1 BIOAIRO Cleaning Equipments
bioairo.com Sans Filter Cleanroom Equipment Display Air Prefetchable Not Accessories Filters Bioairo Suppliers Nitro Electrostatic Chemical
BIOAIRO has nearly 20 years of experience in the purification industry. Since its establishment, it has been committed to product...Dongguan
bioairo.com Sans Filter Cleanroom Equipment Display Air Prefetchable Not Accessories Filters Bioairo Suppliers Nitro Electrostatic Chemical
1 Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers, Inc.
Provides ground
Provides ground based and aerial electrostatic spraying systems.
Provides ground based and aerial electrostatic spraying systems.
2 Pro Ag Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayer Manufacturing
Spectrum Electrostatic
Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers for orchards and vineyards.
Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers for orchards and vineyards.
3 Electrostatic Coating Technologies Corporation
Designs and
Designs and manufactures electrostatic oil coating equipment, primarily for cold finishing operations in steel and aluminum flat roll production and processing industries. Site includes details of available units.
Electrostatic Coating Technologies Ect Oiling Application Corp Finishing Depend Oilers Corporation Machinery Built Windsor Sprayers Fitch
Designs and manufactures electrostatic oil coating equipment, primarily for cold finishing operations in steel and aluminum flat roll production and processing industries. Site includes details of available units.
Electrostatic Coating Technologies Ect Oiling Application Corp Finishing Depend Oilers Corporation Machinery Built Windsor Sprayers Fitch
4 Electrostatic Powder Coating
Available in
Available in a wide range of colors, electrostatic powder coating is often used in place of conventional paints because of its excellent adhesion, durability and chemical resistance.
Coating Wright Specialty Powder Metal Coatings Technologies Nylon Epoxy Plastic Design Login Kalamazoo Contact Superior Industries
Available in a wide range of colors, electrostatic powder coating is often used in place of conventional paints because of its excellent adhesion, durability and chemical resistance.
Coating Wright Specialty Powder Metal Coatings Technologies Nylon Epoxy Plastic Design Login Kalamazoo Contact Superior Industries
5 electrostatic technology, inc.
manufactures electrostatic
manufactures electrostatic fluidized bed powder coating systems. systems to apply powder conformal insulation materials for slot insulation of motor armatures and stators
Error Request Go Errory
manufactures electrostatic fluidized bed powder coating systems. systems to apply powder conformal insulation materials for slot insulation of motor armatures and stators
Error Request Go Errory
6 LacTec GmbH
Supplier of
Supplier of automatic electrostatic painting systems.
Supplier of automatic electrostatic painting systems.
7 Dust Free
An electrostatic
An electrostatic air filter and air cleaner manufacturer since 1982.
An electrostatic air filter and air cleaner manufacturer since 1982.
8 er audio
designers and
designers and manufacturers of electrostatic loudspeakers, do-it-yourself kit and components. australia.
designers and manufacturers of electrostatic loudspeakers, do-it-yourself kit and components. australia.
9 electrostatic applications
providing services
providing services related to the field of electrostatics.
providing services related to the field of electrostatics.
10 tw clean
manufacturer of
manufacturer of esd (electrostatic discharge) control class 100 cleanroom garments.
Static Control Garments Labcoats Esd Electrical Grounding Charging Garment Variety Styles Offering Straps Twcleancom Personnel Wrist Discharge
manufacturer of esd (electrostatic discharge) control class 100 cleanroom garments.
Static Control Garments Labcoats Esd Electrical Grounding Charging Garment Variety Styles Offering Straps Twcleancom Personnel Wrist Discharge
11 Air Commander
Offering an
Offering an electrostatic furnace filter that is self-charging, permanent and washable.
Air Electrostatic Filters Filter Compare Policy Add Customer Cart Permanent Reviews Privacy Contact Faq Warranty
Offering an electrostatic furnace filter that is self-charging, permanent and washable.
Air Electrostatic Filters Filter Compare Policy Add Customer Cart Permanent Reviews Privacy Contact Faq Warranty
12 Electrostatic Technology
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of anti-static brushes for photographic equipment.
Static Equipment Solutions Technology Antistatic Brush Collating Kiosks Printing Contact Medical Office Electro Inc Custom Design Mitigationprofessional Charge Faq
Manufacturer of anti-static brushes for photographic equipment.
Static Equipment Solutions Technology Antistatic Brush Collating Kiosks Printing Contact Medical Office Electro Inc Custom Design Mitigationprofessional Charge Faq
13 ITW Ransburg
Designs, manufactures
Designs, manufactures and markets liquid electrostatic paint application equipment.
Classes Contact Support Products Distributor Careers Events Privacy Product Statement Training Registerransburg Bulletins
Designs, manufactures and markets liquid electrostatic paint application equipment.
Classes Contact Support Products Distributor Careers Events Privacy Product Statement Training Registerransburg Bulletins
14 Powdercoating Specialties Inc
Offers powder
Offers powder coat and powderpaint electrostatic industrial coating.
Offers powder coat and powderpaint electrostatic industrial coating.
15 martinlogan
manufacturer of
manufacturer of electrostatic and hybrid loudspeakers for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts.
Series Motion Speakers Martinlogan Electromotion Floorstanding Architectural Dynamo Electrostatic Center Sound Theater Tour Slim Bass Ultra Dealers
manufacturer of electrostatic and hybrid loudspeakers for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts.
Series Motion Speakers Martinlogan Electromotion Floorstanding Architectural Dynamo Electrostatic Center Sound Theater Tour Slim Bass Ultra Dealers
16 esd systems
specializing in
specializing in electrostatic discharge control products designed for the electronics and semiconductor industries.
Closeout Cords Wrist Wire Straps Floor Coil Esd Mats Mm Ionizers Single Grounders Monitors Bags Statguard Factories Mat
specializing in electrostatic discharge control products designed for the electronics and semiconductor industries.
Closeout Cords Wrist Wire Straps Floor Coil Esd Mats Mm Ionizers Single Grounders Monitors Bags Statguard Factories Mat
17 meech
designs and
designs and manufacturers high voltage products for industrial processes to control electrostatic charges.
Air Static Ionising Control Cleaning Technology Meech Ionrinseâ„¢ Energy Curtains Web Jetstream Contact Anti Product Polski Português Safety Area
designs and manufacturers high voltage products for industrial processes to control electrostatic charges.
Air Static Ionising Control Cleaning Technology Meech Ionrinseâ„¢ Energy Curtains Web Jetstream Contact Anti Product Polski Português Safety Area
18 meech
manufacturer of
manufacturer of ionizers, static generation and other esd related equipment designed to control electrostatic charges.
Air Static Ionising Control Technology Cleaning Curtains Web Anti Contact Amplifiers Energy Compressed Saving Ionrinseâ„¢ Jetstream Nozzle Supplies Blowers Korean
manufacturer of ionizers, static generation and other esd related equipment designed to control electrostatic charges.
Air Static Ionising Control Technology Cleaning Curtains Web Anti Contact Amplifiers Energy Compressed Saving Ionrinseâ„¢ Jetstream Nozzle Supplies Blowers Korean
19 boedeker plastics, inc.
plastic materials
plastic materials and speciality polymers distributor for protection and prevention of electrostatic discharges.
plastic materials and speciality polymers distributor for protection and prevention of electrostatic discharges.
20 Allergy Attack
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of electrostatic, active carbon and disposable media pads and HVAC filters.
Manufacturer of electrostatic, active carbon and disposable media pads and HVAC filters.
21 Integracolor
Sheetfed, web
Sheetfed, web offset, UV screen, flexographic and electrostatic press capabilities. Equipment list for each type of service. Mesquite.
Sheetfed, web offset, UV screen, flexographic and electrostatic press capabilities. Equipment list for each type of service. Mesquite.
22 Eltex Elektrostatik
Offers electrostatic
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
23 Eltex Elektrostatik
Offers electrostatic
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
24 Eltex Elektrostatik
Offers electrostatic
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
25 Eltex Elektrostatik
Offers electrostatic
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
Eltex Entladung Elektrostatik Anschluss Druckhilfe Steckbarem Systeme Festem Produkte Basix Tiefdruck Druckqualität Freie Dot Messtechnik Erdung Folienverpackungmissing Illustrations Druckhilfemissing
Offers electrostatic solutions to counteract undesirable side-effects of static electricity, for the printing, packaging and converting industries.
Eltex Entladung Elektrostatik Anschluss Druckhilfe Steckbarem Systeme Festem Produkte Basix Tiefdruck Druckqualität Freie Dot Messtechnik Erdung Folienverpackungmissing Illustrations Druckhilfemissing
26 alstom environmental service
a high-tech
a high-tech supplier and solution provider of air pollution control systems for electrostatic precipitators and fabric filter.
Alstom Power Inspection Navigational Environmental Tool Repetitive Working Password Ait Remember Copyrightlegal Contact
a high-tech supplier and solution provider of air pollution control systems for electrostatic precipitators and fabric filter.
Alstom Power Inspection Navigational Environmental Tool Repetitive Working Password Ait Remember Copyrightlegal Contact
27 Coatings Plus
Specialize in
Specialize in electrostatic powdercoating for variety of industries. Site includes detailed FAQ section explaining nature, advantages, and limitations of coating process.
Specialize in electrostatic powdercoating for variety of industries. Site includes detailed FAQ section explaining nature, advantages, and limitations of coating process.
28 Sihl USA
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of narrow and large format digital printing media and paper supplies, including inkjet canvases, vinyl and electrostatic medias.
Inkjet Signage Printer Canvas Guides Graphics Outdoor Distributor Digital Sihl Product Power Application Exhibitproâ„¢ Products Photographic Illuminaâ„¢ Curable Semi Gloss Ultra Water Irradiaâ„¢
Manufacturer of narrow and large format digital printing media and paper supplies, including inkjet canvases, vinyl and electrostatic medias.
Inkjet Signage Printer Canvas Guides Graphics Outdoor Distributor Digital Sihl Product Power Application Exhibitproâ„¢ Products Photographic Illuminaâ„¢ Curable Semi Gloss Ultra Water Irradiaâ„¢
29 tech wear inc.
specializes in
specializes in manufacturing garments to protect sensitive micro-electronic components from electrostatic discharge. choice of fabrics, colours, and styles.
specializes in manufacturing garments to protect sensitive micro-electronic components from electrostatic discharge. choice of fabrics, colours, and styles.
30 So Cal Air Care
Provides air
Provides air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, A/C and heating services and electrostatic filters.
Care Cal Blvd Betterhello Weve Wed Copyright Socalaircare@hotmailcom Suite Ggardena Sponsored Help Isufferedjensen_palos
Provides air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, A/C and heating services and electrostatic filters.
Care Cal Blvd Betterhello Weve Wed Copyright Socalaircare@hotmailcom Suite Ggardena Sponsored Help Isufferedjensen_palos
31 x and y industrial co ltd
manufacturer and
manufacturer and exporter of anti-electrostatic product, clean room product and instruments.
manufacturer and exporter of anti-electrostatic product, clean room product and instruments.
32 janszen loudspeaker
manufacturer of
manufacturer of high end electrostatic hybrid loudspeaker. usa.
Show Janszen Speakers Electrostatic Pure Ipod Sound Here Axpona White Coverage Forum Live Enjoyment Since Januaryhtm
manufacturer of high end electrostatic hybrid loudspeaker. usa.
Show Janszen Speakers Electrostatic Pure Ipod Sound Here Axpona White Coverage Forum Live Enjoyment Since Januaryhtm
33 Claremont Flock Corp
USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of precision and random cut, polyamide and rayon fibers for mechanical and electrostatic flocking, and filler applications. Custom dyeing and finishing.
Based Website Claremontfloc Consultinc Created Contact Own Raw Life Markets Has Fibermaterial
USA. Manufacturers of precision and random cut, polyamide and rayon fibers for mechanical and electrostatic flocking, and filler applications. Custom dyeing and finishing.
Based Website Claremontfloc Consultinc Created Contact Own Raw Life Markets Has Fibermaterial
34 Valley Litho Supply
Film, Plates
Film, Plates, Digital Duplicating Ink & Masters, Electrostatic, Silvermaster. All your printing supply needs.
Supplies Printing Screen Go Printers Litho Forms Cart Customer Catalog Equipment Xante Request Inkjet Categories Teacher Lithographic
Film, Plates, Digital Duplicating Ink & Masters, Electrostatic, Silvermaster. All your printing supply needs.
Supplies Printing Screen Go Printers Litho Forms Cart Customer Catalog Equipment Xante Request Inkjet Categories Teacher Lithographic
35 bateman engineering
a major
a major worldwide supplier of electrostatic precipitators and filters for pollution control in process engineering plants.
a major worldwide supplier of electrostatic precipitators and filters for pollution control in process engineering plants.
36 NSP America, Inc.
Manufactures patented
Manufactures patented garments for industrial radiofrequency radiation,(RF)protection as well as electrostatic discharge(ESD)protection and clean room environments.
Esd Rf Protection Pm Garment Conductive Worldwide Fabric Nomex Lab America Contact Request Cleantex Labcoat
Manufactures patented garments for industrial radiofrequency radiation,(RF)protection as well as electrostatic discharge(ESD)protection and clean room environments.
Esd Rf Protection Pm Garment Conductive Worldwide Fabric Nomex Lab America Contact Request Cleantex Labcoat
37 universal test equipment
test fixtures:
test fixtures: smd, dual-stage, wireless and short-wire fixturing, as well as electrostatic dissipation technology and vxi interfacing.
Test Equipment Universal Ute Charlottesville Virginia Fixtures Agilent Teradyne Genrad Inc Quality Headquarters
test fixtures: smd, dual-stage, wireless and short-wire fixturing, as well as electrostatic dissipation technology and vxi interfacing.
Test Equipment Universal Ute Charlottesville Virginia Fixtures Agilent Teradyne Genrad Inc Quality Headquarters
38 Eeonyx Corp
USA. Development
USA. Development and manufacture of proprietary intrinsically conductive polymer (ICP) powders, and textile fabrics for electrostatic dissipation (ESD) applications. Technical specifications and material safety data.
USA. Development and manufacture of proprietary intrinsically conductive polymer (ICP) powders, and textile fabrics for electrostatic dissipation (ESD) applications. Technical specifications and material safety data.
39 Preferred Interiors Enterprises
Specializes in
Specializes in services for upgrading and repairing office and school furniture, fixtures, and fittings. Includes electrostatic painting, upholstering, laminating, and fabric recovering.
Design Interior Tips Ideas Homes Designing Remodeling Substance Information Style Carpet Adding Homepage Sweet Small Buying
Specializes in services for upgrading and repairing office and school furniture, fixtures, and fittings. Includes electrostatic painting, upholstering, laminating, and fabric recovering.
Design Interior Tips Ideas Homes Designing Remodeling Substance Information Style Carpet Adding Homepage Sweet Small Buying
40 ion systems
company specializing
company specializing in assessment, development, and installation of electrostatic management programs and systems for semi-conductor, paper, printing, and converting industries.
company specializing in assessment, development, and installation of electrostatic management programs and systems for semi-conductor, paper, printing, and converting industries.
41 Ion Systems
Company specializing
Company specializing in assessment, development, and installation of electrostatic management programs and systems for semi-conductor, paper, printing, and converting industries.
Company specializing in assessment, development, and installation of electrostatic management programs and systems for semi-conductor, paper, printing, and converting industries.
42 Hepworth Air Filtration Ltd
UK. Synthetic
UK. Synthetic, electrostatic nonwoven fabrics for air filtration media from natural and man-made fibers, utilizing dry-laid and needlepunch production technologies.
UK. Synthetic, electrostatic nonwoven fabrics for air filtration media from natural and man-made fibers, utilizing dry-laid and needlepunch production technologies.
43 ITW Ransburg
Specializes in
Specializes in equipment and accessories for electrostatic liquid paint application. Also offers technical support and range of training courses. Site explains process and includes detailed product information.
Classes Products Distributor Careers Ransburg Register Profile Statement Bulletins Contact Privacy Productevents Support
Specializes in equipment and accessories for electrostatic liquid paint application. Also offers technical support and range of training courses. Site explains process and includes detailed product information.
Classes Products Distributor Careers Ransburg Register Profile Statement Bulletins Contact Privacy Productevents Support
44 Binks
Long established
Long established manufacturer of sprayguns, paint booths, electrostatic spray equipment, and related accessories. Site includes details of company history and access to downloadable product literature.
Binks Click Here Industrial Spray Pump Equipment Information Guns Products Airless Protective Wood Contact Specialty Markets Handling Single
Long established manufacturer of sprayguns, paint booths, electrostatic spray equipment, and related accessories. Site includes details of company history and access to downloadable product literature.
Binks Click Here Industrial Spray Pump Equipment Information Guns Products Airless Protective Wood Contact Specialty Markets Handling Single
45 Schumacher Painting Co.
A Painting
A Painting Contractor with diverse services including painting, wallpaper, electrostatic refinishing and pressure washing, for commercial and residential applications.
Painting Schumacher Yakima Contractors Washington Diverse Applications Company Pressure Refinishing Residential Pdca Contractorwallpaper
A Painting Contractor with diverse services including painting, wallpaper, electrostatic refinishing and pressure washing, for commercial and residential applications.
Painting Schumacher Yakima Contractors Washington Diverse Applications Company Pressure Refinishing Residential Pdca Contractorwallpaper
46 Pune Energy Control Devices Pvt. Ltd.
India. Manufactures
India. Manufactures electrostatic oil cleaners and vacuum dehydration units for handling hydraulic, lubricating, and cutting oils and non conductive liquids. Site provides product and application details.
Filter Electrosatic Gandhi Phone Ie Pecd@vsnlnet Oil Hydraulic Cumminsindia Bokaro Best Kothrudmicrocare Mail
India. Manufactures electrostatic oil cleaners and vacuum dehydration units for handling hydraulic, lubricating, and cutting oils and non conductive liquids. Site provides product and application details.
Filter Electrosatic Gandhi Phone Ie Pecd@vsnlnet Oil Hydraulic Cumminsindia Bokaro Best Kothrudmicrocare Mail
47 Aercology
Manufactures industrial
Manufactures industrial air pollution control systems. Products include dust, fume, and oil mist collectors, electrostatic precipitators, cyclones, downdraft tables, and cartridge filter systems.
Manufactures industrial air pollution control systems. Products include dust, fume, and oil mist collectors, electrostatic precipitators, cyclones, downdraft tables, and cartridge filter systems.
48 Schumacher Painting
Services also include painting, electrostatic refinishing and pressure washing for commercial and residential applications. Examples of jobs are shown along with customer testimonials. Located in Yakima, Washington, USA.
Painting Schumacher Yakima Contractors Contractor Pressure Wallpaper Pdca Applications Washington Including Refinishingregion Seattle
Services also include painting, electrostatic refinishing and pressure washing for commercial and residential applications. Examples of jobs are shown along with customer testimonials. Located in Yakima, Washington, USA.
Painting Schumacher Yakima Contractors Contractor Pressure Wallpaper Pdca Applications Washington Including Refinishingregion Seattle
49 csi engineering: industrial air pollution control equipment
an engineering
an engineering consulting company specializing in industrial electrostatic precipitators since 1970.
an engineering consulting company specializing in industrial electrostatic precipitators since 1970.
50 Baifu Coating
Taiwan. Manufactures liquid and powder spray equipment. Products include air, centrifugal, and high pressure atomizing guns, electrostatic spraying booths, and powder recovery systems.
Merkur Hd ÁªÏµÎÒÃÇ ÔÚÏßÁôÑÔ Í¿ÁÏÊäËÍ »ðÑæ±íÃæÌŽÀí Ë«Èý×é·Ý»ú ÐÂÎÅ×ÊѶ ÇÐâ€Âàéy ÒºÌå¾²µç Èü„©»ØÊÕ ¡¤ÔÚÏ&szl
Taiwan. Manufactures liquid and powder spray equipment. Products include air, centrifugal, and high pressure atomizing guns, electrostatic spraying booths, and powder recovery systems.
Merkur Hd ÁªÏµÎÒÃÇ ÔÚÏßÁôÑÔ Í¿ÁÏÊäËÍ »ðÑæ±íÃæÌŽÀí Ë«Èý×é·Ý»ú ÐÂÎÅ×ÊѶ ÇÐâ€Âàéy ÒºÌå¾²µç Èü„©»ØÊÕ ¡¤ÔÚÏ&szl
51 Engineering & Industrial Services, Inc
USA. Standard
USA. Standard and custom design and manufacture of machinery and equipment for a range of industrial applications. Electrostatic flocking systems and auxiliary equipment.
Engineering Services Industrial Manufacturing Inc Copyright Equipment Competitive Excellence Page World Weprovide Committed
USA. Standard and custom design and manufacture of machinery and equipment for a range of industrial applications. Electrostatic flocking systems and auxiliary equipment.
Engineering Services Industrial Manufacturing Inc Copyright Equipment Competitive Excellence Page World Weprovide Committed
52 Suzhou Sufa Da Valve Co., Ltd.
Specialized in
Specialized in manufacturing ductile resilient seated valves with electrostatic epoxy resin powder coating for water industry, such as gate, butterfly, check and control valves. China
רÇøÊ×Ò³ Çá±ä´«Ææ˽·þ ¸ü¶à ×é¶Óϵͳ ´´½¨ÈËÎï ÈÈѪ´«Ææ˽·þ ΢±ä´«Ææsf »ù±¾²Ù×÷ Ê×Ò³ ´«ÆæsfÈÈѪ´«&AEl
Specialized in manufacturing ductile resilient seated valves with electrostatic epoxy resin powder coating for water industry, such as gate, butterfly, check and control valves. China
רÇøÊ×Ò³ Çá±ä´«Ææ˽·þ ¸ü¶à ×é¶Óϵͳ ´´½¨ÈËÎï ÈÈѪ´«Ææ˽·þ ΢±ä´«Ææsf »ù±¾²Ù×÷ Ê×Ò³ ´«ÆæsfÈÈѪ´«&AEl
53 Steeltech Electropainting Inc.
Specializes in
Specializes in on-site electrostatic chemical coating of metal surfaces and products. Extensive applications possible, including furniture, railings, and architectural structures. Site incorporates detailed account of process.
Specializes in on-site electrostatic chemical coating of metal surfaces and products. Extensive applications possible, including furniture, railings, and architectural structures. Site incorporates detailed account of process.
54 Plastic Coating Corp.
Specializes in
Specializes in application of coatings to castings, stampings, and wire goods. Range includes electrostatic epoxy, polyester, and urethane powders, liquid and powdered vinyl, and nylon powders.
Resistant Coating Services Plastic Corp Contact Mail Metal Comparison Info@plasticoatingcom Insulation Capabilities Coatings Methods Mission Reducing Application Rust Fabricators Non
Specializes in application of coatings to castings, stampings, and wire goods. Range includes electrostatic epoxy, polyester, and urethane powders, liquid and powdered vinyl, and nylon powders.
Resistant Coating Services Plastic Corp Contact Mail Metal Comparison Info@plasticoatingcom Insulation Capabilities Coatings Methods Mission Reducing Application Rust Fabricators Non
55 M+H Power Systems Pty
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of dc power supplies for: electro-plating, anodising and associated rectifiers, electro-phoretic painting, gas production, cathodic protection and electrostatic precipitation battery charging .
Manufacturer of dc power supplies for: electro-plating, anodising and associated rectifiers, electro-phoretic painting, gas production, cathodic protection and electrostatic precipitation battery charging .
56 Nordson Corporation
Full service
Full service manufacturers of electrostatic powder coating equipment, systems, and accessories. Site includes link to technical forum containing FAQs and offers access to company library for copies of technical articles.
Full service manufacturers of electrostatic powder coating equipment, systems, and accessories. Site includes link to technical forum containing FAQs and offers access to company library for copies of technical articles.
57 P&M Industrial Finishing Company
Connecticut based
Connecticut based company providing powder and wet coating services in the Northeastern states. Includes powder, electrostatic spray, and dip/spin processing, as well as required surface cleaning and preparation.
Connecticut based company providing powder and wet coating services in the Northeastern states. Includes powder, electrostatic spray, and dip/spin processing, as well as required surface cleaning and preparation.
58 desco industries, inc.
employee owned
employee owned company manufacturing and distributing esd products and systems. range includes personal, component, and work station protective units. site includes pages explaining nature, effects, and control of electrostatic discharge.
Desco Industries Inc Support United Phone John Japan Click Kingdom Company News Brands Coast Here Chiba
employee owned company manufacturing and distributing esd products and systems. range includes personal, component, and work station protective units. site includes pages explaining nature, effects, and control of electrostatic discharge.
Desco Industries Inc Support United Phone John Japan Click Kingdom Company News Brands Coast Here Chiba
59 North Basin Coating, Inc.
The first
The first company in West Texas to offer electrostatic powder application. We can powder coat a wide range of items from small parts to parts up to 42 feet long and weighing up to 5000 pounds.
Coating Epoxy Powder Basin North Choose Inc Steel Custom Pipe Nace Primer Fbe Quality Welcome Polyester Facilities
The first company in West Texas to offer electrostatic powder application. We can powder coat a wide range of items from small parts to parts up to 42 feet long and weighing up to 5000 pounds.
Coating Epoxy Powder Basin North Choose Inc Steel Custom Pipe Nace Primer Fbe Quality Welcome Polyester Facilities
60 Red Line Industries Ltd.
India. Manufacturers of electrostatic powder coating equipment. Includes spray guns, powder coating machines, recovery booths, and curing ovens. Site incorporates detailed descriptions and prices of available products.
Powder Line India Yemen Iran Iraq Peru Lanka Canada Greece Kenya Tanzania Australia Indonesia Arabia Egypt Hong Opportunity Africa
India. Manufacturers of electrostatic powder coating equipment. Includes spray guns, powder coating machines, recovery booths, and curing ovens. Site incorporates detailed descriptions and prices of available products.
Powder Line India Yemen Iran Iraq Peru Lanka Canada Greece Kenya Tanzania Australia Indonesia Arabia Egypt Hong Opportunity Africa
61 chirk industry co., ltd.
manufacturer of
manufacturer of high voltage transformers, high voltage switching power supplies, negative ion generators, ozone generators, and electrostatic precipitators.
Chirk Industry Voltage High Electronic Generator Ozone Road Mail Coils Taoyuan Neon Diesel Precipitator Lane
manufacturer of high voltage transformers, high voltage switching power supplies, negative ion generators, ozone generators, and electrostatic precipitators.
Chirk Industry Voltage High Electronic Generator Ozone Road Mail Coils Taoyuan Neon Diesel Precipitator Lane
62 tod thin brushes, inc
usa. manufacturers
usa. manufacturers of thin, single row and flat channel electrostatic, static dissipative, anti-static and conductive brushes for industrial and oem applications, from natural and synthetic materials. extensive technical information.
usa. manufacturers of thin, single row and flat channel electrostatic, static dissipative, anti-static and conductive brushes for industrial and oem applications, from natural and synthetic materials. extensive technical information.
63 Chilworth Technology Group
Worldwide experts
Worldwide experts in process safety providing laboratory testing, hazard assessments, preventive measures, incident reports, and training. The group specializes in dust explosion, electrostatic causes, thermal runaway, chemical reactions, and transport of dangerous materials.
Worldwide experts in process safety providing laboratory testing, hazard assessments, preventive measures, incident reports, and training. The group specializes in dust explosion, electrostatic causes, thermal runaway, chemical reactions, and transport of dangerous materials.
64 Cellusuede Products, Inc
USA. Bright
USA. Bright, semi-dull and dull flock fibers, from polyamide, polyester and rayon. Also, suppliers of electrostatic flock guns. Gloosary of terms. Color chart. Detailed information on the various applications of flock technology. Links to related sites.
Flock Products Rockford Cellusuede Inc Sales Contact Innovative Available Il Distributors Nylon Glossary Assurance Trade Acrylic Demanding
USA. Bright, semi-dull and dull flock fibers, from polyamide, polyester and rayon. Also, suppliers of electrostatic flock guns. Gloosary of terms. Color chart. Detailed information on the various applications of flock technology. Links to related sites.
Flock Products Rockford Cellusuede Inc Sales Contact Innovative Available Il Distributors Nylon Glossary Assurance Trade Acrylic Demanding
65 Cellusuede Products, Inc
Bright, semi-dull
Bright, semi-dull and dull flock fibers, from polyamide, polyester and rayon. Also, suppliers of electrostatic flock guns. Gloosary of terms. Color chart. Detailed information on the various applications of flock technology. Links to related sites.
Flock Products Inc Cellusuede Rockford Technology Il Contact Website Sales Available Fibers Choose Modacrylic Polypropylene Developer Suppliers Surface Media
Bright, semi-dull and dull flock fibers, from polyamide, polyester and rayon. Also, suppliers of electrostatic flock guns. Gloosary of terms. Color chart. Detailed information on the various applications of flock technology. Links to related sites.
Flock Products Inc Cellusuede Rockford Technology Il Contact Website Sales Available Fibers Choose Modacrylic Polypropylene Developer Suppliers Surface Media
66 ducon air pollution control systems
designs environmental
designs environmental control air pollution control equipment such as fgd, wet scrubbers, baghouse filters, fcc cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, for removal of sulfur dioxide, particulate, fumes, nitrogen oxide, dust, chlorides,organics and other toxic gases.
designs environmental control air pollution control equipment such as fgd, wet scrubbers, baghouse filters, fcc cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, for removal of sulfur dioxide, particulate, fumes, nitrogen oxide, dust, chlorides,organics and other toxic gases.
67 air-pollution control
air-pollution control
air-pollution control is provided through the supply of electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, dust-removal systems including wet and dry scrubbers, bag filters and ceramic filtration systems for hot gas, brine, water and liquid applications.
air-pollution control is provided through the supply of electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, dust-removal systems including wet and dry scrubbers, bag filters and ceramic filtration systems for hot gas, brine, water and liquid applications.
68 Wellons, Inc.
Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of lumber drying kilns, wood-fired boiler systems, dry electrostatic precipitators, wood-fuel storage bins, cogeneration systems, and wood-fired energy systems.
Manufacturers of lumber drying kilns, wood-fired boiler systems, dry electrostatic precipitators, wood-fuel storage bins, cogeneration systems, and wood-fired energy systems.
69 Shakespeare Conductive Fibers, LLC
USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of carbon particle saturated polyamide conductive, chopped and staple fibers, tow and filaments for electrostatic dissipation applications in textiles, brushes, carpets, non-wovens, belting and bulk bags. Extensive technical information, conversion tables, factors and terminology on PDF files. List of trade events.
Jarden Materials Applied Shakespeare Conductive Fibers Resistat Resistatr Contact News Announcements Process Engineered Products Consumer Nylons
USA. Manufacturers of carbon particle saturated polyamide conductive, chopped and staple fibers, tow and filaments for electrostatic dissipation applications in textiles, brushes, carpets, non-wovens, belting and bulk bags. Extensive technical information, conversion tables, factors and terminology on PDF files. List of trade events.
Jarden Materials Applied Shakespeare Conductive Fibers Resistat Resistatr Contact News Announcements Process Engineered Products Consumer Nylons
2. Shopping and Electrostatic Trade
1 Air Care Electrostatic Filters
Offers electrostatic
Offers electrostatic air conditioning and furnace filters with anti-microbial media that inhibit the growth of bacteria. Permanent filters have a lifetime warranty and custom size filters are available.
Air Filter Filters Washable Electrostatic Add Policy Compare Cart Contact Privacy Customer Faq Cleaner Litespeed Efficient
Offers electrostatic air conditioning and furnace filters with anti-microbial media that inhibit the growth of bacteria. Permanent filters have a lifetime warranty and custom size filters are available.
Air Filter Filters Washable Electrostatic Add Policy Compare Cart Contact Privacy Customer Faq Cleaner Litespeed Efficient
2 AquaDoc.com
Suppliers of
Suppliers of electrostatic air filters that clean the air with static electricity.
Water Air Magnetic Filters Free Allergy Order Shower Conditioner Filtration Ultraviolet Mildew Drinking Systems Filter Care Rv Colifrom Giardia
Suppliers of electrostatic air filters that clean the air with static electricity.
Water Air Magnetic Filters Free Allergy Order Shower Conditioner Filtration Ultraviolet Mildew Drinking Systems Filter Care Rv Colifrom Giardia
3 Air with Care, L.L.C.
Manufactures and
Manufactures and markets a range of anti-microbial electrostatic air filters.
Filters Electrostatic Air Manufacturer Filter Furnace Texas Antimicrobial ] [ Ac Industry Manufacturing Highest Clean
Manufactures and markets a range of anti-microbial electrostatic air filters.
Filters Electrostatic Air Manufacturer Filter Furnace Texas Antimicrobial ] [ Ac Industry Manufacturing Highest Clean
4 Dustless.Com
Offers information
Offers information about an assortment of indoor air products including air filters and electrostatic air purifiers.
Air Filters Austin Hepa Purifiers Ozone Shipping Bear Price Order Same Cleaners Generators Merv Odor Conditions Block Office Airallergy
Offers information about an assortment of indoor air products including air filters and electrostatic air purifiers.
Air Filters Austin Hepa Purifiers Ozone Shipping Bear Price Order Same Cleaners Generators Merv Odor Conditions Block Office Airallergy
5 Peak Pure Air Mechanical Contracting, Inc.
Offers air
Offers air purifiers using multiple technologies including HEPA, Ions, and electrostatic.
Air Oasis Purifiers Ozone Purifier Hepa Cleaner Photocatalytic Mold Uv Ionic Tio Cleaners Works Commercial Intelli Pro
Offers air purifiers using multiple technologies including HEPA, Ions, and electrostatic.
Air Oasis Purifiers Ozone Purifier Hepa Cleaner Photocatalytic Mold Uv Ionic Tio Cleaners Works Commercial Intelli Pro
6 RiteAir
BoAir permanent
BoAir permanent electrostatic AC/furnace filters for home where dust, pollen and mold spores become problematic.
Filters Air Policy Boair Conditioning Storereturns Furnace Riteair Contact Filter Conditionerfurnace Testimonials Eco Friendly Security Made Blog
BoAir permanent electrostatic AC/furnace filters for home where dust, pollen and mold spores become problematic.
Filters Air Policy Boair Conditioning Storereturns Furnace Riteair Contact Filter Conditionerfurnace Testimonials Eco Friendly Security Made Blog
7 Air Filter Store
Features this
Features this supplier of electrostatic air filters, vacuum cleaners, and commercial products to clean indoor air.
Furnace Filters Xxquot Merv Pleated Filter Refrigerator Commercial Air Account Checkout Log Orders@theairfilterstorecom Theairfilterstore Quot
Features this supplier of electrostatic air filters, vacuum cleaners, and commercial products to clean indoor air.
Furnace Filters Xxquot Merv Pleated Filter Refrigerator Commercial Air Account Checkout Log Orders@theairfilterstorecom Theairfilterstore Quot
8 Peak Pure Air
Offers sales
Offers sales of air purifiers, filters, and cleaners including HEPA, Ions, and electrostatic for home, office or business. Ordering and contact information provided.
Air Oasis Purifiers Ozone Purifier Hepa Cleaner Photocatalytic Mold Ionic Uv Tio Cleaners Peak Commercial Comparison
Offers sales of air purifiers, filters, and cleaners including HEPA, Ions, and electrostatic for home, office or business. Ordering and contact information provided.
Air Oasis Purifiers Ozone Purifier Hepa Cleaner Photocatalytic Mold Ionic Uv Tio Cleaners Peak Commercial Comparison
The original
The original rubber broom. Natural rubber, extending telescopic handle, for wet & dry use. Electrostatic effect removes all hair and lint.
Rubber Sweepa Product Natural Manufacturing Family Business Products Blog Brooms Marketing Contact South Benefits Secure China Trade
The original rubber broom. Natural rubber, extending telescopic handle, for wet & dry use. Electrostatic effect removes all hair and lint.
Rubber Sweepa Product Natural Manufacturing Family Business Products Blog Brooms Marketing Contact South Benefits Secure China Trade
10 Furnace Filter Warehouse
Offers a
Offers a variety of supplies including humidifier pads and electronic, electrostatic, pleated, disposable, and HEPA filters. Provides a FAQ section and wholesale account information.
Filters Exact Msp Geothermal Furnace Warehouse Msphme Size Heat Help Product Parts Air Filtration Cool Humidifier Best
Offers a variety of supplies including humidifier pads and electronic, electrostatic, pleated, disposable, and HEPA filters. Provides a FAQ section and wholesale account information.
Filters Exact Msp Geothermal Furnace Warehouse Msphme Size Heat Help Product Parts Air Filtration Cool Humidifier Best
11 PuraClean
Presents a
Presents a filter spray that turns an ordinary air filter into an electrostatic filter to collect dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, smoke, allergens and other airborne particles.
Presents a filter spray that turns an ordinary air filter into an electrostatic filter to collect dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, smoke, allergens and other airborne particles.
12 Good Filter Company
Manufactures and
Manufactures and markets air filters in a variety of types like electrostatic, charcoal, metal foil, and metal mesh in standard and custom sizes. Offers specifications and contact details.
Filters Metal Custom Expanded Mesh Activated Vapor Electrostatic Air Purifiers Polypropylene Replacement Charcoalcarbon Advanced Policy
Manufactures and markets air filters in a variety of types like electrostatic, charcoal, metal foil, and metal mesh in standard and custom sizes. Offers specifications and contact details.
Filters Metal Custom Expanded Mesh Activated Vapor Electrostatic Air Purifiers Polypropylene Replacement Charcoalcarbon Advanced Policy
13 Air Filters Direct
Manufacturer offers
Manufacturer offers several factory direct anti-microbial electrostatic and HEPA air filters.
Filters Filter Inch Air Furnace »air Night Beach Care Aire King Carrier »hamilton Bryant Aprilaire Water Standard Stream »general
Manufacturer offers several factory direct anti-microbial electrostatic and HEPA air filters.
Filters Filter Inch Air Furnace »air Night Beach Care Aire King Carrier »hamilton Bryant Aprilaire Water Standard Stream »general
14 Fresh Air Duct Cleaning, Inc.
Manufactures and
Manufactures and distributes lifetime electrostatic filters and performs air duct cleaning.
Outdoor Supplies Garden Other Great Accessories Cabinets Shower Holders Toilet Parts Power Bird Blowers Articles Equipment Fish Sets Tissue Leaf
Manufactures and distributes lifetime electrostatic filters and performs air duct cleaning.
Outdoor Supplies Garden Other Great Accessories Cabinets Shower Holders Toilet Parts Power Bird Blowers Articles Equipment Fish Sets Tissue Leaf
15 MagiCare and ArchiTextures
Offer Fabri-Trak
Offer Fabri-Trak wall systems, Rosemount Office Systems, Horizon Seating, workstation cubicles, office furniture, electrostatic painting, reupholstery, wood renewal, and other office needs.
Acoustical Wall Solarfective Barrisol Acousticotton Magicare Fabritrak Northwest Panels Architextures System Tackable Stretched Pacific Painting Coverings Interior Ceiling
Offer Fabri-Trak wall systems, Rosemount Office Systems, Horizon Seating, workstation cubicles, office furniture, electrostatic painting, reupholstery, wood renewal, and other office needs.
Acoustical Wall Solarfective Barrisol Acousticotton Magicare Fabritrak Northwest Panels Architextures System Tackable Stretched Pacific Painting Coverings Interior Ceiling
3. Electrostatic Recreation
1 Matthew Ankers Electrostatic Loudspeaker Page
Information on
Information on HiFi electrostatic loudspeakers. Contains information on how to get started and build a basic panel.
Information on HiFi electrostatic loudspeakers. Contains information on how to get started and build a basic panel.
2 Marijuana Optics
An elaboration
An elaboration on the phytochemical process that makes THC. Introduces marijuana parthenocarpy and electrostatic separation of the resin spheres from the plant material to the literature.
Return Marijuana Hosting Thc Optics Free Electrostatic Resin Parthenocarpy Sphere Uva Fertilization Allele Plant Homozygous
An elaboration on the phytochemical process that makes THC. Introduces marijuana parthenocarpy and electrostatic separation of the resin spheres from the plant material to the literature.
Return Marijuana Hosting Thc Optics Free Electrostatic Resin Parthenocarpy Sphere Uva Fertilization Allele Plant Homozygous
3 The Audio Circuit
Describes current
Describes current audio equipment, offers advice, and provides forums for the audiophile, with emphasis on electrostatic speakers. A Dutch site almost entirely in English.
Acoustat Audio Contact Reply Topic Yourself Forum Acoustatanswerman Hifi Circuit Do Harned Systems Copyright Section Quad Whats
Describes current audio equipment, offers advice, and provides forums for the audiophile, with emphasis on electrostatic speakers. A Dutch site almost entirely in English.
Acoustat Audio Contact Reply Topic Yourself Forum Acoustatanswerman Hifi Circuit Do Harned Systems Copyright Section Quad Whats
4. Computer & Electrostatic Games Websites
1 UltraStat Inc.
The patented
The patented FST Static Protection System, manufactured in the USA, eliminates the electrostatic potential from both the system and the user.
Static Control United Products Floor Only Scp Beast Mats Click Here Flooring Paint Guaranteed Expertise Matting Best Call Quantity Arial
The patented FST Static Protection System, manufactured in the USA, eliminates the electrostatic potential from both the system and the user.
Static Control United Products Floor Only Scp Beast Mats Click Here Flooring Paint Guaranteed Expertise Matting Best Call Quantity Arial
2 Cam Corp.
Color output
Color output hardware includes ink jet, color laser, dye sublimation, thermal transfer, electrostatic, analog camcorder and pen plotter devices.
Color output hardware includes ink jet, color laser, dye sublimation, thermal transfer, electrostatic, analog camcorder and pen plotter devices.