1 Eazycabs -Airport Taxis Taxi Cabs Airport Transfers Taxi Port Transfer Book Contact Eazycabs Airportlondon Booking Uk City Ukfordingbridge Ukgatwick Register Ukswanage Ukbristol
We offer airport taxi transfers taxi and shuttle service to ALL UK airports and ports at fixed prices. 24 Hour...Dorset Airport Transfers Taxi Port Transfer Book Contact Eazycabs Airportlondon Booking Uk City Ukfordingbridge Ukgatwick Register Ukswanage Ukbristol
1 Shellal Poll Dorset Stud
Breeders of
Breeders of Poll Dorset sheep specializing in pure Australian genetics. Offering a sales catalog and Dorset semen for sale. Located in South West Victoria, Australia.
Breeders of Poll Dorset sheep specializing in pure Australian genetics. Offering a sales catalog and Dorset semen for sale. Located in South West Victoria, Australia.
2 Ewephoric Dorset Sheep
Specializing in
Specializing in quality Polled Dorset sheep as well as unique Sheep and Border Collie gifts. Located in Bakersfield, California, USA.
Sheep Ewephoric Horned Dorsets Dorset Gifts Coffee Gift Products Items Shop Vet Ask Copyright Cards
Specializing in quality Polled Dorset sheep as well as unique Sheep and Border Collie gifts. Located in Bakersfield, California, USA.
Sheep Ewephoric Horned Dorsets Dorset Gifts Coffee Gift Products Items Shop Vet Ask Copyright Cards
3 JSSR Ranch
Seedstock breeders
Seedstock breeders of Dorset sheep working to continue the traditional Dorset breeding - a medium-sized sheep with good body length and muscle conformation. Located between Alpena and Huron, South Dakota, USA.
Seedstock breeders of Dorset sheep working to continue the traditional Dorset breeding - a medium-sized sheep with good body length and muscle conformation. Located between Alpena and Huron, South Dakota, USA.
4 Glenrose Farms: Dorset Sheep
Glenrose Farms
Glenrose Farms owns, breeds and sells fleeces and pelts from a small herd of production Dorset Sheep. Located in the mountains behind San Diego, California, USA.
Glenrose Farms owns, breeds and sells fleeces and pelts from a small herd of production Dorset Sheep. Located in the mountains behind San Diego, California, USA.
5 Dorset Capital
Private Equity
Private Equity for Consumer Growth Companies
Private Equity for Consumer Growth Companies
6 Continental Dorset Club
Registry for
Registry for both polled and horned Dorsets.
Dorset Champion Polled Club Fair Dorsets Supreme Continental State Horned Sheep Overall Breeds Show Yearling Yearling stony Midwest
Registry for both polled and horned Dorsets.
Dorset Champion Polled Club Fair Dorsets Supreme Continental State Horned Sheep Overall Breeds Show Yearling Yearling stony Midwest
7 SP Sound and Lighting
Hire, sales
Hire, sales and installation of disco equipment. Dorset UK.
Hire, sales and installation of disco equipment. Dorset UK.
8 Lauries Lambs
Breeders of
Breeders of Tunis and Polled Dorset sheep. Located in Chesterfield, New Jersey.
Lauries Lambs Solutions Welcome Integ Network Rights Tunis Chesterfield Offering Gotland Reserved Percentagelaurie@laurieslambscom
Breeders of Tunis and Polled Dorset sheep. Located in Chesterfield, New Jersey.
Lauries Lambs Solutions Welcome Integ Network Rights Tunis Chesterfield Offering Gotland Reserved Percentagelaurie@laurieslambscom
9 Jennifers Jumpers
Raises Dorsets
Raises Dorsets and Dorset-cross club lambs in Washington State.
Raises Dorsets and Dorset-cross club lambs in Washington State.
10 Lauries Lambs
Breeders of
Breeders of Tunis and Polled Dorset sheep. Located in Chesterfield, New Jersey.
Breeders of Tunis and Polled Dorset sheep. Located in Chesterfield, New Jersey.
11 Amber Wood Photographic
Dorset based
Dorset based wedding photographer using a mix of reportarge and traditional photography.
Server Internal Error The Pleaseapache Error Z
Dorset based wedding photographer using a mix of reportarge and traditional photography.
Server Internal Error The Pleaseapache Error Z
12 Coastal Mailing
Dorset, UK
Dorset, UK company provides direct mail marketing fulfilment in Bournemouth, Poole.
Dorset, UK company provides direct mail marketing fulfilment in Bournemouth, Poole.
13 TMB
Provides email
Provides email marketing, web development, market research, and direct mail. Based in Dorset, United Kingdom.
Marketing Poole Digital Tmb Calling London Saab Keeping Agency Friction Protection Requests Web Sample Communication Posts Coming Developers House
Provides email marketing, web development, market research, and direct mail. Based in Dorset, United Kingdom.
Marketing Poole Digital Tmb Calling London Saab Keeping Agency Friction Protection Requests Web Sample Communication Posts Coming Developers House
14 Cabaniss Hampshire, Shropshire and Dorset Sheep
Registered breeding
Registered breeding ewes and rams. Located in Arapaho, OK.
Create Tripod Pagetripodcom Please Lycos Requested Lycoscom Shopping Check Signuphosting Login
Registered breeding ewes and rams. Located in Arapaho, OK.
Create Tripod Pagetripodcom Please Lycos Requested Lycoscom Shopping Check Signuphosting Login
15 Cabaniss Hampshire, Shropshire and Dorset Sheep
Registered breeding
Registered breeding ewes and rams. Located in Arapaho, OK.
Registered breeding ewes and rams. Located in Arapaho, OK.
16 Mangers Dorsets
Breeders of
Breeders of top quality Polled Dorset show sheep. Located in Englewood, Ohio, USA.
Breeders of top quality Polled Dorset show sheep. Located in Englewood, Ohio, USA.
17 Van Etten Dorsets
Breeders of
Breeders of registered Polled Dorset sheep and developing a new herd of llamas. Located in Sandy, OR, USA.
Breeders of registered Polled Dorset sheep and developing a new herd of llamas. Located in Sandy, OR, USA.
18 Coombe Castle International
Exporters of
Exporters of the English cheese and cream, including Dorset Drum cheddar and Cooper Thornhill stilton.
British Export Dairy Visit Cheese Castle Coombe English Cream Butter Consumer Import Corporate Irish International
Exporters of the English cheese and cream, including Dorset Drum cheddar and Cooper Thornhill stilton.
British Export Dairy Visit Cheese Castle Coombe English Cream Butter Consumer Import Corporate Irish International
19 surf rider international
designs and
designs and manufactures parasail boats and water sports craft and equipment. located in dorset, england.
designs and manufactures parasail boats and water sports craft and equipment. located in dorset, england.
20 Kurralea Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Sheep Stud
Breeder of
Breeder of lamb meat sires that are big, with a high growth rate. Located in NSW, Australia.
Dorset Kurralea Rams Stud White Poll Suffolk Prentice Park Show Semen Growth Very High Rate
Breeder of lamb meat sires that are big, with a high growth rate. Located in NSW, Australia.
Dorset Kurralea Rams Stud White Poll Suffolk Prentice Park Show Semen Growth Very High Rate
21 Angel Photography
Qualified wedding
Qualified wedding photography for south England/Dorset.
Foundapache Now Bts Closed Free Hosting Webserver Port
Qualified wedding photography for south England/Dorset.
Foundapache Now Bts Closed Free Hosting Webserver Port
22 The Dorset Blueberry Company
English blueberries
English blueberries and blueberry products. Site also provides recipes and cultivation information.
年月Gs Designdk 赤ã¡ã‚ƒã‚“ã«ã‚‚å®Ã¢â‚¬Â°å¿Ã†â€™ã®ãƒŸãÆ’ÂÂãÆ’©ãÆ’«ãĥã‚¡ãÆ’³ãƒ‡ãÆ’¼ã‚·ãÆ’§ãÆ’³ ミãÆ’ÂÂãÆ’©ãÆ’«ãĥã‚¡ãÆ’&su
English blueberries and blueberry products. Site also provides recipes and cultivation information.
年月Gs Designdk 赤ã¡ã‚ƒã‚“ã«ã‚‚å®Ã¢â‚¬Â°å¿Ã†â€™ã®ãƒŸãÆ’ÂÂãÆ’©ãÆ’«ãĥã‚¡ãÆ’³ãƒ‡ãÆ’¼ã‚·ãÆ’§ãÆ’³ ミãÆ’ÂÂãÆ’©ãÆ’«ãĥã‚¡ãÆ’&su
23 Sugarloaf Dorsets
Breeder of
Breeder of national champion Polled Dorset sheep striving for genetic predictability, structural soundness and heavy muscling. Located in Kingsfield, ME, USA.
Sugarloaf Sale Dorsets Woelber Shropshires Stud Pipestone Midwest Grit True Woelbersheep Thanks Shropshiresfor Studs Besides
Breeder of national champion Polled Dorset sheep striving for genetic predictability, structural soundness and heavy muscling. Located in Kingsfield, ME, USA.
Sugarloaf Sale Dorsets Woelber Shropshires Stud Pipestone Midwest Grit True Woelbersheep Thanks Shropshiresfor Studs Besides
24 Cassell Horned Dorsets
Breeders of
Breeders of Horned Dorset Sheep with a commitment to quality and excellence. Located in Wytheville, VA, USA.
Breeders of Horned Dorset Sheep with a commitment to quality and excellence. Located in Wytheville, VA, USA.
25 Madison Cabaniss Dorsets
Madisons 4-H
Madisons 4-H Sheep Breeding Project. Showing Dorset ewes in the Junior Breeding Shows.
Madisons 4-H Sheep Breeding Project. Showing Dorset ewes in the Junior Breeding Shows.
26 Madison Cabaniss Dorsets
Madisons 4-H
Madisons 4-H Sheep Breeding Project. Showing Dorset ewes in the Junior Breeding Shows.
Madisons 4-H Sheep Breeding Project. Showing Dorset ewes in the Junior Breeding Shows.
27 Adbruf
Produits pour
Produits pour les revêtements et les marquages des chaussées. Présentation des produits, documentation techniques. Stalbridge, Dorset, Royaume-Uni.
Produits pour les revêtements et les marquages des chaussées. Présentation des produits, documentation techniques. Stalbridge, Dorset, Royaume-Uni.
28 Contintenal Dorset Club since 1898
Registry for
Registry for both Polled and Horned Dorsets. Club celebrated its 100th year of existence by having a record-breaking national sale.
Registry for both Polled and Horned Dorsets. Club celebrated its 100th year of existence by having a record-breaking national sale.
29 Sugarloaf Dorsets
Breeder of
Breeder of national champion Dorset sheep. Features news from farm, lambs/sheep for sale, breed information, recent events, and shows won.
Breeder of national champion Dorset sheep. Features news from farm, lambs/sheep for sale, breed information, recent events, and shows won.
30 Peter Eldridge Architects
Practice based
Practice based in Sherborne, Dorset. Experienced in residential, educational, commercial, conservation and overseas projects. Young and expanding practice established in 1996
Practice based in Sherborne, Dorset. Experienced in residential, educational, commercial, conservation and overseas projects. Young and expanding practice established in 1996
31 Shady Hill Farms
Breeders of
Breeders of Polled Dorset Sheep striving to produce healthy sheep that excel in the show ring, pasture and feedlot. Located in Newbury, Ohio, USA.
Shady Farms Hill Lamb Produces Jamie Farm Banbury Sheep Wool Also Family Located Information %
Breeders of Polled Dorset Sheep striving to produce healthy sheep that excel in the show ring, pasture and feedlot. Located in Newbury, Ohio, USA.
Shady Farms Hill Lamb Produces Jamie Farm Banbury Sheep Wool Also Family Located Information %
32 University of Massachusetts Dorset Sheep
Vet and
Vet and Animal Science department of UMass, offering lambs and breeding stock for sale regularly. Located at the Hadley Farm livestock barn, Hadley, MA.
Vet and Animal Science department of UMass, offering lambs and breeding stock for sale regularly. Located at the Hadley Farm livestock barn, Hadley, MA.
33 hushco buttons
usa. supplier
usa. supplier of metallic, passamentary, natural fiber, dorset, resin and polyester, glass, shell, and stone buttons. offers custom design and manufacture of matching accessories.
usa. supplier of metallic, passamentary, natural fiber, dorset, resin and polyester, glass, shell, and stone buttons. offers custom design and manufacture of matching accessories.
34 Huntrods Club Lambs
Offering Suffolk
Offering Suffolk and Dorset club lambs, focused on Berry and Hindman genetics.
Huntrods Champion Sired Lambs Commercial Fair Winners Reserve Shown State Class Iowa Dorset Club Bell Grand Midwest Suffolk
Offering Suffolk and Dorset club lambs, focused on Berry and Hindman genetics.
Huntrods Champion Sired Lambs Commercial Fair Winners Reserve Shown State Class Iowa Dorset Club Bell Grand Midwest Suffolk
35 Point 2 Point Trailers Ltd
Offers new
Offers new and used trailers for sale and rent. Includes sales list, videos, and photos. Located in Dorset, United Kingdom.
Offers new and used trailers for sale and rent. Includes sales list, videos, and photos. Located in Dorset, United Kingdom.
36 Liberty Land and Livestock
Specializing in
Specializing in Dorset Sheep but also raising Jersey cattle, chickens, and turkeys as well as operating a farm retail store with its own USDA processing facility and a sheep shearing business. Located in Hutchinson, MN, USA.
Specializing in Dorset Sheep but also raising Jersey cattle, chickens, and turkeys as well as operating a farm retail store with its own USDA processing facility and a sheep shearing business. Located in Hutchinson, MN, USA.
37 Bramcote Mains
Offering three
Offering three breeds of sheep available for sale, including Poll Dorset, Charmoise Hill, and Bleu Du Maine Sheep, as well as crossbred ewes. Also available caravan storage, 4x4 track, fishing, and hospitality events. Located in The United Kingdom.
Offering three breeds of sheep available for sale, including Poll Dorset, Charmoise Hill, and Bleu Du Maine Sheep, as well as crossbred ewes. Also available caravan storage, 4x4 track, fishing, and hospitality events. Located in The United Kingdom.
38 Star Dust Sheep Farm
Breeders of
Breeders of award winning Dorset sheep offering club lambs, breeding ewes, Heifers, club calves and Border Collies. Located at Rose Hill, KS, USA.
Breeders of award winning Dorset sheep offering club lambs, breeding ewes, Heifers, club calves and Border Collies. Located at Rose Hill, KS, USA.
39 Star Dust Sheep Farm
Breeders of
Breeders of award winning Dorset sheep offering club lambs, breeding ewes, Heifers, club calves and Border Collies. Located at Rose Hill, KS, USA.
Breeders of award winning Dorset sheep offering club lambs, breeding ewes, Heifers, club calves and Border Collies. Located at Rose Hill, KS, USA.
40 Pro Vision Planning and Design
An independent
An independent practice of architects, town planners and urban designers. Operating over a wide area, advising on all types of property in both urban and rural settings. Offices in Winchester (Hants), Winborne (Dorset) and Newbury (Berkshire).
Architects Town Planners Planning Hampshire Building Design Rtpi Consultants Winchester Urban Dorset Cleary Info@pvprojectscom Riba Construction Services Architect
An independent practice of architects, town planners and urban designers. Operating over a wide area, advising on all types of property in both urban and rural settings. Offices in Winchester (Hants), Winborne (Dorset) and Newbury (Berkshire).
Architects Town Planners Planning Hampshire Building Design Rtpi Consultants Winchester Urban Dorset Cleary Info@pvprojectscom Riba Construction Services Architect
41 the burden group
distributor of
distributor of camping, caravanning, leisure, motor home, outdoor and marine products and accessories. comprised of h. burden limited, coventry, mark dowland marine, dorset, and galliotts, cumbria, united kingdom.
Burden Leading Horse Group Burdengroupcomgift Cattle Product Cowshealth Net Barn Chickens Equine
distributor of camping, caravanning, leisure, motor home, outdoor and marine products and accessories. comprised of h. burden limited, coventry, mark dowland marine, dorset, and galliotts, cumbria, united kingdom.
Burden Leading Horse Group Burdengroupcomgift Cattle Product Cowshealth Net Barn Chickens Equine
42 Prestonstar Caravan Repair and Sales
Located in
Located in Dorset. Offers caravan sales and repair services.
Keithdyers Document Pagey
Located in Dorset. Offers caravan sales and repair services.
Keithdyers Document Pagey
43 McQuinley Club Lambs
Raising competitive
Raising competitive Dorset Club Lambs at competitive prices.
Raising competitive Dorset Club Lambs at competitive prices.
2. Shopping and Dorset Trade
1 Ewephoric Dorset Sheep
Specializing in
Specializing in quality Polled Dorset sheep as well as unique Sheep and Border Collie gifts. Located in Bakersfield, California, USA.
Line 日記 Tweet サイトマップ H熟女無料ã²ã¨ãšã¾素人セフレ募集丠エãƒÂã„女性ãŒ集ã¾るセフレ募集掲示æ¿サイト Post Sexレス Fseeå…¸åÂÂ人妻宮城 Bbw熟女 Line出会ã„ Lein Jk出会ã„ Menu エãƒÂ
Specializing in quality Polled Dorset sheep as well as unique Sheep and Border Collie gifts. Located in Bakersfield, California, USA.
Line 日記 Tweet サイトマップ H熟女無料ã²ã¨ãšã¾素人セフレ募集丠エãƒÂã„女性ãŒ集ã¾るセフレ募集掲示æ¿サイト Post Sexレス Fseeå…¸åÂÂ人妻宮城 Bbw熟女 Line出会ã„ Lein Jk出会ã„ Menu エãƒÂ
2 Earthworks
U.K. retailer
U.K. retailer offers new age and metaphysical gifts. Offering jewellery, crystals, tarot cards, and recordings. Based in Dorset.
U.K. retailer offers new age and metaphysical gifts. Offering jewellery, crystals, tarot cards, and recordings. Based in Dorset.
3 David Fennings Conservatories
Designers and
Designers and installers of conservatories in Dorset and the South of England.
Conservatories Orangeries Windows Doors Dorset Plan Open Poole Fennings Conservatory Aluminium Extensions Bournemouth Tiled Areas Glazing Bi
Designers and installers of conservatories in Dorset and the South of England.
Conservatories Orangeries Windows Doors Dorset Plan Open Poole Fennings Conservatory Aluminium Extensions Bournemouth Tiled Areas Glazing Bi
4 Guitar Mania
Sells electric
Sells electric and acoustic guitars and guitar accessories. Secure online ordering. [Dorset, UK]
Guitar Guitars Electric Acoustic Taylor Shop Poole Mania Amps Prs Ibanez Bournemouth Under Red Accessories £ Ideas Especially Use
Sells electric and acoustic guitars and guitar accessories. Secure online ordering. [Dorset, UK]
Guitar Guitars Electric Acoustic Taylor Shop Poole Mania Amps Prs Ibanez Bournemouth Under Red Accessories £ Ideas Especially Use
5 Equidae
Equestrian oil
Equestrian oil paintings - original horse artwork by Terry Lindsey. Breeds include Arabs, Morgans, Thoroughbreds, Fresian, Ponies, Belgians and Warmbloods. Dorset, Vermont.
Jewelry Equine Terry Prints Gallery Lindsey Original Painting Painted Horse Hand Antiques Non Progress Saratoga Vermont Biography Sculptures Sculpture
Equestrian oil paintings - original horse artwork by Terry Lindsey. Breeds include Arabs, Morgans, Thoroughbreds, Fresian, Ponies, Belgians and Warmbloods. Dorset, Vermont.
Jewelry Equine Terry Prints Gallery Lindsey Original Painting Painted Horse Hand Antiques Non Progress Saratoga Vermont Biography Sculptures Sculpture
6 My Censuses
Canada based
Canada based supplier offers CDs of the United Kingdom 1851 census for Gloucestershire, Bristol, Somerset, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire & Dorset. Contents and charges.
Census Scanned Wiltshire Bristol Somerset Staffordshire Birmingham Padding Shropshire Cornwall Dorset Bedfordshire Transcription County Herefordshire
Canada based supplier offers CDs of the United Kingdom 1851 census for Gloucestershire, Bristol, Somerset, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire & Dorset. Contents and charges.
Census Scanned Wiltshire Bristol Somerset Staffordshire Birmingham Padding Shropshire Cornwall Dorset Bedfordshire Transcription County Herefordshire
Specialising in
Specialising in UK fossils from the Yorkshire coast and the Dorset Coast. Also runs fossil hunting trips.
Fossils Fossil Uk Sale British Hunting English Trips High Shop Bones Quality Dealers Ammonites Dinosaurs
Specialising in UK fossils from the Yorkshire coast and the Dorset Coast. Also runs fossil hunting trips.
Fossils Fossil Uk Sale British Hunting English Trips High Shop Bones Quality Dealers Ammonites Dinosaurs
3. Dorset Recreation
1 Dorset Football Forum
A message
A message board to discuss news, games, and players. Includes the Dorset Premier, Dorset County, Bournemouth Saturday, Wessex Leagues, Dorset Sunday, and the Bournemouth Sunday, plus results and tables.
Z Wwwdorsetfootballproboardscom Y
A message board to discuss news, games, and players. Includes the Dorset Premier, Dorset County, Bournemouth Saturday, Wessex Leagues, Dorset Sunday, and the Bournemouth Sunday, plus results and tables.
Z Wwwdorsetfootballproboardscom Y
2 Hashing in Dorset
Provides details
Provides details about clubs in Dorset, Hampshire, and South Wiltshire. Contains pictures, a run listing, news items, and membership details. Running trails around 5 to 6 miles in length.
Tripod Create Requested Signup Check Lycoscom Couldnt Login Tripodcom Website Hostingshopping Page Please
Provides details about clubs in Dorset, Hampshire, and South Wiltshire. Contains pictures, a run listing, news items, and membership details. Running trails around 5 to 6 miles in length.
Tripod Create Requested Signup Check Lycoscom Couldnt Login Tripodcom Website Hostingshopping Page Please
3 Dorset County Football Association
The site
The site for the official County Football Association. Includes information on affiliated teams, courses, women, girls, youth and schools football. Also includes Dorset fixtures and results and contact details.
Dorset League Leagues Football Fa Youth Standard Clubs Weymouth Club County Course Coaching Survey Benefit Womens
The site for the official County Football Association. Includes information on affiliated teams, courses, women, girls, youth and schools football. Also includes Dorset fixtures and results and contact details.
Dorset League Leagues Football Fa Youth Standard Clubs Weymouth Club County Course Coaching Survey Benefit Womens
4 Fat Birder - Dorset
Resources and
Resources and links.
Website Satellite Bird Nhbscom Book Accommodation Buy Birding Gallery Operator Tour Report Tours Birds America World Recording Blogs
Resources and links.
Website Satellite Bird Nhbscom Book Accommodation Buy Birding Gallery Operator Tour Report Tours Birds America World Recording Blogs
5 Dorset Youth League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
League Dorset Division Football County Contact Under Youth Respect News * Divisiontwo Sunday Counter Sign Association
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
League Dorset Division Football County Contact Under Youth Respect News * Divisiontwo Sunday Counter Sign Association
6 Dorset Girls League
News, results
News, results, fixtures and tables.
Season Under Pool Dorset Contact Girls League Stats Gamefeeds Expand Terms Results Policy Division
News, results, fixtures and tables.
Season Under Pool Dorset Contact Girls League Stats Gamefeeds Expand Terms Results Policy Division
7 Dorset Womens League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables and statistics.
League Womens Dorset Contact Rights Counter Football Refsnotices Stats Association Navigationshilfe Game Season
Results, fixtures, tables and statistics.
League Womens Dorset Contact Rights Counter Football Refsnotices Stats Association Navigationshilfe Game Season
8 Dorset Saturday League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
Dorset League Division Senior Football Contact Expand Reserved Refs Three Terms Privacy Counter Leaguedorset Rights
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
Dorset League Division Senior Football Contact Expand Reserved Refs Three Terms Privacy Counter Leaguedorset Rights
9 Shaftesbury (Dorset) FC
Club information
Club information, fixtures and results.
News Ground Facilities Training Nonleaguedailycom Forum Room Education Supporters Fans Results Finder Fixtures Local Players Transfer Change Team Improvements
Club information, fixtures and results.
News Ground Facilities Training Nonleaguedailycom Forum Room Education Supporters Fans Results Finder Fixtures Local Players Transfer Change Team Improvements
10 Dorset Sunday League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
Division Sunday League Contact Section Dorset Email Associationnavigation Stats Sign Mobile Counter Football
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
Division Sunday League Contact Section Dorset Email Associationnavigation Stats Sign Mobile Counter Football
11 Fishing Journal of Adrian Jacobs
Angling on
Angling on the Dorset (UK) coastline.
Ragworm Church High Running Saturday Paternoster Clear Sunday Bass Friday Overcast Mackerel Mostly Squid Monday
Angling on the Dorset (UK) coastline.
Ragworm Church High Running Saturday Paternoster Clear Sunday Bass Friday Overcast Mackerel Mostly Squid Monday
12 Tamarisk Farm
Located in
Located in West Bexington, Dorset. Photographs, pedigrees.
Shorthair British Tamarisk Kittens Pedigree Samuel Farm Blue Simon Bexington Tortie West Server Cream Apache
Located in West Bexington, Dorset. Photographs, pedigrees.
Shorthair British Tamarisk Kittens Pedigree Samuel Farm Blue Simon Bexington Tortie West Server Cream Apache
13 Rockfax
Contains route
Contains route databases for Gritstone, Northern Limestone, and Dorset. Allows browsing and searching.
Limestone North Costa Lakes Dws Wales Grit Yorkshire Rockfax Rjukan Lofoten South Blog Dazur Mallorca Portland Daurada
Contains route databases for Gritstone, Northern Limestone, and Dorset. Allows browsing and searching.
Limestone North Costa Lakes Dws Wales Grit Yorkshire Rockfax Rjukan Lofoten South Blog Dazur Mallorca Portland Daurada
14 Dorset Fungus Group
Includes information
Includes information about forays, photos, links, and contact details.
Fungi Fungus Disease Wood Membership List Roberts Upton Dorset Constitution News Lyme Dieback Foray Mycological Very Forays House
Includes information about forays, photos, links, and contact details.
Fungi Fungus Disease Wood Membership List Roberts Upton Dorset Constitution News Lyme Dieback Foray Mycological Very Forays House
15 Flying Frenzy Paragliding
Offering training
Offering training, adventure tours, and equipment sales in Dorset.
Paragliding Frenzy Flying Welcome West Dorset Trips Courses School Equipment Paraglider Pulling Whenflying Days Taster Ifadventure Offer
Offering training, adventure tours, and equipment sales in Dorset.
Paragliding Frenzy Flying Welcome West Dorset Trips Courses School Equipment Paraglider Pulling Whenflying Days Taster Ifadventure Offer
16 Three Counties S.A.A
Fishing Somerset
Fishing Somerset and Dorset with boat trips and shore matches, Message board and photos.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Internet Termssorry Trying Reach Archives Toolbar Movies Inc
Fishing Somerset and Dorset with boat trips and shore matches, Message board and photos.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Internet Termssorry Trying Reach Archives Toolbar Movies Inc
17 Crossways Falcons Football Club
News, photographs
News, photographs, teams, fixtures, tables, and honours. Dorset.
Yahoo Please Help Yahoos Ifyoure Central Inc Privacy Page Policy Copyright Also Termsnavigationshilfe Found
News, photographs, teams, fixtures, tables, and honours. Dorset.
Yahoo Please Help Yahoos Ifyoure Central Inc Privacy Page Policy Copyright Also Termsnavigationshilfe Found
18 Astro Antz
A junior
A junior girls hockey team from Poole in Dorset. Site includes schedules, news and quotes.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Inc Mailterms Sorry Trying Movies Popular Reach
A junior girls hockey team from Poole in Dorset. Site includes schedules, news and quotes.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Inc Mailterms Sorry Trying Movies Popular Reach
19 Backward Hit
The Dorset
The Dorset rounders tournament. Lists information on match fixtures, past results and current county teams.
The Dorset rounders tournament. Lists information on match fixtures, past results and current county teams.
20 Dorset County Football Association
General information
General information, teams, courses, youth, schools, women, girls, development, cups, and rules.
Dorset Football Leagues League Kick Fa Women Standard National Grassroots Ecfa County Survey Involved Results Releasedthe
General information, teams, courses, youth, schools, women, girls, development, cups, and rules.
Dorset Football Leagues League Kick Fa Women Standard National Grassroots Ecfa County Survey Involved Results Releasedthe
21 Mark Hoppe Racing
Auto grass
Auto grass driver from Sherborne, Dorset. Includes profile, photos, links, meeting reviews and gossip.
Page Web Click Class Hosting Thanks Reviews Meeting Free Welcome Favorite Contact Photo Aboutpage Provider
Auto grass driver from Sherborne, Dorset. Includes profile, photos, links, meeting reviews and gossip.
Page Web Click Class Hosting Thanks Reviews Meeting Free Welcome Favorite Contact Photo Aboutpage Provider
22 London Thoroughbred Services
International bloodstock
International bloodstock agency located in Dorset, England. Includes a stallion list with race records and top performances.
Click Race Group See Video Here Cloud Moonlight Prix Nathaniel Stakes Deauville Gheest London Selkirk
International bloodstock agency located in Dorset, England. Includes a stallion list with race records and top performances.
Click Race Group See Video Here Cloud Moonlight Prix Nathaniel Stakes Deauville Gheest London Selkirk
23 The AlteZeit Dorset Reichsbahn Gruppe
Shows construction
Shows construction of the groups German model railway. Contains news, photographs, plans, and information on the design concepts.
Shows construction of the groups German model railway. Contains news, photographs, plans, and information on the design concepts.
24 Oakfield Icelandic Horses
Breeders with
Breeders with horses for sale. Located in Dorset, UK.
Breeders with horses for sale. Located in Dorset, UK.
25 Westham Cycles
Bike shop
Bike shop in Weymouth, Dorset. Cycles, parts, clothing and repairs.
Sponsoredlistings Policy Privacywesthamcyclescom
Bike shop in Weymouth, Dorset. Cycles, parts, clothing and repairs.
Sponsoredlistings Policy Privacywesthamcyclescom
26 Wareham Golf Club
Eighteen holes
Eighteen holes of challenging heathland golf in the heart of Dorset.
Golf Wareham Club Dorset Tuition Click Book Open Events Shop Green Booking Course Jones Times Upcoming Christmas Spieth
Eighteen holes of challenging heathland golf in the heart of Dorset.
Golf Wareham Club Dorset Tuition Click Book Open Events Shop Green Booking Course Jones Times Upcoming Christmas Spieth
27 Blandford Fencing Club
Meeting times
Meeting times, costs and club history for this Dorset sabre salle.
Meeting times, costs and club history for this Dorset sabre salle.
28 Swalings International School of Swimming
Located in
Located in Poole, Dorset. Fees returned if you arent swimming at the end of the course.
Located in Poole, Dorset. Fees returned if you arent swimming at the end of the course.
30 Holidays for Bikers
Weekend motorcycle
Weekend motorcycle tours for bikers. Ride through the beautiful Dorset countryside or visit the battlefields of the Great War
Weekend motorcycle tours for bikers. Ride through the beautiful Dorset countryside or visit the battlefields of the Great War
31 Poole Stadium
Site includes
Site includes racing details, restaurant information, special offers and booking information. Dorset.
Poole Stadium Click Sunday Here Book Tuesday Restaurant Greyhounds Bh Pleasenote Greyhound Swindon Saturday Terms Stadia Pirates Conditions Pack
Site includes racing details, restaurant information, special offers and booking information. Dorset.
Poole Stadium Click Sunday Here Book Tuesday Restaurant Greyhounds Bh Pleasenote Greyhound Swindon Saturday Terms Stadia Pirates Conditions Pack
32 Pour Vous Cosmetic Clinic
Dr.E. Awad
Dr.E. Awad, M.B, Ch.B specialized in fillers presents presents his services, Dorset, United Kingdom.
ã©ã“ã«é…力を感ã˜る㮠æºÃ¢â€šÂ¬å–«ã™るã«ã¯ 風ä¿Ã¢â‚¬â€ Jdisco Free Wordpress Themes Scnplorg 人æ°Ã¢â‚¬â€ã¯ä»Ã… ã®ã¨ã“ã‚ÂÂä¸Ã‚Âæ»Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ 熟&ari
Dr.E. Awad, M.B, Ch.B specialized in fillers presents presents his services, Dorset, United Kingdom.
ã©ã“ã«é…力を感ã˜る㮠æºÃ¢â€šÂ¬å–«ã™るã«ã¯ 風ä¿Ã¢â‚¬â€ Jdisco Free Wordpress Themes Scnplorg 人æ°Ã¢â‚¬â€ã¯ä»Ã… ã®ã¨ã“ã‚ÂÂä¸Ã‚Âæ»Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ 熟&ari
33 Dorset Womens and Girls Cricket Association
Official site
Official site covers league fixtures and results, averages, clubs, and fixtures.
Official site covers league fixtures and results, averages, clubs, and fixtures.
34 Camping Southwest
Searchable directory
Searchable directory of campsites in the Southwest counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset. Search by facilities and location.
Camping Another Trailer +adw Caravan Kitchen Consider Display None+aciapga Xmp+ad Antalya Turkhackteam+adw Checklist Buying Title+ad Hacked Div Life Style+adaig
Searchable directory of campsites in the Southwest counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset. Search by facilities and location.
Camping Another Trailer +adw Caravan Kitchen Consider Display None+aciapga Xmp+ad Antalya Turkhackteam+adw Checklist Buying Title+ad Hacked Div Life Style+adaig
35 Mudeford Phoenix GLFC
Girls and
Girls and Ladies club based in Christchurch, Dorset, with qualified coaches and staff. News, results, fixtures, teams, tables, training, and honours.
Football Girls Club Ladies New Phoenix League Mudeford Forest Fixtures Falcons Ages Fawley Development Gallery Affiliated Click Continue
Girls and Ladies club based in Christchurch, Dorset, with qualified coaches and staff. News, results, fixtures, teams, tables, training, and honours.
Football Girls Club Ladies New Phoenix League Mudeford Forest Fixtures Falcons Ages Fawley Development Gallery Affiliated Click Continue
36 Camping Southwest
Searchable directory
Searchable directory of camp sites in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset. Includes address and contact information for each camp site.
Searchable directory of camp sites in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset. Includes address and contact information for each camp site.
37 The Wilson House
The birthplace
The birthplace and childhood home of Bill W, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous in East Dorset, Vermont. Brief biography. Tour of the house. Schedule of AA and Al-Anon meetings.
The birthplace and childhood home of Bill W, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous in East Dorset, Vermont. Brief biography. Tour of the house. Schedule of AA and Al-Anon meetings.
38 Dorset County ASA
Comprehensive site
Comprehensive site about the country featuring swimming, synchro, diving, water polo, open water, volunteer resources, news and meet results
Sign Lifestream Places Policy Everything People Updated Aol Login Aolcom Bulk Terms Advertise Now Email Networks Read Account
Comprehensive site about the country featuring swimming, synchro, diving, water polo, open water, volunteer resources, news and meet results
Sign Lifestream Places Policy Everything People Updated Aol Login Aolcom Bulk Terms Advertise Now Email Networks Read Account
39 Shaftesbury Cricket Club
Cricketers of
Cricketers of all abilities and ages wanted for friendly and competitive cricket, in a safe and secure club environment. Dorset.
Cricketers of all abilities and ages wanted for friendly and competitive cricket, in a safe and secure club environment. Dorset.
40 Chesil Model Flying Club
Dorset -
Dorset - Model aviation groups information, news, pictures, flying site, and related links.
Page Newy
Dorset - Model aviation groups information, news, pictures, flying site, and related links.
Page Newy
41 West Bay Diving
10m RIB
10m RIB available for dive charters. 12 person capacity. Includes availability calendar and clickable map of dive sites with information on each. Based in West Bay, Dorset.
10m RIB available for dive charters. 12 person capacity. Includes availability calendar and clickable map of dive sites with information on each. Based in West Bay, Dorset.
42 Poole Cycle Speedway Club
Since 1974
Since 1974, providing track cycle races in Poole Dorset, features include newsletter, fixture list, and results.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Longeravailablenews Internet Popular Wayback User Archiveorg Terms
Since 1974, providing track cycle races in Poole Dorset, features include newsletter, fixture list, and results.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Longeravailablenews Internet Popular Wayback User Archiveorg Terms
43 Blue Turtle Dive Charters
Dive boat
Dive boat charter offering dives on the wrecks and reefs in Lyme Bay. Groups and individuals accommodated. Based out of Lyme Regis, Dorset.
Diving Turtle Information Blue Charters Boat News Dive Lyme Skipper Wreck Fishing Timetable Contact Featured Latest
Dive boat charter offering dives on the wrecks and reefs in Lyme Bay. Groups and individuals accommodated. Based out of Lyme Regis, Dorset.
Diving Turtle Information Blue Charters Boat News Dive Lyme Skipper Wreck Fishing Timetable Contact Featured Latest
44 Wessex Model Boat Club 88
Members of
Members of the Bournemouth, Dorset, England club build models of power, sail, and scale vessels and provide a calendar of events and a gallery of completed models.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Sports Visit Machinesites Popular User Movies Wayback Guidelines
Members of the Bournemouth, Dorset, England club build models of power, sail, and scale vessels and provide a calendar of events and a gallery of completed models.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Sports Visit Machinesites Popular User Movies Wayback Guidelines
45 Harmans Cross Railway Station
Preserved railway
Preserved railway station on Swanage Railway in Dorset. Current activities and photographs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Preserved railway station on Swanage Railway in Dorset. Current activities and photographs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
46 Purbeck and Three Counties Shooting Grounds
Located in
Located in Dorset, England. Features clay and game shooting, stalking and corporate shooting events. Includes information on gun fitting, repairs and events.
Shooting Purbeck School Clay Fitasc Tuition Game Team Available Sale Sporting Corporate Lessons Pigeon Stag Register Sanders
Located in Dorset, England. Features clay and game shooting, stalking and corporate shooting events. Includes information on gun fitting, repairs and events.
Shooting Purbeck School Clay Fitasc Tuition Game Team Available Sale Sporting Corporate Lessons Pigeon Stag Register Sanders
47 Bournemouth Dolphins
Gives pool
Gives pool times, fees and suggested meets for club swimmers, with other material in the form of Word documents, the content may be out of date. This Dorset swimming club also caters for learn-to-swim, Masters and university swimmers.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Gives pool times, fees and suggested meets for club swimmers, with other material in the form of Word documents, the content may be out of date. This Dorset swimming club also caters for learn-to-swim, Masters and university swimmers.
Navigationshilfe Ty
48 Canford School
Canford School
Canford School, a school in Dorset which features a real tennis court.
Canford School, a school in Dorset which features a real tennis court.
4. Computer & Dorset Games Websites
3 Star Internetting
Offer UK
Offer UK domain name registration and web design in Christchurch, Dorset, United Kingdom.
Star Internetting Design Website Bournemouth Domain Tours Web Uk Virtual Panoramic Shopping Dorset Year Creations Register Amateurweb
Offer UK domain name registration and web design in Christchurch, Dorset, United Kingdom.
Star Internetting Design Website Bournemouth Domain Tours Web Uk Virtual Panoramic Shopping Dorset Year Creations Register Amateurweb
4 Phenomenists
Services include
Services include web design, hosting, CD-Rom and Flash. Located in Dorset, United Kingdom.
Phenomenists Joomla Hosting Services Website Web Design Uk Internet Business Cms Agency Email Portfolio Creative
Services include web design, hosting, CD-Rom and Flash. Located in Dorset, United Kingdom.
Phenomenists Joomla Hosting Services Website Web Design Uk Internet Business Cms Agency Email Portfolio Creative
5 Compass Web
Offer web
Offer web site design, hosting, and domain name registration services in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom.
Symbiosis Domainunconfigured Configuring Controlling Youre Further Bytemark Visiting Please Websitejust Uploading Domain If
Offer web site design, hosting, and domain name registration services in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom.
Symbiosis Domainunconfigured Configuring Controlling Youre Further Bytemark Visiting Please Websitejust Uploading Domain If
6 Dorset Software
Offers Trace
Offers Trace, a web based time and project tracking tool with timesheet recording, expense tracking facilities, and other functions. Includes case histories.
Software Development Contact Services Bespoke Dorset Main Developers Consultancy Systems Support Launches Certification Net Organisations Technologies
Offers Trace, a web based time and project tracking tool with timesheet recording, expense tracking facilities, and other functions. Includes case histories.
Software Development Contact Services Bespoke Dorset Main Developers Consultancy Systems Support Launches Certification Net Organisations Technologies
7 Zeta Commerce Ltd
Offering e-commerce
Offering e-commerce solutions, database development, site management, marketing, domain registrations, and hosting. Located in Weymouth, Dorset, England, United Kingdom.
Design Web Mobile Gt Zeta Marketing | Apps Ecommerce Just Digital Responsive Increases Strategy Agency Alone Bournemouth Outstanding Achieves
Offering e-commerce solutions, database development, site management, marketing, domain registrations, and hosting. Located in Weymouth, Dorset, England, United Kingdom.
Design Web Mobile Gt Zeta Marketing | Apps Ecommerce Just Digital Responsive Increases Strategy Agency Alone Bournemouth Outstanding Achieves
1 Southbourne Chess Club
Dorset. Membership
Dorset. Membership details, annotated games, news, results, league tables, congress and county match reports, chess puzzles, and a guestbook.
Yahoo Help Please Terms Policy Central Page Navigationshilfe Copyright Ifyoure Yahoosinc Found Also
Dorset. Membership details, annotated games, news, results, league tables, congress and county match reports, chess puzzles, and a guestbook.
Yahoo Help Please Terms Policy Central Page Navigationshilfe Copyright Ifyoure Yahoosinc Found Also
5. Sports Websites concerning Dorset
1 Dorset Football Forum
A message
A message board to discuss news, games, and players. Includes the Dorset Premier, Dorset County, Bournemouth Saturday, Wessex Leagues, Dorset Sunday, and the Bournemouth Sunday, plus results and tables.
Z Wwwdorsetfootballproboardscom Y
A message board to discuss news, games, and players. Includes the Dorset Premier, Dorset County, Bournemouth Saturday, Wessex Leagues, Dorset Sunday, and the Bournemouth Sunday, plus results and tables.
Z Wwwdorsetfootballproboardscom Y
2 Hashing in Dorset
Provides details
Provides details about clubs in Dorset, Hampshire, and South Wiltshire. Contains pictures, a run listing, news items, and membership details. Running trails around 5 to 6 miles in length.
Tripod Create Shopping Check Couldnt Signup Website Login Tripodcom Requested Lycosfound Please Hosting
Provides details about clubs in Dorset, Hampshire, and South Wiltshire. Contains pictures, a run listing, news items, and membership details. Running trails around 5 to 6 miles in length.
Tripod Create Shopping Check Couldnt Signup Website Login Tripodcom Requested Lycosfound Please Hosting
3 Dorset County Football Association
The site
The site for the official County Football Association. Includes information on affiliated teams, courses, women, girls, youth and schools football. Also includes Dorset fixtures and results and contact details.
Dorset Football Fa County Leagues League Soccer Mini Clubs Year Facilities Standard Club Ground Tournament Pitch Opportunity Womens Programme Groundsman
The site for the official County Football Association. Includes information on affiliated teams, courses, women, girls, youth and schools football. Also includes Dorset fixtures and results and contact details.
Dorset Football Fa County Leagues League Soccer Mini Clubs Year Facilities Standard Club Ground Tournament Pitch Opportunity Womens Programme Groundsman
4 Dorset Womens League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables and statistics.
Womens League Dorset Contact Navigation Mobilecopyright Association Notices Feeds Football Reserved Privacy Division
Results, fixtures, tables and statistics.
Womens League Dorset Contact Navigation Mobilecopyright Association Notices Feeds Football Reserved Privacy Division
5 Dorset Saturday League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
League Dorset Division Senior Football Contact Season Mobile Marshall Navigationshilfe Navigation Match Respect Results Expand
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
League Dorset Division Senior Football Contact Season Mobile Marshall Navigationshilfe Navigation Match Respect Results Expand
6 Dorset Sunday League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
League Sunday Division Dorset Contact Section Terms Reserved Notices Copyright Sundayleague Map News Mobile Navigation Policy
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
League Sunday Division Dorset Contact Section Terms Reserved Notices Copyright Sundayleague Map News Mobile Navigation Policy
7 Dorset Youth League
Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
Division Youth Dorset Under League Contact Counter Terms Feeds Three Expand Stats Navigation Season Sign Notices Email Y
Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics.
Division Youth Dorset Under League Contact Counter Terms Feeds Three Expand Stats Navigation Season Sign Notices Email Y
8 Dorset Girls League
News, results
News, results, fixtures and tables.
Under Season Fixtures Pool Girls Additional Contact Dorset League Email Notices Refsfootball Rights
News, results, fixtures and tables.
Under Season Fixtures Pool Girls Additional Contact Dorset League Email Notices Refsfootball Rights
9 Shaftesbury (Dorset) FC
Club information
Club information, fixtures and results.
League News Division Transfer Premier Latest Evo Stik Northern South Town North Vanarama Ryman National
Club information, fixtures and results.
League News Division Transfer Premier Latest Evo Stik Northern South Town North Vanarama Ryman National
10 Crossways Falcons Football Club
News, photographs
News, photographs, teams, fixtures, tables, and honours. Dorset.
Yahoo Help Please Policy Found Inc Yahoos Terms Page Onlineservices Ifyourecentral Navigationshilfe Copyright
News, photographs, teams, fixtures, tables, and honours. Dorset.
Yahoo Help Please Policy Found Inc Yahoos Terms Page Onlineservices Ifyourecentral Navigationshilfe Copyright
11 Backward Hit
The Dorset
The Dorset rounders tournament. Lists information on match fixtures, past results and current county teams.
Freeuk Broadband Website Wish Status Once Retain Webmail Dial Contact Support Tutorials Settingup Page Y
The Dorset rounders tournament. Lists information on match fixtures, past results and current county teams.
Freeuk Broadband Website Wish Status Once Retain Webmail Dial Contact Support Tutorials Settingup Page Y
12 Astro Antz
A junior
A junior girls hockey team from Poole in Dorset. Site includes schedules, news and quotes.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Aabaco Domains Web Privacy Terms Account Customer
A junior girls hockey team from Poole in Dorset. Site includes schedules, news and quotes.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Aabaco Domains Web Privacy Terms Account Customer
13 Dorset County Football Association
General information
General information, teams, courses, youth, schools, women, girls, development, cups, and rules.
Dorset Football Leagues League Fa Course County Christmas Price Standard Club Youth Girls Changes Year Sponsorship Opening Small Sided Hours
General information, teams, courses, youth, schools, women, girls, development, cups, and rules.
Dorset Football Leagues League Fa Course County Christmas Price Standard Club Youth Girls Changes Year Sponsorship Opening Small Sided Hours
14 London Thoroughbred Services
International bloodstock
International bloodstock agency located in Dorset, England. Includes a stallion list with race records and top performances.
Click See Race Video Here Group Prix Stakes Nathaniel Cloud Moonlight Deauville Thoroughbred Selkirk Dank Reserved Place Lypatia
International bloodstock agency located in Dorset, England. Includes a stallion list with race records and top performances.
Click See Race Video Here Group Prix Stakes Nathaniel Cloud Moonlight Deauville Thoroughbred Selkirk Dank Reserved Place Lypatia
15 Mark Hoppe Racing
Auto grass
Auto grass driver from Sherborne, Dorset. Includes profile, photos, links, meeting reviews and gossip.
Page Meeting Click Restoration Reviews Close Internationale Show Ford Sign Mini Car Classic Motor Send Cobras Sunrsquos Sunsengines Although
Auto grass driver from Sherborne, Dorset. Includes profile, photos, links, meeting reviews and gossip.
Page Meeting Click Restoration Reviews Close Internationale Show Ford Sign Mini Car Classic Motor Send Cobras Sunrsquos Sunsengines Although
16 Oakfield Icelandic Horses
Breeders with
Breeders with horses for sale. Located in Dorset, UK.
Breeders with horses for sale. Located in Dorset, UK.
17 Wareham Golf Club
Eighteen holes
Eighteen holes of challenging heathland golf in the heart of Dorset.
Golf Wareham Club Dorset Tuition Book Click Shop Course Events Green Booking Members Snedeker Spieth Saturday
Eighteen holes of challenging heathland golf in the heart of Dorset.
Golf Wareham Club Dorset Tuition Book Click Shop Course Events Green Booking Members Snedeker Spieth Saturday
18 Westham Cycles
Bike shop
Bike shop in Weymouth, Dorset. Cycles, parts, clothing and repairs.
Listingspolicy Sponsored Westhamcyclescomprivacy
Bike shop in Weymouth, Dorset. Cycles, parts, clothing and repairs.
Listingspolicy Sponsored Westhamcyclescomprivacy
19 Blandford Fencing Club
Meeting times
Meeting times, costs and club history for this Dorset sabre salle.
Meeting times, costs and club history for this Dorset sabre salle.
20 Swalings International School of Swimming
Located in
Located in Poole, Dorset. Fees returned if you arent swimming at the end of the course.
Swalings Swimming Lessons Antigua Learn Pool Franchise Swim International School Email Address Training Poole Endless
Located in Poole, Dorset. Fees returned if you arent swimming at the end of the course.
Swalings Swimming Lessons Antigua Learn Pool Franchise Swim International School Email Address Training Poole Endless
21 Poole Stadium
Site includes
Site includes racing details, restaurant information, special offers and booking information. Dorset.
Poole Stadium Tuesday Sunday Click Restaurant Greyhounds Here Book Saturday Road Stadia Follow Pleasenote Conditions Greyhound First
Site includes racing details, restaurant information, special offers and booking information. Dorset.
Poole Stadium Tuesday Sunday Click Restaurant Greyhounds Here Book Saturday Road Stadia Follow Pleasenote Conditions Greyhound First
22 Dorset Womens and Girls Cricket Association
Official site
Official site covers league fixtures and results, averages, clubs, and fixtures.
Official site covers league fixtures and results, averages, clubs, and fixtures.
23 Mudeford Phoenix GLFC
Girls and
Girls and Ladies club based in Christchurch, Dorset, with qualified coaches and staff. News, results, fixtures, teams, tables, training, and honours.
Z Mudefordphoenix Y
Girls and Ladies club based in Christchurch, Dorset, with qualified coaches and staff. News, results, fixtures, teams, tables, training, and honours.
Z Mudefordphoenix Y
24 Dorset County ASA
Comprehensive site
Comprehensive site about the country featuring swimming, synchro, diving, water polo, open water, volunteer resources, news and meet results
Z Request Y
Comprehensive site about the country featuring swimming, synchro, diving, water polo, open water, volunteer resources, news and meet results
Z Request Y
25 Shaftesbury Cricket Club
Cricketers of
Cricketers of all abilities and ages wanted for friendly and competitive cricket, in a safe and secure club environment. Dorset.
Cricketers of all abilities and ages wanted for friendly and competitive cricket, in a safe and secure club environment. Dorset.
26 Poole Cycle Speedway Club
Since 1974
Since 1974, providing track cycle races in Poole Dorset, features include newsletter, fixture list, and results.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Aabaco Customer Web Website Terms Please Help
Since 1974, providing track cycle races in Poole Dorset, features include newsletter, fixture list, and results.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Aabaco Customer Web Website Terms Please Help
27 Bournemouth Dolphins
Gives pool
Gives pool times, fees and suggested meets for club swimmers, with other material in the form of Word documents, the content may be out of date. This Dorset swimming club also caters for learn-to-swim, Masters and university swimmers.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Gives pool times, fees and suggested meets for club swimmers, with other material in the form of Word documents, the content may be out of date. This Dorset swimming club also caters for learn-to-swim, Masters and university swimmers.
Navigationshilfe Ty
28 Canford School
Canford School
Canford School, a school in Dorset which features a real tennis court.
Canford School, a school in Dorset which features a real tennis court.
6. Society, Arts and Dorset Crafts
1 Plowman of Dorset
Descendants of
Descendants of Reverend William Plowman of Dorset, ENG, born circa 1647, died 1712.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Descendants of Reverend William Plowman of Dorset, ENG, born circa 1647, died 1712.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Rotaract Club of Christchurch
Dorset, UK
Dorset, UK - District 1110.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Web Aabaco Please Terms Customer Domains Website Copyright Policy Help
Dorset, UK - District 1110.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Web Aabaco Please Terms Customer Domains Website Copyright Policy Help
3 the foul mouthed cunt
description and
description and what is offered by a pub in dorset, england.
description and what is offered by a pub in dorset, england.
4 McDowells of Feakle
Family tree
Family tree of Tom Francis McDowell from Wimborne, Dorset, ENG. Focus is on the lineages from County Clare, Ireland.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Family tree of Tom Francis McDowell from Wimborne, Dorset, ENG. Focus is on the lineages from County Clare, Ireland.
Navigationshilfe Ty
5 Eves: Pennys Past (Paternal)
Ancestors of
Ancestors of Dorset, Hampshire and Sussex, featuring the surnames Hill, Readhill and Ware.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Ancestors of Dorset, Hampshire and Sussex, featuring the surnames Hill, Readhill and Ware.
Navigationshilfe Ty
6 Rotaract Club of Bournemouth
Dorset, UK
Dorset, UK - District 1110. Provides an overview of projects, beneficiary charities, and current events, includes photographs.
Yahoo Please Help Found Copyright Onlineservices Navigationshilfe Terms Policyifyoure Inc Privacy Page
Dorset, UK - District 1110. Provides an overview of projects, beneficiary charities, and current events, includes photographs.
Yahoo Please Help Found Copyright Onlineservices Navigationshilfe Terms Policyifyoure Inc Privacy Page
7 Ackerman: Dorset, UK
Family tree
Family tree of Derek John Ackerman from Weymouth, UK.
Family Ackerman Genealogycom Derek Tombstone Pages Weymouth Page Edit Contribute Virtual Boards Message Terms Create Ancestrycom
Family tree of Derek John Ackerman from Weymouth, UK.
Family Ackerman Genealogycom Derek Tombstone Pages Weymouth Page Edit Contribute Virtual Boards Message Terms Create Ancestrycom
8 Bancroft: Great Britain
Family tree
Family tree of Anthony David Bancroft, Bournemouth, Dorset.
Genealogy Guide Research Family General Step Tips Information Story Genforum Genealogycom Familys Terms Biography Community
Family tree of Anthony David Bancroft, Bournemouth, Dorset.
Genealogy Guide Research Family General Step Tips Information Story Genforum Genealogycom Familys Terms Biography Community
9 DNA Heritage
A commercial
A commercial laboratory specializing in Y-chromosome testing for genealogists. US office in Rochester, New York, and UK office in Weymouth, Dorset.
Learn Terms Projects Ftdna Videos Scientific Contact Try Blog Request Privacy Branded Video Now Forums
A commercial laboratory specializing in Y-chromosome testing for genealogists. US office in Rochester, New York, and UK office in Weymouth, Dorset.
Learn Terms Projects Ftdna Videos Scientific Contact Try Blog Request Privacy Branded Video Now Forums
10 West Howe Baptist Church
Bournemouth, Dorset.
Bournemouth, Dorset. Map and directions, church activities, history, monthly newsletter, and testimonies of some members.
Sign Everything Lifestream People Places Now Policy Updated Go Theres Privacy Terms Simplifying Login Account Advertise
Bournemouth, Dorset. Map and directions, church activities, history, monthly newsletter, and testimonies of some members.
Sign Everything Lifestream People Places Now Policy Updated Go Theres Privacy Terms Simplifying Login Account Advertise
11 hinton park woodland burial ground
details about
details about alternative natural burials. includes the history, pricing policy and directions. located in christchurch, dorset, united kingdom.
Operativehomepage Co Plan Main Crematoria Found The Woodland Campaign Terms Found Cemeteriesbee Content Conditions
details about alternative natural burials. includes the history, pricing policy and directions. located in christchurch, dorset, united kingdom.
Operativehomepage Co Plan Main Crematoria Found The Woodland Campaign Terms Found Cemeteriesbee Content Conditions
12 Deans of Dorchester
Tracing the
Tracing the Deane/Dean lineages that originated in Dorset, ENG in the mid 16th century, migrated to Dorchester County, Maryland, USA. Includes database, history and heraldry.
Server Navigationshilfe Permanently The Apachez
Tracing the Deane/Dean lineages that originated in Dorset, ENG in the mid 16th century, migrated to Dorchester County, Maryland, USA. Includes database, history and heraldry.
Server Navigationshilfe Permanently The Apachez
13 The Bridge Parishes, East Dorset
This parish
This parish website for Sturminster Marshall, Kingston Lacy, and Shapwick has news, descriptions of the parishes and their churches, forthcoming events and notices, and many local links.
Bridge Parishesy
This parish website for Sturminster Marshall, Kingston Lacy, and Shapwick has news, descriptions of the parishes and their churches, forthcoming events and notices, and many local links.
Bridge Parishesy
14 Comben
Family history
Family history of Tom Comben. Includes surname history and Dorset research.
Family history of Tom Comben. Includes surname history and Dorset research.
15 Hope FM
Community radio
Community radio station broadcasting uplifting and positive music and chat to Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and surrounding areas of Dorset and Hampshire. Awarded Community Radio licence.
Radio Hope Bournemouth Weather Office Community Whats Changing House Lifenov Classical Widget Fm Hours Every Roadbournemouth
Community radio station broadcasting uplifting and positive music and chat to Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and surrounding areas of Dorset and Hampshire. Awarded Community Radio licence.
Radio Hope Bournemouth Weather Office Community Whats Changing House Lifenov Classical Widget Fm Hours Every Roadbournemouth
1 Dorset Theatre Festival
Dorset, VT.
Dorset, VT. A non-profit corporation for the performing arts located in a structure which is composed of two pre-revolutionary barns. Tickets, show information.
Port Apachefrontpagephppermanently The Server Fipsmod_auth_passthrough Openssl Moved
Dorset, VT. A non-profit corporation for the performing arts located in a structure which is composed of two pre-revolutionary barns. Tickets, show information.
Port Apachefrontpagephppermanently The Server Fipsmod_auth_passthrough Openssl Moved
2 christchurch and highcliffe band
(dorset, uk)
(dorset, uk) group and contact information, concert calendar.
Tripod Hosting Website Free Help Web Tripodcom Business Small Features Pricing Builder Create Email Plan Recognizedstart Personal Owner
(dorset, uk) group and contact information, concert calendar.
Tripod Hosting Website Free Help Web Tripodcom Business Small Features Pricing Builder Create Email Plan Recognizedstart Personal Owner
3 Wessex Highlanders
(Gillingham, Dorset)
(Gillingham, Dorset) Band news, tunes, and calendar of events.
Request Errory
(Gillingham, Dorset) Band news, tunes, and calendar of events.
Request Errory
4 adams, william
dorset, england
dorset, england based bass/baritone. provides cd song list and biography.
dorset, england based bass/baritone. provides cd song list and biography.
5 ackerman, steve
artist in
artist in poole, dorset, uk. his oils are mainly oneiric figurative works, though he does paint other subjects. includes biography.
artist in poole, dorset, uk. his oils are mainly oneiric figurative works, though he does paint other subjects. includes biography.
6 the gemini baton twirlers
offers news
offers news, team history, photos, event schedules, and a member roster. based in dorset, england.
Geminis Twirling Check Updatednd Competition Team Gemini Results Pages England Twirl Page Photo Below Updated_
offers news, team history, photos, event schedules, and a member roster. based in dorset, england.
Geminis Twirling Check Updatednd Competition Team Gemini Results Pages England Twirl Page Photo Below Updated_
7 stour gallery - fine art restoration
based in
based in dorset, rita butler carefully brings back to life paintings that have suffered the ravages of time.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Hosting Help App Local Network Privacy Also Movies Blog
based in dorset, rita butler carefully brings back to life paintings that have suffered the ravages of time.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Hosting Help App Local Network Privacy Also Movies Blog
Platform for
Platform for unsigned bands and musicians from Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, Somerset and the Channel Islands to showcase their music. Artist profile pages are available.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Platform for unsigned bands and musicians from Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, Somerset and the Channel Islands to showcase their music. Artist profile pages are available.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Elite Academy of Dance
Dancing school
Dancing school based in Ferndown, Dorset offering tuition in ballet, tap, modern, lyrical, acrobatics and adult tap classes.
Dance Academy School Classes Modern Poole West Ballet Elite Moors Tap Lyrical Oakdale Exams Medals Toddler Ofevery Good
Dancing school based in Ferndown, Dorset offering tuition in ballet, tap, modern, lyrical, acrobatics and adult tap classes.
Dance Academy School Classes Modern Poole West Ballet Elite Moors Tap Lyrical Oakdale Exams Medals Toddler Ofevery Good
10 lulworth castle
official web-site
official web-site of this early 17th-century mock-castle in dorset, gutted by fire in 1929 but partly restored and open to the public.
official web-site of this early 17th-century mock-castle in dorset, gutted by fire in 1929 but partly restored and open to the public.
11 dorset bach cantata club
information for
information for amateur singers and orchestral players wishing to join a long-established choir & orchestra for weekend study and performance of bach cantatas and related works.
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information for amateur singers and orchestral players wishing to join a long-established choir & orchestra for weekend study and performance of bach cantatas and related works.
Yahoo Please Help Page Central Inc Navigationshilfe Onlineservices Terms Ifyoure Copyrightprivacy Policy Yahoos
12 thomas hardy country : a photographic tour
a journey
a journey through thomas hardys dorset. high-quality photos of many major points of interest bring to life hardys time and the countryside about which he wrote.
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a journey through thomas hardys dorset. high-quality photos of many major points of interest bring to life hardys time and the countryside about which he wrote.
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Dorset Dictionary Reviews for Dorset. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Dorset" (visitors of this topic page). Dorset › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Dorset Opening Times and Reports. Date:Our Recommendations:
Dorset is a county in South West England on the English Channel coast. The ceremonial county comprises the unitary authority areas of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole and Dorset. Covering an area of 2,653 square kilometres , Dorset borders Devon to the west, Somerset to the north-west, Wiltshire to the north-east, and Hampshire to the east. The county town is Dorchester, in the south. After the reorganisation of local government in 1974, the county border was extended eastward to incorporate the Hampshire towns of Bournemouth and Christchurch. Around half of the population lives in the South East Dorset conurbation, while the rest of the county is largely rural with a low population density.
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