directed by Steven Soderbergh as 'the cinematic version of a Happy Meal'.
Cnn Oceans Cnncom Eleven Biz Cinematic How Entertainment Tv Set Julia Hoot Show Europe Weather
62 Thus Spake Zarthustra Underground film
Underground film written and directed by Jon Vomit Worthley with Nick Zedd. Music by Fear Of Dolls Strangewalls and others.
Z Guestbook Y
63 Aventura Dance Academy Classical ballet
Classical ballet school, russian technique, directed by Vladimir Issaev. Classes in Miami and Broward.
School Classical Ballet Vladimir Issaev Florida Miami Ballet  Arts North Instructions Project Theatre Rehearsals Beach
64 Blink Directed by
Directed by Deborah Vancelette, examines the importance of every moment. Press, screening information and dates, cast and crew biographies.
65 Consort de Danse Baroque UK-based company
UK-based company directed by Philippa Waite. Information about classes, their summer school, and products for sale.
Baroque Dance Danse Classes Philippa Danza School Th Consort Feuillet Notation Waite Noble Beauchamp Summer Early Tanz Passacaille
66 Mommas Boy Film about
Film about a sons love for his mother directed by J.D. Sievertson. Filmmaker and cast biographies, synopsis, photographs, poster, and trailer.
Clickassfilmscom Domain Domainkaufwunschdomain Verkauf Treuhandservice Kaufenerwerben Steht
67 Solitude A dysfunctional
A dysfunctional family comedy directed by Susan Kraker. Film details, synopsis, cast and crew, trailer, and gallery.
Wordpress Nazmul Wordpressorg Rss 投稿の フリーエンジニアの求人情報の探し方 企業がフリーエンジニアを募集するのはコストと早さを求めているのが一般的です。しかし、気概の高いフリーエンジニアを活用して企業ではè¿
68 All Movie Guide: Little White Lies Provides plot
Provides plot synopsis, cast list and production credits for the 1998 feature directed Philip Saville.
Apache Server Permanently The Portz
69 Chicago Sun-Times - The Bourne Identity Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert reviews the chase film and skillful action moview directed by Doug Liman.
Ebert Archives Movie Roger Blog Matt Reviews Jana Great Far Monji Chaz Movies Brian Chazxs Demanders Identity Crew
70 Shikmati Independent film
Independent film directed By Kevin Snyder based in Orange County California about a group of friends bent on doing dumb things.
Shikmati Official Trailor Websitethis Rights Free ++ Watch +shikmati Sectionclick Click Please Shikmati*comingcreate
71 Ayigafrik Dance Traditional and
Traditional and contemporary company directed by Assayigah, based in Essex, UK. Includes biography, repertoire, reviews, and upcoming events.
Dance Assayigah African Ayigafrik Contemporary School Homage Essex Company Choreographer Choreography Primary Togo International Workshops
72 Mission: Pimpossible Written and
Written and directed by filmmaker Jun Wakabayashi, winner of Special Producer Award at MediaFest 98. Stars Domenick Dicce and Emmie Lih.
Pimpossible Mission Award Dicce Filmmaker Producer Domenick Recipes Easy Writtenofficial Policy Wakabayashi Stars
73 Baja Posse Movies Short Internet
Short Internet films directed by Andrew Mandapat. Original scripts, soundtracks, trailers, cast, and crew.
Gregory Hood Bruthas Siren Press Movies Posse Sarah Co Workers Easy Contact Decision Cast Hangman Making Kit Stephanie Kristopher Proposal_
74 Cherry A romantic
A romantic comedy directed by Jon Glascoe and Joseph Pierson. Synopsis, cast, festivals, photographs, script, production notes, and links.
Times Janet Shalom York Terry Cherry Joseph Pierson Maslin Harlow Glascoe Reed Jon Click Inc Jake Commons
75 Chicago Sun-Times - The Virgin Suicides Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert presents a film written and directed by Sofia Coppola, based on the novel by Jeffrey Eugenides.
Archives Ebert Roger Monji Jana Reviews Far Great Movies Awards Festivals Nick Looked Brian Jessica Chazxs Callahan Harris How Rebecca
76 Sony Classics: A Midwinters Tale A biography
A biography of the designer presented as cast call for her work on the film written and directed by Kenneth Branagh.
77 Snipes Official site
Official site for the hip hop thiller directed by Rich Murray. Story, cast, filmmakers, photo gallery, media, play dates, and links.
Directorio Web De Barcelona Empresas Internet En Directorios Posicionamiento Hostal Aquí Viajes Deportes Videojuegos Noticias Designer Handbags Cerrar Google Economía Muebles
78 Where The Poets Die First Official site
Official site of the feature film. A romantic comedy directed by Werner and Willy Schumann that depicts the setbacks of human relationships in a big metropolis.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Website Privacy Customer Domains Web Aabaco Please Onlineservices Found
79 Fairy Tale An examination
An examination of repressive family values for gay individuals, directed by David Kittredge. Synopsis, cast and crew, production notes, and media.
Tale Fairy Pagey
80 salon entertainment | noir way out jonathan lethem
jonathan lethem reviews hit me, directed by steve shainberg and starring elias koteas, laure marsac and william h. macy.'
Entertainment Movies Scott Andrew Ohehir Sarah Burris Guide Gift Amanda Eric Kaufman Elizabeth Marcotte Oscars Brie Wheelock Lang
81 Calle 54 Documentary about
Documentary about latin-jazz directed by Fernando Trueba. Contains sections about the idea for the film, information on the director and musicians involved and full credits.
Z Wwwcallefilmcom Y
82 Two From Siodmak A look
A look at 'two film noir classics' directed by Siodmak, 'The Killers' and 'Criss Cross.'
Temporarily Indexhtmsuggestionscheck Page Troubleshooting Found
83 Lenny Review of
Review of the DVD about the comedian Lenny Bruce. Starring Dustin Hoffman, Directed by Bob Fosse.
Inside Reviews Entertainment Music Found News Page Shelf Life Popwatchblogs Movie Headlines Sorry
84 Discovering Hamlet Review of
Review of video documentary of Branaghs first stage Hamlet directed by Derek Jacobi.
Hamlet Branagh Jacobi Telegiraffe Kenneth Discovering Daily Thompson Claudius Derek Richard Films Dane Ophelia Times Mention Easton Shakespeare
85 Self Directed Materials Provides on-line
Provides on-line materials and worksheets that can be printed and used for learning.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Account Aabaco Terms Privacy Help Please Website Page Articles
86 Dead and Breakfast Horror/comedy about
Horror/comedy about an RV road trip gone scary directed by Matthew Leutwyler. Synopsis, cast and crew, behind the scenes details, and special effects.
Best Credit Luxury Cars Tickets Phones Smart Cheap Free Migraine High Funds Card Mortgage Relief Penny Application Insurance Speed Stocks
87 Abbies Excellent Adventure Australian actress
Australian actress will begin work with Cate Blanchett on the period drama sequel Elizabeth: The Golden Age, directed by Shekhar Kapur.
Cornish Film Entertainment Reviews Place Property Browse Business Classifieds Good People Books Estate News World Fashion Travel Contact Arts Subscribe Scotts
88 Pissed Satirical film
Satirical film featuring toilet comedy centering on two women and one bathroom stall. Written and directed by Charmaine Cruz, and starring Wendie Jo Sperber.
89 Fragile Written, produced
Written, produced and directed by Frederic Galfo, this is a story of a married woman who goes through a mid-life crisis. Synopsis, cast and crew, photographs, and contact information.
Fragile Filmy
90 Bit Parts - The Movie Bit Parts
Bit Parts is an independent horror film directed by Michael McWillie and starring Lar Park Lincoln.
91 Compagnie Fêtes Galantes French company
French company directed by Béatrice Massin. Information about the company and their performances.
Belle Juillet La Baroque Massin Compagnie De Galantes Béatrice Un Fêtes Adhérents Danse Théâtre Et Atelier Conférence Spectacle Musiciens
92 English Town Offers free
Offers free self-directed courses and paid-access teacher led courses using text and voice chat.
93 Jewel of the Sahara Reviewer Amy
Reviewer Amy Scott describes the Ariel Vromen directed short as 'a funny, funny film'.
94 Born to Kill (1947) Robert Weston
Robert Weston for Film Monthly reviews 'the first and the nastiest of the noirs directed by Robert Wise.'
Film Interviews Monthlyport Takes Books Week Playing Rant Dvd Ndash Permanently The Apache Horror
95 Cher at IMDb Comprehensive details
Comprehensive details on films in which Cher appeared, and those she directed or produced, large photo gallery, links
Episode Dated Awards Show Cher Th Annual Music Tv Live Best Video News Academy Episodes World
96 syntagma directed by
directed by a.danilevski. italian, english, spanish, french, russian music from xiii to early xviiith c. current programmes, events, discography, and audio files.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Website Customer Privacy Aabaco Please Help Web Ifyoure Found
97 The Popkorn Junkie Movie review
Movie review for the film Shrek starring Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Murphy, and John Lithgow. Directed by Andrew Adamson.
Movie Shrek Junkie Popkorn Animation Murphy Myers Eddie Mike Diaz Cameron Lithgow Donkey Think Film Count Only Taleelement
98 Friends and Family A comedy
A comedy about a gay couple who turn out to be mafia hit men, directed by Kristen Coury. Synopsis, credits, reviews, screening details, trailer, photographs, and soundtrack information.
Navigationshilfet Y
99 The Companie of Dansers Company directed
Company directed by Madeleine Inglehearn. Information about baroque and renaissance dance classes, hiring the company, and their publications.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Reach Finance User Longeravailable Popularinc Visit Privacy Sites
100 American Dance Academy Directed by
Directed by Stewart Mart and Suzanne Peterson. Available for shows and lessons in Latin, Ballroom and Swing Dance.
101 Swinging Night of Tap Tap Dance
Tap Dance show directed by Birda Ringstand held in Decatur, GA. Includes show times and ticket information.
Decatur Show Dance Tap Director Ballet Ticket Performers David City Swingingnightoftap@yahoocom Swinging Personal School Cohen
102 celebrity symphony orchestra an orchestra
an orchestra in toronto directed by andrzej rozbicki. features its soloists, upcoming events, photographs and subscriptions.
Carnival Viva Tenors Rozbicki Golden Polish Celebrity German Music Andrzej Orchestra Anna Chopin Gala Voices Friends
103 north metro chorus 1997, 2000
1997, 2000 & 2003 international chorus champions. based in toronto, ontario. directed by june dale.
Metro North Chorus Contact International News Visit Rehearsal Bookings Sponsorship Members Upcoming Feeds Sweet Adelines Part Regularly Quartets
104 The Companie of Dansers UK based
UK based company directed by Madeleine Inglehearn. Information about baroque and renaissance dance classes, hiring the company, and their publications.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Hosting Sorry News Inc Terms Archives Toolbar Machine Maps
105 north metro chorus 1997, 2000
1997, 2000 and 2003 international chorus champions. based in toronto, ontario. directed by june dale.
Metro North Chorus Contact Visit News Sponsorship Rehearsal Bookings International Members Testimonials Canada Toronto Feeds Release Administration
106 north metro chorus 1997, 2000
1997, 2000 and 2003 international chorus champions. based in toronto, ontario. directed by june dale.
Metro North Chorus Contact International Visit News Rehearsal Bookings Sponsorship Members Feeds Sweet Adelines Upcoming Release
107 north metro chorus 1997, 2000
1997, 2000 & 2003 international chorus champions. based in toronto, ontario. directed by june dale.
Metro North Chorus Contact International News Visit Sponsorship Bookings Rehearsal Sweet Upcoming Region Shows Feeds Choreographer Clement Listed Subscribe
108 Bad City Blues A dark
A dark tale of human violence and inner pain, directed by Michael Stevens and written by Tim Willocks. Storyline, cast and crew, downloads, script, and distribution details.
Request Suspended Account Nginxz
109 Popkorn Junkie Movie review
Movie review for the film Planet of the Apes starring Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, and Michael Clarke Duncan. Directed by Tim Butron.
Apes Movie Planet Film Great Popkorn Movies Wahlberg Junkie Duncan Tim Pops Michael Plot Mark Monkey Leaping Swinging Statement
110 Comprehensive guide
Comprehensive guide to the work of film director, once film editor, David Lean. Includes synopsis and credits list of all the films he directed.
Latest News Books Filmography Davidleancom Re Blu Notes Ray Magazines Archives Video Writings Libraries References Edit Vhs Wish Hope
111 peera, al-noor plays, poetry
plays, poetry, short essays, comedy sketches and short films written, directed or produced by the toronto based author.
Essays Films Word Book Childrens Aladinca Scenes Peeracom Biography Plays Developed Goodthree Death Lines
112 Icon-Song A unique
A unique program that combines Alexis Arapoffs icons with Russian sacred music. The program performed and directed by Mary Arapoff.
Mary Icon Song Arapoff Combines Programperformed Directedsacred Russian Iconsunique Music Program
113 Looking for Leonard Urban crime/thriller
Urban crime/thriller directed by Steven Clark and Matt Bissonnette. Includes synopsis, production notes, interviews, cast and crew, multimedia, festival screenings, and media.
Navigationshilfe Ty
114 the journal of environmental psychology directed toward
directed toward individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest in the study of the transactions and interrelationships between people and their socio-physical surroundings including man-made and natural environments.
Close Research Abstract Highlights Volume Issue Openvolumes Access Open Journal Environmental Sign Psychology Articles Sciencedirectcom Journals Thatis
115 WebWire: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Announces 300: March to Glory PSP The style
The style and feel of the videogame was influenced by the 300 film, which is based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel and directed by Zack Snyder.
Warner Bros Entertainment Release Interactive Webwire Glory Studios Collision Film News Based Pspâ„¢ Industry Email Printer Friendly System Jeffrey Newsvine
116 Phantom to Open in Las Vegas Article features
Article features information on the new, ninety-minute version of 'The Phantom of the Opera' which will be directed by Tony Award winner Harold Prince.
Music Shop News Perform Gallery Show People Reviews Tickets Really Useful Shows Love Group Film
117 The Indian Wants the Bronx The off
The off broadway revival written by Israel Horovitz and directed by Michael Weiss. Featuring Andrew Davoli, David Davoli, and Rajan Gangahar.
118 Character Directed by
Directed by Mike van Diem, Character is set in Holland in the early twenties. Its an epic tale about a young mans life long struggle with his tyrannical father.
Sony Pictures Television Digital Disc Movies Press Games Studio Theaters Social Rewards Featured Networks Apps Page Senior Sonypicturescom
119 The Flats An independent
An independent film starring Chad Lindberg (Fast and the Furious). Directed by the brothers Tyler and Kelly Requa. Set to premiere at the 2002 Seattle Film Festival.
120 Goldfeather Films Low budget
Low budget film company located in Houston, Texas, founded and directed by Armon Drysdale. Background information, film details, interview, and contacts.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Please Domains Terms Web Aabaco Customer Reliable
121 Players Guild Theatre A professionally-directed
A professionally-directed community theatre located in Canton, offering a wide range of classes and quality live theatre.
Guild Players Avenue Login Become Member Theatre Tickets Productions Office Board Performances Jones Poppins Sponsors Hobbit Trips Faqs Directors
122 Movie Review Philip Wuntch
Philip Wuntch rates the film a B+, stating its 'exquisitely realized, masterfully directed and stirringly acted. Its the best of the three Rings installments and a probable Oscar contender.' [Dallas Morning News]
Dallas Entertainment News Arts Events Local Worth Fort Subscriber Music Archive Shopping Sign Business Movies Celebrates Services Jobs
123 Motion Magazine: Jim Pepper Legacy in Recorded Music: a Treasure Chest Article by
Article by Jim Olding including an annotated discography and interview with Native American filmmaker Sandra Osawa who directed the documentary 'Peppers Pow Wow.'
Rejected Requesty
124 Bright Colours Only Interactive one-woman
Interactive one-woman show about a wake in Belfast, written and directed by Pauline Goldsmith. Background on the show, reviews, news, schedule, pictures and technical requirements.
125 AirDance New Mexico Aerial dance
Aerial dance and multi-media theater from Albuquerque, New Mexico directed by Debra Landau. Upcoming performances and descriptions of past productions. Also includes links.
Airdance Mexico New Dance Theater Here Artspace Albuquerque Click Directed Aerial Landau Debra Productions Mail Contemporary Journal
126 Civic Theatre of Allentown Professionally directed
Professionally directed community theatre serving the Lehigh Valley. Presents four or five dramas, musicals and childrens theatre productions each season.
Theatre Civic Leave Film Tonys Allentown Series Tapas Summer Tickets Railway School Lovers Left More] Benefit Acting Sponsors
127 Headlines Theatre Community-specific, issue-oriented
Community-specific, issue-oriented theatre company, directed by David Diamond in Vancouver, and is based on Augusto Boals Theatre of the Oppressed.
Theatre Living Diamond David Community Vancouver Boals Oppressed Theater Headlines Healing Canada Directed Davids Based Dafne Awards Check
128 Andrew Lloyd Webbers Whistle Down the Wind to Return to the West End The show
The show, originally directed by Edwards, was previously seen in the West End at the Aldwych Theatre, where it ran from June 22, 1998 through January 6, 2001.
Broadway Tickets Tweet Photo Awards Stars Tony News Buzz King Videos Photos Starring Off Shows Musical Hot_ Alan Group Nouns
129 SplicedWire - The Pianist Film Review (2002) Rob Blackwelder
Rob Blackwelder analyzes the film directed by Roman Polanski, an emotionally and factually detailed, uniquely personal true story of day-by-day Holocaust survival.
130 Carr, John The personal
The personal page of John Carr, including information on motion pictures created, written, directed and/or produced by him.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Help Account Customer Aabaco Website Domains Privacy Upgrade Support Please
131 Thomson, Richard Uk based
Uk based comedian Richard Thomson stars in 'Rebus McTaggart', a new character comedy show directed by Mat Baynton.
132 john dexter harmony irish boys
irish boys choir, directed by john dexter (formerly organist and choirmaster of st patricks cathedral, dublin).
133 The Second Chance Movie The Official
The Official Site of the Second Chance movie starring Michael W. Smith, Jeff Obafemi Carr and directed by Steve Taylor.
134 Elia Kazan: Postage Paid Information on
Information on his films, between 1945 and 1957 Elia Kazan directed 10 critically acclaimed motion pictures.
Kazan Miller Elia York Hollywood Odets Brando Theater Steiger Group Communists Academy Paid Desire_ Ill Hellman Grouptheater Committee
135 Time asia: Make Mood, Not Love Read the
Read the report written by Richard Corliss about the Wong directed movie 'In the Mood for Love'.
Subscribe Sign World Year Future Business Health Magazine Sports Choices Newsletters Parents Everything Tech Adventurers Mixx Influential
136 A Matter of Honour 'A Matter
'A Matter of Honour' is a film directed by Steven R. Cole about the last fatal duel in Canada.
Create Tripod Login Tripodcom Couldnt Please Lycos Page Requested Website Shoppingcheck Signup Hosting
137 Mike Hammer Screen Test Script for
Script for the screen test written, directed and produced by Mickey Spillane prior to the making of 'Kiss Me Deadly'.
Php +debufoundnavigationshilfe Server Found The Port Apache
138 Dance Times Square Offers Latin
Offers Latin and ballroom dance classes. Directed by Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin. New York City, New York.
Dance Studio Times Square Lessons Tony Programs Latin Professional Agency Classes Melanie Nyc Group Ballroom York
139 The Spanish Prisoner Written and
Written and directed by David Mamet, The Spanish Prisoner centers on an elaborate confidence game, and its labyrinthine plot is laden with twists and reversals.
Sony Pictures Television Digital Disc Movies Press Games Apps Featured Theaters Social Studio Rewards Networks Help Requested
140 Ladies of the Evil Dead Home page
Home page for the three women who starred in the original Evil Dead film directed by Sam Raimi, with biographies, appearance schedules, and links.
141 Betrunner Dramatic short
Dramatic short film about gambling addiction. Created by Gabrielle Conforti and Eugene Gordon. Starring Gabrielle Conforti. Directed by Vincent Spano.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restrictedprotectionplease Host
142 Mid-Michigan Highland Dance Academy School for
School for highland dancing in Alma, Michigan, directed by Christie Freestone. With information about the teachers, the dancers and a parent group.
Dance Program Posted Dancesport Figure Skating Latin Olympics Standard Sport Winter American World Michigan Mid Learning Sonjahenie Championship
143 Bulworth Movie Review by Anthony Leong Review of
Review of the political satire film, written and directed by Warren Beatty, and starring Beatty and Halle Berry.
144 Zack Snyder on Directing 300 From the
From the mind of Frank Miller, Zack Snyder wrote and directed the graphic novel adaptation starring Gerard Butler, Lena Headey.
Movie News Trailers Movies Privacy Page Suicide Force Dawn Superman Looking Wars Along Try Awakens Media
145 Turn Back Now Produced and
Produced and directed by Stefano Riznyk, this film is based on a true story. Synopsis, cast and crew, production notes, film clip, scoring information, photographs, and contact details.
146 Ballet South, Incs official website Ballet South
Ballet South, Inc. is directed by Russell Sulzbach and is based in Orlando, Fl. The company produces The Nutcracker and a reperatory concert annually.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Advisor Gallery Hosting App Help Local Shut Central Flickr
147 Aimee Semple McPherson Official site
Official site about this independent film about the 1920s female faith healer, directed by Richard Rossi. News, comments, plot line, and words from the director about why he made the film and how it all started.
Aimee Rossi Sister Richard Mcpherson Semple Film Howard Azusa Street Story Rossis Chaplin Christian Grace Rossiadded
148 New World Performance Laboratory A Center
A Center for Theatre Performance and Research directed by James Slowiak and Jairo Cuesta, former assistants of Jerzy Grotowski. Multi-cultural company is located in Akron, Ohio. Tours extensively.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Page Requested Lycoscom Check Please Lycos Shopping Websitecouldnt Hosting Login
149 New World Performance Laboratory A Center
A Center for Theatre Performance and Research directed by James Slowiak and Jairo Cuesta, former assistants of Jerzy Grotowski. Multi-cultural company is located in Akron, Ohio. Tours extensively.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Couldnt Signup Website Lycos Shopping Hosting Requested Checklogin Errorpage Tripodcom
150 Merlot from the the home of Merlot, an official selection of the 6th Annual Chicago Asian American Film Festival. Produced, edited, written and directed by Jonathan Madamba.
151 Gillie Callum Highland Dancers Competitive Highland
Competitive Highland dancing school in Calgary, AB directed by Pierie Danysk & Keltie Stowkowy. Training beginner to championship level dancers.
Highland Callum Gillie Studio Calgary Stowkowy Sw Weebly Dancing Choreography Dance Ashley Studioschedule Lakeview Palliser Dancers
152 Tim Burtons Planet of the Apes Thorough fansite
Thorough fansite on the Tim Burton directed re-make of Planet of the Apes.
Create Tripod Loginrequested Couldnt Lycos Shopping Website Signup Lycoscom Check Pageplease Hosting
153 Roger Eberts Review: Cool Runnings Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Sun-Times columnists review of this 1993 comedy centered around the Jamaican bobsled team. Starring John Candy and directed by John Turteltaub. (PG-13)
Ebert Archives Roger Blog Movie Movies Chaz Chazxs Far Great Jana Reviews Monji Bobsled Peter Steven Fragoso Demanders
154 MorrisonDance MorrisonDance is
MorrisonDance is a pick-up dance company based in Cleveland, Ohio, directed by choreographer, Sarah Morrison, this page features photographs, video, artist biographies, and links to other dance projects.
Ohio Cleveland Morrisondance Edgewater Internetaugustbeachsirens Park
155 The Jillana School An intensive
An intensive summer program, directed by Jillana, stressing the Balanchine Technique. For the young pre-professional student, technique, pointe variation and repertory classes. Located in Taos Ski Valley, NM.
Photos Jillana Audition School Summer Classesschedule Faculty Tour Technique Requirements Web Become Guestbook Contact Auditions
156 Film Threat: Melvin Goes to Dinner Eric Campos
Eric Campos favorable review: 'Mostly what we have here is the conversation between these four friends to keep our attention, a scene occasionally illustrating their colorful stories. Excellently written and directed, theres no problem with these characters keeping an audiences attention.' Four stars.
157 Sometimes a Hero 'Sometimes a
'Sometimes a Hero' - An action drama written by Glen Doyle, directed by Jalal Merhi starring Christina Cox, Bryan Genesse, and Josh Barker. Site contains plot summary, cast list, movie stills, behind the scenes, interviews.
158 the venus project plan to
plan to redesign global society using high technology directed by an ethic of sustainability: essays, model project in florida, photo-realistic graphics of proposed future cities and technologies, books for sale on site.
Project Venus Buy Tvp Future Set Now $ Oblivion Fresco Documentary Dvds Paradise Book Jacque Cds Money Motion Flyers
159 Salon Entertainment | Not a Warm Puppy 'Jonathan Lethem
'Jonathan Lethem reviews Happiness, directed by Todd 'Solondz and starring Jane Adams, Dylan Baker and Philip Seymour Hoffman... Todd Solondzs 'Happiness' is a masterpiece. '
Movies Entertainment Andrew Ohehir Prachi Gupta Leonard Video Timberg Caitlin Rathe Edward Joan Walsh Mcclelland Scott
160 salon entertainment | not a warm puppy 'jonathan lethem
'jonathan lethem reviews happiness, directed by todd 'solondz and starring jane adams, dylan baker and philip seymour hoffman... todd solondzs 'happiness' is a masterpiece. '
Entertainment Movies Scott Nico Eric Lang Kaufman Ohehir Andrew Gift Robert Guide David Flannery Awards Tv Chuck
161 Political Film Society Review: The Cherry Orchard To the
To the haunting and sentimental music of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, Michael Cacoyannis has directed a masterful cinematic production of Anton Chekhovs 1904 play, The Cherry Orchard.
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162 adelaide chamber singers based in
based in adelaide, south australia, and directed by conductor carl crossin, this small group of singers specialises in australian contemporary and early european music. concerts, recordings, and choir information.
Adelaide Chamber Singers Crossin Download Join Carl Mailing Voice South Music Choir Season Australia List Concert Faurs Singing
163 johnson, randy the directed
the directed chaos paintings of randy johnson are hybrid abstract paintings - otherworldly, yet they mimic the underlying patterns of the natural world.
Paintings Johnson Randy Magazine Dubai Abstract Gallery Technique Chaos Artworks Hybrid Tour They Architecture+ Natural Art Bfa Featured Familiar
164 Owen to Star in The International Columbia has
Columbia has landed Clive Owen to star in The International. The film , to be directed by Tom Tykwer, is scheduled to begin shooting in September, 2007.
Variety Logout Change Archives Jobs Film Subscription News Director Alerts Email International Owen Print Coordinator Industry Corruption Today
165 Headlines Theatre Vancouvers Headlines
Vancouvers Headlines Theatre, based on Augusto Boals Theatre of the Oppressed, is community-specific theatre directed by David Diamond.
166 TV pilot cooking show Television Pilot
Television Pilot for an enthnic home cooking show directed by David Rich and featuring Emlyn Elisabeth.
Posted 映画について 年月日年月日 年月 Wordpress 『映画 鈴木先生』 占い師の忠告 Proudly Older 料理と子どもと Just Wordpressorg Another Rss 『みなさん、さようなら』
167 Prestige Role for Johansson at Touchstone Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson is in negotiations to star in Touchstone Pictures 'The Prestige,' directed by Christopher Nolan.
Hollywood Reporter Thrcom Looking Entertainment News Follow Apologies Privacy Subscriber Voice Week Business Culture Definitive
168 A Friend Of The Deceased Directed by
Directed by Vyacheslav Krishtofovich, A Friend of the Deceased provides a deadpan introduction to the rough-and-tumble world of the new Ukraine, where Kiev has become a late 20th century Dodge City, ruled by high-flying entrepreneurs, the Mob and the black market.
Sony Pictures Digital Television Disc Press Movies Games Theaters Studio Featured Social Apps Rewards Networks Inc Page
169 marisa martin teaches painting painting holidays
painting holidays on the mediterranean island of menorca. suitable for artists of all levels, from beginner to expert, using most media. the tuition is directed by marisa martin, ma (arca).
Painting León Spain Martin Courses Marisa Marisamartincom Very Paint Course Bookings Northern Learn Contact Tutors Season Odd If
170 ingmire, thomas calligraphy and
calligraphy and handwriting workshops, commissioned illuminations, gallery collection. scriptorium st. francis is an international calligraphy correspondence program founded in 1996 and directed by thomas ingmire.
171 White Marsh Ballet Academy Instruction in
Instruction in ballet and other dance disciplines for students age 3 to adult. Directed by former ballerinas Sandra Prehoda and Shari Vasquez. Located in White Marsh, Maryland.
Ballet Academy Dance White Marsh School Sandra Shari Instructor Harris Vazquez Bickel Baltimore Perry Directors Wmba Hall
172 CRASH TEST: The Official Website of the Feature Film The home
The home of the independent sci-fi thriller 'Crash Test'. Directed by Sam Voutas, this is the story of a man who is transformed into a human crash test dummy.
Best Credit Smart Cars Luxury Mortgage Insurance Free Pain Migraine Relief Rates Report Crashtestmoviecom Phones Penny Tutor
173 the slate roof quarterly a free
a free newsletter about the slate roofing industry directed at roofing contractors, architects, roofing materials suppliers, and owners of buildings with slate roofs.
174 Koroulakis Television Commercials View sample
View sample videos and thumbnails from various television commercials which have been produced and directed by John Koroulakis.
175 nola luna arts an organization
an organization offering art lessons and classes for students 6 and up in new orleans, louisiana. created and directed by nikki page, a teacher with nine years experience who developed the art curriculum at the international school of louisiana. (new orleans, louisiana usa)
Navigationshilfe Ty
176 The Mad Dash Classic game
Classic game show series aired in Canada hosted by Pierre Lalonde and Produced and Directed by Sidney M. Cohen. Daily half-hour featured 2 contestant couples racing around TVs biggest game board. Now being produced internationally.
Cohen Sidney Dash Dashoriginal Mety Canada Internationalproductions Information Pictured Dash_ Director Ltd Has Robin Lalonde
177 Nil By Mouth Written and
Written and directed by Gary Oldman, Nil By Mouth takes a realistic look at modern day England rarely depicted in motion pictures. Featuring an original score by Eric Clapton, Nil By Mouth explores the lives of those individuals who find it difficult to exist in todays world.
Sony Pictures Digital Television Disc Movies Press Theaters Rewards Social Studio Networks Games Featured Apps Corp Imageworks Footage
178 True Crime Official Site.
Official Site. Clint Eastwood stars in Warner Bros. new suspense drama, True Crime, directed by Eastwood and starring Isaiah Washington, Denis Leary, Lisa Gay Hamilton and James Woods.
Crime Warner Bros True Eastwood Washington Lisa Denis Movie Clint Isaiah Woods Studio Hamilton Gay New Starring
179 MGM Acquires Rescue Dawn MGM has
MGM has acquired all North American rights to Rescue Dawn, the survival story of Dieter Dengler, an American pilot shot down in Viet Cong territory, written and directed by Werner Herzog and starring Christian Bale.
180 Cintia Chamecki Brazilian tapper
Brazilian tapper Cintia Chamecki regularly performs her tap choreography and improvisation in New York City, Brazil, Japan and Portugal. She recently completed her first solo show, 'Ta No Pe' directed by Susana Ribeiro. Site includes video clips of Cintia tap dancing.
Cintia Chameckiy
181 Body Farm: The Horror Film Behind the
Behind the scenes information on the upcoming horror film Body Farm. Written and directed by Bret A. Arnold
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce App Marketing Small Help Gallery Hosting Central Developer Website Domains Commerce Privacy
182 Chicago Poems- the movie by Gerard Jamroz This website
This website is where to go for information about Chicago Poems, the new DV feature film written and directed by Gerard Jamroz. Get news, images, trailers and more from this site. For those interested in Indie film and DIY music. Also digital filmmaking.
Navigationshilfet Y
183 St. Louis School of Circus Arts Safely learn
Safely learn real circus skills from real circus professionals. Summer camps for children and classes for adults, focusing on flying trapeze and circus arts. Directed by Sacha Pavlata, co-founder of Circus Flora. [St. Louis, Missouri]
184 Playbill News: Gerard Butler and Anne Hathaway Up for Leads in Phantom of the Opera Movie The Scottish
The Scottish actor has been offered the starring role in the Joel Schumacher-directed movie musical of Andrew Lloyd Webbers The Phantom of the Opera. Anne Hathaway and Emmy Rossum are among the top candidates mentioned to star opposite as Christine.
185 Gerard Butler is Screen Gems Priest Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler is in talks to star in Screen Gems horror movie Priest, being directed by The Amityville Horror helmer Andrew Douglas.
News Movies Superherohype Policy Page Privacy Gerard Terms Priest Craveonline Media Gems Contact Heroes Advertise Rightsreserved Underdog Variety
186 Julia Roberts Set to Make Broadway Debut in Greenbergs Three Days of Rain The star
The star will make her Broadway debut in a revival of Richard Greenbergs Three Days of Rain. The production, directed by Joe Mantello, is expected to run 12 weeks beginning in March, 2006.
Broadway Tweet Broadwaycom News Show Tony Videos Photos Starring Buzz Readmore Aaron Features Tveit Tickets Off Co Stars Sexiest Scariest Jacked Priscilla Ends Ship Broderickheightpxmarginpadding
187 Taking the Wheel, a short film by David Ackerman Taking the
Taking the Wheel, a short film starring John Cleese and Patience Cleveland, directed by David Ackerman.

Directed Dictionary

directed study: a course of study that is supervised and controlled by a specialist in the subject, "he registered for directed study", "he got credit for directed study", "he did directed study"
directed verdict: a verdict entered by the court in a jury trial without consideration by the jury, "there cannot be a directed verdict of guilty in a criminal trial"
autonomous self-directed / self-reliant: (of persons) free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment
directed: manageable by a supervising agent, "a directed program of study"
directed: (often used in combination) having a specified direction, "a positively directed vector", "goal-directed"
goal-directed / purposive: having a purpose, "purposive behavior" Reviews for Directed. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Directed" (visitors of this topic page). Directed › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Directed Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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