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Esperanza Experience


1 Esperanza Coffee Green and
Green and roasted specialty coffee from Matagalpa, Jinotega and Ocotal in Nicaragua.

2. Shopping and Esperanza Trade

1 Esperanza, Jennifer Fine art
Fine art, sensual, portraiture, culture and fashion.
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2 Esperanza Threads Wide variety
Wide variety of organic cotton casual wear, fashion wear and sleepwear. Designed, sewn, and sold by a fair-wage womens cooperative in Ohio.
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3. Esperanza Recreation

1 La Esperanza Polo Club Facilities available
Facilities available in this private club in Argentina.
Polo Club Esperanza Coronelsuárez Mail Welcome Cell Coronel Suárez Argentina Italia Aires Brianza La Jose Y
2 Second Torneo Internacional Intibucana Soccer Against
Soccer Against Global Warming tournament held in La Esperanza, Intibuca, during July. Competitive tournament plus tree planting fight against global warming.
3 The Intibuca Youth Soccer Center The center
The center is under development in La Esperanza as a residential center for poor and street children from Intibuca. Youths will learn soccer and develop careers.

4. Computer & Esperanza Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Esperanza

1 La Esperanza Polo Club Facilities available
Facilities available in this private club in Argentina.
Polo Esperanza Club Suárez Mail Coronel Argentina Welcome Cell Coronelsuárez La English Italia Español Bertola Poncia
2 Second Torneo Internacional Intibucana Soccer Against
Soccer Against Global Warming tournament held in La Esperanza, Intibuca, during July. Competitive tournament plus tree planting fight against global warming.
3 The Intibuca Youth Soccer Center The center
The center is under development in La Esperanza as a residential center for poor and street children from Intibuca. Youths will learn soccer and develop careers.

6. Society, Arts and Esperanza Crafts

1 Esperanza Estates Green Valley
Green Valley retirement community.
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2 Horn, Darrell and Karen: Team Esperanza Baptist missionaries
Baptist missionaries working with the people devastated by the floods of December 1999 in Vargas, Venezuela.
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3 La Esperanza Oasis Casas y
Casas y apartamentos equipados y desarrollados para personas descapacitadas. Presentación, la población, ayer y hoy, ocio, apartamentos y casas.